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Mirrim Guide

Mirrim Guide


A dyeing man must lead a group of hired followers to the mountain tops. Their mission? Find and deliver a rare race of demon to the King of Mirrim. But with a war and a famine going on, this mission will be easier said than done.

2,646 readers have visited Mirrim Guide since Alappassi created it.


In the land of Mirrim both a war and a famine have broken out. The kingdom is in a conflict with the neighboring land, Ferya, and a deadly fever is swiping across all lands. All who stand in the way meet a terrible and painful fate. To survive, one must be cunning and swift, but also brave and powerful. Once a peaceful kingdom, Mirrim is now almost in ruins.
King Saifforro (The King of Mirrim) believes that he can stop both the war and the famine if he has the help and powers of a very rare, and almost extinct, race of demon. Hawkling. Of course, it is very rare for someone to even see one of these demons in their lifetime, let alone speak to one and convince it to go on a long journey.
A hawkling is a race of demon that looks like a human but has large brown wings that have black and white tipped feathers. These demon are known to be great healers and even peace makers. They almost always have brown hair decorated with an assortment of feathers. Now, finding a demon may sound easy, but hawkling are extremely aloof and hide in the hazardous mountaintops. They are often violent towards strangers and are not shy to attack. These demons are extremely rare because they are hunted for their exotic wings. It is said that a hawkling feather can cure any illness, but is that really true? I will leave that for you to decide.
Now, the king just cannot up and leave his thrown to go off in a life threatening search for a demon that may not even exist any longer, so he has hired the help of anyone looking for a job. The king has had his servants post flyers all throughout the land, in search of anyone willing to go on the mission. Whomever joins and helps successfully bring back a hawkling will receive a new farm and a lifetime worth of gold. Of course, they won't be going on this mission alone. They must travel with a guide... (It's okay if your character wants to travel alone, but they will have to find their way up the mountain, on their own).
The king has enlisted, or more like forced, a local peasant to help guide the travelers. He is a roughed up 19 year old young man on the verge of death by the name of Isamu. The king is impatient and so he cannot wait any longer to have a hawkling found. Isamu is the only person who has been to the top of the mountain where it is said that the demon rest... and he is the only one to have ever return. If the demon is not found soon, then Isamu will die and the king will no longer have a guide. He has promised him a room in the castle, where he can pass on peacefully after their return.


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Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Isamu's House

Isamu's House by Alappassi

When entering Isamu's house, the first thing to be seen is his bed on the floor...

The Throne Room

The Throne Room by Alappassi

As the character enters the throne room they will notice how large it is, and how much money the King spends on things that do not matter...

Mirim's Marketplace.

Mirim's Marketplace. by Alappassi

As your character enters the marketplace they will notice many flyers, in search of people willing to go on a mission...

White-Face Mountain

White-Face Mountain by Alappassi

As you come across the base of White-Face Mountain you will find a narrow path that zig-zags through the heavily forested mountain...

Devil's Foot Range

Devil's Foot Range by Alappassi

As you cross Devil's Foot Range keep your eyes and ears open...

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Isamu grumbled as he heard a knock on the door to his home. Why couldn't people just leave him the hell alone? He was lucky enough that no one bothered to steal his horse, but it's not like he was asking for a whole lot, just some peace and quiet! The young man's head throbbed and he curled up into a ball on his straw bed. A few seconds later their was a louder knock.

"Alright, im coming! Holy shit... can't anyone get some peace and quiet around here?" He mumbled and cursed to himself as he stood and stumbled over to the front door. Isamu squinted, trying to see exactly where the door handle was, then opened it.
Standing outside was a royal messenger. "Oh wonderful, what the hell do you want?" Isamu asked in an annoyed tone.

The messenger handed him a scroll, "Your time is up. Be at the castle in half an hour... or else.." he then mounted his horse and road off. "Or else what? It's not like the King can kill me... he needs me..." Isamu mumbled to himself as he watched the messenger ride away.

Isamu rubbed his aching right side and stepped out into the cool air. He gently petted his rotund black horse, Moo, who was tied up outside the door. "Okay Moo, time to get going..." he untied the animal, mounted, then rode off to the caslte.

The setting changes from Isamu's House to The Throne Room


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Isamu rode up to the castle and tied Moo to the post. He avoided eye contact with the guards at the door as he fumbled up the stairs, fighting to stay on his feet and see the steps in front of him. of course, no one offered to help him, who would want to touch a demon? That om it's own was believed to be a curse. Once to the top of the steps Isamu needn't show the guards his scroll, they knew who he was, and he marched... or more like stumbled... his way into the castle and to the throne room.

The King was seated in his throne. The man was aging and had a grey beard and hair. His robe was made of green and gold threads, the royal colors. He gave Isamu and evil little smirk which the young man did not respond too.

Isamu took a seat on some floor cushions, but not bother to bow to the King. For now, they would wait for the other's to arrive.


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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He had seen the signs. All around the marketplace, there had been signs asking for people who were brave enough to bring a hawkling to the king. He wasn't in it for the money or land that was said to the be the reward. He simply wanted a challenge, something to add to his reputation.

Lantis was on the job.

He walked up the castle steps, glaring at any guard who eyed his spear, which was strapped to his back at the moment. They had heard the stories, they knew how valuble his spear was. He had killed some of lands strongest bandits with it, that alone had it worth a lot. The guards at the top stopped him, but all they needed to see was his spear, they knew what he was here for.

They also knew that he wouldn't lay a hand on the king. He was too loyal to his land. After asking them directions to the throne room he walked off.

He entered the throne room and approached the king. Stopping at the foot of the steps leading to the throne and bowed at the waist. "My name is Lantis Stormrider, your grace. I am here to bring you a hawkling." Curiously he eyed a brown haired boy sitting on some cushions, wondering who he was. He'd have to ask in a minute, but for now he stayed bowed, waiting for the king's permission to rise.


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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The King was not surprised by Isamu's rudeness. He did not expect the boy to ever show gratitude or respect towards him. The only reason King Saifforro cared about Isamu was because he, and he alone, knew where the hawkling were. Of course, the king knew that Isamu despised him with a passion. It was the King's opinion that Isamu hated everyone, and was simply stuck up and stubborn in his ways. Many times he had asked the boy for help, and each time help had been refused. This time, however, the king had to take extra measures to make sure that Isamu would help, but those measures were highly classified, and to be kept between himself and the frail boy.

When Lantis entered the room it made Isamu twitch with uncertainty. He had heard his footsteps, but was very uneasy. Then, he saw the spear and flinched. What a large weapon. Isamu was not at all eager to set off on the journey to the hawkling mountain, nor was he impressed that he had to bring one back. Most of hawkling were terribly afraid of large crowds and often acted in violence, to protect themselves. Isamu figured that the king thought bringing one back would be easy peasy...

The King smiled at Lantis, "You may rise, and join the boy there on the cushions."


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Lantis rose as he was told and made his way over to the cushions. He moved with surprising grace, grace that one would not expect from a spear fighter. He took a seat next to the boy, making sure to sit far enough away to not bump him with the spear. He examined the boy out of curiousity. Lantis frowned, the boy looked... sick. Was it wise to have someone who was sick go on a long and dangerous journey?

He also saw a scar. He loved scars, not because they looked cool, but because they told a story. He himself had many stories to tell with the scars he had gotten over the years. He held out a hand to the boy. "As you may have just heard, I'm Lantis Stormrider. What's your name?"


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Isamu watched Lantis out of the corner of his eye, but still flinched and scooted away a bit at the sudden movement. He stared at him with a look of horror on his face, but then noticed the outstretched hand. Isamu studied it for a moment, to make sure that it was empty of any weapons, then slowly reach out and clasped it, shaking it lightly. He sat there awkwardly like that for a moment before quickly withdrawing his hand and tucking it under his legs. "Isamu," he replied a bit harshly.

He did not know whether to be scared or violent towards this new person. Maybe the hawkling were right. Maybe when someone was scared they should act in violence. perhaps it would scare the other person away. But this was not in Isamu's nature. he was not violent nor did he want to make any enemies so early on.

His face reddened with embarrassment and he turned his attention to his feet, and sat there quietly.

King Saiforro watched this quietly, with what seemed like a small smirk on his face. "You are the only one to arrive thus far, Lantis Stormrider. But, I imagine more will join you along your journey. I thought more would show up today, but I imagine they are too scared or would rather stay home and protect their families."

"Anyway, that is a bit of a sidetrack. Isamu here is one of the few to have ever gotten to the top of White-Face Mountain. And so, it is he that will show you the way. Be wary, as he may try to trick you... he may not look it, but he is a very crafty fellow. Do not worry so much about bringing him back with you, as I do not believe that he will make it back anyway. Have him help you find the hawkling, then hurry back here to the kingdom as soon as you can. We need their healing abilities to help all who have been infected by the horrid fever that is going around."


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Lantis discovered that the boy, Isamu, seemed to be nervous near him. He guessed that either the boy was shy, not used to people, didn't like the spear on his back, or a combination of the three. He also realized that the boy was some sort of demon. Lantis knew what it was like to be hated by people, so he didn't have anything against demons at all. In fact, he sometimes went out of his way to befriend them. "Don't worry, I don't bite." he said gently, then turned his attention back to the king.

He didn't like the look on the king's face, but didn't say anything about it. When the king got to the part about Isamu being one of the few to get to the top of White-Face, he couldn't help but let out an impressed whistle. "Don't worry your majesty me, Isamu, and whoever else decides to join us, will all return with a hawkling. I swear this on my life." Lantis then turned to Isamu and spoke to him. "I will keep you safe. Demon or not you're obviously important to the kingdom."


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Isamu let out a hefty sigh, there was so much that he wanted to say to the king... and do. He wanted to rush up to the throne and rip his throat out. But, well, that was quite frowned upon, and he knew it. Oh well, maybe another time... He then looked at Lantis and nodded in response to the comment about biting. It seemed as though, this man was okay.

Perhaps everything was going to be okay.

The King waited a few more moments, for others to arrive. But none did. "Well, they can't say we didn't wait for them. if you would like, you may head out now. Im sure any other who want to join you will catch up."


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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With a nod Lantis rose to his feet. "It would be best to leave quickly. The faster we can return with a hawkling, the faster the kingdom can heal." He held a hand out to Isamu, offering to help the demon up. He was ready for anything the mountain threw at them. From a young age he had learned to live off the land, he didn't need much in the way of supplies to survive.

Usually he was alone though, he had no idea what Isamu could do, what kind of supplies he would need. It would be interesting working with a demon, he didn't know much about them. It was a challenge that Lantis was prepared to take. "I'm ready go to whenever. Do you need to get any supplies?" He asked Isamu.

He watched Isamu curiously, trying to learn how he moved and acted without asking his usual million questions. It was obvious the kid was nervous and he didn't want to scare him, that would just make things harder down the road.


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Isamu took hold of Lantis' hands and stood on a pair of wobbly legs. He always felt incredibly weak after sitting for long periods of time. It made his knees ache and his legs unstable. After a moment his legs were okay and he began heading out the door.

Once outside, he looked at Lantis, "I am sorry... for flinching earlier." He then walked over to his horse and untied him. "I do not need any supplies. I do not eat very much, nor do I usually sleep in a shelter when traveling."


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Lantis followed Isamu out of the throne room, keeping a close eye on the boy at all times. He had felt weak when Lantis helped him up, he wondered why. As much as he wanted to ask, he kept it to himself. He'd have to say something about it later. He was relieved when he saw Isamu untying the horse, it would make travelling faster.

Lantis nodded, wanting to ask more questions about why Isamu didn't need to eat very much, but again that would have to wait until later. "Oh its fine, I'm used to it. Spears aren't exactly the most subtle weapon, that and my reputation usually scares people." Lantis decided to make some small talk, try and ease the atmosphere between him and the demon. "So, what kind of things can I expect from White-Face Mountain?"


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Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino
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Isamu pulled the horse's reins over and onto it's back. He then very carefully lifted himself up and mounted. Isamu prefered to ride bareback, he felt more of a partnership with the horse that way.

Isamu's horse, Moo, was a bit on the short side, in fact, he was almost pony size. He was rather chubby and all black except for a white stripe on his face and one white sock. It was clear that the horse was well fed, and that he also very much enjoyed eating. Isamu and the horse were on complete opposites of the weight chart.

"It's a pretty rugged mountain. The paths are thin and lined with thick brush and some poisonous plants. We will have to travel single file a bit of the way up. White-Face is covered with trees up until about halfway, after that it is all stone and sometimes snow. It can be a difficult trek on foot... maybe we should get you as horse as well?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
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"Accursed dress," Larkin swore under her breath as she ran through the yard of the castle.
She was late, very late, an unexpected and complicated birth in her village had delayed her journey. She couldn't just leave the young mother, not when she was the only healer for miles, and the apprentice healer she had hired to take her place while she was away, had run late.
Larkin's bare feet pounded on the ground with surprising force, causing her leather healing bag, filled with numerous herbs and carefully bottled liquids, to bounce painfully against her hip, but she was beyond caring at this point.
Turning a corner sharply, she noticed two boys one a top a short horse, and the other with striking blue hair and a large spear.
"Please wait," Larkin yelled with what little breath she could spare, as she sprinted up to them with unexpected speed.
Stopping just a few paces in front of them, she bent over, placing her hands on her knees in an attempt to slow her pounding heart. With this accomplished she straightened herself, only to bow deeply.
"Please forgive, my tardiness, there was some unexpected business that required my attention," Larkin raised herself once more, her long, white hair falling around her like a waterfall of snow.
"My name is Larkin Creed. I assume that both of you are going to White-Face Mountain in search of a hawkling, correct?" She said, adding a dimpled smile at the end.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
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Lantis grinned at Isamu's concern for him. "Ah don't worry about me. I'm sturdier than I look. Your horse will tire out before I do."

A yell caused Lantis' head to turn, years of training had told him that sounds were bad. He warily examined the girl who ran up, listening carefully to her as she introduced herself. "That's right, I'm Lantis Stormrider." Lantis said with a bow, "Will you be joining us?"

As nice as it would be to have a female travelling with them, Lantis didn't exactly want another person to join. Nothing against them personally, he just didn't do well with lots of people. It was hard to swing a spear around when you had to watch out for multiple people. Killing your allies wasn't exactly the best thing to do.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
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Isamu shrank in fear at the noise and kicked Moo, sending the horse into a frenzied trot. The horse trotted in a circle then snorted and turned back towards Lanties. He understood that the woman meant no harm, and that his master was trying to flee. But Moo wouldn't have it. He was, after all, a very stubborn horse.

Isamu hid behind the horse's neck. But, Moo thought this inappropriate so he got down onto his knees with such a swift movement that it sent Isamu tumbling off of his back and onto the ground. The boy grunted in pain and sat up, rubbing his back. "Dammit Moo!" He snapped.

The horse seemed to snicker as he stood to his feet and walked over to Larkin, where he then proceeded to lightly nibble on her hair.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
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Larkin giggled as the chubby horse, supposedly named Moo by the sickly looking boy, began to nibble her hair lightly.
"Silly horse, that's not food, however," Larkin reached into her healers bag, and pulled out sweet lemon grass that she used to help with headaches and stomachaches "this will taste quite yummy," she smiled placing the grass on the ground in a sort of peace offering to the mammal.
Gently tugging her hair out of the horses mouth, she turned towards the two boys. "To answer you're question, I am going to join you on your quest. Though I can take care of myself, so please don't worry about me," she said smiling sweetly, her mind wandering, to the sleek, collapsible staff in her bag.
"I am a healer in a village a little while from her," she walked over to the boy on his bottom and extended her hand, "pleased to meet you."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider Character Portrait: Isamu Korino Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
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Moo snorted and munched on the lemon grass happily. He was a rather rotund little fellow and it was obvious that he ate much more than his master, Isamu. His tail swished as he ate.

Isamu hesitently took hold of Larkin's hand and stood, "My name is Isamu Korino, and I will be the guide to White Face mountain. Please excuse Moo, he doesn't have any manners." Isamu seemed to come out of his shell a tiny bit, as soon as he and Lantis had exited the Throne Room. It was much easier for him to relax now that he didnt't have the accusing eyes of the king piercing into his soul. Isamu despised him, and the feeling was mutual.

Isamu wiped the dirt off his pants with his hands and mounted Moo again, "Alright, are you guys ready to go? We don't have much time..." as Isamu finished the sentence he turned his attention to his hands, not wanting to look at either of them, in fear that they would see the fear on his pale face.

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Isamu's House

Isamu's House by Alappassi

When entering Isamu's house, the first thing to be seen is his bed on the floor...

The Throne Room

The Throne Room by Alappassi

As the character enters the throne room they will notice how large it is, and how much money the King spends on things that do not matter...

Mirim's Marketplace.

Mirim's Marketplace. by Alappassi

As your character enters the marketplace they will notice many flyers, in search of people willing to go on a mission...

White-Face Mountain

White-Face Mountain by Alappassi

As you come across the base of White-Face Mountain you will find a narrow path that zig-zags through the heavily forested mountain...

Devil's Foot Range

Devil's Foot Range by Alappassi

As you cross Devil's Foot Range keep your eyes and ears open...

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider
Character Portrait: Larkin Creed


Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
Larkin Creed

"Shall I take a look at your wound?"

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider
Lantis Stormrider

"If you need someone killed, I'm the guy to call."


Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider
Lantis Stormrider

"If you need someone killed, I'm the guy to call."

Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
Larkin Creed

"Shall I take a look at your wound?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Larkin Creed
Larkin Creed

"Shall I take a look at your wound?"

Character Portrait: Lantis Stormrider
Lantis Stormrider

"If you need someone killed, I'm the guy to call."

View All » Places

Isamu's House

Isamu's House by Alappassi

When entering Isamu's house, the first thing to be seen is his bed on the floor...

The Throne Room

The Throne Room by Alappassi

As the character enters the throne room they will notice how large it is, and how much money the King spends on things that do not matter...

Mirim's Marketplace.

Mirim's Marketplace. by Alappassi

As your character enters the marketplace they will notice many flyers, in search of people willing to go on a mission...

White-Face Mountain

White-Face Mountain by Alappassi

As you come across the base of White-Face Mountain you will find a narrow path that zig-zags through the heavily forested mountain...

Devil's Foot Range

Devil's Foot Range by Alappassi

As you cross Devil's Foot Range keep your eyes and ears open...

The Throne Room

As the character enters the throne room they will notice how large it is, and how much money the King spends on things that do not matter...

Isamu's House

When entering Isamu's house, the first thing to be seen is his bed on the floor...

Devil's Foot Range

As you cross Devil's Foot Range keep your eyes and ears open...

Mirim's Marketplace.

As your character enters the marketplace they will notice many flyers, in search of people willing to go on a mission...

White-Face Mountain

As you come across the base of White-Face Mountain you will find a narrow path that zig-zags through the heavily forested mountain...

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