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Zack Archer

"Looks like trouble... I'll take care of it. Jag, take care of it."

0 · 389 views · located in A Sad, Sad Place

a character in “Martyrium”, originally authored by Savader, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Zack Archer (goes by Archer)

Age: 28

Race: Human, although with combat skills like his, you could almost swear he had some Noxchi in him. He doesn’t, though…if you were really thinking that… What are you, stupid or something?

Appearance: Archer has short, natural white hair and clean features. Some say he's rather handsome. Some say he's just another pretty boy who failed to grow up with the rest of the adults. And those who actually know him say he's the devil in sheep's clothing. But more on that later. His piercing blue eyes are rarely ever...well, piercing, unless the person he's talking to is a woman with a nice bust. Although, he does seem to hold something slightly more meaningful deeper inside. He wears a variety of different coats, cloaks and jackets, usually leather, and is fairly fond of the color red. Alongside that, he slides himself into some cozy black pants with plenty of "legroom", if you catch my drift, and tops it off with your typical boots for everyday use. Fingerless leather gloves for proper use of his two sidearms, which are safely held in the straps of his dual holster that wraps around his waist, and a belt with a handy little box that provides him with the kinetic energy shield found on most armor suits, enabling him the option to forgo the heavy burden of a full bodysuit; dexterity being his ally. Although, when the mission is said to be a tough one, his crew may force him to wear his armor underneath the shield, out of fear of losing their idiot leader. Finally, he has a beautifully hand-carved red crystal necklace that he seems to cherish rather a lot. The stone is made from some special type of mineral that is alien to humans. It's said that it could be sold for quite a lot of money... And underneath all that garb is a physically fit young man who forces himself to stay in shape at all times. His build is that of your average human soldier, albeit slightly more refined due to his training and on the field experience. Having peaked when he graduated military school, he now stands at roughly 6'1".


Personality: Zack Archer is a fairly twisted individual. As if being the leader of an eccentric group of mercenaries wasn't enough for him, he tends to come off as a bit crazy at times. Not as insane as Jag, mind you, but still very far from normal. He can be rather zealous in the most idiotic ways, as well as completely random with how he goes about his daily life, and this can often lead to a mutual annoyance among his "subordinates". Always seeming to be in several places at once, his style of leadership can be very tiring for the others. On top of that, he has a very large ego that tends to get in the way of his better judgment of everyday life, which makes him a huge liability towards any situation outside of combat and something truly important. On a regular day, if he’s not already drunk or banging one of the female hands on deck, he can typically be found in his cabin, reading Shakespeare while drinking a glass of brandy. No, I’m serious. He actually does this.

Anyway, on most nights, he’s generally just running amuck like an immature child who refused to fully grow up. Wait, who am I kidding—he’s ALWAYS acting like an immature child who refused to fully grow up… With everything he includes himself in; he is over-the-top, cocky, vulgar and ultimately idiotic. Sarcasm and a laid-back—practically carefree – attitude are his two best friends in any conversation. He comes off as rather silly, lazy and informal, which tends to go against his title of “leader” quite a bit. That being said, he’s strong, and still somehow keeps his crew moving from each mission to the next. But still a total dumbass when it comes to anything other than the real important jazz. Which is something he never addresses himself, and simply either ignores, evades or redirects whenever someone else brings it up. No one on his crew, and to their knowledge; no one in the galaxy can figure him out. Some may think they do, but you can never tell what the guy is thinking, or what he’s going to do or say next. In that light, he can be pretty unpredictable. But the one thing you can always count on is for him to be an idiot about whatever it is.

All that having been said, Archer is also many other things. He's generally always very cheerful; his humorous attitude can sometimes break the tension of a really serious or depression situation, and to top it all off, he can be surprisingly kindhearted and selfless under the right circumstances. But above all else, he is loyal to his allies, and would do anything to see that they all make it home after a difficult mission. Although many who think they have him completely figured out might think otherwise, he would take a bullet for any member of the crew, human or not, and if he happened to survive the first one, he'd do it again and again-- as many times as it took. And despite his generally natural charismatic nature, God help you if you ever truly piss him off. Fatally injuring one of his crew is one of the few things that pushes him over that thick line, and in short, he could almost give Jag a run for her money in terms of slaughter. So, in hindsight, despite all of Zack Archer's cons, his pros tend to outweigh most of them in the long run. His mind may be rather twisted, but his heart and soul are just where it counts, and that is why he remains the leader of the little ragtag group of mercenaries in which he considers his one and only true family.
He treats everyone on his crew the same as he would anyone else he meets. The only difference between the two is that he actually cares about his team. No one is exempted from his idiotic manner, and, in a strange way, that makes a lot of the crew feel truly respected by him. Of course, that’s just a load of shit—Archer is just Archer. End of story.

History: Before he could become the man that would one day be known as founder and leader of the infamous mercenary group "The Second Horsemen", Zack Archer had to undergo quite the traumatic experience... Once upon a time, a young boy no older than 3 years lost his parents; KIA on a distant planet in an even farther off system. These parents were both enlisted in Earth’s military, you see, and bought the bullet a little before their time. The young boy, who was then taken into custody by the military due to his parents having had no next of kin for him to go to, who then shoved him off into some orphanage. He lived there for 5 years before choosing to break out because of the horrible caretaker who owned the orphanage being, well, horrible. Now out on the streets, young Zachary had no choice but to do whatever it took to survive. Stealing clothes, barn-hopping (so to speak), eating thrown-out food, you name it. Until one fateful day a few years down the road he encountered an Execrul vendor who, after accusing young Zack of stealing a highly valuable trinket from his stall, refused to believe the boy was telling the truth when he protested otherwise. This led to an uproar between the local humans and other non-humans; the human side believing that the aliens were all merely being petty and making outrageous accusations due to their prejudice towards humanity, while the aliens having been in an uproar for not apprehending a little thief-in-the-making for questioning, despite what would have been done if the roles were reversed. At that point, the Execrul whose trinket was stolen from him eventually gave up, albeit with clear frustration and utter exhaustion. By the time things finally died down and the people went back about their business, Zack chose to stay and try to talk with the Execrul about what had happened. By which, the Execrul merely grunted at him out of anger that humans were all the same, big or small, young or old. This worried the young Zack into thinking that the Execrul may have been right in that assumption, which led him to blatantly refuse believing it, causing him to shout out at the Execrul that he would prove him wrong; prove to him that not all humans were alike in as horrible a way that the Execrul had previously stated. To do this, the boy swore to find the missing item he was currently under suspicion of stealing, and demanded that he work for the Execrul, without pay, until he had either worked off the price of the item, or found the original one that had seemingly been stolen. At first, the Execrul merely guffawed in Zack's face, but he was soon convinced into letting this clearly stupid boy work for him. There were no laws against it, and hey – the boy had sworn to work for free. The Execrul saw this as a chance to get justice for what the little brat got away with.

And thus, young Zachary Archer began working off the item he didn't even steal, until, on his final day, he came across the man who had stolen it one morning as he was passing by an alleyway. Zack had overheard him trying to sell what he described to be something strangely similar to that of the trinket the BLANK had reported stolen. It didn’t take much brainpower for Zack to realize that, whatever it was, the deal was definitely illegal, so he went straight to the authorities. Didn’t take more than a few SECONDS before the authorities rushed to apprehend the thieving bastard-- not after Zack had described the man to them. This man happened to be someone they were trying to arrest for quite some time. Then there was the matter of the trinket. Well, if it hadn’t been for the very detailed list of all the objects the man had stolen over the years and who he’d stolen them all from, the police likely would have held onto that little trinket, which, seen with his own eyes for the very first time, Zack was permitted to return to the old Execrul vendor, the whole town knowing all too well that the boy worked with him as an assistant. It was a beautifully hand-carved red crystal that could fit in the palm of his small hand. This stone was attached to a golden frame and a thin chain, forming the most magnificent necklace Zack had ever laid eyes on. He now understood why it was so irreplaceable; the Execrul’s line of work was crafting jewels with minerals from his home planet. Each trinket was one of a kind, and this one in particular was one of the best he had ever made… It was a few years later, but the Execrul recognized the trinket instantly. The Execrul was utterly taken aback, as the boy had not only proved him wrong, but actually stayed true to his word and worked for 3 straight years without pay in order to help earn back the money that would have been gained from the item, had it not been stolen. Needless to say, the Execrul apologized fiercely, and even offered up the item in question as penance for his mistake in blaming Zack. He accepted the gift graciously, and proceeded to gloat playfully on how the Execrul really was wrong about ALL humans being such a blight on the galaxy. However, he still felt true to his beliefs, and while Zachary Archer had earned a better title than "Just Another Human" in the Execrul eyes, just one soul wasn't enough to change his views on the rest of humanity. Telling him this, the Execrul apologized yet again, and offered up some wisdom for the young boy. “There may be a handful of good people among your race, but suffice it to say, Zack…humanity is, by majority, corrupt, and beyond fixing. You may have changed my opinion towards YOU, but my opinion towards the rest of your people remains the same… I’m sorry. Perhaps you will understand when you are older.” And with that, Zachary knew what he wanted to do with his life: he was to become important enough that he could forever change this Execrul’s, as well as every other race's, outlook on humanity. Just like 3 years before, the BLANK merely guffawed at the boy, telling him that it was impossible for one man to change the ways of an entire race, which is what he would have to do in order to see him concede. With eyes as determined as they were 3 years ago, young Zachary Archer swore to the Execrul yet again that he would one day prove him wrong...

Well, needless to say, that dream eventually died. Zachary Archer, the boy with the dream of one day changing the galaxy's view on humanity, wasn't destined to see that ambition through to the end…

Earth's military was just about the coolest thing a young human boy could ever hope to become a part of in this day and age. That or a mercenary... But who wants to ACTUALLY become a mercenary, am I right? Pssssht. Anyway, when he was 18, that's exactly what he did; he joined up with the military. Showing great promise, young Zachary Archer climbed on up and through the ranks in a matter of just a few short years, reaching that of lieutenant by the time he was 23. Okay, so he may have been smiled upon by an old superior of his parents, so what? The kid had potential! Ahem, moving on… After gaining the attention of a couple of high-ranking government officials, Lieutenant Zachary Archer was offered a spot amongst a select group of young up-and-comers; a team that was put together based on each individual's outstanding achievements in such a short amount of time in their early career. Not knowing any better, Lieutenant Archer was compelled to accept this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Egged on by an old friend of his parents', who, at the time, didn't know the true intentions of either official, Lieutenant Archer gave in, much to everyone's delight. Within a few short weeks, he was enrolled into what was officially filed as 'Project Epsilon': a top secret project funded by some unknown, highly confidential backer. The object of this project was to see if humanity was ready for advanced augmentations, some of the higher-ups not believing the human race had much of a substantial footing among the other races that were so much more advanced in technology than they were, and so they decided it was high-time they attempt at another giant leap for mankind. However, the file which provided the Intel on the government's project had only described the tip of the iceberg... For the only ones who knew just what the actual project was truly involving were the two government officials that were leading the project, and the subjects who would be volunteering in its experiments.

In reality, the level of enhancement these two officials were trying to achieve was simply too much for the majority of humanity as they were now, no matter how much potential each willing candidate had within them. Genetics were absolute, and humanity's just wasn't ready for such a leap. But that isn't to say the two dumbasses didn't try anyway. Before it would be outed as a misconduct and, ultimately, utterly idiotic mistake, the select group of young over-achievers would undergo a series of horrific experiments over the course of 6 long, ever-so-grueling months. More than half were killed in the recovery stages of the surgery, their bodies turning out to have been less than 20% compatible with the augmentations they were implanted with. Fortunately for Lieutenant Archer, he was among the 35% who managed to pull through and survive, although not without...changes... Some of the soldiers were irrevocably damaged. More than a few were permanently paralyzed from the waist down, were left in a state of vegetation, or significant brain damage, while the last remaining 3 were left with severe alterations to their body's chemistry. Things such as the stress-levels from the surgery and experiments causing their hair follicles to become erratic, changing its color to a pure white; other symptoms included schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and change in personality. Not every candidate was subject to all of these things, but each did suffer from at least one of them. Lieutenant Archer, for instance, lost his natural hair color and showed signs of personality alteration and ultimate deviation from his original standpoint. While the other two, also having lost their natural hair color; one suffered from PTSD, and the other had developed a minor case of schizophrenia. The soldiers who were still stable enough to maneuver wheelchairs or crutches, yet no longer capable of continuing the experiments due to the heightened risk of death, and were thus removed from the program and relieved of duty, while the remaining 3 soldiers of the Project Epsilon spent the remainder of the project getting used to their new enhancements, until they were scheduled to test out the augmentations in real combat half a year later via a high-risk mission taking place on a planet called Kulnari Eda-- a mission known only to the very top-tier officers in the military at the time. This mission would mark the beginning of the end to who Lieutenant Zachary Archer was...

What happened on that life-changing mission is still not entirely known to the public, or even to that of the majority in the military. The only people with any actual knowledge over the finer details are the two out of the 3 soldiers who survived the mission, and the team that orchestrated the entire program, which, speaking of, was disbanded immediately after reports of how the two high-ranking officials who lead the experiment went about conducting it led to connection with what happened on Kulnari Eda. Apparently, dozens of young, promising soldiers dying in an operating room, while the rest either ended up incapable of furthering their military campaigns, or ended up going borderline insane during a dangerous mission is fairly frowned upon in the human military. The two officials were then both subject to court-martial, and were thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. The remaining staff on the project were merely suspended from active duty indefinitely, with some demotions to tarnish their reputation. As for the two soldiers left behind, well... One of them had gone AWOL after causing what is now known as the Kulnari Incident, which resulted in the murder of Lt. Commander Arther Jackson, AKA, the third Epsilon soldier, among many other innocents, before fleeing after a confrontation with his other squadmate. The military has labeled him as a rogue and a traitor, and regards him as one of their most high-priority targets. He is still missing to this day... The man's name? Vincent Harley... As for the other, our one and only Lieutenant Zachary Archer, he was fully debriefed; first on the mission that set things in motion for ruin, and then again over his experience with Project Epsilon once it came to light that Harley's psychotic break and ultimate betrayal were caused by the whole program. With numerous reports from the surviving victims who failed the experiments backing this investigation, it was only a matter of time before those responsible were brought to justice.

Lieutenant Archer, on the other hand, was forced to undergo a mandatory psych evaluation after a Hearing that would decide whether or not he too should be reprimanded for his unwillingness to come forward with information regarding the inner-workings of the Epsilon Project BEFORE things escalated to near genocide. Needless to say, he was let off easy due to his status, but mainly because of his service in saving planet Kulnari from Harley's slaughter. This netted him the honorary promotion to the rank of Captain, a title those at his Hearing figured he rightfully deserved after proving his loyalty during the Kulnari Incident. However, that promotion wasn't worth its weight in gold, because, as stated above, Captain Archer was scheduled for a psych evaluation in order to determine whether or not he was still mentally fit for duty. Deeming him no longer capable of sound judgement and logical tactics, Captain Archer was relieved of duty, effective immediately... This was in good reason, too, as Captain Archer's personality was so far from what it was when he first joined up with the military. He no longer had any ambition towards changing the galaxy's view on humanity, and he wasn't anywhere near as compassionate as he was when a child. The effects of the Epsilon Program tied in with his further trauma over the Kulnari Incident, which left his mind in shambles. All it had left to do was protect itself from those afflictions, and to do that, it merely had to give in to the experiment's side effect of personality deviation, giving birth to a whole new Captain Archer... Had it not been for the fact that he would have been killed if they were removed, the military was fully ready to extract Captain Archer's augmentations, feeling that they were too powerful for an ex-military operative to hold onto, as well as that they were the product of an unlawful method of enhancement which resulted in the loss and permanent damage of several lives. Captain Archer was more than fine with hearing he was allowed to keep them, as his augmentations were mainly accustomed to enhancing his reaction time and overall speed, which, in his words, was a fun privilege in his life. 2 months down the road and he received a very handsome severance package, which he would soon use to fund his future mercenary faction that would be known as... The Second Horsemen.

History - Archer and Kaine: The story of how Zack Archer and Avis Kaine met is a rather simple and fairly generic, yet lightly humorous one. Shortly after Archer had officially established the Second Horsemen's place in the galaxy, yet before he had even managed to acquire a ship to represent it, he happened along a young man who had come to the same Human governmental office as he. Archer's reasons for being there involved obtaining his promised severance check from the military, and then to purchase the registry of his new mercenary business. And then a hotdog. Because he was really hungry. Anyway-- Kaine's reason for being there was to officially retire from the job, and to collect his paperwork proving his involvement with the military in case he ever needed it for a future job in need of his skills. By mere chance of Archer, who was eating a chili dog at the nearby food-bar, letting fly an enormously loud sneeze, Kaine's attention -- along with every other citizen in the immediate area -- was drawn to him by reflex. At first thinking that the man was just some regular fool, Kaine did a double-take, now realizing just who the man was thanks to the very unique stature that came with pure white hair. Any member of the human military would have at least heard of Captain Archer back then, and this was Kaine's first time seeing him in person. Once his business with the office were dealt with, he chose to greet the hero. Archer, having already recognized the young man when he first walked up to the counter, returned the gesture, albeit somewhat...unprofessionally. After a short conversation regarding either ex-soldier's achievements, Archer confessed that he was thinking about asking Kaine to join his mercenary group when he first noticed him, but was suddenly too absorbed in the wonderful chili dog in his hand, and so decided to give up on the idea. Since Kaine had ended up initiating a meet instead, Archer chose to offer him the position anyway, claiming that he "needed a good pair of eyes to watch his back in case things ever get shady". In short, he was asking Kaine to be his personal bodyguard, as well as the crew's official sniper. Kaine saw no issue in the idea of becoming a mercenary, but asked Archer to prove that his business was real, upon which, Archer pulled out the papers he had just received moments before, which were now covered with smeared prints of oil splotches here and there, showing the details of the Second Horsemen's registration. With that, Avis Kaine became the second member of Archer's crew; Archer being the first. And that's when Archer slapped him on the back with a smile, said "Great! Now let's go and find us a ship!", and headed off towards the building's exit, leaving Kaine standing there, dumbfounded, as he realized that his new idiot captain hadn't even acquired a ship. He was already regretting his carelessness in not having been more specific in regards to Archer proving he was for real; his future with the man and his ship-less crew appearing rather bleak already... And thus ends the tale of how Archer acquired both his first crew member, and his ship: The Second Horsemen's Revenant.

History - Archer and Aranoth: Archer's history with Aranoth goes back to the Second Horsemen's first year of establishment, when he happened across the talented Xilass at a space station after heading there with his small crew to finish a job that they had been working on over the past few days, which involved the interception of a group of troublesome pirates that had been plaguing system after system for over a year. After managing to take out most of the group at their home base, the leader of the crew fled with his few remaining members. Archer caught up with them after nearly losing track of their whereabouts, only having spotted them when they foolishly let their position be known after attacking a small station not too far away in order to refuel. Archer, whose ship was also beginning to run low on its resources, chose to head in after them, not wanting to let this chance at finally eradicating them from the galaxy slip him by yet again. Having been lured into somewhat of a trap, Revenant sustained a fair amount of damage, effectively leaving them stranded at the station until they could find a way off of it. However, that didn't stop the intrepid captain from finding and killing the leader once and for all. Once all the action finally died down, Archer was approached by a rather interesting Xilass, the likes of which he had never laid eyes on before. The Xilass, name of Aranoth, offered to repair The Revenant at a fair price, which Archer happily accepted without a moment's hesitation. Impressed with the level of quality in the robot's work, as well as the speed in which he pulled it off, Archer offered him a place among the ranks of his small crew as the ship's official technician. Aranoth had no reason to refuse the captain of his offer, and agreed to the position, granted that the Xilass have the chance to make regular stops to the Dephdra each year for personal reasons. Archer saw absolutely no problem in that request and gladly accepted his terms, welcoming in his ship's new techie with open arms. Well, one open arm, as the other's hand was preoccupied with one of the chili dogs he was sharing with a certain Vaegoth Execrul.

History - Archer and Tyraus: Archer actually met Tyraus Ravia Pratix along the way to his eventual meeting with Aranoth. The Execrul just hadn't made the official decision to join until after Archer was getting ready to leave the station. Pretty interesting story, actually. So, there was Captain Archer, on a mission to thwart a band of pirates who were living far beyond their means for an even longer length in time. Thing was, Archer wouldn't be the only one hunting the illusive group that day. A pirate hunter (or so Archer referred to him as, whether he personally went by that profession or not) named Tyraus Ravia Pratix was also after their hides. At first, the two heads clashed upon encountering one another on the planet the pirates were housing their base at. While at first things seemed capable of being handled through professional, calm compromise on Archer's part, two very sound arguments were taken into account that would lead to an outright disagreement between the two. On one hand, Tyraus was there first, and had been after the pirates for months. But on the other... Archer wanted to get paid. This resulted in somewhat of a heated competition between Archer's small squad of mercenaries (really only just him and Kaine, for the most part...) and the explosives expert who just wouldn't back down. Neither side feeling the immediate need to kill the other, the race to the pirate leader's head was more-or-less a friendly one. Over the next few hours, Archer was at the mercy of more than a few well-timed non-lethal explosive traps that would slow him down each step of the way. It wasn't until after Tyraus realized that Archer no longer seemed to be following along the same path as he, that he made his mistake in judgement of the white-haired devil: Tyraus believed him to have given up upon admitting he could not best the intelligent Execrul after all. However, Archer merely decided to take another, albeit, longer path to the goal. With Tyraus remaining one step ahead of Archer for the majority of the event, much to the hard-headed Captain's annoyance, he managed to nearly take out the pirate leader, only to be thwarted by Archer in the end, effectively allowing the bastard the chance he needed to escape via ship. Outraged with the Captain for letting him get away, Tyraus made to leave after the remaining pirates in his own ship, which he had strategically placed ahead of the canyon before heading further down on a speed-glider to attack the group of pirates at their headquarters; his plan having been to move them along through the narrow canyon, and back to his ship where he would have an ambush waiting for them. What he hadn't planned on, was an idiotic Captain showing up to plant some explosives of his own along the hull of the Execrul's ship while he was dealing with a battle against the remaining pirates. Once it came to light that Archer had planted explosives in a rather important place, Tyraus pulled his gun on him, telling him to hand over the trigger. Apparently ready for this very scenario, Archer merely smiled and told him "go fuck yourself", upon which Kaine let loose a bullet from atop the canyon behind Archer, disarming the Execrul with great finesse. From there, a rather humorous exchange took place between the two men: Tyraus made it a point to question Archer's logic in sabotaging his ship, rather than the pirate leader's, which Archer admitted to not really thinking about, as he was too obsessed with getting one over on the Execrul by then; completely forgetting all about his original mission. From there, Archer promised the man that he wasn't about to damage his ship, since he was just trying to outdo him. Of course, as luck would have it, just as Archer was lowering the hand that was holding onto the trigger, a breeze of dust rolled by, causing him to sneeze, which in turn resulted in him reflexively squeezing his thumb down onto the tool that would damage Tyraus's ship so that he couldn't even dream of chasing after the pirates, much less leave the planet they were on. Longer story made short, with that, he felt obligated enough to give the unfortunate Execrul a ride off the planet, with a return trip to fix up the now-broke down one. As they left, Tyraus proposed that the two of them at least worked together towards killing the pirates, resulting in both their win. Archer agreed, seeing no reason to turn down someone of such high caliber as he. And thus, their chase led them to the station that would allow them to meet Aranoth, who quickly became a part of Archer's crew. When settling matters with Tyraus over chili dogs, Archer figured that it made more sense for him to simply join his team, since he'd be on The Revenant for awhile longer anyway. Tyraus, seeing no reason to refuse the captain, merely replied with "Might as well... I've been desiring a change in scenery for some time now."

History - Archer and Salis: A few months after Aranoth and Tyraus joined the Second Horsemen's ranks, nearing the end of its first year of creation, the quickly rising group of mercenaries made a stop at a local station to replenish their resources before another long trip to another system. It was there that Captain Archer spotted -- you guessed it -- a hotdog stand. Completely ignoring the fact that the stand itself was in very poor conditions regarding hygiene, much less the actual food, the young, intrepid mercenary chose to purchase one of their chili dogs, much to Tyraus's clear advisement not to beforehand. Needless to say, Archer came down with a foul case of food poisoning shortly thereafter; one which attracted the attention of many people nearby, yet no possible doctors among them. Just when all hope was seeming lost, and Archer was fated to die a horrible, agonizing death at one of the galaxy's dirtiest space stations, a reluctant would-be doctor came forth. Thinking that the illness he was stricken with had begun to eat its way into his remaining sanity, Archer damn near had a panic attack upon seeing a talking dog offering to treat him to the best of her ability, despite his natural love for the beasts. Shortly thereafter, once it was established that she wasn't there to play games or waste her time, Kaine, Aranoth and Tyraus advised Archer to comply. And by "advised", I mean they totally carried him off to the Tatari's office against his will. About an hour later and Archer was more-or-less fully healed; the doctor's skills having been more than readily capable of remedying such a weak stomach ailment. Instantly back to his usual self as though nothing at all had happened in the first place, Archer made to recruit "the pup", as he called her while petting her head lovingly at the same time as calling her "cute" and "cuddly" with a baby voice, until finally offering her an official job aboard The Revenant as the Second Horsemen's medical doctor simply because he "Loves dogs!". However, in truth, finding a decent doctor who was looking to join up with a mercenary group was slim to never-happening-in-a-million-fucking-years, as it were, so it was safe to say that Archer was ready to take just about whoever he could get. Lucky for him, this particular doctor had an incredible amount of potential, which he noted as a bonus. Not willing to take no for an answer (despite her having said yes anyway...), and without even bothering to ask for her name (which was Salis Hunar by the way), Archer personally dragged the doctor off to his ship, afraid of letting such a once-in-a-lifetime chance slip him by. Salis has been on the team ever since. Does she regret her decision? Probably... Is she happy? I doubt it. But hey, she's getting paid better than she was back at the station, so there's not much room for complaints.

History - Archer and Jag: What led Archer and his crew to finding their next two members was a rumor of a rather powerful Noxchii warrior who was looking to join a mercenary group. Apparently, every one that met with this warrior had turned them down on account of not agreeing to one very specific term. When Archer first met the hulking behemoth of a woman known as Jag, the first thing that crossed his mind was “I'm cravin' a chili dog…”, and then, after he made himself a chili dog, he actually met eyes with the giant: “HOLY SHIT, DOES THIS NOXCHI BITCH WANNA EAT ME OR SOMETHING!?” But only for a fleeting moment. Once he understood what her strengths were – which was more-or-less ALL OF HER – he knew he couldn’t turn her down. He saw a Noxchi woman who was built like a friggin’ tank, and someone who had been through more shit than any 5 star general he’d ever heard of. He didn’t care whether or not she could get results, or provide a solid balance to the team. No, he was more interested in the fact that, like him only to an incredible extreme, she was entirely unpredictable in combat. Having watched a video of a fraction of what she could do as he calmly ate his delicious carb-filled treat, he saw it. And from that moment on, he knew he had to have her on his ship; part of his crew. There was, of course, that one condition she had for coming aboard: a little Minagora with whom she appeared to have established a rather tight bond with. Archer had his own reasons for accepting the little thing, but had he not, he was still perfectly fine with having her on-board. “The more the merrier!” he’d say. Of course, there was also the small fear of some large, 7 foot tall Noxchi ogre of a woman crushing his skull like a watermelon if he didn’t accept the little Minagora hanging in the back of his mind, but it was mostly that other profound thing I mentioned.

History – Archer and Rin: As previously talked about in Jag’s meeting, Archer had to bring the young Minagora known as Rin-Naera, who was practically attached at the hip with Jag, as per her only terms. That being said, Archer found his own reasons for bringing the little one along. She was small, quick, had wings, and was just incredibly adorable. But that last part is neither here nor there. Archer wanted her on his ship because he sensed in her a kind heart and soul. Something he felt that would be needed in his crew of misfits. Plus, she seemed good with math, so she’d make a fine treasurer! But more importantly, he saw someone he could likely rely on to take care of the stuff he wasn’t all too interested in taking care of himself. Like the Second Horsemen’s finances, or gaining information on potential future missions. Plus, the little thing was just so warm and cuddly-looking, and she had an air about her that screamed “LET ME CODDLE YOU!!”, so having her on-board might have helped keep people feeling as though they had someone with whom they could rely on. Like a mother or an older sister. And so, Rin-Naera became pretty much the only responsible person on Archer’s ship, other than Tyraus and Salis. The only thing that she does which tends to get on Archer's nerves is that she's somewhat against him eating a chili dog at every chance he gets, feeling that he needs to cut back on all the carbs. One time, her intervention led to something of a war between the two of them. For awhile, every time she caught him with a chili dog, she'd smack it out of his hand and scold him for it. It got so bad to the point where Archer became akin to that of defiant child, resulting in a large food coma thanks to eating a platter full of them. Rin, feeling partly responsible for this outcome, made to hold back on her attempts at getting him to eat healthier, while Archer decided that maybe cutting back a little was probably a good thing after all, and so chose not to eat them all the time, remembering the coma. Yet despite that small bout with Rin, he still feels the need to refer to her as his “Assistant and Adviser”, which is somewhat true for the most part, but this little Minagora more-or-less takes care of everything herself in place of the ship’s oh righteous leader. Remember, Archer’s a lazy jackass. Of course he’d shirk his responsibilities onto some poor little girl with butterfly wings who was more than eager to help people. He’s Zack Archer. Come on. It was later found out that the one who supplied the "mysterious space chili dogs that just happened to appear on my desk in my private cabin one night" was none other than, you guessed it; Jag.

General Skills/Specialties: Crack-shot with certain firearms, giving him the proper title of a regular gunslinger; expert hand-to-hand combatant and a total trickster when it comes to fighting tactics; incredible reaction time due to physical enhancements and progressive training; likely the fastest human aboard his ship, with only Rin-Naera giving him a run for his money; void of true fear; a great cook when it comes to heating up some instant noodles or left-over pizza; total hit with the ladies...most ladies, anyway-- can be quite persuasive when the need arises; often-times odd, yet motivational speeches; once had an IQ of around 190, until...stuff happened; is a surprisingly good singer when he wants to be; decent dancer too; knows how to brew the shit out of some coffee; spontaneous combat tactics that usually tend to work out surprisingly well when you'd least expect them to; and to top it all off, he's a professional jackass! For lack of a better word...

Typical Weapon Loadout: Dual ballistic pistols. These two pistols were personally made for Archer about a year after he left the military. There are many models similar to his, but currently none of them that are as advanced. Rosa & Lilly's -- yes, he named them – beauty lies in that the rate in which they overheat before needing a new thermal clip is incredibly low, meaning they can typically outlast any average ballistic weapon in open combat. Aside from that, they both have a hair trigger, allowing for speedy gunplay whenever, and a higher rate of fire than most pistols their size. Dexterous, speedy and reliable, Rosa & Lilly are literally Captain Archer's right and left-hand men. Or, uh…girls. Whatever. The two weapons allow him to be quite formidable in close-quarters.
Transportable energy shield that attaches at the back of his belt. This energy shield is rather powerful and lasts a decent amount of time longer than your average shield, but because of that increase in power, the recharge rate is considerably slower. Normally, such a sacrifice for one over the other would be insane, but Archer’s fighting style works with it quite well, in that he doesn’t plan on staying in one spot for very long, and always aims to end a fight as quickly as possible.

So begins...

Zack Archer's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Tyraus Ravia Pratix Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Salis Hunar Character Portrait: Aranoth Character Portrait: Jag
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader

A long, long time from now...

Actually, it's not really that far into the future...

In a galaxy far, far away...

Wait, that's not right either...

It's THIS galaxy...

Yeah, this one...

The one with the spiral, or whatever...


Well here we are, folks... The beginning of the story... The moment that started it all... Well, maybe not all of it, I mean, I'm not the guy who created the universe-- I'm just the guy who wrote this little introduction to an epic tale following a ragtag group of mercenaries doing whatever the hell they please throughout the Milky Way Galaxy IN that universe. No... No, that other guy was God. God did that. I'm not God. If you want creativity, then go and talk to that jerk. But hey, thanks for reminding me of my insecurities! Assholes... Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah; The beginning of a...really long journey...filled with...epic...stuff-- OKAY, YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK THIS SHIT. JUST... Here it is...

It was a rather boring day for one particular crew of mercenaries that were currently stationed at a sad, sad place, in their equally sad, sad ship, doing God only knows what. One of them, however, was very clearly snoring quite loudly with the side of his face stuck to a desk thanks to the help of his own spit. In one hand, he held a near-empty bottle of whiskey. In the other? Well...that one... That one was digging around in the front of his pants. Again; doing God only knows what... This man, who was not unlike the common lowlife of a man you'd regularly find in any dysfunctional family's study each night after getting drunk for no other reason than simply because "fuck you", was none other than Captain Zack Archer: founder and current leader of the widely unknown mercenary business, The Second Horsemen. But hey, at least the name is cool. How many better names for a mercenary group can you think of other than the second horseman of the apocalypse? None, that's how many! Well, probably none aside from the actual horseman's name, War -- but that was already taken by another group known as War & Ruin, so fuck you anyway! Know why? Because that group doesn't have Captain "Mother-Fucking" Archer on-board their ship, now do they! No, they do NOT. And he's fucked a LOT of mothers, most likely, so deal with it!

So there was Archer, sleeping his troubles away without a care in the world. Wait, that doesn't sound right... If he's got troubles to sleep away, then doesn't that mean he's caring enough about them to do so...? Ahhh, that's right-- he's sleeping his cares away without trouble! What was I thinking? The Second Horsemen don't have any "troubles". Least not yet, anyway... Well, that was more-or-less the run-down of an average morning for Captain Zack Archer. A killer hangover from the now-passed Sunday night. Which meant that today was Monday. Which meant that something terrible was about to happen. Because Archer totally forgot all about it until that terrible something reminded him that it was so incredibly terrible.

The phone rang...

Well, it was the future, so it wasn't really a 'phone' phone, but rather the thing that acted as our sense of the word's replacement, which was in the form of an inter-galactic bridge of communication networks stretching across to every corner of the Milky Way Galaxy. In other words, a fancy-ass cellphone. But I'm going to call it the "holophone". So yeah-- suddenly, the "holophone" rang. And it was loud. At first, Archer just kinda grunted slightly, trying to turn his head the other way, only to give up because his face was too damn stuck to the surface of the desk he never used for anything other than...well, that. Then again, there was the occasional female bartender he'd pick up and bring back here from time-to-time... Anyway, as the "holophone" continued to ring, the orange light from the Caller ID's 3D hologram flashed the name of one of his clients, which illuminated the immediate area. This bright light was beginning to annoy the young captain, although he still managed to fight it with a scowl and a grit of his teeth.

Because someone on his ship chose to change the settings of his "holophone" so that it would continue to ring louder and louder each time he didn't pick it up; by the 4th ring, Archer was practically screaming inside his head, telling himself to 'Just pick the damn thing up already!' However, being Archer, he didn't actually give in until the 7th ring -- which was a good thing he did, too, because if he would have waited even one more second, he would have lost his chance at what was supposed to be their biggest job to date!

"HWAT!?" he yelled, rather stupidly, dropping the bottle of whiskey after forcefully ripping his face off of the desk. "D'YOU rEALIZE WHaT TiMe" Pausing to check the time on his holophone with squinted eyes, Archer nearly vomited all over his desk, but somehow managed to keep it down for the time being. "S'like... 12 iN the afTeRNOon, bro...!" he grunted into the receiver, burping a little. The voice that spoke from the other end of the connection sounded rather annoyed with Archer's usual lack of professionalism.

"Yeah, today's the day, asshole." said the client. "You know, THE day... I'm gonna need you guys out here to pick up the package within the next couple 'a hours, or else I've been told told to pass the job off to someone who can tell me with certainty what fuckin' day it is..." Archer merely scowled in disbelief before looking to his right at the calendar on his wall.

"Well I'm certain you it was on...MONDAY..." hiccuped Archer, looking ahead once more with a slight wobble. What happened next nearly made him drop the "holophone" out of startle.

"IT IS MONDAY, YOU JACKASS!!" screamed the client. "Now sober the FUCK UP, get DOWN HERE, and DELIVER THE PACKAGE!" With each raise in emphasis, Archer pulled his ear away from the receiver, creating something of a comical head-wag.

"O-Okay, okay! Jeez... You don't to yell--" began Archer, only to be cutoff by the sound of his client hanging up on him. "H... Hello...? Pssht, little bitch hung up on me...!" Turning off the "holophone" and setting it down on the desk he was now propping his elbows on top of, Archer sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. Trying to kick his thoughts into overdrive so that he could remember how important this job was supposed to be, Archer just sat there, barely breathing. And then it started coming back to him... For over a month, Archer had been promised a "special job", as it were, by a reliable client that would regularly get him jobs from various groups and other businesses. However, this one was said to be completely anonymous; Archer's client telling him how little he knew of them himself, other than the fact that they always pay well. This job in particular required some sort of package to be picked up and delivered to the mother ship and home of the Xilass race: The Dephdra. Until a week ago, Archer was beginning to lose hope, as most everyone on his ship figured he was spouting the regular nonsense that came out of his mouth each day, since there had yet to be any "big" or "special" jobs. The job itself was easy enough: Archer needed to swing by The Dephrdra again anyway in order to keep his promise with a certain Xilass crew member of his, so there was nothing all that "special" about it... And then he remembered the best part. The main reason why he accepted the offer back when he was first told about it.

"THE PAY!!" he suddenly shouted, waking up the female bartender that was crashing on the floor beside him. Her shout having made him give out a rather high-pitched scream of his own as he turned his head to look at the bizarre creature that was capable of making such a sound. Pausing for a moment to look at her, he scowled. "The fuck are YOU still doing here...?" he asked her in a strained voice. Her reaction to such words was less than pleased.

"Well, excuse ME for not being able to walk home after last night!" she sassed back at him. That's when they both smiled at each other, Archer giving her a nod.

"That good, huh?" he asked with a suave tone of voice.

"Oh, yeah~" she replied, giving him a suggestive look, by which Archer just leaned back in his chair, one arm over it as he stared at her until his smile began to fade.

"Well that doesn't quite answer my question, now does it!" he gradually shouted back at her, making her flinch slightly. "You can walk NOW, can'tcha'?! So get the fuck off my ship! I've got important mercenary crap to do here!" Finishing with that, he stood up and walked over to his coffee pot next to the sink. Scoffing, the female bartender stood up, albeit weakly at first, before moving towards the cabin door.

"Fuck YOU, Archer!" she said back, giving him the finger.

"Too bad you already beat me to it, lady!" said Archer, waving the back of his hand at her in farewell as he poured himself a cup of fresh coffee while the woman growled at him before leaving. There was nothing like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to Archer... Well, it was 12 in the afternoon, but that wasn't the point. Taking a few sips of the delicious concoction, he let out a satisfied sigh, walking back over to his desk to sit down once more. Head still pounding quite fiercely, he took a couple of sips more, already thinking that he would be needing a bit of the hair of the dog that bit him in order to make a comeback from last night's binge. But instead, he figured he had better get to work, so to speak...

Leaning over his desk a bit, one hand grasping the handle of his mug while the other stretched out its index finger to click in the ship's intercom system. Speaking into the mic, Archer made his first announcement of the day.

"Well... It's that time of the day once again, kiddies." he started, his voice low and soft over the ship's speakers; evidence that he was suffering from yet another hangover. "Just got off the phone with one of our top clients... Looks like that big job I mentioned awhile back is happening. Like, right now. That means it's time to WAKE UP, you lazy sacks of shit! Ow... It's time to go to work! Hnng... Let's get Rev started up and heading for planet Alta Jarvis, located in the...Centaur Region. Don't keep papa waiting! Guh..." Finally done torturing himself with the sound of his own loud voice, Archer took his finger off the switch to the intercom. And then, on cue, one of the hands stopped while passing by his doorway.

"Archer, dear." she said, pausing to give him a look. "It's 12 in the afternoon; the only one who hasn't already been awake since morning is you..." At this, Archer made note of two things: 1, that bitch bartender left his door wide open, and 2, Kelly was looking rather hot today for someone who wasn't even compatible with his species.

"I know, Kelly." replied Archer. "I was just doing the 'professional' thing for once." Taking another sip of his coffee, he then kicked back with his legs up on the desk, looking relaxed. "By the way; your ass is looking especially awesome today."

"My name's not 'Kelly'..." she said with a bored tone, giving the impression that she'd told him this many times before. "It's Kei'Hally..." Placing her hands on her hips, she blatantly ignored his 'observation'.

"Knew that too, Kelly." said Archer, giving her a tilted nod while looking away from her. This just made Kei'Hally smile wryly and roll her eyes before hanging her head back in defeat as she walked away. Things were looking good, Archer thought to himself as he finished his first cup of coffee. By then, Rin-Naera should have already been prepping the ship for departure just as the bartender finally left, and the others would be getting ready for any problematic situations that may arise to meet them in the near future. For while Archer's crew knew how much nonsense he spewed out each new day to be his regular thing, and no matter how much they figured on this "big job" having been just another one of those things, they also knew one very important thing: Archer never joked about a job...

They knew it was go-time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Salis Hunar
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

It was your average morning aboard the ship for a certain Tatari woman... or what passed for normal aboard the vessel. Salis pulled on a vest, hand reaching up to pull the braid out before she left her small living quarters, entering the infirmary of the less than infamous Second Horseman. The medical facility was easily one of the dodgiest that Salis had ever set her eyes on... but in retrospect, there weren't many that she had actually seen. A quick sweep of the place informed the woman that no one had rummaged through the medicines for their hangover cure, which meant that Archer was probably still passed out somewhere on the ship with whatever woman he'd found on the station they were docked at.

Rolling her eyes she walked about her area, cleaning up loose ends, eyes drawn to anything that she deemed out of place. Once complete Salis made her way towards the canteen, noting how, as usual, the hallways were filled with minimal activity. They didn't have a job to do, the Captain passed out somewhere on the ship and nothing better to do than throw tennis balls at the wall. But could you really expect something more... active from a mercenary group that could barely get its shit together long enough to do a job and get paid.... Not really, but they all hoped that it would.

As she entered the canteen and collected her breakfast, the appearance of the meal making her nose wrinkle slightly, a gesture she was getting used to, she noticed how empty and quiet the place was without people drinking and making more noise than should be considered healthy. It was a silence that the Tatari woman enjoyed above the sound of raucous and drunken laughter that seemed to permeate the air of the ship too often for her tastes.

She sat there long after her meal was finished, enjoying the rare quiet of the canteen. Archer had been going on an on about a super special job that they would be getting, he didn't say when or what the fuck it was... but he pressed the importance of the pay every chance he got. And Salis (with majority of the crew) had begun believing that this "job" was just a way for the Captain to keep the morale of the crew up... The longer the charade went on the more he was failing at it.

As noon neared Salis found herself wandering back to her infirmary, back to her domain. As usual, it was deserted save for herself. To keep herself busy, and by extent from going bat-shit crazy, Salis did an inventory check, opening every cupboard and draw in sight. It was during this menial and downright dull task Archer's hungover and relatively soft voice graced the airways with its message. She stared at the nearest speakers with a slightly amused expression until the job was mentioned. So Archer hadn't been full of shit when he'd been talking about it? Fuck, Salis probably owed the guy an apology now for not believing him earlier. As his message ended with a groan of pain Salis was quick to finish her job, closing everything she'd left ajar with a grin on her face.

They were off to another job... a job that, if Archer was to be believed, would pay very well. She just hoped it wasn't something that would get them killed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Salis Hunar Character Portrait: Avis Kaine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rann
Fine. Archer liked chili dogs. That's normal. But ... Rin sat in her little corner of the Revenant, struggling over what was the Second Horseman's finances. And wasn't this a heck of a doozy? She let out a frustrated sigh - they were in the red now, and there wasn't much tweaking she could do. Why, exactly, did Archer need to buy so many cheap women, so much liquor, and mountains upon mountains of chili dogs? the Minagora had no idea. It was ridiculous. And yet - classic Archer. To be expected really... you couldn't separate that man from his muses no less than you could separate Jag from herself for too long. The Noxchi might end up flipping tables. And that'd ... be detrimental to the team overall. Anyways, in some of her brief moments of peace when she's not trying to help out the others, she fluttered her wings to get the cramps out of the muscles. Stretching, they felt lighter and more at ease, letting her get back to work.

She was considering talking to Archer about setting apart a portion of each mission specifically for him, so that he wasn't allowed to touch the rest of the cash. Because the Gravity Diffuser in use is still behind by two models, and they'd have to restock the spare fuel stocks pretty soon. Not to mention food, they were starting to run low, and their chef, the Ilae'Illian named Velinare, was starting to make complaints that there wasn't enough ingredients to do anything but make chili dogs, and that there was more booze than water.

She wracked her brains. There simply wasn't enough cash left over - she also wondered how the medical supplies were doing. She thought about asking Salis about how it was, but then decided against it, still not feeling entirely comfortable around her. It reminded her of her old friend, Varen - fully aware that Varen was a status thing, and not the actual name - making her mist over with melancholy. One day, she'd have to redirect the ship to go and find her. One day.

In a way that avoided the prospect of war, of course.

So. She had scouted out a few prospect jobs not too long ago... there was that one from the Xilass "The One That Brings Light and Happiness to Stray Pets Abandoned In A Dark Sad Life; Beware The Kindness" - seriously, she was glad to get a sane Xilass on the team, because those names could really get long winded fast - asking to find a stray Qunar - those fluffy things akin to kittens on the human world, except cuter - for a nice sum of cash. It was pretty mundane though, despite it being a peaceful job. The more fighty members wouldn't go for it. Particularly Jag, who might just kill the first Qunar they come across.

Maybe that job from the Minagora Orn-Minet, who'd wanted them to board his ship and act as bodyguards for one of his business trips to the Relean Sector. Incidentally, the Relean Sect was where the last estimated location of the Xilass Dephdra that left advanced tech in it's wake for every port they dock at, so that might be pretty interesting. Didn't Aranoth mention something about that a while back? The problem with this one was a more personal one though - Orn-Minet was really a controlling business man, and Rin just can't stand authority in that form, amongst others. She'd rather not have to bend to his whims. So this one probably wasn't a go either, despite the more action involved.

"Just got off the phone with one of our top clients... Looks like that big job I mentioned awhile back is happening. Like, right now. That means it's time to WAKE UP, you lazy sacks of shit! Ow... It's time to go to work! Hnng... Let's get Rev started up and heading for planet Alta Jarvis, located in the...Centaur Region. Don't keep papa waiting! Guh..."

Rin just more or less stared at the ship's speaker in mute shock. Of course Archer was Archer, but sometimes he just manages to out-Archer himself in various ways that made little sense at all. Centaur Region would set them pretty far from the current location. Rin then quickly called both "The One That Brings Light and Happiness to Stray Pets Abandoned In A Dark Sad Life; Beware The Kindness" and Orn-Minet and kindly declined their offers, saying that they found a particularly good job that'd send them quite a distance away. She did, however, invite them to message again next time they were in the area.

She doubted they would. Leaving the budget for later, Rin flitted down the halls with agile speed, almost running into Salis in the process - quickly apologizing to the Tatari before speeding off - and got to the controls room for the Revenant, essentially powering up the booster system for them to fly off at a moment's notice. The calming whirr of the power core soothed her troubled mind - they were heading out again, after all.

She quickly called Archer on her holophone.

"Uh, Archer. Ship's ready to go - if you want to fly it, or you want to make me or Aranoth fly it..." She paused, and then decided, why not? It wouldn't harm, right? "We also need to talk about the finances... again. This can wait until after the mission, however, but please don't forget. I'll update your memo for you." And so she did.

The Minagora then zoomed over to Jag's room as naturally as anything., literally bumping into Avis this time, apologizing to the well-armed gamer profusely, even bowing down a few times before flying off again. After a short debate of whether she should or shouldn't, she decided to do it, and knocked on the shiny door to her Noxchi companion's room, partly because she sort of missed her, and partly because she really needed to be around her at all times in order to make sure the Noxchi didn't start any fights with the team.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Jag
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0.00 INK


jag's fist slammed into the wall of her little room on the revenant well shit it wasn't even really a room the damn thing was more like the starboard observation deck of this dumb piece of shit boat but jag didn't have fucking time to dick around in the fucking quarters or whatever and besides this shit gave you like a real nice view of the stars n shit which was pretty cool but not right now cause she was pissed off as shit right now so anyway back to the whole punching the wall thing have you ever noticed just how fucking infuriating chairs are with their dumb fuckin little legs n shit they ain't even actually legs man they're just like little stick things sticking out of a gay ass platform or whatever the hell with that shit as far as jag was concerned chairs were just for pussies who were too spineless to stand or some shit frankly that whole thing made more sense the less jag thought about it

wait shit she'd been pissed off about something before she'd been pissed off about chairs wait yeah i remember now she'd been pissed off cause she'd been punching the walls again and that shit left a whole bunch'a gay little cavities in the metal surface of the starboard observation wall and archer probably didn't appreciate that shit but man fuck that little cunt dude had dumb grey hair and dumb red clothes who the fuck has grey hair anyway i mean besides like old humans apparently but fuck old humans those dumb shitheads lived like sixty years or some shit before dying a shitty ol death or whatever not like jag cause jag was a fuckin noxchi so she was totally gonna live like a thousand years or some shit wait are you tellin me i'm gonna have to deal with this shit for another thousand years


she slammed her fist into the wall again and goddammit she made another fucking hole what the shit man and goddammit the dumb little cavities weren't even like aesthetically pleasing or whatever so she didn't even and all of a sudden she was soaring over the battlefield awaiting the airdrop as the echoes of gunfire and explosions and cries of death and agony the harmonies of carnage inglorious and beside her the other widowmakers were readying their guns but she didn't have to cause she'd had her shit ready for ages now and as the military transport reached the objective, the widowmakers hurled themselves from the ship and down to the ground jag herself at the helm alighting amidst the thick of battle with outsider forces all around and without hesitation as thermal rounds pinged off their armour and their shields simply ate the laser bursts that hurtled in from all sides the widowmakers took to producing widows anew hehe yeah that'd been a fun as shit battle but fuck now she was back in the gay ass little starboard observation with a whole bunch of new craters in the walls


jag reared her fist back again to make a new hole in the wall to be pissed off as shit about when archer's stupid shitty voice filtered in through the ship-wide intercom system which only pissed jag off all the more because i dunno it was probably gonna be some totally inane shit anyway and yeah apparently the dude had just woken up which wasn't surprising cause that asshat probably spent all the previous night drinking his brain to shit because humans were fuckin dumb as shit all like yeah i should totally drink this shit that turns me into a fucking dumbass well even more of a dumbass than i already was which was probably a lot cause humans are pretty much born with skulls full of nothing but dead flies and maybe like one brain cell that managed to get through that enables them to not forget how to breath or whatever

but anyway that was all pretty irrelevant apparently they had a job which jag knew not to get all excited about cause it was probably gonna be some real asinine as shit bullshit like hey i'm too lazy to take this dumb useless thing that absolutely nobody needs and nobody gives a shit about from here to some other shitty place so i'm gonna hire a bunch of heavily armed mercenaries to do it for me instead of getting the fuck off'a my ass and doin it myself cause i'm a dickface was dickface a real thing cause man that woulda been one shitty ass mutation or whatever and fuck her skull was fucking bursting with pain even more than usual made her just wanna tear a fucker's spine out of their back and then strangle them with it but wait shit they probably woulda died the second she tore their spine out the dumb fuckin cun

a rapping at the door to the starboard observation deck drew jag's attention "for fuck sake i don't give a fucking shit fuck off dickface" but then she decided what the fuck ever so she turned around and slammed her fist into the opening mechanism but she had sense enough at least not to do it too hard cause last time she'd broken the dumb fuckin opening mechanism that shitstain of a human cunt archer had taken funds outta her pay to pay for it but then again he'd also done that to repair the holes left over from the last time she'd gotten pissed off in the starboard observation "GOD FUCK--"

Ah. So it was Rin, then. Jag fell silent mid-snarl as she turned her glare to the Minagora, one eyebrow raised, her broad shoulders relaxing somewhat and the fury twisting at her mien abating almost immediately. At Rin's very presence, that all-encompassing vehemence, even the constant internal anguish that fuelled it... was alleviated, if only slightly. Enough for the memories and the thoughts and the sights and the sounds and the sensations to stop assaulting her at every second, like an army laying siege to a fortress that, for all its pretenses of inexorable might, was gradually wearing away. Jag exhaled the first free, easy breath she'd managed in what felt like years, and stepped away from the door in case Rin wanted to come in or some shit. Fuck if she knew. Maybe she just wanted to come here and make sure Jag had heard Archer's dumb as shit hungover little announcement or whatever.

"Yeah?" Jag's voice emerged as a hard rasp, the sorta voice you'd'a figured would come out of a throat that had a bunch of razor blades shoved down it or some way metaphorical shit like that or whatever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Aranoth
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0.00 INK

Having little else to do, Aranoth was at the terminal in his quarters, since there were only so many times that he could run a maintenance check on the Revenant's systems, be they engines, gravity control, or life support. While he had no need for sleep, Aranoth enjoyed having his own room. It offered privacy, as well as a place to call home. Granted, one with very unusual neighbours, but that was neither here nor there.

What Aranoth was doing at his terminal, for the nosy types who wish to know, was research. The usual stuff. Finding out things about the behaviour of organic life. Of all the duties he had, Aranoth held this one above almost all others. However, said research was interrupted when a rather bleary message was delivered over the intercom. Well, that answered the question of when Captain Archer was going to wake up, as well as when they were going to be doing that big important job he had been talking about for so long.

Rising from his seat, the Xilass exited his quarters, locking the door with the control panel. Assuming the Captain would require him to navigate the ship, Aranoth walked down the corridors to the front end of the Revenant, where the flight controls were located, and waited outside the room. Upon reaching his destination, he called Archer on his built-in communicator. "I have reached the cockpit, Captain Archer. If you wish, I can plot a course to Alta Jarvis." Going on the fact that the Captain was having another hangover, it was likely that Aranoth would have to pilot the Revenant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyraus Ravia Pratix Character Portrait: Zack Archer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Messiah
Archer's voice resonated over the speakers on the ship. Tyraus could tell that he was hungover. When wasn't he hung over? The execrul had long since stopped trying to change the man deemed to be in charge of the ship. Trying to get that man to change would have been no different than trying to stop a gnirloc from hunting a klexel. It just wasn't going to happen.

"Well... It's that time of the day once again, kiddies." he began, "Just got off the phone with one of our top clients... Looks like that big job I mentioned awhile back is happening. Like, right now. That means it's time to WAKE UP, you lazy sacks of shit! Ow... It's time to go to work! Hnng... Let's get Rev started up and heading for planet Alta Jarvis, located in the...Centaur Region. Don't keep papa waiting! Guh..."

He had wondered...

The captain had been boasting of an upcoming job a lot lately. Tyraus took it for nothing more than fluff. He hadn't really counted on the job to manifest itself and had been looking for other jobs. Things had been so slow lately that he'd been entertaining the possibility of looking for other work. Of course, he had a certain loyalty to Archer and the rest of the crew, but no work means no money and no money means you might not get to eat. There had to be a point where he said enough was enough.

But, thankfully, things seemed to be looking up.

Tyraus had his quarters nearest to the armory, by the exit of the ship, as he'd taken to unofficially labeling himself the chief weapons officer while aboard the ship, just as Archer had taken to unofficially labeling himself as the captain of the ship. By this point, most of the crew was willing to trust him with their weapons, especially if they were having problems. The only notable exception was Jag. He didn't even bother trying with the noxchi crew member. That would have been as futile as trying to change Archer's self-detrimental habits.

The vaegoth execrul that shacked up by the armory rarely ventured outside of it or his room these days, except for twice a day when he went to mess to have a meal. And, even then, he rarely saw any of the other crew members. A few days ago, he came upon the tatari, Salis, in the mess, but she didn't stay long after his arrival, and no words - other than a greeting and a farewell - were exchanged. He would have to bring up her reluctance to carry or use weapons at some point. If they were going to be facing gunfire, then they may not be able to afford to have her aboard the ship. Emergencies were inevitable, and if they needed the medic in the field as soon as possible, well, it wouldn't end well.

Tyraus relished the quiet whenever he could get it. In his younger days, he would hunger for battle, to the point where he would have gone stir-crazy after a wait like this. But now, there was a certain serenity that he took in his work, making sure his own weapons and the ones in the armory were maintained.

He had spent nearly fifteen years fighting pirates in the outer rim day in and day out. A break every once in a while was rare, and now he was glad for it.

But, at the same time, if he had remained in the outer rim, he would probably still be fighting them and helping the colonies out there. Now, he was just sitting around, trying to find some way to be busy. For the first time in years, those pirates would probably now have a chance to raid those colonies. Some sacrifices had to be made, and Tyraus had to make one in order to close a certain chapter of his life that had been open since the incident that had caused his discharge.

Normally, Tyraus wasn't one to hold grudges, but he didn't like to call this a grudge. He always told himself that this was justice. It was about more than just him. It was about Averii, and Frael, and Ket, and the rest of Omega Squad. They all deserved closure on the issue.

That was another task for another time. Now, he had to get to work. After the announcement had been made, Tyraus had gone to his room, where he had picked up a holopad and looked up the planet Alta Jarvis. The planet was a smaller hub world. Not as busy as some other worlds, but it had a fairly large population of mixed races. At least they wouldn't be out of place there.

A hub world like that meant that they could expect almost anything. Their contact could be anybody. He might have been of the reputable sort. He might not have been. Either way, he would have liked to know what they were getting themselves into.

So, that meant that the execrul was going to have to venture up the ship to the captain's quarters and ask him about it. And that's exactly what he did.

Archer's door was open when he arrived, and he let himself into the captain's quarters without so much as a word of warning from himself or a word of permission from the captain.

"Archer," he began, not bothering to sit down, as the white-haired human turned to look, "About this job. You haven't been exactly forthcoming. You know how I dislike surprises. Don't you humans have a saying about traps?" Knowing them, they probably had ten or twenty, "I'd much rather avoid walking into one. It would be good to have more than just yourself knowing what we're getting ourselves into. What kind of job is this? Who is our contact?"

Tyraus wasn't exactly hopeful that the captain would be willing to disclose the information that he had. He liked to do that from time to time, which directly contradicted Tyraus' own personal philosophy of being as prepared as possible before going into a job.

But, here he stood expectantly. Sometimes he wondered why he bothered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Tyraus Ravia Pratix Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Aranoth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
Yup, things were going great on the Revenant, as they always did when a job came up. Archer was still kicking back in his seat when his holophone rang once again. Not picking it up right away, despite giving it a quick turn of his head, he smirked a little. Knowing it was likely Rin who was even bothering to call at this point. Finally picking it up, he was greeted with the small voice of the ship's scout, as was predicted.

"Heya, Tink. What's happening?" said Archer, speaking in his usual, confident tone of voice. Rin then went on to tell him that the ship was ready whenever he was, wondering whether or not he'd be doing the honors of taking her out. Archer pondered the thought of flying it out to Alta Jarvis, but decided against it, as it wasn't exciting enough to him as it were. "Nah, I think I'll pass. You take her out if you want to, Rin." he said, only for her to move on to a different topic. "Ohhh, certainly! I just love our talks! Especially when they're about finance." Giving her a "You got it, dude." he ended the call. Archer has had many "talks" with Rin over the company's finances, usually resulting in the scolding of something that Archer did, followed by some sort of compromise he was forced into. While he wasn't particularly excited at the thought of losing yet another privilege on his ship, he wasn't all too interested in the matter for the time being.

Not even a minute later, he received yet another call; this time from the ship's technician. "Aranoth?" asked Archer, feigning surprise. That quickly faded back into his previous smile. Aranoth explained that he was at the ready for any commands to fly the ship, should Archer want him to. "Well, that's up to you, my friend. I already gave the go ahead to Rin, but if you wanna give her a hand, go right ahead. Never know what those little hands might need help with!" He added in a wink, as if the Xilass could somehow see such an expression over a communication link. Hanging up, Archer went back into his kicked-back, relaxed position, heaving a comfortable sigh.

Another couple of minutes, and this time, Archer had an actual visitor. Walking into his cabin without question, the explosives expert known as Tyraus was standing before him; the desk sitting between the two mercenaries. Archer turned his head in the Execrul's direction, acknowledging his presence without any qualms regarding his informal conduct. This was a rather usual encounter the white-haired captain had with the stoic man, so it was of no surprise to see him so suddenly. Without greeting his visitor, Archer waited for him to finish speaking his mind before looking away for a moment to smirk at nothing, and back at him, finally sitting up straight in his seat, leaning forward with his hands together over his desk. Once finished, Archer nodded, understanding where the Execrul was coming from.

"No idea." he said, a short silence between both men following after. Scoffing out a slight chuckle, he continued, albeit a little more serious this time out of consideration to who he was talking to. "Our 'contact' is the same guy who gets us all those other jobs from the smaller companies of the galaxy, so no change there. The only difference is that this specific group doesn't want anyone to know who they are or what they're up to-- not even the guy they hired to hire US. I don't know a damn thing about these guys, and I don't care. All we need to know is that someone needs a package delivered somewhere, and they're willing to pay us a loooot of money to do it for em. That's all that should matter to a bunch of lowly mercenaries like us, my friend." Archer paused, kicking back into his usual attitude as he leaned back in his chair again. "The job is simple: we head to station Z93 on Alta Jarvis, grab whatever the hell it is that needs grabbin'; take it to the Xilass' Dephdra, and get the fuck out of there. Easy money. The credits will be wired to the Second Horsemen's private account as soon as I send the confirmation order of the delivery to our client, who will then send word to our employers that the job is done." Finally finished with his explanation, Archer clapped his hands together. "Boom! And that's that. Any other questions?"

Archer understood why Tyraus was so curious over the details of such a sudden job, as any mentally sound mind would be, but he wasn't personally interested in such details. Someone needed the Second Horsemen's services, and the Second Horsemen needed a job; it was a win-win, whatever that job may be. Any worries over the possibility of picking up a device that could turn out to be potentially threatening to either them or the place they were meant to take it to was just unnecessary. They had an explosives expert and a master computer on-board the Revenant; any threats of that nature could easily be scanned without even peaking at what was inside the box, which they would do either way, as they did with any package they picked up. It was just common sense to at least run a security check on anything they brought aboard the ship, so that wasn't a problem. And given the fact that this specific group of mercenaries have only ever done so much throughout these past 3 years, it was hard to believe they would have any enemies out to get revenge on them, so a trap was also unlikely. Either way, Tyraus's discretion was taken into account, as Archer had done with most everything the Execrul brought to his attention. He was, more or less, Archer's only sliver of hope when it came to common sense. Something he made to remind himself of ever since he recruited the man back in the canyons of planet Gallek...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Salis Hunar Character Portrait: Aranoth Character Portrait: Jag
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rann
And sure enough, the giant stepped out of her room, looking somewhere between enraged and enraptured before setting her glare upon the Minagora. Rin offered a slight wave - she had long since been desensitized to Jag's violence, and more or less knows she's the only one really able to keep her steady. There was the problem of life span, of course.... but it wasn't time to worry about such things for now. She was exasperated by Archer's refusal to really mature - but she had expected more or less nothing at this point from him - and at the very least, their illustrious leader had the charisma to keep the team together, on some level, right? At least, she hoped. There was no accounting for the nickname, though. Tink? What did that have to do with anything?

"Just checking in on you." Rin said pleasantly. "Really. You - eh." She looked at the holes made by what appeared to be more fits of psychotic rage, and internally sighed, still keeping her relaxed cat-like smile on. "Glad to see you're as strong as ever!" She made mental calculations - to repair the holes, the materials needed would put them in the red by a little bit. Not a crucial amount, of course, but it was still noteworthy. She'd have to try and do some non-combat jobs on the side to reign in more cash. Once landing on the planet, she'd try to establish connections with anyone who might need it.

"I'm about to go and pilot the ship again." Rin said warmly to her large Noxchi friend. She almost gave the Minagoran equivalent of a shrug, invitingly flitting closer to the door, still faced towards Jag. "You heard Archer on the speakers, right? do you mind preparing the weapons for me? Moderate to light arms, I don't think this will necessity anything too major."

With a wave and a happy "bye!" the Minagora left Jag's room, and darted her way back towards the area to pilot the ship; wondering why Archer just didn't buckle down and hire an actual pilot. Air support during a mission could be invaluable, after all, and without a pilot at the helm, they lacked that option, most of the time. And without that, it limited possible plans Rin could make during an engagement - and god knew she didn't really trust the others to work as a team if she didn't try to outline exactly how they'd move. Everyone was really skilled individually - Rin was trying to make it so that they were strong as a team, too.

So far, though, that wasn't really working. It was a while until she noticed that her holophone was ringing. Rin pressed the holographic button in front of her, feeling a bit of guilt, as she picked up, already having set up the auto pilot for take off. It was Salis.

"Hey Rin," The Tatari medic said. "I hope you're not to busy, but is it possible that I could talk to you about the state of the medical supplies?"

"Yeah." Rin replied. "I'm on my way, just give me a sec."

She then set the controls on standby mode, before ringing up the Xilass - Aranoth. It seemed she wouldn't be piloting, apparently.

"Aranoth! Do you mind flying the ship, please? I have to talk to someone. And if Jag comes by, tell her I'm at the medic bay. thank you!"

And with that, the overburdened Minagora flew her way to the med bay, feeling further guilt and slight awkwardness - she still wasn't quite used to talking to another free Tatari yet, not after what happened to her old friend. In any case, this wasn't the time to dwell on such things. Rin smiled kindly at the canine-like medic, pushing her own personal feelings away in favor of more professionalism.

"What do you need? Is this about the supplies, Salis?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyraus Ravia Pratix Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Aranoth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Messiah
Tyraus listened respectfully to Archer talking about the job. There was definitely something up about this. If this was such a simple delivery job as he claimed it to be, why were they getting paid so much? And what exactly did this company have to hide?

"Walking into this blind isn't a good idea, Archer. The money is only good if we're alive to spend it." The execrul paused, then, and stepped closer, "You know I respect you." It was true. The human had managed to get the better of him once, and that had earned Tyraus' respect. "But, if any of the crew is killed because you didn't do your research or kept us in the dark, I will be holding you accountable." Tyraus didn't allow any hint of anger or resentment show through. It wasn't a threat, it was honesty - a warning, maybe. He wanted to be clear about what he intended. And, of course, his promise could only be fulfilled if they both managed to survive.

If Archer was going to be this casual (as he often was) about this, Tyraus would just have to do his own part to keep ahead of this. That meant that he was going to have to make another stop.

With a respectful nod to the captain, "I'll leave you to... whatever it is you're doing," and then he exited the human's quarters. His next stop would have to be to see Aranoth, the xilass tech expert, who was sure to either be in his quarters or in the cockpit. The quarters seemed empty, so he headed to the cockpit.

Aranoth was at the flight controls, just as Tyraus had expected of him. For a moment, he stood near the back of the cockpit, just watching, and not saying anything.

Finally, after a little while, he spoke up.

"We don't know what we're picking up. Aranoth, I want it checked before it's allowed on board the ship. I want it checked three times. I want you to make sure there's nothing in that package that could be harmful to the ship or the crew. I'll be checking it as well for explosives."

And, without waiting for a confirmation from the xilass, Tyraus turned around and vacated the cockpit, and made to return to lower parts of the ship where his quarters, the armory, and the cargo bay were all located.

He took to his quarters and sat at his desk. Inside one of the drawers, he took out some more appealing cuisine. Today, he'd be dining in his room.

Archer only ever ate chili dogs, and he only ever got the ingredients for it. Chili dogs were the first meal he'd shared with Archer, and it was then that he discovered that he didn't like them. Tyraus had told him, several times, that he didn't like the messy concoction, but the captain just looked at him like he was insane. Now the execrul had taken to dipping into his personal account that the crew was unaware of, maybe except for Aranoth. That was precisely what he hated to do, as he was saving the money there for something else - something other than himself.

When he arrived at his desk, he discovered that he had a message on his holophone that hadn't been there when he had left his quarters in the morning.

He recognized the frequency, as it had been used to contact him on several occasions before. It was surely from Nexa, a "representative of the Federation".

The message would be the same as the others. Some higher-ups at the Federation were trying to get a hold of him to save face at their handling of the Toeckel Incident. They wanted to bring him in, probably apologize, and maybe pin a medal on him and call him a hero for saving those civilians at great personal cost.

"This is Nexa Asa Veces," the message began. He knew it. Nexa was young, probably younger than Tyraus had been when Omega Squad had been killed by the Toeckel settlement. She would have been much too young to even remember. "And I'm calling on behalf of Sparas Kelun Ordranus," it continued. Tyraus knew that name. Ordranus had been one of the ones as part of his trial to recommend the punishment of discharge. No doubt the man wanted to clear his own conscience for his part in Tyraus' judgment. "He would like to meet with you and discuss the Toeckel Incident from approximately fifteen years ago." That said about as much about it as anything else. It had taken fifteen years. "This is the most recent number listed under your name, and I do hope you are getting these messages. Please contact us when you get a chance."

Just like every other time they had called him, the message would go without a response from Tyraus. He held no grudge against the Federation or Ordranus for the judgment levied upon him, but Tyraus wasn't interested in apologies, nor was he interested in ceremonies.

It was as simple as that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin-Naera Character Portrait: Tyraus Ravia Pratix Character Portrait: Zack Archer Character Portrait: Aranoth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
Archer merely sat in his seat, a simple smile on his face as he listened to his friend mention a few important points regarding the suspicion that came with this job. All obvious ones, but important all the same. Archer scoffed out a small chuckle at that. He didn't know what package it was they were supposed to be picking up; he did know that it was odd for someone to be paying a small group of mercenaries like the Second Horsemen such a large amount of credits to deliver such a simple package; and he was aware that it could prove more troublesome than his client had originally let on. All of this meant that the package had to be either very valuable... or very dangerous. Either way, Archer was well aware of these strong points Tyraus was bringing up, yet didn't drop his usual confident gaze whilst waiting for the execrul to finish.

When he finally did finish, however, Archer was no longer smiling as prominently as before; his expression now containing a hint of annoyance, as though he were upset that a member of his crew could ever believe that he'd put any of them in harm's way so ignorantly... Then again, the impression he had given them all upon meeting and working with them over the last few years wasn't all too commendable, so it was understandable if none of them truly got what he was about. Realizing this, he frowned wryly, giving the air an understanding shrug and nod, as if to say 'Well played, Life'. Bottom line, Archer wasn't about to let his lovable crew die because of some stupid delivery mission. Not even for the pay it came with. Just wasn't worth it to him. He was leading a rather comfortable life with them at the moment, and he wasn't about to let that end over something so small. If Tyraus was ready to hold Archer responsible for such a thing, then Archer was ready to accept any punishment the execrul thought to be fair, because there was no way in hell he was going to let any of them die. And if he did, then he wouldn't deserve to be this ship's captain anymore, so he thought it was perfectly reasonable for Tyraus to punish him accordingly. He gave him another smile and a dismissive wave, nodding along with him to show he understood. With that, Tyraus bid farewell to the captain and left him to his devices.

Archer sat there in silence as he mulled over the mission in more depth. He was -- like he had when his client first brought the idea of this mission to him a month ago -- wondering if the possible risk that came with not knowing anything about the job other than what to do and where to go was even worth it... Sighing, he pulled up a datapad that was sitting at the end of his desk, now looking at his recent financial activity-- something Rin had forwarded to him about a week ago, which he had only barely looked at until now. It was obvious that what Rin needed to talk to him about involved this very issue, but that was beside the point. He really went all out over the past few weeks, and it showed on the data in front of him. He knew he was probably getting a little crazy, but he never could have imagined it would be this bad... His shoulders falling as he let out another, depressed sigh, he realized he was going to have to force himself to take a break from the high life of chili dogs and sex. At least for a little while. When was the last time he had a simple steak dinner, anyway...?

Whatever the case, risk or no risk, they had to see this mission through. They needed the money now more than ever, and it was all because he went overboard with the company's money. Not even Archer was dumb enough to miss how serious this was. Dropping the datapad back onto the desk with an audible clatter, he began massaging his shoulder as he continued thinking about the whole thing. The mission itself was beyond suspicious, but it wasn't their job as mercenaries to pry, and seeing as how they needed the money, it left him little choice.

"Hmph..." he grunted aloud while scratching the back of his head. "Guess I'll just have to be extra careful on this one." That being said, he was still doubting that there would be any significant trouble to worry about. But being a little mindful of the possibility couldn't hurt this time around, as long as it meant keeping his crew alive. Either way, he chose to stop being so dramatic about the whole thing, knowing that there was no sense in worrying about any 'what-ifs'. If it was too late to cut their losses by the time they picked up the package, he'd take the lives of his crew above all else once trouble finally came uh knockin' -- just as he always did with anything else. He would deal with any future problems whenever they decided to meet him in the present. Until then, this was just like any other job...

It was then that Aranoth's voice came over the intercom, counting down the ship's jump into hyperspace. With that, the now-sober Archer jumped up from his seat and walked over to the door of his cabin, grabbing his iconic red leather jacket on the way. Throwing it on, he eyed himself in the mirror for a moment, giving himself a wink before heading towards the elevator that would take him down to the main floor of the Revenant. It was time he payed the rest of his crew a visit.