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My Generation

My Generation


Follows a group of high school graduates of 2001, ten years later, but it's not where they've been, it's where they're going.

2,391 readers have visited My Generation since Jayhawker010 created it.



It's not where they've been, it's where they're going.


This is based off the short-lived television show on ABC that aired about six months ago. It was an awesome storyline in my opinion and didn't get the chance that it deserved. I recently remembered this show and decided that it would make a great roleplay if we had the right people and characters. Anyways, here's what the story is:

A documentary tv show crew showed up to a public high school in Arizona and filmed a select eight students graduating that year in 2001. The project of the show is to film the group of seniors and their lives in their last year of high school. They are all different in some way, all part of different cliques and groups, but their lives secret to the school's community are much different than their cliques.


It is now 2011 and the documentary crew is back to tape the lives of the people that once were in the graduating class of 2001. Though they have grown, these twenty-somethings haven't changed much. It seems as if high school followed them till now and they are dealing with the same drama and issues that they faced as seniors in high school. See below for the descriptions of each character.

The Students

The Relationship Organizer has been moved to it's own OOC section.

The Jock
Derrick Sanders
In 2001, he was the first string varsity quarterback and everyone looked up to him. He had a promising future ahead of him as he got good grades, and was offered scholarships for football not even halfway through his senior year. He was best friends with the Nerd and had a secret relationship with the Goth Chick, though he went out with the Prep all through high school, on and off.

In 2011, he is now married to The Prep, and is a sports announcer for the Arizona Cardinals. He still has feelings for the Goth Chick though, who lives in California at the moment. He has lost touch with the Nerd.

The Nerd
Brandon Yoder
In 2001, as said before he was best friends with the Jock. He was in all AP classes, and was the top in his class and Valedictorian. He had a huge high school crush on the Prep, but never did anything about it because she always liked The Jock and he didn't want to go after his best friend's girl. He recieved a scholarship to Yale and moved to New Haven.

In 2011, The Nerd now lives in Texas and works as a failing artist. He dropped out of Yale after the first year and lost contact with his family because he thought he'd be a failure. He is now dating The Bitch, but they aren't working out together. She is extremely bossy torwards him and he feels unheard. He still has feelings for the The Prep and wonders what could have been.

The Prep
Jamie Sanders
In 2001, She was the most popular girl in school and was your typical, shallow and childish preppy girl. This was mainly only an act though. She went out with The Jock, but only because they were both the hottest couple in the school. There were never big feelings for each other, but they managed to stay with each other by content.

In 2011, she is now a nurse at the Hospital in Arizona and is married to The Jock. She recently found out that she was pregnant and is now nine months in and could have the baby at any time. Her sister is The Bitch and is coming in to Arizona with The Nerd to see the baby and be with The Prep during it.

The Bully
Chad Mullens
In 2001, The Bully well, was the bully of the school. He mostly messed with the nerds and outcasts, including The Nerd, and the Outcast. He's cousins with the Stoner, and went out with the Goth Chick, though they don't speak anymore. He went to community college afterwards.

In 2011, The Bully is now the Nerd's best friend in Texas, even though he picked on him alot in high school. He is also going to Arizona along with The Nerd because The Nerd doesn't want to be alone with The Bitch as long as possible. The Bitch has lately been having an affair with The Bully unkown to the Nerd.

The Bitch
Layla Hanson
In 2001, she was the bitch that always talked behind other girls backs and got in to loads of trouble. She constantly got into fights with other girls and was the sister of the Prep. She had always liked The Nerd but never did anything until they ran into each other later in Texas.

In 2011, she is now a therapist and makes a good amount of money. She keeps in touch with The Prep and has been dating The Nerd for the past year and a half. She is having an affair with the Bully, but wants to stop so she doesn't hurt The Nerd any more, but she can't deny her feeling for The Bully.

The Outcast
Sarah Scott
In 2001, she was the outcast at school and never changed to fit the stereotype of the cool kid at school. She stayed true to herself, though it was hard sometimes. She was friends with the Stoner and they always had an attraction torwards each other, but never acted on it because it would make things awkward. She went to college in California for journalism and has lost touch with the Stoner since he went to war.

In 2011, she moved back to Arizona and has recently become friends with the Prep now that they've matured. She is still single, but has a daughter that is six. That may end soon though because The Stoner has just been able to come home and is coming back to Arizona.

The Goth Chick
Tarah Hawthorn
In 2001, she was the girl everyone was afraid of because she dressed in black and wore creepy makeup. She liked to stand out though and didn't care what people thought. During high school she had a weird attraction to the Jock and he did too, though they never acted upon it until after high school was over. She moved to California after high school ended.

In 2011, The Goth Chick is in California with her son of eight. She is single and has never been married. She knows that the boy is The Jock's, but has waited until now to tell the Jock. She is headed down to Arizona now to tell him the news.

The Stoner
Oscar Suarez
In 2001, he was the stoner in school, always getting high after school and partied 24/7. He was best friends with the Outcast and they always liked each other, but didn't act on it because they were friends. He's cousins with the Bully. He went into the army right after school and fought in the war for ten years.

In 2011, The Stoner has just gotten back to Arizona from the war and is set to meet the Outcast again and ask her on a date, which he never did in high school. He knows she is headed down here from mutual friends and is waiting for her return.

The Straight Arrow
Zachary Sanders
In 2001, he was the kid that you always thought should lighten up. He took things very seriously and you had to watch yourself when you joked around him. He's the older brother of Derrick by a year and constantly butted heads with the Bully constantly.

In 2011, he is also returning from the army in Afghanistan and is coming back to Arizona for the first time since he left to war once high school was over. He is hoping to make it back in time to see his brother's baby girl being born, but he isn't aware that The Bully is coming to Arizona as well, and they never really left on the best of terms.

Character Sheet

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[b]Who Are You?[/b]
Jock, Prep, Goth, Bully, ect.

Put realistic pic here, and a 100x100 icon of your character in the icon place.

Should resemble the original description I gave along with more.


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United States 2011

United States 2011 by Jayhawker010

The United States of America in 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011 by RolePlayGateway

This is present day, the town that Derrick and Jamie live, and where the group's old highschool is.

1412 SW Rocky Lane

1412 SW Rocky Lane by RolePlayGateway

Derrick and Jamie's House


Characterization: Proficient Plot: Proficient Depth: In-Progress Style: Proficient Mechanics: Proficient Overall: Proficient
Kurokiku wrote:The concept of the RP was not original material, but i didn't necessarily grade down for this. The premise was clear, but the character-slot format (i.e. this is character A who was like this in high school and is now married to character B and having an affair with character C) doesn't leave much room for creative character creation, and the characters don't ever do much to go beyond the stereotypes they follow. You established the ties between the characters before I got any sense of who they were as individuals. I understand that the concept of the source material is focusing on that, but the individual characterization was shallow because you were all a bit eager to rush into explaining who was doing what with whom. There’s so much focus on events that I don’t even get a sense of why it matters to me; I don’t empathize with anyone’s struggles. Everything is told substantially more than shown, and there’s a scarcity of sensory appeal. Watch your formatting-some people need more paragraphs and less awkward test blocks. There also seem to be some continuity and flow issues, as thought he authors were skipping chunks of time without even a sentence accounting for the passage. Your mechanics and formatting were strong overall, and I had no problem reading your writing or understanding what was going on, but overall I found the experience a bit bland. I think the best way to improve on this would be to allow a little more creative freedom in determining how the characters relate to one another- determining ahead of time who is having extramarital affairs with whom, for example, seems to be taking the idea of character "slots" a bit too far.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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Apparently, all it took were a few old friends to be in the same room again for some kind of drama or tension to arise. Jamie had completely forgotten that Chad and Zach despised each other until her sister had to remind her, and then there was Derrick and Brandon, who had a lot of catching up to do. Why they had stopped talking, Jamie didn’t know…especially since Brandon was dating Layla, whom Jamie spoke to practically every night. But still, Jamie tried to comfort her husband anyway and calm him down some, even though their friends were just trying to help. Before Derrick could even say much of a word to her, Layla was pulling her away and taking her downstairs, insisting that she sit.

“Layla, I don’t want to sit down!” She protested with a little pout, lowering herself onto the couch as she crossed her arms in front of her, childishly. Jamie had never really been one to sit still or do nothing…she always had to be doing something to keep herself busy, and with so much to do around the house she definitely didn’t want to just sit on the couch with the their guests in the house. When Layla disappeared in the kitchen, Jamie hoped she wouldn’t burn the whole place down, unsure if Jamie had learned to cook or not. But it didn’t really matter much anyway since she was following Chad outside. Jamie was thankful that he was kind enough to smoke out there, although she wasn’t sure why her sister of all people would be the one to volunteer to cheer him up.

A little overwhelmed with everything that was going on, Jamie just sighed heavily and took a deep breath as she leaned back against that couch and she texted Sarah, You’re more than welcome to come over for dinner, if you’d like. Lots of old friends in town that you’d be shocked to see. She smiled as she sent the message. Although, Jamie almost didn’t expect Sarah to show up. She didn’t exactly have a lot of friends in high school, and even Jamie herself was pretty mean to her. But Jamie had grown up a bit and Sarah was nice enough to forgive her, and now they were best friends. If they could form a friendship after everything they’d been through in high school, so could Chad and Zach.

After the message was sent, Jamie looked around the living room, barely hearing Derrick and Brandon upstairs. Boredly, the stubborn pregnant blonde woman stood up from the couch again and walked into the kitchen to at least get food prepared for their barbeque dinner tonight. She was hungry, damn it.

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Brandon was sure there was something wrong with Derrick he had hardly sad a word the whole time they were working on the crib. "Hey man I wanna apologize to you about dropping out of existence for ten years. But you know my parents if you had known where I was they would had been dogging you all the time for information. I didn't want the bugging the hell out of you and Jamie", he said with a sigh as they got the last of the crib done. "Man whats wrong you got something big on you mind and its not just the baby?", he didn't know what to expect from Derrick they used to be so close telling each other everything like brothers. Derrick and Zach had been more like brothers to him than his own, his brothers had always been to busy to deal with their baby brother.

((sorry guys finals have been a beyouch and their finally over yay!))

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United States 2011

United States 2011 by Jayhawker010

The United States of America in 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011 by RolePlayGateway

This is present day, the town that Derrick and Jamie live, and where the group's old highschool is.

1412 SW Rocky Lane

1412 SW Rocky Lane by RolePlayGateway

Derrick and Jamie's House

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gwenevere Calleston
Character Portrait: Jamie Sanders
Character Portrait: Layla Hanson
Character Portrait: Oscar Suarez
Character Portrait: Chad Mullens
Character Portrait: Zachary Sanders


Character Portrait: Zachary Sanders
Zachary Sanders

"It's been a while..."

Character Portrait: Chad Mullens
Chad Mullens

"I'm not sure I even give a shit anymore."

Character Portrait: Oscar Suarez
Oscar Suarez

looking for my lucy in the sky

Character Portrait: Layla Hanson
Layla Hanson

"He wasn't so hot then. Well, yeah he was, but you weren't gonna know that."

Character Portrait: Jamie Sanders
Jamie Sanders

"Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."

Character Portrait: Gwenevere Calleston
Gwenevere Calleston

Like me for who I am, not who I could be.


Character Portrait: Gwenevere Calleston
Gwenevere Calleston

Like me for who I am, not who I could be.

Character Portrait: Oscar Suarez
Oscar Suarez

looking for my lucy in the sky

Character Portrait: Zachary Sanders
Zachary Sanders

"It's been a while..."

Character Portrait: Jamie Sanders
Jamie Sanders

"Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."

Character Portrait: Layla Hanson
Layla Hanson

"He wasn't so hot then. Well, yeah he was, but you weren't gonna know that."

Character Portrait: Chad Mullens
Chad Mullens

"I'm not sure I even give a shit anymore."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zachary Sanders
Zachary Sanders

"It's been a while..."

Character Portrait: Chad Mullens
Chad Mullens

"I'm not sure I even give a shit anymore."

Character Portrait: Gwenevere Calleston
Gwenevere Calleston

Like me for who I am, not who I could be.

Character Portrait: Oscar Suarez
Oscar Suarez

looking for my lucy in the sky

Character Portrait: Jamie Sanders
Jamie Sanders

"Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside."

Character Portrait: Layla Hanson
Layla Hanson

"He wasn't so hot then. Well, yeah he was, but you weren't gonna know that."

View All » Places

United States 2011

United States 2011 by Jayhawker010

The United States of America in 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011

Freyton, Arizona, 2011 by RolePlayGateway

This is present day, the town that Derrick and Jamie live, and where the group's old highschool is.

1412 SW Rocky Lane

1412 SW Rocky Lane by RolePlayGateway

Derrick and Jamie's House

Freyton, Arizona, 2011

This is present day, the town that Derrick and Jamie live, and where the group's old highschool is.

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