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"There is no way I would do something like that."

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a character in “My Daddy Death”, originally authored by HereMeNow, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Kiru Tamashi (Pronounced: Kee-roo Tah-Mah-She)

Nicknames: Mouse(by sister)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Human Appearance:


Personality: Kiru is a very smart and shy girl. She's very outgoing around people she is comfortable around but very timid around strangers. She isn't really the most organized person. Her room is usually a disaster and, although she has amazing grades in school, her binder and backpack are always a mess and she often looses important papers. She rather enjoys stealing her sisters car at night and going for a drive down to the beach for a midnight swim, although she doesn't even have her permit yet. Because Kiru doesn't have very many friends, she spends a lot of her time reading fiction novels or walking around taking random pictures of whatever she finds interesting. If she isn't spending time in her room typing about on the computer or sketching, she'll be sitting on the roof reading a good book. Although Kiru is very shy around people she has never met, she can be really friendly and sweet after you get to know her. It isn't very hard to get her angry, but it's nearly impossible to actually get a reaction out of her. She prefers not to get into a fight, mostly because she knows her physical strength won't do any good for her compared to her brain. Of course, she doesn't really have to worry too much about that since it is rare for anyone to want to get into a fight with her. All in all, Kiru is a creative, shy, caring person.

Family Life: Kiru has a step sister named Hailey that works as a preschool teacher in an elementary school. Since her step father isn't around anymore she lives with Hailey because their mother only comes home once very few months due to work.

Dreams: Kiru wants to become a photographer that travels all over the world. She would also like to be an author of fiction novels.

Likes and Dislikes:
Likes - Reading
Likes - Rainy Days
Likes - Kittens
Likes - Music
Likes - Chocolate
Likes - Teddy Bears

Dislikes - Swimming
Dislikes - The Dark
Dislikes - Fire
Dislikes - Tea
Dislikes - Letting Friends Down
Dislikes - Movies

Bio: When Kiru was 13 when her mother divorced her step father and remarried, making Hailey her older step sister. After only a few months her step father left, leaving Hailey behind with her mother. After a year her mother began traveling a lot for her satellite company and Kiru ended up moving in with Hailey after she moved into her own apartment and became a preschool teacher. Their mother only visits every four months or so but Kiru understands that she isn't home a lot so she can work longer and help Hailey pay the rent on their house. After Kiru turned 15, she got a part-time job herself working at a book store to save up money to go on her 'world tour' after she turned 18. She;s still rather disorganized and doesn't really help around the house all that often.

What is your other world entity: Devil Girl

Transformation Appearance:

Image Image

Power: Kiru can control any metallic objects and create metal out of almost anything. She also has the ability to wield a Scythe that she can summon in both her devil and human form. Although when in her human form that is the only thing she can do with her power. Kiru also has the ability to fly when in her devil form.

Other: When in Kiru's devil form she has two black wolf tails; one with a white star in the middle of it while the other has a white tip. The tails are next to each other and about two feet long and mildly fluffy.

Also, when Kiru is not using her Scythe it turns into a little charm attached to a black wire around her left wrist. The wire is too small too small to slip off and cannot be cut, melted, or broken in anyway unless by the scythe itself. Only when Kiru herself unlocks the latch does the Scythe turn into her weapon, though she can summon the wire to clip itself once she is finished using it and the Scythe will return to a charm.

Theme Song:

So begins...

Kiru's Story


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Kiru sat at her computer desk, typing the third chapter of her fiction fantasy book after seeing her sister off to a date. Hailey seemed rather excited to be going on a date and Kiru was happy for her. She let out a sigh as she came to a part where she couldn't find the wording right and hit the 'save' button. "So bored.." she said aloud and pushed herself away from the desk and stood up. She made her way over to her bedroom door, stepping over books, clothes, stuffed animals, and crumpled papers on the way. She made her was down stairs and into the kitchen. If Hailey was here I could get her to make me something.. She thought to herself and let out a sigh as she opened the refrigerator door. She reached in a grabbed the milk and untwisted the lid. Closing the door behind her, she walked over to the counter with the milk jug to make herself some chocolate milk. She suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her chest and collapsed onto the tiled floor, sending pain shooting up her knees and causing the milk jug to splatter all of the floor. What's wrong with me!? She thought to herself as she felt her stomach twist and her head began to throb intensely. She fell over onto her side and pulled her knees to her stomach and wrapped her arms around herself. It felt as if her body was being twisted and broken into a million pieces. Her shoulder blades felt as if someone was digging a chainsaw into them and her head had begun to feel wet.

"Stop!" she screamed and clutched her chest. She opened her eyes and looked back, catching a glimpse of something black sprouting from her back before closing them again and resting her head on the cold tile. What is happening to me!? She screamed inside of her head and pulled herself into a tighter ball, tears seeping from her tightly shut eyes and rolling down off her cheeks. She began to feel light headed and she felt her body start to go numb. Then she felt herself slip into nothingness.

Kiru opened her eyes slowly and stared at the kitchen cupboard. The room was dark and the only light was from the stove clock. She slowly turned her head to look at the time. 8:00am? She thought to herself and slowly sat up, wondering where her sister was. Her head was spinning and her back was tingling and her legs felt shaky but regardless of that, supporting herself with the kitchen counter, she picked herself up of the ground. Her eyes widened in shock at the site of blood on the floor where she had been laying and she took a couple steps back and took a deep breath. "Hailey!" she cried out, her voice shaking. There was no reply and she guess her sister had stayed over night at her dates house. She rushed to the bathroom down the hallway, kicking the empty milk jug aside as she left the kitchen, and stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was wet with blood and her back was also stained with the red liquid, though it was already taking a brown color. Her skin was paler than usual and she felt she had a tint of green in her eyes. "What the hell..happened.." she whispered, then quickly picked up a wash rag. She had to clean up the mess in the kitchen, then she'd take a shower and clean herself after taking some Tylenol. She had to make sure her sister didn't see any of this.


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Kiru spent two hours scrubbing the dried blood from the floor and didn't get out of the shower until noon came around. She couldn't get the smell of iron out of her air as much as she scrubbed so eventually she had just given up. While in the shower she realized she had a scar on each of her shoulder blades and another scar on her tail bone as if someone had cut her long ago and left a mark. She tried to recall ever seeing the scars before or maybe she had fallen a while ago, but she couldn't think of any way the scars could've gotten there. After getting out of the shower she put on her normal clothes and tried calling her sister. There were a few short rings before her sister answering machine picked up 'Sorry can't come to the phone I'm probably busy or something just give me a call later or leave a message bye! After the long beep Kiru clutched the phone tightly. "Hailey please pick up. Something happened I don't know what but I'm really scared and don't know what to do." She muttered, her voice a little shaky, then she put the phone back on the line and took a couple steps back, leaning herself against the kitchen counter. As she did this, she heard something on her wrist make a little 'clink' noise as it hit the marble counter top. Kiru lifted her wrist and looked at the new thing on her wrist. It seemed like a wire bracelet with a little charm hanging from it.

Where the heck did I get this thing from? She thought to herself, reaching over and trying to slip the bracelet off, but couldn't get it over her hand. Then she tried the clip, but as hard as she pressed with her thumb it seemed as if it was stuck. She let out a sigh and ignored the bracelet, walking into the living room and slipping on her sneakers. She decided that maybe if she could get some fresh air her throbbing headache would go away. The Tylenol she had taken earlier had never kicked in and the hot shower didn't do anything for her head. She Opened the front door and left the house, making sure to pick up her disposable camera and lock the door behind her, and walked down the street. It was a little warm outside but there was a cool breeze in the air as well. Though the day seemed beautiful, she couldn't help but get this uneasy feeling about everything going on. What had happened to her back there? Where did the scars come from? Where did all the blood come from? All these questions kept flowing through her head, not really helping with her headache. She shook off the questions the best she could, but she kept getting the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. Was she nervous about something?

Kiru had no idea. She turned the corner and walked down a long stairway that lead to the beach. As she finally made her way down onto the sand, she pulled the camera from her jacket pocket and snapped a picture of the ocean as she approached it. She walked down the beach for quite a while, picking up a few sea shells and stuffing them in her shorts pocket on the way and listening to the sound of the waves and seagulls. After walking for quite a while, her headache had begun to ease a little bit and she was starting to feel better and less light-headed. She finally came to her favorite spot; part of the beach where rocks cluttered together to create tide pools and the rocks went a little further out into the sea. She climbed over the rocks and went out onto the highest one and sat down, taking another picture of the ocean, then letting out a sigh. She was still too confused about what happened earlier to take any decent pictures, and she felt like she had already taken too many pictures of the ocean anyway. He headache had started to come back and, reaching up to feel where it was hurting most, she realized there were actually two very small bumps on her head like she had fallen over and hit something.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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Blaine floated around, his dark shrouds covering him, much like a ninja's garb. He wasn't sure he was dead, nor was he sure that he was a live. He simply existed. He knew that no one could see him, only the small will'o'wisps that followed him around occasionally and whispering to him, cooing him even, trying to assure him of his safety, but that didn't stop the tears. Blaine, now a Wraith who existed within the dimensions of life and death, wandered aimlessly, unsure how to change everything. He wanted to go back to his old life, a loving family, his friends...but no...he was to wander without purpose.

At age 16, Blaine’s life started taking an abrupt turn. Always at night, he’d stare at his ceiling, seeing what he calls a ‘white flame’. He told his parents and friends about it, they quickly laughed it off, all of them said that they were illusions, illusions of the mind. A year passed as these ‘illusions’ came and went, Blaine just ignored them, until one day, a few weeks after his birthday, one of them started talking to him. He swore he could’ve heard it scream in his room, he screamed right back to the dismay of his own parents, concerned about their child’s behavior. A few weeks later, he’s started to hear voices, just whispers and more of these illusions. Time came and went, as he started to ignore the oddities and started to live with the whispers, occasionally replying to one of them. To the concern of his parents, they thought that these whispers were a result of some traumatic accident, or something but they could not find the cause. This caused arguments and blame between the Blaine and his parents. One night, after an especially horrible argument between the three, Blaine woke up from the faint yet kind whisper of another white flame. The white flame seemed to phase out of his bedroom door, Blaine followed suit, curiously, entranced by its glow and whisper. When Blaine walked up into the rain of the street following the glow, he did not notice the even brighter glow approaching him fast. Blaine was ran over, and killed.

But soon enough, Blaine found himself waking up once again in his body, but in this form. His family believes for him to be dead.

Blaine wanders over to the beach, seeing a girl sitting down by the beach taking pictures. He looks at her sadly, but something seems different about her, that struck him to be...odd. He floats there in his dark rags, watching her from above, observing her, maybe even trying to find a way to communicate.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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I have scars...bumps..what the hell happened to me? Kiru stood up from where she was sitting, carefully walking out onto the rock that jabbed itself a little further from the shore, she stopped a few feet from the edge and looked out into the open sea. It reached so far out, like there was no end to the oceans depth and one could walk for years across the water but still find nothing but the great blue liquid. Kiru stuck the camera back into her jacket pocket, her shoulder blades were starting to hurt again and it felt as if someone was stepping on her spine repeatedly. I need to go home and sleep. Maybe Hailey is back from her stupid dates house. If she got my message she'll most likely be terrified if I'm not home and she gets there."

Taking a last glance at the endless waters, she turned around and took a few steps away from the edge of the rocks, only to stop abruptly as a strange, chilling feeling came over her. She took in a deep breath, turning her head from side to side as if searching for someone. She felt like she was being watched by someone. Kiru pulled the camera back out of her jacket pocket and wound it up, preparing herself to take a picture of whoever was watching her. She felt a strange presence very close, yet, it also felt familiar somehow. She slowly rose her face to the sky, her eyes widening slightly as she noticed a figure floating further above her. She blinked and rubbed her eyes with the arm that wasn't busy holding onto the camera. [i]What's wrong with my vision..
She thought to herself, looking back up to the sky again. She was sure now that whatever she was seeing wasn't just her mind messing with her. She rose her hand towards the sky, then clicked the camera and snapped a picture. A usual instinct for her when seeing something that interested her.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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Blaine watches Kiru curiously, floating slightly above her. He takes note of the two scars on her back, wondering what kind of accident caused her to get those, his eyes flickering with an expression of pity. His natural-born sense of righteousness automatically gave him the urge to help her, wanting to do anything to assist her. Blaine shakes his head, his eyes going back to their solemn and disappointed look, knowing that his calls and his urge to help will all be in vain. He just observes her, taking pictures, enjoying her life, peaceful. He felt a longing, a sort of jealousy even to get that life back, to enjoy the sea, to even enjoy the feeling of the sun on his shoulders. In this form, Blaine couldn't feel anything, just his own breathe, and that freezing cold sensation that was more of an aura that floated around his body. He looks up at the sun, his eyes now closing again, the two white orbs shining through the garb disappearing as the looks up at the bright star up above. This gave Blaine confidence, now determined to fix his life. He was willing to do anything to get his old life back. Blaine looks down once more to study the odd girl with the camera before noticing that the girl was gone. He sighs, his hopes in talking to that person gone, up until he heard a slight click from behind him. His eyes widen at the outstretched hand towards his direction, and at the sight of the camera pointed towards him. Blaine stares at the girl, wondering: Can...can she see me....?

He slowly floats down to the ground, his feet floating over the sand slightly, the shining grains flowing away in wave-like, circular patterns, as if air were blown down unto the ground. Shakily, Blaine's hands dig into the dark, flowing fabric over his mouth, and his hood, ripping the fabric away, revealing his silver hair and crimson eyes. A hopeful, and pleading look on his face, his eyes wide. Blaine struggles to keep the fabric in place, the rips already flowing back in the direction of his mouth and face, wishing to cover them up once again. Blaine's skin seemed to produce a dim light, quite possibly an aura. He whispers desperately, the tone of his voice sounding like a relaxing sigh.

"C-ca-can you....can you see me...?"


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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When the figure approached Kiru, she took a couple of steps back and her eyes widened slightly. She wasn't expecting it to see her, she thought maybe it was just a sheet or kite maybe. Of course those thoughts were ridiculous. This was clearly a person and..apparently they could float? It surprised her even more when the figure seemed to pull away its shadowy mask, revealing the face of a young man. She clutched the camera tightly in her hands and swallowed lightly. "You...c-can talk?" She murmured, her voice cracking a little. Why is everything weird happening today? What the hell was in that Tylenol I took this morning? she closed her eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath to try and relax herself, though it didn't due much.

She opened her eyes again and looked back at the figure, well, man there. She took another step back, though this time her foot caught on a rock and she ended up falling backward on to her bottom in a damp sand bed. She let out a Hmph! sound as she plopped down into the sand. A slight smile appeared on her face and she blushed a little. " just startled me is all." she said with a friendly smile, then tucked the camera back into her jacket pocket so she could use both of her hands to stand up. She placed both her hands in the damp sand to push herself up off the ground, only to suddenly feel a sharp, stabbing pain shoot through her back. She clenched her teeth and wrapped her arms over her stomach, holding in a scream. Is it happening again!?

She quickly picked herself up off the ground, keeping her eyes looking down and he hands over her stomach. "I'm sorry I need to go." she said quickly, then turned and began to run up the shore. She only made it a few paces before another surging pain shot through her back and she heard the faint ripping sound of cloth. She stopped in her tracks, then turned her head a little to glance at her back. There were two, black wings sprouting from her shoulder blades, bits and pieces of cloth hanging from them. For a moment she felt as though she was going to be sick, then her head began to spin and her body started to feel cold. She glanced back once more at the figure of the man a little further back by the ocean, then stared down at the ground, a blank expression on her face. Wake up.. she thought to herself as her vision went blurry and she fell over into the sand, not unconscious but barely awake.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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Blaine watches Kiru as she falls, the black rags flowing over his face again. He smiles under his robe as she falls over, amused by this. He keeps his hands behind his back, putting one in front of his hand, whispering to her, "Don't worry...I mean no harm...I-". Blaine's eyes widen as she kneels down in pain, he kneels down, levitating over the ground still. "Hey! Are you alright?!" his voice whispered, looking at her with concerned glowing eyes, a flash of black and shining crimson bursting out from her back. Blaine's eyes widen as she falls to the ground in front of him, unconscious, momentarily looking at the wings on her back. He goes and tries to touch her, his hand going right through her shoulder, pain shooting up his arm, more intense than the norm. He looks down and grunts, going through organic matter intensifies the pain. He shakes his head, his eyes become determined and tearful as he starts to feel hopeless...weak. All he was able to do was weep for the ones he couldn't save, watching as people died around him, always there, but unable to do anything about the dilemma. No, he was determined, he had to do something, he closed his eyes as he tried to grab her again, that same sensation of pain darting through his arm. He breathed in and out, reaching forward as he recognized something, it felt oddly like plastic, a filmy barrier. He tried to reach groaning out whispers feeling that small barrier. He pushed and pushed that barrier, until something he felt a different sensation. Warmth. He looked at his hand and laid them on Kiru's shoulder, his eye's widening. Yes...he's broken through the limbo... he started to rip some more of the film-like barrier off his his face, and body, feeling the sensation of the sun once more. He breathed in, and out, able to put his hood and scarf that was covering his mouth down, but unable to remove the other rags. His skin still had a an eerie pale aura to it, as well as being freezing to the touch. He shook his head, ignoring the euphoric and familiar feeling, he had to do something for Kiru. He stood up shakily, staring down at her, and slowly lifting his arm over his shoulder, her skin feeling extremely warm over his neck. Blaine looked as the wings twitched slightly. He ignored that, seeing many weird things in his life. Hell he was one.

Blaine continued onto the beach house, walking up the stairs inside. He enters through the door, and looks about, finding a small bedroom. He sets Kiru down on her side, brushing the hair out of his eyes, before going off around the house to look for a first aid medical kit, or some other useful items. He had no time to lose.


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Kiru slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurry at first but it quickly cleared itself up. She moved her fingers a little, realizing she was laying in a bed after feeling the cloth of a blanket between her fingers. A dream? She thought to herself, thinking it would be a little strange. If this was a dream then that would mean when she woke up before she would've woken up to another dream. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, shutting her eyes tightly for a moment as her head throbbed. Definitely not a dream.. She opened her eyes again and glanced around the room. She realized her back felt a little heavy and she turned her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes widening a little as she stared at the two black wings sprouting from her back. They didn't really look like ordinary wings though. To her they just looked like a couple of black, zigzag lighting bolts that a little kid would draw. Anyone would probably be freaking out by now, but Kiru couldn't help but feel a little content with her wings.

Though they did sprout a lot of questions. Why did this happen? How is this possible? Is there some reason for this? Then there was the question that bothered her the most of them all; Who or what am I? She let out a sigh and slid her legs of the side of the bed, frezing as she heard the footsteps of someone else in the house. Then she remembered that she hadn't been alone back on the beach. That's right..I passed out. Did that shadow thing bring me here or something? She gently swallowed and took a deep breath as she stood up beside the bed. "Anybody there?" she called out, her voice a little shaky.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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Kiru was a little afraid when Blaine first walked into the room. For a moment she thought that maybe she had been kidnapped but then she recognized the face of what was the shadow figure back at the beach before. Kiru sat herself back down onto the bed slowly, still a little cautious around him. "My name's Kiru..and well besides the fact that I have wings coming out of my back and a stabbing headache, I guess you could say I'm alright." She said, trying to sound casual but her voice was still a little nervous. Blaine didn't seem like he meant any harm but she was still curious about what he had looked like on the beach and then how he looked now. She could've been hallucinating before she had passed out, it was very possible after all. Then she remembered she had taken a picture of him. Could his previous appearance maybe have shown up in the photo she took? For a moment she was going to pull out her camera, but then changed her mind after realizing she wouldn't be able to see anything until the images were developed. Instead she decided to go ahead and take the risk of asking him about it herself. She didn't really care very much if she sounded like some crazy person. She had wings for heavens sake! How could she get more crazy then that? She was actually rather surprised that Blaine seemed so calm and okay with what she had sprouting from her shoulder blades. "Uhm...on the beach..was that you? You know, the shadow thing?" She said, feeling a litle awkward asking such a strange question.


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Blaine sets the glass of water on the table along with the plate holding the roll of bread. He slowly brings up the towel to Kiru, nodding as she introduced herself to him. He sighs looking at her sadly, tilting his head. "Yes, I was that 'shadow thing', though I'm not even sure what happened to me. I'm not sure if you've heard or not, but recently...someone had a funeral around here. There were articles of a boy being hit by a truck." He pauses waiting for a reaction, looking down at his cloaked form, glad he can actually make contact with physical beings and other things in the 'living world'. He continues, his crimson eyes twinkling with a new lively hue, "Ever since I've...had that incident, I've been living between worlds. I barely understand the concept myself... It was horrible, I wasn't able to talk to people no matter how loud I screamed or yelled, it always came out as a faint whisper, barely audible to the world." Blaine started to hug himself, tears flowing down his face from all of the pained memories. "I would always just float there, waiting, and waiting for someone to notice me, I..." He gasps, as he realized what he was doing., immediately wiping his eyes, taking a few deep breathes, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry...I was getting a bit too ahead of myself. It's been almost a month since the incident, and it was just lonely, is all." He sighs, giving a reassuring smile shaking his head. He tries to joke to help the mood out, "Apparently, I'm not the only thing that's odd around here. I rather like those wings by the way, they seem to suit you."


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Kiru thankfully took the towel and set it beside her, more focused on the water Blaine had set on the table close to the bed. She leans over a little and picks up the water, taking a few gulps and enjoying the cold glass on her hands.

"Yes, I was that 'shadow thing', though I'm not even sure what happened to me. I'm not sure if you've heard or not, but recently...someone had a funeral around here. There were articles of a boy being hit by a truck."

A funeral? Hit by a truck? Is he trying to say that he's not actually alive? She thought to herself, looking a little surprised but still keeping herself pretty calm. Then again, she was starting to question whether she herself was alive or not. Did a living person usually have wings sprouting from their back? It still made her a little dizzy thinking about what had happened, not to mention she had lost a bit of blood from her skin breaking open to let the wings come through. The bleeding had seemed to stop but she could still feel her jacket damp against her back. It made Kiru a little afraid to take off the jacket because it would show just how much blood she had lost.

She took another gulp of the water, leaving only a little at the bottom of the glass as usual. She had a habit of never drinking the last bit of anything, always leaving a little left in the bottle, glass, bowl, or anything that had drinkable liquid in it. Kiru's eyes saddened a little as she listened to Blaine tell his story, feeling rather sorry for him as it must of been really lonely. When he first started to cry a little, Kiru had no idea how to react. Should she hug him? Tell him is was alright? She had no idea and wasn't really good at handling other peoples either. Not long after Blaine began to cry, he instantly stopped himself and wiped his eyes, apologizing and giving a small smile. Kiru lightly tightened her grip on the cup in her lap and shook her head. "It's alright, it must've been really hard."

"Apparently, I'm not the only thing that's odd around here. I rather like those wings by the way, they seem to suit you."

Kiru's eyes widened for a split second, then she gave a small glance at the end of her left wing. Odd. I guess that is one way to put it. She thought to herself, holding back the urge to say that she probably looked like some kind of monster. It was still a little awkward sitting there with wings sprouting from her shoulder blades, but as weird as it looked to have wings, she still felt as if they were supposed to be there. "Oh, uhm thanks." She tried saying as casually as possible, then stood up and set the class back onto the bed side table before pulling off her jacket, carefully slipping the ripped back over her wings, revealing a blue and white striped spaghetti-strapped top. It was just as she feared, the back of the jacket was drenched in blood, though it seemed to already be turning brown as it dried. She figured the back of her shirt was probably bloody too, but at lest the back was low enough so it wasn't ripped. " this.." she whispered to herself, slowly sitting herself back down as her legs began to feel shaky as she examined the jacket.


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Character Portrait: Blaine Leazahr Character Portrait: Kiru
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Blaine keeps his distance from Kiru as she goes about her things. He keeps his hands behind his back tilting his head curiously. He thinks to himself, he knows that this girl was the only one who was able to see him. This girl obviously had a special quality about her, obviously. She had wings, for the love of God. Blaine shakes his head keeping his hands in his pockets, shuffling his feet awkwardly. He decides to check himself out as well, observing the black cloak around him. Tendrils flutter with an unseen breeze, from his ankles, wrists, back and mainly neck. He's able to still feel the tuxedo he was put in since the day of the funeral, under the ripped dark cloak he bears. He touches the top of his, taking out a loose piece of hair, frowning at its silvery white-hue. Once again, Blaine tries to rip more of the cloak off, to his own dismay, having the rags still stick to him, once they rip off. Shaking his head, he decides to look at his own pale skin, touching his cheek, feeling warm, smiling slightly in pleasure. It was nice to feel alive once again, to leave the cursed world. He brushes his own hair once more, breathing in deeply once, enjoying the air. Although he was glad to be back, he wasn't sure how long this world was going to keep him, and whether or not he'll return back to that wretched spirit world. A few whispers fill his ears as he turns to his left. He eyes the three will-o-wisps by the door, listening to some of their nervous whispers. Blaine doesn't even need to open his mouth to communicate with them, all he needed was to think. Smiling with approval as one of the more lively wisps decides to hide behind him.

Slowly he looks back towards Kiru, her legs shaking nervously. He bites his lip, trying to make better of the situation, "There''s no need to panic, I'm sure there's a solution to what's happening right now. At least you're still alive..." Blaine smiles encouragingly, keeping his hand behind his back. His ears twitch as a small white will-o-wisp comes into view over his shoulder. It squeaks and whispers in a melodic tune, dancing about around Blaine's head. He looks back to Kiru grinning even wider , "S..see! This little guy even agrees with me... I-isn't he cute?" Slowly the small will-o-wisp descends down to Blaine's hand. He kneels down in front of Kiru, slowly handing her the small little will-o-wisp. "Come on...he won't bite...he likes you, he told me that." As if agreeing with the Blaine, the little wisp squeals in delight, bouncing twice in his palm. Blaine chuckles nodding back.