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Manhattan's Social Elite

Manhattan's Social Elite


A story about the students of two of the most prestigious high schools in New York.

5,887 readers have visited Manhattan's Social Elite since BurningBridges created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Manhattan's Social Elite

The Plot:
New York is the city that never sleeps. Known for its skyscrapers, tourist attractions, commercial, financial and cultural centers, it's a place where there's always something to do, and things never get boring. Although its a city that has an allure to it, regardless of whether you're living in a tiny studio apartment, or a penthouse overlooking Central Park, there's no denying that everyone would prefer the latter over the former. Even those living on a budget in Manhattan are probably wealthier than the average American living elsewhere, but those who qualify as being wealthy in New York are on an entirely different level of wealthy than those labeled as it in other places. Manhattan's upper class citizens are a type all of their own, and though their money sets them apart (and above) the rest, it doesn't come without a price, even for the children of those wealthy New Yorkers. Drama seems to run rampant in these crowds, and the students at two of the most exclusive private schools in New York, Constance Billard School for Girls, and St. Jude's School for Boys, lead the pack when it comes to this. Some love the drama, and others want nothing more than to avoid it all costs, but almost everyone seems to agree that it's hard to look away when things start going down. There's some sort of appeal to the drama, and when one person realized this, they capitalized on it by creating an undercover alias, known only as Gossip Girl. If anything worth knowing about occurs in the Upper East Side, you can bet that she'll be the first to know about it, and the first to share it with the rest of the world too.

It appears as if no one is safe from her wrath, which only seems to increase her appeal, since even those at the top of the social ladder are susceptible to being brought back down to earth with a few taps on a keyboard -- and while it's all fun and games to read about everyone else's drama, it definitely adds an extra layer of stress and challenge to the already difficult life of a high school junior. Since there's no indication that Manhattan's most notorious anonymous blogger is going away any time soon, though... let the fun and games begin, and just hope that your secrets don't end up plastered on her page any time soon.

The Rules:
I won't bore you guys with too many rules, since I think we (hopefully) all understand basic internet etiquette by now. The biggest ones that I want to stress, though, are:
  • You must be active! If you won't be able to post once every three days at least, please don't join. Occasional exceptions are fine, but if you're the one person who people are constantly waiting on, that's not gonna fly. There have probably been a million of this themed roleplay before, but they all die out within a few posts because people disappear immediately. This is not the version for that. Please don't join if you know that your "real" life is crazy right now, or will be (ex. if you have a busy school semester coming up. It gets to a point where it's just disrespectful to join things and disappear, wasting everyone else's time in the process, so please don't be that person.
  • Writing 300 words with decent grammar/spelling isn't asking for much. Please consider that the minimum.
  • Not all characters need to be rich. It will be interesting if some are economically disadvantaged and attending the private schools on scholarships. Following on this, please don't make any celebrity characters. Some may have famous relatives, which is fine to an extent, but I'd prefer to not have any characters who are being followed by paparazzi, or have that level of fame. Like the Gossip Girl show that this is based off of, most of the characters have wealthy and powerful parents, but fame isn't a primary factor there and I think it'll distract from the story.
  • If you want to take two characters, please make sure at least one is a male.
  • There are no reservations. Competition for roles is welcomed and encouraged. Please have character sheets finished within 5 days.
  • predictmeifyoucan is helping me run this, so if you have any questions or, issues or suggestions, feel free to PM either of us.
  • This is going to be an easy-going, character driven, and fun roleplay, so please just respect your fellow roleplayers, make an effort to form an interesting story, and we should be all good :D.

The A-listers
ImageThe King Bee
Status: Taken by BurningBridges

He was never the type of person who made it a goal to be the most popular person on campus. While he certainly basks in his own arrogance from time to time, he's not that self-absorbed or superficial to have ever cared about the social ladder that much. He would be the first person to insist that it was mere luck that got him where he is. Of course, that isn't the case though. Ending up with good genetics was luck, sure, but it's not only the girls that he's popular with. The King Bee is the guy that everyone wants to be because almost everything seems to come naturally to him. He's sociable with his peers, and also with parents, teachers, or adults that need impressing. He's good at sports, does decently in school (though test answer keys from The Entrepreneur definitely help there), and manages to maintain an enviable social life on top of that. The power and admiration definitely get to his head sometimes, there's no denying that the feeling of invincibility has left him acting callously towards people he thinks are disposable, and he's always had a hushed reputation of having a scary short temper when he's drunk, but he wouldn't be The King Bee if even after his flaws, he was still more likable than not.
ImageThe Queen Bee
Status: Taken by StarStruck

She's the girl that everyone else wants to be. She's the epitome of perfection, at least in the eyes of her fellow high school students, and it's not like she hasn't worked for her spot at the top. She prides herself in being the total package: beautiful, intelligent, athletic, and well-respected. She thrives on power and takes her social standing and image very seriously. Some claim that the only person who isn't intimidated by her is Gossip Girl. Then again, she's done a decent job so far at keeping her own secrets and scandals so secret, that even Gossip Girl hasn't been able to get any major dirt on her yet. With her seemingly perfect relationship with The King Bee crumbling more and more as each day passes, and her interest in keeping it up just for appearance sake disappearing even faster, it's hard to say whether her perfect image will stand this year. She's always been the girl to take a lot on, just to prove that she's better than everyone else and can handle the pressure, and since she does such a good job at painting the image of living a perfect life, it really does appear like she is the picture perfect Queen Bee. Of course, what the world sees isn't always reality, but she'll be damned if she lets something she worked so hard on fall that easily.
ImageThe Drama Queen
Status: Taken by BurningBridges

The Drama Queen is probably one of the nicer names for this girl, since drama is sometimes an understatement for just how dramatic, emotional, and self-centered she can be. The fact that she’s The Queen Bee’s best friend, and also has a lovable and contagious energy on her better days doesn’t make her the worst person in the world, but even if you didn’t know her personally, spending only a few minutes with her will probably allow you to see that she’s never had to work for anything in her life. While one would think that her secret, years long battle with an eating disorder would be her biggest concern lately, she’s been struggling more and more every day with a different issue: her sexuality.

ImageThe Charmer
Status: Taken by Lilac

Even he'd be lying if he said he didn't understand his own appeal. You don't have to be totally self absorbed to realize your own effect on people, and the truth of the matter is that The Charmer is well, just that. Being plagued by not having friends or going to parties, or never having enough girls are your disposable is a foreign language to him. It's always been easy for him to make friends and get with girls and to get his own way. Being so popular and alluring probably seems like a dream to many, but there does come a point where all the relationships become diluted and you end up wanting a little more out of them. All the perks of being The Charmer are starting to lose their appeal, but he's not sure he's ready to sacrifice them just yet.
ImageThe Overachiever
Status: Taken by AzizaRose

Being at the top of her class isn't something that comes naturally to her. It takes a lot of hard work, time, and effort, but she always comes out on top. She wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, with such high standards set for herself by herself, and also by her parents, who won’t be able to send her to college (at least not a private college, like all of the ones she's vying for are) due to financial constraints, comes a lot of pressure and stress. While it always seems like she has everything held together perfectly on the outside, everything is much less organized on the inside. She's quickly becoming overwhelming with maintaining her 4.0, her squeaky clean image, and the many friendships that she has, due to her typically friendly personality. It's only a matter of time before she messes up somewhere, and with so much going on in her life right now, she's scared to even imagine where that "somewhere" might be.
ImageThe Sweetheart
Status: Available

In a dog-eat-dog world, everyone can appreciate someone who always manages to have a smile on their face. He's the type of guy who will listen to anyone's problems and offer the best advice that he can think of, regardless of how close they are. He's genuine and one of those people who typically truly mean the best in their interactions. Does it sometimes make him feel like he's a doormat that people walk all over, and use at their convenience without considering that he has feelings and problems as well? Absolutely. Is that going to stop him from continuing to help those same people? If his track record speaks to the answer, then probably not. Recently becoming plagued with his own overwhelming ____ issues, it's becoming harder and harder for him to continue to be a support system for everyone else without any support of his own.
ImageThe Traitor
Status: Available

She wouldn't call herself a traitor, but she knows that if anyone else knew that she had slept with The King Bee while knowing good and well that's he's dating The Queen Bee, one of her supposed best friends, then they all would. In her defense, she knew that The Queen Bee's relationship with The King Bee was at one of its weaker points at that time, but that probably still doesn't excuse exploiting that fault to create a love triangle. Maybe though, she could be cut some slack if that was her only move of betrayal lately. The fact that she leaked a few sensitive things about her friends to Gossip Girl over the past year would make her a traitor in all of their eyes if they were ever to find out. It's surprising though, because most of the time, she really isn't a bad friend. It's just... she struggles with issues. Jealousy is definitely one of them. It's not like The Queen Bee didn't know that she had a crush on The King Bee for their entire childhood, and that she was planning on making a move on him, right when The Queen Bee decided to make hers years ago. She often feels like the friend who tries hard, but is always unappreciated, and The Sweetheart has listened to oh so many rants on that exact topic. While part of her feels compelled to continue to try to be a good friend despite the unfairness in it,
there's another part of her that wants to throw caution to the wind, and kick up the traitor-like attitude to a new level this year. She's sure that the crown would look just as good on her head, as it does on The Queen Bee's unappreciative one. Hell, it would probably even look better.

The B-listers
ImageThe Leader
Status: Available

For a guy with such an endearing and attractive vibe to him, it’s a wonder that he isn’t considered to be more popular than he is. Then again, this is the upper class world of Manhattan, and not coming from copious amounts of money puts even the most confident and likable people at a disadvantage. The real reason that The Leader isn’t popular, though, probably stems from his own disinterest in popularity. He’s too grounded to care about climbing a silly social ladder, and he’s far more happy being popular within his own crowd, than being a nobody in the “cool” crowd. If anyone knew that he had been hooking up with The Queen Bee all summer, they might be quick to disagree that he truly has no interest in the populars, but that’s something that he’d like to keep under wraps just as much as she does.
ImageThe Bookworm
Status: Taken by Girl2Fine2

Ask anyone who isn't one of her friends and they'd either tell you that they've heard of her and might have seen her around, or they simply just don't if she's a student at Constance because they haven't crossed paths. And for her, that's perfectly okay. She genuinely hates the limelight, the idea of being the center of attention, and to a degree, knows her place. As long as she's still able to hold rank as one of the smartest in her class with one of top GPAs on a transcript, she doesn't need anyone's eyes on her. She has too many expectations from home and in the lifestyle her step-family has her thrust into to be worried about how high she can get up the social ladder. Except, ask her friends and it's honestly about time the girl who can do no wrong stops worrying about what everyone else (including her own flesh and blood) thinks and, well, do some wrong. Preferably get laid, but they'd all take what they can get.

ImageThe Entrepreneur
Status: Taken by Thunder

Call him an entrepreneur, a jack of all trades, or a master of none. Regardless, you'll probably need him at some point. The Entrepreneur is the go to for just about all of your needs. Need a forged doctor's note, drugs, or a fake ID? If you're trying to get into the hottest parties, then he's your guy. With all of his connections, it might seem strange that his social rank isn't higher, but in reality, his business savvy ways are a result of that. The Entrepreneur had never been a part of the inner circle, and quite frankly, was sick of being looked down upon. Sure he may seem a bit seedy, but can you really blaming him for exploiting his resourcefulness? Not only has it made him money, but it has allowed him his own sense of power over some of the kids who normally never would have given him a second glance, especially since his line of work has given him some inside information on their guilty pleasures and drama.
ImageThe Party Animal
Status: Available

He wasn't always such a mess. Before high school, he was actually a part of the A-list, and one of the more popular ones at that. Some of his current wild-child tendencies were there, but many of them formed after his fall from grace, as coping mechanisms. After his father was indicted on multiple counts of embezzlement, he had to deal with losing the security of the high-class lifestyle he was born into, the presence of the man who raised him, and also, nearly all of his friends, many whose parents felt like it wasn't appropriate for their child to still be interacting with the child of a family whose image was tarnished so badly. It was a lot to stomach in a short period of time, and The Party Animal found the best way of coping through drugs, drinking, and sex. He's a player, and not trying to hide that in the slightest. In fact, he doesn't seem to be ashamed of most of his habits. It's something that The Traitor detests, since to this day, he still hangs the fact that they slept together over her head, despite her not wanting anyone to find out. Others, like The Free Spirit, find it enticing in a way, though, and that allure to the careless bad boy image is what The Party Animal thrives off of.
ImageThe Rebel
Status: Taken by BurningBridges

She doesn't fit the typical "rich girl living in the Upper East" image, and she's perfectly fine with that. Actually, that's how she prefers it to be. With The Drama Queen as her twin sister, she realized at a young age that she needed to distinguish herself as an entirely different person, and in doing so, she found that she was far more comfortable with the relaxed person she became, than the prim and proper one her family wanted her to be. Maybe she could have stopped at just distinguishing herself by being the twin who's naturally intelligent and more reserved, but she couldn't. She found herself not only disliking the clean, cookie cutter image that she was expected to uphold since birth, but actually rejecting it. She would never call herself a rebel, but in how open she is in enjoying more weed than she needs on a daily basis, and how nonchalant she is with breaking rules, she probably qualifies as one.
ImageThe Class Clown
Status: Taken by blueiridescence

He's the kind of guy that everyone likes having around, because there's an undeniably amusing, happy, and infectious energy that he carries with him. He may not be every teacher's favorite student, but that doesn't really bother him. He enjoys making his peers laugh, and he appreciates having a reputation that's pretty clean and well-liked, overall. As much as he appreciates comedy, though, he definitely uses it as a mechanism of deflecting his mind, and others, from his more personal problems. If everyone's laughing with him, then no one can be laughing at him, right? Especially in this day and age, being gay or bisexual is a lot more accepted than it used to be, but he's still scared to embrace his sexuality. The fact that his parents are pretty religious and known to be homophobic doesn't help. For a guy who's an open book in nearly every other sense, it's something that he's definitely going to be struggling with this year.
ImageThe Free Spirit
Status: Taken by predictmeifyoucan

With her twin brother being The King Bee, it would seem like she would have a cozy spot right alongside the A-Listers, and at one point, it was something she desired, but not so much anymore. The Free Spirit isn't concerned about hierarchies or titles, at least that's how it seems. Even she can't prevent an eye roll at the ridiculousness she witnesses--when she does. She tends to try to stay out of drama as much as possible, which may make her a bit naive at time. But that doesn't mean she's totally clueless or doesn't glance at Gossip Girl from time to time, and she's not exactly a saint either. The Free Spirit is known for taking restrictions and social queues with a grain of salt. While she doesn't actively seek out breaking the rules, she's not afraid of being the odd one standing out, and appreciates those who don't care either. This is probably why she's so intrigued by The Party Animal. She tries to be kind to just about everyone, but she won't force anything, and she has a quick wit about her. With someone so seemingly carefree and unbothered, it would surprise just about anyone if they were to find out how much she was struggling with loving herself. Her eating disorder surely doesn't help either.

Character Sheet
Decorate as you wish, and add in anything else that you'd like to share, but please make sure it's written well and detailed enough to represent you as a writer. I'm not asking for much here, so please put in some effort so we can get a feel for who your character is :)!

Code: Select all


Age: juniors in high school, plan accordingly


Sexual Orientation:




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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naya Jennings Character Portrait: James Airth Character Portrait: Olivia Ingram Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault Character Portrait: Brody Calson Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault Character Portrait: Camilo Thomas Character Portrait: Austin Clarke Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos

...and 1 others.

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Saturday, September 2, 2017 || 5:00 pm


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke Character Portrait: Austin Clarke
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #02661C
Outfit: This
Location: Arnault Residence
An hour in, and the grounds of the Arnault estate were already flooded with a sea of people in white. There were socialites, business executives, models, designers, and other people who probably thought too highly of themselves galore. While Charlotte and Adeline had both found themselves sucked into a conversation with Delphine, their half-sister, and her assistant, AJ sat on one of the couches by the pool with most of his family. While having his parents at an event that he could potentially be socializing (and getting drunk) at was annoying, he wasn't one of those people that hated spending time with his family. In fact, if anything, he was close with them. Alaina pissed him off from time to time (that was kind of a given), but that was only because he couldn't take criticism as well as he could dish it. At least not when if he crossed the line with a comeback, he stood a chance at his mom finding out and yelling at him for it. Right now though, things were fine. Good, even, because the way that Izzie was showing him her new gymnastics moves was somehow actually entertaining today, and the fact that his aunt, James' mother, was already pretty tipsy already had him laughing. Although he didn't mind spending time with his family, he knew that he had spent enough time with him now where he wasn't going to get any side eye for branching off and socializing on his own. His mother had already asked him where Sydney was twice, and he also wanted to find James and give him a little bit of feigned attitude for not even spending a few minutes with the family before running off in what AJ imagined was an attempt at getting an early start at talking some girl into his pants tonight. He knew that he was being stupid and overthinking things, but after the comments that James had made earlier, he couldn't help but to worry that that girl might be Sydney.

"Let's go find James," he said, nudging Alaina, now that another couple, family friends of theirs, had come over and had captured their parents' attention. He easily would have left on his own to go do that, but he also knew that it looked less bad on him if he left with Alaina. His parents might even give them some credit for seeming like they were doing some "sibling bonding". Standing up, he didn't give Alaina much of a choice as he politely interrupted their parents to say, "Alaina and I are going to go see what Jameson is up to. Anyone need a drink or anything while we're up?" With the offer declined (and thankfully so, since Austin didn't really feel like coming back), he nodded to her to follow him. "So, how drunk are you? Didn't know a sober Alaina could actually be quiet and nice for more than two minutes before giving someone some sort of attitude," he said, only being playful, but being perfectly okay with the prospect of pissing his sister off too.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naya Jennings Character Portrait: Olivia Ingram Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault
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0.00 INK

_____T H EXB O O K W O R M_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Arnault Residence
Dialogue Color ✦ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

To: Liv, Cas
is it wrong dat im craving chicken strips n fries when theres food here??

When it came down to it, their family (not the Arnaults, not yet anyway) knew for a fact that it was Naya who was the more mature one between herself and Grace, despite the notable difference in age. Grace who made the worst remarks under her breath after each and every person they met, prompting Naya to struggle with not bursting into laughter in another billionaire's face. It was mortifying and she's probably chastised her aunt twenty times since the event had started, but Grace has been too busy ignoring her and continuing on with her playfulness (read: childishness). Luckily, Naya had been able to send something to her friends whom she had not seen just yet.

"But come on, was I lying?" Naya tried. She really did. She even gave the older woman a straight face. Grace only grinned, unperturbed and unrepentant. "His breath smelled like that time when we realized Rocky was lactose intolerant and we had to change his diaper after he ate ice cream."

"You mean when I had to change his diaper," Naya corrected her, arm still linked with her aunt's as they strolled along the side of the custom Gunite swimming pool and occupied chaise lounges. "You just stood in the hallway spraying air freshener - like that was even helping. And can you stop!? We're supposed to be serious." Grace snorted gracelessly, which was in direct contrast to the rather put together look she gave off while attached to her niece. It still baffled Naya how easily this woman she admired so much could be this amazing, strong, intelligent and passionate woman and also a crazy goofball at the same time.

"I am serious," Grace insisted and Naya shot her a dubious look. Grace shrugged and added, "I'm just seriously bored. And don't give me that look, Nomi. I do this," she gestured to the surrounding guests, a few of whom she exchanged brief smiles and waves with before returning her gaze to Naya, "on a regular basis at openings and talks. That doesn't mean I want to do it all day, every day." Naya feigned pity.

"You kinda signed up for all day, every day, Gigi."

"I know. Why the hell did I do that?" Grace inquired, pouting. Naya giggled before painting on a thinking face, shrugging a beat later.

"Something about love, maybe."

"Oh yeah."

A beat later and the two were giggling after an exchange of glances, bumping into one another as they walked. It was easy, at that moment, to not be plagued by the constant worries of looking like she didn't belong. Of being undoubtedly out of place and out of her element, and Naya was grateful. It probably helped that she had a flute of champagne after the margarita from earlier, but Naya didn't feel the fuzziness that came from too much alcohol. More like she was just loose enough to relax a little, but still retain her composure. One of them had to be, anyway, since Grace seemed to throw her composure away at will when she hadn't even ingested a glass of anything since the party had started.

"Uh oh," Grace exclaimed with a snicker and Naya followed her gaze. "Looks like you're gonna need to save Twin One." Which seemed like a bit of an accurate statement because the smile on Charlotte's face was beginning to look more and more plastic by the minute, and Naya winced because she knew Charlotte was trying to behave for her father's sake. She genuinely was. There hadn't been any incidents at all today, but she knew there would be if Charlotte wasn't freed from the company of Bernard Arnault and company. Sighing, Naya shot Grace a pleading look.

"Run interference for me?" Grace shot her a dirty grin.

"With pleasure."

After stealing two flutes of champagne from a passing server, Grace led Naya over to the small group. She shoved the two flutes into Naya's hands as they got closer, whispering at Naya's appalled face (because seriously, parental figures do not permit alcohol, people) that "it won't be your last and it definitely isn't your first, before saddling up behind her husband, wrapping slender arms around his trimmed waist and kissing his shoulder with her stain-free lipstick. Bernard flinched at the first contact, but once those hands pressed into his abdomen and he touched them, the straight and imposing line of his posture seemed to relax. Naya smiled softly at the expression on his face, but didn't linger on them for too long when Grace smooched his cheek. She bumped Charlotte with her hip just as Grace said, "I think Nomi's a little lonely. You don't mind if she steals Charlotte for a bit, do you, love?"

Naya didn't even pretend to decipher the look Bernard and Charlotte exchanged, but put on the most innocent smile she could when his gaze turned on her. Which probably was a good thing considering she wasn't planning on doing anything. Maybe holding two champagne flutes didn't help.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naya Jennings Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman Character Portrait: Olivia Jo Ingram
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0.00 INK

castiel . whitman
hex • #6E7894


He felt bad about ignoring Brody, he really did, but he had a fear he was gonna be late. So he simply said a curt, sorry, and ran out to his car and drove to the Arnault home. Well, he didn't feel that bad. But he still felt bad, he'd hear it from Naya regardless.


Within the sea of white, a male with a blue sweater seemingly stood out. His whiskey-colored eyes scanning the room for someone he could talk too, he would shrug. He didn't hate social events, but he did hate the snooty people giving him disapproving look. So, he decided to be bold and not wear white. Sue him. It wasn't his schtick. He would look around the room, seeing some familiar faces. Some faces he'd rather not see. And some people who barely knew he existed. He would run a hand through his hair, thankfully feeling his phone's vibration receiving a text from Naya, in their group chat with Liv. With a quick motion, he would send a message.

TO: Liv, Naya
nah im wanting some quesadillas lmao, anyway, where ru? i'd like to not feel awkward af with all these people. babe wru @ also?

He would place his phone back into his pocket, and get a drink and begin to walk around the room, waiting for a pleasant interaction of some sorts.

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault
Character Portrait: Naya Jennings
Character Portrait: Brody Calson
Character Portrait: Olivia Ingram
Character Portrait: Alaina Clarke
Character Portrait: Austin Clarke
Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman
Character Portrait: Sydney Persson
Character Portrait: Adeline Arnault
Character Portrait: James Airth
Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
Character Portrait: Esmeralda Herrera
Character Portrait: Camilo Thomas


Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
Derek Escuyos

i don't wanna be anything other than me. minor WIP

Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman
Castiel Whitman

a small smile, can hide a thousand words

Character Portrait: Olivia Ingram
Olivia Ingram

"The most dangerous thing in life is to have no purpose."


Character Portrait: Naya Jennings
Naya Jennings

and she needed someone to show her who she could be.

Character Portrait: Castiel Whitman
Castiel Whitman

a small smile, can hide a thousand words

Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
Derek Escuyos

i don't wanna be anything other than me. minor WIP

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Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
Derek Escuyos

i don't wanna be anything other than me. minor WIP

Character Portrait: Olivia Ingram
Olivia Ingram

"The most dangerous thing in life is to have no purpose."

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