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Nikolai Negrescu

"I'm a very old soul."

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a character in “Married To A Stranger -Remake-”, originally authored by Guest, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nikolai Negrescu

Face Claim: Goran Visnjic

Quote: “Sometimes all people need is a little persuasion.”

Name: Nikolai Negrescu

Nickname: Niko

Gender: Male

Age: "Twenty-five in Vampire years, but much older using the Julian Calender"

Height: 6'1

Weight: Average

Likes: Wine, Parties, Gambling, The Finest Things Life can Offer, and of course women.

Dislikes: Stereotypes, flying coach, & any alcohol that ins't Vodka.

Race: Vampire

Magic: "Over the years I've perfected the art of Blood Magic, a dangerous if not taboo form of ancient magic. I can use blood as fuel to restore my magical abilities, such as my ability to transform into a dog as the sun is high in the sky as to protect my vampire form."


Weakness: "Fire, A Stake though the heart, nothing but children tales I assure you, such things would kill anyone. My Weaknesses are far more interesting. Unlike some, I have a unique intolerance to Red wine. I can't drink it without getting a severe headache. However on rare occasions I have been seen drinking the forbidden drink, but it never ends well for me or who I am with." Not to sound to much of a stereotype, but I do suffer from Porphyria, like so many fictional characters. When my skin comes in contact with the sun it blisters and burns, though It will not kill me I tend to dress in heavy layers during the summer months.

Equipment: A Ring with his family crest engraved on a red stone, with the words "nemo me impune lacessit" Engraved at the base.

Pet: A Siberian Husky named Marco.

Personal Description: A tall mysterious man, with dark over baring features. He speaks in a thick Eastern European. He often is seen wearing fine suits and Italian leather shoes.

Personality: Niko has a brooding almost domineering personality, at first he is like a statue unmoving, and cold. However, once he is of his own element, he's a different person. Throughout the years he has claimed many personas, at the moment he prefers this one of the silent recluse wealthy man, who lives in a castle.

History: "I was born in the sixth century, my father a noble man of pure vampiric breeding and my mother a poor village girl he had taken for his wife. My mother Helga was one of many women my father Nikolai had wed and turned in hopes of an heir. However Vampire pregnancies nearly always fetal, for the mother and child he's never had much success in the mater. When I was born, he held a great feast for everyone but my mother wasn't able to join. She died that evening her insides torn apart.

As I grew, my father raised me to know the proper place of our family. He taught me to honor our breeding, he believed we were given a right others weren't but he was so deranged towards the end of his life I payed little interest to his stories. At times I wish i had, perhaps then I would have more fond memories of him. Alas, growing up with plagues cutting down mankind, and vampires shadows for their former greatness, apart of me will always remember those stories of the Vampire age. When Science and Art were at their peeks, and the world was not ruled by elves or man but us.

In the late nineteenth century, a curse descended on my family. Some called her The Slayer of Hades, other's The Daughter of Hell, I called her Jessamine. She was the product of a relationship I had with a lady of less then reputable reputation. A Bastard, as some humans would call her. I was not that small minded, if not a little bit foolish, I had herd of the term Dhamphir before but I believed it could be countered. Alas no, Jessamine grew up within my care and still craved to destroy me and mine.

At the time I was too blinded with the thought of a child, to think of the future. My mind was full of the past, and the line of still born babies that claimed the grounds, along with there mothers. When she grew into a young lady, Jessamine ran away I do not know where she went but wherever it was it fueled her passion to destroy her vampire half. She's claimed many more my relations, as distant as they were innocent, but the first victim in her biography, is mine own father.

Now I am in hiding agents my own daughter, I only hope I find her before she finds me once more, and that whatever happens to me the woman I marry is left out of Jessamine's wrath."

  • Portrait of Jessamine
  • He dosn't talk about his past much, remaining the dark and invulnerable shadow.
  • Theme: "Knock Knock, Who's There?" by Mary Hopkin
  • He's been able to adapt to most modern convinces, except the coffee machine for some reason.
  • He composes himself in a business like manner, he always has a phone on him however he can not figure out texting.
  • At times he forgets how to say words in English, manly insults.
  • For as long as he's lived he's never been in love, perhaps in the 60's but he can't recall that decade.
  • He doesn't care for elves.
  • His bedroom within the mansion.


So begins...

Nikolai Negrescu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Victorique Wayrin (Aria) Character Portrait: SyKo Kisumiki Character Portrait: Lukas Trettel Character Portrait: Serina Morrison
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#, as written by Rari
Butterflies danced in jacks stomach as he neared the mansion, not really knowing what to expect. Jack only new that this is where he was meeting his bride to be and that he would be living with thirteen other people. He only new his brides name, he had never even met this woman before. Jack pulled up to the mansion, parked his car, grabbed his crud and unlocked the huge mansion door with the key he was given. Upon entering the mansion Jack noticed the giant chandelier hanging in the main room, and of course the other rather expensive looking furniture.

Jack closed the large door behind him and left his things in the entrance and, with his kitten close behind him, started to explore the mansion. After exploring for about ten minutes jack found the smallest bedroom in the mansion and claimed it for himself. jack didn't bring a lot with him , just clothes and a few other things he needed from the room he had a home, so the smaller room worked perfectly for him. Once he had a few of his things set up he explored a little more, discovering a music room , a library, the rather large dining area, and the stable outside behind the mansion. He decide he had done enough exploring and returned to the main room, awaiting the arrival of the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Miss Elizabeth Aurora Beckett looked around. She was stood at the back entrance to the mansion, and the suns light above her beat relentlessly down. It was a warm day; humid and hot. If she was human, a sheen of sweat might have covered her pale brow, but the immortality that her vampirism offered kept her cool at all times. Elizabeth Aurora was leaning against the stable wall, watching the horses with a slightly absent gaze. She remembered when she had been younger. She had enjoyed riding. The vampire set her gaze on a particular stallion that had caught her eye - a blue dun with silver dappling - and promised herself she'd take time out to meet the animal properly.

Animals. The vampiress found her attention caught by Vixen the ocelot, who took the opportunity to take an athletic leap on top of a shelf, miss, fall, and land unceremoniously in a pile of hay. Elizabeth giggled, and the sound was light and feminine, but had a dark edge that warned of her lack of humanity. She leaned over, and scooped the young cat up into her arms. The cat purred, knocked her head against her chin, and then settled over Elizabeth's shoulder like a baby.

Then Miss Beckett remembered her appointment in the mansion itself and entered through the back door. Once inside, she let Vixen down, and then took some fresh fish from the refrigerator. It did occur to her that perhaps they were supposed to eat the fish for whatever passed for the last meal of the day here, but she decided that her ocelot would be better off with it. The little cat caught the scent immediately, and followed her promptly as she went in search of a bedroom.

Elizabeth Aurora smirked as she walked up the stairs to the bedroom floor, and it was only then she spared a thought for her husband to be. She knew his name was Nikolai Negrescu. It was an attractive enough name, and she hoped that he would live up to it. So, each time she looked into a bedroom, she held him in mind...when she wasn't thinking about her own comfort.

Eventually, Miss Beckett decided on a large chamber, with another door feeding off from it which she assumed was a bathroom. The entire room was in shades of red and black, which suited her perfectly. The furniture, for the most part, was made out of dark wood. The style was traditional mixed with a sense of the present day. The windows were curtained with a light material, and they were drawn. She frowned. The day was hot enough, without stopping the air flow. In one movement, the vampire opened the curtains, and then the window. Cool air flooded the room, and she nodded to herself, and then remembered the fish.

The vampiress took a look around, then took a decorative bowl down from a shelf. Ocelot looked up at her hopefully, with wide pleading eyes as she put the fish in the bowl, then put it down on the ground near the window seat. Vixen purred with appreciation as she set to the fish, and Elizabeth Aurora smiled, and took a seat on one of the luxurious sofas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolai Negrescu

It was a particularly sunny day, and one thing of note to be seen was a large black shaggy mutt of a dog running across town. He didn’t stop for more than a second, before running again almost like he was running from something. Folks around town thought he was one of the town drunk’s mutts, but he didn’t even know the hound in question. The dog’s shadow appeared on the door, and as the moments passed it grew in size and form changing from a mutt’s shadow to a man’s. The man was dressed in a black cloak and tall top hat, covering most of his face from the sun’s harsh rays. His hand coated in white silk gloves reached for the doorbell, his figure leaned on the bell until the door was opened for him.

Doesn't anyone invite me in? He asked himself as he peeked into the door. Hath everyone lost that sense of class that I so highly hold dear? It must be so. He remarked to himself and stepped into the mansion. The sun still shinning though the windows, Niko winced and quickly made his way upstairs in hopes of finding the room in which his man had gotten ready for him.
Due to his illness in which he suffers, he had to insure a room was already ready for him with the proper precautions. Such as thick black velvet curtains lining the windows, and that the modern convinces were not too complex for his old mind to comprehend. As he looked for the door his man had marked with his family crest, he reached into his pocket for the small note card he had written his bride’s name on.

The paper read Elizabeth Aurora Beckett however Niko read, Elisabetta Auroro Beketta in his strong Eastern European accent. He didn’t see anything wrong with this marriage, unlike the younger generation who no doubt felt it was old fashion. However Niko was old fashion, he still dresses the same as he’s done for a hundred years.

A wise man once said madness is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting a different result. Maybe that man was right after all, he’s been married so many times and what has the result been? He can remember every woman’s name, Ilona, Esmeralda, Lucrezia, Veronica, Sarah, and Remembrance. Is this Elisabetta to be another name on a grave marker, to him?

At last after what seemed like forever searching, he found the room that bared his crest on the door. As he entered the room, a large Siberian husky jumped from the bed and too Niko’s feet. “Marko” the man smiled removing his gloves to pet the dog gently.“Sjedni pas” he said and the dog sat in perfect harmony. “Good dog” he said patting the dog’s head once more before removing his cloak, hat, and gloves and setting them on the bed.

The room looked more like a library then a bedroom, and for all he knew perhaps it truly was. However, it was the room with the least number of windows, and there for fewer curtains hung to the floor. Dark wooden paneling lined the remaining walls, with bookcases filled with more books then Niko cared to read. The room would do him fine, across from his bed sat a cozy fire place and a large black leather chair in front of it. He smiled as his eyes looked back at the small nightstand by the bed.

There were six pictures stretching across the table, the first was a baby portrait of a little girl three to four years old. She was seated on a white bench or table, dressed in white furs and silk. The finest for his little girl! Her hands tucked nicely in a fur muff, of the finest quality.

The next picture was of the same girl older perhaps nine, dressed in what seemed like a white dress and matching vale. Her beautiful eyes that he knew to be blue too busy reading her bible with a sting of rosary beads flowing over top. She was always devoted to religion.

Third, was a school picture of the girl standing in no particular pose, her hands behind her back hair tied up in the latest fashion, tied with a ribbon. Her eyes being not so clever look straight ahead at the camera. A Scholar, if ever he saw one.
The fourth picture was the center piece to the entire arrangement. It was a wedding portrait, as appropriate as it sounds. The girl at this point a woman seated on a bench her legs crossed and wearing a white dress and high heels. Her hair cut short, and mostly covered with a small hat only a few curls were visible. Her eyes addressed the camera, and lips smiled gently as she clutched a large bouquet of white roses at her lap. Jessamine Negrescu Crowley-Knight, his daughter and enemy.

The last two pictures were in frames together the one side of a little boy in a grassy background ridding a tricycle. His foot on the peddle of the large wheel, his socks reaching his knees before his shorts began. Under his chin a large puffy bow, that always made Niko smile when looking at him. This boy had been named for him after all, he was his grandson.
On the other side of the frame sat two girls of similar ages from six to seven, sitting on a bench in a studio wearing white dresses and holding their hands in their laps each of their hair grown short and their eyes addressing the viewer. His granddaughters, whom he always wished to know better.

Blood relations are the most durable and everlastings connections.
- n/a


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: SyKo Kisumiki Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Elizabeth Aurora was laying on her massive bed, in a beam of sunlight that warmed her back. She was armed with a mirror, dancing it in front of the light to create a reflection on the floor in front of her that Vixen chased and pounced upon. She smiled, pure amusement on her face, and watched as the ocelot chased the little mote of light up the curtains, and balanced precariously on the railing. Liz chuckled, and stood, walking to the window which was still open and stood on the window seat to collect the feline from her perch.

It was just then that there was a shy knock on the door and the household servant, as Elizabeth Aurora thought of her, walked into her room and introduced herself. The vampiress rose a brow and nodded, sending her away quietly after asking her politely to return with a bottle of red wine and a glass. During her brief mortal years, Elizabeth had served her time at hard work, and she didn't think that simple housework could be as difficult as that was.

That was when she returned, Vixen in hand, to her bed, and placed the ocelot in the middle to recline as she wished. Then, Elizabeth turned to the wardrobe, opening it, and frowning a little as she peered into its depths. It seemed that most of her clothes had been brought in preparation for her arrival. She nodded, flicking through her belongings, thinking it was about time that she went and met the other beings that she could hear moving around the house. Elizabeth Aurora frowned, and then settled on a slim, body fitting dress that would accentuate her natural feminine curves.

The vampire female then changed slowly, slipping the dress on. She smiled. It smelt of fine luxury and rare fabrics, and that satisfied her cravings for wealth.

Then she slipped some heels on, put her hair up in a light, casual, loose updo. A glance to her pet brought Vixen trotting to her heels as she stepped through the door, out into the corridor beyond, where Vixen then put her nose to the ground to take in all the scents of those who had passed. The ocelot growled slowly, her ears flicking up to Elizabeth Aurora, who frowned and followed the animal as it purposefully trotted down the hallway.

Her footsteps were slow, her heels clicking imperiously on the hard wooden flooring. Then, the ocelot froze outside a door, rubbing against her owners legs, warily keeping away from the doorway itself. Elizabeth Aurora paused, not knowing that it was the door with her husband to be behind it, and then knocked gently, scooping Vixen up into her arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolai Negrescu

“Knock ,knock” and with that Marko was howling at the door. “Marko, li poremećen mutant je vrata!” The man hissed at the tiresome mutt, who disobediently continued his infernal barking. “Silence!” he hissed once more pulling the dog by the skin of the neck to his side, before opening the door.

“Halo?” He spoke as his eyes gardened to the young woman at his door. “Da, what do you want?” he asked as Marko gnarled. “Marko” He hissed at the dog, “ponašati.” He looked back at the woman. “Very pretty” he thought to himself as Marko continued to gnarl at the cat.

“Marko, idite spavati.” He said as he released his hand from the dog. Marko, whimpered and backed away jumping onto the bed in a single leap, laying down and placing his paws over his noise. Niko’s eyes never left hers’ he wasn’t sure who this girl was she was, indeed very pretty. “Pardon him.” He said once more then asked the question. “Now who do I have the honor of acquaintanceship?” He bowed genteelly out of respect, and in such an old fashion way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Vixen hissed as she heard the barking of the dog behind the door, baring her teeth and growling low at the door. Elizabeth Aurora frowned deeper, placing her hand placatingly on the animals head. She quieted a little, but didn't relax much at all. And then the door abruptly opened and she found herself staring into the gaze of what looked to be an older gentleman, or at least an older gentleman's standards. As he bowed to her, she found herself reciprocating in a very graceful manner, bending at the knee a little in a small curtsy.

Vixen hissed, but Elizabeth hushed her once more and the cat retreated a little as the dog moved away from the door. Elizabeth Aurora smiled at her host, unsure who he was, and replied in a respectful tone. As self concerned as she often was, she always had respect for those that respected her.

"My name is Elizabeth Aurora Beckett, I'm sorry if we disturbed you" She spoke quietly, wondering how much wine it would take to inebriate the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolai Negescu

"Oh Elisabetta! Moj lijepi, Očaravajući nevjesta!" Nikolai smiled a kind gentle smile. “Da, come in” he said moving away from the door, in order to allow her in. “Oh Pardon mi, I am getting ahead of myself.” He spoke feeling slightly anxious, he hadn't expected her to find him, and so soon. Neither did he expect her to be so lijep, so beautiful.

“I am Nikolai Negrescu.”

She was so much more than he expected, on the other hand he had anticipated a young girl of little to no real beauty and still a virgin. As he could feel a virgin a mile away, he knew this woman was far from it. Unless his intuition was off and it rarely ever was. After all he’s lived for some Sixteen hundred years, he knows how people act.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Elizabeth found herself smirking. His accent...What was it? Definitely something foreign...even exotic, perhaps. She rose a brow, responding to his smile with a small lifting of her own soft lips as she stepped past him, into his room. She had never seen so many books enclosed in such a small space before. It was like a game of Tetris...but with tomes and volumes all stacked haphazardly on shelves, giving the semblance of a tidy, learned man. How quaint.

The vampiress found herself glancing back at him as he apologized, in her opinion, for absolutely nothing. At her feet, Vixen slunk quietly in, regarding the dog with a look that said 'Dog got sent away...Lady cat wins'. Even Elizabeth could sense the haughty pride in the small ocelot as she drifted in, taking care to hover constantly at Elizabeth Aurora's ankles. She sensed the anxiety in her hosts voice and rose a small brow. She wasn't even sure who he was until he introduced himself.

“I am Nikolai Negrescu.”

His deep voice, introducing himself, surprised her. So this was her husband to be. Liz wasn't sure what to feel. Should she feel...affection? Resentment? She shrugged. Right now, he was just a man, and she had met many men in her time in various intimate ways. What did she really have to worry about?

Elizabeth smiled as she replied, subtly deciding at the same time that he wasn't exactly ugly. In fact, he had a sort of strength, and although he appeared to be much older than she was, he carried that wisdom well.

"Nikolai" She purred, in her low tone. "What a pleasure it is to meet you. I didn't expect to meet you so soon"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolai felt his grin grow larger at the sight of the flirtatious feline cuddling ageist his fiancée’s leg. He has never been too keen on cats, with their sharp claws that destroy anything of value. He started imagining the cat in his home, clawing tapestries worth a fortune, knocking down 16th century artwork, the scene that is best depictured in the movie “The Lady and The Tramp.” It could be worse however, she could two cats.

Marko gnarled at the scent of the feline, the Dog’s head lifting from his paws, and looked at Nikolai in a sad almost painful tone.

“Marko, tišina za naš gost” Niko spoke in an irritated voice. He always preferred the company of a companion whom he could hunt with. Sure some larger cats might fit that description, but Niko always found a fondness for a husky, and their wolf like appearance. “He will not hurt the stvor.” He said to Elizabeth, in regard to the feline. “He is bezopasan, how do you say? He is all bark and ne bite.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Elizabeth Aurora watched as Vixen possessively climbed up onto a sofa, claiming her place among the cushions there, and smiled dotingly on the creature as she stood by her husband to be. She smirked. She only hoped that this Nikolai could keep up with her. As the dog, Marko, growled she rose a brow. He was either very protective of his master, or just very very jumpy. Either way, Vixen haughtily ignored the husky, choosing instead to rest her head on her forepaws.

Idly, Liz wondered what language it was that Nikolai spoke, as she heard him speak of his dog. “He is bezopasan, how do you say? He is all bark and no bite.” She nodded, smiling. She had never been worried about Vixen, she was more than capable of defending herself against the husky. In fact, it would probably be quite amusing to watch the ocelot eluding the dog. Personally, she didn't have an issue with dogs, except for small ones. She had never understood why one might keep a small dog, instead of a large one, especially when a person's companion often told much about their personality.

Elizabeth Aurora waved a hand dismissively, every movement she made laced with femininity. She shook her head "No, it's nothing to worry about. Vixen can take care of herself"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolai nodded and silently moved across the room to the fireplace where a small table of drinks sat. Taking the bottle in his hand he asked her, “Would you care for a piti, Elisabetta?” Turning to her he showed her the bottle, “I only have Votka, but you’re welcome to it.” He said gently as he poured two glasses.

“Please make yourself at home.” He told her as he turned back to her a glass in each hand.

“Back in Croatia, I do not think we would have met so quickly.” He told her. “Ali pustimo to ludost Elisabetta, susreli smo se da?” he shook his head, “I’m sorry if you do not understand, I am not so good with English, sometimes I just need to speak in my native jezik.”

He started feeling a little tongue tied, unsure what to say to her. A part of him wanted to be bold and brash, yet the other finer side wanted to talk. He wondered what she was thinking of at that moment.

“So where do you call home?” the glass still clutched in his hand for her to take if she pleased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
The woman stood and watched as Niko offered her a drink, and then move to the table. She smiled as she followed, flirtatious as always, and was stood rather close to him when he turned with two drinks in hand. Elizabeth murmured a soft "Thank you" as she took the glass from him, then stepped back to lean against the same sofa that Vixen was sat on. At her owners approach, the ocelot jumped to the top, where she rubbed against Elizabeth Aurora's arm, and sniffed the vodka in her hand.

Croatia. So that was where he was from. She remembered, vaguely, during her youth that she had visited Croatia briefly. She mostly remembered the beaches. And the parties. She smiled, and it was a secretive, exciting smile that promised that any amount of fun was just around the corner. Idly, Elizabeth ran a hand down Vixen's body as she pushed for attention, watching as Nikolai became more and more flustered. It was cute, she thought to herself, as though he was unsure how to act. The inner turmoil was amusing to watch, when she knew that she would be happy with the simpler things - being adored, fine wine, a warm hearth...

She replied in a soft tone, as usual, to his question, the fragile glass held in her long fingers. "Paris, Venice, London, Singapore, Las Vegas, Cairo...And I can understand you well enough, though Croatian is not a language that I have ever learned well" Elizabeth smiled and drank some of her vodka.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Jack Green Character Portrait: Victorique Wayrin (Aria) Character Portrait: SyKo Kisumiki Character Portrait: Lukas Trettel Character Portrait: Serina Morrison
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After the storm died down SyKo calmed. It was about 5:30 p.m. Then it hit SyKo. She totally forgot about making dinner.. SyKo facepalmed then scurried off to the kitchen to search for things to make. When she couldn't make up her mind she decided to go around and ask the couples what they would like for dinner. "I um.. Can't decide what to make so... Er, what would you like for dinner?" She asked each couple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Niko sat down in the leather chair across from her. “Good, I am so happy that you are familiar with my kultura. Perhaps you shall me more familiar with my jezik, when we are oženjen?” Taking another sip of Vodka his gaze never left Elizabeth, she was an impressive girl and he couldn’t help but be impressed with how calm she was acting during this whole situation. She was a mystery to her, and if there was one thing that intrigues Nicolai it was a mystery.

“I don’t reside in Croatia much anymore.” He stated frankly, now feeling more at ease with drink in his hand. “Like you I’ve traveled extensity in my lifetime.” For fear of that daughter of mine, he added in his mind. “However dovoljno about me, what about you?” he asked as he leaned back into his chair. Tipping his glass to his lips, as the last of his vodka disappeared from the glass.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: SyKo Kisumiki Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Elizabeth Aurora was already looking at the door when SyKo walked in to Nikolai's room, raising a brow as she was asked on her opinion for the evening meal. The vampiress smirked a little, and replied simply with "Whatever you cook, I'd appreciate it rare. And I'd also appreciate a side of raw fish for Vixen" The ocelot looked up from grooming herself, checked the visitor, then went back to her work.

Elizabeth turned back to her husband to be, and thought about forming a reply to his questions. OĹženjen. That was...marriage? Married? Her Croatian was rough, at best. In that case...his question made her smirk. Married. After all, he was her husband to be, and he hadn't even proposed. He had this easy. Elizabeth smirked, and pointed that out "I do hope to learn your language more when we are better acquainted. I hope you realize, Nikolai, the informality of the situation we are in. I haven't even seen you on your knees yet" She smirked, and glanced away, leaving him to his imagination for a few moments before she continued.

"Myself, I can't quite remember where I am from. Probably England. I speak French well; in fact, I was a Lady there during the 1800's. I also spent time as a Duchess in Italy, where I spent...oh, it must have been thirty or forty years...I haven't led a very interesting existence, I'm afraid. Mostly parties. Red wine, and parties" Elizabeth smiled slightly, content with her existence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: SyKo Kisumiki Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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Nikolia hadn’t realized of the door opening, until Elizabeth spoke to the girl in the doorway. Perhaps he was getting older then he thought. Luckily, he wasn’t hungry in fact he didn’t plan on attending dinner with the rest of the group at all. He had other plans to hunt as soon as the sun set from its throne in the hazel sky. “Ne večeru za mene, hvala ti.” he replied to the maid, then turned his attention back to Elizabeth.

Informality? Niko wasn’t sure what she meant by that, he had gone through the formality so many times he tends to forget others view on formality. “Such a western idealno, dragi moj.” He has never gotten on his knees for a woman, such a thing seemed like a sign of weakness to him. Then again he had never had to beg a woman to marry him, they had always been arranged.

“I razumjeti, where you are coming from Elisabetta; however such a thing is not customary to me.” True it might be in his county at this time, but Niko still holds traditions of the older generations in his habits. To him what they were doing now was no different than what everyone did when he was young, of course back than he wouldn’t have met her until the wedding but still.

“Italy?” he nodded, and tried to convey a few words he knew in that language which wasn’t much, considering the last time he visited the country a dictator ruled with an iron fist, and he didn’t get much of a chance to vacation in the war zone. “Lei è molto bella” he spoke his thick creation accent struggling with the Italian words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
Elizabeth Aurora smiled slightly. So Nikolai hadn’t quite grasped what she had meant. What a gentleman he was. She supposed that she should feel lucky. Perhaps she would be the one to teach him the meaning of the word sin. The thought made her ruby lips lift in a small smirk.

”Lei è molto bella” His words were sweet, and despite the Croatian accent, she could understand the meaning nonetheless. In fact, his accent made it almost feel like the first time that she had heard those words spoken to her. She smiled and graciously replied, her words and her accent becoming exotic and fluent “Lei è troppo gentile, signore. Non capita spesso che si sente un altro di lingua queste parole con tanta sincerità. E 'un piacere essere qui con voi.”

Elizabeth glanced at Vixen as the ocelot jumped gracefully from her place on the seating and padded silently closer to the bed where the big husky sulked. She glanced away, and smiled to herself.

She continued speaking in their common language "I didn't realize that you spoke so many languages, Nikolai. Perhaps we'll be able to teach each other more when we are married" She spoke the word as a soft purr, despite the part of her that recoiled slightly at the idea of such a long term commitment. Nevertheless, she had made a promise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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“Oh dolce signora, do not mistake such for anything less than a curiosity of knowledge. I don’t know many western tongues, as my travels manly have kept me rather close to my homeland.” Nikola spoke as his gaze followed the spray cat, pouncing towards Marko. He couldn’t help but smile at the cat, she had some Jaja. After all he had personally trained Marko to be a hunting dog, a companion on those long hunts he knows far too well. One thing Niko didn’t want to see was the look on Elizabeth’s face if Marko found the cat unbearable.

The dog lifted his head, and gnarled lowly at the feline with a sense of ferocity. Before Niko could act Marko jumped of the bed and snapped in the cat’s general direction. Before he could scold the creature, his phone rang in the most obnoxious way imaginable. Not in an annoying sound sort of way, but in the way any phone sounds when the default setting is still set.

“Da,” he said after fishing the small device from his pocket. With the new he rose from his seat in a stake of shock. “Kvragu, ti glupi dječače.” He grumbled and sighed, looking to Elizabeth afterwards and lifted the phone from his ear. “Will you excuse me Eliabetta?” he said without waiting for a response and walked into the bathroom connected.

Closing the door behind him he continued to cursed the person on the other line, in Croatian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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#, as written by Deguu
“Will you excuse me Eliabetta?”

The vampiress regarded the Croatian coolly as he asked to be excused, and then turned and walked away before she could reply. Elizabeth rolled her eyes slightly, and got up to pour herself another drink. She moved to a window to drink it, the soft murmurings of her fiance shouting down the phone muted by the wall between them. She arched a brow, and finished her second vodka while she watched her little ocelot teasing the dog on the bed. Vixen had leaped casually out of the way of Marko's snapping teeth, and was now perched where he had just been sitting with a look that said simply 'stupid dog'. Elizabeth Aurora chuckled, and as she watched the ocelot grooming herself on the bed, an ideal formulated in her mind.

With a small smirk, she glanced at the bathroom where Nikolai was still cussing in Croatian. A glance at Vixen made the small cat stand, stretch, and then strut royally across the bed to take up a new seat on the sofa as though it was her own choice, completely ignoring the dog. Elizabeth stood, and glanced at herself in the mirror.

Her red hued eyes were made stark by the slight addition of black eyeliner, just enough to emphasize the shape and contrast the color so that it wasn't just red - they were a sparkling ruby color. Her brown hair was dark, and hung straight, framing her face perfectly, and her pale skin was effortlessly flawless. She wore a black dress, pretty simple in design. The dark cloth was expensive, obviously, from the way it rustled when she moved. It fell down to her knees, exposing her pale, elegant calves and almost dangerously high heels. It was quite low cut, almost borderline inappropriate, and she knew that if she moved just right, then her husband to be would notice.

With sure, graceful steps, Elizabeth approached the bed, and arranged herself on it to wait for her husband to be. At least then, he might regard her as a female, rather than just a person he was inclined to marry. Vixen looked at her, then away, but there was a look of purring approval in her familiar gaze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikolai Negrescu Character Portrait: Elizabeth Aurora Beckett
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"I tako Nick što joj reći gdje sam ostati? Gdje sam ja, kako me naći? Jer ono opet, unuka, koju cijenu učinio svoje majke ponudu? " Niko spoke with a sense of anxiety in his voice, he always tried to hide his feelings about Jessamine, but she was so close now he had to do something it’s not like he would run from her now anyway, not with the engagement arrangement.

“Da! When will you be in town?” he said and replied, “Then we will speak of this then, until tomorrow stay low, and no parties.” He hung up the phone and sighed. With everything going so fast he may have to tell Elizabeth about his vampire hunter daughter sooner then he hoped.

Splashing water on to his face he heard Marko whining at the door. The cat probably took the dogs place on the bed, and so that what he expected to see when walked out of the bathroom. Instead he saw Elizabeth stretched out in a seductive manner. His eyes widened as he looked at her ankles, she looked like a kurva. Painted up like that, before he hadn’t noticed the makeup that painted her face, he only beauty. Now he sees, an object of požuda, and object of lust.

“So this is what you meant by Informality?” he asked steeping closer to her, his eyes now moving to her breasts. They were perfect, ample and prefect he couldn’t help be aroused by her. He would normally repress such feelings, but for some reason he just couldn’t get his mind of Elizabeth.