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Max Nill

"Hand me a wrench will you? That way I can beat you with it."

0 · 386 views · located in Myrstrarkia

a character in “Mechas, Golems, and Nations”, as played by Mashotu



Name: Max Nill

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6"9'

Occupation: Mechanic; Enlisted

Appearance: Stunning green eyes, messy brown hair, and a cocky smile. He usually dresses in either coveralls or an outfit as if he were about to go out on a date. He is actually one for looking nice. Of course, he always has some sort of gear around on him. (You could just look at the picture too XD)

Rank: Primary mechanic

Personality: Max is a smart ass at most points. He doesn't care what he says as long as he feels it's true. In other words, he's cocky. But when he wants to be, he can be a charmer to either males or females (he's not picky). When you first meet him (if he's in his work area), he's more likely to pay attention to what he's working on at the moment rather than pay you any mind. But if you're stubborn enough he'll lend an ear to whatever you're trying to bug him about. He seems to have the annoying habit of easily figuring people out too, even people with the hardest barriers on themselves.

Bio: Max grew up with five brothers and one sister. So of course, neither he or his brothers got attention from their mother. And their father was always out working odd jobs just to support everybody. He first got into fixing things when his neighbor's radio quit working. He took the thing apart and put it back together again, actually making it better. Since then, he was known to have a gift. Everybody in his town went to him to fix their broken devices. There hasn't been one thing he couldn't fix and make better.

When he was old enough to, he got into the army after flashing his degree in mechanics. He was actually the star pupil in all his classes, which only boost his ego and cocky attitude. Ever since then, he's been the army's mechanic.

Nationality: Metargo

Unit: LK-8 Mycenaean

So begins...

Max Nill's Story


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Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max, having no idea why he was required here and would much rather be working on his immense workload, looked around to find any sort of familiar face to talk to out of boredom. Eventually though, he gave up. He saw Kyle, but he was surrounded by a bunch of other people. He saw the king and the Red Prince but it's always best not to talk to your bosses unless needed.

Max tossed a wrench into the air and caught it as he just walked around talking in the atmosphere and people around him. It actually seemed quite tense in some places.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Fermana Character Portrait: Leonardo Metargo Character Portrait: Malinha Nedilo Character Portrait: Oriana Aspiral Character Portrait: Saul Metargo Character Portrait: Calida Metargo
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Zechariah was going to say they should probably head back, but then he remembered the conference would most likely end up a somewhat long one, provided two sides go back and forth on the backlash, or if the two sides just reach an impasse. He held Azalea and said, "I think we should have a bit of time."


Kyle smirked. He knew May loved to mess with Aaron, and he had an idea as to the reason. although the wink he felt should have been directed at Aaron. Aaron, on the other hand, did not know what to think of the situation of his mouth being moved by May's fingers right before being poked in the stomach. It did not hurt, yet it made him feel awkward, for some reason.

Kyle held back laughter from his hair being messed with, plus tried to restrain from thinking dirty about being leaned on, as he knew Aaron could get jealous. Kyle knew what was going on, but Aaron did not. Now that Kyle thought about it, possibly the rest of the Lion Team knew, as well, since they have seen May and Aaron interact in this fashion quite frequently.

Once Aaron regained his posture, he snapped out of his awkward daze and said, "Well, we might as well do something, though we can't wander off too far, or we'll end up on a wild goose chase searching for the Princess, which would not be good in our report."

Kyle nodded in agreement. "I'll get us some drinks. Just tell me where you two are going, and I'll meet you there once I have the refreshments. I know what I'm getting, what about you?"

Aaron shrugged. "I guess I'll have a strawberry daiquiri. I never liked the bitter stuff. As for where to go, I was thinking maybe... hmm... quite frankly, I don't know what to do. Where do you think we should go, May, that is within this part of Diplomacy Square?"

It was then Kyle saw Max, which made him smile more genuinely, since that mechanic can be fun to talk to, despite the fact Max's bisexual behavior does make things a little awkward inwardly, even if it did not show. Once Kyle heard what May wanted, plus where she and Aaron would go, Kyle walked up to Max and waved while saying, "Hey, Max! Nice to see you, buddy! How've you been?" He waited until he heard Max's response before adding. "I'm getting a few drinks for Aaron, May , and I. WAnt to come with me for one, too? I hear the Benjlakki gals, especially from Fertaninn, the region we are in, are tough from working farms and solar technology, which makes for some hot figures."


Benjamin started right after Catrina said to lead the way. It was mostly uneventful until Ben noticed someone who seemed a little out of place. It was a white-haired girl, yet she did not look like a Metargo citizen, whom are known for a great many of them having nearly-colorless hair. He could not determine what was different, yet there was something. Perhaps it was just him. He did not even know he was glancing over in the direction of an angel, since the wings were not visible. Ben quickly recovered so not to stare or be rude and continued his patrol. Hmmm... that girl is rather cute...


Gracchus was inwardly upset that Orianna actually accepted. Of course, given his hearing being so great, he knew it was only to annoy the King of Metargo, but he still felt a pang of jealousy. He would definitely ask Orianna out before the Prince could have the chance to.

President Howard Anderson waited until all the people from both sides meant to be here were seated to speak, but when he was about to, he saw Oriana and Sir. Black already arguing about something off topic. Even the security officers shook their heads and groaned, since the two bickering diplomats were not making a good first impression. "That is quite enough, you two! We are not talking about bombs in this conference. This is about the war going on between Metargo and Mysticara. Would you be so kind as to stay on topic, and furthermore, wait for the meeting to come to order? Thank you."

The President then turned his attention forward. "Now, as I was about to say, the first thing you should know before we begin is that we do not take any foreign questioning of our neutrality lightly, as those who have doubts about it are more likely to violate it, and must be dealt with in the necessary manner to make the point clear. That being said, we shall begin.

On the possibility of allying with one of the two nations present, it should be noted that there are many Senators in Congress who are unwilling to side with a nation with a general who would massacre entire communities of civilians, neither do they feel it beneficial to side with a country experiencing the brunt of the massacres, as such tragedies could reach our own citizens and residents, leaving even children in our lands as part of the casualties. Such barbarism on the part of military personnel who order such genocide does not settle in the stomachs of the Benjlakki people. In order to convince the Senate in Congress either way, this issue especially must be addressed, the reason we have invited Leonardo Metargo, so he can to explain himself in this conference. First, though, we must have the views of our own citizens mentioned, which is where Oriana Aspiral comes in. Oriana, if you will..."

Saul listened intently to what all was being said. He knew this would be difficult, considering the circumstances. Regardless, he was not one to give up without trying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Scipio Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max sighed when Kyle asked how he was doing, "I'm bored out of my mind here. I have no idea why I'm even here much less who I should talk to."

"I'm getting a few drinks for Aaron, May , and I. Want to come with me for one, too? I hear the Benjlakki gals, especially from Fertaninn, the region we are in, are tough from working farms and solar technology, which makes for some hot figures." Kyle said afterwards.

"I guess we'll just have to see how "tough" these girls are then won't we?" Max replied with a wink as he followed Kyle to acquire something to drink. "But I'll be mighty disappointed if they don't have the face to match those hot bodies."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: May Fermana Character Portrait: Leonardo Metargo Character Portrait: Malinha Nedilo Character Portrait: Oriana Aspiral Character Portrait: Saul Metargo Character Portrait: Calida Metargo
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Zechariah, upon hearing Aza's agreement, motioned for her to follow as he walked along. He made sure she was with him, in the process. Once outside Diplomacy Square, he led her to the bakery he talked about. The interior had the aroma of home-baked goods about it. Zech saw the head baker come in and greet him while wondering why Azalea was with her.'

Zechariah answered with, "I'm giving her a tour of town."

The baker nodded and went over to the counter to take Zech's order. There was a great variety of things to choose from. The coffee seemed to have as much variety.

Zechariah spoke once he made his decision. "I think I'll have a blueberry bagel." Glancing towards Aza, he asked her, "See anything you like?"


Aaron smirked at the thought of May competing with him. He knew this was going to be fun. The sergeant followed May to the game mentioned and put in the coins needed foe both of them. picking up the fake pistol, he waited for her to do the same before pressing the start button. His shots were rather accurate, yet he did not always hit the bullseye, only sometimes.


Benjamin raised an eyebrow, since he was not sure what she was talking about. It was confusing. Either way, he said to the white-haired girl, "Sure."


President Anderson heard both Malinha and Oriana speak on a possible peaceful union. He knew this would not be easy, so he nodded and said to the people in conference. "We shall now take this time to take a break from the meeting. We shall continue after a bit of time has passed. I would also recommend considering what all was said earlier."

Officials, military personnel, and other people at the conference got up and began moving about. This was Gracchus' chance, which he took and walked up to Oriana with a closed-mouth grin. "You were amazing, Oriana!"

Meanwhile, Saul remained where he was and held Calida's hand. He knew this would not be an easy decision, considering what all has happened. The king could hear his own men speaking amongst themselves in confusion. Whatever would happen was a mystery.


Kyle laughed softly prior to leading Max to the bar in the refreshment section. The atmosphere was pleasant enough, considering the mix of different kinds of people gathered here. Heading over to the bartender, he order a vodka, strawberry daiquiri, and a hot chocolate. With all three orders in place and paid for, he offered to pay for Max's drink, as well. Once Max received his, Kyle noticed a Benjlakki soldier in a black uniform. She was quite attractive, both in the body and in the face. Kyle nudged Max and motioned for him to look in her direction.

"Go for it."

Next came another Benjlakki soldier, whom was wearing a different uniform and had red hair. Her face radiated a kind of innocence that he found hard to resist. She's adorable! Picking up the vodka, strawberry daiquiri, and hot chocolate with a cup handler, he expressed his easygoing nature while saying to the red-head. "Well, hello there, cuteness! Aren't you looking lovely?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Miller Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Kyle Scipio Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max got his coffee and denied Kyle's offer to pay preferring as to not owe anybody even if they say it's their treat.

When Kyle pointed at a girl and said, "Go for it." He almost laughed, because Kyle obviously hadn't noticed she was talking to someone else about four inches taller than her. It would be either rude, or weird, or both for him to just pop in.

He took a sip of his coffee, leaned against a wall and watched as the younger male walked up to a different girl and start to flirt with her. It was almost cute.

He glanced back at the girl and guy just in time to see him destroy his glass. And that's when Max finally let out a small laugh. Usually when men were nervous about a girl, they didn't break glasses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Atyoto Miryle

Ayoto looked at the man whom was laughing nervously, "Is something funny?" she asked looking directly into the man's eyes, "if there is, please, enlighten me so I don't snap at you for no reason." she said in a sharp tone, as she watched as he sipped coffee befire she sat between the two, since she noticed the open seat, she looked up at the drink person, "Could I get a glass of Ramune please?" she asked as the bartender nodded as he went off to get some, "I apologize if I came off cold, I am not the most comfortable in my unifourm at the moment..." she said as she saw the glass was placed in front of her, "thank you" she said smiling.

((O.O I'm mixing up characters! Nuu!!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max looked down at the girl who snapped at him. "I just found it quite adorable. He seemed either so nervous he broke the glass, or that he was having some internal struggle of holding himself back. Not that I can blame him."

He took another sip as she apologized. "What's wrong with uniform, most people are wearing theirs. I'm wearing mine, granted it doesn't look it. And plus, yours is better than most peoples."

(XD It's okay. We all make mistakes~)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Ayoto Miryle

Ayoto laughed a little, "Most people's unifourms aren't black canvas in the scorching heat." she said smiling as she blushed a bit to Max's comment, "A-and thank you" she said smiling a little, she was nervous to the point that she had the chance to emotionally shut down. Yet she stuck through it since it's the polite thing to do. She looked over, "I don't tend to find lacerations adorable... And once again, sorry for snapping at you"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max laughed, amused by how much the girl was apologizing, "It's fine. I've once had someone get so mad at me they threw one of my own wrenches at my head. Luckily she had no aim and it only nicked my shoulder."

He put his coffee down on the counter and held out his hand, "My name's Max Nill; Primary mechanic." He introduced, figuring she'd like to know his name, and he was just used to adding his title when introducing himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Ayoto Miryle

Ayoto smiled, "Niceto meet you Max, I'm Ayoto. Ayoto Miryle" she said smiling, "and don't worry, I have horrible aim when throwing, I'll throw a rock at someone, and somehow hit myself" she said smiling laughing to herself a little, It's not fun to say that, but it's true, and she's never really cared about throwing objects. Yet she did feel like something was going to happen, more like Something bad. /She had no idea what, but it was a feeling she hated. Since she knew most of the time, it was right.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

"Does that mean you intend on throwing something at me, Miss. Ayoto?" Max teased, grabbing his coffee yet again.

He noticed the tense look that slightly showed on her face, and studied her for awhile. She was obviously bothered by something but hid it well. She wasn't scuffling from him, so he didn't think he'd done something wrong. But she wasn't looking around the room either, showing she wasn't scared of someone else either.
"Are you okay?" He asked finally, "You seem tense."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Miller Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Isaac growled slightly at the sounds of laughter. picking the rest of the glass out of his hand his skin mended itself together and the blood seemed to not have been there. knowing if he stayed much longer trouble would be caused. he turned into a fox like wolf and went somewhere he wouldn't be bothered under a near by tree.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Ayoto Miryle

Ayoto soon snapped back into reality from her trance, and somewhat theta state before responding, "No-no! It's nothing!" she said with somewhat nervous and tense tone that signaled she was relaxing a bit, "And no, I don't plan to throw things at you. I hope" she stopped as if she were cut off, she was by a thief whom just robbed someone, she turned around and watched the man, "Excuse me for a minute. There's someone whom needs a nice kick to the face" she said in a serious tone, before darting off after the man yelling: "You! Stop Now!" every here and there as she slowly caught the man. About 10 meters from the gate she had caught him and as she took him down a few words were heard from her, "I warned you." they were quiet, but there. She soon cuffed the man, "you are under arrest for robbery." she said in a scolding fashion as one of the other guards took the man off. She walked back to where she was and sat next to Max again, "My apologies. Now, where were we?" she asked in a nervous yet excited tone.

((OOC: I'm back!!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max chuckled lightly at how the girl aside him just couldn't help but bring down a criminal. "Ah. You really are quite adorable." Max said. "But you didn't kick that guy in the face. I was actually quite looking forward to that." He joked. He found that he liked teasing this girl, because her reactions were quite cute.

"Hm. I wonder what you would be like in hand to hand combat." He wondered out loud. More to himself than anything.

((Ooc: Where did you go?))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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Ayoto Miryle

Ayoto smiled, "If I were in front of him, I would have put the heel of my boot to his chin. But I was behind him and that would be an unnecessary attack. Personally I was hoping he'd fight back..." she said smiling in a light manner, being content with her actions only a few minutes ago, "And because you were wondering. I'm very good at C.Q.C. If I get close enough, it ends badly to the recipient as some have found." she said in a somewhat modest manner.

"Not to brag... Of course..." she said in a soon more timid manner realizing her reply seemed like she was bragging to her.

((OOC: I got busy. Sorry!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayoto Miryle Character Portrait: Max Nill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Max Nill

Max smiled, "It's fine. I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to hand to hand combat. Granted I spend all my time in a workshop..."

Max finished his coffee, "It's sad to admit. But I probably would be able to easily have my ass handed to me."
Max knew, and obviously didn't mind admitting, that he wasn't the best fighter. But that didn't mean he couldn't make amazing devices that could kick some major ass.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Miller Character Portrait: May Fermana Character Portrait: Leonardo Metargo Character Portrait: Malinha Nedilo Character Portrait: Oriana Aspiral Character Portrait: Saul Metargo
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0.00 INK

Agathe felt a little better, until she noticed she shadow then heard what Cain said next. That can't be good. Looks like I better get Isaac then head back to the Asgarda. Running in the direction of where she tracked the werewolf, she found him by himself, then stood in front of him.

"We better get out of here, Isaac! So many hovercraft in the sky can only mean someone violated Benjlakk's neutrality! It's a good thing I made the finishing touches on your new Valkyrie Golem, because if one of the Tribal Forces is involved in whatever incident it is in this city, our country shall have made a dangerous enemy!" She made sure the boy was following her before shouting, "Hurry! The rest of the Air and Ground Party should already be on its way to the ship, and we need to catch up!"


Gracchus was unable to get an answer from the Chieftain, for he heard hovercraft beginning to enter the sky. He may not know much about machines, but what he did know was that vehicles of such design as he saw up there were used in critical emergencies where the Benjlakki military had to be involved. His suspicions were confirmed when Cam came up and reported that there was a hostage situation. "Looks like someone has violated Benjlakk's neutrality. I do know of some Tribal forces whom tend to be brash. If any such troops are involved, we may have out warmed our welcome here." Clenching his fists, he furiously added, "I swear, even without fighting, this war gets out of hand far too quickly! I just hope my hunches are wrong!" He used one of his comm orbs and commanded all Air and Ground Party members to get back to the Asgarda at once, then take off once everyone is accounted for. "Chieftain Malinha, it is time we leave!" Turning toward Orianna with sad eyes, he told the diplomat. "I'm sorry we have to part under such circumstances. Until we meet again." He gave the Natrulkra salute, which was basically a fist pound to his chest before lifting the same arm to hold his hand flat and diagonally across his forehead, then grabbed Malinha's wrist and sprinted towards the ship, expecting the rest of the unit he had with him to be there without a moment to lose.


Aaron glanced in Azalea's direction with his usual emotionless look he gave when around royalty. "Benjlakk does not resort to hovercraft of that caliber floating around unless something serious was going on. My guess is, some morons from either our side or Mysticara's violated this country's neutrality. Military hovercraft like what's up there are resorted to when dealing with hostiles in uniform, or some other threat requiring military attention. I've seen scenarios like this during simulations before our previous war." The former Ghost came by, and the Sergeant gritted his teeth at what Cain said to him, even as the specialist left. "Since when was he in charge of Lion Team?"

Kyle shrugged, "Well, at least he's helping out in the way he knows how."

"That's not an excuse in my book! Unless the King himself says otherwise, I give the orders to the whole unit!"

This was when Private Scipio snapped and slapped Aaron hard in the face. "We've got bigger problems, right now, sir! Get off your high horse, already! I'm getting sick of it!"

Aaron would normally snap, too, but this was different. For once, he came to his senses and realized Kyle had a point. Perverted and undisciplined as Private Scipio was, he had his moments where he displayed a degree of leadership. The Sergeant nodded in agreement. "You're right, Kyle, we do have bigger problems. That takes precedence. We better escort the Princess towards the shuttle, wait for the rest of the royal family, then get out of here with the rest of Lion Team, the entire royal family with us." Using his commlink, he contacted Cralyn. "Private Alymer, we're escorting the royal family out of here! Find The King, Queen, and Prince, then help Specialist Numi escort them to the shuttle! We'll meet you there with Princess Azalea coming with us to that location! You got that, Private? I don't want the royal court even close to Benjlakki territory if some idiot from our own nation is involved in whatever incident it is that brought the attention of the Benjlakki Armed Forces!"


Saul heard footsteps coming in the direction of himself, Leo, and Calida, then saw Cain, this time with his mask off. He could only hope the man did not do anything that could jeopardize the diplomatic situation, as he had a tendency to overdo things. "Cain, is something wrong?" He then noticed the hovercraft and realized the severity of the situation. "I see. The Benjlakki military is looking into something of importance. I believe it is time we leave, and Azalea should no doubt be on her way to the shuttle, knowing how Aaron, Kyle, and May are about these matters." Turning towards Leonardo, he said, "I do not know what is exactly happening, Leo, but I guess this is a mixed blessing. Time in the shuttle will give us the opportunity to talk more like father and son, something I should have done long ago." A gentle smile towards Calida, he said to her, "Well, darling, I guess we better go."


Benjamin and the rest of the squad searched for cover while returning fire to the Mysticarans in the building. Absorption fields were activated to take the hits from the spells. This would not be an easy fight.


President Anderson heard Sandra's question, looked at the screen, then sighed. "It appears both the military and police are already involved." Picking up a commlink, he contacted Zechariah. "Sergeant Malachi, this is Howard Anderson. Admiral Lionel and I are formulating a plan for your location as we speak. reinforcements are on their way, it seems."


Zechariah heard President Anderson, then replied with, "Roger, Mr. President. Awaiting instructions." Glancing in Ayoto's direction, he told her, "I can tell you this won't be easy. We're dealing with foreign military, and we'll find out who soon enough."

Sarxas added to the conversation. "Whoever they are, they won't escape trial, that's for sure."


A member of Lion Team came up to Max and told him, "Sir, it's time to go. We need to head back to the shuttle."