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Abigail Miller

"Oh, um.. hello."

0 · 187 views · located in Central USA

a character in “Multichromatic”, as played by Captain Obvious


Full Name: Abigail Miller
Nickname: None at the moment, though she'll answer to just about anything
Age: 16
Birthday: July 7th
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, though she does prefer girls

Physical description: Abigail stands at about 5'2, short, but not overly so. Her build, like many Multichromatics who survived the Trials, is somewhat spindly, though is now on its way back to normal, since she's being provided with a decent amount of nourishment. Her hair is light brown, and extends to just above her waist, with the bangs being long enough that she frequently has to brush them aside to see. Like all Multichromatics, Abigail's eyes are a multitude of colors. Her blood is as well, but that isn't normally visible. Abigail's typical choice of attire is jeans with a simple top, and nearly always a lightweight, light blue jacket as well, regardless of what the weather is or whether she's indoors. She does not wear make-up of any sort, since she can't stand the feeling of it.


Most people, though she'll try just about anything to avoid acknowledging that fact.
Any statement, or even implication, that she has done something wrong, though she will almost always agree with it.
The feeling of something clinging to her skin.

Losing control
Most people

Personality: Abigail has a greatly deflated sense of self-worth, and is desperately eager to please. Even more than that however, she is a perfectionist, and obsessed with always doing the right thing and making the correct decisions. She has a habit of idolizing others and justifying most of their actions, though this is not always entirely possible. She is also very likely to latch onto a few select friends rather than try to make as many as possible. Due to her preference for focusing on others during social interactions, Abby is good at listening, but poor at talking about anything to closely related to herself.

She has an unfortunate habit of attempting to rewrite her personality whenever it doesn't match up with what she thinks it should be, or when it displeases others. As such, she'll change her opinions on a dime to accommodate the person she's interacting with. Of course, this doesn't actually change her opinions. It's just Abigail attempting to change them. Underneath her constant attempts to become a "good person", she has a general dislike of most people, and knows her experiences during the Trials were the results of human cruelty, and not her own failings. The primary reason she continues denying reality is to retain a feeling of control, which would be lost if she just accepted the world as it is.


History: Abigail's childhood was fairly normal. She went to school, made friends, brought back good report cards, and other such things. She was bright and a bit of an introvert, but nothing too unusual, aside from the fact that she was a Multichrome. While Abigail had thought the multicolored blood and eyes were interesting and even a little wondrous, apparently not everyone else saw things quite the same way. Both parents died attempting to hide her, and it's currently unknown what happened to her two "normal" brothers.

While the abuse she suffered during the Trials was not unlike what many others went through, her method of coping was. Rather than accept that Multichrome were simply seen as lesser beings, and that most people were acting out of pointless cruelty, which would be completely beyond her control, she chose instead to see the whole mess she was in as her own fault. The reason behind this being that, if all this was only happening as a direct result of her own actions, then she could fix it by stopping, or taking better actions. This way, Abby could retain some degree of control over the situation, at least in her own mind. Predictably, this fantasy did not mesh well with the real world, and the abuse continued. Unfortunately, Abigail had already put far too much hope into her previous theory to just discard it, and tried even more strongly to be as well behaved as humanly possible.

By the time the trials were over, Abby's worldview and self-worth had become quite warped, to the point where she believed herself intrinsically inferior, due to her absolute refusal to admit that the situation was beyond her control.

How do you see your future as a Multichrome?
Having not made any decisions on her own for the past three years, Abigail doesn't really have any clue as to what to do in the future. Doctor seems to be a generally respected profession, so perhaps she'll pursue that.

So begins...

Abigail Miller's Story


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Abigail hadn't meant to stay up all night, really she hadn't. Though it would be dishonest to say that she hadn't foreseen it as a possibility. She hadn't slept at all last night, having been far too busy reading all her textbooks front to back. Again. She, like most Multichromes, had not received much in the means of education during the Trials, and she wanted to make sure she was caught up with the rest of the class, or at least as caught up as she'd allow herself to think she could get. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that the others had all studied even harder, and would be far more knowledgeable than herself, so she'd have to try her very best just to keep up.

It was then that Abigail glanced up from the text before her, and saw the time on the clock she kept on her wall. It was later than she had anticipated, but thankfully not so late that she didn't have time to get ready for school. It was however, late enough that she'd have to forgo the short amount of sleep she'd planned on catching.

Dismissing this as a direct result of her own actions that could not be changed now, an assessment that was actually fairly accurate for once, Abby began preparing for the coming schoolday. Quickly, she showered, threw on her clothes and jacket, grabbed her school supplies, and left the room, taking care to lock the door behind her. Because she left early, Abigail arrived at the school early. In fact, she was the first person there that she could see, not counting a few teachers. Seeing this as an opportunity to review the material they'd be studying today once more, she took her seat and retrieved her history book.