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Glenn Kyung

Spoiler alert...

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a character in “Mystic Grove”, originally authored by ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ, as played by RolePlayGateway



|Glenn Kyung|

|Nickname| Walking Dead, Old Man Glenn

|Gender| Male

|Ethnicity| Korean

|Sexuality| Bisexual

|Role| Male #4

|Face Claim| Steven Yeun

|Height| 5'9"

|Weight| 150 lb

|Hair Color| Black

|Eye Color| Brown

|General Appearance| Looking at Glenn, no one would think of him as someone who exercises on a regular basis. Since his metabolism is so high it is hard for him to gain weight (meaning all those Doritos he eats goes nowhere) as well as gain muscle. Most of the time his family eggs him on to eat more and teases him for his skinniness, but the fact of the matter is that no matter the amount of weight he lifts his gains are pretty small. Because of that he has largely given up on becoming buff (not that it was ever the biggest priority) and beneath his clothing is a slightly squishy belly. He insists that it's all muscle, but it's pretty clear that there's at least a bit of flab under all of that skin. His Korean heritage shows in his youthful face and smaller eyes. He's often mistaken for being younger than he actually is and the fact that he spends his days in comic shops does not help matters. On the plus side, his usual attire of semi-formal to formal clothing (sneakers aside) helps enhance his height and make him read less like a struggling intern.

|Personality| The best way to describe Glenn's personality is "an old man's demeanor with a teenager's interests." Though he enjoys his comic books, video games, and general nerding out over cool stuff he has a very particular way of enjoying it. This isn't to say that he is embarrassed of his interests but rather that he feels embarrassment for the people he's surrounded by. He considers himself very self-aware of the current state of the basement dwellers he used to be friends with. He will usually be the one that tells someone to stop making a scene or to drag them away when they start annoying him, which generally means he is the straight man to his friend's often silly jokes.

So how does this guy have fun? In very specific, relaxed conditions.

Glenn has a hard time relaxing due to his secondary job of defending the borders of Mystic Grove, but also his status as a harbringer. Unlike the prophet his visions are better described as premonitions. They don't give him clear indicators of what happens, only signals of what is to come (it's a real pain when you're reading a book and out of nowhere your power happens to spoil you) and no matter what he does, he only accelerates the end result. After the death of the mayor he's become even more vigilant in trying to figure out a way to use his foresight to benefit the town and prevent the future mayor from dying.

✓ Comic Books
✓ Video Games

✘ Being helpless
✘ His visions/future sense
✘ Hunters

|History| Glenn used to joke that he saw his birth coming while he was still in the womb. Truthfully, he didn't even know he was a harbringer for the first seven years of his life. Growing up with a kitsune sister and two parents of vague origin (he never bothered to ask) he just assumed that it was the nature of the world to have specially powered beings running around. He just happened to be special in that he was able to get senses of the future (and invariably bring them on whenever he tried to steal cookies). It helped quite a bit when it came to small things like avoiding flying objects or tests, but it seemed as though the bigger events, ones involving other people, weren't so easily preventable.

It was inconsistent.

How was he supposed to tell which omens were a product of a self-fulfilling prophecy and which were predestined? The whole thing almost turned him into a nihilistic twat during his teenage years. Glenn was lucky in that he had comic books, video games, and all other sorts of media that he could soak in and there were stories of superheroes, people who could overcome what was "destined" of them or those who made the best of their lives. They taught him that he didn't need to bend to the will of everything that came about (unlike his friends who seemed use those books as an escape rather than a means to teach themselves).

For that reason he decided to leave Mystic Grove for an out of state university to pursue his very useful economics and philosophy double major. Well really, his main reason for leaving the town was to explore other parts of the country and figure out a life for himself. Besides, as far as his parents were concerned he would be going to law school soon. Those four years flew by and despite the many omens ("spoilers" he took to calling them) he enjoyed every moment of learning that there were others like him and many that...weren't. Sure he had seen humans during the Halloween festivals (and the mayor of course) but it was much different to actually be friends with them and learn about how they lived. They weren't quite as interesting as some television shows made them seem.

When he came back to Mystic Grove not much had changed...other than the man that immediately flagged him down.

Unknown to him, someone had scouted him out after hearing he graduated. He wasn't a harbringer like Glenn but knew how to deal with them. He was the one who taught Glenn to hone his power and though the Korean man still doesn't have full control over his premonitions he can at least tell when a day will be portentous. His mentor needed another person to defend the town from hunters and who better to give out warnings than Glenn?

He had been defending the town for a year or two when he saw an omen of the late Mayor Wellford dying. The circumstances weren't clear, but he called the police immediately to try and get them to the office. Unfortunately, that seemed to only make things worse since one of the people in the car that hit Wellford happened to have a cop in it.

Though he still blames himself for what happened he's more motivated than ever to help prevent something like this from happening again.


So begins...

Glenn Kyung's Story


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Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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Glenn Kyung

Image Would it be fair to say that today was one of the worst days of his life? It was worse than when his apartment was flooded and his friend's Walking Dead collection was waterlogged. At the very least he hadn't had any control over that, but this was depressing. He remembered the frantic call he made and how he couldn't articulate any of the feelings he was having except "Mayor's going to die" and "please save him." The feelings were all so vague and terrifying and now that he was standing beside Wellford's tombstone, the regret turned into grief and dread for the next mayoral candidate.

He'd felt it in the morning while he was changing into one of the many suits he owned. It was a quick flash but very powerful, meaning that the mayor would come soon, within the day most likely. He wasn't sure what the new mayor would be like, having only a hazy feeling but wanted to head to the town's limits in order to find the candidate, whoever he or she may be.

"Have any idea what he looks like?"

Glenn turned to his mentor after laying down the bouquet of dyed roses. "I'm sure I'll know them when I see 'em."

"I thought I taught you better than that," his mentor replied, following the Korean man as he left the grave site.

"It's not as easy as flicking on a switch," Glenn sighed, "today was the first day anything has come to me in days."

"Did you feel anything else about this person?" his mentor asked.

"Only that I have to keep them safe this time," he answered, "whoever it is, they're going to bring something great to the town."

His mentor nodded before leaving Glenn to start walking towards the town's limits. Aside from the usual task of defending Mystic Grove he realized that he didn't have much in the way of plans and his sister was nowhere to be found (well unless he'd simply missed her at the service) so he probably wouldn't stick around much longer lest he doubt himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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A slender fox with a white face, like a mask, stalked through the grass at the cemetery. It watched as a Korean man spoke quietly to another, laying flowers upon a grave. It paused, sniffing at the air as it approached from behind. Its ears flicked, catching the direction of the breeze. When the fox felt safe, shivered slightly, sending ripples down its spine. It appeared to grow larger, its hair fading away until a petite woman appeared in its place, naked as she was born. Lucy didn't seem to notice, although the air had a chill to it.

"Glenn!" she said, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad you're here,"

Lucy and her brother had a complicated relationship. Where he was an old soul, she was an eternal child. But she loved him with all her heart. She knew no other way. Lucy was unreserved but after Mayor Wellford passed away, she was relieved he was there. Nothing had smelled right. She couldn't tell what it was but something was off. It was in the wind; metallic and sour like blood. When she heard the news, it had raised her hackles. In her gut, something was turning. Her brother would know what to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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Glenn Kyung

Image "Glenn! I'm so glad you're here."

Two short, bare arms wrapped around him as an equally naked body pressed against his suit.

"Aw Yeou would it really kill you to put on some clothes when you transform," Glenn sighed before returning her hug.

Lucy, more accurately Yeou (given that she was more kitsune than human), had a bad habit of roaming around in her fox form and transforming without regard to how she'd be seen by her friends and family. He supposed that it was something that she picked up from the foxy side of her family since her grandmother preferred the forest to the city, but it made him a bit embarrassed every time that she just attacked him out of nowhere. She was very much the excitement to his calm, the child to his elder and the fire to his water. Where she adored nature he preferred the city and where she always seemed so excited about the matters of others (particularly humans) he was cautious.

"I didn't expect you to come," he said as he let go of her, "I thought you'd be with halmeoni* ."

They never maintained the best amount of contact despite living in the same area. She lived in her little townhouse while he had his own apartment. Aside from their eight year age difference, they tended toward different social groups and the few times that he he was drinking he tried to avoid nights where Lucy was working. Having his drunk friends hit on her was too awkward. He occasionally visited his parents for dinner (and to be filial of course), but they were fairly loose regarding family bonding time.

*할머니 or grandmother in Korean


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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"I am wearing clothes!" she insisted. She looked down as if to display proof only to find herself completely exposed. With a palm straight to her forehead, she laughed. "I guess not. No worries, Oppa*, I'll wear black at the wake but I had to see you!" Lucy's ears pricked suddenly. She began sniffing the air around them. Remnants of Mayor Wellford's scent still lingered in the air. She had watched from a distance as he was put into the ground. He had smelled so wrong. Not just dead, but frightened, as if even in death he had something to fear. It made her fur stand all on end. Lucy shivered at the thought.

"I have done something terrible, Glenn," she confessed, eyes growing wide, "I heard the accident. I was nearby and I heard the crash. I should have investigated but I didn't. I'm ashamed to say that I was too scared," Lucy shook her head. It was a personal insult to be afraid. Glenn was the caution one, not her, and she had no intention of switching places. "Something is wrong... I don't know what but I can smell it. Did you see it?" gently placing a hand on his arm, "Halmeoni said that people just die but there's something else... but you'll fix it, won't you? And... and I can help!" She wanted more than anything to prove she could be brave. Lucy had run once but she would not do it again, not with her brother there.

*Oppa (오빠) = Older male (to females)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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Glenn Kyung

Image Classic Yeou.

Despite having a home of her own in the town she was still unaware of the very sudden transitions between fox and human. Often he wondered how she got home without anyone noticing her. Diverse as the town was, Asians tended to err toward the minor side of the population and foxes even more so.

"Don't bother," he said, taking off his coat and wrapping it around her, "everybody split off after the burial ceremony."

He paused for a second as Lucy shivered, raising a brow at her sudden change in demeanor.

"What's wrong?"

As it turned out, he wasn't the only person who felt something strange on the day that the mayor died, but unlike Glenn, her sense must have been more physical, natural rather than the strange omens the older Kyung was given. It was a clue that Wellford's death wasn't a simple accident, but Glenn didn't want to pry further.

"It's not your fault Lucy," he smiled bitterly, "I'm the harbringer remember? I'm the one that's supposed to be warning everyone, not you."

He knew that it sounded condescending (probably because it was), but it was his duty as one of the few who could read the future. He didn't want to involve Lucy regardless of how well she knew the forest. She was only a teenager with a whole future ahead of her. No matter how old she was in fox years (because he was sure she would bring that up) he was still her older brother.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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Lucy held the coat closed with one hand. Her nose wrinkled up as she toyed with the idea of arguing with him. On one hand, he was right. This was his territory. The secret, mysterious world of the unknown with its signs and symbols was not hers. Hers existed within the realm of the physical, of sense and instinct. But it didn't assuage her guilt.

"Let me help!" she yelped, nearly jumping out of the coat, "I can be useful. I'm very good at hiding. If I don't want to be seen, I won't be. And I can fit anywhere. I can listen,"

A flutter of wings rustled a branch nearby. Her ear pricked and she felt herself pulled to investigate; to stick her nose and see what she could find. No, no, this is serious! Lucy's eyes narrowed as she drew herself to her full height, not yet reaching her brother.

"I can protect you too. If something is happening, you might be in danger," It was the unknown that unnerved her. Perhaps it was why she was so curious. She didn't quite understand her brother's abilities. It wasn't something she could see or touch. It had no smell or taste. It was partly why she kept her distance. But in the end, he was part of her family. Whether she understood him or not was irrelevant. Lucy would be there for him.

"Let me prove it. I will go to the wake and listen. I'm sure I'll pick something up. Maybe it'll be useful. I can spy for you. Learn some secrets," Her face broke into a wide smile, anticipating his total approval of her madcap scheme.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung Character Portrait: Glenn Kyung
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Glenn Kyung

Image "Woah don't jump out of my coat," Glenn replied, "I know you can help, but you really need to think about this."

He understood the feeling of wanting to help and even moreso when it was Lucy toward Glenn. She hated feeling useless and hated being seen as the fearful one. It wasn't as though she needed glory, but that she needed personal satisfaction in order to feel right with the world. She wouldn't be happy unless she played some part in what was coming, even if the situation had nothing to do with her. Granted, she did sense something on the day of Wellford's death, but he would let her use that as an excuse to get involved.

He watched Lucy for a second, stepping back when she stiffened. Did she sense something new? She had a similar tendency to him in that she became very aware once something new showed up. There must of been something in the air or perhaps someone who was stalking them, but Glenn didn't have the same sort of senses she did. She received signs from the physical world while he received messages from the spiritual world. He hesitated to call them "ghosts" or some sort of "god", but it was his only explanation as to how he received such convenient clues.

"You don't need to protect me anyway," he said, "I can see the future rememb-"

Before he could finish his sentence he steeled himself, awash with feelings of suspicion and fear. The smells of grass and dead roses mixed together, matched only by the odor of unfamiliar people. The premonition wasn't about him, it was Yeou's.

"Alright fine then help me find information on the new mayor," he sighed after he regained control of his body, "I received a vision today about the new mayor but I haven't been able to find any signs of him. If you promise to stay hidden then please help me scope out the people still there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez Character Portrait: Noah Ramirez II Character Portrait: Arturo Christobel DeGari Character Portrait: Lucy Kyung
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Lucy squealed, reaching up and planting a kiss on Glenn's cheek. "Right away, boss!" she said, leaping from his coat and onto the ground. In mid air, her body shivered and shook off her human form. As her paws hit the grass, she looked up at Glenn. With a bark, she bounced up in the air and broke into a run. The wind rippled against her fur as she loped along the cemetery. Then, almost as suddenly, she stopped. Her ears flicked forward and her whiskers rustled. She snuffled against the grass, looking for something unfamiliar and strange. Nothing yet but a vague sound from the distance caught her ear.

She turned to Glenn, eyes dark and focused. With a loud, long whine, she called to him. Without waiting she began to bound towards the town square. Lucy slipped around the tombstones and leapt over patches of crab grass and dead flowers. As she drew closer, the smells of food and people enveloped her nose. Her whiskers flicked as she tried to decipher what was who. If she learned anything it was that people attracted more people and eventually a human would show up, stinking of mortality and mundanity.

Lucy slowed to a cautious stalk, avoiding feet and crying mourners. She slipped beneath a table, catching glimpses of conversation. Everyone was talking about the mayor or the food or what needed to be put on the tables. Nothing of interest. She crept beneath, unseen, until she caught a scent she had never come across before. She recognized Arturo and Rosa. Arturo, especially, frightened her. He smelled too wolfish for her comfort. Rosa's scent, however, was unmistakable. Her work with potions gave her a constant herbal smell, earthy and fresh.

She bolted towards the shops to get a closer look. Most took no notice of her but the new smell was unpredictable. There could be danger hiding within. Lucy stayed close to the walls of the shops, stalking slowly towards Arturo and Rosa. She saw them talking to others, hidden within a car. Her ears flicked. It had to humans but were they the right humans? Glenn would want to be sure. She couldn't disappoint him. What she needed were clothes. Humans were notoriously obsessed with clothes. She was just lucky she was near home.

Lucy bolted back towards the townhouse. She had moved in with her grandmother to perfect her craft. The older her grandmother got, the more she needed protection from man-made walls. A nasty scar from a fight with another animal had left her with a limp. But the townhouse was usually empty. It was more of a facade than a home. As she went inside, she shivered back to human form and headed to her home. It was a mess and a strange mockery of human life. Dishes were stacked clean in the bathtub. A couch sat in the kitchen, tucked against the fridge. The living room had no furniture apart from countless pillows and a makeshift pillow fort. Lucy started sniffing through her clothes. Nothing quite matched each other but it mattered little to her. She slipped into a galaxy leggings, a neon tulle skirt and an oversized t-shirt, tied in a small knot at the end. She slipped on some sneakers and headed back to the town square.

Not one for subtly, she approached the car much the same way a bull would charge towards a matador's cape. She pressed her face against the back window and spotted a boy her own age, or at least appeared that way. Age was relative in this town. In the front seat were two people, a man and a woman. They smelled related. Always a little unsure of how to deal with humans, she started to yell, "Are you staying here?" as if hearing were a magic ability.