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Glykeria Orwell

"A simple mind does not mean a simple life. . . it's so interesting. . ."

0 · 334 views · located in False Reality

a character in “Mindless”, as played by Green~Apple


Name:: "The name is not the interesting part. . ." Glykeria Orwell
Age:: "Still not interesting. . ." Nineteen
Height:: "Getting way far away for the whole intrigue. . ." 5'7"
Weight:: "You really shouldn't ask a girl her weight. . ." 54 kg
Parents:: "I wouldn't consider this part interest but if you're planning on ruining my life then yes, it's interesting. . ."
Dad - Ephos Orwell
Mom - Bridgess Bluenick
Her parents are divorced but still living and breathing unfortunately for Gly.
Siblings:: "Now this is what I call integuing. . . for you that is. . ."
Younger brother - Jazz Orwell - deceased
Younger half-sister - Penelopee Bluenick
Mental Ability:: "Careful what you let out the box. . ." Mental Perception - Gly can briefly see parts of the past or of the future when she sees or touches someone or something. The memories of the person or the object transfer to her mind and she can either see their past clearly as she sees her own or he mind gives glimpses of future happenings. Her future predictions aren't precise but the basic subject is usually never wrong. . .
History:: "This is the juicy mystery of my life. . . enjoy every piece of it because I won't repeat myself. . ." During Gly's childhood, her parents were happily married. They were the classical couple that met in high school and had a child at a young age. . . but things got worse and life got harder for Glykeria. Her mother wanted to have a second child but she would constantly have a miscarriage and little by little she would blame everyone she knew. First it was her husband, then it was Glykeria. . . she would destroy Gly mentally and make her hate herself and actually feel that it was her fault that he mother couldn't get pregnant.
Things got worse until one day her mother had a successful child in her womb. She became so paranoid of loosing it that she would force Glykeria to check the baby by ultrasound every day. Several moths later, her little brother was born. . . not really though. . . Her mother was brought to the hospital and Gly stayed home with her grandparents when they received a call saying that the baby hadn't survived.
After that dark day, Gly's mother became enraged with Gly and her father and she left to marry a new man and have a new child, a little girl she named Penelopee. Because of how her mother had tortured Gly's father, he could no longer be stable. He started smoking and drinking and he made Gly's life a living hell so when she was done with high school she left to be a model. Of course, her father nor her mother approved of this but she had more than enough of being dragged around and accused of things she was truthfully not responsible for. Gly loves her father and her mother and she enjoys the presence of Penelopee and her step-father, but she had to get away from it all. She had to get away from the place that brought back terrible images to her mind.

Psychic Mentality
Strength:: "Mwahaha! Be careful of what comes into your box, be it a fly or a bear, they are bother perilous. . ." She has an amazing Mental Force letting her infiltrate other's minds effortlessly and almost unseen. Some people don't even know she was in their head.
Weakness:: "No human, even if part machine and telekinetic, is perfect. . ." Gly has a very low Mental Capacity, she can't reach far out and can't spend much time using her mind.
Occupation:: "Yeah, I wasn't really the one to study much, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. . ." Model


So begins...

Glykeria Orwell's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisy Bowen Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Yuuma Mizushima Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Jay Daft Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers
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"Professor? Professor? Where are you professor?"

"Hush, we don't want them hearing you."

"What is this? Are you in my head?"

"Yes, it's the only secure way of communication at this point."

"But they monitor brainwaves as well, how is this in anyway secure?"

"True, that is my I must constantly change the frequency every twenty-four hours but that is besides the point. Have you finished the construction?"

"Yes, but the chip still has to wait I have yet to find an opening."

"Very well, we can wait but the time draws near. Lead the way."

"Yes, right this way."


"Ah, this is perfect, we need to enhance a few things here and there but aside from that we are in the green. Is it safe for use?"

"Yes, go right ahead."

"Ah, good. I can finally establish a secure connection."

"I'll stay watch, don't exert yourself professor."

"No need to worry about already dead Emily, now leave me to my work."

"Yes sir."

Transmitting Message

"The city is no longer safe, you must escape but in order to escape you must reach the center of the city. Do not trust anyone, aside from the ones you meet at the center. Do not fail me children of the future."

Message Sent

Phoenix Arizona
September 13, 3010
11:42 am

Near the southern edge of the city lies a famous bakery known as Angel Buns. The block was filled with civilians walking and cars passing by even within the hot weather countless people walked along the sidewalks, a majority of them heading to the bakery for one of the bakery's famous meals. The bakery chose to settle at this location because on the edge of the city there were less skyscrapers and commotion. Compared to the inner city this was paradise, this was the closest to the country you could get from this city. Even though the scene of the sun's rays shimmering off the metallic streets the main focus is the silver car hovering across from the bakery. Hidden by the tinted windows sat a young lady accompanied by two other gentlemen. The two gentlemen dressed in high-class tuxes were seated at the front with the cold air conditioning flowing around the car in an endless cycle, the lady on the other hand sat in the back with her legs crossed as she read over one of many files that filled the empty seat beside her. If not for her pale skin and purple hair that she put into a ponytail she would perfectly camouflage in the darkness of the car's interior.

The immense silence within the car made the slightest movements loud, so when the phone sitting on top of the files in the backseat vibrated the noise was deafening. The young lady answered the phone, brought it to her ear, and brushed her hair aside in one fluid motion.

"What is the situation?" Russian voice was now the only sound within the car, aside for the voice on the other end.

"Status report. Jay Daft sighted, Zachary Ackers sighted, Yuuma Mizushima sighted, Daisy Bowen sighted, Mindy Yang sighted, Glykeria Orwell sighted."

"What of Damien Leinguard?"

The voice on the other took a few seconds to respond, "Target has been lost but we are on his trail."

"Very well, wait until the last mark has been found before executing the operation. I am on my way." At those words the car started up and began its soundless acceleration down the road.

"Yes ma'am."

Damien Leinguard a off-the-rail detective of only twenty-three was rummaging through his superior's office. Damien had a hunch, one that was created by the voice in his head but a hunch nonetheless, that there was more to the world he lived in. He had been suspicious of every individual he ran into ever since he was treated differently after the Joe Jacker investigation. The same investigation he was placed in lead for and was immediately thrown out of once he found what appeared to be delicate information on a society that Jacker had been investigating. All he got from it was Digital Circle-


Damien grabbed the edge of the desk within the office and slammed his head against it attempting to flood out the voices. The voices weren't always this bad but the more he did what he thought was right and went against the voices the louder they got and the more painful it was to think clearly. Who know your own mind could inflict so much pain.

"Why now? Why was I thrown off the case?" He mumbled against the oak wood that pressed against his lips.

Straightening up he walked around the desk and sat within the leather computer chair that was backed up to the window that took up the entire north wall. Sighing at the computer he attempted to get into half an hour ago his thoughts began to wonder. Even though it wasn't immediate but he could feel the distrust among the people he worked with, ever since the finding of the information on the circle his superiors immediately took it away from him so he began to do his own research and at that moment he began feeling the danger. The deeper he got the further everyone pushed him away to the point that he was kicked off the case and nearly lost his job. Now he has hit a roadblock leaving him in a desperate situation, the exact situation he is in right now. Sitting within his boss's office attempting to get any information on Jacker or the circle while the whole building is emptied due to an anonymous bomb threat. A threat he made but no one needs to know that.

"Hurry or you die."

The thoughts came to a stop at the words of the same voice that saved his rear end countless times. As if to answer his question two shady individuals in well trimmed suites, they were absolute brutes that didn't fit the suites but they wore them regardless, entering the floor from the stairway. Dropping off the chair and getting on his knees Damien used the desk as cover as he observed the two brutes. Just as he predicated they headed to his office but before even opening the door they drew their guns one aiming and the other slowly opening the door.

"They're here to kill me," Damien whispered to himself as he watched them enter his office.

"Hurry or die."

Without hesitation Damien began looking around thinking of a escape plan but his attention was brought back to the reason he was here, he could not leave the office empty handed, "Fuck this is a stupid idea."

With that he began unscrewing the computer case, once off he laid the case on the side and began working off the hard drive within the computer. Ignoring the noise the brutes were making as they rummaged through his office Damien worked diligently as he dismantled two of four hard drives but before he could even start on the third he heard their footsteps closing in. Peeking over the desk he witnessed the brutes go through one office to the next.

"Two will have to do."

Agreeing with the voice in his head he took the two hard drives and crawled behind the door before standing up and reaching for his weapon only to realize he was not armed. Clenching his fists in frustration he took a deep breath and held his breath as he listened. He waited exactly when they opened another set of doors before making a mad dash down the hall. The brutes were immediately alerted and stormed out of the offices they were searching to the middle of the hallway, but Damien already made it past their location and was halfway to the stairwell.

"It's him, stop!" One yelled after him and he could have sworn one of them said his name but that soon exited his mind when he heard the discharges of their weapons.

He could see yellow lasers zipping inches from him, their colors were the color of paralysis round a single hit will paralyze the area it makes contact with. It was hard to believe they wanted him alive but the fact that a shot to the spine would mean his done for made him take on evasive maneuvers. Either he was not dodging well enough or the brutes were too good of a shot caused him to take a round to the right arm resulting in the hard drive he was holding in the right hand to be dropped. Even though it was painless he could not help but to grind his teeth at the thought of him losing precious information, aside form the now useless arm he managed to make it through the stairwell doors and began his downward spiral.

"The city is no longer safe, you must escape but in order to escape you must reach the center of the city. Do not trust anyone, aside from the ones you meet at the center. Do not fail me children of the future."

Just as the familiar voice enter his mind the other voices flooded in, even though his head was filled with countless voices now he could still manage one thought.

"I'm not the only one?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell
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Phoenix Arizona
September 13, 3010

What a terrible night. Glykeria had those dreams again. . . dreams of past events that she had lived through. This time her dream had been the death of her little brother, but instead of being at home waiting for a call she was there, in the hospital room looking at her mother give birth to a dead child's corps. Her mother didn't even know yet that her son was dead and she wouldn't stop repeating, "Jazz, his name is Jazz."

She woke up drenched in sweat after that dream. Because of her frightening nightmares every nights, Gly had taken the habit of wearing only underwear and a shirt to bed or else she would literally be soaked in sweat. She took a shower and then as she took her very minimal breakfast she looked at the time. She had beaten her record, 3:40 a.m. It was the earliest time she had ever woken up to.
"Maybe I should go see a psychologist," Glykeria laughed as she drank her homemade fruit smoothie and simple low-fat cookies.

Because of her work as a model, she had to be extra careful about what she ate. . . she was only careful in the morning, after that she would eat so many sugary and bad-for-your-health foods. Another thing about her job, people didn't really care about how she was feeling, as long as she was pretty and fit they were happy, but her colleagues were starting to realize how tired she looked and she briefly spoke to them about her nightmares so they told her to see a specialist. She wasn't planning on doing anything of the sort but she did that basic nod of the head to reassure the people she worked with.

Her day had been pretty simple, she did some morning shots in which the theme was mystery int he dark. Gly had been dressed in white while the background was total black. They would sometimes had some black smoke or a few dark and gloomy decorations. Gly would adapt herself to anything. . . the only reason she actually like modeling was because of the outfits, the money and the fact that she had quite a bit of free time.

After her photo shoots, she was free to do whatever she wanted so she went for a coffee and a nice greasy glazed sugar donut. She walked around to visit the whole eastern part of the city. Since she was pretty new to the city there were many things she hadn't seen yet so she took her time and stopped at everything that looked interesting. Her eyes were suddenly captured by a blue shimmer in an alleyway. When Gly went to see what it was a voice echoed in her mind like the other ones except this one was strangely kind and didn't make her head ache.

"The city is no longer safe, you must escape but in order to escape you must reach the center of the city. Do not trust anyone, aside from the ones you meet at the center. Do not fail me children of the future."

She was absolutely confused after the voice spoke and she didn't know what to do. Believe it and go to the center or just ignore it. Although she had to admit that something told her she had to listen to the voice.
"You there," a very sharp female voice called.

When Glykeria turned around there was a very tall and strong woman standing at the entrance of the alley with two big guys. Their presence wasn't announcing anything good. Gly swallowed the rest of her donut and then said with her mouth full, "Yes?"

"Come with us."

"Did your mother never teacher you how to say please."

Apparently that was something Gly could have left out because one of the men shot something that just missed Gly's arm. It startled her to the point that she fell on her butt. Obviously their mothers hadn't taught them even the basics of respect.
"I won't say it again," the woman had a more cruel tone in her voice, "Come with us."

"I'm going to go on a whim here and guess that I should listen to the voice in my head," Glykeria thought to herself as the woman and the men walked in.
Glykeria wasn't a very good fighter but she was a quick thinker. She noticed the safety ladder of an apartment. Before the woman and the men could get too close Gly got onto her feet and climbed the ladder faster than she had ever climbed anything in her life. When she got to the window it was closed and she started to panic because the big and bulky men were on their way to get her.

She had no other choice but to break the window by kicking it. She had to hit it several times before succeeding and once it was opened enough for her to get through with his lean body she went in but cut her left forearm on the glass. She ran through the apartment startling a few old people but she was quickly out and in the street thinking, "Shit! Why did this have to happen now? I just got a good career!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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Glykeria wasn't an athlete but the many weeks she had spend working out to have a models slim body was put to good use. She had slipped of her black high heels and held them in her hand as she ran at a good pace she could keep up for about an hour which was more than enough for her to get to the center. Everything that had happened before also gave her a boost of adrenaline for her to keep running and not even look back.

"This is nuts!" Glykeria yelled when she got to the power station of the city.

She stopped and took a deep breath. She had never been to the center of the city and now she had completely forgotten about the assault she had just gone through. The enormous ditch illuminated at the bottom with blue and refreshed by water easing itself in over the solar panels against the sides of the hole just took Glykeria's breath away.
"Scratch that, this is nuts," she rectified herself and replaced the thought of being attacked by two men and a woman was crazy by the power source of the city.
She had never seen anything like it before and if she hadn't noticed the people sitting on the other side with another man walking toward them she would have stood there gawking at the marvelous power structure.

She slowly made her way toward the people but also observed the lovely ditch. So many things were going through her mind; the assault, the ditch, the people, the voice in her head. . . with everything brewing in her mind she had completely forgotten about her dream and considering to see a psychologist. Was the voice she had heard a trap? Were the people on the other end just going to attack her like that woman with the two bouncer-like men?

"Um. . . hey, so," Glykeria was close enough to be heard by the people, "any ideas about what's going on? Because I really wasn't expecting my day to turn like this."

She didn't even want to know what the people thought of her appearance. She was a wreck. She had torn her loose cloth shirt to wrap a part of it around her bleeding forearm, she was worse than beat up, her hair was a mess and her feet were bleeding because she had been running barefoot for too long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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Before the young lady could respond, another joined them, asking their reason why they were here. Now, Zachary wasn't a mind-reader (surprisingly), but he could assume that she was here the same reason as he. Even still, he answered for himself and hoped this man was here for the same reason as him. "Well, I seem to be going insane and a voice in my head tol-" Zachary had to stop mid-sentence as another girl appeared and asked the obvious question. He would've commented in the same way he had just before, but when he saw her worn look, he couldn't really reply like that.

He moved past the man and to the girl, his gaze quickly scanning her for any unobvious injuries. By the way she was talking, she wasn't mortally wounded, and her appearance didn't give off the feel that she was, he just worried. You could thank his father for raising a chilvarous boy. What his eyes ended up staying locked on were her feet, which weren't hidden by shoes as one's feet normally should be. "Here," his first word to her was spoken as he kicked off his bigger shoes just next to her feet and motioned for her to put them on. Probably not a perfect fit, but the hot and dirty floor would only get her feet infected, something Zach wasn't going to allow if he did have to. "Your feet aren't near as big as mine... but I'm sure that'll do for now," he said. "As for the situation, I can only assume that you people are hearing weird voices in your head as well? Or am I really just going crazy?.... I hope not," he didn't move his eyes off her, and the look he gave was that of a worried father or the equivalent of one. Not like he cared what people thought, as long as she wasn't messed up any further. He wasn't a doctor, so he couldn't do much about the situation, but these injuries didn't just spawn from nowhere; there had to be a reason.

"You're not in the best of shape.... What happened?" he questioned. If she told him what he thought she was, that she was being violently pursued, then that meant he should pay more heed to the situation, instead of shrugging it off like he intended to in the first place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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A tall and strong man walked up to her. His hair was white as snow and his presence was a bit intimidating but Glykeria didn't move. He was kind enough to remove his shoes and tell her that it might be better if she wore them to not ruin her feet. She did as he said. The shoes were warm and also very big so she felt kind of like an idiot wearing them but they were a lot more comfortable than the hot metal ground.

"Your feet aren't near as big as mine... but I'm sure that'll do for now," Gly couldn't help but giggle at what he said. "As for the situation, I can only assume that you people are hearing weird voices in your head as well? Or am I really just going crazy?.... I hope not," as he spoke he kept his eyes on Glykeria which made her a little uncomfortable but she pushed that feeling away and answered.

"I wouldn't say weird voices, I'd say helpful voices," she answered with some fury and a small accent from the downtown neighborhood she used to live in, "I ain't goin' crazy, I was physically attacked and I am not happy 'bout that!"

There she went again. . . When Glykeria got angry she sounded like an uneducated girl from the ghetto with no respect and the attitude of a boy. It was something she had learned to control when she became a model, she controlled her anger so that she would never sound like this but with what had just happened to her she didn't give a rats ass if she sounded like a boy or even a cow. She wanted answers and she wanted them now!

"You're not in the best of shape.... What happened?" Asked the tall white haired man.

"What happened?" Gllykeria was both enraged and also on the border of crying out a waterfall, "I was havin' a great day and then some woman just came out of no where with two big buff guys. They shot a bullet near my head and I had no choice but to flee, and I had to do it as fast as I could! I broke a window and cut myself as I went through, but they didn't care, they kept wantin' to catch me to do who knows what with me! Then I ran, I ran with no shoes on just to get to here! Now I want my ANSWERS!!!!!"

Glykeria's eyes were starting to swell up and sniffles were loud with buggers. Her whole body was shaking because of fear and anger, she had never felt these feelings in such an amplified manner. Fear was something she had experienced several times in her childhood but she was used to it coming from her mother or father, never from someone she didn't even know. What was going on?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers
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"I wouldn't say weird voices, I'd say helpful voices," Zachary wasn't expecting that kind of accent from her, given her look. If you disregarded the wear and tear, she looked smaller and more innocent, at least he thought so. "I ain't goin' crazy, I was physically attacked and I am not happy 'bout that!" The white-haired man raised his eyebrow as she declared this, a subtle increase in his worry occured. He didn't say anything, but it could be shown on his face, by the way his eyebrows dropped, that he wasn't happy upon hearing this. Even if she was a total stranger, he didn't like any form of assualt in the least.

"What happened?" Zach frowned at her tone, obviously hearing the pain behind it. The story she gave him immediately after didn't really make him feel any better. "I was havin' a great day and then some woman just came out of no where with two big buff guys. They shot a bullet near my head and I had no choice but to flee, and I had to do it as fast as I could! I broke a window and cut myself as I went through, but they didn't care, they kept wantin' to catch me to do who knows what with me! Then I ran, I ran with no shoes on just to get to here! Now I want my ANSWERS!!!!!"

"Hey.... calm down," he spoke softly, not showing any signs of being fazed by her outburst, as he was more worried about her breaking down than he was about anything else and this really wasn't the first time he had to deal with someone in this state. It was however, the first time he had to deal with someone in this state after they had been shot at, so maybe it was a bit different. Once again, blame his father for his chilvary, but at least he doesn't have any ulterior motives behind just being nice. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad you could escape," slowly, he rested his hand on her shoulder, a gesture saying that he was there, actually caring about her wellbeing rather than just being that stranger who just says 'oh, I hope you're okay' without meaning it. The smile he offered at the same time might've helped this affect, and to most, it was surprising that it came from someone with his intimidating figure. "I know that I'm just some stranger who happened to hear the same voice as you, and I can't exactly give you answers, but I can say that I will do my best to keep you from harm, okay? I'll make sure that listening to that voice wasn't a mistake,".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisy Bowen Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Jay Daft Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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Jay sat at the bottom of the pylon, his hands clasped firmly over his ears, gritting his teeth in pain. "Please please just stop" he whined, a headache emerging. All Jay could focus on, all that his thoughts were at that time were of the two men in front of him, their faces and suites so vivid within his imagination. Jay opened his eyes briefly and looked towards the actual power station itself and saw a group of people collecting nearer to the center than he was.

Jay was about to stand and shakily walk towards the group and ask for help, he was too in over his head... When suddenly he felt the weight of another person collide with him. He felt his limbs tangle with hers and suddenly is mouth was full with dark black hair. Jay rolled a few times and finished on his stomach, half on top of the girl who had collided with him, "What the hell?" he moaned, trying to get up.

Jay's hand made contact with the girl in his efforts to stand and suddenly his mind went clear. The two men he'd been thinking about suddenly became so vivid Jay's breathing stopped. The voices stopped for a moment, Jay's mind felt light and expansive a jolt of electricity and energy surged within him... he suddenly felt stronger. Jay looked down to the girl's face to gauge her reaction but saw she was staring ahead, her eyes wide with horror.

Jay looked up, and his eyes widened with terror like the girls, the two men he'd been thinking about were suddenly in front of him... "How did they find me? I got out of the building and down the street before they had a chance? he thought panicked. Jay picked the girl up and spoke to the girl, "We need to run" he fumbled, picking her up and starting towards the group shouting. "We need help! Two men are cha-" Jay looked back to where the men were to queue the group in front of him as to where to look, but stopped running and stood still.

"I...was...we were..." he turned to the group, "I was being chased..." He moved back over to the girl and grabbed her again, this time by her waist, holding her through the clothes and not skin. "Did you see them?" he asked flustered, "the two men? Please tell me i'm not as insane as I think I am?". Jay searched her face looking for answers then over to the group he'd just been running too, "Please for the love of god tell me I'm not crazy".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisy Bowen Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Jay Daft Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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What happened between Daisy and the man, when his hand touched her neck, flooded her mind with memories. Like a gritty blurred home-movie set on 1000x speed. Her body felt strong and her mind was open. And that was when she saw them again. Seconds passed before Daisy realised she had been dragged up and away from the two stuffed-suits. She had been so focused on them, frozen with a fear she didn't even understand. She heard the dull roar of the man's voice, telling her to run. Daisy suddenly felt weak when the man's bare contact was severed from hers and her body trembled, her knees buckled. She saw the man run to a few individuals standing within a waving structure.

She heard him babbling to them, and then seized hold of her, shaking her by waist, his fingers wrinkling her tshirt. "Did you see them? Please for the love of god tell me I'm not crazy." He spluttered at her, looking into her eyes wildly. She was scared and confused, and her knees felt as if they were about to fold. She looked at him and nodded, her mind starting sharpen. "I d-did. They were right there, they were the same m-men from before, they c-" Daisy had to swallow and inhale some oxygen, realising she had been holding her breath for almost a minute, "they came into my work."

She looked around at the group, two guys and two girls and felt uneasy, frustrated. She had no idea what was going on, her temples were pounding and she was now certain she had walked into a trap. She backed away a few shaky steps, looking at the man she had ran into. "I saw them too. M-maybe we are both nuts." She muttered, trying to smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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#, as written by BlueTea
Despite the fact their group continued to grow, apparently no one knew what was going on.

At any rate, it was a minor relief to learn that if this many people had heard the voices, she was probably not insane. Then hearing the other girl scream in what seemed like anger and perhaps a bit of panic, she couldnā€™t help but wince while resisting the urge to plug her ears. She would have if the girl had been complaining about something stupid, but getting shot at was a pretty good reason for it.

Seeing the man hand the girl his shoes, Mindy was just about to offer her own thinking that they would probably fit her betterā€¦ Only to remember that she didnā€™t have shoes either. Offering the socks given the current situation didnā€™t seem like a very smart thing to do.

Sorting the questions out in her head she replied, ā€œUnfortunately, I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on. It was either come here like a voice in my head told me to, or go with these strange people in suits that broke into my friendā€™s home.ā€ Mindy frowned at the second part of her own sentence. She half-wished she hadnā€™t said that. Just talking about it made her feel extremely guilty and worried about Cassie, who had been kind enough to let a bum like herself stay at her place only to be abandoned in a time of need. She tried to console herself with the thought that it was probably to her friendā€™s benefit that she didnā€™t stay around to drag her into the mess any further, but she also knew it was mostly an excuse without evidence to back the thought up.

ā€œā€¦ The voice said something about ā€˜escapeā€™, but it seems strange to run to the center of the city if weā€™re supposed to leave this place.ā€ She found it almost eerie that she could be so calm despite feeling so panicked herself just a moment ago. Perhaps she no longer felt everything around her was real, or maybe the fact there was someone about to burst into tears in front of her made her unable to break down herself. ā€œMore importantly, what now? Do we look for an escape hatch or something? I donā€™t much fancy being out in the open like this if the people from before manage to track us down.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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#, as written by BlueTea
ā€œRed? Personally I prefer the color white, and to keep my innards to remain inside where they belong.ā€

She was a little surprised to see police cars in their midst. Like everyone else, she really had no idea what was going on but had expected for her pursuers to be something like debt collectors or other people belonging to the typical bad-guy groups in movies.

"Tell me why you're doing this? According the information given to me, somehow every one of you were aware of our actions and managed to get away. Tell me how?"

ā€œWell you werenā€™t exactly discrete about it.ā€ Mindy scoffed, forgetting for the moment that such smart-talk could easily earn her a fatal wound from the sword the lady had at her side. Reading the mood had never been her strong point. ā€œStrange man looks through window. Strange man breaks door down in a dangerous way when told Iā€™m not home. No wonder I ran. It seems stranger to ask why I would.ā€

Wanting to put a little distance between herself and the strange woman, Mindy almost took a step backwards when a few small ā€˜clicksā€™ stopped her. Looking around, she realized that more than a few guns were pointed in their direction, ready to shoot should one of them decide to bolt. Not wanting to be victim number one, she gave up on trying to move away and instead looked around at the unfamiliar faces surrounding her, deliberately making eye contact and trying to see if any of them had any plans out of this sticky situation.

In a feeble attempt to prolong their conversation and get some information, she asked, "... Is Cassie alright? The girl that was there when you started chasing me. I don't remember doing anything bad enough for the police to come, but even if I did she didn't do anything wrong. Did you guys do anything to her?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisy Bowen Character Portrait: Mindy Yang Character Portrait: Glykeria Orwell Character Portrait: Jay Daft Character Portrait: Zachary Ackers Character Portrait: Damien Leinguard
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"Hey.... calm down," said the white haired man softly.

Somehow Glykeria had been able to sooth her anger and her fear but she started to feel tired and weak so as he calmed her with pleasing words and then rested his hand on her shoulder she stumbled and fell on the floor. Her feet had automatically slipped out from the man's huge shoes but she was so tired that she didn't even care that she had hit her butt so hard that even her back tingled with pain.

"I...was...we were..." said a very tanned man with another girl, "I was being chased..."
Glykeria looked passed them but saw ntohing and then she looked back at the man, "Please for the love of god tell me I'm not crazy."

"Don't worry I think we all know what you mean," said Glykeria even though she was exhausted.

The girl with the man started acting scared and asking questions, she was much too disturbed in her head from everything that had happened to her. Then the other girl that had been here before Gly arrived started asking her own questions. Everyone was in the same situation. . . Confusion. Except for one person. The red headed man who stood apart from the others watching over, he somehow seemed calmer and even seemed to know what was going on.

Before Glykeria could rudely ask what he knew he said, "My intention is not to ruining this little reunion but we are about to get our insides to be road decorations, I always liked red so that outcome doesn't sound too bad."

Glykeria was about to snap back at the guy but a very audible woman's voice said, "Tell me why you're doing this? According the information given to me, somehow every one of you were aware of our actions and managed to get away. Tell me how?."

She was a very beautiful woman but Glykeria was not liking her, "Of course we were aware of our actions, just as we were aware that we were being chased for no damn reason!"

Again she yelled and again she was out of breath. Glykeria was abusing of the rest of her strength she was exhausted but she hated showing it so she tried to stand back up and slip the large shoes on. When she got up she was still holding her knees to be sure they wouldn't buckle then she lifted her head and noticed the girl who had seconded Gly's argument was being aimed at by several guns. The girl met Gly's eyes and then turned her attention to the woman to ask her questions about a Cassie who I guessed was her friend.