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Elvira Ivanovna Yityev

"Between two evils, I always pick the one I have never tried before."

0 · 338 views · located in Corsona Manor

a character in “Master Corsona's Game”, as played by Sephiraph


Elvira Ivanovna Yitayev



Gender: Female

Role: The Ginger one

Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Sushi
  • Playful Banter
  • Riddles/puzzles
  • Music/Dancing

  • Being bossed around
  • Selfishness
  • Stupidity (by her standards)
  • Being Wrong

  • Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten or ignored or forgetting.
  • Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
  • Merinthophobia- Fear of being bound or tied up.

  • Asthmatic.
  • Not very strong or fast in general (but strong enough to draw her bow mind you).

Weapons: The Parker Wildfire Compound Bow with Alloy/Carbon Arrow.

She is a mostly good person, but mostly is key. We’ll start with the not so great things about her personality. She is short tempered so if you actually call her ginger she’d hit you hard. If she doesn’t agree with you she may call you and idiot or a bonehead. If you piss her off she’ll hold a grudge for the majority of her life; if she does let it go it’s because you groveled upon the floor below her, or she realized she was wrong but she’d never admit that.

She doesn’t work particularly well in groups because there is no bossing her around. She doesn’t like being told what to do and if you try to she’ll tell you to go take a hike. That’s not to say she won’t do what she’s told, but she’ll do it begrudgingly and only if that’s what she also thinks is the best way to go.

Lastly, she doesn’t carry a lot of compassion for others. Just because she likes you it doesn’t mean she wants to hear your sob story or life story. Quite opposite actually. The less you have to say about those things the more she’ll enjoy your company. In accordance to that, she doesn’t afflict others with her problems either.

She is fair; if do well upon her, she will do well upon you. She likes other people who are fair and she pities those that are kind. She doesn’t like those who are what she interprets as mean. And yes, she has friends. She may not always be the greatest friend in the world; however, you can never doubt her loyalty. It isn’t hard to lose her trust but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t get it back she does believe in second and third chances. Another thing to include is that just because she’s loyal doesn’t mean she won’t tell you that you’re wrong. She thinks speaking your mind and informing others of your opinions is the best thing you can do for a friend.

All this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy her company. She can have a good time and others can have a good time as well. She has a great sense of humor. Sometimes she laughs at things and realizes later they weren’t joke, but even so she still thinks it’s funny. Believe it or not, but she does in fact know how to pay someone a compliment. Actually, when something about you is extraordinary or cool she’ll be the first to tell you. She loves music and dancing and likes innocent and playful banter. The better you are at verbal battles the more time she will spend around you.

Also, she loves riddles and puzzles. That’s one of the many things she spends her time doing, on quite the regular basis. Not to mention, she is very good it them.

She shows her emotions in a very physical way. If she doesn’t like you she doesn’t tend to look at you nor face you. However if she does she will make eye contact with you all the time and she will almost always be facing you at all times. She is quite active and will many times stick her tongue out at you for saying things she enjoys.

She chews on her tongue when she is worried; bite the joint of her thumbs when she is deep in though. She puckers her lips and chews when she’s annoyed and twitch her nose and smile when she’s happy.

Elvira (Elvi) is from a Russian family, she did not spend much time in Russia; in all reality she wasn’t even born in Russia, rather her parents are from Russia and she is not. Her parents were quick to get away from the communist government and the moment they were gone they made their fortune. Unfortunately, their business requires much traveling so they left their daughter with countless tutors. They taught her many things, Russian, English, Mathematics, Sciences, History, and everything in between.

She didn’t get to spend much time with her parents so she grew to feel as though she weren’t actually there family. Thus, the moment she turned eighteen she moved out and denied help from her parents. She soon found that things weren’t quite as easy as she previously thought. Being used to a much more elaborate lifestyle she found it hard to adjust to that of the ‘common’ folk. She has held many part time jobs, but being unable to support herself with the pay she is give she is constantly on the look out for a better income job.

She was born on April Fool’s day (April the 1st) so she always became annoyed on her birthday. Being the holiday it was, no one would believe her when she said it was so she stopped telling people. She got cards and expensive presents from her parents but they always seemed so thoughtless to her. She still has them but never uses or wears them.

What do they have to say about their situation?:

I have to admit, the entrance to this castle should have been my first and last warning. Fog was rising up into the moonlight acting as a distorting veil that casted a gloomy shadow upon the Victorian styled castle. Two, practically dead, trees framed the dark entrance. I think that should have been a red light, but I ignored it. I figured that it was just an eerie night as it is. Once morning comes, I was sure the castles beauty would entertain me. Well, it would seem my first instinct was correct. I simply chose to ignore it and now there was only one way out. To make matters worse, I was stuck with four other people that had done nothing more than demonstrated their idiocy to me.

Anything Else?:

Her favorite holiday has and always will be Halloween. She loves dressing up for it even at her age but refuses to give any candy to children. Last but not least, she's left handed.

Password?: Bloody Llama

So begins...

Elvira Ivanovna Yityev's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriela Day Character Portrait: Arima Portman Character Portrait: Elvira Ivanovna Yityev
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Elvira Ivanovna Yityev

Elvira stared at the doors ahead of her and soon after flipped her head back to stare at the taxi cab that was all to eager to leave the general area. The large beautifully carved black dual doors that stood up the steps before her gave off an eerie aura that told her that knocking may or may not be the greatest idea. She stared at the door, honestly speaking, the mere fact that this guy had such an open invitation and wished nothing in return is all too suspicious, she thought to herself. Maybe I should be worried. Behind her she heard the horrid screeching of tires that told her the taxi had high tailed it out of here. “Yes because that’s reassuring.” After watching the car disappear into it’s own dirt cloud she turned back to the huge doors only a few stair steps in front of her. “Well, it’s not like I have anything else I can do.” However, before making her journey to the front door she glanced around the general area.

Well, the scenery certainly gave off the ‘I’m Abandoned’ look. Again not reassuring. The two trees that framed the door creaked in the chilly breeze like old men and women that were way too ancient to be moving. There were also some cars parked here and there. Not many by any means, but enough to tell her she wasn’t the only one here. “Great, people.” A shudder seized her body at the mere thought of having to live with others. After abandoning these pessimistic thoughts she made her way up the stairs at a sluggishly slow pace. Before she could finish climbing said stairs she caught sight of two, how to say, ghastly figures. Girls, to be specific. From looks of them, catty girls.

She looked at them, then at the door. What are the chances they haven’t knocked yet? High no doubt. Upon finding herself only a few steps away from the door she glided past the two females and rasped her fist against the wooden panels. She almost felt bad for having to touch such beautifully, yet ominously carved doors. For a moment she picture the blackness before her as an abyss that she shouldn’t be so eager to approach but Elvira quickly brushed that irrational thought aside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harold Munson Character Portrait: Gabriela Day Character Portrait: Arima Portman Character Portrait: Elvira Ivanovna Yityev
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Harold Munson

Harold was jostled away by the taxi pulling up on a dirt road. He hadn't got much sleep lately. He was getting restless. This entire thing seemed weird to him. He had recieved an invitation by mail to his house. It was a hand written letter, that invited him to a game. Something to challenge his mind. He was told it would be a mystery of sorts, a puzzle if you will. So, he spent most nights pacing back and forth in his room wondering what in the world it could possibly be. Harold rubbed his eyes and looked at the mansion. It was beautiful. The designer was a brilliant person. The only thing that was blemishing the appearance was the two dead trees in the way.

He got out of the cab and saw three others standing there, two blondes and a red head. He wasn't surprised that there was other people here, it was only logical that it would take more than his brain to solve many of these puzzles. He lifted his suitcase and headed up the stairs. He looked down and tried not to make eye contact. He really didn't want to anger anybody before they even entered the house. 'You could still walk away. It's as simple as heading down those stairs and not turn back.' He was lost in his own thoughts. He sighed, today was not in his day. He started singing a song in his head, it was "Ain't that a Kick in the Head," by Dean Martin. He soon started humming it. He looked up and saw that a butler had opened the door and motioned the four of them inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harold Munson Character Portrait: Gabriela Day Character Portrait: Rory Salvador Character Portrait: Arima Portman Character Portrait: Elvira Ivanovna Yityev
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Rory Salvador


The car door of a a flashy cherry red Ferrari sounded as Rory finally made it to the house. Fashionably late, as usual. He pulled his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose slightly, leaning against his car as he looked up towards the giant manor house. "It looks bloody well flashy if I say so myself..." He commented, thinking the authenticity of the house was probably exaggerated and brought out more, purely to make the guests feel more awestruck by it. However, that wasn't exactly the reason Rory was still here right now. His drive had been a slow one, due to always wanted to stopping and exploring the beautiful scenery. He wasn't much of a guy for buildings. However, Rory loved scenery.

His eyes trailed around the manor house, twitching his nose slightly as he sniffed the country air and something else... He couldn't really tell what it was and it wasn't that strong, so he just shook it off. He blinked a couple of times, before his attention focussed in on where the other guests were gathered, right at the front door. Then, his thought process was caught. Two beautiful blondes, a smoking hot red-head, and a cute nerdy boy... "Could I ask for anything better?" He asked himself, grinning widely and then pushing his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose, locking his car and picking up his case. "Hellooo beauty's..." He said with a grin, strolling towards the house and giving the other guests a wave as he approached them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harold Munson Character Portrait: Gabriela Day Character Portrait: Rory Salvador Character Portrait: Arima Portman Character Portrait: Elvira Ivanovna Yityev
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Arima Portman

Arima eyed the other blonde that had come up to the door. She looked familiar, but then again names and faces never were different were they? She made no effort to try and smile at the girl as she introduced herself. The girl might be trying to be nice, but the blonde knew that they already disliked each other and therefore had no intent on responding to the question she asked. Gabriela was then stepping in front of her and knocking on the door. How rude. "I already knocked," Arima lied before turning to see another girl coming up to the door. This girl was prettier than the other blonde albeit she seemed a bit ditzy.

She grinned at the red head a bit then looked back at Gabriela. That was when the next girl knocked on the door. What was this madness? Arima was beginning to wish she hadn't come after all. "I think we've got the door problem under control," she stated to the newcomer, shifting her weight to her right leg and crossing her arms over her chest. She looked around in dismay. Welcome to your own personal Hell, she thought to herself when a cab pulled up. If there are any children in that house I am going to hurt somebody.

The Australian frowned even more than she had been as a young boy (or maybe it was a man, she wasn't sure) stepped out of the cab and came to join them. His presence made her feel a bit better though, seeing as he refused to look at any of them. Maybe the friendless girl had found a buddy for the time being. It wasn't as if they had to stay here forever, right? Arima's opinion was soon changed however when he began humming, causing her to bite her lip to keep from saying anything mean.

The sound of the door unlatching caused her to look up, seeing the butler looking down at them. She was about to enter when a rather loud and rather attractive British man came striding up to them. "Hello yourself," she commented before stepping into the large foyer. Arima turned her head around every which way, examining the beautiful decor. Who couldn't appreciate a well though out house? As a child she had always found it interesting when she visited a new home, exploring every corner in an attempt to understand what the owners' and builder alike wanted from it.

Once she was done admiring the large space, she turned to see the others. Her opinions on them were already flowing around in her head, creating a whirlpool of negative thoughts and endless possibilities on who to pick a fight with. Heaven and Hell sure seemed the same right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harold Munson Character Portrait: Gabriela Day Character Portrait: Rory Salvador Character Portrait: Arima Portman Character Portrait: Elvira Ivanovna Yityev
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Gabriela Day

Gabriela made a small 'hmpf' sound as the other blonde didn't reply to her greeting and then rudely spoke up about already knocking. There was no way they were ever going to get along. This girl clearly needed to check her attitude cause right now she was acting like a total bitch. Gabriela looked over her shoulder to see a redhead making her way over to them, and after the cold treatment she had given Gabriela the other blonde actually had the audacity to grin at the newcomer. Bitch much? Of course, the redhead also ignored their presence and made no effort to introduce herself. This was actually going to be her personal hell, she began to wonder if is was too late to turn around and leave. Not for fear of what awaited them in the house but the fact that she'd had to enter the house with these two girls. It was clear she was not going to get along with either of them.

Of course the blonde spoke up about the door thing again. It's like every time someone knocked on the door a relative of hers died. Seriously someone need to just get over themselves. Next some guy rocked up looking self conscious and awkward about being here, keeping his eyes on the ground. Seriously, if he wanted anyone to take him seriously, he needed to take himself seriously. That and be like a thousand times more confident, if he continued with that attitude he would never get anywhere. That's what Gabriela always told her little siblings. She also made a small mental note to let the guy know what she thought about him later. She really wouldn't be able to stand staying in the same house as him if he kept that attitude up.

"Hellooo beauty's..." Seriously, 'beauty's,' this guys whole persona was like nails on a chalkboard to Gabriela. In fact looking over at the other guests she would be staying with, Gabriela decided the anything would be less painful than this stay would be. "Kill me now," Gabriela whispered to herself as the other blonde respond to the guy. Rolling her eyes Gabriela walked inside the grand house, deciding moving in the general direction of movement would be best.