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Juliet Harding

"Some people are only alive because it's illegal to murder."

0 · 803 views · located in Meadowbrooke Asylum

a character in “Meadowbrooke Asylum”, as played by The Littlest Mermaid




Juliet Harding


Juliet has always been a disturbed girl. Constantly drawing horrifying pictures of death and talking about rape as if it was something she looked up to. Her parents tried as hard as they could, taking her to every mental hospital they could, but nothing seemed to be helping. At one point, one doctor prescribed some medicine and it seemed to work for a bit, but then she got in trouble at school for vividly describing just how one of her teachers was going to die. That's when her parents were given the ultimatum of juvy or Meadowbrooke. They chose Meadowbrooke.


So begins...

Juliet Harding's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers
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Lady Angela loved her job she thought it amazing. With that she sent the letters and waited for the forms and she called for brother Thomas and brother John. "We fetch them tonight." And with that she awaited for her long awaited new patients.

Brittany was busy in her room busy just playing on her laptop when her stepmom came into the room. She didn't say anything except sticked a finger at her. "Shhh." With that she began to cut off her clothes and Brittany screamed not liking the way this was going.

With that she grabbed handcuffs and handcuffed her to the chair when she was naked. "What the hell are you doing to me b****?"

With that she exited the room and she heard knocks at the door and storming up the steps to men wearing black cloaks came in unhooked the cuffs and they put a straightjacket on her and a ball in her mouth and duct tape to hold it in and she was screaming throughout the entire thing. And worried what was going to happen. With that she was taken down the stairs and thrown into a commercial van.

"Thank you ma'am we will take good care of your daughter."


With that he was still locked in the room. The woman his father gave him away too was nuts. He began to scream again and she came in with some soup and fed him as his hands were tied to the wall. "What are you doing?" He said before she did what she did. With that she cut his clothes off and she left.

He was nude when heard a knock and crying then walking up the steps and two men in black cloaks too him and put him in a straight jacket. They put a ball and duct tape over his month and saw that the crazy lady was crying.

"Don't worry we will take good care of him." They said before throwing him in the back where he saw another person there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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Juliet blinked a couple of times, her vision was still spotty from hitting her head as the men who had pushed their way into her room tried to wrestle her down the stairs. She had been sitting on her bed, headphones in, wondering what it was like to be touched inappropriately without having given consent. It sounded intriguing to her, but the latest case she'd heard about in the news, the girl obviously hadn't felt the same way. All of a sudden her door was thrown open and three men in white coats had stormed in, two of them grabbing one of her arms while the third was trying to get his arms around her legs. She wasn't planning on going without a fight so she drew a leg back and then socked it at the man by her waist's face.

"MOM!" She shrieked as she attempted to rip her arms free. The men had tightened their arms around her when she'd kicked their associate. "DAD!"

Over her thrashing, she could have sworn she heard movement from the bottom of the stairs and what even sounded like her mom forcing back a sob. It was clear no one was going to help her. She had yanked one last time against the men, hard, and managed to get free. She hopped out of bed and made a run for the door when the guy she had kicked over earlier grabbed one of her ankles and she fell, smacking her head.

Then everything had gone black.

Now, when she had cleared her eyes with a few shakes of her head and had propped herself up on her elbows, it seemed that she was in some sort of padded cell.

"Where am I?" She wondered out loud.



It had been one whole month since he'd been whisked away to Meadowbrooke and as awful as it was, he really couldn't complain because it had gotten him away from his father. Every day had basically been the same, dull routine. Today, however, he had been upgraded from one hour of supervised "play" in the courtyard, to one hour where only half of his time was supervised. This quick improvement may have come from the fact that he didn't do anything during that time except sit on a bench in the far left corner and watch the others mill around. Chase liked to act like a fly on the wall in situations. Throughout the yeard of being hit and knocked around by his father, he had learned to keep to himself and stay silent. The only time he peeped up and made a scene was whenever his father was going after his mother; which was basically any night that he came home after spending a little too much time at the bar.

"Alright, Chase, you know the drill." The familiar voice came from the other side of his cell door. It was Lady Jane, one of the nuns who worked in the asylum coming to fetch him for breakfast.

Chase propped himself up on his elbows. His bed was made of the same type of padding that coated the floor and walls. "I'm ready." He stood up, face the wall, and put both hands against it.

He heard the door creak open and the small footsteps as his escort drew nearer to him. "I trust you slept well," She cooed like a mother would to her five-year-old. "Just got to pat you down, my boy."

Lady Jane started up at his shoulders and searched him all the way down to his ankles. He had gotten used to this, and to the occasional time that her hand would slip just below where his belt would be and linger for a moment too long. The first time it happened, he had flinched, but it had only provoked an eery laugh from the woman and she had squeezed her hand slightly. This time, however, she kept to her boundaries and was done with the small search within seconds.

"Let's go." She said, turning and walking out of his cell, knowing he'll do as he's supposed to and follow her without giving any trouble.

And he did just that.

They walked in time to the cafeteria, passing other cells on their way. The first week of his stay, Chase had tried to sneak glances at the patients neighboring him, but the way the rooms were set up it was nearly impossible to see the beds through the windows. Now he just followed Lady Jane with his hands in the pockets of his straight jacket and his eyes downcast. This morning, however, there was noise as they passed the front door. There were three doors you had to get through in order to reach the actual front door, but it was visible all the same.

Chase looked up, there was a girl thrashing about and a boy not too far behind her. They were each being led in by the same type of men who had grabbed him from his house a month ago. The stories of why the others were here intrigued him, although all he knew was what he'd picked up from conversations overheard in the cafeteria or out in the courtyard since he never bothered to get in actual conversations with anyone. Maybe he'd seen the two new additions during "play" time later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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Brittany looked around the van. She noticed they were all together there were three. Two females and a male. As the car bounced she assumed down a bumpy road. The van came to a halt. The doors swung open and men came and brought them out. As the nuns spoke with the head nun Angela she watched as the three were dragged in. "Please take these three to the development room. They each get their private cells and one of you take Chase as well."

Brittany screamed before they put a sock in her mouth to shut her up. She wasn't the only one screaming she heard lots of people screaming in their rooms. It seemed like a horrible place and she was freaking out. It was a horrible thing to take people against their will.


As the other girl who was screaming was carried away he was as well. When they reached their appropriate cells they were attached by an iron door in the middle of each room. It was padded and he was removed from the ball gag and his straight jacket. Now fully nude he watched through the door the other people. He was taken aback by how he was treated.

A guard came to each door and inserted a food tray. "Sister Angela will be with you all tomorrow at daybreak. Eat and sleep now as tomorrow is busy."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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|| Chase Rivers || Hexcode: #006666 || Day Thirty-Two ||
Although Chase had waited around all the previous day, being late coming in from every meal and "play" time, he never saw the ones whom he'd seen being transported in. It was irritating. Up until now he had been the new kid and it was definitely refreshing to get some new blood. The others he'd been able to have slim contact with had already been in Meadowbrooke for so long, it seemed as though they had been brainwashed and wouldn't tell him what he could look forward to when the supposed tests they ran started. He was still trying to think of a way to get out of that. After all, he hadn't done anything crazy and he wasn't hearing voices in his head. He was just unlucky enough to have been born to a father that would rather lock him up in a mental institution than send him to the hospital for attempted suicide that was directly related to his own abuse.

All of this was running through his mind the next morning as he lay awake on his pathetic excuse of a bed until Lady Jane knocked at his cell door, meaning it was morning and time for his routine pat down. Immediately he stood up and splayed both of his hands against the wall, "Ready." He said, his voice so low it's a wonder she heard him.

But just like every morning, he heard the click of the key in the lock and the creak of the hinges. Then he felt her elderly hands swiping against his body. She was moving faster this morning, meaning he escaped her perverted squeeze. She must be in a hurry because of the newbies, they have to be down for breakfast at this time too. Since they're newer, they'll need someone to explain their days to them.

"You start your tests today." Lady Jane spoke, interrupting his train of thought and bringing an icy chill down his spine. She had finished and was turning to lead him through the door.

"I do?" The fear in his voice was almost palpable and it grew worse when he realized Lady Jane wasn't walking him to the cafeteria as she did every morning. He hesitated when she closed the door behind them and began to walk off further down the hallway of cells.

"You can see yourself to the cafeteria this morning, laddy. I've got to help with the morning rounds. Brought three newbies in yesterday morning, I'm sure you saw them." Her eyes were twinkling at the thought of new patients. "Just remember, we're always watching." He didn't miss her eyes sweep to the ceiling and land on a security camera that was pointed right at him.


|| Juliet Harding || Hexcode: #990033 || Day Two ||

"Where am I?" Juliet wondered out loud.

She had spent the night in a padded cell where the floor, walls, ceiling, and even her bed were made out of the same sort of foam barrier. Yesterday had been surreal. One second she was in her room reveling in the feeling of being raped, and then the next she was strapped in a straightjacket with another girl and a boy, and then led into this room. No one had said anything except that there would be someone by at day break to collect them. As there were no windows in her cell, she had no way of knowing what time of day it was.

The knock on her cell door finally came after what felt like hours of laying on her bed, where sleep never came. Not knowing whether or not she was supposed to reply, she decided not to. Instead she brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, huddled in the corner of the room on top of her bed. The door opened and Juliet almost let out a laugh. It was a nun.

The woman in the habit scurried into Juliet's cell with a sour expression on her face. "Up girl!" She barked, waving her arms frantically. "There is much to discuss and so little time to do it in! I am Lady Anne." Lady Anne tossed some white pieces of cloth at her before ordering her to strip and change into them.

When she had been brought in, they had given her a thin night gown to change into from the straight jacket. Now, she took that off, extremely aware of Lady Anne's eyes sweeping all over her naked body. She honestly didn't mind, she reveled in it. Her eyes never left the nun's, almost as if she were daring her to do or say anything. Once she was in the white clothes, Juliet raised an eyebrow and waited for further instruction.

"Each morning," Lady Anne began, taking a step towards the girl. "You will hear a knock at your door. You will immediately get up, go to the wall with your back facing out, and place your palms upon the padding. Do so now." She waited, and Juliet did as she was told. "Then you will be patted down. I, for one, am quick but never quick enough to make an error with this process. I do however wish to warn you about Lady Jane, she can be, how should I put it... more thorough. The old nun's voice faltered slightly and Juliet thought she heard a sliver of disapproval in her tone. Lady Anne had been right; she did perform a quick pat down.

Once it was over, Juliet turned back around the face the nun. "And after that? She dared herself to speak, curious of how much liberty she would be given in this place.

Lady Anne's expression was unreadable, unfortunately. "After that, you shall be escorted down to breakfast."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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Ryan watched as he awoke from his horrible night. He thought it strange that this is his new life. The world around him wasn't great he never said it was. It's just combined it scared him he was going to be here. He had never heard of this place before his He didn't have any idea of ever getting out of here. And he was sure he was right. He watched as a nun came in and looked him up and down.
"I'm Lady Jane. When I knock at the door go to the wall place your palms on the padding and spread your legs. I will be giving you a good pat down." Smiling she walked over and began to pat down. As she gripped her hands around different body parts he gasped as her hands dwindled in an area that is normally not touched. "What the fuck?" she looked at him gently. "Very well. Off to breakfast when brother Thomas comes to get you."

As brother Thomas came into the room his eyes dwindled to Ryan's swinging manhood. This place was one of such spooky places. The people were very indifferent about his or what he could tell of anyone else's feelings. As they walked down the hallway he looked at the other padded cells he was walked past a room of people who seemed not know they were people but of animals.

As they went to breakfast he was amazed at how creepy the entire place was. The dining hall had people in straight-jackets and having a nun feeding a bunch of them at the same time. If they weren't being fed by a nun it was force-fed through the nostrils. It looked horrible. Lady Angela sat at the head table and directed them to a table. They were to eat in silence. "Brothers will you escort those for to the 13th floor. Address them to the boardroom and I will be there soon."

His shoulders were gripped and he was brought to the floor that was mentioned. He was put in the room and tied to a chair.


The night had gone by she couldn't believe this was now her life. Sitting in a padded cell. She had a lady early in the morning come and pat her down. Being a bit frisky towards her nether region and her chest. She was amazed to see the dining hall later on in such a condition. The room was dark and had only two small lights in the front of the room where the nuns would sit. All around were lined tables with benches for chairs. Most of them sat close to each other as there were more then 3000 patients. Quite a few were in their rooms though as they were close to death because of experiments.

Before she knew it she was taken to a room with the others. She was a bit worried and wondered if anyone else would speak. She had a few strange fetishes that this place was cringy and unappealing to her eye.

As she was placed in the room and sat tied across from the others she wondered if she would be allowed to speak. "Why do you think we were kidnapped like this?" She wondered aloud and wondered if they were going to answer.

Before long she was surprised to see as Lady Angela came into the room and sat down.

"Well finally the day has come where all the experiment participants are together. Your parents needed some good convincing except for Chase, we actually got him pretty soon. Anyway everyone please let me inform you that you no longer belong to your parents or the world. You belong to me. I am the owner of this building and you now. Please understand you do not have the family names. You are 1 Chase. You are 2 Juliet. You are 3 Ryan. You are 4 Brittany. Thats it. To me, you are the number. To each other, you can call by your name.

The base of your experiments shall be with your full nude body. You will be stripped of clothing on the 13th floor and only know each other.

She said walking towards her clothes were cut and the rest followed. "Now what bitch?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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|| Chase Rivers || Hexcode: #006666 || Day Thirty-Two ||
After breakfast, Chase was escorted into a room that he hadn't visited yet. The walls were bare and the only items in the room were five chairs, one of which he assumed was for himself and if he'd had to guess he would say the other three were for the new patients that had arrived yesterday morning. SInce he wasn't a time crucial patient, the nuns had been in no hurry to start him on his treatments. Now that there were other newbies, however, they had the perfect opportunity to start him off in a group.

Not long after he'd taken a seat, the other three walked in and he had a a chance to actually look at them. The two girls were stunning, or they would have been if they'd been allowed to run a brush through their hair and perhaps some different clothes. The boy looked rather intimidating and Chase immediately wondered why any of them were here.

He was so consumed with his thoughts, he hardly even noticed when Lady Angela walked in and didn't hear a word of her speech until she said, The base of your experiments shall be with your full nude body. You will be stripped of clothing on the 13th floor and only know each other. To this, his eyebrows shot up. After that, the nun had turned and walked out, leaving the four to look questioningly at each other before they were beckoned out of their seats and led to an elevator.

"What the fuck is going on?" He breathed under his breath, his heart pumping harder than it had since the last time his father had raised a hand against him.

When the elevator chimed that they had reached the thirteenth floor, he had made his resolve to do whatever Lady Angela had said without hesitation or question because it would probably end up being worse for him, like Lady Jane always being the one to give him his pat downs in the morning.

"In here. You heard Lady Angela. All of your clothes. The nun whose name Chase didn't know said before opening a door and closing it behind them, the lock clicking into place loudly as it echoed off the walls.

For a few seconds, he didn't move, not wanting to be the first to act. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of the girls removing her clothes. Immediately he felt his entire body stiffen as his eyes grazed her up and down. Then instinctively he put his fingers to his shirt and began to unbotton one at a time, his eyes never leaving the body of the girl. After a few moments, he was stepping out of his pants.

"Now what bitch?" The girl he was looking at spat to no one in particular, as there was no one left in the room but the four of them.


|| Juliet Harding || Hexcode: #990033 || Day Two ||
Juliet bit her lip and let her eyes graze the other three who were in the room when the nun said they were all going to essentially be locked in a room together and be forced to take their clothes off. Her eyes stopped on the boy who had looked up when Lady Angela had said Ryan and took him in, excited to see what was underneath the white clothes.

She could hardly contain herself as the elevator climbed floor after floor until the number 13 lit up on the board. When they exited into the hallway, she let herself step a tad too close to Ryan, her hand grazing him and popping en eyebrow when he met her eyes.

When the lock had clicked to the room they were now in, Juliet licked her lips, waiting for someone else to make the first move. The other girl began undressing, and then the boy named Chase. Once they were through, Juliet's eyes grazed Chase's body. Everyone else seemed so uncomfortable but this was her comfort zone. Without another thought, she removed her shirt and pants, her eyes once again finding Ryan.

Practically jumping with excitement, Juliet ran her fingers through her tangled hair. Once Ryan had removed his clothes, much to her pleasure, a voice came from no where, We will be inserting tracking devices into each of you when you exit this room. However, for now, we would like to give you complete and utter freedom with your actions when each of you are in your most vulnerable form. Please toss your garments through the spot in the wall directly in front of you." At that moment, a panel of the wall moved and revieled a black space through which they could see nothing. Juliet was the first to strut forward and do as the voice had said. "Very good." It continued, "You have one hour." There was a touch of static coming through wherever the hidden speaker was.

Juliet turned towards the others, her hands on her hips, and her eyebrow once again raised. "What could we possible do for one hour?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Harding Character Portrait: Chase Rivers Character Portrait: Brittany Evens Character Portrait: Ryan Taylor
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The room had gone silent. After the nuns had all finished their peace. Thats where they sat. Two females and two males. Locked in a room, naked in the most intimate of ways together. Now the women were exciting but since he was cold and very uncomfortable he did not like it. As an advanced was already made by Juliet he thought this was going to be a long day.

He sat down on the floor with his knees close to his chest. His breathing was more shallow because he had a bit of a chill to him. His nerves were eating at him. "I am Ryan. I was put in here because I gambled too much to the point I lost my parents over 1 million dollars." The nuns had something planned between them. He didn't understand it completely. Here he sat in a room with them.

What was so special that they deserved to be together. He knew it was strange but as he glanced at the others all naked he really didn't know what else to do either. Should they just speak? Or just stay silent? He sat there as he continued to breathe slowly for a while it was really silent. Maybe it felt longer than he thought.

He quickly went to a place in his mind daydreaming about the game of blackjack. Online games were so much fun when there was a chance to get money. He wasn't really good in the beginning but he was at a time where it was happening quite good really.

Smiling he decided to turn this positive. "Do you think they have some cards we can then play maybe a little poker. Unfortunately, we can't play strip poker. You all are already stripped." He chuckled quietly to himself alone and waited for a little more noise from some of the other participants in the room. It was a tough crowd.


She was going crazy. She sat here nude and a bit of uncomfortable. She looked at the men. Yes, they were both attractive in their own way. She was getting a bit crazy. Maybe the reason half these people in the place looked crazy was that they went crazy. The white walls, being locked up. It made her skin itch. She was nervous so she began to itch her back as best she could.

With her chest moving as she breathed she felt very self-conscious she felt like the one guy just was watching her. She could be making it up as well. She looked at Juliet who spoke. She looked like she was very okay with the fact she was naked. She looked at them.

"I know she told everyone that I am Brittany but that is who I am." She said knowing the dudes would not be paying attention to her voice but to the skin she wore. The vulnerability drove her a little mentally insane but it was interesting to see what for experiment those nuns were up to. If they were religious this seems a bit crazy for the church. She walked over to Chase and looked at him.

"Are you looking at me?" She said speaking to him. Slowly she began to breathe and calm down. So far nothing terrible had happened. She couldn't believe this was going to be her life. As she sat on the floor. They didn't have access to much furniture but it was a nice space. From what she understood they were going to be spending a lot of their time on this floor together.

The light was dismal and she felt like that was something they could fix up. But you know how much do they spend on her being there. Probably not much as she felt like she wasn't worth it. There wasn't even a point to this place. But she was feeling a bit... weird now. How would she react if she was in public? Especially if it was on her record that she lived here for however long she is meant to stay.