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0 · 126 views · located in Morrowind, Tamriel

a character in “Morrowind's Salvation”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Divindre`

Gender: Female

Race: Redguard

Racial Abilities:
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Resist Poison 75%
  • Resist Common Disease 75%

Affiliation: Ashalnder Tribes

Marks: From what Azura says: There are always snakes in the grass, but the Ashlander Serpent is known for her venomous bite that heals others

Appearance: Dinvindre`


Divindre` is the aloof and silent type that rarely involves her input on things unless the conversation interests her. Often she is seen as a follower when in teams or groups or simply the one that lags behind when it comes to team situations, it's not that she doesn't enjoy group activities..well that's mainly it. She's just an antisocial being, no it is not because of a depressing past, nor the fact that she's shy, it's just more or less she usually doesn't feel like talking most of the time. This does not mean she will disobey orders from higher commanders, or will she start up some form of rebellion, actually she's quite peaceful and just a simple solitary person.

She will help when she is called for or when the situation arises to where everyone is panicking and running around like Scamps, she will calmly take hold of the situation and try to bring it back down upon a calm level once more. Due to watching and listening more while rarely interacting, she tends to pick up on things more when it comes to gossip or news compared to other folks. That and just like her birth sign, she is as calm and as peaceful as a garden snake upon a log, yet anger her or harm friends and loved ones? She will strike like a cobra with venom filled fangs unmercifully until you are dead. Weather it be with words or spears..

Major Skills:

  • Spear - The Ashlander Dunmers she was raised by taught her the skills of working with the Spear. Common enough, Ashlanders pride themselves upon the magnificent and beautiful art of combating or even dancing with this weapon.
  • Acrobatics - One must keep themselves limber and agile in combat, especially when your main source of weapons happens to be a spear. Jumping, dogging, dancing, and bending one's body to avoid being struck or for entertainment has made Divindre` flexible and in tune with her body's joints.
  • Alchemy - The wilderness and open plains can be a dangerous place, often enough one can be out and about on their own without potions, lack of knowledge in how to heal themselves, as well as having an abundance of plant life around you. Relying on the wilderness and nature itself, Divindre` has learned what plants will heal you, what plants will harm you, and what plants combined with other plants and ingredients to make a rather fine potion.
  • Light Armor - You have to be fast and agile as ever if you wish to escape a few cliff racers, that and you have to have a good set of armor upon yourself when you're trying to hunt guar and other dangerous beasts. More than often, Divindre` has seen the faults of beings whom wear heavy armor and often pity them for their ignorance. Light armor may not provide the best defense ever, but it's well enough to get you by long enough so you can escape or strike faster than your opponent.

Birthsign: The Serpent

Ability: Star Curse


Urshilaku Tribe's Silver Spear - Night Eye 15 pts on Self

Chitin Armor (Currias/Boots//Helmet)

Bonemold Pendant - Nothing of enchanting magic, but pretty to look at and something that was found wrapped around her body when she was discovered by the Ashlanders.

Journeyman's Mortar and Pedestal


In the times of the Neravine was discovered and then did what he came to do; kick some ass, kill some shit, save the people, etc. etc. Divindre`s mother and father were Redguard soldiers working for the Imperial Army. At the time, they were upon a ship that traveled from The Ashlander Coasts far up north all the way towards Daggerfall near the Ebony Mining camps. They had just recently done a fine day of services that consisted of watching over the miners, helping haul the freshly obtained ebony upon the ship, and now? Now all they had to do was protect the ship itself on the way home so the ebony could be distributed across the lands.

Divindre was still within her mother's womb, nearly in her prime, which could explain why her parents were so persistent on returning home safely or the fact that they were so reluctant to leave Daggerfall so quickly. They wanted to ensure the safety of their first born child that was soon to be brought fourth.

Yet all hell broke loose when the pirates came upon them...
They had become quite bothersome and this time they just so happened to have a rather crazy Daedric worshiper upon their ship. The bastard summoner managed to summon fourth Daedric monsters of all kinds, sending them fourth to raid the Ebony ship and to say the least, it was a total massacre. The pirates and their crazy ally were merciless upon the crew, taking everything that they could and blowing up the ship to destroy any evidence of their actions. Luckily, Divindre`s mother managed to flee in time, throwing herself overboard and swimming for two days and a night towards shore.

Finally, she made it, exhausted and bordering near death she washed up on shore in pain. The contractions were heavy and she had already lost plenty of blood from her wounds, yet she encouraged herself to give birth to the child and spend the last few hours with her firstborn. At that very moment, a few Ashlander tribe's people just so happened to be walking upon the shores in hopes of fishing for Slaughterfish. They befell their crimson eyes upon the Redguard woman washed ashore, the infant crying in her wounded arms. The mother looked up at them, obviously dying as she held up her baby to them.

"Divindre`" was her last word she spoke as death came upon her. The Ashlanders, confused and pitying the newborn chose to simply take in the child as one of their own and raise her as kin.


So for the most of her life, Divindre` was an Ashlander Redguard. She talked liked the Dunmer, learned their history, was educated upon their ways, and simply lived somewhat peacefully amongst them. Although life with her peers wasn't as peaceful as it should been; the common complaints of her being a Redgaurd, her people ever so mindlessly loyal to the Imperial Army and their customs, coming upon their lands and doing as they please...etc. etc. You know how Dunmer are with other races!

Over time, she grew strong and agile, old enough to wield a weapon and defend herself against the open plains of the wilderness. Unlike most of her adopted kin, she worked hard in providing for her tribe by hunting, gathering, and keeping watch. Ever more protective of them than anything. Yet when she informed her people of strange dreams of Azura talking to her, they were quick to question and demand more information.

She explained to them that some woman in her dreams kept on telling her to leave her tribe and that she was called Azura of the Tribunal. Well her kin were not about to just let her stay and loaf about. They were quick to pack her things and send her on her way with high hopes that she would return to them. They informed her with words of 'If the Goddess demands it, then you must do it!".

So now, Divindre` is idea what the hell she's searching for or what she's supposed to be doing.

So begins...

Divindre`'s Story