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Amanda Menova

What just happened?

0 · 322 views · located in The Houses

a character in “Moving In!”, originally authored by brigitteanncastro, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Amanda Menova

Age: 16

Role: Female 1

Appearance: Image

Likes: Swimming, roses, reading books, nice people

Dislikes: The night, darkness, thunder, lightning, bees

Thoughts about his/her love interest: " I think he hates me. "

So begins...

Amanda Menova's Story


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Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Amanda woke up in a new bedroom. THE new bedroom. Looking over beside her, there was the gut she didn't know that she was supposed to marry. ' Oh my goodness. ' Amanda thought as she squinted because of the sunlight passing through the glass windows. She didn't know that her "marriage lessons" were about to start now. She couldn't have any spare time any longer. She can't even get out of the house. But it's a nice thing that the house was beautiful and had everything she wanted in a house.

Amanda wanted to stand up, but she couldn't. She was still sleep deprived, and she still wanted to sleep. Silently, she hoped that the stranger beside her knew how to cook, because she couldn't. Now, she had to wait for him to wake up.


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Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Chris had slept fitfully, trying to figure out a way to escape from this hell. What had his parents been thinking?! They didn't even consider his plans for joining the police academy, just shoving him in here with...her. Many attempts to run away or convince his parents had failed and so he tried to face his fate with as much dignity as his spite would allow. He was awake now, as the morning sun shone down upon them, but he refused to open his eyes and accept the reality. Perhaps being stuck in a house with a girl would have been okay if he had any say in the matter. But no, his parents had just ignored him.

Uncomfortable minutes passed as he became aware of her being awake. Was she staring at him? Kinda creepy if she was but he didn't want to open his eyes to check, not just yet. It would mean syncing his schedule with hers and he refused to let any part of him become near her. He would prove to his parents that this was a mistake, a disaster never to be repeated. Just become someone lived together didn't mean they would grow to love each other. Both of them had been wronged.

Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore. "Aren't you going to get up or something?" He asked, annoyed and keeping his eyes shut. "We're not connected to the hip, you know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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He suddenly talked to her and it surprised her. " Well, I don't know how to cook, and its morning. And I was hoping that you did. Or else, I would prepare some noodles " Amanda said as she played with her fingers. It was just their first day and he already seemed to hate her. Not like she wanted it to end this way either.

" By the way, my name is Amanda. What's yours? " she asked in a cheerful voice. There was no use in sulking all day just because of him anyway. She just hated the fact that she was forced to live and someday marry a guy who was a complete stranger to her. It's just not right.

" And I'll just take a tour of this new house, so I don't get lost " Amanda said softly. It was partly true that she wanted to roam the new house, but mainly, it was just an excuse to get away from him.

' Did I do something wrong? Why does he hate me already? ' Amanda thought as she left the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Chris sat up and stared at her, a judging look on his face. "You're how old and you don't know how to cook? Hmph," he grunted, laying back down on the bed with his arms folded behind his head. "Some wife you're turning out to be." This was it; if he was as cruel as he could be this first day it would ruin all of their plans. He really didn't have anything against her (except that cheerful tone, perhaps...ugh) but he didn't want his parents to be right.

"I'm Chris," he mumbled, waving her away when she said she was going to tour the house. Whatever. The place was probably nice. He could tell that by the way the room was decorated. Probably had a nice yard! He closed his eyes and moaned, pushing his palms against his forehead. No! He would not like any of it! That was what they wanted.

Sighing, he got out of bed and looked around until he found the bathroom. There he used the toilet then showered. Yes, everything was very nice, just like he had suspected. He allowed himself a glimmer of hope that the fridge would be full of interesting things to eat. Once dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, he headed down and began to get things out in the kitchen. Omelettes sounded good. He wondered if she had any allergies as he rooted through the shelves for veggies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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As Amanda took a tour of the house, she saw that there was a pool outside. There was also a library where she can practically live in, a dining room for two people, a living room and everything else that a couple would need. ' Great, everything has been arranged. ' Amanda thought as she opened the door to the library. It was big and it had a lot of books inside. She sat down on one of the chairs and realized that there were no computers. No connection.They also had no phone, cellphone. No anything that can be used for communications outside.

When she looked up at the ceiling, she noticed a small camera had been placed on the corner. ' So that's how they will know if we'll be alright or not. ' Amanda thought as she sighed. Now, she had to look for Chris to tell him her latest discovery about the cameras.

Hoping that he would be cooking, she went to the kitchen. " Chris? " she called out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

Chris had been chopping up some bell peppers when he heard Amanda call out his name. "Yeah?" He answered, calling over his shoulder. Since he had started preparing something his mood had improved somewhat. It was fun and distracting from his current situation. Later he planned to try and see what he could find in the way of being able to work out and stay in shape for the police academy. As a young boy, he had troubles with his weight and had been teased cruelly about it. Once in high school he began to slim down and, with the help of a rigid exercise schedule, his body had turned lean and strong. There was always that fear, in the back of his mind, that he could go back to the way he was so he learned how to cook healthy foods and kept up a strict schedule for exercising.

He reached for a tomato and started to dice it up as he waited for her to find him. "In the kitchen," he called out, in case she couldn't hear exactly where his answer came from. The house seemed so stark and open; nothing personal decorated anywhere. Perhaps he could do something about that. An mischievous thought crossed his mind; he wondered if there was any paint to be found. Nothing says "up yours" to parents than destroying a beautiful home. Though...they would both have to live with it afterwords...hmm. He was starting to double think his methods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Amanda went to the kitchen and found Chris preparing. " Are you aware that there are cameras here? I feel like my privacy has been violated. But besides, there's a pool outside! And also a big library " Amanda told him with mixed emotions. If there were cameras everywhere, then they would be observed. Which would mean that they will be observed. And that they should not do anything stupid. She knows that she wouldn't, but how about Chris? He probably hated the idea. Hated everything that has been planned.

" And don't you dare do anything stupid " Amanda added as she went out through the glass sliding doors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

Chris looked at her skepticly until he saw a camera out of the corner of his eye, mounted on the ceiling and monitoring the activities of the kitchen. "What the..." Not only had they been shoved into this house without their permission but now someone was watching them?! What the hell?! Chris flicked off the camera, knife in hand. Whoever it was, they were now in for it. He wondered how many antics he could do. What if they saw something serious? Would they come in? What if he started wrecking things? Would someone stop him?

" And don't you dare do anything stupid " Amanda added as she went out through the glass sliding doors. Chris gave her back the "what, me?" look as she left the kitchen, though secretly wondering how she could have known what he had been thinking. Bah, he was putting too much thought into this. All he had to do was not like her, that's it. It wasn't like he needed to be crude or distructive. In fact, it might go on his record if he started tearing the house apart. This made him stop cutting and look again at the cameras, worried. This was a private affair, right? It must just be their parents watching...right? Chills ran up his spine. Maybe later he would try and find a way to disconnect the cameras. Maybe even Amanda could help him; she had a stake in their privacy as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

The backyard was wide and filled with flowers. Looking back inside the glass doors, she saw Chris flick off the camera with a knife in his hand. She immediately ran back inside. " I just told you not to do anything stupid! Who knows what will happen if we turn off all their cameras? Maybe they'll send us to live in a jail or something. I know that you hate the idea of living with me, but its not like we can do anything about it " Amanda told him as she pointed towards the camera. She sighed. ' There goes my control ' she thought as she buried her face in her hands.

" Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it " Amanda said as she just placed the plates on the tables, having nothing to do. ' Great, Amanda. First day of living together and you make him hate you more ' she thought. She was really guilty about what she had just said to him, but she couldn't stop herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Chris had stopped chopping up the last of the vegetables and just stared at Amanda as she set the dishes. Jail?! Really?! He had to bite his tongue to keep from saying anything mean. Like they would go to jail for flicking someone off. Hell, he would have been in jail a long time ago if that was the case. He began to chuckle at the thought, breaking eggs open into a bowl. He realized that his laugh may have sounded creepy so he cleared his throat. "Sorry," he began. "I'm just a little stressed, you know? First I'm stuck here with...well...and then there's the cameras! It's like some messed-up big brother movie or something." He went to add the veggies but stopped. "Oh, you allergic to anything? Kinda don't want to kill you..." It was the truth; he didn't really hate her. He just hated the situation they both were in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

" I'm not allergic to anything, thanks for asking " Amanda told him as she placed the glasses on the table and filled them with juice she found inside the fridge. " And thanks for not wanting to kill me right now. " she added in a soft whisper. " I do understand that you're stressed, though I don't see the reason why you need to be stressed. Is there something you want to do rather than this? Do you have a girlfriend outside who's waiting for you? Or do you just hate me? " Amanda asked him, she didn't mean to be so straight-forward, she just didn't want having fights inside the house, the fact that they're living in one house wouldn't allow that. And she didn't want things to be awkward between them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

Chris poured one omelet out onto the pan and couldn't tell if the sizzling was coming from the pan or inside his head. "Something I'd rather be doing?!" He choked, turning around and glaring at her. "Yeah, there's a whole lot of things I'd rather be dong. One," he lifted up a finger. "Sleeping in my own room and bed. Two," he added another finger on his hand. "Being able to go where I want to go, when I want to go. Three," another finger lifted. "Making my own choices, including who I want to spend time with. So yeah, I'd rather be doing something...anything else than this. Nothing against you." He went back to next to the stove, ready to flip the eggs over. "I'm sure you're a lovely person. And I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings. I just...don't like or want to be forced to be close to you. Sorry." He glared down at the stove, turning the fluffy egg mass over with a practiced flip of the wrist.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

" I know how you feel. It's just that if you're mad about this situation, you don't have to bring me into this. " Amanda said in her defense. She had to calm down, or else, she would say something against her will. " And its not like I also want to be forced to be close to you " she added softly. She kept on looking around the house to hide her nervousness. Yes, she was feeling nervous. She had never been alone with a guy before. Before, even her friends called her a "loner". Maybe that was why she had been chosen to participate in the marriage training thing. But she was quite sure that her parents didn't know about that. Unless, her friends had been spying for her parents.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

Chris sighed and continued to cook without saying anything. Of course now he felt bad for being cold towards the girl; she has just as much control over this situation as he did. He just thought it would be easier to make this whole thing work not out if they hated each other. But she had a point. If they were going to be stuck together there was no reason for them to not at least be civil to each other. He set one omelet aside on a plate and began cooking the other. "So...what are you interested in?" The boy was attempting to be friendly. "You seemed pretty excited about the pool and library. Did you happen to see a treadmill or something like that around?" Since this was his omelet, he reached over for the hot sauce he had found earlier and began to pour it on. He had a love of things spicy that not many others could tolerate. It wasn't the sauce that he usually liked and he wondered how much his parents had been involved in choosing the food within the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Amanda was pretty surprised to hear that Chris was actually asking her what she was interested in. Looking up at him, she answered, " Yes, I love swimming and reading books. I also like eating fruits since they are healthy...and they don't need to be cooked. What about you? And since you asked me about treadmills, I did see a little space like a small gym beside the library since the walls were made of glass. "

It was actually nice to be friends with people since all her life, she had been with her friends and her parents were kind of protective of her. " And, I'm sorry that I can't cook. Even as a young girl, I wasn't allowed to cook since they thought that I would just blow up the whole kitchen " Amanda added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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0.00 INK

Chris finished cooking and placed the spicy omelet on one plate before handing her the other. "Dig in," he mumbled before heading to the table to eat. It was good to hear she had some healthy habits...quiet ones at that. Perhaps they could just stay out of each others hair for the rest of the time. Plus there was a gym, which suited him just fine. "I wanna be a policeman," he began, nibbling a little on the food to taste it. "I have a tryout for the police academy in three months, two days after we're suppose to get mar...out." He had almost said married but the word sickened him. Chris decided to call the day "getting out" instead. Three more months until they got out.

He glanced over to the kitchen with a frown. "Everyone should know how to cook," he stated. "How about I teach you? I mean, we got all this food and time. That way you will be able to survive on your own once we...get out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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She ate the omelet that Chris cooked for them. She chuckled when she heard Chris almost say the word 'married'. It was such a big word for them, and she wasn't ready for such commitment. But when he suggested that she should learn how to cook, she immediately looked at him with excitement. " Sure! I've always wanted to learn how to cook! When do we start? Today? Tomorrow? " she asked him as she quickly finished her meal.

" I actually wanted to be a detective. I've always had the passion of solving mysteries. And I watch a lot of Criminal Minds. Castle and Supernatural. Go figure " she added with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Chris grinned while chewing. Her excitement was infectious. "How about we start the lessons at dinner? What would you like to make?" He hoped she would suggest something easy enough to start out with. He was going to recommend something but then he realized he had just made breakfast without asking her opinion first. Sometimes, he acknowledged to himself, he could be kind of a jerk. No wonder she had been somewhat quiet and judgmental at first. The boy allowed himself to fully look her over for the first time. She was really pretty, actually, if not a little shy and awkward. Probably sat in the back row in classes but knew every answer. He knew the type and had teased them back in school. He liked seeing their reactions to his attention. He probably would have enjoyed teasing her too if it wasn't for the fact he would be stuck with her afterwords. Man, this was going to be a drag.

At the mention of crime dramas his eyes lit up. "Oh man, I love CSI! It's fun to try and guess who did it. Yeah, I guess you could say those shows have made me want to be a cop even more."


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Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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" You decide what were going to make tonight. I'm alright with anything " Amanda told him. Then she realized that Chris was staring at her. She suddenly felt very conscious of herself. Staring back at him but starts to move backward, she asked him, " Chris, is there something on my face? Or are you just messing with me? " Was there something wrong? She felt nervous at the same time scared of him.

" I like watching CSI! We have something in common too! But I don't want to be a cop. I don't even know how to hold a gun. But I bet that was awesome. Do you know how to use a gun? " Amanda asked him, breaking the silence between them by answering his question.


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Character Portrait: Chris Miller Character Portrait: Amanda Menova
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Chris saw that she had noticed him staring and tried to hide it by grinning and shaking his head. "Naw, whatever it was is gone now," he lied, taking the last bite of food before grabbing his plate and moving to the sink. "Yeah, I know how to use a gun. I've...never had to protect myself before with it. That's the part of the job I'm not looking forward to." His nervousness about the subject showed as he began to wash his plate and the cookware. Some of his friends who were also going to try out for the police academy were excited about the gun training. Chris, however, did not feel comfortable being in charge with something that could cost a person their life. Target practice was one thing...shooting at a real human being was another.

"Anyways, I'm gonna look around a bit and get familiar with the house. If I find a way to get out I'll come tell ya." He set the dishes aside to dry and wiped his hands on the towel before turning to look at her. "There might be a wall to climb or something." He threw the towel at the camera and missed. "You know, they probably have these cameras to make sure I'm not a creep or someone who would do horrible things to you." He chuckled before glancing over at Amanda and holding his hands up. "Not like I am...or would..." Uh oh, he hoped that he hadn't freaked her out; she seemed so jumpy anyways.
