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Spencer Rhode

Im not crazy. Im not crazy.

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a character in “Mrs Jeefer's Group Home for the Distraught”, originally authored by airedeiagrace, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Spencer Rhode
Nickname: Spence
Age: 16
Description: Blonde, blue eyes, 5'4", 100lbs, petite, always wearing baggy shirts with band names, lounge pants, and sneakers.
Personality: Reserved, non trusting, emotional, quiet, rebellious
Reason for being admitted to JGHD: Anorexia, hallucinations, abuse, anxiety
History: Spencer is a middle child. She had two older sisters and a younger brother and sister. Spencer was always different from them, from the time school started she was always spending time with herself, never trying to make friends, and often found talking to herself. She was put in a special education classes but it really didn't help. Her parents took her to doctors and they told her she had tons of issues, social anxiety, personality disorder. She was put on medications and had to do lots of therapy. Her older sister did try to help her, she finally started doing a bit better until junior high. Junior high almost broke Spencer. The popular girls were always bullying her, calling her ugly and fat, telling her she was crazy. This is when her eating disorder started, she started becoming very obsessed with her body, and started eating less and less.
Then one day she was having a really bad day, her anxiety was high and was sitting in the bathroom looking in the mirror and just sorta talking to herself when the popular girls came in. They came in laughing and stoped when they saw Spencer. Then they started calling her names, picking everything apart about her, they surronded her in the bathroom. Spencer was on the breaking point and slid to the floor, whispering to them to stop. The girls started kicking her and the name calling continued, Spencer was crying hard and started hyperventilating and scratching her skin. A girl came in and saw what was happening to Spencer and called a teacher. Spencer was taken to the hospital and put into a psychiatric institute for 2 weeks, her parents really didn't think she was safe at home so they had her sent to Mrs Jeefers group home.
Sexuality: bisexual
Likes: music, art, drawing
Dislikes: adults, popular kids, crowds,
Other: always has a sketch pad with her.

So begins...

Spencer Rhode's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance McKane Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price Character Portrait: Ice Kane Character Portrait: Ash
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Spencer bit her lip and looked to Jo when she came back hearing her saying she should eat she whispered to Jo "just way too much food..." She stared down at the plate of food then she heard a girl, the pretty one that she saw earlier, say "Hey... She looks like she would hit you so you might not want to stare. And eat alittle...You look hungary but your beautiful anyways". Spencer jumped a bit, suprised the girl talked to her but was even shocked she didnt even know she was staring at the girl with the short hair.

"Spencer get it together" she said to herself. Her anxiety getting a bit high, everyone was telling her to eat but the voices was telling her not too, she knew she was fat and ugly she sees it. Though she didn't know it was hallucinations of herself. She didn't know what the others where seeing but surely it wasnt herself.
She watched the guy with the long red hair, he seemed sorta different she thought, watching him go get ice cream. She was staring again but didn't know she was, she had a habit of just staring at people not really meaning to though.

As she was looking at the guy she saw the girl that was wickedly tall with the short hair get up and go get a big bowl of ice cream, she wasstaring again but didn't really know she was until she started whispering to herself "Spencer stop staring remember what that..." she was mid sentance when she heard the girl say "The fuck're you lookin' at?"This made Spencer jump and she coward into her seat "" she was stuttering her words she started getting flashbacks from the day at school "p..please dont hit me...i..i am sorry" she said her voice really shaky. Her body was trembling with fear, that what happened at school in the bathroom was about to happen again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance McKane Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price Character Portrait: Ash
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#, as written by Grrbot
"The fuck're you lookin' at?" the girl with short hair bellowed, and as soon as she said that a fight erupted. Spence practically jumped out of her seat and I placed a hand on her shoulder muttering "It'll be okay..." and I glared at the girl. "That's enough. Being rude and...bitchy toward each other wont help anyone and truthfully I don't want to deal with your fights so stop." A tall lanky boy with long red hair hissed. "Screw you and mind your own goddamn business." Jo bit her lip as she glared. "Hey this is no place to start fights! Can't you see we all have problems! Maybe some of us have been abused for a while in our life and maybe some things you say make us think about them. How about you try to be nicer to Spencer here. Were all here to get better, not start fights." Jo spat at the girl with short hair. Jo fixed a glare on her face and slumped farther into her chair. "Its okay Spence, I got your back." She mumbles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price Character Portrait: Ash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
"Funny, maybe if you'd let the damn girl speak her piece instead of jumping to the rescue and blowing the whole thing out of proportion, she wouldn't have gotten all freaked out." "You think I'm the one that brought this on her? I was trying to calm you down after you told her to fuck off! Y'know you could maybe say it more polite? Maybe your excessive use of swearing freaks her out? Stop going around like you don't give a fuck. There are others around you, at that stupid attitude you have is not gonna get you anywhere." She spat at the girl. "But I guess some people just gotta baby everyone and act like they can't speak for themselves." the other girl continues. Jo stands emotionless. "Fuck off..." She whispers and trudges up the stairs.

She hears crying coming from their room and Jo slips into the room. She spotted Spence huddled in a corner bawling her eyes out. "I'm so sorry.." Jo whispers as she sits next to her. Jo wishes she could do something for Spence but Spence wouldn't tell Jo anything about her past or her problems so Jo just sits there. Jo is scared to touch Spence incase she scares Spence so she just sits beside her. "Hey.... Its okay! I'm sure that girl down there wont hurt you... She uhhh just intimidates some people...." Jo assures Spence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Jo's eyes went cold. "I'm sure she wont do that again... I-I-I-I'll make sure it wont..." Jo stutters. "C'mon lets get ready for bed..." Jo whispers as she gets to her feet. She doesnt wait for Spencer's reaction and grabs her toiletries from her suitcase and goes to the bathroom. She begins to brush her teeh. "she acted like those girls, the girls that beat me." swirls in her head. Jo brushed her teeth and crossed back to the bedroom and grabbed her pjs making one last trip to the bathroom for the night. She dressed quickly and went back to the bedroom. Jo couldnt wrap her head around why those girls wanted to hurt Spencer? Spencer was perfect...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price
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Spencer hears Jo and nods "o..okay" she whispers and slowly gets up, heading to her bed she grabs a pair of sweatpants and a big tshirt. She never wore anything that actually fit her, she didn't want people to see how fat she actually was. Also grabbing her tooth brush and hair brush she went into the bathroom after Jo was done and got ready for bed. When she was in the bathroom, while brushing her hair she looked at herself in the mirror and started picking herself apart. It was something she always did when looking in the mirror. After she was done she went back to the bedroom, and gets on her bed grabbing her sketch pad and started drawing. It was the only thing that really made Spencer happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance McKane Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price Character Portrait: Ash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Jo was about to go to bed when she heard noises coming downstairs. The girl and tall boy were still down there. "I'll be right back, Spence." Jo says as she rushes out of the room and down the stairs. The scene was unforgiving. The boy was cradling his stomach which suggested the girl started a fight. Jo's eyes went cold. She wanted to hurt the girl, piss her off. But that would get Jo hurt. "What the hell!" Jo exclaims as she runs to the boy. "What the fuck were you thinking?" Jo yells at the girl. "Go you Bitch!" Jo yells to the girl and turns to the boy. "Did you provoke her? Please tell me you didn't. You have to stay away from her. Mrs Jeefers is gone and I dont know where the nurse is so I'll help you... I used to take care of myself when I harmed myself. C'mon..." Jo whispers as she leads the boy into the kitchen. "Lets take a look at you.." She whispers. Taking a handful of his shirt and pulling him to the sink...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance McKane Character Portrait: Spencer Rhode Character Portrait: Josephine Price Character Portrait: Ash
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Jo sighs as Lance goes back into the room where the girl waits. He starts to talk to her but Jo blocks it out. Soon its quiet and Jo walks back into the room and notices Lance's retreating figure. Jo looks at the girl, still in the room. "I suggest you sleep. Its gonna be a busy day tomorrow." Jo sighs and heads back upstairs. Jo crosses the hall and into their bedroom where Spence waits. Jo gives Spence a reassuring smile. "Everything is okay... We should get to bed..." Jo whispers and crawls into bed. The beds were small and squished together so if Jo even rolled over she would squish Spence so Jo rolled over to the far end, hugging the wall. "Goodnight Spence.." Jo whispers and she falls asleep.

(Everybody should be getting to sleep so we can start the next day. If you dont post in 2 days we will say you fell asleep and we will be starting the next day)
