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Marvel Spirits

Marvel Spirits


What happens when inexperienced youngsters gain the powers of more well known characters?

3,396 readers have visited Marvel Spirits since JayZeroSnake created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Once upon a time, there were two universes. One was much like our own, complete with a version of you, exactly the same as you are now. Another was just like the mainstream Marvel comics universe down to nearly every detail.


Now let's imagine these two already alternate universes intertwined?

An event known as the Irregularity Explosion has occurred upon the universal merger. Little has been damaged. And everything seems the same. Except for the fact the normal realistic universe much like our own, has just had its history rewritten. The Marvel comics universe's history is now our own, as are their powers, for better, or for worse.

Powers have been torn away from their owners, and imbued onto new hosts, artifacts and weapons and the like have been handed over to unsuspecting folks who likely have little experience in their usage. All of these new hosts, good or evil, are various youngsters, whether they follow marvel or not does not matter. What matters is, they have to get used to their new lives this way.

Thankfully, there's a slim chance not EVERY canon marvel character has been replaced. Perhaps there will be guidance for these children yet?…

The road to understanding these new gifts and how they are to be used will not be an easy one. But by the living tribunal, it'll surely be a fun ride. I mean, come on. You just got free superpowers. Why not use them while you're at it?




TAKEN CHARACTER LIST: (To show what has been taken, and whether its being used as a "Spirit," in that an OC embodies the character and powers, or to simply play a certain canon character that hasn't been replaced by an OC)

Spirit of Wonder Man (JayZeroSnake)

Spirit of Wolverine (OFortune)

Spirit Of Iron Man (Famished Pants)

Spirit Of Ghost Rider (Raidose)



"Spirit": (What character does your OC embody, and gain their powers from?)
Species: (If the powers you chose leads to you becoming a whole other species?)



Weapons: (If any)
Powers: (name at least two or three main abilities if possible.)

Skills: (Things you learn, like First Aid or martial arts.)


Fun Facts:
Theme Song:

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding. Once you have chosen a certain power-set, you must stick to the character's level of power. I do not want a Spiderman who can level planets, while there's a Hulk that can barely even handle a skyscraper. Please be sure to name your powers and if possible, some level of extent.

2. You can choose nearly ANY marvel character from any continuity of the comics/shows/films/etc for your character's skills/abilities. No two characters may have the same powers unless they're using spin-off characters (Ex. If wolverine is taken, you can still use Daken, or X-23, two other mutants with claws, but with their own variations)

3. If you want, you can play a canon, but I won't allow all of them into this RP. PM for details if you have a canon in mind that you want to bring into the story/play.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

Greetings, True Believers! Welcome to the Big Apple! Home of many of Marvel's finest creations!


Space by RolePlayGateway

Where the Cosmic Entities, and all the hostile alien races are.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

Truly a Haven for mutants… Wait, this wasn't in New York before...


Latveria by RolePlayGateway

Doctor Doom's humble little nation.

New Orleans

New Orleans by RolePlayGateway



Manhattan by RolePlayGateway

Where Times Square is.

Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen by RolePlayGateway

Just another part of New York. Doesn't Daredevil lurk here?


Brooklyn by RolePlayGateway

Another Slice of the City. Contains Cypress Hills Cemetary.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
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Renee sat at one of the poker tables on the riverboat, her eyes hidden underneath her hair as she used her sleight of hand to win the big pots and the occasional small pot. This was a rather big round, with the man next to her, some playboy billionaire from the looks of him, having raised his bet to $50,000 in the hopes that no one would match him. She simply smiled, grabbed her suitcase off of the floor, pulled out that amount in cash, and placed it, plus an extra $25,000, on the table. While she had been doing this, she had switched out a card in her hand to give herself a royal flush. She had never used her powers for a royal flush, mainly because no one would trust someone who always got the full set, but with stakes this high, she was willing. The man's face was smug as he laid out his hand, a Straight Flush. Renee took a drag from her cigarette, and blew a smoke ring in the air, putting the stub in the ashtray.
"My dear seely playboi," she said triumphantly, taking a drink of his Scotch to boot, "Next time, stick to playing with your poker buddies.". As she spoke, she laid down her Queen, and then her King, of Hearts, the playboy looking dumbfounded as the Suicide king stared up at him. As she collected her winnings, he grabbed her hand.
"Hold on, my dear, there must be some way to at least catch a name from you!" He said, acting as if he was hitting on her, but his eyes betraying the anger at being shown up. Renee picked up the suicide king, and let it flip through her fingers.
"Mon ami, if you want to catch my name..." she said, sliding her self onto his lap, looking as demure as possible as she took a finger to his chin and slowly let his jaw drop, "Catch a hike.". With that, she put the King of Hearts in his mouth, picked up the suitcase, and left, leaping off the ferry as it passed by the Riverside Mall, using her cane as a vault, and turned to see the man stare dumbfounded at her, blowing him a kiss to rub it in. She then reached in her pocket and looked at the name on the inside of the wallet she had taken from him as she was on his lap.
"Alexander Beauregard, huh? Sucker."

The setting changes from New Orleans to New York City


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"
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Karen bit her lip, straining painfully as she glared at her last class's bell. Five minutes until the end of the school day and she could get back home. Today was the BIG DAY. Her teacher droned on and on as the rest of the class either nodded off or was texting. Karen was sitting in the furthest seat from the head of the class, but closest to the second door, an escape route if anything weird ever happened. But all of her focus was on the classroom's clock.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on... Karen thought as she tried to focus her relatively new powers. Karen had almost a month earlier, discovered that she gained super powers, the power to change the probability of anything she focused on. She had been practicing her powers every day as much as she could, but it seemed she wasn't improving at all. For every success, there were roughly 13 miserable failures. Come on, come on, come on, come oooooon....

Suddenly the minute hand began to shift clockwise slowly. Karen lit up brightly with joy, but until it stopped just before the final minute. The minute hand then shifted counter-clockwise ten minutes. Karen dropped her head down onto her desk defeatedly.

Karen started to wonder if she was ready for that night. It was going to be her first time out on the streets. Her first night, as a superhero.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
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Claire was out for a stoll in Central Park, a lovely day she thought to herself. Sure she had skipped school that day, but she considered that fact unimportant given that she had superpowers, "Why should I have to go to school everyday?" She thought to herself, and realized she just didn't want to have to deal with people. It was never her strong point, but ever sense she got her powers, she never seemed to talk to anyone at school, but she surely made it up when she was Chaos Wolverina, always taunting people and messing around with anything she could.

She was wrapped in her jacket, something she actually baught, even if the money was stolen, but it was a nice jacket, $400. She decided to get something to eat and headed out of the park, when a thug appeared behind one of the trees, holding a knife. "Give me your money and that jacket, and you can come out of this without getting cut, alright little girl." He said, holding his knife in a way that seemed cute to Claire, he was obviously trying to go for small women, so not that good at robbing.

"Come on, you think that little kfine can hurt me?" She laughed, bringing out CW. He started again, "That's it little girl." He barked before charging at her with his knife. Before he could even attemp to stab her, she had drawn out her claws and slashed his knife into three pieces. His face was scared beyond belief. She then took it a step further, and slashed his chest, leaving three large claw wounds. "Now, that'll teach you to mess with people." She said with a smile before leaving, and heading off to find a cafe to eat at.

She found a place, small and cheap, and she ordered herself some tea and soup, and she sat outside, just watching people go by. She loved her powers, and how they had helped her, and she knew it was only going to get better from here.

The setting changes from New York City to Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353

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Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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Zachary was terribly sorry, he really was. He was pretty interested in comic books and the sort as a way to pass time, and when he received this suit... this wonderful, life-saving suit, he couldn't not become a superhero. It was any child's greatest dream, and he was nothing more than a big child at heart. So that's why he didn't think too much when he fired that first repulsor blast at the thug when he made his debut. But how was he supposed to know it would take off that man's leg? There was never gore in the books or TV shows, that was for sure.

He had made sure to apologize to the man who was laying in shock from the blood loss as the ambulance took him away, but maybe that wasn't enough. Well, if there was a silver lining, it was that the criminal would never attempt to commit a crime again.... lest he lose another leg. But that was all behind Zach now. That was his first day as a superhero, and it had been a month or two since then, and he was more proficient at it. That, and complex math he didn't originally understand before then, so maybe that was a bonus. He'd get straight A's in all his mathematics and engineering courses he took, he was sure.

But all that could come later because now... well, now he was flying. Where? Where he wanted, of course! Of all these new abilities, flying was the most fun. He could fly faster than a jet, you know. So quick that he wondered if he could turn time around by flying in the opposite way the Earth turned, but he didn't because he was genuinely scared that that might happen, even though he realized the improbability of that ever happening. Well, he understood the complex formula that made it impossible to turn back time like that. It was weird - all this new information flowing into his head. His head throbbed at night nowadays, which was annoying and unwelcome. But it was all to be worth it soon, for with this new suit, he could prevent bad guys from getting away! He could save people's lives! He could.... help a cat out of a tree.....

He noticed an older woman waving her arms at a tree, and it was obvious that something was stuck there. When Zach slowed down to inspect, he realized it was a black cat that had climbed up and gotten stuck up there. Nothing too serious, but he was available, so he stopped and took the cat out of the tree gently and returned it to its owner, who was ecstatic to see someone help her.

"You're welcome, Miss." he smiled behind his helmet to the old lady who was hugging her cat something fierce.

"I can't ever repay you! Thanks for saving Mr. Pounce!" he exclaimed in total seriousness, and Zach would have to deal with not laughing his ass off for the moment.

"No need, ma'am. For wherever crime springs up, whenever someone is in trouble, you will always have a Guardian!"

He was still working on his catch-phrase. It was hard, really.

Seemingly bored, the woman waved him off and turned away, holding her cat tightly in her arms as she did. His work now done, Zach disappeared from the public eye, switching from Guardian to normal attire. Unlike the original owner of the Iron Man suit, Guardian's owner did not publicly reveal himself, for he didn't want that kind of attention. The suit slid and morphed from the structure of the Guardian suit to that of a short-sleeved shirt and some jeans - casual attire that would keep him from standing out in a crowd. It was for the best, because he had no want to draw unnecessary attention to himself. Because in truth, saving someone was enough for him. He was just that way.

Now, all he had to do was find something to do. But what? was the question. For such a lively place, it sure was boring.

The setting changes from Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353 to New York City


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Character Portrait: Nick Harker
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#, as written by Raidose

That's what the lesson of the day was. That's what Nick Harker felt, as it radiated through his jaw. His knees buckled out from under him, as two of the three figures surrounding him gave him a few swift kicks to the gut and back. Matt, JC, and lil' TJ. The usually assholes of the neighborhood. They always thought they were so big, thought they were some up and coming gang bangers. The four of them were in the alley not far from school grounds, conducting their usual "business". Matt, the big leader of the group, knelt down next to him. "Harker, we go through this every time. You know I want the money. You know I'll get it. So why is it I always have to kick it out of you? You can't really be that retarded." Nick took the slight reprieve to spit the blood out of his mouth, it's copper tinge refusing to leave his tongue. He just looked up with a red-stained smile and said "nah, it's just the only time we get to hang out. You know, being such the good person you are." His stomach retched as he coughed up more blood, there was a definite dentist appointment in his future. "Yo man, why we always wastin' time with this fool? You know his dumb ass always broke." "Yeah, ese, this shit is gettin' old. Let's just hit up his little sis for the cash, man." That hit a nerve, as Nick's body flailed to life. It took both of Matt's little posse to stop the fist that was only a few inches from Matt's face, which did actually make him jump a bit. Of course, all that did was earn Nick another trip to the concrete ground. Surprisingly, Matt had a grin on his face. "Man, you just never knew when to just stay on the damn ground, did you? Just give me my money, and we leave. Don't you get that?"

Getting yet another sneaker to his gut, it was all Nick could do to keep from puking. "I..... don't have it." Nick felt like he'd just let down his sister. He'd always kept money in case these assholes showed up, which he made from doing odd jobs and playing guitar, but lately things were tough. His Grandmother had just fractured her shin a week ago, and he was struggling to make the payments on her medical bill. Current "political issues" made sure that she didn't qualify for health care, which meant that if he didn't come up with the money then she would be denied treatment. The last bit of his on-hand cash just went to paying the blood-sucking parasites off, and now there was nothing left. What the hell was he suppose to do? "Alright, you know what? Just kick it out of him. Nick, you better find some cash if you want your granny to ever recognize you again." And with that, the beating began anew. But this was different, it wasn't the sharp pains like usual, it was....... burning. Like fire, really. The two punks grabbed each of his arm, raising him off the ground as Matt looked him right in the face. "Last chance, Nicky boy. Pay or your sister will. Where's my fucking money?!" At this point, the pain was making it hard to focus, but Nick knew what was going on...... he failed. Matt was not happy, as he gave one strong right hook, sprawling Nick to the floor. "All right. Lil' T, JC, let's go. I'm done with this little bitch. Time to check in on his sweet-ass sis." Nick tried to spring to his feet, but the burning was so extreme. He began with a low moan, but it slowly began escalating in scale too this new feeling of agony. His face turning bright red as he squirmed on the floor. This display was so bizarre that even those that had just beat the utter crap out of him took notice. "Whoa..... uhhh.... yo man, he ain't lookin' too good." "And I care why, J?" "Just sayin', he looks..... I don't know, dude." "Yeah, man.... he looks like shit....."

At a closer look, Nick was now in a full blown howl. He body convulsing in sheer pain as his eyes began to bleed. "Oh shit! How hard did you hit him?!" "I didn't! Let's just get the fuck outta here, I am not going to jail for this shit!" "Ese, you know how high the penalty is for manslaughter?! We gotta at least call a doctor or somethin'!" "And who are we going to call, dumbass?" The three bickered amongst themselves, but soon fell silent as the flames began boiling through Nick's skin. His screams now going into psychotic howling, as his eyes burnt out and his skin blackened and burned. Nick swung wildly, trying to strike out at something, trying to find some way to make it stop. Fire crawled out of his mouth every time he yelled, as bone began replacing flesh. His clothes were now engulfed in a full-blown bonfire. Easily five-foot flames spouted off him, enveloping him. Finally, he.... exploded. The shock wave knocked the surrounding assholes off their feet and back against the brick walls of the alley. Fire now claimed little bits of the ground around the scorched crater, and at it's center....... a new figure knelt. Clad in wicked black leather, the orange light from the flames glinting off polished metal spikes..... and the skull. It's flaming eyes gazed up at them, covering them in a sheer terror only hell could bring. It's jaws gaped open letting out a low, inhuman howl filled with gurgles and growls like that of crackling fire. "El Diablo!" TJ screamed, attempting to make a run for it. New, dark instincts reacted to the fleeing rodent, as a chain shot out around the Hispanic thugs legs. With only a slight pull, his body came rocketing towards, and then past the flaming creature, slamming into a pile of trash bags.

Attempting to save his friend, JC charged the Ghost Rider, smashing him over the head with a pipe. The hit barely made his skull tilt, as those burning eyes looked at him. Into him. The boy never saw the kick coming, too petrified by those eyes, as he slammed back-first into the wall. His head lulled to the side, as he blacked out into unconsciousness. The Ghost Rider looked over his work, before zeroing in on the last man standing. Matt was frozen solid, unable to comprehend what he just saw. He was soon pinned to the wall by his throat, the leather gauntlet wrapped around it like a vice grip. Then.... it spoke.


".......Nick? Jesus fucking Christ, man I am sorry! I am so sorry! Please, for the love of God, I'm sorry!" Matt pleaded, his begging falling on deaf ears. Nick, through his new eyes, couldn't understand what he was seeing. Blood. Everywhere, all over Matt. But it was more than blood. It was..... ethereal. Glowing. Burning. Roaring. Raging. Screaming. Screams...... it was screaming. A woman..... Nick's grip on his throat loosened as the information overwhelmed him. Images flashed through his head, hundreds of them. It was..... Matt's past..... his sins. That woman, Nick saw everything. He felt.... everything. He felt her pain, as her final hours ran through his head. He backed away, gripping his head tight. He fell to his knees.


Nick sputtered.... He couldn't believe what he was seeing, and Matt couldn't believe what he was hearing. "How did you....? No, you weren't there....."


That..... that was almost a month ago. Such sweet memories of home, of Brooklyn. It had been a long time since then. Nick sat on top a rooftop in New York, gazing at the mid-day sun glaring off of the shiny buildings. They always looked so nice this high up, trying so hard to compensate for all the ugliness on the ground. Nick just lay there, propped up by the service entrance door, one arm draped across his knee. His bike sat up beside him, it's crackling wheels being the only ambiance that wasn't just city life. His mind drifted back to that day.... his first time. His change. The birth of the Rider. So beautiful the mid-day sun was......

Just....... so beautiful.........

The setting changes from New York City to Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353

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Every time he used this new ability he'd gained, he could not help but feel as though the experience was always the first. The sensation of self-propelled flight by way of Ionic Energy Manipulation was always going to be a dream coming true every time he so much as levitated an inch off the ground. The superhuman adolescent remembered very well the moment that his body was bombarded with forces beyond his comprehension, which went from a bizarre flash of light and invisible pushing, to being overloaded with ions upon ions of pure, wholesome science.

"Don't, Stop me Now~! I'm havin' such a GOOD TIME~ I'm havin' a BALL~!!" was the melody parting from his lips, small red headphones in his ears that were connected to a pouch on his belt that held his cell phone, the head-phones specially made so they would stay on even during high-speed flight and general superhuman movement, yet allow him to hear things despite having high quality audio that would have drowned out any other person with such a pair of headphones.

Grant Thompson, or as he was more recently referred to, 'Young Wonderman,' had just got out of school for the day. He had nearly flew through the roof of his last class, just barely holding in the relief that filled him, as he scurried out through the backdoors, and zoomed off to pick up a hotdog from his favorite corner, and enjoying it on a rooftop before flying a bit (granted that he waited thirty minutes, just relaxing and watching some construction workers put together a skyscraper, even waving to them at one point).

Yes sir, all had been well with this young lad, without a care in the world. Well, that is until he witnessed a horrible atrocity below on the street…


An elderly woman had landed on the ground, a greasy hairdo sporting fiend in a black tank-top and sagging jeans that 'boasted' a pair of white boxers with a pink heart pattern running off with a bag, a couple of five dollar bills fluttering through the wind as he made his getaway. The street thug chuckled to himself, before letting out a large 'gasp!' at the sight of Young Wonderman landing on the road beside him!…

…And walking over to help a boy who was having trouble tying his shoe…


"Hiya Small Fry. Why the sad face? It's such a beautiful day! Didn't the elementary school close early today? I'd say you were pretty darned lucky, kiddo."

The boy sniffled in response to the teen avenger's question, before looking down at his shoes.

"I-I…." He stuttered nervously. "M-m-my m-m-mommy picked me up from the bus, and then my laces m-m-messed up, and and….she told me to h-hurry or we'd be late… and then I stopped to tie my lace-laces together- I ALWAYS tie my laces, and she was g-gone!"

"Uh, buddy?" Asked a passerby. "I know y'all talkin, but that purse snatcher is gettin' away."

Young Wonderman seemingly paid no attention to the passerby however…

"It's okay. You just wanted to tie your shoes really badly, cos' it was your thing. I know I never leave the house without keeping my nails trimmed." He assured "Now, before we find her…wanna see something cool?"

He took the little boy's hand into his own, and took one good look at the purse snatcher, and drew his free right hand up, firing off a beam of concussive force, colored dark purple, as the purse snatcher was struck in the back. The little boy cheered, as Young Wonderman flew over with the child in tow to take the purse back, and return it to its rightful owner. Following that, a crowd began to form, among them including a woman with a look of worry on her face. YW walked over with the boy, and the reaction was instantaneous…


"Jakob!" Exclaimed the woman, taking the boy into her arms, the two embracing. "Are you okay? You didn't get caught up in that purse snatching business just now, did you?… Oh my god, you're all I have left, sweetie. Promise never to stop and tie your shoe without asking Mommy?"

"Yes Mommy, okay, but that superhero helped me find you!" He giggled. "He even shot a laser at the bad guy! It was just like in the cartoons!"

"Oh…That's nice dear." Sighed the woman, who shot a smile at Young Wonderman, who returned with a salute, before flying off to avoid the press...

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
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Renee walked home, and through the door, hanging up her coat and placing the cane next to it. As she took a deep breath, she smelled the scent of red beans and rice cooking, with some softshell crab alongside it.
"Hey mom! I thought you weren't visiting until next week!" She said with a smile, as her mother Maria turned to face her. Her mother was in her late 30's, having given birth to Renee when she was only 16, and so still had much of her natural Hungarian gypsy beauty, anyone on the street would think Renee and her mother twins, with her mother having gotten more of the beauty compliments on most of the occasions that this had happened. Her smile was warm, and the jewlery she wore was often hotter(she stole it, is what I'm saying.), bangles on both of her arms and dangling earrings. Maria smiled back, and returned to her cooking.
"I was in neighborhood, saw cute guy. Looked like rich boy, so I sucker him. Turns out he's super. I come here to take cover, wait until things safe again. You afraid I would find boy?" Renee blushed at this.
"MOM! You know I only sleep with a man at their house! I like this apartment, I don't want to leave because someone loves their wallet more than getting suckered out of it!" Maria smiled to herself and kept stirring the rice.
"I kid, I kid. You are so cute when angry! Find anything good tonight?" Renee waggled the wallet in the air and held up the suitcase.
"$100,000 from running the riverboats, plus an extra 10,000 from the wallet of one of my better opponents. I might upgrade the kitchen."
"Good, I could barely find enough to make meal. You starve yourself, my daughter! Eat! Drink! Be merry!" Both laughed at that.
"Sorry, mom, I was planning on restocking before you got here... But speaking of eating and drinking, dinner seems about ready, let's eat!"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
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Claire was finishing her soup when she overheard a crown gathering, chanting something. She payed her bill and walked over to see a boy with his mother, talking about how Young Wonderman has just saved them and stop a purse robber. This put her at a halt, she knew of him, but honestly wanted to get to know him, her mantra was, "Keep your friends close, and your enemy closers.". She didn't have many friends as Claire, although she had more than a couple of enemies as Chaos Wolverina. The owners of the stores she robbed, the family of the boy she kidnapped, and anyone who disliked use of powers in a general way.

She didn't even hurt the boy, except for messing with his head a little bit, and at the end he returned and she got $20,000. She made sure that money stayed in her apartment, no one was going to find it, even if she had to keep them silent herself.

Getting back to reality, she wondered where she could find a masked super hero in this city, and she continued to think of this until she felt her purse get snatched from her arm, leaving with a man running off into an alley. "Twice in one day, I really should move." She thought to herself before taking off and running after the man, where as any normal person would have screamed for help.

Once in the alley, she found the man at the end of the road, and surrounding him where seven other members of his gang, all of whom looked rough and were skin heads. Once one of the men saw her, they started wolf whistling, and talking about how they wanted to do things to her. "Give me back my bag, now or else." She said flatly, and after they laughed, two rushed her, trying to take her, she unsheathed her claws and slashed on their arms, nearly cutting of of them off and leaving the other with a bad bleed. After the members saw this, five more went in and faced similar fates with their chests, legs, and arms, all the while she was twirling around them, amking sure eveystep could be used to hurt them.

Once only one was left, the one who took her bag, he dropped the purse and pulled out his gun. This made her stop for a second, and he went on to say she was the devil. "You are the one who stole my bag, and now your friends might die." She said and started to charge to him, her faced covered a bit in bloood from her battle. He saw her come, and then as she would up her arm to swing, he fired at the exact moment her arm was swinging across.

Claire looked down at the new hole in her body, on her left side, downward, and felt a cold rush hit her. She looked to see the gang member, only his throat was gone, and what was left of him was now on the ground. She felt herself get light headed, and backed up to a wall and slid down. She put her hand on the wound, and then proceeded to take out the bullet. She read once that if a bullet was taken out quickly, the better chance you would have once you got into surgury. Not that she could reach her phone, it was too far in her bag, which was about ten feet too far for her. She wondered if she would heal in time to not die, but kept her hands on the wound and started screaming for help. "HELP ME, SOMEONE HELP ME!" She yelled, hoping that someone would hear and maybe call an ambulance, or failing that, that she would heal, she felt to cold at the moment to tell if she was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina" Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Maybe he could meet that other superhero he had heard about lately. Should they team up or something? It'd be a great opportunity to make a friend and to save people, wouldn't it? But maybe this 'Wonderman' was more of a loner-type, and that he didn't like teamwork. It was possible, even if he did save the day. If that were the case, then maybe he would just be aggressive towards Zach. He wasn't sure if he wanted to get into a fight with another superhero if he could avoid it, and so he sighed and continued walking down the street.

Today seemed like a peaceful day, really. The sun was out and there were only a few white clouds scattered about in the sky, though none of them grey or otherwise signalling any rain to come. Zachary passed by a few people who looked like they were headed off to some meeting, judging by the fact they were talking on their phones and walking at a quicker pace. If only he had something to do, for school was out at the moment, and he had nothing to do really.


Or maybe he did.

Obviously, that was nothing else but a gunshot he had just heard and it wasn't too far away at all. A simple thought ran through his mind and he began to feel the armor as it formed itself around the very shape of his body. What was once clothes was replaced by the shiny, silver and blue metallic form of Guardian. With no need to fly, he started at a sprint towards the gunshot sound, only to be terrified by a scream.


It was a woman's scream and that only made Zach more worried about the situation. He turned a corner and saw the entrance to the alleyway, which he turned into - it being the obvious location for near about any crimes. He had seen the movies and read the comics after all. What he saw was.... blood. Lots of it. A downed man there, another over there, they all had blood and either were moaning or hurt. But they were obviously punks. Of course he wasn't heartless, and he had the A.I aboard the suit contact the authorities immediately. That's when he spotted the woman who had cried.

He ran to her side, the clanking of his metallic boots echoing off the walls of the alley. "Miss, are you okay?" he asked, kneeing down to get a better view of her. He noticed a bigger splotch of blood, where she had been shot and instantly, his eyes widened. She was hurt.... and bad. No time for the ambulances to get here, he had to get her to the hospital quick. "Can you speak? I'm going to take you to the hospital, okay?"

The setting changes from Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353 to New York City


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Harker
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Raidose
The sun was starting to drift down, setting towards the early evening. The music of the city life washed through the buildings like a flood. Horns, tire squealing, people shouting swears at each other, and even the occasional gunshot. Ah, New York. Nick was still daydreaming, all the while staring at his hand. He had removed the glove, revealing the skeletal structure it had concealed. This wasn't unusual, for Nick often had the hopes that one day, he'd take off the glove and underneath would be a human hand. His hand. It's funny, out of everything a person knows about themselves, their own hands has to place among the highest. We see them the most, more often then we see our own face. Hence the saying "like the back of my own hand". To see something other than your ever familiar appendage..... To see something new. To see only bone, with charred ligaments and tiny flames flickering along each digit. It only reminded Nick of his new form, his new life, and that he wasn't human anymore.

What am I?

The thought brought him back to his beginnings as this creature. Back to that alley in Brooklyn. Back to looking into Matt's eyes, and seeing all his sins. Seeing that woman.

The Ghost Rider could do nothing but grip the sides of his had as the visions assailed him, each screaming at him for retribution. Each making him know the pain they felt. Matt, freed from being pinned to the wall, was dumbstruck by how Nick could know all of these things. Panicking, Matt pulled a small revolver from under his shirt, aiming it at the side of his skull. "No........ You weren't there....... You Weren't There!" Matt's finger pressed hard on the trigger, but the bullet melted in the barrel. The Rider latched onto his forearm with one hand, and snapped it with hardly any effort. The bone was now piercing through his skin, with Nick's hand still gripping it tightly. "Aaaaahhhhhh!!! Fuck! Let me go, you fucking monster!" Matt cried in pain. The flames within the Ghost Rider's eyes flared with a white-hot anger, as he once again pinned Matt to the wall with his arm press against his throat. The spikes from Nick's gauntlet had pricked the skin on Matt's neck, causing little droplets of blood to run down, staining his white T-shirt.




Trying unsuccessfully to wriggle free from the Ghost Rider, Matt did everything he could to avert his gaze. For some unknown, instinctual reason, he knew he did not want to look into those empty, flaming eyes. And it was for the same instinctual reason that Nick wanted him to do just that.


The punk was now in full effort of trying to get free, to get away. It felt to Matt as though hell itself had just turned it's gaze to him, making his blood run cold in his veins. His heart was racing in full blown panic, trying everything he could to fight this unknown force that beckoned his eyes to the Rider's. He could not meet his stare, but it felt as though he was compelled to.


And with that, Matt's will relented to this force, as he peered into those empty eye-sockets and beheld all his sins. Those same ghostly images that had overwhelmed Nick now viciously attack Matt, crying out in the vengeance they had been given. Matt struggled and screamed, howling as he felt every shot, every stab, every hit. His eyes widened in sheer terror, as his hair turned stark white. The blood that stained Matt's soul was burned away by ephemeral flames, and the Ghost Rider let his body fall to the ground as a jabbering, worthless excuse for a human. He lay there, eyes wide open, stuttering the same psychotic chant over and over.

"Don't let the monster get me....... "Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me....... Don't let the monster get me.......
Don't let the monster get me......." Don't let the monster get me......."

Nick scoffed. I'm the monster? He turned to make his leave, but was stopped when he spied a broken piece of mirrored glass. For the first time, he beheld his own appearance. He was speechless, as his fingers traced over the bone of his face. His eyes, his nose, his ears, his skin, even his own clothes. Everything, just...... gone. Replaced by this.....


"Hey, what's going on down here?" A voiced call from down the alley, snapping Nick back to attention. An officer, mid 40's, obviously responding to the screams. His hand was on his holster, promptly snapping and drawing his gun at the first sight of Nick. "Holy mother of God..... Freeze!" The 9mm Glock aimed right at him, Nick tried showing his hands in a non threatening manner. He wanted to explain what happened, but how could he? How could anyone? Unfortunately, his movement was enough to panic the cop even further. "I said freeze!" Nick wanted to say something..... but what? He opened his mouth, hoping the words would just flow out, but wasn't given the chance. The officer fired four rounds into his chest, passing right through his ribs, with a fifth shot bouncing off his skull and sending a flurry of embers fluttering through the air. Nick's mind almost went into shock trying to comprehend everything, now on top of that the fact that he wasn't dead. The cop just stared, in as much disbelief as Nick. "What...... are you?!"


"11-99, 11-99, get me backup now!" the cop yelled into his radio, giving a clear sign that Nick wasn't getting out of this easy. And so, he ran. Deep into the alleys, in the darkest parts of the city. He ran until he felt safe, until the bike found him.

Even to this day, that question rings through his head, but only now does Nick realize what he wanted to say,


Slowly, he returned the leather glove to his hand. He grimaced at the thought of what he'd become. Why had those memories come back now? Can he ever go back? But of course, one question stood in front of the others,

Am I a monster?

The setting changes from New York City to Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina" Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Claire was lying on the wall, wondering if anyone had heard her, and if calling out was a smart thing to do. There was a lot of blood around, and although her claws went back inside, it was pretty easy to put two and two together. "Would make for good scare." She though and chuckled to herself.

All of a sudden, she heard something clinging off the walls of the alley. It sounded like metal, and she wondered who would be wearing metal boots in NYC. When a figure appeared nfront of her, it took her a second to adjust to the blueness of the person who was over her. She thought she heard of him before, when it hit her, "Gaurdian." ANd she knew her luck had just run out. She felt her blood less on her hands, so she knew she was healing, but she still felt weak as could be. "Miss, are you okay?" He sadi to her, and she chuckled a bit. "How do I look sparky? Because it doesn't feel like a kitten licking me right now." But she kept her mouth closed.

"Can you speak? I'm going to take you to the hospital, okay?" He said, which made her eyes widen. She couldn't go to the hospital, she would heal, they would notice, and then she would start getting question to which she didn't really want to answer. She could go to jail. This sent a twitch of fear inside of her, she didn't want to go to jail, she couldn't go to jail.

As he saw standing above him, she felt something grow inside of her, likey her kidney of something to that affect. ALthough she knew she was weak, she had to let him know she couldn't go to the hospital. "No!" She said, "I can't go to hospital. They will know, I can't please, take me anywhere else, but I can't go there, they will lock me away." She started to plead. She didn't care how bad-ass CW was, Claire was scared, and she wanted to go home. "Take me home, I will be fine. The adress is written in the forst of my date-book, right when you open the purse." She tried to lift herself, but felt white hot pain, and she yelled out a little bit. She pointed at her purse, thankful that she didn't have much stolen property in there, save for a few rings, which hopefully he wouldn't find. "I can't stand right now, sorry. But just don't take me to the hospital, alright?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina" Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

"No!" she suddenly spoke. "I can't go to hospital. They will know, I can't please, take me anywhere else, but I can't go there, they will lock me away." Zachary paused for a moment to take in what she was saying. The problem is, he didn't know what she was saying. Why didn't she want to go to the hospital? Wouldn't she die if he didn't take her there? That wound looked bad, very bad, so why would she put up a fight? He pondered for a brief second, then realized something - who hurt all these men?


He noticed the closest man had misplaced his throat and that made him wonder..... He had his suit's AI scan the area for any form of weapon nearby, but all he really found was the gun the man had held and any weapons the other men had, though none of them had the ability to tear a throat out, plus they were too far away to be suspected in this man's death anyways. Too many questions raced through the young man's head but he knew now that she might be referring to this... 'mess'.

"Take me home, I will be fine. The address is written in the forst of my date-book, right when you open the purse." he didn't know whether he should listen to her or take her to the hospital right away. She could be a criminal, and that would mean he'd be assisting one if he took her back.... but then again, she didn't really sound like a criminal to begin with, so weak and helpless. Well, if he knew her address, then he could always catch her later, right? Right. "I can't stand right now, sorry. But just don't take me to the hospital, alright?" she pleaded and Zachary, though not quite one-hundred percent sure about this, agreed with a smile hidden behind his helmet.

"Alright then..." he said, his suit taking a brief note of her face before his HUD displayed some background information about Claire Moore. He focused more on her current address, rather then looking at the brief summary of her history, though his eyes caught the word 'Orphanage' at some point and he did feel a bit bad for her. He bother with nothing else, so he wasn't sure if she had someone living with her or not, but he didn't care regardless. He took off into the air, carrying her bridal-style, and soared through the air in the direction of her apartment. He never went too fast - she was precious cargo, though they did manage to reach the place in less than five-minutes which meant they weren't going slow as a car.

He glanced down at her. "Room number?" while he could've looked for this the same way he did with her address, he bothered not and instead wanted to make sure she was still there. If she showed unconciousness, they'd be at the hospital in a heartbeat.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina" Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

Alright then.... Gaurdian spoke to her, which made Claire feel somewhat happy, even if she was leading him directly to her house, she just wanted to get away from the alley where she had committed a murder. He took her in his arms like a bride, making her blush a bit, which she hit under the blood. He took off towards her house, and she only realized afterwards that she had left her purse, "Crap! I need to get that later, if the police don't find it." She thought, and although she didn't have any ID in the purse, she was sure police had fingerprints from it.

Gaurdian started to fly towards her house, making her stare at the scene below her, which she saw by twisting her neck. New York looked great from up here, although the cold air was something that needed ajustment, "Where is global warming when you need it." They arrived at her building, and she wondered how he had found it without looking, but then realized that he had the greatest computer in the world attached to him, so he already knew her name most likely.

Room number? he asked her, making her wonder if she could trust a superhero, but still wasn't strong enough to walk back to her apartment. "Room 312." She said, and once they arrived at the door, she climbed out of his arms to unlock the room. she didn't have her keys, and she cursed under her breath. She suddenly had an idea, and placed her knuckle at the door. She unleashed her claws into the door, taking out the lock. She gently pushed the door open and was greeted by her home.

She found the couch, which was six feet away, and fell on it, thankful for not being in the air anymore. She felt her wound, and felt that it was smaller than before, so it was close to healing. "Me casa es su casa." She called out, inviting someone who should be her enemy into her home. Not that it was much, a simple three room apartment, only able to afford it by stealing, but she liked it. All around the walls were pictures of a happy couple, and in some they had a baby, her family. After she started stealing, she was able to hire a PI to see if any pictures remained of them, and he managed to findan old adress and broke in and got a picture album full of photos of them. SHe later had them restored and hung them around the house, her favorite being one of all three of them, she on her mother lap at she would geuss age 5.

She closed her eyes, but knew that she would not fall asleep anytime soon. "Thanks for saving me back there. Take anything you want except the pictures, I will hunt you down for those." She said, and looked over at her drawing on the table beside her. It was simple enough, a picture of a rabbit, and she smiled a bit. Thankfully she had hidden most of the things she took, with a few things laying about here and there.

The setting changes from Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353 to New York City


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles
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0.00 INK

Gwendolyn was sitting on a bench in the streets, earphones in. The world out. That's how she saw it and she'd prefer it that way. Humming to the tune softly as she watched cars go past, it passed the time for a moment. The brunette kept her handbag beside her as she gazed, then looked to the sky in disgust. "One day, I'll end up up there and when I do, you'll fear my wrath." She mumbled as she took one leg off the other, sitting up straight and rubbing an eye. She was tired from a long working day. Why is the world like this? Gwen asked herself silently and sighed. She felt miserable, pure miserable and that was only because she was tired. Tired, stressed and just really negative today.

She then decided to get a bottle out of her black handbag, which matched the shirt under her green/khaki jacket and sipped some. Closing her eyes as the taste of the coldness trickled down her aching throat. After complaining a worker in a local supermarket about the pricing of drinks. Her throat was sore. Then after a few more, one or two gulps she placed it back into the handbag after screwing the lid back on again and sighed. She bit her lip as she then stood up, placing strands of hair behind her left ear and made her leave, walking in black flats and dark jeans.

The Filipina girl kept walking, past houses and streets, it was a very ordinary day for her. Too ordinary. She didn't like it at all. It was boring, really, ultimately, stupidly boring. She looked at the nearby bus stop as she walked and decided she'd get that back to her 'home' instead of walking, her legs ached and everything. So she'd rather wait.

The bus stop said 10 minutes.

Well, it better be worth that wait then... She thought as she snuggled up in her coat, all chilled and relaxed inside. But then the clouds in the sky caught her attention, she obnoxiously raised an eyebrow as the white puffs of fluff flew by over her head and over the many buildings that are ever so tall. Why do you clouds exist..? She thought about the clouds floating by and sighed again. Now mentally questioning her own life, why is she still here after all her fathers abuse against her? Why? Oh why?

Because she was stronger than she gave herself credit for, that's why. Now, 7 minutes until the bus arrived and then Gwen sighed again, her brown hair falling back into it's original place. Which funnily enough didn't bother her this time, and she laughed to herself before placing a leg on the other again. I guess being misunderstood is pretty much an understatement at best... She then thought and pursed her lips before tilting up again, looking to the clouds and the beautiful sky, sighing contently as her mind drifts off somewhere, far away because she hated this, the cold and the waiting, the fake love and the hating. It was something she didn't enjoy in the world, something that made the world cruel in her eyes.

Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles hated it with a major hating passion, that's for sure.

The setting changes from New York City to Marvel Multiverse: Earth - 353

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina" Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
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0.00 INK

"Me casa es su casa."

Guardian stepped into the house as invited, throwing a glance each direction in order to get a feel for the house. There was not much to look at - it was a simple apartment with nothing too special about it save for the few pictures laying about, scattered across the room in various places. He remembered seeing the word 'orphan' when he was looking up information about her, so he wondered if these were pictures of an adoptive family or something else. There was always that possibility, but one of them even had a picture of who he could only guess was her as a child so that meant.

"Thanks for saving me back there. Take anything you want except the pictures, I will hunt you down for those."

Guardian's head turned to face her instead of the many pictures surrounding them. Underneath the helmet, he raised an eyebrow. "I do not save someones life for a reward." his helmet zoomed in on her wound and to his surprise, it looked smaller than before. Maybe he had just been over-estimating the wound in the first place. Either way, he was a bit more happy to see that it didn't look as severe as originally thought. "My wish is only for yours and everyone else's safety, so I will not be taking anything of anyones, Claire."

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New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

Greetings, True Believers! Welcome to the Big Apple! Home of many of Marvel's finest creations!


Space by RolePlayGateway

Where the Cosmic Entities, and all the hostile alien races are.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

Truly a Haven for mutants… Wait, this wasn't in New York before...


Latveria by RolePlayGateway

Doctor Doom's humble little nation.

New Orleans

New Orleans by RolePlayGateway



Manhattan by RolePlayGateway

Where Times Square is.

Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen by RolePlayGateway

Just another part of New York. Doesn't Daredevil lurk here?


Brooklyn by RolePlayGateway

Another Slice of the City. Contains Cypress Hills Cemetary.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"
Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
Character Portrait: Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"
Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
Character Portrait: Nick Harker
Character Portrait: Squirrel Girl
Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
Character Portrait: Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"
Character Portrait: Drake Davis
Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles


Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles
Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles

"When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie."

Character Portrait: Drake Davis
Drake Davis

A blind paralegal infused with the "spirit" of Daredevil.

Character Portrait: Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"
Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"

"For the last time I will NOT make you a suit!"

Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
Renee "Ciel" Bleu

Hit me, mon ami.

Character Portrait: Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl

Well, this rp seems fun enough!

Character Portrait: Nick Harker
Nick Harker

"It's Not Over......."

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
Zachary Ackerson

"If you cannot fight, I shall do it for you."

Character Portrait: Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"
Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"

"Please go right, please go right, please go right..."

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"

I'm not evil, just chaotic. Promise.

Character Portrait: Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"
Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"

No. There's no bloody Lasso. Just Ionic Energy.


Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"

I'm not evil, just chaotic. Promise.

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles
Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles

"When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie."

Character Portrait: Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"
Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"

No. There's no bloody Lasso. Just Ionic Energy.

Character Portrait: Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"
Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"

"Please go right, please go right, please go right..."

Character Portrait: Drake Davis
Drake Davis

A blind paralegal infused with the "spirit" of Daredevil.

Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
Renee "Ciel" Bleu

Hit me, mon ami.

Character Portrait: Nick Harker
Nick Harker

"It's Not Over......."

Character Portrait: Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"
Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"

"For the last time I will NOT make you a suit!"

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
Zachary Ackerson

"If you cannot fight, I shall do it for you."

Character Portrait: Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl

Well, this rp seems fun enough!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"
Grant Thompson, "Young Wonderman"

No. There's no bloody Lasso. Just Ionic Energy.

Character Portrait: Renee "Ciel" Bleu
Renee "Ciel" Bleu

Hit me, mon ami.

Character Portrait: Zachary Ackerson
Zachary Ackerson

"If you cannot fight, I shall do it for you."

Character Portrait: Nick Harker
Nick Harker

"It's Not Over......."

Character Portrait: Drake Davis
Drake Davis

A blind paralegal infused with the "spirit" of Daredevil.

Character Portrait: Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl

Well, this rp seems fun enough!

Character Portrait: Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"
Claire Moore "Chaos Wolverina"

I'm not evil, just chaotic. Promise.

Character Portrait: Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"
Karen Goodspell "Miss Fortune"

"Please go right, please go right, please go right..."

Character Portrait: Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"
Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"

"For the last time I will NOT make you a suit!"

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles
Gwendolyn Yvonne Byron-Verceles

"When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie."

View All » Places

New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

Greetings, True Believers! Welcome to the Big Apple! Home of many of Marvel's finest creations!


Space by RolePlayGateway

Where the Cosmic Entities, and all the hostile alien races are.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters by RolePlayGateway

Truly a Haven for mutants… Wait, this wasn't in New York before...


Latveria by RolePlayGateway

Doctor Doom's humble little nation.

New Orleans

New Orleans by RolePlayGateway



Manhattan by RolePlayGateway

Where Times Square is.

Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen by RolePlayGateway

Just another part of New York. Doesn't Daredevil lurk here?


Brooklyn by RolePlayGateway

Another Slice of the City. Contains Cypress Hills Cemetary.

New York City

Greetings, True Believers! Welcome to the Big Apple! Home of many of Marvel's finest creations!


New York City Brooklyn Owner: RolePlayGateway

Another Slice of the City. Contains Cypress Hills Cemetary.


New York City Manhattan Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where Times Square is.

Hell's Kitchen

New York City Hell's Kitchen Owner: RolePlayGateway

Just another part of New York. Doesn't Daredevil lurk here?


Doctor Doom's humble little nation.


Where the Cosmic Entities, and all the hostile alien races are.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Truly a Haven for mutants… Wait, this wasn't in New York before...

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Marvel Spirits: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Marvel Spirits

Re: Marvel Spirits

Hey I'm thinking about joining. Can there be a spirit of Deadpool? or Black Heart?

Re: Marvel Spirits

Yeah, I'm slowly noticing that. This might actually happen if I can get everyone there.

Re: Marvel Spirits

acuttly, a lot of people are transfering right now...

Re: Marvel Spirits

Okay, since no one apparently wants to transfer over, even though I made sure to ask all of you before hand, I give up with that idea. Is this still alive so we can keep going?

Re: Marvel Spirits

will have profile up soon...

Re: Marvel Spirits

Thanks for telling me, I do appreciate that. *looks at everyone else* ............Well?

Re: Marvel Spirits

Doing tests and shit, Raidose, I'll switch over when I can~

Re: Marvel Spirits

Why has no one sent there character over? Or even looked at it? Did I just waste my time with this?

Re: Marvel Spirits

Boom. It is done. Give me a sec to get the locations up, and would you guys mind with the copying of posts? Or should I just be lazy and make a link to here?

Okay, in case no one was seeing the link or understanding that that WAS the link, this is the link to the new rp.

Re: Marvel Spirits

I love the idea for the irregularity explosion, Rai. Had similar ideas towards other stuff when I originally imagined this RP as a 'DC Spirits' type thing.

Go ahead regarding the RP, I suppose.


Re: Marvel Spirits

Okay, I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to assign ownership of the rp over to someone else, so I'm going to have to basically copy this as my own rp. Now, I'm not sure if I should take the lazy approach and just paste a link to this rp, or if you all would mind copying your posts over to the new site to prevent confusion for any new players that pop up. I prefer the second option, and if everyone's on today it should take only like 30 minutes total, tops. Still, give me a minute to copy everything over, but on the plus this should net a few more new players. Oh, and Jay? Could I discuss an idea with you? I had a thought about the Irregularity Explosion not just being a one trick thing, but more like the movie A Sound Of Thunder. Basically, it happens multiple times and with each "Irregularity Wave", something changes. You said that our universe's history is being re-written by the Marvel 616 universe, which would mean a lot of changes. Like the Skrull for instance, or Asgard, or the Shi'ar Empire, or Mephisto's Realm, The Dark Dimension, the X-gene becoming a real thing. Stuff like that. Basically I just thought this would be a better delivery system for our universe becoming a little more like Marvel's universe.

So yay or nay?

Wow..... Hey guys, you remember that BeefJack derp that the Malware thing was going on about? I found out why. That third picture on the intro page was originally from that web site. Like, no joke.

Code: Select all

There's the url for that pic....... I had no clue till I started copying these images over into my rough draft.

Re: Marvel Spirits

I'd appreciate the assistance.

Re: Marvel Spirits

Hey, Jay. I know you got the new characters in, but I gotta ask if you know you'll be active throughout this thing? If not, then can I at least manage this thing? You'll be acting GM, I just want to make sure that this can still function if something comes up. Trust me, I have no life. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. But again, if you believe you can stick around long enough to keep this active, I trust your judgement.

Re: Marvel Spirits

The GM isn't here to approve any characters. Hence my idea about GMing this myself if for nothing than just to approve the new guys.

Re: Marvel Spirits

Was my char accepted? It's not on the list

Re: Marvel Spirits

I'm with Raid. If the RP were older, it wouldn't be a big deal to me if the GM vanished for a few days. But because it's new, he can't pull crap like this. It's been 6 days since he's posted, 5 since he's logged in.

Re: Marvel Spirits

Where the hell is Jay? We got two characters waiting to be approved, and soon I'm pretty sure there's going to be 3 more. If he's not back after a while...... would anyone ind if I made an rp that continued this? Like, basically a do-over with all these characters? I don't mean any disrespect to Jay, and I don't want credit for the story. It's all his. But for the sake of approving these new guys and having an active GM, I rather do this than watch the whole thing grind to a halt. If he comes back tomorrow or the day after, everything's fine, but if not I'd like to know if you guys would mind?

Re: Marvel Spirits

Awesome! We need some symbiotes!

Re: Marvel Spirits

Hey can I join this, because i'm a really big marvel fan? Also if yoou let me I'd like to make a anti-venom/symbotie guy, I was going to go for spiderman but he was already so heck I went with my second choice.

Re: Marvel Spirits

Whoooooooooot! Malwares gone!