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Drake Davis

A blind paralegal infused with the "spirit" of Daredevil.

0 · 581 views · located in New Orleans

a character in “Marvel Spirits: The First Wave”, as played by aodhstormeyes


ImageName: Drake Davis Image
"Spirit": Daredevil
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Human

Appearance: Drake always wears sunglasses to hide his blindness and thus always has his cane. He usually dresses nice, always with a nice button up shirt and slacks. When in court, he dresses in nicer clothes (suit and tie). He stands at just over six foot and weighs about 180 lbs (mostly lean muscle, which has been growing daily since his powers developed).

His cane is the cane he received shortly after receiving Daredevil's spirit. His costume is vaguely similar to the original Daredevil's only possessing ceramic Kevlar plates in places that don't conflict with movement. Because his cane is also one belonging to Matt Murdock, it is also his weapon and utility tool.


Drake has a very strong sense of justice brought on by Kevin's death. He keeps his friend's baseball in his part of the office to remind him about it everyday and can sometimes be seen running his hands over the grooves left from the pen used. He he's learned how to walk without the use of his cane now, but keeps up the act when around people, since he is still technically blind.

As for being the man without fear... if Drake was mostly fearless before while blind and practically powerless, he truly has nothing to fear now. He'd heard of the Superhero Daredevil every so often, but is slowly coming to an understanding of what's happening to him. Especially when he feels driven to punish the guilty who walk out of the courtroom with either minimal sentencing or an "innocent" verdict.

Normally though, he isn't quite so serious. He actual has a fun personality to be around. It's just the blind part that unnerves people and has them jumping to get out of his way if he's coming or moving if he seems to need help.



  • Isolation Tank - A custom (and extremely heavy) tank filled with room temperature salt water that Drake sleeps in which is supposed to cut off all of the occupant's senses, but only heavily suppresses Drake's.

  • Daredevil Costume - A red leather suit with ceramic Kevlar plates in places that won't impede movement by their presence. The horns on his costume are antennae that can pick up radio waves, allowing them to serve as a police scanner.

Drake wields a multipurpose cane that has many different modes. Its initial form is two short sticks held together by an extendable cable. It can be configured into a nunchaku- like weapon to a manrikigusari(a long rope/chain weapon with two weights on its ends), dual short sticks which can be wielded in a pair, staff, or a cable with a grappling hook. The weapon can also be adjusted to combine both sticks into a larger stick. The weapon is held by a holster on the side of Drake's left leg. It can become long enough to pass as a blind cane. The weapon itself also is equipped with a retractable microphone and a miniature tape recorder.

  • Superhuman Senses -
    • Superhuman Sense of Touch: Drake's sense of touch is so acute that his finger can feel the faint impressions of ink on a printed page allowing him to read by touch, though laminated pages prevent him from touching and thus reading the ink impressions at a much faster pace than a normal person would be able to read . The rest of his skin is equally sensitive, enabling him by concentration to feel minute temperature and pressure changes in the atmosphere around him. Even with his senses of smell and hearing blocked, he can feel the presence of a person standing five feet away from him simply by his or her body heat and disturbance of air. A side effect of his sense of touch is Drake's ability to manipulate his muscles and internal organs. The sense of touch is not just external, but internal too (central nervous system), thereby giving him the ability to have total body control, increasing his strength and reflexes to near peak human levels and increasing his agility to enhanced human levels.

    • Superhuman Sense of Smell: Drake's sense of smell is so acute that he can distinguish between identical twins at twenty feet by minute differences in smell. He can detect odors of an atmospheric concentration of thirty parts per million. Further, his ability to remember smells enables him to identify any person he has spent at least five minutes with by smell alone, no matter how he or she might try to camouflage his or her natural odor. His powers of concentration are such that he can focus upon a single person's smell and follow it through a crowd of people at a distance of fifty feet.

    • Superhuman Sense of Hearing: Drake's sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of one decibel at a pressure level of seven decibels (whereas the lowest threshold for average human hearing is twenty decibels.) He can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over hundred feet feet (or further depending on the level of noise... such as the Hulk's heartbeat at 4 blocks), or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproofed wall. Through practice, Daredevil is able to control his hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like his own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound he is concentrating upon. For the loudest sounds, Drake can hear easily to ranges of over a mile.
      • Lie Detection: Drake can tell whether a person is lying by listening to changes in his or her heartbeat (though he can be fooled by a pacemaker or those able to control their own heartbeat.)
      • Person Identification: Daredevil can identify people by the specific patterns of their heartbeats. Though his other senses confirm this.

    • Superhuman Sense of Taste: Drake's sense of taste enables him to detect the number of grains of salt on a pretzel. His ability to remember tastes enables him to determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, as long as there are at least twenty milligrams of that substance present.

    • Superhuman Sense of Balance: It is a common misconception that balance isn't a sense, but Drake's balance centers give him equilibrium on par with Spider-Man.

  • Radar Sense: Daredevil can also sense the proximity and arrangement of objects about himself. According to one theory, Daredevil's "radar sense" functions via his brain's generation of energy within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The signal emanates from sending regions of his brain, after which it travels outward, bounces off objects around him, and returns to receiving regions of his brain. Another theory is that this sense functions more closely to sonar in which Daredevil hears the faint echoes of sounds as they bounce off nearby objects. His sense may operate by a combination of these techniques or by other, unknown means. In any event, via this ability, Daredevil synthesizes a very close analogue of three-dimensional human sight.

  • Extreme Telepathy Resistance Telepaths cannot safely read Drake's mind without experiencing massive sensory overload only prevented by extreme mental conditioning and practice.

  • Gifted Intellect: Daredevil has a high IQ; he's an accomplished strategist as well as an expert in interrogation, disguise, medicine, science and detective work.

  • Expert Detective: Daredevil has shown to be an expert detective using his intellect to figure out complex problems and hyper-senses to find clues and evidence to crime scenes.

  • Expert Tracker: With the aide of his hyper-senses, Daredevil is able to track objects and people from miles away with ease.

  • Interrogation Expert: Daredevil uses many different interrogation methods to extract information from criminals. His knowledge of criminology and torture is unerring and often overwhelming.

  • Professional Lawyer: He is a skilled lawyer, specializing in criminal justice.

  • Master Acrobat: Daredevil is classed superb-Olympic athlete, gymnast, acrobat, and aerialist due to constant training and exercise. His reflexes and agility are equally remarkable and are on par with the finest human athletes.

  • Weapons Proficiency: Thanks to his martial arts training, Daredevil is proficient in wielding various different weapons. Since Ninjutsu is the only identified discipline that teaches weapons, it would indicate he is trained in the use of most Japanese-themed melee weaponry.

  • Expert Marksman: He is very accurate in throwing most projectile-like weaponry along with his sticks.

  • Expert Stick Fighter: Daredevil is an expert in wielding all types of stick weapons which include staffs, batons, nunchaku, and paired short sticks.

  • Master Martial Artist: Daredevil has also been trained in the ninja arts by Stick, a master and member of the secret order The Chaste. Nick Fury, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D, commented that there are only a handful of individuals that know what Daredevil knows, referring to the Chaste. Stick helped Daredevil control his powers and taught him valuable fighting techniques with stealth, vanishing, to even life-energy(chi/ki)control. Daredevil is well educated in the functioning of the human body as well as martial arts techniques that target pressure points enabling him to paralyze limbs of an individual's body or the entire body altogether. He's disabled eye sight, speech, induced pain, and even has knowledge of pressure points inducing death. Daredevil's fighting style blends Boxing with Ninjutsu, Judo and Aikijujutsu, but he may have been exposed to additional disciplines to varying degrees by Stick to compliment Daredevil's strengths as he has been seen employing other sophisticated techniques such as jumping and ground-level kicks and jumping takedowns. His skills have proven sufficient to enable him to defeat or stalemate some of the greatest fighters on Earth. He has fought opponents such as the Black Panther, Taskmaster, Sabretooth, and Wolverine to standstills, even impaling Wolverine with a sword while the mutant was in a feral state due to brainwashing by the terrorists known as Hydra.

  • Strength level: For a "normal" human, Daredevil has demonstrated remarkable physical strength. Daredevil is an Olympic-level weightlifter and possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build that exercises intensively and regularly. Daredevil has demonstrated that he can lift and handle a 400 lbs. barbell as though it were fifty pounds, has overturned a limo full of people, and has picked up and used a mail drop-box as a blunt instrument. At his peak, Daredevil possesses sufficient strength to press lift approximately 450 lbs.

  • Parkour: Daredevil's enhanced balance and sense of touch make him a natural and a master of parkour.

  • Blind - Drake is blind. While his Radar Sense helps him navigate, this becomes a problem for Drake to navigate and track his opponent when his heightened senses are scrambled or can't detect anything which diminishes Drake's ability to be able to fight back when in the middle of a battle.

  • Non-Superhuman Physical Conditioning: As Drake's powers do not give him any kind of superhuman physical ability, Daredevil is as susceptible to physical injury and disease as any other normal human, often having to rely more on strategy than strength when up against a superhuman opponent.

  • Radar Sense Limitations: Drake is unable to discern pictures or video images, and he can only guess at colors based on the amount of heat they are absorbing or reflecting. If anyone or anything is not emitting anything that would trigger his heightened senses Daredevil wouldn't be able to detect it.

  • Radar Sense Disruption: Drake's superhuman senses render him extraordinarily vulnerable to excessive sound, odors, etc., which can temporarily weaken his Radar Sense or if he is bombarded by too much sound at once, Drake can easily be immobilized, which causes him great pain and leaves him disoriented. Once the disruptive effects wear off, Drake's Radar Sense is able to return to its normal calibration. Crowds of people or too many objects around him creates too many sensory impressions for Drake to sort through, making it harder to detect any oncoming enemy attacks.


Drake was born completely blind and so learned both braille and the alphabet (through raised and embossed letters). Despite his disability and living near Hell's Kitchen, he wanted to do something more with his life than collect a Disability check. So he braved school and made very few friends. Only one, to be in fact. From elementary to middle school and to their junior year of high school, Drake and Kevin were close friends.

But everything changed when they witnessed a mob beating. They ran at first and made it to safety. But they weren't safe in the end. The mob found them and tried to scare them both into silence. Drake succumbed, Kevin did not. He went to the police who offered witness protection for both boys. Drake declined to testify. Kevin accepted and the safehouse was compromised and hit. Kevin's treasured possession, a baseball autographed by Mariano Rivera, was sent in a box to Drake who was nearly overcome by grief after realizing what it was and what it meant.

When he came out of it, he realized that those responsible needed to be punished. Though his testimony wasn't crucial, he testified and the man was found guilty... the mob had paid the judge however. Feeling like true justice hadn't been done, Drake decided to become a lawyer. He enrolled in college courses through his high school and gained his AA Paralegal degree at the same time of his High school graduation. He became an employee in the D.A.'s office and started at an online Law school.

On the anniversary of Kevin's death, Drake was eating lunch, discussing a case with a coworker when he realized that he suddenly realized that he was vaguely seeing the things from sounds and smells around him. At first it was weak but within minutes had become maddening. He could hear things from blocks away as clearly as if they were standing next to him. He took some time off until he could better cope with the sudden changes.

About a month of learning later, he received a large crate. Inside was an isolation tank, instructions on how to use it, a red leather costume, and a long stick, which reminded Drake of his own blind cane. On top was a handwritten note, which Drake had learned he could read easily.

"I think you might find these useful. -M"

"Yes, I'm blind. You just breathe loudly."
"Don't try lying to me."

Fun Facts:
- Daredevil usually travels by foot across city rooftops through the art of parkour (the art of movement), and by the grappling hook and cable in his billy club.
- Drake's past and Daredevil's spirit have instilled a strong desire for Justice in Drake.
Theme Song:

So begins...

Drake Davis's Story