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Samantha Krosswait

0 · 276 views · located in Montreal

a character in “Montreal by Nyght”, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Samantha Krosswait's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoshimido Yumi Character Portrait: Brynjolf Keeger Character Portrait: Samantha Krosswait
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0.00 INK

Setting: Streets of Montreal, Canada
Date + Time: 4.19.2kSeventeen 9:15 P

Having taken Yumi the better part of nearly three days to track her mark, was no easy task, given her particular set of skills. In the span of approximately the last fifteen hours, she knew Samantha was definitely from the University of the Streets, to keep such a low profile, virtually staying completely off the cyber grid as it were. Still, all one needed was a little time and a significant amount of patience. Yumi had been following her target, tailing the particular woman all day, while engaging one of her tricks, 'Twentyseven'.

She had even managed to pierce the veil in to the girl's mind on a few occasions, lightly touching at the edges of her consciousness, sensing only surface thoughts. It did little to provide much in the way of personal intel on Samantha, however, it did reveal some decent minor details in to the woman's more base motivations, explaining many of the typical patterns to her behavior. In one instance, something which Yumi had found to be strangely interesting, was a sort of extreme savage primal instinct that influenced her logical conclusions.

Yumi sat watching from the rooftop of the high rise, a habitually lit cigarette pinned between her lips. as pale smoke lingered about her every time she exhaled. With her custom anti material railgun sniper rifle resting against her shoulder, she never let her eyes stray far from the girl for even a moment. Watching Samantha from her reconnaissance position for the last hour and forty three minutes according to the ADEI in her head, closely observing the woman, quite impressed by her artistic skill and mastery as she witnessed Samantha cover an entire wall with a massive, flawlessly spray painted graffiti mural.

Attempting to keep herself occupied, Yumi started flipping cards while counting them, at the same time synthesizing materials in to compounds to make Semtex, creatively crafting several improvised explosive devices, if for no other reason than to idly pass the time. It wasn't until two strangers appeared from out of the darkness, that dynamically shifted her attention, as the two sent Samantha backing up against the wall, harassing the cornered girl. Yumi, showing no hesitation, stealthily slid in to action from her elevated location, engaging the sniper rifle at her side, cold and calculating as she passively assessed both targets prior to locking the crosshair of her sights on to the seemingly more aggressive fella on the left.

She lightly whistled the song of the mockingjay, echoing through the air at nigh inhuman frequencies, though it went wholly unnoticed by the two strangers, it had managed to catch the woman's awareness as she looked in Yumi's general direction. The instant the sound faded, a door opened, another player joined the game as they came in to view. "This shyt's starting to get a little more complicated than I anticipated." She whispered lowly, under her breath, with a quiet sigh. A rather tall male possessing a sort of Norse resemblance somewhere in his ancestral bloodline, proved to be an unknown variable to the situation.

"Yo!" one of the sketchy, stalker type fella's said. "Who the fuck are you?" Taking a single card from the stacked deck, pressing it softly to her lips, casually tossing it over the edge of the roof. Refocusing her aim on her original prey, executing him on the spot with a shot to the heart without making so much as a sound, the body fell to the ground just as the card dropped at the strangers feet only seconds after their arrival.

Swinging the rifle across her back, packing the IED along with the dead man's grip switch detonator in her messenger bag, before making her escape from the rooftop by rappelling down the side wall of the high rise. Yumi emerged, barely sprinting from the shadows of the narrow alley toward the assembling crowd, keeping her eyes on Samantha, though occasionally allowed herself to glance at the newcomer. "Friend, or enemy. . ." Yumi stated flatly, in a rather demanding tone, directing her words at the stranger, while attempting to place herself between Samantha and the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoshimido Yumi Character Portrait: Brynjolf Keeger Character Portrait: Samantha Krosswait
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0.00 INK

Setting: Streets of Montreal, Canada
Date + Time: 4.19.2kSeventeen 9:36 P

Yumi easily recovered from being thrown aside, no stranger to fights, though it was more of a poor excuse of a skirmish in her opinion. "These gaijin don't know what a 'real', fight is." She whispered to herself, slowly walking toward them while switching out the clips in her firearms, eyes locking on the girl as she pointed the business end of a modified nine at her. "You. Don't move." The Asian said, her voice possessing a sort of commanding authority. "Hey!" The girl shot back with a growl following her words. "You ain't my Ma." Samantha shouted. "What you goin' to do if I run?" Her voice went low, as if challenging the woman. Yumi narrowed her eyes at the girl. "I've been tracking you for three days, been following your every move for the last fifteen hours and thirty six minutes."

Coming to stand face to face with the girl, Yumi removed the glove from her left hand, gently pushing up with the tip of her finger under Samantha's chin activating her 'steal intelligence' protocol. "Now. There is no place in this world you can go where I will not find you. So, go ahead and try kid, there are worse things than death, and well, I can do them all." Invoking 'paprika inception', a flickering montage of imagery ripped through the girl's mind. Surreal visions so prophetic in essence, as piece by piece, everyone she was close to or cared for was either destroyed or erased from existence. Samantha went pale, suddenly fell silent, thinking of her crew, of the only kin she had ever known.

Shifting her vision to the man leaning heavily against the wall, side stepping in his direction, squaring off with him. "As for you, mongrel. . ." Yumi trolled, provoking the fella as he snarled, spitting in her face with a smirk. "Call me a mongrel, one more time." The woman paused, expecting such a predictably savage reaction, waiting for him to finish as she wiped her face. "You're so spent passed your limit, in the state your in, any one of these Kinjin running monkeys could put you down." Staring at him for awhile, letting the reality of the situation hit him. "Are you hurt, or just injured." She asked, after getting no response, just a pissed off stare. She continued, triggering life and matter senses prior to scanning the poor bastard. There it was, lodged in the wound, a small mass of silver buried in his side. Forcing the flat of her right hand into his mouth. "Bite down, this in't goin' to feel like sunshine and rainbows and shyt." In no position to resist or refuse, he did as she said, applying light pressure across her hand.

Yumi swiftly stabbed him, jamming two fingers deep into his side, guided by her sight, as she probed the wound. His teeth tightened down like a bear trap, drawing blood that soaked her glove, eventually dripping down across her wrist, she felt no pain and never moved even in the slightest. Eventually, the pain had pushed him to the edge, causing him to black out, dropping to the pavement, completely unconscious. The woman never lost her focus, temporarily converting silver to steel through use of 'state alchemist', preceding the manipulation of forces to magnetically extract the object, shifting back into silver only after it had been removed, pocketing it in the form of a blank silver dollar size coin in her palm.

"I already know 'what' you are, time to find out 'who' you are." Picking through his pockets for some sort of information or identification, removing any weapons or contraband the fella carried for the time being. Locating his wallet in the back pocket, flipping through it till she found a license matching him. "Brynjolf Keeger, lets see what kind of shyt I can find on you." Grinning somewhat wickedly, while establishing a 'secure connection' through several surrounding wifi networks. In seconds, she managed to pull every bit of digital information that potentially existed on him, including financial status, employment history, criminal records, medical files, list of residential addresses, social network profiles, known alias', contacts, associates, family.

Turning back to check on the girl, Samantha, reaching in her pocket for her phone. "I need transportation, something low profile, now." Pulling the girl by the wrist, Yumi looked her over. "Are you damaged?" The girl hesitated, only shook her head, still a little wary of her.

Sometime later, a pitch black 2kSeventeen Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat stealthily pulled up to their location, when an unassuming, average looking young man in a monochromatic black suit stepped out and walked up to her. "Put the fella in the car, then go clean up this shyt show, and the remains of the two leeches at the corner down the street." Looking at the girl, standing at the driver's side as if waiting for something. "You goin' to get in, or what?" Samantha, saying nothing, took her place sitting in shotty.