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Clarissa "Taran" Morvay

Terrified of her heart, reading her ending.

0 · 882 views · located in Mount Olympus Academy

a character in “Mount Olympus Academy”, as played by Kugorie


"We all need to look into the dark side of our nature..
that is where the passion is..the energy..
It is part of who we not fear it ..embrace it
become whole....
we are both darkness and light....."



Full Name: Clarissa Taran Morvay
Nicknames: Taran, She doesn’t go by her first name. And only one person has ever called her Clara.
Age: 18
Godly Parent: Hades
Birthdate:October 22
Home Town: Silverden
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight

Horse Back Riding
(Example of her voice)
(Another example)
(Read 'Anything Else' before saying you've heard her sing)
Ice cream

Guinea Pigs
Loud Noises
Being Tired

Falling in love


Taran has a heart of gold… once you get to it. When you first meet her you would think that she was the devil in disguise since she pretends to hate everything. But, really, she is just misunderstood and no one really takes the time to understand her. She can have quite a nasty temper and can snap at you fairly quickly and without warning. This is when you start getting into her shell and trying to understand her. If you don’t take the time all you would see is a rather shy or invisible girl in the hallways or outside that doesn’t talk much in fact keeps to herself and avoids all contact. Even when trying to talk to her she will always keep her eyes down and never look you straight in the face. But, don’t be fooled because just because she isn’t looking at you doesn’t mean she can’t read you and is often reading your body and planning your every movement and what you’ll say next.


Once you actually get through Taran’s shell you’ll find the most caring and sweet girl that you have ever met who is trust worthy and easy to talk to. She is protective of the ones she loves and is one of the best friends you’ll ever get, she actually listens to what you have to say. However she lets people run all over her and treat her like crap because it's what she is used to once you get this close to her. She is very guarded, trusting no one. With all the disappointments in her life, she mostly just goes along with what happens and doesn't expect anything life changing to happen to her. Because of this insecurity she has never experienced love and is too afraid to experience it. Thus she finds it easy to make guy friends but once it goes too far she pulls away, in fact runs away and no one has ever chased her.


Taran is a fairly smart girl, which to most people is fairly surprising because she looks like a girl who could care less about anything. But the real thing is she is quite passionate and loves to learn.


Many things you will notice about Taran day to day is her extreme body language. When shes upset? She pulls on her hair. When shes nervous she bites her nails. When shes pissed off... well she storms through the hallways with her hands in tight fists. And when she’s happy well, she just stays quiet. However with any of these aspects of her personality if something goes wrong she will take it out on herself. Literally.



Taran, or Clarissa, was the last born to the Morvay family and also the only daughter. As the first female born to the Morvay, her mother raised her daughter in a rich and lady like environment that did not involve the gods at all until her twelfth birthday. Her mother wanted to raise Clarissa to have a somewhat normal life, however; due to the fact that she was born a demi-god, she wasn’t given much choice. As a young child, Clarissa spent most of her time with her mother. Her mother trained her how to read body language, and ride horses and to be very agile on her feet; something that’s become a great asset to her during her training years. She was taught how to fight (from her brother and without her mother knowing) but as well as how to be elegant and polite and know how to words correctly and sometimes to manipulate.


When Clarissa turned eleven her life was brought to a stop when her oldest brother died. He was her best friend and no evidence could be brought up on how he died. From then Clarissa turned to Taran and she changed to be a very dark person. And even at age eleven she began to become suicidal. She refused any treatment though and somehow managed to control this state of mind. But her looks didn’t really change.


When she turned twelve Hades decided to give his daughter a visit without her mother knowing. Telling Taran of the academy, and filling her head with all kinds of things that her mother never wanted her to know. Taran of course fell in love with the idea and wanted to learn more and be with her biological father, and her mother had no choice but to let her go.

After arriving to the camp, Taran picked up things quickly and surprising; seeing as she hadn’t known of any of this or powers since she was twelve. In fact some said that she was learning too quickly and had to find ways to slow her down, to the point that they let her stay with her father for months on end while others caught up with her. Now despite the fact that she still learns quickly she forces herself to slow down, for her sake and her fathers since she knew he was frowned upon for having such a quick learner, they simply thought he was planning something against the other gods. Now with her regular school work she also takes on homework from her father and equestrian types of activites.


Anything else?

Taran spends most of her time in the stables or in the forest, or library; hardly ever around others and not really being social. However she never turns down someone who would want to join her just because.

Just because Taran can sing doesn't mean she likes to do it in front of others. So if anyone has heard her sing it has only been because they have heard her singing in her room. That is the only time she will do it.

Taran knows how to speak Russian, Spanish and Korean. She also can understand sign language and is learning how to sign back... can do little bits not amazing at it though.

She doesn't go by Clarissa anymore and most her teachers know this. Only one person has ever called her Clara and that was her brother who died.

Taran has been at the school since she was 12. Since so much has happened between her family and her father. She also takes on harder classes in her spare time if possible so she doesn't get into trouble with other gods (Explanation in history :) )

Taran still has suicidal episodes in which she will miss some or all of school for the day. And most of her teachers know of this. (explanation in history)

So begins...

Clarissa "Taran" Morvay's Story

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Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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#, as written by Kugorie

"And so the sun rose and the day began..."

The sun warmed Taran’s face; it was as if she was glowing inside and out. This was the best part about being outside. Feeling the morning sun rise on her somewhat cold body; It wasn’t like it was freezing out but the morning dew was a bit colder then what she had thought it would be.

Taran had already been awake for two hours now. She hated mornings but for some reason she wasn’t able to sleep last night and when she realized that the 5 hours of sleep was all she was going to get she just got up out of bed got changed, grabbed her sneakers, and went outside.

She was sitting on her purple and blacksoccer ball, she had kicked the ball around a few times just letting her mind travel over what would be happening for the day and now she just sat in the middle of the field letting her body soak up the bright sunlight.

The grass tickled her legs and she could hear crickets in the background. In fact she could even hear the water that was a little further away, as it rushed through to the big open water which would be its final destination. It was so peaceful Taran felt as though she could stay here forever and really she wanted to. Not that she didn’t like school; or anything, school was fine. She just didn’t want to hear the other students talk about her as if she couldn’t hear them. She wasn’t deaf, nor was she mute, and she definitely wasn’t blind.

Taran looked over to her messenger bag, a big lug of a thing. It was 2 years old and had a few ripped parts which she thought made it look interesting. It didn’t bother her though the bag was able to hold her books and notepads and her drawing journal. Heck it could even hold her laptop and iPod, plus a few snacks and a lunch of course. Either way she had looked over just to make sure it was still over at the goal post. Then she turned her face back to the sun to soak up a few more rays before she would have to leave.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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A young man sleeps under a small hill of blankets, only the tips of his toes peeking out at the edge of the bed, as well as an arm hung lazily over the bed. Around the wrist of that arm is a small watch which serves as an alarm clock for the boy, who wouldn't be able to hear the typical blaring noise of a clock in order to wake him up, and the digital numbers on that watch flicker for a second before they change to five in the morning and a vibration is set off, shaking his arm and prompting the boy awake, albeit reluctantly. Drowsiness still hangs in his eyes, and he seems wistful about leaving his dream, as his dreams almost always include the sounds that he can no longer hear. When they appear in that false world, it isn't merely an echo that he conjures up within his mind, but seems perfectly real, as though the accident which took his hearing had never actually happened- as though that had in fact been the dream, as well as life at a school for those who are only half mortal. Of course, he always wakes up to find himself disappointed in this. This disappointment prompts the young man to scold himself for being so self-pitying, a trait in himself he despises despite what many would agree is justification for it, before forcing the covers off and onto the floor.

Like many of the other students at this school -especially those of the more athletically inclined gods and goddesses,- Harry makes a habit of jogging each morning before preparing for school. The morning runs are refreshing, and help to wake him up for the day ahead of him. It helps that he isn't really much of a party-goer, not the late night parties anyway, and therefore maintains a sleep schedule that compliments morning jogs and days of playing sports. He pulls on a pair of dirty old sneakers and slips in those earbuds that he always seems to wear, despite the fact that he wouldn't be able to hear any music coming from them even if they were attached to an Ipod or some other MP3 player. Ready to go, the young man leaves the building and enters the fresh air of the morning breeze. The sun still hangs low, creating a romantic sort of film just over the horizon, as though someone has stretched a silvery gauge over the lower part of the sky. This is one of his favorite parts of the morning, of course. Whoever marvels at the beauty of dusk has not quite experienced the beauty as dawn. Well, that's his opinion, anyway.

He makes a point to run through the snatches of forestry towards the edge of the campus, relishing the scent of late summer hanging over the growing plants. Every fluttering bird and scurrying squirrel catches his eye, making up for his inability to hear them, and his environment presents a lovely picture to accompany his morning jog. Yes, there is something blissfully serene about these early runs he goes on, and the desire to keep in shape clearly isn't his only motivation for going on them regularly. He jogs a few miles, a bit less than he normally does because the sun's rising brings a fresh wave of warmth, before circling back around to the dorm. Many continue to sleep as he walks quietly back towards his dorm room, entering and closing the door behind him in a similarly silent manner. He is always careful to be even quieter than he ought to be, for fear that he will unintentionally make a racket, and not even realize that he is doing so.

A quick shower is just what the doctor ordered, as Harry rinses the sweat away from his body, his shower an icy cold temperature that would freeze the skin off of all but the children of Khione. He is actually a lover of hot water, but only so far as drinking water goes. The young man drinks only hot and lukewarm water, and yet takes frigid showers. It is surely one of the great wonders of the world, if not of the school. After completing the absurdly cold shower, he goes through the usual routine of snacking on a few granola bars, brushing his teeth, and then draining a full bottle of water before changing from a towel into actual clothing.

A glance towards his watch tells Harry that it is about time to go, and thus he slings a bag over his shoulder, carrying his school materials, and heads out the door, wondering who else is up right now. Probably plenty of people by this point, as class should be starting in a bit. Well, scratch that- as class isn't five minutes away, plenty of people probably continue to slumber in their beds. Harry just isn't one of them. As the young man walks, he spots Taran standing idly by a soccer goal, with a purple and black ball near her. With a smile tugging at his lips, Harry walks over towards her and lightly kicks the ball so that it is just outside of the sitting girl's reach. "Morning," he says in a very soft, careful voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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#, as written by Kugorie

Taran had been day dreaming when her ball suddenly rolled away from her. The ball was far enough away that she would have to make a great effort in order to retrieve it so instead she decided to find the culprit that had put her ball over to the side.
It was Harry.

A smile fell across Taran's face when she saw who it was and instinctively she got up and gave him a friendly hug. She did this all without uttering a word. Then she backed away from him and continued her now shy grin. She watched Harry closely in order to make sure he wouldn't have been taken back at all from her sudden hug.

"How have you been?" She said quietly knowing she wouldn't have to really speak to Harry for him to understand her. Her voice was sweet and young and had no raspy edge to it at all. In fact some people found it too soft and sometimes hard to hear. This was another reason why it was hard for Taran to make friends. She was considered a mouse in most people's eyes.

A mouse; that's what most people thought of Taran. Someone you could ignore or shrug off. Someone who was belittled and considered a no one. Taran remembered last year with some of the girls. They had taunted her for looking gothic, for being different, and not standing up for herself when they insulted her. Well this year she hoped it would change. At least a little bit. Heck she even changed her attire just so she could be considered some what "Normal".

Normal. That's all she wanted to be. That's all her friends wanted her to be. Someone that they could bring along and not have to worry about. And that's what she wanted to be like. She would try to make it so she wasn't an outsider.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kennedy Davenport Character Portrait: Christian Straughn-Earle Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Caro Straughn-Earle Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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Kennedy hadn't been laying there for long when she heard a splash. Opening her eyes, which, had for a few minutes, been closed in thought and other good things, she sat up slightly and looked over at the water, where she noticed Dustin floating along on his back. Strangely, he reminded Ken of an otter. But, in a good way. As he waved, she waved back, shooting the boy a smile. She was just starting to be able to feel the sun, and paired with the breeze that was floating through the air, this day was already promising to be quite beautiful.

Glancing back at Dustin, she finally got a good look at what he was wearing. She laughed. "Nice pants fish boy!" Her tone alone gave away that she meant no real harm. She never would. In fact, she was still a little kid who watched Disney movies whenever she was in her dorm. For the daughters of the king of the gods, when they were alone, Caro and Ken were still such kids. Enough so that it would most likely surprise some people.

Speak of the devil...

When Caro plopped down next to her, she laughed. "Next time, I'll be sure to turn on some heavy metal, just for you." She looked up with a smirk, but almost held up her hands to avoid getting whacked, though she honestly couldn't contain the smile and the laugh that sprang forth. As her sister lay back, Ken maneuvered so she lay sideways, her head on Caro's stomach. She made a good pillow. It was like laying on a cloud. And while they were missing the third of their unstoppable trio, Ken knew Chris was probably off doing...something, and she was quite content to just lay there with her sister.

"Well thank the gods you love me. You know, I dont know if I've ever really been on the receiving end of one of your rages before. Lucky me." She shrugged, chuckling to herself and just relaxing.


Rose was just walking along, when suddenly a voice broke through her thoughts, and a shoulder brushed her own. Looking to her side....Colton. She simply rolled her eyes. "And here I was having such a nice morning. Got up, took a shower, listened to some music, and then...." She looked over at him with a smirk.

She and Colton had this thing going. He'd attempt to make her swoon, and she'd just fire back some retort. This boy reveled in his godly parentage, and to be honest, Rose wasn't sure any other god or goddess would have fit him better. The guy flirted like it was the only way he knew how to communicate, and sometimes, Rose wasn't so sure that it wasn't. But, he was amusing, and the two were definitely friends. Sure, he was attractive, all the Aphrodite kids were. There was no mistake about that, but...

Turning a corner and opening a door, Rose was suddenly hit with a breath of fresh air as she stepped outside. Breathing in deeply, she looked around, suddenly realizing that, truth be told, she didn't even know where she was going. Sure, she knew the school, but this morning, she didn't really have a destination. She could go to class, but even the teachers probably weren't there yet.

So, she just turned, and she kept walking. Looking out across the distance, she spotted Taran and Harry. Smiling, she made her way over to them, waving a bit as she got closer. Turning to Colton, who still walked along at her side, she smiled. "So, guess I might was well ask, how's your morning?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Swann Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Nathaniel Sterling Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Colton Kessler
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Harry is very rarely taken aback by signs of affection in any variety, and therefore seems only willing to hug Taran back when she jumps up and embraces him in greeting. After all, the two are quite close as far as friends go, and so he is very rarely surprised by her actions anymore; this includes the ones that others would consider incredibly bizarre for the typically ignored young woman. Anyway, he remains smiling amicably when she releases him and backs up, and when she sizes him up for a moment as though afraid that the burst of affection will have scared him off or anything. He rolls his eyes at her concern, but in doing so misses her words, only catching the very end of them. This, naturally, makes it rather difficult for him to have the slightest of inklings as to what the girl has said to him, other than the word pin- or maybe been? Alright, whatever word she has just said definitely needs a bit better context for him to have any idea what she is saying. Rather than saying something that doesn't answer her question at all, the young man just smiles and nods, somewhat succeeding in saving face.

"How are you?" he asks softly, though he isn't really too much in the mood for small talk. If anything, he is considering dragging Taran off to the cafeteria and forcing her to eat breakfast with him. This thought is backed up by a grumbling in his stomach as his body tells him that the granola bar he had earlier was definitely not enough nourishment to hold him until lunch. He's an athletic young person, after all, and is having a craving for eggs and bacon at the moment- especially the eggs part, in fact. He makes the sign for breakfast, one which he had taught Clarissa a while ago, and gestures towards the cafeteria. "Come eat with me. I'm Starving," he says, though his smile makes him seem to be exaggerating his hunger. He notices a motion from the corner of his eye and glances over to see Rose walking over towards them, waving when she grows closer. He, in turn, waves back with his own smile. Of course, he also waves at Brandon when the son of Ares jogs by them.

His greeting is slightly less genuine in its friendliness when one Mr. Wes Taylor comes by, greeting the group. Wes's greeting to Harry is far from warm itself, and Harry knows the courtesy is given only for the sake of Taran, who might be slightly miffed if he is to snub Harry. Harry merely nods at the Taran's brother, his expression having lost its cheer just a bit, though it doesn't necessarily appear to be hostile either. They simply don't get along, but that doesn't mean that Harry is going to hiss at his presence, right?

"Breakfast?" Harry reintroduces his suggestion to the group just before yawning and stretching upwards. He hadn't properly stretched after running this morning, and is thinking that he may regret it. Still, the desire for food prevails above slightly stiff feeling joints.


Paige doesn't bother to survey the cafeteria or anything like that, as her focus for the moment is not preemptive table searching. If need be, she can always go eat in the courtyard or on the roof or something like that. Rather, she makes a sort of beeline for the buffet, which seems to primarily consist of eggs, bacon, and toast. Well, that would be the part she stands at for the first few seconds, anyway. It isn't long, however, before the young woman makes a face of disdain for the foods, not being a fan of any of the aforementioned breakfast dishes, and moves on towards the section which offers a colorful selection of foods and yogurts. Paige, as far as breakfast goes, is not the sort of person who goes for much variation. In fact, her breakfast has been fruit and hot tea for the past several years, starting when she was perhaps seven or eight years old. Old habits die hard, whether they be of sleeping in or eating a monotonous breakfast for every day of your life. Paige seems, to some extent, to embody this cliche.

Only after preparing herself a cup of hot tea, which is bland at best, and a plate stacked with pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, and cantaloupe, does Paige think to look around and try and find a group with whom she might sit, if a group at all. She'd be perfectly content sitting on her own, after all, but that doesn't make her an entirely unsocial creature. She's good enough friends with Thayer, and occasionally hangs out with Gwen -though only at night-, but doesn't know Nolan or Nate very well. Another table seats Arielle, something of a friend, and Emmett, with whom she occasionally banters. It's a rather even tossup, especially as she doesn't really care too much. In the end, she takes a seat with the larger crowd, simply melting into the group without a sound. While she may have some sort of friendship, or at least respect, with Arielle and Emmett, she is otherwise very loosely related to this group, and therefore enters without asking but offers little greeting to the people there, other than a nod and a murmured good morning that is lost within a yawn.

She doesn't need to be involved in the conversation- Paige is content to simply eat and observes. She likes to watch things unfold, after all, and were she not so lazy has the potential to be a far more malicious force than she is. After all, she would be the sort, if passivity did not translate into some shifty sort of kindness, to purposely move people like pawns so that she can watch things for her own amusement. This side, however, is rather suppressed, and she is content to watch the natural course of things instead, without offering intervention.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Wesley Taylor
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#, as written by Kugorie

Taran always found Harry the funny one of friends, at least when it came to food. However she had no desire to say no to Harry's statement of getting food, for she too was quite hungry and had wanted something to eat. For a girl so thin as she, Taran could eat more then a pig and had a habit of having food contests with herself to see if she could eat more then what she ate the time before, rest assured she does this in her own time and with no one around for the mere point that she does not want to be considered disgusting and belittled for her hollow stomach. Speaking of her stomach Taran's was even beginning to rumble. She had had nothing to eat this morning, it wasn't unusual for her to skip breakfast as her stomach wasn't one that woke up well to the early mornings. After covering her stomach to try and minimize the noise, Taran nodded at Harry and began to walk with him to the cafeteria, forgetting about the conversation that they were trying to start before.

When Rose came up, Taran simply let Harry make the first bit of small talk. She knew Rose of course and the two were friends but she still wasn't the best at being the first person to say Hi and so she simply waved and smiled and let Rose start the small talk. This wasn't new for any of Taran's friends, they all knew she would much rather be mute and just be the friend that everyone could talk to then the chatter box of the group. Of course when she did speak, and to the ones she knew well, she would talk quite a lot. With Harry she had a habit of talking and signing and mixing the two together until he grabbed her hands or motioned for her to slow down but when she was in the mood to talk she would talk.

Glancing past Rose, Taran saw her brother Wes. He was always protective of her, she wasn't exactly sure why just because she was always quiet around her and he seemed to be higher in the popularity listings but hey it was nice to know he would be there if she needed him. Again she waved and gave a smile, noticing the tension in the two boys. Taran, depending on her day, found it a bit funny to continue a conversation with her brother when Harry was around, just because they both had to play nice. Or at least she would hope they both do. But today was not one of those days, and she figured Wes would want to be going and he looked as though he was on his way to somewhere. So she very politely and not rushingly said "I'll have to talk to you later, we were just about to get breakfast." She smiled hoping this would give the two guys their escape that they would want.

After saying that Taran quickly turned to Rose and Harry... "Ready to go eat?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Colton Kessler Character Portrait: Wesley Taylor
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Wesley Taylor


Abby Rae Jarvis

“Excellent idea.” Wesley replied, deciding the cafeteria was an option after all. When else would he be presented with such and easy opportunity to make Harry squirm after all? He was set to follow the small group when he was jerked back by Colton, and that plan too was brought up short. Had any other student outside his family pulled that stunt, they would have found themselves in for a world of active torment, but this was Colton, his best friend. There were some who viewed their friendship as being either odd, as their personalities were so different, or even shallow. Wesley would never deny he was attractive, and any son of Aphrodite held good looks by virtue of birth, together they made a devastatingly handsome duo when pursuing women. That however wasn’t what had attracted them together, though it was a rather pleasing bonus that blossomed from their friendship. Colton was light where Wesley was dark, Wesley adding depth while Colton gave perspective, they simply balanced each other. Wesley also enjoyed that Colton seemed to both understand him, while at the same time not judging, and Wesley treated him the same.

Still, Wes was not above giving him a snarky remark or two, but the urge was halted before a good reply could even form when Colton mentioned a certain blonde they shared a mutually recreational obsession over. “Oh no doubt. Our dear sweet Abigail is rather fond of eating isn’t she? The only predictable thing about her.” Wes replied with a smile that more closely resembled a shark than anything nice. Some men might be put off by the idea of their best friend being attracted to the same woman, but Wes’s interest in Abby had always been more intellectual whilst Colton’s were predictably more…carnal. No one really knew anything about Abby when she came to the academy last year, and the young daughter of Ares had not felt the need to change that fact with nearly anyone. A hard girl to get to open up, Wes had immediately singled her out as a challenge, and she had not disappointed in that regard. A curvy blonde enigma wrapped in anger issues and emotional scars a mile wide, Abby and her complete unwillingness to talk about herself had fascinated Wes from the beginning. Baiting her was one of his favorite pastimes, and though Wes did feel somewhat possessive of Abby in regards to other men, this didn’t extend to Colton.

Once the pair reached the cafeteria, Wes’s eyes scanned the hall for their quarry, and he spotted her almost immediately. She was sitting alone with a paper and a tray filled with food, which made Wesley smirk. Good, it would have been harder to force her attention were she sitting with others but this position made it easy to sneak up on her from behind, especially as she seemed rather engrossed in the paper she was reading. Unceremoniously grabbing a chair from one of the other tables and dragging it to Abby’s, Wesley saddled up extremely close to Abby on her right side, invading her personal space, while motioning Colton to do the same on her left to effectively box her in, as the table was in front of the far wall. One of the first things he’d noticed about Abby was her tendency to sit with her back to the wall. In class she always sat in the back, at lunch it was the same. It was like watching a wild animal that refused to show predators its unprotected back. It also made eliminating her escape route in this case, that much easier.

“Well now what have got here?” Wesley intoned in a gravelly voice as close to her ear as he could get without risking a head-butt from the fiery blonde. He watched her tense the moment both he and Colton took their seats, and suddenly there were a pair of beautiful, piercingly, blue sapphire eyes glowering at him. “Fuck off Wes.” She growled, but all Wesley did was grin. He really did love watching her get riled up. Perhaps a smidge of his interest in her was carnal too.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Halley McClain Character Portrait: Sage Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Colton Kessler
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Paige takes a less than dainty bite of cantaloupe before her gaze flickers over towards Emmett, who had been the first of the table to greet her. Her expression is far less than bright eyed and bushy tailed, only justifying his statement even further, unfortunately. "Only the dull are brilliant at breakfast," the sleepy young woman retorts, raising an eyebrow at his smile because she finds it odd that he even needs to throw it in to tell her that he is being sarcastic. Even if he were to stop and start insulting her with a cruelty usually reserved for Arielle speaking to the weak, she'd likely just blink at him and then continue eating, unconcerned and unaffected by the entire scene. As it is, this is not the case, for she is on relatively friendly terms with Emmett, thanks to a mutual sarcastic streak and ability to allow insults and the like to roll off of them like water off of a top shelf umbrella. The young woman looks over at Arielle, who also gives her a casual greeting, and returns the hello with one of her own, though it is muffled by a sudden yawn and her hand covering up her mouth. As far as energy goes, Paige is never at her best, but she is particularly bad in the mornings- probably due to a nocturnal habit.

From her quiet station at the table, Paige watches as Sage, resident intellect and daughter of Athena, walks over and immediately addresses Xavier. A sip of warm tea here and a bite of strawberry there are all that deter her from her unsubtle and yet generally ignored listening. She tends to hear a lot more than she should, because people don't seem to register that the girl who constantly falls asleep in odd places is perfectly capable of listening, absorbing, and using to her advantage. This does not seem necessary at the moment, however, for what is being spoken on seems, to Paige at least, little more than a harmless prank. Another girl joins the pack now, although certainly not the sitting one. Halley McClain, daughter of Hephaestus, walks over and says hello to Sage in a voice so quiet and mousy that even Paige can't help but see why Arielle dislikes her. Paige considers her a little bit dull, at best, and tiresome at worst, but this may be because she tends to remain neutral or neutral-positive about people unless obligated to do otherwise. Dislike is such a bothersome sentiment, taking up far more involvement and energy than disinterest ever will.

All of this tension, or rather edging towards tension, is completely undesirable as far as Paige is concerned, especially as it is over something so trivial. All he did was steal some clothing. How dramatic, she muses. The girl gets along with Saoirse well enough, of course, but Paige is the far more mellow of the two and, in the same situation, would probably just eat breakfast in her swimsuit anyway, before going back and changing or something. People slowly begin to leave for classes and the like, leaving Paige, Xavier, Arielle, and Santiago. Honestly, Paige is only there because she never seems to rush, and therefore is perpetually late for her classes. Arielle grabs her attention with a proposition, though really it is nothing less of a fact- if Arielle wants something to happen, it usually does. Paige has no qualms with this, because going with the flow definitely minimizes the amount of effort she must use.

"Is that an actual question?" Paige asks with a dreamy voice and a raised eyebrow. The statement doesn't express her desire to go, but her acknowledgement of the fact that it will happen regardless.


Though they are nearing the cafeteria, it is at a rather sluggish pace, and Harry begins to wonder if they will have time to eat before class. If not, he may have to resort to trying to eat during class, because he certainly doesn't plan on just going without breakfast entirely for the day. If nothing else, the young man is healthy, both in exercise and in diet, and breakfast is, as the cliche goes, the most important meal of the day. When given the opportunity, he avoids skipping it, as many others do- this isn't some sort of abnormal thing about him, after all. Besides, even though Taran won't outwardly admit so, he suspects that she is hungry. The girl has a bit of an appetite, after all, and logic tells him that it should be just as big, if not bigger, during the morning. After all, going several hours without a bite to eat can do that to you, regardless of whether the body was on energy-saver mode during that time. Thus, his proposition that they go to eat is just as much for her as it is for him, even though the initial motivation had been his borderline empty stomach.

When Taran quickly cuts in and tells Wes that they have to go and eat now, Harry smiles in a kind of smug manner at the son of Hades, because she has given a perfectly good excuse as to why Wes should go ahead and leave now, so that she, Harry, and Rose can go and get themselves something to eat. Of course, they don't actually know whether or not Rose needs food at the moment, but Harry has decided to pretend otherwise for the moment. Even if she isn't hungry, the girl might want an orange juice or tea or some other sort of beverage to refresh herself before classes. His gratefulness increases as Colton agrees with him and begins to tug Wes away, turning so that Harry can no longer decipher their words. It's awfully inconvenient when people do that, but he figures that nothing they are saying concerns him anyway, and as such he shouldn't really care.

He notices, as they enter the cafeteria, that plenty of people are already starting to leave, and a brief image of disappointment flickers across his face before Harry smiles sheepishly at those who have been walking with him. "Has the bell rung?" he signs to Rose, who is the only other person, as far as he is aware, who is fluent in sign. This is because, of course, she started taking the classes with him when he first lost his hearing, and practiced with him a lot over the years, including when they both turned out to be demigods and transferred over to this abnormal school for abnormal kids.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kennedy Davenport Character Portrait: Christian Straughn-Earle Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Caro Straughn-Earle Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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Kennedy never understood how she and Kenn weren't full sisters. They were always so in sync, they usually finished each other's sentences, understood things no one else would, and had this way of communicating that didn't seem to require actual words. And then there were the physical similarities. The similarities that had people guessing if they were twins, or at least sisters, every time they went into town on weekends. Both had golden blonde hair, strong, almost regal features, and, despite Ken's height, they had the same sort of builds. Enough so that the two could borrow each other's clothes sometimes. They were sisters through and through.

The same could be said for Kennedy and Chris. He was the brother she'd never had, well, until she figured out she probably had thousands of brothers because her father was a manwhore and she was related to freaking Hercules. How many people can say that? Well, that wasn't a very good question. The number of people who could say that could probably fill their own little country.

By the time she floated back down to reality, Caro was being...weird, but fun. "and no, you haven't, you have no idea what I am fully capable off, consider this your warning mere mortal!" Kenn slapped her leg, not hard, but not soft either. "I am not a 'mere mortal' missy!" Her grin was large and she couldn't contain her laughter. After a minute, she let out a sigh. "Do we have to go to class today? Can't we just stay here? And not move? Forever? Chris can come too if he promises to be nice." Kennedy was content where she was. She was comfortable, and classes were so...boring.


"Totally. It makes my day to be in your presence." Rose never seemed to miss all the smirks and smiles and winks Colton sent in her direction. She often wondered if this was just how he acted around all girls, because, in all honesty, it seemed like it was. But then there were moments...moments where he seemed...different. It definitely had her baffled, not that she'd let him know that of course. No,she'd just continue to banter on with him like she always had. She'd wait until she figured it out for herself.

When Harry waved, she smiled over at him, and nodded to Taran. Rose knew she could call Taran a friend, sort of. They weren't best buds, but they were friends. And then, there was Wes. Rose wasn't sure how she felt about Wesley. She knew there was some itch between him and Harry, but she didn't exactly feel like getting bogged down in that.

And suddenly, he and Colton were off. Colton's last remark had Rose once again rolling her eyes. "If you can find me." She smirked, but turned back to the others. When Harry signed her asking about if the bell had rung, she shook her head no before replying. 'Not yet. Should soon though.'. She smiled and shifted her bag on her shoulder. She had been there for Harry when he lost his hearing. And she knew it was a big change for him. It had taken a long time for him to come to terms with it, and when he started the sign classes at the rec center, she hadn't let him go alone. No, she went with him. And when they figured out they were demigods, they didn't let each other go it alone either. They both came to MOA, and they've been by each other's side through everything. Good, and bad.

Taran was next to speak, again, about breakfast. "Yeah, sure. I've got some time before class."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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#, as written by Kugorie

It sucked being able to speak other languages and understanding them, but with sign language; only understanding it. Taran honestly could watch Harry and Rose sign to eachother and understand every thing that they said, but could she sign back to them? No. It was extremely annoying. Sure Harry was teaching her, and she could even spell everything out, but who wants to sit there and watch someone s-p-e-l-l o-u-t e-v-e-r-y w-o-r-d. It would just get annoying after awhile, so instead she watches and gets frustrated with herself until she can try and join in.

"I'm going to go sit you guys go get food." Taran signed some of the simpler words and talked a little slower, not much, so Harry could pick up what she was saying then turned around and went and sat down at a free table. She was a bit hungry but she didn't feel like eating. For some reason she just didn't want to, yes the food in the cafeteria didn't taste half bad and she of course wouldn't mind some kind of white breaded sandwich but her mind fought with her stomach telling her just to leave it alone. So she did, the table was not too far away from the line and it was close to everyone else's table so it wasn't like it was in the darkest corner in the room where no one could see them. To everyone's surprise Taran wasn't all black and death, she had some sunshine to her too.

While she waited Taran pulled out her ipod and began playing a game on it. It was just a simple game of solitaire but hey, it worked. She liked the game and she wasn't half bad at it. So why not? At least it would pass some time, and she would enjoy it too. However once she got into the game she had a bad habit of not seeing everything around her, she could hear quite well but if you were quiet enough she wouldn't see you. Unfortunately this causes Taran to get on edge sometimes and has been seen at least once jumping up in the air for absolutely no reason other then a fly flew at her. But hey, we all have our embarrassing moments right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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Harry seems moderately relieved, as he doesn't really like being late to class. Perhaps he is not strongly academic-based, but he is still a relatively good student, at least going so far as to pay attention and put in effort, which is more than can be said for many of his peers. This means that they still have some time to get breakfast, which is the primary thought on his mind at the moment, as his stomach demands attention with a twisting feeling and a soft rumbling noise which he can't hear, but can certainly feel. Harry and Rose have always been close, and when the term 'always' is used, it isn't lightly. She is his childhood friend, and it is only by some incredibly stroke of luck that they both happened to be demigods and, therefore, were both able to attend this school. Had this not been the case, he probably wouldn't have anyone to comfortably talk to without having to stare at their mouths alone, and he worries that people might have become frustrated with him. This, for the most part, hadn't been the case, of course, but it was still a comfort to have Rose, who had learned sign language alongside him, around.

He looks over at Taran, just catching something about her going to sit down. While she might have been careful to speak slowly, he hadn't been looking at her, unfortunately. Still, he can guess the message, knowing her, and nods smilingly as she walks away. Of course, he and Rose will join Taran shortly, but she looks rather solitary sitting at that table alone and- Is she playing- she is. Solitaire? Harry's stepmother had been a big fan of Solitaire, calling it her calming method, and Harry can recall her cat constantly wandering over and sitting on the cards whenever she was in the middle of the game. Several of the cards seemed to be constantly covered with cat fur, and eventually she just began playing on the table rather than on the living room floor. In response, the cat had gone up onto the table, which presented new issues, especially when people were eating on the table and he would hit them in the face with a long and distinctly fluffy tail.

Harry turns back to Rose and gestures towards the food to let her know that he is going to go ahead and eat now- not much more is necessary to be said. Besides, even if the bell hasn't rung yet, he feels as though it will soon enough, and therefore doesn't want to be too slow-paced about eating. He piles his plate with eggs and bacon, and pours himself a cup of hot water. He doesn't make tea or anything, doesn't even drink it, but he has a habit of drinking hot or warm water instead of the typical cold water. He read somewhere, as a child, that it was healthier for your stomach, and ever since then has kept up the habit. Whether it was true or not, he never really looked into, but even if it weren't he probably wouldn't stop. Old habits die hard, and this one is hardly detrimental to his well-being.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Rae Jarvis Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay Character Portrait: Wesley Taylor Character Portrait: Ekaterina Demidov
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Walking into the cafeteria with Taran and Harry, Rose hummed quietly to herself the reprise of Memory from CATs, a memory in itself since she once sang part of the song. But that was a long time ago. Long before she knew who she was, or why exactly she was so good at hitting every note, or why singing and music in general meant so much to her. Before everything she knew had been ripped to shreds and replaced with something new, something she probably still wasn't even used to.

Grabbing a tray, Rose simply grabbed some toast, a cup of yogurt and a bottle of water. They didn't have much time before class, so she probably shouldn't load up. She could do that at lunch, if she had time. Sitting down next to Harry, she opened up the yogurt, and picked up a piece of the granola on top, popping it into her mouth and looking around. From where she sat she could the majority of the room. Across the hall she spotted what looked like a pretty tense situation playing out between Abby and Wes. After the boy had walked off, Rose raised her hand and gave the girl a look, basically asking if she was ok. She didn't look ok. she looked pissed off, and while Rose knew she probably shouldn't interfere, she wanted to give the girl a choice. Just in case she did want to talk to someone.

Looking over at the clock, Rose realized they had less time then they would have liked to eat. Class would start soon, and Rose didn't want to be late. Not that she was one of those students who were hard-asses about tardiness, but she didn't exactly like walking in alone and having people stare. They might have been demigods, but this was still high school.


"Екатерина .... выходи. Мы обещаем, мы вам не повредит." Lies. The girl stayed where she was. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily, and making an effort to slow her heart, for fear that they would hear it. Swallowing her fear, she remained silent, praying they wouldn't find her.
"Ну не лежат к девушке .... у вас есть что-то из наших. Мы хотим его обратно. Отдай, и мы могли бы позволить вам жить". There was a second voice. This one, he was a hypocrite. More lies. Here he told his companion not to lie, and then he claimed he might let her live? That wasn't how these people worked. They didn't leave loose ends.

Her grip tightening on the gun in her hand, she moved silently, and raised her arm. Holding her breath, she shot. She hadn't aimed for either of the men. No, she aimed for the ceiling above them. And in their shock, she had her chance. She ran. However, these men were used to the sound of gunshots, so that shock didn't last long.

"Получить ее!"

She ran and ran, never stopping to take a breath, and all the while, she could hear their thudding footsteps behind her. Her mistake was turning right, when she should have turned left. A dead end. Turning, she closed her eyes, and waited for the inevitable.

"Rise and shine sweetheart!"


Her eyes snapping open, Kate acted on instinct and grabbed the source of the voice, flipping the body over and pinning them. "Отстань от меня вы--Emmett?" When she focused, she realized just who it was she was pinning, and then she felt...almost bad. Releasing his wrists, which had been caught in her hands, she jumped up off her bed. She only wore a grey tank top and some black boyshorts, but where most girls would be shy and blush, turning the color of a bruised tomato, Kate didn't have those kinds of mental boundaries. She just didn't care.

"Sorry." She spoke softly. Then, she thought for a minute. "Wait, no I'm not. What the fuck are you doing in my room?!" Reaching out, she punched him in the arm. Not too hard, but enough to hurt.

However, this wasn't the first time Emmett Meade had snuck into her room. Ugh, this boy was trouble. Glancing at the clock on her bedside table, she bit her lip. "Shit." Heaving a sigh, she turned around and walked to her dresser, shuffling through it and practically grabbing the first things she saw.

"You know, I'm pretty sure I keep my door locked for a reason." While she did a good job, she couldn't completely conceal the smirk that played at the edge of her lips. At least he'd woken her up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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Harry smiles briefly at Rose when she sits down beside him with her own plate of food, but is soon concentrated once more on the eggs and bacon before him, as well as the cup of water that helps him to eat the food far faster than he really should be doing. Still, he can see the clock hanging over the door to the cafeteria from here, and is well aware of the fact that he needs to hurry so that he doesn't show up late to class. His eating is definitely too fast, and he nearly chokes on the bacon at least once, but this is a secondary concern for the hurrying young man.

When he looks over, it is to see that Rose is also looking up at the clock with a vaguely concerned expression- she likely is thinking the same things as he is at the moment. While his friend has never really been the sort to worry too much over tardiness, he knows that she dislikes having to walk in alone when that is the case. Of course, as children, most of their tardiness was at the same time- at least, when they were in the same classes. Because they went to school together, it wasn't uncommon for the two to go to class together as well. Only once middle school started, and therefore the separation of classes, was it less likely for the two to walk into class together with twin sheepish grins. To this day, that remains the case for the classes that they share together. Not to say that they are always late, of course. Both are usually quite punctual students- Harry, at least, prides himself on this much.

Taking a drink of water to rinse down the last of his food, Harry turns to face Rose, gesturing towards the clock that he knows she has already seen by this point. "We should go," he says softly, no more really being required for this simple message. It would be especially bad to be late within the first week of school, wouldn't it? Hardly the best way to keep the teacher in a good mood, even if they'd all had the same teachers for most of their high school careers. Classes don't change much here, it should seem- only the intensity of them. This is to be expected, though, because there probably aren't enough demigod teachers to staff every possible class that the students in attendance here might be inclined to take, right?

Harry stands, taking both Rose's plates and his own, before making the short trip to drop off the trays and back. The plastic trays are far more eco-friendly than the Styrofoam ones they had been using up until two years ago. Harry suspects that the children of Demeter had made a fuss over it or something- in fact, he can vaguely recall signing some sort of petition that was, more likely than not, involved with the movement. He brushes his hands off against his pants, because he'd already thrown the napkins used to wipe off his mouth away, and then makes his way back to Rose.

Let's walk together, he signs to her, standing over the table but not sitting. It's quite obvious that he's in a rush at this point, especially because several students are getting up and leaving, and he suspects that the bell might have rung without him hearing it. Of course, Harry is hardly the sort to simply up and leave without his friend, and on that thought, looks over towards Taran to see her sitting alone. He hadn't noticed that she'd been doing that, actually, having been distracted by a grumbling stomach and an overpowering desire to satisfy the hunger.

Harry waves at Taran from where he is, trying to get her attention without leaving his current spot near Rose. He feels a bit of guilt for letting her go off to sit by herself, and certainly doesn't want her to have to walk to class alone in the case of tardiness- the whole 'only one to walk in late' thing again. Well, tardiness is actually a bit of an epidemic at this school, to be honest, especially among certain crowds. In fact, he can't think of a single class he's had with Paige Harrison in which the girl hadn't either come in late, or already been sleeping by the time he had entered the classroom. She's not alone in this, but the sleeping thing does make her stand out in his mind a bit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rose Gracey Character Portrait: Harry Cricket Character Portrait: Clarissa "Taran" Morvay
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#, as written by Kugorie

Taran had been sitting alone playing her card game. Yes. Solitaire. She hadn't even noticed that Rose and Harry hadn't joined her. She didn't even notice the time, until she noticed everyone getting up. She looked up and felt alone, where were her friends? Why hadn't they come to the table she was saving for them. Were they mad at her? Had she done something wrong? Had they just got up and left because she ignored them? Taran didn't know what she had done. She felt alone and cold, uneasy even. Her stomach flip flopped inside and she didn't know what to say.

That's when she saw him, Harry. He was waving to her from across the room almost. Obviously they weren't mad otherwise they would have just left but why hadn't they come to sit with her? Taran knew Harry and Rose were closer to each other then they were with her, and it hurt sometimes but it was something she lived with. Either way though Taran wouldn't get angry at her friends in fact she wouldn't even bother asking why they hadn't come over, when Harry was around Taran hardly bothered to talk at all. She didn't see a point half the time when she spoke to him he wouldn't catch everything and when she tried to sign, well let's just say it either came out gibberish or it took to long to say. So she figured the two would live without her talking. Maybe that's why she didn't feel as close to them as she wants. But, what could she do? It was useless, she was useless. *They won't even know I'm upset. I'll just pretend everything is fine and that I didn't even notice them gone.* Her face would show that she was fine, her body on the other hand didn't know how to play along.

Taran walked over with a polite smile on her face trying to hide her sadness. She wouldn't look either one in their eyes, it was something she was always afraid to do. With Taran if she looked you in the eyes her gaze would be locked there and she would be paralyzed until you looked away from her. She didn't understand why this happened to her, it just did. It also was the only way she could tell your life aura she used to just know by glancing at you but she hated it so she learned to only tell life auras if she actually looked at you. Making it much easier to walk around school without knowing when you'll die.

Remember how I said her body didn't want to play along? Taran began to close up; her arms came into the middle of her body, her legs came close together, she stood perfectly still and lowered her head a bit as she spoke. " Hey guys, so we headed to room 212?" Her voice was soft and slow, a bit quiet but hey remember she is a bit upset. However she did try to keep the smile on her face, even as she turned to face the exit. Soon she would forget about it though. She was good at forgetting, it saved her from having to remember and stay hurt.