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Lacey Wilson

You know me, you love me, I'm the Merc with a Mouth.

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a character in “Marvel Armageddon”, originally authored by RPGNerdette, as played by RolePlayGateway


Lacey Marie Wilson
21 years old
Lady Deadpool

< Physical Info >

A beautiful redhead, Lacey has freckles as her mother does. She weighs about 105 lbs and is 5'6". She usually wears jeans and a t-shirt when not wearing her Lady Deadpool outfit. Lacey is the definition of Fem-Fatal. She is approachable and pretty, but piss her off and your head will roll. Literally.

Theresa Cassidy (Mother)
Wade Wilson (Father)


Mutated Human

Lacey is just like her father to a T. She is a loudmouth mercenary who doesn't know when to shut up and stop antagonizing others. She is crazy, reckless, adventurous, sarcastic, snarky, and silly. Lacey loves a challenge and is always up for one. She is kind at times but is immature most of the time and loves to be the center of attention. She also is very cocky and knows she's good at what she does.

[Likes] [Dislikes]
o Food People who think they're better than her x
o Fighting People who don't think she's good enough x
o Weapons People in general x

< Ability Statistics >

tools or weapons
Lacey's tools include a teleportation device that can whisk her in and out of danger. She also has a holographic image inducer that can disguise her appearance if needed.
Her weapons include, grenades, guns, sai, knives, and katanas.

Power or abilities
Lacey's powers include:
Regenerative Healing Factor- Lacey is able to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. She is able to heal injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverines as he can regrow missing limbs and organs and her head or any other limb can be reattached using this ability, but has to be placed in the proper place.
Foreign Chemical Resistance- Lacey's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. It is very difficult for her to get drunk, but is able to be affected by certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, if she is exposed to a large enough dosage.
Disease Immunity-The unique regenerative qualities of Lacey's healing factor also extend to her immune system, rendering her immune to the effects of all known diseases and infections.
Extended Longevity- Lacey's healing factor provides her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process to an unknown degree.
Telepathic Immunity- The healing factor causes her brain cells to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering her immune to any telepathic abilities.

Lacey is just like her father in every way, carrying over his personal weaknesses. Because of her cancer, if it is ever treated, her body could explode due to her accelerated healing factor. This healing factor also effects her brain, making her highly unstable being prone to violent outbursts at the slightest provocation. Also because of her mental state, she has become exceedingly irritating to be around, often making if difficult for others to work with her, or want to.

Personal Traits
Her personal traits include:
Peak Human Strength- Lacey possesses great, though not unnatural, physical strength. However, he does have at least the strength of an Olympic level weightlifter.
Superhuman Stamina- Lacey's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting her superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for several days fatigue begins to impair her.
Superhuman Agility-Her agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes-Her reflexes are similarly enhanced, superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Speed- Lacey has superhuman speed, but usually relies on her teleportation device.
Master Martial Artist- She is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is a master in multiple unarmed combat techniques.
Master Assassin-She is a master of assassination techniques, espionage methods, covert operations, infiltration methods, escape artistry, marksmanship, and is highly skilled with many bladed weapons.
Master Linguist- Lacey is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian, Pashto, Urdu, and other languages.

< Personal Background >

Lacey was born to Theresa Cassidy and Wade Wilson. The one-night-stand lead to her birth and her mother gave her up to Wade, being completely embarrassed and disgusted at what she had done with and wanted nothing to do with her daughter. At first, Wade had no idea as to what he was doing with her, but then taught her everything he knows about being Deadpool. The problem is, not just his tactics were given over to his daughter. She ended up getting diagnosed with his cancer at a very young age and, in turn, he gave her the same vaccination he had gotten to give him his powers and abilities. Once he knew she had his abilities, he trained her to become more like him in every way. He taught her languages, tactics, martial arts, swordplay, weaponry, and other important things. Lacey ended up moving out of her father's house at the age of 18 and going to live on her own in an apartment. She still has curiosities about her mother, Theresa, but Wade would never tell her anything seeing as her mother was so foreign.

So begins...

Lacey Wilson's Story


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Lacey sits in her apartment. Her feet are kicked up on her coffee table and she sips on a can of coke as she watches television. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and lays on her shoulder to the right side. She heaves a long sigh. Today was a boring day. She looked at her phone briefly. No texts or calls from Dad. Thank God...It wasn't that she didn't like him, she loved her Dad more than anything. He just annoyed her sometimes. Though, she was pretty much a carbon copy of him.

Glancing out her window, she could see that the sun was still out. Not playtime yet. Lacey often went outside at night to cause some trouble. When the sun went down it was like her playground. She loved picking fights and training. Occasionally she would rob a bank or two, but that was on a very rare, money-tight occasion. Lacey put her soda down and placed her hands behind her head heaving another heavy sigh. Only a few more hours. Then it was Lady Deadpool time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Lacey could hear all the commotion outside her apartment. The playground was calling her. She glances out her window, seeing the air conditioning and heaving a long sigh. She was bored. It was still daylight out, but she was itching to get out of her apartment. It was getting to be a hassle to sit in her apartment all day waiting to get out. I mean, occasionally she would go out to get food or drinks or a new bedspread or something, but it just wasn't the same as when she would glide down the streets in her skin-tight suit. She was ITCHING for a good fight, any fight. And she was going to get one.

Pushing herself off the couch and turning off the TV, Lacey slipped into her jumpsuit. She placed her knives on her back, pistol on her calf, and katana at her side. Along with other items she kept in her arsenal. She stretches her mask over her face and smirks underneath it. There was something about the feeling of anonymity that made her tingle with happiness. With that, she opened her apartment door, peeked around the corner to make sure no one could see her, and darted out, leaping out the hall window.

After a few minutes, Lacey was right by the happenings of the city. She could see three people, a black-haired girl who looked like she just came from the depths of Hell, a man with similar hair color to Miss Demon Lady but a sour puss on his face that could cause a group of preschoolers to crap their diapers, and a good-looking brown-haired man who looked pissed off and was yelling orders. God she liked when they yelled orders. Never listened to them, but it was cute. Lacey perches herself above the commotion watching intently and waiting to get noticed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"Ugh, boring!" The group can hear a voice from above them. A thin woman in tight jumpsuit lands behind them. She stands and looks up at them.
"And to think I left for an early night for this? Talk is no fun." The woman crosses her arms and leans against the wall. Her pistol can clearly be seen in a holster on her thigh as can the two blades on her back. The katana handle can barely be seen in the position she stands in. She flicks her head up to catch a glimpse of the people who stand a few feet from her, but then just looks up.
"So, what's with the cavalry? Somebody do something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"According to my kind?" and urge to scratch his head at the statement hit him, but he ignored it. His gaze met the blade as it trailed up the girl's throat, Zach getting just a bit irritated at the sight. He wasn't sure of what kind of sick relationship these two had, but he could tell it was anything but fathomable without elaborate explaination.

Zach shook his head at the man's question before his eyes opened a bit wider with the statement that followed quickly after. "S.H.I.E.L.D?" Those people were part of them? So these two just killed part of the near-extinct organization? "You... killed members of S.H.I.E.L.D?" he asked with a tinge of venom in his voice. "You would are kill them? Killing people randomly is bad, but there was no way you killed them on accident...." he stated to himself more than them. "I don't know what you think you are but..." he took a deeper breath in before exhaling the rest of the sentence. "... but I will make you pay for harming those good men and woman,"

"I'll beat you senseless before I take you i-"

His sentence was abruptly cut off as a masked person in tights dropped down from the heavens. Zach looked over the figure and judged by its body's curves that it was a woman. Shit... if she was hostile, this could make for an annoying fight. After all, he couldn't attack females. She sounded as if she just wanted to fight, something he couldn't do.

"I don't know who you are miss, but please leave," he said neutrally. He wasn't sure whether or not she was friend or foe, but something about her suit.... wait. She looked like Deadpool, or at least her costume did. Shit, he never bothered to inquire about Deadpool's offspring, so he couldn't be sure but still.... "I've got the situation under control,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"I don't know who you are miss, but please leave." The handsome brunette boy spoke to her first. Lacey frowns under her mask.
"Aww, but that's no fun." she said, taking her pistol from the holster, "name's Lady Deadpool. You've probably heard of me."

Lacey twirls the gun around her finger.
"Now I'll ask again. What seems to be the problem here, Officer?" she chuckles at her joke, "Get it? I called you 'officer' because you seem to be the 'big man' here giving orders and crap." She takes a pause before speaking again.
"Or you just think you are." She then looks to Vincent, "Oh, and you with the sharp thing? Might wanna put that down there, tiger."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Zach sighed audibly as Deadpool's daughter spoke. She was just like her father, apparently: Unpredictable. What's worse is she was obviously looking for a fight. Why else would she come here? Well, maybe he could use her. It was possible.

"I get your joke, yes. I don't think I am in charge, I'm just a simple guy wanting to bring justice to these two.... people?" he didn't feel right using that word to describe murderers. "Now, as cocky as it seems, I'm certain I can handle the man over there," he nodded his head towards Vincent with a smile across his face. "As someone who murdered innocent S.H.I.E.L.D agents, I cannot allow him to just roam free as a bird, lest I feel guilty if he harms any others," he termed the agents 'innocent' as he could tell just by the way the man had to add an insult each time he spoke of them that he had a dislike of S.H.I.E.L.D. The smirk towards Vincent helped show him this.

"So what I suggest is that you take any aggressive intentions towards his 'pet', if you willl. Why? Well, she just mentioned something about not being a human, and I'm sure that means she'll provide more entertainment for you than I or the man over there. Would you mind helping me?" he had honestly hoped she would do so, as he couldn't hit a woman, and Vixen was in fact a woman, judging by her looks, breasts, voice and eyes... which weren't of a normal color, he just noticed. All he know is that she was a female, and so was Lady Deadpool. Pitting them against each other would prove to be the better strategy, because he wouldn't be able to fight either of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"...Helping me?" Lacey cringed at those words. She never did like the thought of 'helping' people. Too much pressure. The sound of the word itself was like nails on a chalkboard to her.
"Wow just completely turned me off." she said, still twirling her pistol, "besides, even if I wanted to help you? All you'd be doing is standing on the sidelines. Because I can take these two weirdos with my hands tied, blindfolded, and gagged."

Lacey thinks over what she just said. Gagged? What was she thinking?! Her mouth was the best part of her...well...not the best part...but it was close to the top! She was the Merc with the Mouth! How could she say gagged.
"Well...maybe not gagged...but I could still take 'em blindfolded with my hands tied." There, that's better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Zach frowned. "Well, it wasn't my intention to turn you on in the first place but..." he sighed. "Well, since you're so strong, I doubt this fight would be worth your time," he said lightly. "That being said, I think you should leave fetishes to yourself or your lover if you have or get one sometime," his joke was towards her mention of being gagged.

Once again, he brushed his hand through his wet hair, surprised that a light drizzle continued to pelt them. How did he even go from exercising to confronting murderers and Deadpool's daughter. Well, the situation was actually in his favor at the moment in a way. Zachary understood Deadpool's offspring. If she shared his powers, he knew what to expect. As for an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent turned murderer, well, he shouldn't have too much trouble with him-without his suit. After all, he highly doubted the man spent most of his day practicing for his revenge on a being that killed many of the world's superheroes. That being said, he wasn't going to underestimate the man. Lastly, he had Vixen... apparently, she wasn't human so he couldn't really place what she was capable of. However, he was now expecting the unexpected and wouldn't take her easily until he saw what she had to offer.

His advantage in all of this? His abilities were anonymous. He hadn't said anything that would give away his powers and in fact, he had actually said he wasn't anything but a human. He disliked lying, yes, but in order to avoid conflict with Deadpool's daughter, he had to. He wasn't about to begin to tell her that he was able take a Howitzer shell to the chest and shrug it off as it may entice her to try to fight with him.

"So as I was saying..." he spoke. "None of us would really give you any challenge, so you shouldn't bother with joining in unless you'd deal with the girl for me. I mean, I'm unable to strike a woman, as mother taught me better than that, so you can see my problem there... and I have respect for S.H.I.E.L.D, so I've got this man in my sights," he explained. He gave up some valuable information in exchange for a reason as to why he requested her help. He knew those two would probably try something knowing that, but he was ready.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Zach stood in light awe as he bore witness to Vixen's demonic transformation. Her implications that she was not of the human race had turned out to be of the truth, as she turned from a normal looking beauty to a... well, evil looking beauty. His eyes dragged down to her razor-sharp looking claws that had taken place of her nails. He was a bit surprised when her attire changed as well. It reminded him of his own armor, which could change into whatever clothes he chose them to. Currently, his were just faded jeans and a black short-sleeved shirt. Nothing fancy.

Conway only listened to Vincent, who thought that he had some form of upper hand. It was as if he believed that the morphing of the girl into hellspawn was something that intimidated him or even Lady Deadpool. He doubted that the offspring of such a person was ever intimidated and neither was he. However... they wouldn't know that. Zach had found himself in a rather playful mood for whatever reason. Maybe because of Deadpool's daughter possibly. This was actually more normal for Zach, who didnt' tend to find himself completely serious often at all. But, having heard mostly good things about S.H.I.E.L.D, he disliked what they had done immensly.

Then something hit him. Why didn't he ask why they killed the S.H.I.E.L.D members in the first place? He didn't get an actual answer and he may have been a tad bit bias towards them as he assumed that nothing bad ever came from S.H.I.E.L.D. With a frightend (and fake) expression and tone in his voice, he spoke his question. "A-at least tell me w-why you have s-something against S.H.I.E.L.D!" he asked in a shaky but fake and convincing voice.

In truth, he wasn't scared whatsoever. He had seen Master Ultron in person as a kid, and that was scary. Really, he was somewhat surprised. Sure, there were people with superpowers. Mutants and whatnot, but still... he wasn't expecting demons to exist. Normal people would've been scared shitless at the sight, and that was what he was acting like for nothing else but boredom. It was more or less a test because were they actually 'evil', they'd most likely attempt to kill him for playing the foolish hero. He was beginning to actually hope they were bad, because if he had been doing all of this to somebody with a just cause, he'd feel like a prick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Lacey yawns, not phased in the slightest by Vixen's change. Nothing really phased her. Must be a reaction from her neurological issues.
"Yawn." she says. She sees the black-haired male step forward and bow. She raises an eyebrow.

"Now, Miss Deadpool-" Oh, eww! Way to make things all gross and formal. He continues, "if you could please let us through, we won't trouble you at all..."
...Seriously? Was this guy an idiot? He had do be. That or he didn't know whom he was dealing with. With a crack of her neck, she smirks underneath her mask.
"Oh, but you see, 'trouble' is my middle name!" she pauses, raising a finger to her chin, "Well...actually it's 'Marie' but you get what I'm saying."

Lacey cracks her knuckles.
"Unnnfortunately in order to get past moi, you're gonna have to make me get out of your way. And I assure you, this will not be an easy task." She flips her pistol again, "I ain't shootin' first mister."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"Hmm...." Zachary pondered the thought in his mind. Maybe he had been a bit too bias? He never asked what S.H.I.E.L.D did to people after they retired, did they kill them? In any case, he couldn't help but take this man's story as truth for the time being, as it was his way of not being bias. "I'm sorry," he said in a neutral tone, completely ridding himself of the previous shakiness he had put on earlier. His face reflected this.

"Well, it seems more like a personal issue than anything. If those S.H.I.E.L.D agents struck first, then I guess you aren't at fault, are you? For that, I am sorry for being such a pain," he apologized in a bow, disregarding the gun's existence completely. He looked to the cat-Vixen. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Miss. I tend to take such matters seriously and I may have gotten a bit out of hand...." he sighed, picking himself up and standing to the side. "...Guess playing the hero is something I should do less. I'll let you guys go then," he said.

Remembering Lady Deadpool, he turned to her. "There isn't a reason to fight anymore. It was a mistake on my behalf,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Lacey raises an eyebrow when she hears Zachary speak.
"There isn't a reason to fight anymore. It was a mistake on my behalf." Okay, this guy must be an idiot. It was the only explanation as to why he would trust Mister Creepy Goth Man and his Demon Kitty sidekick. He may be buying it, but she wasn't. And then the personalities hit her.

"He's an idiot."
"I know right? These two are completely shady!"
"But we're shady too...."
"Well yeah, but it was completely different."
"Whatever we say."
"Fight time!"

Lacey spins her pistol.
"Yeah no, I'm not buying it." she sighs, "look, if you're not gonna shoot first, I will." And with that, she takes her pistol, aims it at Vixen's feet, and takes a shot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Watching the female Deadpool closely, it didn't take a genius to figure out why she was raising her gun to the people Zach recently just said weren't enemies anymore. As the bang from the gun rang out, there was a clang of the bullet ricocheting immediately after. A hand stood between Lady Deadpool and the man with a cat. It wasn't made of flesh and bone though... it was metallic.

Zach spoke up, slightly irritated. The rest of his body was soon covered by the same material as his body and mind anticipated the possibly outcome of this action. But it had to be done. He wasn't about to let her murder these two. "Listen, I just told you they weren't hostiles and that it was my mistake," he said with a calm voice still making up his tone. "I do admit that they kinda look... 'off', but until we learn the truth, it would be murder to kill them," he explained in a hope that she would get it.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you harm them,"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"Oh please, I'm not gonna 'murder' them. Just...make 'em hurt a little bit." Lacey says, "Gosh you're dumb. These two were just about to rip you a new asshole and now you're playing their game?"

She raises her pistol at him now.
"You need to learn to live a little, guy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"Well, I was threatening them, so I can't really blame them...." he sighed. "You assume that they could've ripped me a new one," Zachary's faceplate shut and a voice from his speakers was now heard. "In any case, please lower your weapon before you hurt yourself," he asked.

Her pistol had... nothing. It wasn't going to go through his armor. In fact, he did feel just a bit too safe in his armor, as it was pretty good. "Listen, I won't be fighting you. However, I will make sure to prevent you from harming them or myself by restraining you if need be," he frowned in his suit, knowing she'd probably not be smart enough to see the situation here. Well, he'll just have to make sure she didn't harm the other two, not something he couldn't handle.

"I'm all for living a little, but unecessary violence isn't how I do such," he spoke. "I would much appreciate it if you could retreat back home or at the very least, stand aside... we're in no need of fighting anymore, as I've said multiple times now,"

His glance turned to Vincent and Vixen. He nodded approvingly. "Go ahead and sorry," he said again to emphasize the point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"Hurt myself? You obviously have no idea who you're dealing with here cupcake." Lacey says, firing a few shots just at his feet, "What, are we too man to fight a girl? Listen princess, if you're gonna be a 'hero' you've got a lot of learning to do before you can even hope to be one."

"He's seriously trying our patience..."
"I know right? What is he, some kind of nutjob?"
"No more of a nutjob than we are..."
"Ouch! That one hurt my feelings..."
"Case and point Lacey, case and point."

"Hey! Kitty Cat and Freakshow. How 'bout we tango a little?" This was her time to shine. Show 'em how good Lady Deadpool really was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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Lady Deadpool seemed to be ignoring his attempts at a non-violent ending to this fight. Zach sighed, wanting to run a hand through his hair but a helmet denied him the ability to do so just yet, so he settled for a longer sigh. "I don't think they want to fight, miss," he pointed out, knowing that at least the man didn't want to get into a fight. The Vixen seemed to hold something against the female Deadpool in the way that she just turned all of the sudden.

In any case, it was more or less a two against two situation, oddly it was the two guys not wanting to fight versus the two girls wanting to fight, so a majority vote was probably not going to decide anything. So, Zach insisted. "Wont fighting just be a waste of bullets and breaths? Please just stand down," he asked.

((OOC: Idk, I just didn't want this to die :c))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Vixen Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Vincent Quin
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"It's not a waste if you live for it." Lacey replies. She takes her two swords out and gets in a fighting stance. It was true. Fighting was her life. She loved the thrill she got from it every time she threw a sword or shot a bullet. Even when she was hit it was like a jolt of electricity through her body. She also loved that she could never die.

"Can we get this party started then? Or are you too scared to fight a cute, wittle girl?" this was directed at Zachary. She liked to taunt her pray. Make them angry. Much like her father.

((OOC: I know D:)


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Character Portrait: Lacey Wilson Character Portrait: Zachary Conway
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"Fighting for the sake of itself isn't something worth living for....." Zach sighed. It didn't take a genius to figure out she wasn't going to leave without fighting someone, and Zach was apparently becoming that someone. Unfortunately for her, he did not strike women, and he would not be tricked into doing so, especially not with that soft excuse for a taunt.

"Listen. I've already said that I do not attack woman, and that will not change," he explained, his tone showing that he was not kidding, nor was he irritated in any way. "Knowing about your father and how skilled he is.... almost makes me wish I had not that code on me for the sake of sparring purposes. However, I still will not faulter in that respect, ma'am,"