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Brink Orpheus

"Welcome one and all to the Moonsetter Circus!"

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a character in “Moonsetter Circus”, as played by Fantastical-Ducks



~ Name ~
Brink Orpheus

~ Nickname ~

~ Gender ~

~ Age ~

~Job ~
Normal / Owner and Ringmaster

~ Hair Color ~
Dark Purple

~ Eye Color ~
Electric Blue

~ Weight ~
155 Pounds

~ Height ~

~ Likes ~
ღ Pies - Pumpkin is his favorite but cherry is ok.
ღ Cats - He thinks there sweet & soft.
ღ Night Walks - It's good to clear ones head.
ღ Sleeping In - Waking up is the opposite of a good time.
ღ Sweets - Brink has a major sweet craving.

~ Dislikes ~
✘ Sun - He's use to waking up with the moon and going to bed with the sun.
✘ Clowns - They creep him out luckily there are none in this circus.
✘ The Term Freaks - There all his friends and co-workers the word is out-dated and vile.
✘ Scary Movies - Brink is a scaredy cat so no scary music either...
✘ Peas - Vile balls of green hate they should not exist.

~ Skills ~
♦ Formal Dancing - His mom taught him when he was young.
♦ Charismatic - Brink could charm a penguin into a dessert.
♦ Strong Leader - It was tough taking on the role of owner and doing all this.

~ Flaws ~
♢ Can't Cook - Last time he tried he set everything on fire.
♢ Hero Complex - Loosing his dad has made him willing to jump in front of a bullet for those he loves.
♢ Shy - For as charming as he seems Brink is very awkward and shy around people.

~ Performance ~
Brink does not have a particular performance but he does manage the introductions. He add humor, flair, and gives all of his performers a big spot light for them to shine in. It's not a key job though so if something more pressing comes up he can hand off his job to other capable workers. For the most part Brink dresses in fancy suits for his role but he feels it looks a little strange.

~ Personality ~

If you were to ask others about Brink there would a re-occurring theme in there answers, the separation between Brink on stage and Brink off stage. While on stage Brink is charismatic, loud, funny, and charming able to keep the audience captivated and amazed his smooth composure and charming on stage persona have earned Brink more then a few admirers both male and female however... The moment that Brink steps off stage he returns to being [The biggest dork lord] his more shy and normal self. It's not that Brink is always shy in fact with those he knows a bit better he can be quite charming and loud but for the most part Brink is too un-sure of himself to speak up and takes a back seat in most conversations. However even though Brink believes he's awkward and shy his little brother would say other-wise claiming that Brink has a bad case of "prince" personality meaning that he is far too charming, polite, with a bad tendency to be overly-helpful. However for all of Brink's good qualities and his charm there is also his paranoia, fear, and protectiveness. Having always been a scaredy-cat and slightly over-bearing to those he cares for the murder of his father has left Brink even more terrified and protective, constantly fearing for his co-workers and protective to the point of having to be dragged out of re-hearsel a few times when he nearly forbid a few people from performing for fear they would not be careful enough.

~ History ~

Brink grew up on the road with his family and friends. And for the most part that's all there was too it, the circus would wander around until they would settle outside of a town or city perform and night or two then pack up and leave. It was slow going and fun and even the private teaching he received in order to prepare for running the circus was full of laughter. It wasn't until Brink was 10 that he really began to understand more about life outside the Circus. Having been born to a normal dad and a 'freak' mother Brink was unaware that people saw 'freaks' as monsters and one evening upon over-hearing his mother getting yelled at by townspeople did Brink begin to understand what it was like for 'freaks' outside the safety of the circus, and having a younger brother who was a 'freak' Brink felt compelled to keep him safe along with everyone else in the circus. By 13 Brink and his brother had lost there mother too a bad bought of flu and there father having little time for them between his busy schedule left the two siblings to grow up rather fast. While Brink taking his mothers lessons to heart grew to be more protective, careful, and helpful, his brother grew to take on the responsibilities that were left behind. By the time Brink was 16 he and his father were almost estranged but there weekly meetings to look over the Circus finances and plans kept them close enough to stay a family although at this point Brink had become closer to his brother then anyone else he felt too shy and awkward to be around the grownups especially sense he believed he was still too childish.

When Brink was 17 he re-kindled his friendship and relationship with his father it was a good time too as the hate toward the circus and 'freaks' was almost just as big as the love and fame sent there way as-well, it was difficult being on the move and keeping everyone safe and at this point Brink was urging his father to settle down the circus near one of the more civilized cities, although Brink's suggested was put down many of the performers and workers agreed with Brink and applauded him on his wisdom he was seen blushing for days after from the praise. Two years later a few months after Brink turned 19 the murder occurred. During the day while everyone slept someone snuck into the circus grounds and shot down Brink's father the ordeal left everyone scared and panicked and with little time to grieve for fear of the circus disbanding Brink took charge and bought a mansion and large piece of land outside of the city, and although Brink felt and still feels un-prepared to run the circus he hopes that with the grand re-opening a few days away he can prepare himself as a young 20 year old to fill in his fathers shoes and make everyone proud. As for his brother he's just happy he's around to run everything he clumsily over-looks.

~ Relationships ~
Basil Riddle - "No matter how many times I tell him to be careful he does something and gets hurt!"
Angelo Orpheus - "My sweet baby brother, I wish he did not have to help so much but im thankful."
Glamour - "I'm afraid I don't know her too well but her act is most captivating!"
Heaven - "I was more then worried to let him perform but Angelo convinced me it would be ok..."
Ashlynn - "I'm afraid we barely speak but Angelo tells me she's very kind."
Ophis Nyx - "She's a dear friend of mine and I'm happy to have her help."
Fraener Carnet - "Sweet Fraener he's like a little brother to me!"
Lyca - "I don't know him too well but he reminds me of Angelo in some ways."
Remus - "He is a polite and respectable young man."
Shae Hayze - "She's a good friend but it makes me nervous to think she could talk to my parents...

~ Face-Claim ~
Kamui Gakupo - Vocaloid

~ Gallery ~


So begins...

Brink Orpheus's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus
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It had been a year sense the circus was in such a state of buzz but it was a welcome feeling by most. After a long break of practice's and construction they were finally back in action. Of course thing's were different now, some old friends were gone and the circus no longer traveled, there was a new ringmaster, but for the most part everyone seemed fine with the changes. The anxiety however was another thing that no one seemed fine with. Like there name-sake and there history The Moonsetter Circus would perform at night, and starting at 9pm people were allowed to arrive but the show did not begin until 10pm at which point it ran until 1am a somewhat skewed schedule by most peoples standing but this was the norm for the circus. In fact because of this odd schedule most performers would not wake up until 12 in the afternoon. But because this was /the/ grand re-opening day everything was allot more hectic. People were waking up at weird times for extra practice, costumes were getting pulled out of trunks, routines perfected, the stage cleaned and then cleaned again. Yes it had been quite some time sense the circus was found in such a state but it was welcome indeed...

Angelo Orpheus was definitely the younger brother but at times he did not feel like it... And this was one of those times. It was currently 11:35am, a time that was usually calm with the staff and performers slowly trickling into the kitchen for there breakfast? lunch? brunch? However because today was the grand re-opening Angelo was moving his way around people who came into the kitchen/dining room before promptly leaving again without explanation, no one it seemed care to just sit down for 5 minutes and eat something. And of course Brink was not even up yet. Letting out a sigh of exasperation Angelo practically barked at the next worker coming in, flames actually left his mouth this time as he told the worker to either sit down and eat or go somewhere else. Luckily the flames seemed to make his point clear and the worker was quickly sitting down at one of the many tables. Letting out a long sigh that looked more like a puff of flame Angelo got back to work finishing up the last few pancakes. After all because of the strange eating schedule Angelo often found himself making breakfast and lunch together to keep everyone happy.

Angelo was just setting down the last few plates of food when the clock chimed 12, officially it was 'lunchtime' and more of the actual performers would come in from training or sleep to sit down for awhile. Lunchtime also meant that Brink would finally stagger in, no doubt dressed but his hair still a mess. Angelo questioned why he kept it long if he had no idea how to brush or style the damn purple mop. But if he was honest with himself he was somewhat flattered that he was trusted with the task of caring for his brothers long hair. Opening the drawer he kept especially for hair supplies Angelo plucked a bobby pin, a brush, and a hair tye, he was thinking of just going with Brink's signature high ponytail for today. As if on cue Brink walked in and stumbled to his spot before lazily picking out food for his meal. Snickering Angelo did not hesitate to walk up behind his brother and begin brushing out his long hair.

"I take it this morning was rough on you?"

Angelo glanced down at Brink before letting out another fiery sigh. Brink only nodded in understanding before going back to his food. There communication was often like this is the morning. Brink would ask questions and Angelo would respond with a quiet sign of either frustration or amusement, and today was definitely the latter. Angelo finished brushing through the knots in Brink's hair before he began the styling process. It was nice that even on the most crazy of days they would still do this, it was also nice that Brink's hair seemed to captivate and quiet the more easily hypnotized members of staff into starring like love struck fish. Not that Brink was aware of any of it. Letting out a sigh of content as for the moment all was quiet but Angelo was more then aware that this would not last forever, hell he'd be surprised if it lasted 10 more minutes. Sensing his tensity Brink turned back and gave him a comforting smile. After all the two brothers had survived this far together, surely they could survive one day chaos...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus
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Nervous... aching... anxious... petrified...

Merely a few words to describe the young blondette's feelings this morning. Despite having a decent sleep, and a wonderful dream, she felt sick to her stomach. There were knots and the sensation of constant churning. Normal symptoms of extreme anxiety. Ashlynn flickered her eyes open and rested her hand on her stomach, only to see her room now lit up with the sunbeams that peaked through her window. She took in a sharp breath as she rolled onto her back, trying her best to wake up so she can prepare for the day. As they always say, easier said than done.

Ashlynn slowly sat up and brushed her hair back with her fingers. She had been practicing her dance for almost a month by now. It was a story that was told through complete body language, about a girl who had tried so hard to please others, she ended up destroying herself in the process. In the end, when it seems like all hope is lost for the young child, she finds away to make everyone, including herself, satisfied and slowly builds herself up once more. A true masterpiece, really. The blondette's stories would always have to be somewhat saddening. I mean, c'mon, who ever heard of a completely happy story where your limbs go limp and distorted? It didn't seem to bother the audience though, not even Ashlynn herself.

The girl slowly trotted to her wardrobe, throwing the doors open and pulling out her costume. There, Ashlynn gently laid it out across her bed and smoothed out the wrinkles. It was a layered, frilly salmon dress. It signaled traits of purity (The white trim) and love (pink base), however, the layers told that she was able to do anything to gain more of it. After admiring her costume for a few moments, the blondette pulled off her nightgown, and returned to her wardrobe.

Ashlynn dressed in a simple, blue teacup dress. She slipped on her hair accessories, and then looked herself over in the mirror. After nodding in approval, she opened her door and made her way down towards the kitchen, only to see she was not the only one up this early.

The girl grunted slightly, taking a step back in almost a shocked state. Then again, she really should not be surprised. It was a important day, people were up early, it's only natural. Ashlynn rolled her jaw as she processed this, and decided she'd prepare a cup of tea this morning instead of her regular coffee. The blondette opened the cabinets and pulled out her personal tea bags, already filling the tea kettle with water. She glanced around timidly at everyone else in the room, then cleared her throat. "... Go... Good morning." Ashlynn's voice cracked as she spoke up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Leo Polymorphus Character Portrait: Ashlynn
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When Ashlynn and Shae came in, it was only Brink who acknowledged them giving a small shy 'good-morning.' Angelo on the other hand was too busy carefully brushing out a knot in his brothers hair to say much instead he only nodded and for now that was good enough. By the time Leo came in however Angelo was just tightening the high pony tail which was just in time because when the noise of over eager chatter hit Brink's ears the purple haired sibling allowed his head to fall quite gracelessly down onto the table with a rather loud thud. Angelo snickered and set the brush down.

"Careful Leo, that ones got fangs." Angelo beamed cheekily. "He's also been here longer then you and that means he's got me and Brink's favor. So if he bites I saw nothing." Angelo gave Fraener a playful wink. Something he had started doing recently sense they were good friends. True Leo was also his friend but he was bordering on big brother territory and that would just make things weird. Slipping back into the kitchen Angelo quickly pored a cup of coffee before walking back and placing it in front of Brink like a peace offering. It seemed to work as the older Orpheus finally lifted his head and took the cup downing it quickly.

Finally Brink seemed to have the courage to actually do something. Sitting up slowly Brink sighed. "Frae please don't listen to Angelo biting someone would not end well... Not today at least." Quickly rubbing his temples the older Orpheus side. "So... Is everything good for today? No problems?" Angelo knew the question was directed at him and he snorted.

"Brink there's always problems."

"But nothing severe? No one in need of a medic."

"That depends has Spade jumped off the roof lately?"

"Oh god the roof... Oh god Spade!"

And with that Brink was off to try and track down the man. Angelo could not help but chuckle as this was all fairly normal protocol at the circus, in fact you could usually tell if something was wrong if Brink wasn't chasing after someone. Picking up Brinks empty cup and plate Angelo walked back to the kitchen to set them down as well as put away the brush.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Leo Polymorphus Character Portrait: Brink Orpheus
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ImageFraener Carnet

Fraener was less unnerved by the mans chatter and more annoyed to all hell, but before he got a chance to snap at him, Angelo spoke up. It was probably a good thing, Frae didn't need to be getting into fights this early in the morning, especially not with someone that occasionally was part of his act. He almost cracks a smile at that the fire-elemental says, but instead he lifts his cup back to his mouth and takes another drink. Today was not going well for him, even if he had just been given permission to bite.

Unfortunately that didn't last long, as Brink was shutting down the idea moments later. "Come on Brink, lighten up. We haven't gotten to test if I'm poisonous or not yet." Frae says, all dry-humor and unamused looks. He flashes sharp canines at the blond across from him, but he's less annoyed than he was a few moments ago. If he had to play nice, he would.

"Anyways, you are correct, I am the 'snake dude'." The snake wasn't overly amused by the mans antics, especially considering he was older than him yet much less mature. It wasn't that Frae had a personal vendetta against people that simply liked to enjoy themselves, he just didn't like being around those types. "And I just charm, nothing else." Unless they considered making everyone hate him an act, in which case he could include that on his resume. Another sip, another less than satisfied sigh. "What is acrobatics like? I imagine the thrill of potentially falling to your death would be great." It wasn't like Fraener to show interest in someone elses world, or really anything they said at all. But the typical Frae comment added at the end makes it much more believeable.

A moment later he watches Brink fly out of the room, majestic purple hair trailing behind him, and he wonders what he missed. Probably something to do with that freak Spade, if he knew the ringmaster at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Brink Orpheus
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Brink is well aware of Spade's schedule. He made it his business to find out after he discovered the mans tendency to throw himself off of things with little regard to his own safety. So the ringmaster promptly departs heading toward the ballroom near the library. The moment the door was in his sight however he slowed down not wanting to seem rushed. After all he wasn't Spade's babysitter he was a friend. An extremely concerned friend who would honestly prefer it if a certain white haired man stopped thinking it acceptable to traumatize him by getting hurt. Nearing the ballroom Brink noticed the smallest of ghost pains in his leg. But that was normal as Brink always had ghost pains, Angelo said it was his 'mother-hen instincts.' but Brink had not been amused. He wasn't motherly. Right?

Opening the door to the ballroom Brink sighed in relief. "There you are Spade, you had me worried I was going to find you atop the roof again." Taking a step inside it's too late for Brink to notice the ice and there he is slipping. Before he can quite fall backward he manages to get stable but this only causes him to slide forward slowly, afraid to move knowing that even one slight miss-step would result in a nasty bruise. Or a pulled muscle. Potentially both. "Spade... Did you freeze the floor again?" Brink tries to shift but he only succeeds in sliding himself a little further along into the ballroom. He made a mental note to remind himself of his previous mental note to make sure there was no ice before he stepped into a room with spade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Brink Orpheus
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Image Spade

Spade has a paper airplane on the ground in front of him and he's focusing on making it fly. So far it's worked pretty well, the plane taking flight and going where he made the wind blow, but it's possible he didn't fold the paper exactly correct, because every once and awhile it veers off track and goes crashing back to the ground. He's actually quite unaware of the ice beneath his feet, but Spade had a talent of being oblivious to his surroundings. It's not his fault, he just doesn't pay atteniton to things, not overly curious about the doings of humans.

Though he doesn't miss it when Brink comes walking into the room, and promptly almost falls over, barely saves himself, and starts slowly sliding across the floor. He watches, not feeling the need to reply because he hasn't been asked a question yet, completely unaware that he should probably be helping the poor ringmaster. It isn't until he's asked if he froze that floor that he finally speaks up. "Yes, I do believe so." He looks down at the ground and taps his boot, then nods again. "Yes, it's quite frozen."

He raises his hand in a fist and closes his eyes, fingers straightening out and hand going flat as the ice disappears. Though he suspects that the sudden change, again, is going to make the ringmaster fall and he uses the water from the thin sheet of ice he had created to create a chair behind him, freezing it in that shape. It isn't anything extravagant, just something flat enough and large enough that he could fall back on provided he needed to. "You should be more cautious, ringmaster." The wind picks up faintly in the room and his paper airplane takes flight again, even if he looks like he's not moving a muscle. Like said, he was just having a water/air day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Leo Polymorphus
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Angelo let out a snort of amusement, honestly Brink complained about the antics of the circus but he barely saw half of them. When Glamor came in Angelo rolled his eyes. He had actually did not mind Glamor at all, if anything he found her over-confidence somewhat amusing. But then again that was because Angelo never bowed to anyone and even if he did admire someone he'd be dead before someone would pry it out of him... At least that's what he told himself.

Angelo went back to fixing plates, when in came Heaven. Figure's where one sibling went the other could not be far behind. The same usually proved itself true with Brink and Angelo. Angelo watched as Heaven strutted over and took a plate, he even gave Angelo his daily endearment and like everyday Angelo released a long puff of fire from his mouth, before giving the little blonde a warning. "You know by now I'd have expected Glamor to warn you about playing with fire Heaven." Then he made Glamor her plate and walked over to deliver it, before returning to his spot. He rarely spent time in the dinning room, why bother when it was all open anyway. Besides the kitchen was his territory and that's where Angelo liked to stay.

Brink was grateful for Spade thawing the ice and even more so that he accurately predicted that he'd slip anyway. "Thank you Spade, though I wonder if you should really be the one cautioning me considering your track record for injuries." Brink bit his tongue hopping he did not come across as rude. But it was true that Spade tended to be less then careful. Brink blinked allowed himself to be momentarily distracted by the breeze Spade created to fly his paper plane.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Ashlynn
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As the tea kettle whistled like there was no tomorrow, Ashlynn picked it up by its handle and held it to her chest. As she let it simmer down, she turned to the cabinet and searched for her 'special cup'. Now, you'd think that her special cup would be a antique tea cup, or some handydown from her family. Wrong. It was just a huge, crimson coffee mug. Oh yes, when Ashylnn drank tea, she drank tea. The blondette poured the steamy water into her cup with a satisfied smile, then placed her teabags in. She took a step back and folded her hands together infront of her as she waited patiently.

As the girl waited for her favorite drink to be done, she glanced over to the commotion at the breakfast table. She was happy at least one person acknowledged her good morning, but it was not who she wanted to. Ashlynn let out a quiet sigh through her nose as she studied those who sat down and chit chatted. The blondette started to question if Angelo took that one incident personally about a week ago. In the middle of a conversation, she literally just got up and left without a word. Ashlynn was not offended in anyway, she just... left.

However, Ashlynn was soon snapped out of her worries as Glamour and her younger sibling, Heaven, made their way to their seats. Her eyes lit up. Finally, people she could actually talk to. Although people may find them both snobby and stuck up, she almost saw them as family. Take my word, it has nothing to do with them all being blonde, or their act.

As Angelo and Heaven bickered with eachother, she felt a little aching in her chest. Although her crush was small, it bothered her that Heaven would flirt like that. What bothered her even more though, was that Angelo give him a reason to try harder. She watched her friend leave the room as her hands started to feel sweaty. Ashlynn felt as if she should say something to break the silence between them.

When she turned back, she'd grunt after noticing that Glamour was staring at her. The blondette flickered her eyes, glancing to her right, then her left, then back to her friend. As she pulled out her tea bags, and mixed in her sugar, she picked up her big mug and happily made her way to the table. Ashlynn was more than happy to be invited to sit, even if it was by Fraener. She took her seat on the left of Glamour. "Hehe... he'll learn eventually." She reassured her as she took a big gulp of her drink.

There was a word to describe someone like Ashlynn...

... Lap dog.

Ashlynn looked to Glamour's brother, putting her feelings aside for the moment. "Good Morning, Heaven~" She felt her mood perk up almost immediately. Simple things can make big effects, I suppose.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Brink Orpheus
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Will be posting Frae when Leo replies, don't wanna leave anyone behind :).

Image Spade

Spade was, admittedly, less than normal. Even the other freaks thought he was odd. And so for the most part, Spade kept to himself, staying in the ballroom and library, taking care to rarely visit common areas, keeping quiet during mandatory meetings (though sometimes they would excuse him from them, and if anything was important that he needed to know, someone would tell him later). The only person that never acted odd around him was the ringmaster, which was weird considering Brink was probably the one who acted most differently towards him. That went completely over his head though, as did most things that were meant to be read into.

The other man mentions his habit of breaking things but he can't see why it's relevant. He healed at an astonishing rate, would never age, and was capable of regrowth. There wasn't much for him to have to be cautious about. "That is irrelevant. You do not heal like I do, therefore your human life is too precious to be anything less than cautious." It is quite strange for Spade to continue a conversation when he hasn't been asked a direct question, but with Brink it always... was like something was being pulled out of him, like he had to keep going. And he did, because it would aid him in trying to understand the way normal people ticked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Ashlynn
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Leo King

Leo smiled as Fraener bared his fangs, and Angelo warned him with a smile. "Your favor? Aww, I thought I was everyone's favorite kitty around here." He laughed, showing his own fangs- though his weren't deadly, at the moment. He watched everyone trickling in, grinning like a madman. Then Glamor stalked in, as deadly as a panther past all of her makeup. She was as venomous as Fraener... and Leo seriously did NOT like her. His mood dimmed a bit as she came to sit near them, barking orders at Angelo like she owned the whole freaking circus. He almost hissed at her, but managed to keep a straight face until Heaven entered a minute later.

Heaven came and sat next to Glamor, and Angelo brought him his food quickly. Leo smiled again, as the two played around. He could read body language fairly well, and if he was correct, Heaven seemed to be quite besotted with the Ringmaster's brother. As Ashlynn came over, he nibbled on the honey bun. He watched her as well, and she seemed to be... jealous? Leo couldn't figure out why.

He wanted to leave but something nagged him to stay. Leo shrugged to himself, wondering what harm it would do to remain in the café a bit longer. "So, are you guys excited about the show tonight? I'm super pumped. I can't wait! The stage is my home. I love to perform. I wonder when Ophis will come around? I haven't seen her, or Spade, but judging from the hurry Brink took off in earlier, I bet he's awake." And probably jumping off something high with no regards to his personal safety, too... "But anyway, I'm totally psyched." His permanent smile widened even more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus
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As she came downstairs, Brink acknowledged her with a soft 'good morning'; a genuine smile perked up the corners of her mouth and she nodded back to him. Not wanting to seem too enthusiastic, her eyes float back down to the floor as she made her way into the kitchen.

Shae was still a bit disoriented as the conversation erupted as more people came downstairs. Quietly, Shae grabbed a tea mug from the kitchen cabinet and poured herself a cup of hot water. Rummaging through her teas she picked a white ginger peach tea and placed the tea bag into the water.

With a sigh, her eyes flickered this way and that as she tried to decide what to eat for breakfast...

She could have a bagel? Maybe some fruit...

Restless, the brunette picked out an apple and began to slice it into thin pieces, setting them in a circle on a plate. She then grabbed the peanut butter from the fridge and scooped it out with a spoon, placing the peanut butter in the middle of the apple slices.

Picking up her plate and her tea cup, she turned to the breakfast table, which was already being crowded by people. Her bright blue eyes scanned the group as she located a place to sit. Their auras swiveled and swirled about, all the colors clashing and vibrating against each other. Blinking rapidly for a moment, Shae shook her head, as if the over-stimulation might subside.

But, as usual, it never did.

Shuffling over to the table, Shae kept her head down, her dark hair falling over her face. She took a seat at the edge of the table and placed her tea cup to her right and the plate down in front of her.

She stopped for a moment, staring at the steam coming off of her tea as it steeped, the colors swirling downward towards the bottom of the mug. After a moment of silence, she took a deep breath and grabbed one of her apple slices, dipping it in the perfect peanut butter mound.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus Character Portrait: Leo Polymorphus
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Angelo could tell it was going to be one those days. It was barely a half hour into lunch time and already people were having small spats, getting over them, talking to excitedly and flirting. Seriously if Spade did not throw himself off of something today. Angelo would. Going back to cutting chocolate Angelo mentally went over the list of ingredients and the steps necessary to make the dessert he had planned. He'd been working on it sense yesterday and it was annoyingly complex. Some ingredients had to rest others had to be fresh.And it all had to be ready for tonight. After all what is a grand re-opening if the workers and performers did not get spoiled with a magnificent desert (dessert? god french brain moment). Angelo was so caught up in his work that he barely noticed Frae come in to steal a few pastries until he was on his way out. He gave Angelo and wink and Angelo gave him a puff of flame.

That was another reason Angelo wanted to jump off a building. More then a few people at the circus seemed to believe that if Angelo was breathing fire he was angry or flirting. And although that wasn't wrong it definitely wasn't right. Angelo could breathe fire at any time or moment it would escape his mouth however whenever one emotion got even a little over-zealous. If he was having a great day and was happy, fire would come out of his mouth. If he was joking, there would be fire. Angry? In that case it was blue flame but still. The only emotion that did not elicit flames was sadness well usually. If he was down in the dumps it would in fact have the opposite effect where his internal flame who stop and he'd cool down. So really when people rolled there eyes at Angelo's comments he wanted to roll there necks. After all he meant it quite seriously when he told people not to play with fire or they'd get burned. It had happened once, and it could happen again.

Finishing up the chocolate Angelo looked out the open window dividing the kitchen and dinning room. It all seemed calm... Enough for the circus anyway, though Ashlynn was leaving somewhat early, no doubt to go practice and prepare. But yes all was good. So Angelo felt no reason to hold onto his irritation and he let it out in a long sigh of blue flames. He felt better with just that and decided to take a short break and join Shae she was after all like a big sister and she tended to help Angelo calm down when he was tense, and he needed as much calm and balance in his life or he really might end up burning someone... Again. Shaking out any negative memories Angelo grabbed his own plate of food and made his way toward Shae. She could normally sense when Angelo was looking for a chill pill so he did not say much only gave a cheeky grin to cover his feelings and a cheekier good morning to cover his thoughts. "Morning big sis!"

Brink could not help but blush at Spade's word. "I'm flattered really... But even if I'm the one capable of harm you really should be more careful Spade. Or your going to be the one sending me to an early grave." As much as Brink tried to make it sound lighthearted. There was allot more truth weighing on those words then he would admit out loud. Out of everyone in the circus Spade had to be the one who was sent to the medics office the most. Because healing abilities or not, there was no way Brink was letting him go un-checked. Which proved to be a good thing because Spade was always breaking his damn legs and then forgetting to re-set them.