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Ophis Nyx The Raven

"Why.. the show must go on."

0 · 438 views · located in Moonsetter Circus Mansion

a character in “Moonsetter Circus”, as played by Check Mate


Ophis Nyx
"The show must go on, no matter what..."

[font=book]"hush little baby, and don't say a word.. mama is going to buy you-"

Ophis Nyx
Raven but you may call her whatever you like.
Human it appears, but she is indeed a freak. Her true form a mystery. But from her powers and nickname, she is thought to be a bird of some sort along with some sort of dream caster, having the ability to control peoples sleep.
Visual Age:
Around 20
Sexual Orientation:
Co-Ring Master

Ophis hair is a precular shade. Half of her hair, and beyond her part are the color of ink- deep and onyx. Seemingly to have no influence by the light, while the other half of her hair is a beautiful slated blue.
Her eyes are a soft red, which glow in the dark, and often burn crimson when she's angered. Within these orbs are beautiful black ringlets that cause intimidation.
Built, and lightly leaned yet her body still hold that feminine feature people envy for- her curves hug her body beautifully.
Skin Tone:
A pale color usually described as "moon-kissed"
97 lbs
Her voice is smooth and almost hypnotizing. Its very alluring and is rather husky. Though she rarely talks.
Scar Tissue:
A couple are scattered around her body. Her largest ones, are two thin and long slashes near her shoulder blade- like something was ripped from them.
Unique Body Features:
Her teeth hold oddly long fangs that slip out when she grins/smiles.

"Who needs to talk when you have a smile."

  • Constantly smiling, as if she knows something you dont.
  • Disappearing randomly, and appearing when called.
  • Oddly knowing of everything that goes on in the little circus.
Creed (motto):
"The show must go on"

Not revealed at the moment

"What is fear?"

  • Her little family of freaks and humans.
  • The cirque.
  • Birds, especially a murder.
  • The stars.
  • A still night.
  • A well working Circus
  • An upset audience
  • "Party Poopers" "Or so the human children call them."
  • Abnormally quick and strong, but is usually unnoticed by the others.
  • Great at taming other animals or beast such as a werewolf or sirens, having a calming effect on all.
  • Can lull people asleep, erasing and replacing memories, her powers work greater on humans.
  • Has a quirk of giving pleasant dreams to the sleeping ones.
  • Communicate through the birds.
  • Transform and levitate.
  • Always calm, and always knowing.
  • Being put to sleep herself - Her most vital weakness. If she herself is asleep she cant control anyone, and at times her powers give her nightmares. Maybe she wont wake up.

Physical Description:

Personality Description:
Kind | Mother-Like | Gentle | Silent | Mysterious
Ophis is the co-Ring master of the Moon setter Cirque who is well known for her mysterious background that not even the ringmaster knows of. Her standing in the group of freaks and humans could be seen as the mother figure. However at first glance, she is described as.. beautiful, mute and anti social. All but one is true, but no trouble there, Ophis recognizes this as a common mistake, she has a tendency not to talk often, but much rather smile and maybe because of her silence is why people believe she has no friends or companions. But she thinks, and hopes differently, for she loves the cirque in all of its uniqueness, and the cirque seems to love her back as well because of her gentle, kind, and mother like demeanor. To even the audience, she treats them with the best respect, so one could describe her as a polite women living in the wrong period of time.
But thats often a question that arises, where doe she come from? No one knows. Her past is a mystery and so is she. Her habitual silence also adds to that, along with her gentle smiles that appears like she is hiding a secret. But dont fret, her only wish and goal (or so it seems) is to protect her lovely cirque, the freaks and humans within it.
So of course, if one would threaten it, her kind face is easily dropped for something.. apparently monstrous. Rumors say that her smile remains, but the whole room grows cold- while her eyes gleam with sadist.
But haha thats only a rumor, who would believe in those silly lies that flow among the crowds. "A silly fellow, thats who~"
Now about her muteness... she believes smiling or frowning is another great way to express feeling...but she has her own personal reasons as well.. Her true personality though isnt well known because of the lack of interaction, but she thinks it the best to leave it at that.

"Ophis wears many things, sun dresses to a swallow tailed vest. Though she has a certain fondness for tight corsets and short Victorian dresses. Maybe a little top hat to go with it too..."

Small and heart-shaped
Long and slender
Very feminine and rather small.
Long and her shoulders are not broad at all.
Right Accessory:
A couple of bracelets
Left Accessory:
Strange symbols that mark her arm.

"Growing up as a mysterious child isn't easy, and definitely isnt pleasant... "

Marital Status:
Currently Single
None known
Somewhere in the sky... or so she tells many.
The Co-Ring Master
Ophis's past is a mystery, and seemingly forgotten by her since she mentions it to no one. But what is known is that she appeared at the feet of the ring master's door on a stormy day, all bloody and beaten. The fact that she was alive today is a miracle.. but at the same time, to her, it was a curse. It would seem that Ophis commited a sin she would never forget, would it be murder or theft, no one knows, but she sometimes loaths the idea of her existance. Supposedly the truth of the raven girl is absolutely horrid, and thus she was found on the door step that day.
And by his great heart, she was taken into the cirque, trained to be the co-ring master due to his failure of money usage and such. But during this time, she prefered to be hidden behind the curtains, not liking the idea of getting close to the others in the cirque- maybe afraid to hurt them.
However time was there to fix that, and Slowly after a few fights and restraints, Ophis managed to get used to them and actually grew very fond of the family. For the first time she whispered, she felt loved and in peace. Having an actual goal and purpose was nice in her opinion. So she took role as the co-ring master due to her abilities, and vowed to protect the cirque family no matter what.
[color=]►[/color] Brink - "The ring master? Oh hes a sweet, I owe my life to him and thus I repay him by taking care of the cirque when he cant"
[color=]►[/color] Basil - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Angelo - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Heaven - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Glamour - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Ashlynn - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Fraener - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Lyca - Details.
[color=]►[/color] Remus - Details.


Don't be afraid.. just go to sleep. I will protect you from the nightmares."

So begins...

Ophis Nyx The Raven's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fraener Carnet Character Portrait: Glamor Character Portrait: Shae Hayze Character Portrait: Heaven Character Portrait: Basil Riddle Character Portrait: Angelo Orpheus
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It had been a year sense the circus was in such a state of buzz but it was a welcome feeling by most. After a long break of practice's and construction they were finally back in action. Of course thing's were different now, some old friends were gone and the circus no longer traveled, there was a new ringmaster, but for the most part everyone seemed fine with the changes. The anxiety however was another thing that no one seemed fine with. Like there name-sake and there history The Moonsetter Circus would perform at night, and starting at 9pm people were allowed to arrive but the show did not begin until 10pm at which point it ran until 1am a somewhat skewed schedule by most peoples standing but this was the norm for the circus. In fact because of this odd schedule most performers would not wake up until 12 in the afternoon. But because this was /the/ grand re-opening day everything was allot more hectic. People were waking up at weird times for extra practice, costumes were getting pulled out of trunks, routines perfected, the stage cleaned and then cleaned again. Yes it had been quite some time sense the circus was found in such a state but it was welcome indeed...

Angelo Orpheus was definitely the younger brother but at times he did not feel like it... And this was one of those times. It was currently 11:35am, a time that was usually calm with the staff and performers slowly trickling into the kitchen for there breakfast? lunch? brunch? However because today was the grand re-opening Angelo was moving his way around people who came into the kitchen/dining room before promptly leaving again without explanation, no one it seemed care to just sit down for 5 minutes and eat something. And of course Brink was not even up yet. Letting out a sigh of exasperation Angelo practically barked at the next worker coming in, flames actually left his mouth this time as he told the worker to either sit down and eat or go somewhere else. Luckily the flames seemed to make his point clear and the worker was quickly sitting down at one of the many tables. Letting out a long sigh that looked more like a puff of flame Angelo got back to work finishing up the last few pancakes. After all because of the strange eating schedule Angelo often found himself making breakfast and lunch together to keep everyone happy.

Angelo was just setting down the last few plates of food when the clock chimed 12, officially it was 'lunchtime' and more of the actual performers would come in from training or sleep to sit down for awhile. Lunchtime also meant that Brink would finally stagger in, no doubt dressed but his hair still a mess. Angelo questioned why he kept it long if he had no idea how to brush or style the damn purple mop. But if he was honest with himself he was somewhat flattered that he was trusted with the task of caring for his brothers long hair. Opening the drawer he kept especially for hair supplies Angelo plucked a bobby pin, a brush, and a hair tye, he was thinking of just going with Brink's signature high ponytail for today. As if on cue Brink walked in and stumbled to his spot before lazily picking out food for his meal. Snickering Angelo did not hesitate to walk up behind his brother and begin brushing out his long hair.

"I take it this morning was rough on you?"

Angelo glanced down at Brink before letting out another fiery sigh. Brink only nodded in understanding before going back to his food. There communication was often like this is the morning. Brink would ask questions and Angelo would respond with a quiet sign of either frustration or amusement, and today was definitely the latter. Angelo finished brushing through the knots in Brink's hair before he began the styling process. It was nice that even on the most crazy of days they would still do this, it was also nice that Brink's hair seemed to captivate and quiet the more easily hypnotized members of staff into starring like love struck fish. Not that Brink was aware of any of it. Letting out a sigh of content as for the moment all was quiet but Angelo was more then aware that this would not last forever, hell he'd be surprised if it lasted 10 more minutes. Sensing his tensity Brink turned back and gave him a comforting smile. After all the two brothers had survived this far together, surely they could survive one day chaos...