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Mecca Mana

Mecca Mana Academy


a part of Mecca Mana, by EKRonnie.

Mecca Mana Academy

EKRonnie holds sovereignty over Mecca Mana Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Mecca Mana Academy

Mecca Mana Academy


Mecca Mana Academy is a part of Mecca Mana.

8 Places in Mecca Mana Academy:

13 Characters Here

Atomsk Walker [113] "I'm gonna get caged up either way. Might as well pick the bigger cage right?"
Francis "Franki" West [101] "Note the heavy sarcasm in my voice."
Tony Viaggio [68] ""
Kael Ross [65] "Sounds like fun."
Erin Vines [58] Honestly, don't you have homework to be doing?
Sunan Charoenkul [36] "Most people are lonely and lost and broke and frightened with no shot at the future. But yet they still wanna live. I dont get it. I dont."
Yuuki Valliere [27] Calm as still water
Gina Games [24] Air Teacher
Rodrick Harris [19] Fire Teacher

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Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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Tony smiled meekly and nodded. "O...Okay," Even if he did hit him, it probably wouldn't hurt the guy. He was nearly a foot taller than him! And it wasn't like Tony was buff or anything. The wind might hit him, but....oh. Maybe that was what he was referring to.

"At least I'll t-try n-not to hit you...." Tony amended, "With...with the wind...." To be honest, he didn't know what would happen. This was this first time he had tried anything like this. He wasn't even sure anything would happen.

He decided to keep his hands lax. He'd ball them up if he got really angry anyways. When he felt he was ready, he nodded at the taller boy. " h-have m-my you w-worst."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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#, as written by Hoga
The boy tensed up and gave him permission to do his worst. He looked at the boy. He still wasn't sure if yelling would get anything out of his new acquaintance. He decided to take a different approach, not really caring if the boy approved or not.

Atomsk took a deep breath, and opened up his mouth as if to yell. But instead of yelling, he threw a hard right, hitting the boy hard on his right, knocking him to the ground. Even if yelling would have worked, he was sure this would yield better results.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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Tony felt something slam into his right cheek, and almost instantly he found himself skidding on the ground. Dirt filled his mouth--not an unfamiliar taste--and it took him a few seconds to stop seeing double.

As he pulled himself up, though, he found that he....strangely enough....wasn't so much mad as he was confused. The guy had hit him? That wasn't what they had agreed on....Sure, it was unexpected, but the difference between this punch and the one last night was he didn't really feel threatened. His brothers--especially his older ones--and sometimes even his sisters knocked him to the ground all the time (albeit not always as strong as this particular one), but it was usually 'play' fighting. Or...them just being bored. Or him being in the way. This, though completely unexpected, was strangely....expected? Did that even make sense?

Tony staggered to his feet, nearly falling over, his cheek throbbing like mad. He probably had a bruise. To get any sort of result, he'd need to feel threatened. Like last night. Threatened or angry. Upset. Panicked. He needed that emotion. And if this guy wanted to do it physically, then so be it.

"'ll have to....have to actually...beat....b-beat me up," Tony instructed, hands on his knees.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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#, as written by Hoga
He raised his eyebrow at the boy once more. He wanted him to yell at him, but punching him square in the face wasn't enough? This boy confused him.

"If it takes more then that I'm not going to do it. I told you already I'm not a thug. That punch was all I could live with man. I refuse to beat you up just so you can do one little display of air."

He saw some other kids looking their way. They seemed to get a kick out of him punching the boy. He hated people who got a kick out of others pain. He hoped they wouldn't approach. He ignored them and turned back to the boy.

"I'm no good either. So we just need to get better. Without getting beat up."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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Tony frowned. For once, someone was actually refusing an offer to beat him up? Figures, huh, how the one time he actually wanted to be beat up, no one would do it. He wasn't sure whether to be happy or offended by this.

Well, actually...

" w-won't b-beat me up b-because I'm...I'm w-weak, right?" Tony pushed on, "If....If I...if I was bigger, you''d pro-probably keep g-going, right?" His voice started to falter. He wasn't getting anywhere with this. Not by talking anyways. He just sounded pathetic and stupid. Which was probably how he appeared to everyone else. Just a weak, pathetic, stuttering, stick of a guy who got beat up without trying but not if he asked for it. What was it the guy said? I refuse to beat you up just so you can do one little display of air. What, did he assume because he was physically weak that he'd be elementally weak as well? Who said it'd just be a small display? What if it was a big display? What was up with these people always thinking so low of him? He'd only been here a day, and these people already had him carved out as a weakling! And this guy was trying to make out like he was doing him a if Tony couldn't handle being beat up. He'd been beat up before. He could've handled it last night as well, if those two girls hadn't come in. Sure, it would have hurt like hell, but he wasn't going to die from it! Sheesh! Honestly, if he could speak clearly, why he'd--

Tony realized his fists were clenched. He blinked out of his mental barrage of thoughts. Was this it? Was he getting angry? No, not quite...but he was working himself up. About now, in a normal situation, he'd run away or pick up his flute or do something to calm his nerves. Instead, Tony thought of every single thing that had pissed him off since coming here. And there were a lot. Even if they didn't seem to piss him off that much at the time, now they were highly offensive. He even mentally called himself names. Heard taunts that hadn't been said yet. Imagined his father yelling at him. Imagined his family jeering at him. Even, for a brief second, imagined his precious flute being dashed to pieces....

That last image was what finally set him off. The previously still air suddenly erupted into a whirlwind blast that whipped forward, blowing back everything in its path, including the other air guy. The wind flew through Tony's hair and hoodie violently, and he could hardly keep his eyes open. He had done it! He had done something! His feeling of triumph trumped his previous anger and upset, and the whirlwind died down as quickly as it started. He blinked, brushing the hair out of his eyes. As the final gust of wind disappeared, a heavy weight befell Tony, and he staggered. How much energy was involved in that? He had no clue, but one thing was for sure. He was pooped. He plopped down onto the ground before remembering the other guy.

"H-hey..." he called, a bit hoarsely. " okay?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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#, as written by Hoga
" okay?"

He was still out of it. The kid had gotten angry out of what seemed out of no where. He blasted him, and knocked him a good ten feet back. He landed square on his back. Anyone else would have been in worse shape. But Atomsk had taken enough hits in his day that he had recovered quite quickly.

"Heh I'm fine man don't worry about me." He pulled himself up. He brushed off his clothes and shook out his hair. "That was good though. Your lucky I'm used to punishment." He smiled at his friend. He began his trot back over. The boy looked quite tired. He understood. He always felt tired after he used his ability. He was about to help out when the kids from earlier made their approach, much to Atomsk's displeasure.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Yuuki Valliere Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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Erin Vines

Finding out that Kael's trick was just that...a trick...Erin was a little disappointed. She accepted the Popper though, tentatively holding it in her hand and cringing slightly. Even though was a fire user, she was still pretty skittish about flames. Her hair could light up very easily. Thinking of this, she pulled her locks back into a hair tie and then concentrated on the Popper.

With some guidance from Kael, she concentrated and produced a spark, a loud one. Well, to her anyway. Jumping and dropping what was left of the Popper to the ground, she shivered with excitement and fear. She definitely had to practice more.

In no time, the hour was up and they had to head to the auditorium for the assembly. She faced Kael with a smile, adjusting her shirt. "Maybe we can practice more after!"


The auditorium filled up as much as it could with the limited amount of students. On the stage, the four teachers had gathered, Courtney looked disheveled and quiet. Merry stood beside her, speaking softly, while Rodrick and Gina remained downstage, waiting for the chattering to calm down.

"We've been informed," Rodrick announced. "That Icarus Whim is gaining allies." Straight to the point. "So, in light of this, we'll be having a group class in the gymnasium in twenty minutes. We ask you to change into comfortable clothing and bring water. If we're going to train you, we're going to do it right."

Gina stepped forward at this point, a frown on her face. "We need your full cooperation on this. Full. If you believe you are a liability or you just don't want to participate, I'm asking you to leave now. I don't have the time or the patience of coddle a bunch of teenagers. This is the moment you grow up and know that this is a life and death situation. We might have to run for it if the time comes. Be aware of that.

"Now...twenty minutes. Gymnasium."

With that, the teachers left the stage.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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Franki West

Franki was almost too excited when a young blonde came up to her, asking if they could practice together. Another water user? Don't mess this up, Franki! Remember what happened last time you talked to a water user? Don't. Be. Weird.

"Sure!" She stated with a smile. "It's nice to meet another water user!"

She was about to ask another question when a sudden gust of wind pushed it's way between she and Yuuki. They were pushed quite a distance apart, but Franki managed to keep her footing and remain upright. Glancing to where the wind had come from, she noticed Tony who looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. Atomsk was jogging over, from where she wasn't quite sure, but was cut off as the bullies from yesterday made their approach on Tony.

"Whoa!" Franki called running to aid the timid kid. "Back off!" She snapped as she moved in place between Tony and the bullies.

The blonde one let out a breathy laugh. "Is this one your protector now?" He called, his attention on Tony. "You need a girl to protect you?" He moved as if to step around Franki, but she stopped him with a right hook to the jaw.

The blonde crumpled to the ground, his hand placing firmly on his face. "Jesus Christ!" He cried.

"I said, back off!" She snapped. She felt her arms tingling from the adrenaline, it was like she was vibrating. She hadn't punched someone in a long time, but her brothers would be happy to know that she still could. They had taught her a long time ago how to defend herself, and it looked as if those skills would come in handy. Especially since a crazed lunatic was coming after each and everyone of them.

She took in deep breaths, trying to calm down. She could feel the water in her body coursing through her veins, her tie to it strengthened. It felt weird and strange, but it wasn't unfamiliar. She felt it, when she would dance on stage, and people would erupt into thunderous applause when she was done. The adrenaline, the feeling of victory, it was fantastic normally. Add the ability to control, feel, water, and it became almost overbearing.

Franki looked at her watch, attempting to calm down, and realized it was almost noon. "It's almost noon. We should head to the auditorium." Was all she said as she moved past Tony and Atomsk.

The meeting in the auditorium didn't help to calm Franki down. In fact, it probably made her worse. Her nerves were getting the better of her, and she could feel every particle of water in the body. It called to her, and she ached to touch it, to grasp a hold of it. But she swallowed it down. The water that was calling to her, was the bodies sitting near her. Every heartbeat sent shockwaves down her spine.

Any attempt to grasp a hold of that water, would likely result in the shredding of the people. Franki had attempted to grab a hold of the water in someone's body once, and she ended up breaking her brother's arm. She didn't want a repeat of that.

The teachers dismissed everyone, informing them of a mass class in the Gymnasium in twenty minutes. She wasn't sure she wanted to go, if she did she would have to calm down.

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Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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Tony wriggled uncomfortably in his seat. His cheek had definitely bruised, but it was the words that made him antsy.

Should he leave? That was what that one woman had said. Wasn't she the air teacher? Or was it the other one. She sounded harsh. Maybe he should go. He didn't really want to be here anyways...

His bruise throbbed, and he remembered the blast of wind. He couldn't deny that it felt good to do that. Maybe one day he'd be able to show that blonde guy he could protect himself, instead of always depending on Franki or Erin. Of course, if he left, he wouldn't have to deal with him at all. Or any of this.

But...his father....if he left, he knew his father would ridicule him for quitting. For being a pansy. He'd disown him, probably. That wasn't too terrible. No, he'd just lament on what a terrible son he was. Playing flute. Giving up on his ability. Not developing it.

The threat of disappointment and the desire to show his father that he wasn't a failure made up Tony's reluctant mind. With a sigh, he pushed off the chair and dragged his feet towards the Gymnasium, just following the crowd. At one point he thought he saw the blond guy, but it turned out to be someone else. Jeez, he sure hoped that he was just an air-using genius and he didn't know it, because this hiding just wouldn't do. Though the previous attempt made him think otherwise to that theory. Speaking of, where did that one guy go? Tony looked around as he entered the large building.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio
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#, as written by Hoga
Atomsk tensed up as the boys approached. They didn't get a chance to say anything before Franki appeared in between all of them. He had tensed up slightly, and when he saw Franki appear, he tensed up even more. If something went down he was defiantly going to take the front line.

A small exchange between the boys and Franki was all that occurred, although they seem quite interested in the boy. After another insult thrown at him, Franki had had enough, a decked him right in the face. He smiled. First of all, the girl he liked could dish out some punishment. Second of all, the bully had gotten what he deserved. Franki walked away, and Tony wasn't far behind her. Atomsk looked at the boys, and turned to walk away, when they addressed him.

"Hey you! You sure gave it to that faggot! Maybe you could help us out showing him who's boss some time."

Another one spoke up. "Yeah, and that ugly bitch too!"

Atomsk was disgusted and upset. "Sorry. I don't pick on others. I have standards. Unlike you trash. And I better not hear you call her ugly or bitch again." He didn't even look as he spoke to them.

The blonde one finally spoke up. "What do you have a crush on the ugly bitch? And what's up with the faggot? You got a soft spot for weaklings?"

"If I had a soft spot for weaklings you three would be getting all my pity."

"You want to look at us and say that bitch?!"

Atomsk was waiting for those words. He got a big smile on his face, and wiped it away as he turned around. His heart was pumping. He hadn't gotten to fight in a while. Even if it was going to be against some weaklings, he would enjoy putting these jokers in their place.

"Your weak. In fact, I could beat all three of you right here." He lowered into a fighting position, and prepared. The boys seemed to take exception to his statement. Exact ally what he wanted.

The first one came right at him. Atomsk dodged his sloppy punch, ducking down slightly to have it go just over his shoulder. He then threw a left jab into the boys face. He threw it open palm, trying to do less damage if possible. The boy yelped as he fell onto his back. The next boy came at him from the side. He threw a very early punch, and fire came out of his fist. He lunged to the left, and pressed in. He threw another punch, but Atomsk was already too far in, allowing him to knock his fist out of the way. He Hit him thrice in the chest, and then a solid crack to his chin. He fell as well. The blonde then came at him, and shot a few stones. Atomsk grabbed a few, and just guarded his face from as many as he could. The blonde threw a punch at Atomsk, going for his face. Atomsk took it intentionally. The boy grinned, thinking he'd won. But Atomsk looked to the boy with boredom. He barely felt a thing. This boy was another popular poser. He had no idea how to actually fight. No idea how to throw a proper punch.. None of them did. He closed his fist the time, and hit him in the same place Franki did.

The blonde fell, wimpering, to the ground. Atomsk stood victorious over the boys.

"Those two are under my protection. Do you understand. Your pathetic excuses for fighters. I've lived most of my life on the street. If anyone comes at them again, they and you will have me to answer to. So you better spread the word." He walked away. satisfied he had won. He noticed a few cuts on his face and arms from the stones. He wiped them off, hoping to hide them.

He walked into the Auditorium to hear the teachers speak. A group training session, twenty minutes. He didn't want to train and now all of the sudden he was being forced to. Oh well. He didn't have much of a choice. He saw Franki, still looking angry, and decided to walk over. He plopped down next to her. He still panted, and wiped the still slowly flowing blood from his arms and face.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Francis "Franki" West Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Atomsk Walker Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Tony Viaggio Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Kael Ross Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Yuuki Valliere Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul Character Portrait: Merry Cinders Character Portrait: Leilani Lunalilo
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Erin Vines

From the teacher's expressions and postures, she figured there was more to the story than they were letting on. But she also grew excited at some proper training at last. She found Kael in the Gymnasium. Adjusting her ponytail, her brown orange eyes flicked up to his scar briefly, then to his eyes, "What do you think we'll be doing?"

Only Merry appeared at the far end of the room, waving his arms to get the students to gather there. Erin glanced around, noticing several faces weren't there. Had some kids actually left?

Merry's wispy hair tangled more as he messed his fingers into it. He seemed anxious, eyes flickering to the door every few seconds behind his glasses. After the twenty minutes had passed and all who had decided to join arrived, he let out a loud sigh and said, "Sit down. I...I'm going to speak with you first."

Erin sat down slowly, her expression falling in worry. The tenseness apparent in the teacher's shoulders zapped her as well. She sat tall, hands clasped tight in her lap, body vibrating. Her ears picked up the breathing of Kael beside her, and the shuffling of the others' around her.

Without being able to stop herself, she asked Merry, "Where are the other teachers?"

Merry's expression grew grimmer. "Tending to Nilrem. And...other things." He addressed everyone now. "I'm going to...tell you what...they d-don't want me to...t-tell you."

His fingers danced around each other. Erin noticed how tight his pants were, sweater vest loose in contrast. Why would he be wearing clothes that didn't fit him? What was going on? The more Erin noticed around her teachers, the less she felt they knew what they were doing themselves. They seemed only a bit older than them. Where were the adults? Where was this mysterious EF organization?

She got her answer one moment later.

"The EF was attacked this morning."

Erin froze.


Erin stopped breathing.

Merry cleared his throat. "The EF is...was...the group of inhuman beings that...gave you all the p-powers you possess...all those years ago. You were all born to the same hospital and the b-battle...d-destroyed so many lives...but not you lot. Most of your parents survived as well. But you were vulnerable. The course of the b-battle took place outside the human eye, but the elements...It's all very hazy...a...a wound appeared. In the earth. In the air. Everywhere. It opened, just for a moment. Long enough to hurt you. You w-wouldn't see it.'s inside of you." Merry adjusted his glasses. "Part...part of the highest Elementals, the inhuman beings...the royals pretty much. Their daughter was killed in the battle and...she b-broke apart. But she found a way to of all of you."

Erin sucked in a breath, posture slouching only slightly as she listened.

"They're inhuman, virtually invisible, unless they w-want to be seen. I honestly understand them little. But she lives inside all of us...and directs our influence over the elements. And...Icarus...He didn't think it was possible. He didn't could live. But she does. And now he w-wants to kill her for good or...if he can persuade become his own. Work under him. Destroy that last Elementals and...t-take over."

"...why?" Erin breathed.

Merry's eyes flicked to hers. "Because he is angry. He wants revenge." He paused.

The doors to the Gymnasium opened, revealing Rodrick with tired eyes and Gina with a frown. Both approached, Rodrick attempting a smile, saying, "Are they ready to begin?" His eyes met Merry's who stiffened and took two steps back. Gina noticed before Rodrick did. The faces of the students. Erin was sure most wore the same perplexed and astonished look she wore.

"He told them," she stated.

Rodrick looked to the kids. Then Merry. His nostrils flared, fists forming at his sides. Erin noticed a faint orange glow appearing behind his fingers. "You what?"

"They d-deserve to kn-know."

"They won't understand!"

"They aren't children!"

"Yes they are!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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Sunan Charoenkul

In most situations he wouldn't hesitate to lead the way, but at this second his legs were frozen. His words were stuck in mucous membranes, unable to escape into the air and begin their adventure. It was all because of a smile, the curl of Valdim's lips that had paralyzed him. Sunan could feel his eyes blink, unable to believe it at first. He could blame it on a trick of the light, or a temporary hallucination. It was small, subtile enough that most people wouldn't noticed it. The shorter boy was able to capture it, preventing the action from being forgotten or disregarded. For some reason, beyond his understanding, the moment where the cold male sculpted out of stone showed expression on his face felt novel; like a shooting star.

It was a domino effect, causing Sunan to display a visage of happiness and relief, his own lips twitching into a delicate smile. "Great." He laughed, stretching his arms into the air. "Onward, then." With the ice cracking he gestured to the nearest doors, walking out into the world beyond brick walls. The first thing he did was close his eyes, inhaling the fresh air and feeling the gentle wind that caressed his face and threaded through his hair. He didn't want to go back inside. "First things first." He muttered before kneeling down, sliding off his shoes to reveal bare feet, no socks acquired. This scene was a reoccurring theme in the movie of his life. He tied his laces together like carefree college studies on spring break, letting them hang around his neck. They might do it to look iconic, but Sunan preferred keeping his hands free, and feeling the Earth beneath his feet, no matter how rough or dirty they got.

He wasn't sure what to talk about. He didn't want to think about the new school, or the people that apparently were trying to kill them, or how they had all their choices taken from them. Instead, as he walked across grass towards a forest of aging trees, he let his mind become a victim of wanderlust. "Technically the world could end at any second." Sunan rambled, his head tilting up towards the sky, spotting clouds hanging miles overhead. "Have you ever heard about the 'vacuum metastability event'?" The shorter of the two questioned as he climbed over a large rock, only to jump back down on the grass. He turned around to get a better look at Valdim, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Sunan might not be very eloquent or charismatic, but he never ran out of things to say. "Basically it's the theory that we could be living in a false vacuum state. Like, only having enough energy to last us so long, and once it goes sour," He spread his arms apart and clapped them together, letting the noise be some sort of gesture of the end of the world. "Boom. Without any warning, at the speed of light, we could all be erased." His hands found the pocket of his hoodie, stumbling on a tree root before he found his balance. His eyebrows raised up, facial language alert and engage. "I guess what I'm trying to say, is that we might as well have some fun, and stop worrying so much." Sunan's shoulders slumped and he stopped walking at the edge of the forest, pausing to watch a caterpillar climb up the trunk of a tree.

"I guess all this stuff about some crazy guy coming after us seems silly." He remarked, reaching out to let the insect climb on his finger. The human watched curiously as the green, fuzzy animal crawled onto his hand and examined the hem of his jacket. "Our time here is temporary enough as it is.." Regardless of wanting to stay off the topic, he ended up back to square one, the thoughts haunting him. Sunan looked back up to Valdim, meeting his eyes. There was silence, for a moment, and again it was broken. "So what do you usually do for fun?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Vines Character Portrait: Gina Games Character Portrait: Rodrick Harris Character Portrait: Yuuki Valliere Character Portrait: Courtney Knolls Character Portrait: Merry Cinders
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Yuuki went to the auditorium and sat down. She heard excited whispers and didn't know what was going on. She could only sit and wait for the announcement. She let her mind wander around, thinking about past events that led to this. She missed her brother and her parents. She especially missed Sebastian. After a while, a voice interrupted her thoughts and she paid attention to the stage. A man, most likely a teacher, went on stage. Yuuki would know who he was if she had come on the first day. She shrugged and listened to him, even though she had no idea what he was talking about.

Before they left, they instructed the students to change to some comfortable clothes and go to the auditorium with some water. Yuuki was excited, she wanted to learn as much as possible. She was never the rebellious type, so when the teachers left, Yuuki immediately left to change.

Yuuki walked in a quick pace up to her room and realised that none of her room mates were there yet. She opened her wardrobe and picked out a milk pink t-shirt with white dots on it and sky blue shorts. She changed her slippers to light pink ones to match and put a hairband in her hair to match. She filled her water bottle with clean water and left for the gymnasium.

Yuuki reached the gymnasium and realised that little people were there. When 20 minutes had passed, she realised that only one teacher stood there. He looked nervous and spoke. While Yuuki was listening to him, her eyes were wide open. She didn't know what was the EF, but the other things that he spoke about shocked her. She wanted to ask about something but before she could, the other teachers came and started talking quietly. Yuuki tried to listen but she could not hear anything. She sighed and sat still, waiting for the teachers' next instructions.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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Sunan Charoenkul

The small emerald colored creature paused at his knuckles, then it continued to climb across his hand and over the sleeve of his hoodie. Momentarily he was envious of the creature, much like the rich green color of its skin. He was jealous because it was blissfully ignorant to the truths of the world, could never begin to comprehend human troubles or how these large, fleshy animals were responsible for their atmosphere deteriorating. Sunan felt himself grow angry, almost seething when articles of the destruction of their planet flashed through his head; felt wrath towards the humans that destroyed everything in their path like fire. Fire that burned and destroyed, left the world barren and uninhabitable, even for itself.

A calmness washed over him, a result of a voice so muffled and quite, the stark opposite to the usual teenagers that plagued his life and it was injected into his blood stream like sweet morphine. His expression softened, he knees lowered to the ground, paying no mind as dirt clung to the his jeans. They were words that made him smile in fondness, picturing what Valdim must look like curled up with his eyes focused on a particularly enchanting piece of literature. The caterpillar left him and attached itself to the vines that clung to the tree, wrapped around its truck as if it was a beautiful, artistic noose and it was asphyxiating not just the plant, but him as well - captured by it the silent divinity.

Shivers ran down his spine, they were unfamiliar yet not exactly uncomfortable. Rather, they were pleasant. Each time his name was spoken by the other male he felt his face grow hot, crimson beginning to speckle his cheeks. It was like they weren't of this reality anymore, had traveled far away from the boisterous academy and entered a world of significance, one where just his name being spoken by another was like honey. Sickly sweet, addictive, and he pondered how he could get more - wondered if he would get stung in the process and thought that even if he was poisoned by a stinger that he would press on, gamble his luck until his death.

His shoulders rose and fell in response as he contemplated if this moment was real or just a detailed, enigmatic dream. Had he simply been trapped in his subconscious? Where a shadow Valdim existed, in a copy of the real world? Sunan took refugee in knowing that such a thought was ridiculous, wasn't true, and he stood from his spot on the ground without bothering to brush the dirt away from his clothes. His eyes wandered down to his feet, and then to Valdim's, which were paler but now dirtied with brown, and his thought the simple sight was something allusive, maybe more so than the jade vines that wrapped around the generations old tree.

"I was a monk at one point." Sunan began bluntly, awkwardly, but soon found his voice. "I like skateboarding, music, muay Thai, but over all I like to explore and discover." His explanation was succinct and he turned towards Valdim, mischief twinkling in his eyes. At first glance the young man may have seemed imposing, but as more time between them past, the more his appearance melted into his personality. His height and posture was no longer intimidating, rather it was statuesque, awkward and charming. His neck was always covered, and while it may make him seem closed off Sunan now saw it as ambiguous, reminded him of the mystery the boy held, hidden beneath his eyes that hooked him in. They made him deadly curious to know more, look into the poetry book that was Valdim Elqrust.

It was hard for him not to be enslaved by his interest, the words in textbooks did nothing for him, nor did he share an exceptional love for fiction. Television shows and novels were no stranger to him however it was always making his own experiences that he thirsted for, what kept him up at night, even if he was just curious to find what lied within the forest. "Especially adventuring, without it I would wither away and die. I would become nothing but dust if these eyes were unable to see sights that were previously virginal, hidden from the grasps of humans." His lips curled, finding himself in a rare moment where he could describe what he thought, felt, what made his life a life and not just an empty void. "I'd rather become dust than rot away beneath papers stamped with numbers." Sunan stepped forward, not once wincing as sticks cracked underneath his feet.

The young boy offered his hand, outstretched it to his companion, smile still in place. There was a world out there to see, one he could uncover with his growing confidence as he grew increasingly comfortable around Valdim. He felt as if they were so different; the way they talked, the way they moved, held themselves, thought, felt. Yet, he felt as if they were similar too, where it mattered, as if Valdim was the moon and he was a distant star, always in view. "You said I reminded you of The Doctor." His smirk was teasing, but with good nature, affectionate. "Well, step into my TARDIS Val, and lets find something fantastic." The words were bright, excited and covered in traces of transgression, eager to disobey the rules they were to live under if it meant he could grow wings and become carefree, if only in a delusional moment.

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Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valdim Elgrust Character Portrait: Sunan Charoenkul
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Sunan Charoenkul

Dissolve into nothingness. There was a universe somewhere, wedged between their own and another, where Valdim was such. In another world they may be but ideas, thoughts and projections that were given no real, solid form. In another universe Valdim was dissolved into nothingness, in others he was words, thoughts, spiraling spirographs that twisted and turned in their invisible color that would truly melt into nothing as time continued to make its toll. With discovery added these ideas were given life; ideas solidifying to form hard endoskeleton, black ink weaving to create muscles and veins, arteries and nerves, breathing predilection to mold organs, lungs, a heart. If what gave someone the will to live was taken away they might very well unravel, become just an idea once again; crossed out words on notebook paper that would haunt the mind of the person who so cruelly destroyed fantasy in harsh, graphite strokes that ripped, teared, and permanently blacked out what once was.

Such a fate was incongruous and dreary, mercilessly so, and to prevent such a wanweird became a possible goal that floated within his mind. Valdim drifted between what was reality and imaginary, and he feared if he was left to his own devices he truly would become the empty space that filled the universe, where there was no gravity or air. Survival was essential, Sunan consistently fought against what was expected of him so he could exist on his own terms, and if he could spread this oxygen to someone who's thoughts were ultraviolet, so brilliant that they could not be voiced with eloquence, than he would extend his hand again and again. Perhaps they would face against the most malevolent monsters who thirsted for nothing but destruction, hungered for the pain of other living creatures. They may find themselves in peril, holding onto the last threads of hope in a vain attempt to prevent themselves from falling, and when they fell they could find out that the abyss wasn't so frightening as first presumed. They could dip their feet into the rivers of Hell, mingle with the dead and the nonexistent alike, but first they must step through the looking glass.

A soft song was born out of such life, and he felt his heartbeat, heard his blood circulating within himself. The words were unfamiliar to him, although when he processed these lyrics of isolation and sour, citrus fruit, he found that the song and Valdim were very similar. Sunan's eyebrows arched, they moved with his surprise, although consecutively the other male surprising him had become somewhat customary in the short time they have spent together. He silently wondered what the other would do next, and the song ceased as his body language switched to one of perturbation. It was likely that there were a million of other things Valdim may do in the future that would have him react silently, not in scrutiny but in quiet, observing fascination. Could you name anyone else that acted in such a way? The other boy was so unreal that he no longer felt as if their names held much meaning, as if their authors could pluck away such titles and call them 'The Sun' and 'The Moon' instead. Sunan's lips quirked upwards, the smile being so subtle that he could hardly feel the muscles in his face tighten. It was not in laughter but in satisfaction; He, the self-proclaimed Doctor of this tale had picked a very extraordinary companion, conceivably the best that has ever been found.

Stuttering and a scarf were the next centers of surprise, the latter making him blink in bewilderment as the material was wrapped around him, being soft and smelling unfamiliar. The scarf was soft against his skin, brushing against his neck with gentle friction, and for a moment the organ that brought oxygen to his brain stopped functioning if in the most curious of ways, fluttering like the winds of a dragonfly. His freehand reached up to his face, brushing away the hair that was a curtain against the world to see Valdim better, clearer, and they focused on their hands resting against each other, similar keys to unlock the greatest mysteries by means of childish wanderlust. Sunan let his hair fall back in place, the threads blending in with each other to create the mass that often partially blinded him, uncut through a means of juvenile rebellion. His fingers bent around the pale hand, shades lighter than his own, they were two different shades of moonstone. His visage was changed into one of excitement, a grin that showed off teeth for a flash and his grip grew tighter, and a pull of his arm would force the often stone faced boy to feel the pull of the unknown, their l'appel du vide.

It was not words that broke the tension but laughter that vibrated through his vocal cords. He did not laugh at either them or the deteriorating world and its self-centered tenants. He laughed from mirth, the emotions making his chest shake pleasantly, and the boy began stepping forward, hand-and-hand with Valdim. "Of course, of course." He spoke in sing song, adding a bounce to his steps although the harsh ground became painful against his rough feet. What was he? What were they? Were they faeries or warriors or banished princes that were in search of a better kingdom, a kingdom made out of crystal that floated on top of sanguine clouds that would take them to lands of danger that they would become so infatuated with. "Yes, I suppose you'll do." Sunan teased, pausing to wink at the other while he was affected by this rush of anticipation, wondering what would be at the end of the olive branch. With another pull he led the taller through the trees that weaved arches, their leaves becoming the canopy that would protect them from pollution and loss of innocence. He pointed out toadstools and named them, mentioning which ones would make a person sick and was inattentive to their clammy hands, still together as a single entity. There were birds singing, louder than Valdim had and he remarked how people spent thousands of dollars each year to travel the world and see these animals that had so much freedom, and he stated how one day he would do it for free, just to spite those that became corporate monkeys to live a life they could only dream about.

The words were ceased by rushing water, and the contact between their hands were broken by a thought that suspected something grand, something that would fill him with enchantment and Sunan walked forward in long strides, following the noise with his mouth shut. It pulled him in, drawing him closer until the trees stopped clustering around one another, as if leaving space for the spectacle that created such a roaring noise, demanding to be heard, to be seen. Smooth stone and moss were sensations against the bottom of his feet, the noise of his footfalls being silenced as he approached a river that fell, fell down into the air and met a pool of water several feel below. It created shades of white and blue as it crashed against the surface, disrupted any peace in its violent beauty. The air from his lungs were stolen as he was enslaved by the image, his toes curling at the edge of smooth, wet stone that was cut off into a cliff, and he flirted with the possibility of slipping off the edge and into the presumably deep water below. When he breathed in again it was magic that became stitched into his alveoli, and his lips parted, raising his voice to combat the waterfall. "Hey Val, what do you think?" Sunan turned to get a look at his companion, the rays of the sun making him squint, distorting his vision and keeping his smile small, overshadowed by the eminence of nature.