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Madeline Campbell

"Follow your dreams. Listen to your heart. Nothing can go wrong."

0 · 358 views · located in Central USA

a character in “Multichromatic”, originally authored by Miss_Dreamer, as played by RolePlayGateway




Full Name: Absolutely Perfect
Madeline Rose Campbell

Nickname: I answer to both
Maddie or Mads

Age: That’s what I was told

Birthday: Everyday is my birthday
October 5

Gender: I am just insulted

Sexuality: I don’t like girls so...


Likes: My favorite things
+Her Brother
+Playing the guitar
+Dressing up

Dislikes: I despise it all
+Being Alone
+Being touched
+Her parents

Fears: Just minor fears
Monophobia ~ fear of being alone
Haphephobia ~ fear of being touched
Iatrophobia ~ fear of doctors(scientist)

Personality: I’d like to think that I was made perfect
Madeline is a daydreamer. She likes to think about what could happen in her life and in other’s lives. When she was younger she drew pictures of her perfect life. She already knew what she was going to be and how she was going to do it. After she was tossed aside she no longer included her parents in her perfect life. She is still an optimist and attempts to keep Markus sane, but it is hard. Sometimes she has her doubts due to the conditions they are in, but Madeline is strong in her faith and she believes that she will have a normal life. She wants to fall in love and be happy like normal people. She doesn’t trust people very easily, but she gives her trust little by little to make it easier on herself.


-Playing the guitar
-Hanging with her brother

History: What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger
Madeline was felt betrayed by her parents. She was given to the people that changed her brother into this cold being. It crushed her soul, but she kept on. She thought about her parents everyday since she was given away. At the same time she fought them. She hated it there and she didn’t willingly let them do whatever they wanted. They just abused her more. Every time they touched her they would inflict pain. It was terrible and she went through that for three years. She got away once and tried to find her brother, but she didn’t get far enough. They caught her and put her through heavier trials. At one point she almost died. When she was freed Markus found her broken and in pain. She was happy to get away. After that she no longer cared for her parents. She was happy with Markus.

How do you see your future as a Multichrome? Dreams do come true
“I see myself married with kids doing everything I planned on doing before the trials. It might be a problem because I don’t allow people to touch me, but my dreams will come true.”

So begins...

Madeline Campbell's Story


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Character Portrait: Madeline Campbell Character Portrait: Markus Campbell
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Markus was too restless for sleep. After all the trials he refused to close his eyes when he is alone. His headphones were in his ears and he was blasting loud while looking out his bedroom window. It was completely empty and peaceful. It made him nervous. He was always worried that he would be put back in the hands of scientist. That people would start to hate them again. Realize that they were still different. Markus still carried scars from the trials. He couldn't get rid of them.

For a brief moment he took out his ear buds to check to see if he could hear his sister next door. He heard movement and rummaging so he knew she was okay. Markus put his ear buds back in and indulged himself in a textbook that needed to be read for class the next day. History wasn't his favorite or best subject, but if he didn't read than he would fail. And it was better than doing nothing.


Madeline was going through her closet and things to find an outfit for the next day. Her brother woke her up when he accidentally blasted music from his radio. She was used to it, but not while she was in deep sleep. Now she couldn't sleep and Markus was going to face the consequences when she left her room. Doing anything now would be pointless since he couldn't even here her. After picking something out she sat down on her bed and thought about the days when things were normal.

Her mother would cook them dinner while her father would spend all day at work just to come home and spend it with his lovely kids. It is hard to believe that the perfect parents would give up their kids. It was devastating and it changed them both. Now Madeline doesn't know if she would ever be normal. She doesn't make physical contact with anyone. Her dream is to live a normal life, but she can't even be normal. All of it was her parents fault and she was going to have to go to school tomorrow with everyone else and pretend to be normal. Sometimes she thinks her brother is right. There is nothing for the Multichromes, but she puts a smile on her face and moves on and prays everyday her dream will come true.


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Character Portrait: Madeline Campbell Character Portrait: Markus Campbell
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Markus finally strolled out of bed and into the shower before Madeline beat him to it. She likes to take forever in the shower leaving him with cold water. He quickly locked the door and heard her bang on it for a couple of minutes and then storm away angrily. He didn't have time to deal with her attitiude this morning, but what could he do.

The shower was hot and he seemed to massage his skin as he washed his body. He ran his hands through his wet hair and then he stood under the hot water for a little while longer. He dreaded his school. He was away from his sister and he couldn't take that. He tried texting her throughout class, but she stopped texting him back. She was clearly getting annoyed with him. But how else was he supposed to make sure she was okay. He let out a sigh and turned off the water and wrapped a towel around himself. He looked in the mirror and frowned. He could see the scars from when he was in the trials. They were ugly.

He walked out of the bathroom into his room. He didn't want to look in the mirror anymore. They were just reminders. "You can have the bathroom." He shut his bedroom door and blasted music from his ipod. He couldn't handle the silence. He picked out a simple t-shirt and some dark blue jeans to wear. He logged off his laptop and put it in his backpack. He put the text under his bed and he grabbed his ipod. He walked to the kitchen and could hear the water running meaning his sister was in the shower. They had some time kill before class, but he wasn't one to be late.


Madeline had picked out her clothes for the school day ahead and she was about to go an shower, but Markus had beat her to it. She heard the click of the lock and she banged on the bathroom door and went back to her bedroom. She sat down on her bed and looked at her laptop that was open and on. It was a picture of their parents. She stilled missed them and cared about her even if they gave her away. She didn't deserve that, but she quickly got over it. Madeline has been trying to find her parents, but it has been hopeless when Markus confines her within these walls. The shower was off and Maddie stood up. "You can have the bathroom."

The door to his room shut and music blasted. Madeline just shook her headn and waltzed into the bathroom. It was full of steam from his shower and it was comforting. She turned on the water yet again to a lower heat. She can't take the high heat pains like her brother can. She stepped into the shower and allowed the water to soothed her mind. She allowed the water to massage her head as the water ran through her hair. After bathing she turned off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around herself. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She ignored the ugly scar on her shoulder and continued on her merry way.

She went back into her bedroom, dried off, and put on the clothes that set out for herself. She dried hair and ran a brush through it. She pushed up her hipster glasses and laughed. She thought she looked ridiculous, but she grabbed her backpack and left the room. Markus was already in the kitchen making them breakfast. She grabbed an apple and ate the eggs he set out for her and then walked towards the front door. "Let's go Markus." She said walking out of the house.