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Kathrine Anderson

Fun spirited and fun lovin'

0 · 552 views · located in Walt Town

a character in “Mishap with Disney”, originally authored by Purpl3_Flam3s, as played by RolePlayGateway


Kathrine "Kate" Anderson

Disney Character:


Disney Movie:

Toy Story





  • Adventures
  • Stories
  • Outdoors

  • Indoors
  • Dark days
  • Jerks

  • The cold
  • Friends

  • The dark
  • Snakes


Where to start....Kate is a super excited girl who is always ready to take on the world. She loves o go on walks and explore the forest to find new things. She calls it her mini adventure because she does things she normally wouldn't do. Kate Loves to be daring. Not that truth or dare type but a risk taker. Like if their was a roaring river and she wanted to cross it knowing she could swept away, she would do it. Just by simply stepping on the rocks and walking across....carefully. She is fun to be around and its so easy to make her your new friend. Unless your willing to deal with her crazy adventure side. Of course when she isn't doing thrilling adventures she sits down and reads a book. In a nice quiet room with tea and cookies ready when she finishes her amazing book. She likes to be chill at times and calm herself times. But some points she just wants to hope up and down in excitement. What can you say, she loves the feeling.


♥= Love Interest
☺ = Friends
≈= Neutral
☻= Enemies

  • Pinocchio:
  • Thumper:
  • Mad Hatter:
  • Mowgli:
  • Zazu:
  • Todd:
  • Basil:
  • Genie:
  • Dodger:
  • Lumière:
  • Scar:
  • Randall:
  • Violet:
  • Marie:
  • Maid Marian:
  • Miss Bianca:
  • Jessica Rabbit:
  • Jessie:
  • Dot: Friends!
  • Lilo:
  • Kida:
  • Mittens:
  • Ursula:
  • Mother Gothel:

Their History:

Jessie's is one of the most excited cowgirls you would have ever met. She has a crazy love for horses. Any kind of horse no matter the size, or color. But at of all the horses in the world her favorite and most cherished horse is Bullseye. He's loyal and fun and just as adventurous as she is. "Its like a horse form of me!"-she tells herself all the time-. She was a tough doll. Not the average one, but wasn't completely different. She didn't rip easily when something cut her. When she got wet her stitches never came apart. Yep, the strongest doll every made so far. She ad a crushed On Buzz light-year but that all changed and she decided to not find a love interest, only when she was confident she wasn't going to be committed. She decided to stick with friends. She is super good friends with Wood and Buzz and the whole gang and nothing will EVER change that......

Kate runs a farm at the outskirts of town with her dad John. They mostly have horses and pigs and some chickens.The grow some crops like corn, tomatoes, watermelons, and for Halloween they grow pumpkins. "Why buy things when you can grow it" her dad would say when they pick up the pumpkins on the day of Halloween. Her dad had a point though so she never argued. When they would finish work she would take Arrow -her favorite and awesome horse- for a run around the forest near her farm. She loved to ride him. Arrow knew what to do before she could tell him. He would jump over logs and cross rivers and stops when needed. Its like he reads her mind or something. Its crazy right! That's EXACTLY why she loves Arrow so much. When she is home she takes a walk to a nice field and look as the the suns sets. Its a daily routine she does when she gets home. After the walk she would read a book until she would fall asleep on the couch. But on days where she doesn't have to go to the farm , she looks for jobs in town just to pass the time. Just a thought her dad had.


You know everything already...

Saturn and Uranus

So begins...

Kathrine Anderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Parr Character Portrait: Miss Bianca Kósa Character Portrait: Bartholomew Basil Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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The sun began to dawn and rise upon a new day in Walt Town. Some of the shops were beginning to open at dawn, and the birds arose out of their nests and singing a morning tune. It was another typical morning in this humble little town, where not so humble people lived. Some were loveable. And some were... not so loveable. But they managed to find a way to get along civilly...

Bartholomew Basil

Awoof! Arf! Ark!

The unmistakable feel of a slobbery tongue sliding across his cheek brought Basil out of his short slumber. He blinked his eyes open, coming face to face with his basset hound 'Toby'. He smiled a little before pushing him away, causing him to fall off of Basil's chest and onto the newspaper-skewered floor. "Honestly Toby, have some decency." Basil told his dog, slowly sitting upright and dragging a hand down his face. He had fallen asleep on his couch last night, having spent most of the evening at the library and then laying on his couch working out puzzles from newspapers until about 3am. He never really slept that much. He tended to find that sleep was a waste of time. Why waste time sleeping when he could spend his time working out more puzzles? "You're a smart boy, you don't need to slobber everywhere..." He glanced down to his dog, now rolling around on his back and swatting at his nose. He smiled slightly and then scratched the dopey dog's tummy before getting to his feet and getting dressed into his typical clothes.

This town had been slightly boring for Basil lately. There didn't seem to be any crimes, any mysteries... everyone seemed vaguely happy with what was going on in their lives more recently. No one was being threatened, no one was dying... No nothing. Having a police investigator for this town seemed positively pointless. However, it seemed like that was the only job Basil was good at. Basil attached a lead to Toby's collar and ruffled his ears slightly, tying his scarf around his neck and then walking out the door of his messy home. He walked down the sidewalk, taking a newspaper from a stand and tossing a couple of coins to the owner. He flicked through it and allowed Toby to decide where they went today. After all, it wasn't like he was in a rush to get anywhere. He just needed to walk.

Miss Bianca Kósa

Miss Bianca had been sat by her windowsill, watching the sun rise with a delighted smile. "It's so bootiful. I don't think I could have a better view." she commented, looking around the room and then smiling, before suddenly remembering she was still alone. Her smile faltered a little, before she turned back towards the window and looked at the rising sun. Her hair still sat neatly upon her shoulders, even when she had just rolled out of bed. She found that she was always captivated by the beautiful sights of the town. It was just something that'd always catch her attention. Miss Bianca dived off of her windowsill and then got ready to go outside, changing into a beautiful Purple dress and flat heeled sandals. She let her hair hang in gentle waves and then picked up a purple bag which carried money, a phone, and her makeup. After doing her makeup and spraying herself with perfume, she left her house, heading in the direction of the town centre.

Miss Bianca had always been one to leave her house early. She hoped to meet some of the townsfolk who worked this early in the morning. And if there wasn't, she'd tend to read a book whilst sitting on a bench. Well, she would prefer being able to talk with others, but if no one was around, she didn't mind reading either. Miss Bianca smiled as she walked into town, greeting people and then looking into the windows of some of the shops. She wondered if any of the younger residents of the town, such as Kathrine, Dot, Violet or Pinocchio would be around today. Usually they were in school, or in Kathrine's case, working on the farm. But it was a saturday. Surely they could have at least one day free...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson
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0.00 INK

"There's school today, Pinocchio!"

The sound of his Father's call from downstairs had made him groan. Pinocchio rolled out of bed, his fingers wrestled through his messy light brown hair and followed own to rub his half-closed eyes. He wandered rummaged through his closet and took out a grey shirt and a pair of denim jeans as he dragged himself to the bathroom, taking a pair of boxers along the way as he slammed the door. In the shower, he dozed off a couple of times. He was exhausted because of the night before, which he snuck out of the house and spent most of night doing a task for a some people that earned him a couple more notes into his secret stash. The thought made Pinocchio's eyes open and his lips curved to a grin as he muttered, "Oh, that's right, the money."
Although still half-asleep, he managed to get himself ready, tossing his blue backpack over his right shoulder, slipped his black shoes on and tap, tap, tapped his way down the staircase. Uncle Jimmy and his Father were clearing up the table as they had just finished eating their breakfast, and a plate with a piece of toast smeared with peanut butter and jam was left behind right in the middle. It was a normal routine for the three of them as Pinocchio had always woken up late and took too long in the shower so he never had time for breakfast with his Father and Uncle unless it was a day off school. And for some reason, on that Saturday, there happened to be school, even though it was a weekend and he'd always be working at their shop on weekend. He jogged to the table and lifted his toast, crushing it between his teeth as he greeted his Father and Uncle with a mumble before he jotted out of the door. He realized that if he didn't cut through other people's backyards and a couple of alleyways, he'd definitely be late for school.

Once he made it, Pinocchio let out a relieved sigh as he made it to school with a couple more minutes to spare. The students greeted him, a few more gave him a wave as he walked calmly through the pathway towards his locker. He saw the farm-girl, Kathrine, who owned the locker right next to him. He wasn't shy around her nor was he snobby and they've had their lockers next to each other for most of their time in School, but he and Kathrine only had the occasional chats to pass the time.
"Hey Kathrine," Pinocchio greeted as he opened his locker. "I thought you'd be with Dot," He commented as he tossed a few of the books into the locker, which lightened up his backpack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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0.00 INK

Dot made it to school eventually before the late bell. She walked down the hall and waved at people and looked around for Katherine. She was her morning buddy so that's just how it works out. She stopped at her locker which was two halls down from Pinocchio and Kat's locker. Dot pulled out her sketch book and textbooks. She was top of all of her classes and pretty much took classes with Upperclass men even though she was an underclassmen.

She walked down the hall to see Pinocchio and Kat. She smiled as froendly as possible and fized her shirt as she did. "Hey Kat, Pinocchio." She leaned against the loker waiting for them to finish up. "Sorry about not walking with you Kat. I wanted to walk a longer way." Which was true she took the back way through town instead of cutting through it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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0.00 INK

Pinocchio merely nodded to everything Kathrine was saying. He didn't say much, even though people around the school knew that he was one of the best liars and sweet talker to girls, but with Kathrine and Dot, well, he couldn't really be himself whenever he wanted. He was about to speak until Dot appeared, the girl with the amazing red hair. She was three years younger, but she and Kathrine were always together in the morning, and Pinocchio only ended up with them because of the placement of his locker. He slammed his locker shut and adjusted the strap of his bag that made him lean slightly to the side. He smiled towards Dot as Kathrine seemed to have rushed away without him being able to say goodbye. She ran away and he was left with the younger teen.

"Which way are you going? I'll walk you," Pinocchio politely said as he walked beside Dot, slightly towering over her. He avoided eye contact, waved around the other students who walked passed them towards class. The bell rang a few steps away. When they got to where her class was, he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck as he mumbled, "Yeah, well, I'll see you later, Dot."
Pinocchio quickly walked away, he felt his cheek tint and warmed up as he made his way through the lines of students towards History class, where he slid in as the second-to-last student and took the usual seat by the window, next to another boy, his best friend behind him and the top girl in the class in front of him. He pulled out a notebook with scribbles on the front, a black pen that he clicked and just tossed to the side. His bag hung from the side of his chair as he leaned forward and saw the teacher enter. The boy looked out the window and hoped for lunch, even though class has just started.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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0.00 INK

Katherin was a wreck in class. She was messing things up and not focusing and she barely got her work done. Somehow she managed to finish her assignments write down the homework and apologize I the teacher just in time for the bell. With a sigh of relife she grabbed her things in headed to the bathroom first. A girls gt to go when a girls go to go, right? She walked in and immediately walked back out when she saw the popular crew. "Always invading the bathrooms..." She muttered and rushed to her locker to put her things away. She looked around for a sign of Dot but she probably missed her when she went to the bathroom. She grabbe her packed lunch and heads for the lunch room. She scanned the room and spotted Dot scribbiling in her journal. She couldn't help but laugh because the things she made were cool and fun. She slide in the seat across from her an smiled at the journal. "Watcha makin' this time Dotty." She pulled out a apples from her much an big into it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Parr Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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0.00 INK

Pinocchio saw Dot waving as she sat at the cafeteria table, she looked very ecstatic about something that he couldn't help but smile at her smile. He led Violet towards the table and he took a seat opposite the younger girl. He leaned forward and was about to say something, but Kathrine turned up and he greeted her with a nod. His attention returned back to Dot and asked, "So what's that, Dot?"
He listened to her the whole time, nodding at the things she said. Though he then realized that Violet was with him, he slightly interrupted Dot and Kathrine with a clear of his throat and introduced, "Hey, if you two haven't met, this is Violet."

((Sorry it's short ><))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Violet Parr Character Portrait: Pinocchio Character Portrait: Kathrine Anderson Character Portrait: Dot Ant
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0.00 INK

When she was led out of the classroom and into the lunch hall by Pinocchio, Violet's nerves only grew more so. She could literally feel her hands shaking by that time, and she knew her cheeks were increasingly growing more red, but could do nothing to prevent such processes brought on by nerves happening. Which she hated.
", not really..." She replied to him when she managed to bring herself out of her thoughts to hear him say she didn't talk much. "I just...don't have anything interesting to say, most of the time..." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and he prayed he could hear her so she didn't have to repeat it. It was humiliating enough without having to admit what was obvious to her again.
She turned her head towards him to smile slightly, and then blinked when she heard another voice saying her name, her confusing growing as Pinocchio led her over to the owner of said voice. Dot. She knew that much. She didn't spend a lot of time with the other children, but she still knew most of their names. That was one of the advantages of being virtually invisible, if there were just got to know things about those around you. They'd discuss themselves, and she could just fade into the background and listen.
She recognised the girl currently standing with Dot as Kathrine, and gave both of them a polite smile and a small wave as she was introduced, not wanting to open her mouth and say something that would embarrass her in front of them.
