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Bolin Forkinson

Dwarf lord from

0 · 309 views · located in Middle Earth

a character in “Middle Earth: The shadow returns”, as played by Bolin


Bolin Forkrinson
Master Dwarven Blacksmith, a unique understanding of fire and can create Flash-flames and smoke booms
Equipment: He wears a suit of chain mail armor which was forged in the Elder Days in Moria before it was abandoned in the First Age it was a gift from Durin VII for hid help in the reclaiming of Moria, a helm enchanted with Dwarf Runes, An enchanted pack, A grey hooded cloack and carries a variety of weapons
Bearded Axe
Double Headed Battle Axe
Short Sword(Gladius)
Round wooden shield
Dwarven flash flames
Smoke Bombs

Bolin was born in Aglarond (Glittering Caves) was adopted by Gimli after his parents were killed in an Orc ambush as they traveled between Erebor and Aglarond, was trained by Gimli from childhood , after coming of Age he left Aglarond to hunt Orcs only returning to lead the Aglarond contingent of Dwarves in the reclaiming Moria.
Bolin is a stubborn and independent, He is slow to let his guard down and make friends but when he does he is loyal and dependable. He has a deep seated hatred of Orcs
Has a fondness for Alcohol when its available

So begins...

Bolin Forkinson's Story


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson
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#, as written by Bolin
Bolin had been in Bree for over a week working for the local Blacksmith by day and staying in the Prancing pony at night where he was able to gather rumors of the strange goings on in the region. Working for the smith was good cover but some of the locals remembered him previous visits to the village but he had never stayed this long and they were starting to grow suspicious of him especially as two days after he had arrived came word than something or someone had attacked and destroyed some of the farms to the Northeast.

After a long day in the village forge making horse shoes and plough blades for the villagers Bolin made his way to the Inn. As he entered he was greeted by the landlord on his way to his room to get cleaned up. After returning to the Common room he ordered a pint of there best Mead, some bread and cheese from the young hobbit who was working the bar while he waited for the Inn keeper to cook the nights meal, making his way over to the corner he had adopted he sat at a table and looked around the room seeing a few new faces in the room he hoped he would be able to hear something new tonight which would help him discover if the rumors were true and where to investigate.


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Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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"Etiquette, I see, is not a dwarf's strong suit, though I should've known as much," Golwenel uttered, her lip curling slightly as she watched the two dwarves swallowing ale after ale, taking no notice of the foam clinging to their beards for a good while before finally dissipating. Their beards were dribbling sloppily with every heaving gulp they managed to take down their throats. The small hobbit to her left was sipping quietly from his tankard, no doubt wishing he were drinking his usual tea instead, his face laden with a thin air of melancholy, though the dwarves took no notice of this either. The other elf, a blond male, though not a descendent of Thranduil, was leaning back in his chair to her right, his thin arms folded across his unusually broad chest, and seemed to be attempting to ignore the loud guzzling of ale coming from the other side of the large oak table.

Golwenel was finding it difficult to focus on her thoughts with the noise those two were making. She should've thought better than to expect any sort of quiet from dwarves when there was ale around for them to quaff. She could, however, so of appreciate their merriness in light of the situation. Lost for a brief moment in this thought, she caught herself becoming distracted. She shook herself free of it, interlacing her fingers and placing her folded hands gingerly on the rough, scratched wooden table in front of her. She cleared her throat, for some reason thinking that the gesture would catch the attention of the two dwarves, who were all too merry to notice. She cleared her throat loudly and more clearly this time, hoping again, though she didn't get so much as a glance out of them. She stood quietly, grabbing the ale out of the unsuspecting hand of the hobbit beside her, and tipped the tankard, the amber liquid and yellowish foam spilling onto the table. This - and not to her surprise - had caught their attention; the two burly, short men stared in both amazement and horror at the ale that was splashing wildly onto the table.

Feeling accomplished, she returned the - now almost completely empty - tankard to the hobbit's hand, whose face had shifted into a slightly more exasperated expression. The dwarves, mouths agape and beards continuing to dribble out of control, were now looking at her.

"Now that I've gotten your attention, finally," she said, pausing a moment to sit back down, "we must discuss the task at hand." She looked around at them; the elf and the hobbit were now also listening more intently, looking in her direction. She dared to take a glance toward the Innkeeper, who was angrily wiping out a tankard and staring at her. She quickly looked away, hoping that no one would take notice of her reddening cheeks, and turned her attention swiftly back to her comrades - if she could truly call them that in confidence, as they had only recently met one another.

"The Orcs, it seems, are stirring all about the continent. We need to come up with some sort of plan of action - most likely to pick off the smaller groups of the ugly creatures first and making whatever alliances possible with whomever possible in order to expand our little," she paused, "group.

"Fendalf, son of the late Gandalf the White, has gathered us together for a reason - for what reason, I don't know - and is expecting us to work together, likely as the Fellowship once did.

"Hopefully he will be here soon, as we don't quite know where to begin, now, do we?"

She noticed a lone dwarf enter the Inn, order something, and then make his way to the corner of the room. It reminded her of how Frodo had first met Aragorn, a story the little hobbit had loved to tell.


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Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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#, as written by Bolin
Bolin only heard the Occasional word from the Elf on the other side of the room but it seemed they were on a similar mission but he was going to be careful it wouldn't be the first time the enemy had set a trap for him. he ate his meal in silence, glad too have his Mithril Dagger hidden at his back. he was looking round the room ready for the first sign of trouble


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Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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Golwenel occasionally stole a glance at the dwarf in the corner, who was now eating his meal, as she continued conversing with her comrades, hoping that Fendalf would show up soon. "A town called Fornost, North of here, was recently attacked by an Orcish brigade led by an Orc by the name of Uthrac. He is rumoured to be larger than a standard Orc and significantly more brutal, likely bred to be as horrific as they come." She stopped, looking toward the door as she heard it open. A tall fellow, with an ashen blond beard that hung down to his mid chest and a bald head covered by a large grey wizard's hat, stepped through the door, looking well-traveled and worn down. His eyes rested upon their group, and Golwenel could see a smile grow beneath the man's beard.

He made his way over to them, keeping his walking stick out of the way of others as he passed, and sat down at the end of the table, taking off his hat and placing it in front of him. "Good evening," he said, his voice significantly deeper and more booming than Golwenel had anticipated; this was indeed Fendalf. The hobbit at her left, who was called Fredegar Took-Brandybuck, piped up. "You're late, you know." Fendalf simply smiled and looked upon the little hobbit and spoke: "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." Golwenel smiled to herself, knowing the words all too well. "Now, if you are quite finished discerning the time of my arrival, shall we discuss the matter at hand?" His face had turned quite serious, his smile disappearing back into his beard.

"Agreed. As I was saying previously, Fornost was recently attacked by Orcs, led by Uthrac." She glanced at Fendalf, who was nodding at her statement, indicating to her that he was already aware of this information. "We are going to travel there, see if there are any survivors or if the Orcs are still there, though I doubt they will be. The journey there is at least a few days long." Her eyes glanced back over to the dwarf that was still sitting in the corner; he had been looking around the room, though his eyes continued to stop on their group more often than not, and Golwenel didn't have a good feeling about it. "Excuse me..."

She stood and made her way over to the dwarf. She unsheathed one of her daggers, stabbing it into the table to ensure that his attention was fully on her. "If you're going to eavesdrop, you may as well sit with us. In all honesty, we could use all the help we can get, and you look formidable enough." Her eye caught the familiar shine of something at the dwarf's back, illuminated by a nearby light source. "Mithril. Sit with us. Come." She turned on her heel, taking her seat once she had made her way back to their table.


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Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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#, as written by Bolin
The presence of Fendalf eased his mind he new no agents of the enemy would ever meet him. he tried to keep the group under casual observation but he knew he had blown it when the elf approached his table and stabbed the table with a dagger which he instantly recognized as being wood elf in orgin.

he followed her back to her table and introduced himself. "Bolin at your service." he sat himself down and looked round the group. "You said something about Uthrac one eye leading an attack on Fornost. I didn't think they had enough numbers here to attack a village like it"


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Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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"Bolin, at your service," the dwarf said before sitting down with them. "You something something about Uthrac leading an attack on Fornost. I didn't think they had enough numbers here to attack a village like it." The group looked at him for a moment before turning to look at Fendalf, who had quietly cleared his throat. "Neither did we, unfortunately. We have been drastically underestimating the Orcs forces. They have had quite some time to build numbers, and we have been gravely mistaken to think that they would not use such time accordingly." The wizard sighed, rubbing his brows with his thumb and index finger. "Well, then we need to stay one step ahead of them if we can. Especially Uthrac. He isn't a force to be reckoned with, or so we've been hearing. The fact that they do have the numbers to attack a place such as Fornost means that they have the numbers to attack other towns as well; for all we know, they're going to be coming here, to Bree, next. As I see it, we should set out at dawn toward Fornost." She folded her hands together on the tabletop.

One of the dwarves, known as Hossic, spoke up. "What if the Orcs are already heading toward Bree? What's to say they're taking the road? It would be foolish of them to." "That is true..." The elf, Cedhrion, spoke now. "If need be, Golwenel and I can split and wander the sides of the road, some ways off. Our eyes can see far, and we would be able to spot anything unusual. Swift as we are as well, we would be able to report quickly to the party. We could also create signals of some sort. Whistles perhaps? We could whittle them tonight, as elves do not sleep. And we can discus what signals to use in the morning." Golwenel nodded, seeing this as being the most viable option that they had at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bolin Forkinson Character Portrait: Golwenel
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#, as written by Bolin
"If they are on the move they will be easier to track but if i know he will be looking for me wanting revenge for his brother and eye." Looking at the Two dwarves. "if i were you i'd go easy on the Ale as i don't want to have to rely on drunks if it comes to a fight. turning to the hobbit "I trust our friends in the shire are alert to the dangers as I can think of no better place to attack than the shire in revenge for the destroying of the one ring.

"If you will excuse me for a moment." Bolin rose from the table and went to his room were he put on his armor and weapons. before returning with a pair of Ravens. Bolin was armed to the teeth with axes daggers sword and shield along with a pouch contain flash flames and smoke bombs. his armor glowed in the light of the fire in the common room. now that he had changed he seemed to have grown taller. he armor was magnificent revealing to his companions at the table that he was a dwarf of high standing at the very least. We should send word to our friends about the Orcs

At that very moment a Group of 50 Orcs led by uthrac were making there way south towards bree along the greenway they moved through the forest with as much stealth as they could muster they closed in on the northern gate keeping to the edge of the tree line as they waited for another group to launch an attack on the eastern gate.