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Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher

"Bang on! Poor guy didn't even know what hit him."

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a character in “Mysteries of the Sea”, as played by Sneakyrio


Full Name: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image
Johnny is a large man, standing at six foot six and weighing in at over 235lbs. Though he is large, his body is perfectly proportionate, from a distance he looks like a normal man. He always wears all black in honor of the first Captain he ever sailed with, though, he always wears a different colored sash depending on what Captain he serves under. His body is also riddled with scars from torture, whipping and the scar of betrayal.

Skills: Johnny has always had a knack for a getting a crew in line. By the time he's done with a crew, all he has to do is bark, and the crew does exactly what they need to do, the right way and fast. He knows people and how to read them, this talent has helped him over the years. He is also an impeccable shot. He can pick off people from a ship 100 yards away. He also has impeccable eye sight, being able to pick out details of things most people wouldn't notice. He just has an eye for detail. Loyalty, Johnny is always loyal to his Captain, he has never betrayed his Captain and has only left their service when they die.

Position: Quartermaster

Likes: Freedom for one. He's been locked up enough times to know anything is better than being landlocked. He loves the discipline on a ship, proving that pirates are not just a horde of cutthroats, but well trained freedom fighters that obey orders....well, at least on his ship they are. He also enjoys a bottle of stout when he can along with some tobacco. He also loves his pistols, especially his fathers old pistol. Women are also a necessity for him, he can be very suave and charming when he wants to be.

Dislikes: Mutineers, people who have no honor and believe they are entitled to everything just because they can't take orders. It's a sign you have no honor as a pirate and worse, it's downright lazy. Laziness is another, there is always something that needs done, "You can rest in the locker." he always says. He also hates sexists, he has served under women before and have killed men for less than insulting the skills of a Captain just because she has a hole between her legs.

Fears: Johnny is a simple man with simple tastes. He is just as afraid as what the next man fears, but it isn't even remotely superstitious. He does have a truly genuine fear. A cage. To die forgotten and alone in an 8x8 cell with nothing but rats for company. He sees land in general as a cage and can never stand to be on it for long. He would trade all the women and drink in the known world for an eternity at sea.

Personality: In his youth, Johnny was a sarcastic cutthroat who didn't much care for anything save women and drink. He cared nothing for any crew he was on or any captain he served under. He would talk back to anyone he didn't like. He also had a problem with authority....any kind of authority. He was whipped 10x as much as any other crew member, but due to his size, it didn't phase him as much. One day, everything changed for Johnny. He was betrayed by the First mate and ended up spending 3 years in prison, being tortured for the locations of his crews ports. Now, he has realized the folly of his ways and realized why rules and certain kind of authority are needed. He now seems like a man of few words and an ice cold stare that can freeze blood. He walks with an air about him that demands respect, which he always earns. He believes that there is only one thing worth earning honestly in this life, and that is respect. He is the one that other crew members will quicken there pace when he is near. On his ships, the Captain is God and he is their right hand, swiftly delivering divine justice wherever it is needed. He is not all serious though. When with someone he can feel calm with, he has still retained his wit and jovial manner that he only releases when it is appropriate. Johnny is also incredibly loyal to his Captain, serving unto death. Though he doesn't like to admit it, if the Captain has earned his respect, he would follow the Captain even if they broke the code. He doesn't tolerate laziness and will whip anyone who talks back to a direct order from the Captain.

Reputation: Johnny earned a reputation for himself when he was younger for being a crack shot with a pistol. Since he carries seven pistols on him at all times, he got the nickname "Flintlock Fletcher" and it stuck. After his famous escape from La Gourda Island prison, he has served under six different Captains, all of them dying either from wounds, fighting or disease. He was the Quartermaster on all of them and kept a tight ship. He had single handedly fought off a full crew mutiny with his pistols before losing the Captain. After he had put a crew through his special regiment, they were able to fight off Naval soldiers from all countries. He has a large reputation for being the best at what he does, a reputation he has earned.

Bio/History: Johnny was born on a small island in the Caribbean near Cuba. His mother was the daughter of a powdersmith and his father a pirate by the name of Travis "Sureshot" Fletcher. He was the Quartermaster on the ship the "Adventure Galley" under the command of William "Captain" Kidd. He made a name for himself pirating and for never missing a shot with his trusty custom made and modified flintlock pistol "The Reaver". His father wrote to him and his mother and Johnny learned to read form his letters.Since he was a pirate, he could never send a return address so he could never write his father back. When Johnny was 15 years old, a package came for him. Inside it was his fathers pistol and a letter of sympathy from Captain Kidd. His father had died defending him. After receiving the news of his death, his mother became distant and almost emotionless. The only solace he found was when he visited with his grandfather. Together, they had spent 3 years working on a special harness that automatically reload a flintlock pistol when stuck into it. When Johnny turned sixteen, his grandpa gave him the harness and he jumped on the first ship off of the tiny island community and was determined for a life of piracy.

He joined the crew of the ship "The Mottled Skull" and enjoyed the life of a pirate. He found he had serious hatred of authority and was whipped many times for his minor insubordination. It seems the First mate of the crew decided enough was enough after a few years. When they raided a town, the Quartermaster, a Somalian man by the name of Goza, stabbed him in the stomach and left him to rot. He was captured by authorities and tortured him to try and find out where his ship made port. After awhile he finally told them, but they never found the ship. They decided to keep him until they found the ship. He was in that prison for three years. He learned a lot of things in there. He was cell mates with a french pirate by the name of Dion "Hawkeye" Corsair, on account of his yellow eyes. He was a rather experienced Pirate was actually something of a Pirate lord. They got to know each other fairly well and Dion let him in on an escape plan. They eventually escaped and reclaimed their belongings. Many other pirates had escaped with them and together they got a ship and started a crew. Dion being captain and Johnny Quartermaster. He sailed him him for a year before he had finally succumbed to Tuberculosis. Knowing of his harness, Dion gave him his pistol to remember him by. In memorial to Dion, Johnny now always wears black. Many more years passed and he served in many different crews and many other captains. All of them had died in one way or another and he took their pistols to remember them by.

Now Johnny's harness is filled with the six pistols of his fallen captain and his fathers pistol on his hip. There is no room left for another pistol, so Johnny is currently mourning the loss of his latest Captain, who was killed in a mutiny. The mutiny was caused by several spies placed on the ship by privateers(pirate hunters). Johnny had killed a lot of the crew before the captain had died. When he fell, he grabbed the Captains pistol and set fire to the powder barrels. He was the only survivor. He was eventually picked up by a passenger vessel who dropped him off at small port which then he hitched a ride to Glendamn Bay which he is currently drinking himself to a stupor in mourning.

Other: No one knows this because he has never taken off his bandanna, but he has bright blonde hair contrast to his almond colored eyes. Johnny always carries his six gun reloading harness and his fathers pistol, along with a simple cutlass.

So begins...

Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher
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A man had been at the Cock and Bull, sitting in the same seat since the night before. His face had been fully implanted in the cheap wooden table for several hours, surrounded by empty bottles. The bartender would have woken him.....if he didn't know who the man was. Luckily enough, his table was in a far, dark corner where no one gave a passed out pirate too much mind. Soon enough though, the ever increasing sound of the band slowly coaxed the man out of his drunken stupor. His dark, beleaguered eyes fluttered opened. A hard groan escaped the large mans lips. He then hoisted himself up into a sitting position. He blinked several times, trying to gain vision back into his eyes. Soon the scene of the dimly lit tavern came into view. He gave a quick shake to his head to clear of the cobwebs of the heavy grog he had been drinking.

Johnny picked his mug and raised it to his lips. After finding that it did not hold what he desired, he peered into it, just to make sure. He then slammed it down on the table, making the barkeep jump. It seems he had just finished speaking to some woman. Johnny looked directly at the bartender with a cold stare, causing the man to shrink. "Yes, Mr. Fletcher?" He just continued to stare at him, then raised his mug. The bartender looked at him warily. "I think you've had enough, Fletcher. I mean, you've been out for at least 5 hours. Don't you want some water....or some food?" He said to the large man. Johnny then slammed his mug on the table, never breaking eye contact. " in mourning, sir." He then pulled out one of his pistols and slammed it on the table, but left it there, making it clear his intention was not to fire it. The bartender looked at it. "You lost another one, huh? You filled your harness, eh?" Johnny's eyes went from cold, to fiery in an instant, he then stood up and wobbled for a moment, then marched to the bar. "Don't take to me like yo know me. She had earned my respect! I lost her and my entire crew to privateer scum. Now, will you let a man mourn his loss and pour him a drink? I just lost her yesterday." Johnny then slumped down on the bar. The bartender looked around, like he was feeling awkward. "2 days ago." Johnny raised his head from the bar and looked at him. "What?" The bartender leaned down. "Yesterday, you came in here saying you lost yer captain the other day. So, 2 days ago." Johnny looked at him quizzically, then spun around and looked about. "Oh.....well, I'm done then. Get me a glass of water." He said. He then straightened himself out and walked with purpose back to his table. He picked up his pistol and re holstered it in it's newest home. He then sat back down.

A waitress brought him a mug of water and a bowl of gruel. He looked at her and gave a brief smile. "Thank ye, love. This is just what I need." He then took the spoon and began shoveling the gruel in his mouth, almost military style. He then took a very large drink of water. He then sat back and watched the activities of the bar. The band that was playing wasn't half bad and the general feel of the tavern was one of......freedom. Sure there were fights and yelling, but you could tell that the men here were actually happy. They were free and bowed to no man. They were pirates. Johnny couldn't help but smile and finally take a breath from what had happened the past few days. He would need to find a new crew, a new captain. That would take a few days, it would take even longer to find a captain who actually had an agenda that was worth his time.

After a few minutes, he finally noticed a woman in a booth across from him. Her hat was down and she seemed to have a parchment in front of her. As he stared at it longer, he saw that it had writing on it....signatures, peoples names. He then stared at the woman. His impeccable eyes started to take in details about the woman. He then noticed her was purple. Adding up all of her sounded very familiar. I know Ive heard of a woman who dressed like this.....but what was her name? He would remember it later. Just the fact that he believed he might know who this woman was, was enough to sign up for her crew.

Johnny stood up and walked over to her. As he walked over to her, he saw her more clearly and he immediately recognized her. It was Valerie Talithe, Malicious Val. She was hiring a crew......perfect. He then spoke up. "I'd like to join yer crew, Ms.." She raised her head and looked at him. "Why'd ya think ye be worthy for My crew?" Johnny smiled. "Ive served on seven different ships and have been a pirate for 17 years. I know my way around a ship and a crew. There isn't any crew that I can't whip into shape. I'm the best." She looked at him. "Is that so, and what position be you looking for?" Johnny leaned over onto the table. "Quartermaster. I'd be accepting no position less than your second, Captain Val. Ive been a Quartermaster for 10 years on six different ships, only leaving when my cpatain had died. I am loyalty incarnate." He said with the utmost seriousness. She then looked him up and down. "Alrighty then, congratulations Mate I'll see you bright an' early on the docks. I spec you know where my ship be." Johnny smiled and wrote his name on the paper. "The names Johnny, most people call me Flintlock Fletcher. I'll see ya aboard the Deadly Dame Captain." He then walked away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Oliver Maund Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Winkie Bouchard Character Portrait: James Taylor Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Adantas
The night continued on. The noise dimmed down apart from the occasional outburst. Groups of people huddled together having a good chat, whether boasting about their trips or attempting to score it didn't matter. The mood was just right, it was cosy and joyful. The evening had gone well and Val was impressed. She filled up all the positions she needed and of course had a few lackeys sign up too. By then she must of been on her six mug of ale but she had to keep reminding herself to take it slow. She's on business. The characters that had had the nerve to walk up to her and sign up were a mixed bunch. All seemed like they had a full set of marbles and some extra balls either that or they were good enough to bullshit their way through. She was impressed by most of them but they had yet to earn her respect yet. Setting her legs back on ground as they had started to cramp up from being in the same position for so long, she reached over and scanned the paper:
Drake Springer
Winkie Bouchard
Marie Simon
Johnny Fletcher
Mama Agatha
Marco Mcdonald
Ildigardo LeFarge
Azalea Gordon
James Taylor

Although she suspected that from all the bullshit that had come out of his mouth this evening that she had overheard Ildigardo LeFarge was probably not his real name. She didn't care, she understands that what happened in the past stays in the past and a need for a new life. She was only concerned that his tongue doesn't do any more wagging than need be. By the looks of it though the Marie girl seemed to have taken an interest into him already. No harm in having a little fun especially on a long journey. Mama had disappeared for the most part but seemed to reamerge to feed the Marco fella's ferret. Winkie had vanished as had Johnny in his drunken stupor. The young doctor Azzy had melded into the crowed and the James Taylor who looked a bit of a pompous know it all, but should at least come with some interesting conversations, he had escaped to his room. There were a bout a two dozen other names on the list but they were only hired as more bodies to keep the ship in mint condition and to man the cannons. From her education back with her old Captain she could tell the type of person from their handwriting. From Johnny's rough scrawl to Jame's professional loops these were two men that got to down to business. Draining the last of her ale she stood up and made her regal march past the bar which she tipped her hat to the tender and flung him a few coins which he caught expertly. The others didn't notice her slip through the crowd but she eyed them off as she passed. She thought to herself as she made her way down the docks. This should make a very interesting adventure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher
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0.00 INK

Johnny's hardened eyes shot open, followed immediately by a blast of sun light and a pounding headache. He tried to sit up, but something was holding him back. He shook his head and tried to force his sight into focus. He looked down and saw a feminine arm and leg draped across his chest. He blinked a few more times and followed them appendages down to their bodies. Two women lay in his bed, both with dull brown hair and no make-up. Johnny breathed a sigh of relief, they weren't prostitutes. He then quickly realized that he was naked and had some place to be. He slowly untangled himself from his bed mates and found his things. He quickly dressed himself and placed his harness on and clipped his sword to his belt. He also realized he was still wearing his red sash from when he was in Red Hair Vera's crew. Val seemed to fancy purple, so that's what he would he find. He looked about in the small room he was in and he noticed a purple satin dress on the floor. He eyed it for a moment, he then reached down and ripped off a rather large bit of it. Johnny then tied it around his waist. He then gave a small smile while looking at it. "I hope she doesn't die.......because I have no more room on my person for another pistol." he said to himself, his smile disappearing.

Johnny strode out of the small house and made his way to the docks. His surroundings were slowly coming back to him and he remembered the way back from where he was. It seemed he had continued to drink even after he had tried to sober up. He couldn't remember if it was in celebration or mourning. Or perhaps that it would be the last time alcohol would touch his lips for a long time. You couldn't afford to get drunk when you were the Quartermaster on a ship. It was a lonely job, seeing you couldn't make friends with anyone. Anyone perhaps save the Captain, the First Mate, the Navigator(who was technically the Second Mate), the cook, the doctor(he outranks them but you should be nice to the people who feed you and save your life.), but that's about it. Even though he technically outranks everyone save the Captain, they were all in a place of power. That's how Pirates worked, divide the power up, otherwise you become exactly like the military and live a life of servitude. Now pirate would want that.....that's why their bloody pirates!

Johnny finally came upon the Deadly Dame and began to walk up the gangplank, sack over shoulder. It had a few basic things he liked to carry with him and of course, his whip and flog. He noticed the captain was standing at the entrance to the ship. He simply walked up to her and slowed down as he past her. He gave a nod while looking her directly in the eye and simply said. "Captain." He then proceeded onto the ship. It seemed that people began to gather on the main deck, so he walked over to the main mast and by it, waiting to be addressed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: James Taylor Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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Johnny had been simply leaning against the main mast watching the crew. He mainly had been trying to spot ones that would give him the most trouble. So far, he hadn't spotted anyone too bad. The Captain started speaking which made Johnny give her his full attention. About halfway through the speech he started to smile. From the way she was talking, it sounded like she had a specific goal in mind for this voyage. Johnny loved it when his crew had some sort of goal to drive after instead of just sailing about and looking for ships to plunder. It gave everyone a large moral boost and the sense that they were a part of something greater than themselves. It would also make his work a lot easier seeing as a happy crew usually meant an increase in productivity, meaning he wouldn't have to whip as many people. He honestly didn't like doling out punishment to a crew, he just wasn't that sort of person. He did understand it was necessary and he wouldn't pull lashes just because he didn't enjoy causing people pain. He had run into too many pirates who were pirates because they liked to hurt people or kill them. Him? He was in it for the freedom, pure and simple. The freedom to sail the sea and go wherever the wind may take them. He knew it sounded like a boys dream, but it was true.

It seemed the crew started to get to work after Captain Val's speech, and the ship was beginning to get going. Then, apparently, two sprats started arguing between each other on who was the first mate. The girl was a loud mouth and was quick to draw blood as ever he saw a woman. That usually meant she was very insecure and felt that light comments made by people were harsh judgments. It also meant she didn't take any shit from anyone, which was good. The man spoke politely and calmly to the girl. He could tell from his manner of speech and clothes that he was a high born and used to being at a high station because he believed he had a right to it. It just sounded like he fancied himself superior to anyone he came in contact with, it was rather sickening. Though, since he obviously came from a higher vine in society, it also meant he was probably a learned man an could offer much wisdom to the crew. Oddly enough, the Captain had pointed out that it was the young girl who was the first mate, to Johnny's disappointment. The man seemed to sulk away at the realization that he was the Navigator. He wondered if he knew that technically made him Second Mate. He probably would have reacted the same way even if he did know. The two seemed to have already stirred up some trouble between them, a vendetta might have been forged this day.....or not. Either way, it wasn't Johnny's problem until one of them acted on it. Johnny decided to find his place of sleep on board the vessel. The Quartermaster was usually put away from the others, so they wouldn't do unspeakable things to the man who whipped them, though it wasn't always so.

Johnny walked his way towards the Captains quarters and found a door on the right side of a hallway that was right next to the captains quarters. He opened the door and inside was a fairly small room with a large hammock hanging from the ceiling and two pieces of other furniture. Johnny simply smiled. It was perfect, how he had missed sleeping in a hammock. He placed his bag down and pulled out his Cat O'Nine Tails whip and ribbed flog. He strapped them to his belt so the crew would immediately be able to tell his rank. He then left his cabin and walked onto the main deck again. He looked over and noticed four men hanging around the mooring, it seemed like they were pretending to work, but just talking. Johnny put on his QM face and marched over to them When he got close, he spoke. "You there! What are you four doing?" The four stopped at looked at each other. They seemed to realize who he was and one of them stepped forward. "We were just making sure that the mooring was secure......." Johnny just glared at them. "It doesn't take four men 5 minutes to do that. It takes one man seconds. I want you four to grab buckets and scrub brushes and start swabbing the deck. If this deck isn't on it's way to immaculate by the time I get back, ye'll be flogged! Am I understood?!" The men seemed to stand at attention and all simultaneously called out. "Aye aye, sir!" The four then ran below deck to retrieve their cleaning items. Johnny watched them go, then started to walk about the deck more, making sure everyone's hands were busy.

He noticed the cannons that were just sitting on deck and he realized he had to assign men to the Master Gunner so he could train them on how to use them. He stood near the bow of the ship and folded his hands behind his back, standing fully erect, revealing his daunting size. "I need 12 men with at least a basic knowledge of cannons and or gun powder!" He called out to the crew. Some hurried to wards him, most sort of stood around looking at each other. "NOW!" Johnny yelled out and the men quickened their pace. Soon enough, twelve men stood before him. "You men will be powder monkeys! You will serve under the direct command of the Master Gunner. Now follow me." The men nodded and followed him below deck. Soon enough he was at the powder room. Inside he could see a man meticulously going over the supplies, obviously the Master Gunner, and their illustrious first mate. He entered, instructing the men to stay outside. He spoke to the man. "You the Master Gunner? I'm Johnny Flintlock Fletcher, the Quartermaster. Ive got 12 powder monkeys for your direct command. Men!" he called for them signaling to gather in the room. "Get them ready for target practice later this day once we reach open water. Any problems with them, just come get me." He said to the Master Gunner quickly and professionally. Johnny then turned to the first mat, he believed her name was Marie. "First Mate Marie, I'd like to speak with you outside." He said with no particular expression his face.

Once they were alone in the hallway he looked down to her. "I'm going to start my rounds on the lower decks and check up on the galley, cabins and other places to see what needs more of what. I need you to go up top and keep order on the main deck and make sure everyone is busy. Also, there a couple of scallywags that I caught slacking off and are swabbing the deck at this moment. Keep an eye on them and make sure to be as harsh as you please on them. And of course, if anyone steps out of line, just get me and I'll deal with them. OK?" he said very business like and straight forward to the young women. He wasn't disrespectful or demanding of her, he just informed her of what he needed her to do. It was odd telling someone who probably at least 10 years younger than himself these things. He felt old, though he didn't look it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Maund Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nulix
"You the Master Gunner? I'm Johnny Flintlock Fletcher, the Quartermaster," A voice said. Oliver turned to see a man approach, who he cleverly deduced to be Johnny Flintlock Fletcher, the Quartermaster.

"Ah, glad you're here, we've been having a bit of a crisis," Oliver began, ready to inform the man of his quilt situation.

"I've got 12 powder monkeys for your direct command," Fletcher said, walking directly passed Oliver. "Men!" he called for them signaling to gather in the room. "Get them ready for target practice later this day once we reach open water. Any problems with them, just come get me." He said as he turned away from the Master Gunner.

"Right, now that that's taken care of me quilt shortage should be brought into issue," Oliver spoke as the Quartermaster walked directly passed him again and to Marie.

"First Mate Marie, I'd like to speak with you outside." He said, the two quickly exiting the scene. Oliver looked at them in disbelief before turning to the Master Gunner. "Argh. Mate," He said while pushing past the gunmen that had assembled, trying his best not to sound like a colonial smuggler and a lot more like a pirate. "My name be'eth Ildegardo LeFarge," He said, extending his hand to the man. "I realize you're obviously most busy with your... Gun powder, and your aiming techniques and what not, but I've found myself in a spot of bother. An issue has arisen, one that may very well prevent us from ever exiting this dock. A quilt issue."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Maund Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon Character Portrait: Agatha 'Mama' Rattleback
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0.00 INK

Mama was no where in sight of the other crew, tucked away back in her galley, door to the kitchens merely cracked as she scrubbed. Pots were to be cleaned, pans too, counter tops and stove too. In fact not much was seen of her at all, she was moving from kitchen to below, gathering supplies. There was much to be done by Mama, and those not acquainted with kitchen duties might think that the lame monster might have it pretty easy down there. She was inspecting the stove for sturdiness, and once pleased she would wander into the galley to count plates, running her fingers down the wooden stack of square flatware, taking note of just how much food would need to be prepped.

Mama would soon be making her way right through the conversation between Marie, Marco, Johnny and Oliver, ignoring the lot of them as she limped her way above deck. It would allow them to get a good look at her though, with her bandaged chest and low slung shorts. and the mess of tattoos on her hips and at her upper arm. Hell, they might even notice the missing finger. Either way she wasn't there to stand and gab with them. Over her shoulder a thin pole was slung, ending in a quite sooty bristled brush. Mama's carelessness with it could easily give any one of them a knock to the mug and a face full of soot. However she was above deck before anyone could protest, and she was limping her way over to the charley noble. Oh the charley noble.

She'd stare at that pipe quietly before cupping a hand over her mouth and murmuring down the sooty expanse "Wish there were a pipe like this 'un leadin' allaway down." It was likely that no one aboard this ship had ever befriended the cook. They were always some sort of disabled sailor with a real attitude problem, and Mama was fitting the stereotype quite well. But back in the days where she had been lovely, when that pale golden flesh had been unmarred and both eyes were seafoam and shining, she had called down rowdy jokes through the charley noble, often teasing the cook, "Woe is me!" the stove would bellow "I think that fat ole sea cow is gonna cook that foul slop atop me once more!" "OOOH make 'er stop! It burns me metal hide!" And then she would listen to the chorus of joking curses raining on her raven head from below in the kitchen, "Go get a fliddlah crab jammed allaway up that crusty hooch o yers Aggie! Aye an Master Gale' l' gladyly prod the thing along!"

Mama would just stare at that silent pipe for a moment before rubbing at her bad eye and finally reaching a hand inside to scratch at the inners of mr. charley. She'd inspect the creosote beneath her fingernail silently before licking at it and scratching at the front of her mane. Soot. Long since used and long since cleaned. Not scrubbed down before...Before what? Come to think of it, she knew what happened to her own crew, but what had happened to Vals? Where did that infamous sea captain put a whole ships list? Why the hell was she sailing all with new faces? Most captains would fear a mutiny with the lack of loyalty...Either way, Mama did as she always did, she kept silent about all those questions, choosing instead to brush out the charley noble. A chimney fire on the high seas in a wooden boat was death for everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Agatha 'Mama' Rattleback
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Marco was actually going to test out a few of the cannons by a technique that he learned under a man named the One-Eyed Shooter, Jimmy Malroe. He was, in Marco's opinion, the best damn shot that anybody could want in a gunner, and easily hit anything within 1500 yards. Marco had looked up to him throughout his six years of service on the Black Tide, and he wished that the old man hadn't died halfway through. The technique was quite absurd really, and it required him to stand on his head over top of the cannon. If he could balance easily, than the cannon itself was centered and wouldn't be leaning or anything of the sorts. The only reason he was to stand on his head was because his hands were much more sensitive than his lumbering feet.

McDonald was about to get onto a cannon when the Quarter Master blasted his way in. Marco originally had a face or pure annoyance, but that quickly changed when the man began to talk, because he oozed authority. Quite sickening, but he gave the man a little bit more respect than he did most people who interrupted him. You the Master Gunner? He nodded quickly, because the man kept on steamrolling. I'm Johnny Flintlock Fletcher, the Quartermaster. Ive got 12 powder monkeys for your direct command. Men! Marco's face lit up with a bemused smirk as 12 mismatched men rushed into the room at the Johnny's signal. Marco was liking the QM more and more, his ability to command was quite admirable. Get them ready for target practice later this day once we reach open water. Any problems with them, just come get me Marco quickly spoke before the man ran out and spoke to somebody else. "Aye Aye."

As soon as he spoke, however, a lady who looked like the undead walked through their conversation and hit him with the broom. It wasn't uncommon for him to get soot on his face, it normally stuck anyway, but it still irked him a little. "Watch where yer going miss!" He hollered to the lady as she limped up to the deck. What a bizarre sight she was, with her bandages, scars, and even a missing finger. He shook his head, wondering what other crazies he would meet on this ship.

Marco turned on his heels and raised his head to most of the powder monkeys. Some of them were a little shorter than him, but the majority of the 12 were taller, and that made him feel slightly annoyed. "Alrighty then. I've only got three rules for you lot." They snickered a little, as he didn't sound much like a pirate. Some said that he always sounded a little like a child wannabe pirate, but he didn't mind. After he was done shooting his cannon into their ship a few too many times, many reconsidered their original stance.

"Rule #1. If I'm workin' on something, you DON'T interrupt me. Ever. Remember, your stuck down here with me now, and a shit tone of black powder." He smirked a little, and the larger pirates were slightly unnerved, he could tell in their eyes. "The other two rules are basic. For starters, learn quickly. I ain't here to baby you, and you will be sent above deck if I can't use ya. The next one is to not piss of Weasel Jr, my ferret. He may be cute now, but... lets say that he is a little more volatile than a barrel o' powder." Weasel Jr. gave a little chirp to emphasis the point. "Since he will also be helping you grade the powders, I suggest you be nice. He is a little more habitable when you don't step on him. Now!" Marco finished, and looked at every one of them. He turned around and pointed at the barrels.

"Your first job is to organize the grades of powder, with the lowest grade to be stacked along with walls near the cannons, and the best under the stairs. I wanna see you men work together, ya hear? Junior here will assist if you monkeys need it." He paused, then whispered. "Go." They instantly started reorganizing the powder, and he smiled as he watched.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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#, as written by Tonks
"First Mate Marie, I'd like to speak with you outside." The man Marie assumed was the quarter master says.

Once they were alone in the hallway she looks up to him as he says "I'm going to start my rounds on the lower decks and check up on the galley, cabins and other places to see what needs more of what. I need you to go up top and keep order on the main deck and make sure everyone is busy. Also, there a couple of scallywags that I caught slacking off and are swabbing the deck at this moment. Keep an eye on them and make sure to be as harsh as you please on them. And of course, if anyone steps out of line, just get me and I'll deal with them. OK?" he said very business like and straight forward to her.

Marie smiles deciding she liked him, " thank ye'.. I'm sorry what was your name again?" she asked.

The setting changes from Glendamn Bay to Deadly Dame


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon Character Portrait: Agatha 'Mama' Rattleback
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The young first mate seemed to be taking his direction rather well, which he was relieved at. While they were conversing, a most interesting woman had walked by them at least twice. She had a long twisted mane of a Mohawk. He simply wore bandages to cover up her mams like the ladies of the Land of the Rising Sun. She bore numerous scars, one potent one on her leg which was obviously the source of her limp. Finally, her scarred dead eye left bare for the world to see. In all honesty, Johnny was completely........vexed by her. She was unlike anything he had seen. He somehow had immediate respect for her. It was the eye, it was almost like she was daring people comment about it. She didn't let her injuries rule her, she ruled them. He had to know her name. He was staring at her when Marie asked his name. Johnny was about to answer the young lady when the boat suddenly lurched. He braced himself against the ceiling so he didn't move too much. "What in the bloody hell was that?" He said, looking up as if expecting to get an answer. When he looked down again, Marie was gone. He sort of just shrugged to himself. "It's not like it's necessary for her to know my name." He had also noticed that the dead eyed woman was gone. He shook his head off odd thoughts and he walked off to continue his rounds.

He was about to head off to the crew quarters when he heard a gunshot. Not just any gunshot though, an incredibly powerful hand cannon. It sounded of similar potency to the Reaver. It was then followed by a scream. Johnny put on his Quarter Master face and briskly jogged to the source of the gunshot. When he turned the hallway, he spotted Captain Val, hands and clothes stained red with a blanket around her shoulders. One of the Cabin boys was standing near her. Her hands where shaking and her face was one trying to cope with shock. He had seen that look before, so the first accident had already happened and they were barely out of port. If he was a superstitious man, he would say that would be a bad omen. He looked about and found a crate. He picked it up and walked over to the Captain and the boy. He placed the crate next to the Captain and look at the boy. "Lad, stand the mouth of the hallway, would ya? And tell the men that wander by that it's off limits until the Captain notifies them. Also, tell them the Quartermaster said get back to work. There's a good lad." The boy, who's face was rather solemn, slowly nodded and walked off down the hallway. He then turned his attention back to the Captain. The boy was a precaution to any on-lookers, they couldn't afford seeing her like this.....or shirking form their duties. He pushed the crate towards her some more, then placed his hand under her forearm and the other on her shoulder and motioned her to sit down. He looked at her with a rather apathetic gaze and simply stated. "It helps to sit."

He then reached into his black shirt and pulled out a small bag. He then reached inside of it and put the contents into one of her shaking hands. He cupped it there for awhile and then removed his hand and stood up. It was a toffee. He looked down at her, then gave a very quick and very small smile. He then nodded his head in a respectful way too her, then walked off down the hall. As he passed the boy, he placed a toffee in his hands as well. His eyes widened a bit and he raised his head, about to say something. But, Johnny raised his finger too his mouth, as if to shush him. He then continued walking about the ship.

He finally made his way to the crew quarters and he noticed that all of the hammocks were still in crates, he simply sighed. He felt like doing some work. So took the hammocks out of the crates and began to hang them about the room, simply trying to lose himself in work, which he often did.

The setting changes from Deadly Dame to Glendamn Bay


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tonks
Once finished on the upper decks Marie starts sweeping the lower ones. Nothing seemed out of place so she didn't have much to do, so she walked to the crew cabins. When she walked she noticed the Quarter master was hanging hammocks. I was raher rude to him, I don't even know his name. she warily walked towards him, making enough noise to be heard. She didn't want to startle and get attacked by this man, he seemed like he was more than handy with his guns. Reaching down a picking up one end of a hammock she says "Sorry bout walking out on you, but with the crash and all I had to take care of a few things." after continuing her work Marie asks " So may I have your name now? Its rather important, that I get to know the crew."

The setting changes from Glendamn Bay to Deadly Dame


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Adantas
Val's mind was whirling. What just happened? How many times had she seen death. She had decapitated peoples limbs for gods sake and she had never felt like this before. Every death she had caused was always for a purpose; either to prove a point or for survival. Just the suddenness of Azzys death startled her. At this point in time she didn't care what was happening around her she was too caught up in the memories of just a few seconds before. Without realising it she found Johnny next to her placing a crate for her to sit down on. Thankfully he was taking charge and had ordered the boy away. Alone he rested a hand on her shoulder, the strength in his hand helped calm her nerves. She looked up at him and there was a brief twitch at the side of his mouth. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag. Out of the bag he produced a small toffee. He handed it gently to her, nodded and was gone. His quick act of kindness touched her although another part of her was furious that he had seen her at such a weak stage. She sighed and popped the toffee in her mouth, relishing the sweetness. Collecting herself she stood up and regained her composure. Now she just had to wait for the old man to come out with the verdict. She knew that there was no way that Azzy could have survived but there was nothing wrong with hope.

The setting changes from Deadly Dame to Glendamn Bay


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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Johnny had just finished conversing with Marie, who seemed like a fine lass if a bit.......well, you know. he had also finished with the crew quarters and was just about to move on when the same boy as before came running up to them. "Sir, Sir!" Johnny looked down at him sternly, the kid looked like he was about keel over. "What is it lad?" The boy kept panting, then caught his breath. He looked up at both him and Marie and spoke. "Cap'n has requested that you two get Ms. Gordon's body ready to rest." Johnny had a puzzled look on his face for a moment, but things soon became clear. "So her name was Gordon....wait a minute, Gordon?" He knew he had seen that name somewhere. After a moment of contemplation, he remembered. "Azzy Gordon? The ship's doctor? Well isn't that a fine fiddle.." He sighed for moment, hands on his hips. He then raised his head and made a motion directed at Marie. "Come on, we better go make sure she's all nice and pretty and what not." he said, sounding rather annoyed.

About half way across the ship, he stopped. He heard screaming voices above deck. One in particular caught his attention, it was the Captain's. He turned to Marie. "We better go see what's going on, come on." He then turned around and started moving his ass to the top of the deck. When he got there, the men were all over the place and the Captain's face was a red as a tomato. He looked across the stern of the ship and saw a ship hot on their trail. He ran all the way to the stern, running right past the helmsman. He focused his eyes on the ship. "The Duchess, eh?" He then tried to guess the number of the crew. Looked to be about 20-23 men on deck, who knows how any more below. He then turned around, knowing what to do, ran up to the Captain. "Captain, I'll take over here. Apologies for being late." He said with a genuine tone, then turned around. "ALRIGHT MEN, YOU'RE NOT NEWBORNS! YOU KNOW THE DRILL! BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS!" He shouted it numerous times. Men who were swabbing were now readying ropes and handing out blades and pistols. He took in a sharp breath through his nose. It's a good day for a fight.

In the organized chaos of the ship, he spotted Mcdonald with a big grin on his face. Johnny immediately knew what he was thinking. And he knew he wasn't thinking clearly. He called across the ship to him a s he mad his way towards him. "MR. McDONALD! Mr. Mcdonald. I need you to immobilize that ship, not destroyit. That;s a pirate vessel, meaning there chests are weighted. If the ship goes down, so does anything of value. I know it's difficult, but according to you, you're the best." he said all of this to him in a very serious tone. "So, are your ready to impress me, Mr. McDonald?" He asked, a smile spreading on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Marie Simon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Adantas
"What in God's name is going on? First we hit something, and now you're running around like we've got to get somewhere in a hurry. And we're barely even a league outside the breakwater. Is everything okay?"

Val turned round to find a very flustered James.

"Master James we have a ship trailing us, coincidently the one Master Mau-LeFarge managed to hit leaving port. Seems he ain't too impressed. We are preparing for battle. I plan on showing the Duchess what happens when ye think ye can take on The Deadly Dame." she started to leave but as a second thought yelled over her shoulder "Ye was an officer before, ye know what to do. So get going!"

Thankfully Johnny and Marie had come up aboard, with Johnny easily taking command. She was grateful for the assistance and proceeded back to the helm in which she picked up the telescope to eye the Duchess. They weren't far off and it wouldn't take long before both ships would be parallel.The Duchess was quite well known, with rumours that the captain liked to keep his booty close at hand. For sure there was going to be some decent gold on the trip and Val was contemplating it to be used as incentive for the crew members once she told them all the truth of this voyage. Just before they reached the Duchess Val called out.


Now she stood back and watched, waiting for the first blast of cannons. She had a specially designed rope that hung near the railing in which she used to board ships from above. She leisurely walked over to it and gently laid her hand on it waiting for the perfect moment. Her free hand was down near her sword, itching to release some of the stress from the first day.

The setting changes from Glendamn Bay to Deadly Dame


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher
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0.00 INK

McDonald had gone up to get the monkey's ready on the deck as well, that grin never leaving his face. The rush of the battle, the smell of the ignited black powder, it was scientifically beautiful. He was ordering around some more of the lousy monkeys when he heard a voice roaring over the constant noise of the hustle. MR. McDONALD! Marco turned to see Johnny, and let his grin fall to a small smirk. He didn't want his quartermaster thinking he was mentally unstable now, and get kicked off the ship. That wouldn't be good for his ego, his pride or his wallet.

Mr. Mcdonald. I need you to immobilize that ship, not destroyit. That;s a pirate vessel, meaning there chests are weighted. If the ship goes down, so does anything of value. I know it's difficult, but according to you, you're the best. Marco gave a little sigh of annoyance. More regulations that were in place to keep him from having fun. He could understand the reasons for just wanting to immobalize the ship: All that gold could really help out with new supplies and status. That didn't change the fact that he couldn't destroy the damned thing. But he nodded and received the order, and smiled a little when he mentioned how it was according to him that he was the best. Most pirates that self proclaimed themselves usually sucked horribly, and were bluffing. Marco didn't understand the term bluff.

"So, are your ready to impress me, Mr. McDonald?" Marco matched Johnny's smile in every way. "Always, Mr. Flintlock. Always." He turned back to the one cannon and shoved every man off it to do it himself. Knowing exactly what he was doing, he got the monkeys he just shooed away to measure out enough gunpowder and get him a cannonball. He would only need one. He then prepped the cannon while the get ever closer to the Duchess, and Marco smiled. He aimed his cannon directly at the mast, calculating wind speeds, ship speeds, and a bunch of other factors as he went. He then heard Val roar about how as soon as the cannons go off, they would board. Marco gave a smirk, turned to the rest of the cannoneers and bellowed out his own command.

"Cannons! Aim for the sails! Your accuracy will be recorded by your fellow peers, and I will know if you are lying. You do not have to hit the mast, only try. And..." He waited until the exact right moment, and lowered his spark stick to light the cannon. It was quiet except for the growing amount of hissing, and then a massive BANG! from Marco's cannon started off a chain. True to his word, the shot went right through the largest mast, and it started to crumple under its own weight. He gave a little smirk, and said quietly enough for not many to hear.

"First shot on the Duchess? Better than expected."