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Mendzaillia Quintel

Darlin Im going to need another three of those shots

0 · 538 views · located in Mystic Grove

a character in “Mystic Grove”, as played by Ky-Lin



|Mendzaillia Quintel|





|Town Cop|

|Ksenia solo|




|Light Blue|

|Because of her small stature she tries to make her appearance "loud" by wearing with a lot of black and random splashes of bright colors. She likes to keep her hair, long enough to brush under her shoulder blades, up most times in pigtails on good days and wild when shes attempting to be more serious and hold up the people's image of a Sprite. She has small lovely wings that are as thin as lace, but hold her just find and look like bee wings. When shes alone usually she just forgoes clothes altogether because its comforting to her to feel free of things even if its just clothes shes free of. She seems to look slightly angular because of how thin she is and small as well, when she the Halloween part comes around she scares and interests the newcomers.|

|Zquill tries to be serious in public to go along with the role she started to have a couple years back. She was old enough to help protect the town although the people who always knew her were surprised that she would pick the job. She decided for about a hundred years it would be her duty until someone else will take over and she can rest or whatever else she felt like and take the longest vacation. When shes by herself though she will be the dork she has always been, from dancing horribly by herself to flashing weird faces at herself whenever she would pass by a mirror. |

|Likes: Although she is more of a water sprite she loves being around ice and finds it fascinating which is a bit different for her kind, leaving ice footprints where she had stepped, attempting to sneak behind a person and just standing there until they turn, and drinking.|

|Dislikes: Fires of any kind, being told that she cant do something, getting caught dancing|

|Like of of her Fae brethren she came from a small pearl, a bit of a late blooming but none felt any concern, healthy and alive as any Fae child could be. She was always more of a fan of living in town that out in the wild, there being so many different people when everyone of her kind all would sort of think the same way. So she grew up at the edge of down in a house some of her friends helped grow so she could have visitors, it has furniture and everything! She made acquaintances all through the town when she was in her younger years, loving to play pranks all the time sense it was in her nature. Which is why so many were surprised she suddenly became a cop although the story of it is fairly hush hush. Zquill learned that communications was fairly difficult to do with people in the town, sense some Fae magic including her own would mess with devices, she decided to leave her own footprint. It seemed like the easiest thing to do and it was fun as well when people would get surprised or angry when ice shaped like her foot would appear on their new floor. She had been there the night that the mayor had been killed, in fact it was her that had hit him with her car. She doesnt know how he had gotten in front of her car, just that he was suddenly in the street. She doesnt care if people thinks she did it or not, at least she acts like she doesnt, but Zquill was going to figure it out how and why it happened. With the new family in town shes not really sure about the rest of the year, she was sure it was a sign that something bad was going to happen with the mayor being dead but she slowly decided that she really needed a drink.|

So begins...

Mendzaillia Quintel's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Ula Morgan Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Julia Foster Character Portrait: Aileas McKenzie
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God, she wanted this day to end.

Rimara had dressed herself in all black that morning, and was still in the same outfit, and it was nearly 1 o'clock, she thought. Sure felt like it. Upon a whim of a decision, after they laid Dear Daddy to rest this morning, Rimara never left the cemetery. For multiple reasons.

One, it was her father. She didn't want to leave him. Never ever. Two, she knew she wasn't accepting the fact that he was never coming back. That he wasn't on some official trip to make sure the town was safe. He was with her mother now, where he belonged. They belonged together up in the Heavens, having picnics as the sun sets for as long as they want, waiting for their daughter to join them.

Rimara tilted her hat forward, and looked at her father's grave for the millionth time. Fresh flowers were everywhere, from the townsfolk who grieved their leader. She'd placed a dozen white roses on the top of the tombstone, to represent the faithful man he was. He had no sins. He's never touched a cigarette, drugs, alcohol, hasn't been in a gang, and so forth.

The longer she sat there, the more she grieved, and the longer and harder it'd be and take for her to leave that spot she's been sitting in for hours, make-up drizzling down her face, her lungs tired from sucking in breaths, and her eyes dry from crying out all her tears. Finally, after her body was nearly exhausted, she thought about leaving, and going to her little apartment that her father had gifted on her 21st birthday, and figure out what she was going to do with her father's house. The house she'd lived in until she was 21, the thing her parents fell in love with when they came here.

Rimara, finally, talked herself into getting up and at least going home. Going to that stupid Mayor's thing was definitely not in her schedule. She didn't exactly want to know this new Mayor.

She stood, and looked down at her father's tombstone one last time. "Goodbye, Daddy. " She let out a shaky breath, tear-stained eyes blurring. "I'll always love you." She squeaked, and walked towards home, holding a single white rose.


Eric didn't really know the Mayor that well, as he hasn't been here as long as most of the occupants of the town, only being here for about 4 years, give or take. But, he still went to the most emotional funeral he'd ever been to. Not including his parent's.

There was a blonde girl, the Mayor's daughter he thinks, who seemed absolutely fine, as if she'd been to funerals everyday. But as soon as all the townspeople left, and were a considerable distance away, he saw her fall to her knees, and sob. He wanted to comfort her, as she was one of the first to welcome him to this new town when he arrived, and they'd kept a friendship, but, he didn't want to push it.

When he and his 'parents' returned home, Rosa went right back at being unusually busy. He shook his head at her, and retreated to the living room with Arturo, and they talked about werewolf things, even though he knew it was a touchy subject for Arturo, who's usually really quiet about that side of him.

"I don't want to be late, Art! I'm going to go ahead and start walking that way. You two can bring the rest afterwards!"

Eric sighed, rolling his eyes at Rosa. She's always so paranoid about being late, or too early. Can't she just calm down for 5 minutes? Please? He got up from the spot on the couch where he'd sat for a bit, still in his suit from the funeral. It was a nice black suit, and he planned on wearing to whatever this thing was they were going to. His 'mother' was definitely excited and.. anxious about it. So, he guessed it must be something of some worth.

Eric grabbed a box of food in the kitchen. When he was coming back through to go out the door, he noticed Arturo's phone ringing. "Hey Art, your phone's ringin'." He chuckled, and walked out the door. His eyes flashed yellow as he left, as he felt excited for some reason. Must be the wolf in him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane MacTavish Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez Character Portrait: Aileas McKenzie
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Aileas was in town that day. Or more specifically, she was at the cemetery. In front of one tombstone. She had been coming more frequently after the death of the Mayor. It was to visit his grave and to add more protective spells around the town. She knows it will take a toll on her soon but this was necessary. Even the trees were grieving -she could tell. And a sad forest is more susceptible to dark magic.

She knew the Mayor's daughter was here. Just recently. If the dozen white roses are a tell-tale sign of her visit. She sighed and went to sit in front of the grave, unmindful of the dirt collecting at her thighs. As if this was a routine she had been doing all her life, she waved a hand in front of the grave and lilies, blue roses, and daffodils had suddenly sprung from the earth; curling itself onto the slab of stone, the blue roses -her favorite as blue roses are only made with an earth fairy's magic- creating an intricate design on the stone, giving it an elegant and timeless look. Just like the Mayor. For he will live forever in the memory of the McKenzie bloodline.

"Everyone misses you, sir. It still comes as a shock whenever ah try to visit yer home and ask for ye-your time only to remember you're now permanently residing here. To talk about mundane things, like the old times." She swallowed thickly, as hot tears started gushing from her eyes without her knowing. Her accent was getting the best of her and she suddenly had no control of it. Gulping a lungful of air, she let it all out in one fast whoosh and let her accent show.

"Ah' havnae yet ha' the pleasure o' mee'ing the new Mayor, ye ken. And Ahm a bi' hesitant to. Ah guess, Ah'll leave it ta faither ta talk to them. Ah need the rest. The poor trees are still grievin' for ye, sir."She sniffled and wiped the last drop of tear and leaned her head back, her knees stretching out to rest near the curled flowers. She hadn't had a breakdown for almost three days. The passing of the Mayor was hard on her. To her family as well. Serving as guardians, they were required to be in good terms with the Mayor to fulfill their roles to the best of their abilities. But sometimes. Close relationships can get the best of someone and can lead to the most saddest of days.

It was almost dark. Time for her to return and once again, repeat the ritual for a protective circle.

'Jus' a few more minutes..' She thought as her sitting posture relaxed, still hiccuping a bit as she tried to calm her nerves and concentrated on the ground's energy, slowly letting her hands get the earth's natural magic. It was one of the ways she found that successfully gather her emotions altogether after a breakdown.

The setting changes from Mystic Grove to Town Square


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane MacTavish Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Ula Morgan Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez
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The moment Rosa heard the phone pick up, she opened her mouth to tell him what she forgot but he already proved he knew her very well already. "I knew there was a reason I married you." She told him before hanging up. She sighed in contentment. Even on a sad day like this he could bring her so much joy. She only wished she could brighten up Rimara's day as well. Not that she had seen her since the funeral. She had guided her son and husband away to give her the privacy she so craved. She didn't need to read her tarot cards to see what a fragile state she was in.

"Mrs. DeGari? Rosalynn? Would you like some help unpacking?" One of the sweetest girls, Rosa had ever met asked her. She looked up and smiled at the blonde.

"I would love if you helped me." Rosa said to her. "My husband is bringing more. How are you?" She asked, touching her arm and sending a burst of healing energy into her. She had been doing that all day to different people. Sure, it was taking on her but she saw it as he job for the wellfair of the town.

The brunette slipped her phone into her pocket. She saw Eric and waved him over. "Hey, sweetie." She took the box of food from him and put it on the table. She didn't know what everyone, especially Rimara, would like to eat. "Mendzaillia was supposed to get out of the hospital today... I'm worried she thinks everyone hates her and doesn't want to come. If you wouldn't mind, could you go check on her? I don't want her to feel like she has to hide from the town."

She reached over and touched his shoulder, kissing his the top of his head. "Thank you, love. And if you need something, tell me okay? I'm always here for you." She reminded him. She gave him a small smile and started pulling out the dishes he had brought. She laid them out across the table. She was glad to see a few people were also bringing dishes as well.

She looked over at Ula and smiled at her. "Do you have any plans for the festival?" She asked her.

The next thing she knew it her husband was insight. She gave him a peck on the cheek then rubbed her lipstick mark off his cheek. "Thank you for bringing the rest." She said to him.

She sighed, doing a quick survey of the town. Slowly people were coming. No one seemed to have changed out of their black funeral clothes but everyone wanted to celebrate the life of their great Mayor. Most things were in walking distance so even when people had cars, they hardly used them. She raised her hand over her eyes to block the sun as it came to stop next to her. It was a Stranger's car.

"Hi. Hello. Excuse me? Is there a gas station around here? Our tank is really low." The man spoke to her.

It took a moment for Rosalynn to pull heself out of her daze. "Hi there. We do of course, it's just closed today. All of the businesses are. Our mayor died and we're having a wake to celebrate his life and what a great man he was. Do you see that coffee shop?" She asked, pointing to it just across the street. "Park there, my husband and I own it, and come and have something to eat. We'll get you a room at the hotel and get you gas in the morning?"

She reached out her hand to shake his. She didn't have to touch his skin to know this man was not a supernatural creature. He was human and their new Mayor. "I'm Rosalynn DeGari, but you can call me Rosa. This is my husband, Arturo DeGari. Welcome to Mystic Grove."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Ula Morgan Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Arturo Christobel DeGari
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Ula Morgan

Ula could feel the healing energy working into her system, and she managed to meet Rosa's eyes as she smiled, "I'm doing better, thank you. But... try not to wear yourself out too much, kay? Your magic works wonders but we're no good without you. And speaking of which, how are you, Eric, and Arturo? Oh, and your sister and uncle?" She smiled again before turning away to start helping with the unpacking. Her thoughts wandered as she did this, though her ears were still open for replies and questions. 'Utensils.... Oo-ten-see-els, yule tent seals, you ten seals... Wierd words.' That's when she heard Mendzailla's name, and her main thoughts bounced to the topic of her sprite friend. But before she continued focusing on her scattered mind, she looked up and greeted Eric with a wave.

'I'll have to vsit Mendzailla later too. I should visit everyone, bring things they like or I think they might like. See if I can make their week a little better. No one should be upset for too long, it wouldn't be right. This place is usually so sunny and fun with our festivals hosted by... how many people? Eighteen? Thirty?' The young mermaid shrugged to herself, before snapping from her thoughts with a dazed blinking, pulled out by a question from Rosa.

Ula smiled and shrugged again, to Rosalynn this time, "Not really. I'll help with what I'm asked to do, dance a lot, participate in a few things, try not to freak out." She gave a small laugh, sounding almost sheepish as she knew what could happen if she saw some people doing certain things. She disliked when this happened, but in those moments didn't know what to do. "Try to stay out of trouble, of course, and not hurt too many people. What about your plans? Anything special?"

Then with a smile and a nod of greeting towards Arturo, Ula continued helping and sunk back into her thoughts. 'Special? Special's also a funny word. Wierd. What's weird? Art, people, etc., the word etcetera, age. Thinking of age, we have lots of different ages here, don't we?' She knew most of the "Mystic Grovian's" ages, or had learned them at some point wether through blunt questioning or piecing it together, and her wanderng mind began counting up the ages that came off the top of her head, 'Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, fourty-three, fourty-eight, fifty-two, ninety-seven, and... a hundred and twen-' Her concentration was suddenly saved again, but this time by somethin... odd. An unfamiliar voice had awaken her. It was a man, obviously, maybe middle-aged.

Finally, Ula turned to look behind her and found Rosalynn speaking with a man in a minivan, it was driven by a woman from what she could see but she couldn't tell if there was anyone else. She jogged, almost skipping, until she was next to Rosalynn. Though... it would probably be more considered behind her even as she leaned to wave to the newcomers. For the moment, all of her previous sorrows had been forgotten at the appearance of new faces. Ula even waved to the other windows, just in case there was someone else, "Hi! We're sorry for the inconvenience of it being closed. But the hotel is cozy and lots of people here cook really good food. I hope you enjoy your stay!" It would considered near impossible for others, but this was Ula Morgan, and she lost balance without the slightest of provokation. A gasp escaped her and she grabbed onto Rosa's arm for just a moment, squeaking out a quick "Sorry!" and trying to gently brush the sparkling salt from her tears off of Rosa's arm.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane MacTavish Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Ula Morgan Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez
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Noah was so bored without internet. Would it really kill his father to get one of those modems for travel that cellular services provided. As usual the dark headed boy was silent in the back seat, his earbuds in his ears and his iPod blared anything but what his dad decided to play. He looked out the window. Trees. Everywhere. He had never been a big fan of forest. Maybe it was just the idea of being away from the internet and having to be outside that was a downer for him.

He looked to the front when he heard his aunt say his name. ”Huh?” He pulled one of the buds out of his ear. He glanced between his dad and aunt. They went back to talking to each other. He shrugged and put his earbud back in. It wasn’t until the car slowed as they exited onto a ramp that he looked up again. He leaned over so he could see the dashboard and saw they were on empty. He gave a huff, rolling his eyes. ”Of course.” He just wanted to get to wherever they were going. He hated long car rides. At least at the gas station would give him a reason to get out of the car and stretch his long legs.

When his father pulled over to talk to a women, Noah pulled out one of the buds again so he could hear the conversation. He narrowed his eyes. He had read too many of his father’s horror stories not to find it a little suspicious that they were inviting them to a picnic or whatever it was. It wasn’t like they’d kill someone to throw a party just in case someone happened to stumble into her town. But his stomach rolled at the idea of food. When had he last ate? He looked next to him seeing a few empty candy bar wrappers.

He stayed quiet in the backseat. He looked back as another girl ran over. His eyebrows shot up. Did her eyes just pour out salt instead of tears? He blinked but just like it was gone. He looked at his aunt, feeling a little unsettled. He wasn’t sure what they should do but as soon as her dad turned back to them with the window rolled up his stomach growled again.

”I think we should try out the food… I mean we don’t really have an appointment.. so why not just check out this place? Maybe they have some homes for sell?” Noah suggested from the backseat, trying to get a peek at what food they had on the table.

”They have pie.” He said suddenly, pressing up to the window to look. He caught sight of the women who had been talking to his father. He blushed and gave a sheepish grin and waved. He looked at his aunt and father once more. ”What’s one night? Would you rather keep going and get stuck somewhere without gas?” He asked.

Noah jumped involuntarily when the man knocked on the window. He listened to him and looked back at them, giving them a pointed look. ”I do not want to get stuck on the side of a mountain for the night.” He shook his head.


The setting changes from Town Square to Mystic Grove


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane MacTavish Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez Character Portrait: Oscar Fallo Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi
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"Mendzaillia was supposed to get out of the hospital today... I'm worried she thinks everyone hates her and doesn't want to come. If you wouldn't mind, could you go check on her? I don't want her to feel like she has to hide from the town."

"Um... sure, Rosa." Eric mumbled, running a hand through his hair. He looked around, seeing mainly his mother running around and setting everything up. "Yeah, so I'll just... go on..." He scratched the back of his neck. As he started to leave, he noticed Rimara and Kane coming up too. Giving a slight wave, he then crossed the street, wondering where Mendzaillia even was.

He just barely remembered where she lived, going up, and knocking loudly on the door. "Mendzaillia? Hey, you there?" He had a concerned look on his face as he heard muffled sobs, and jiggled the doorknob silently. "Hey, look, I just wanna help you, alright?"


"Yer father was a great man, It'll be near impossible fer someone t' replace 'im. Who the 'ell d'ya think that is?"

Rimara swallowed. God, life was harsh today. Dreams, fears, were becoming true right in front of her. A new citizen? It's obviously the new fucking mayor. But, instead of crashing a party that has some potential of being a good memory, she slowly stopped her walking with Kane. "I thank you soo much for the walk, Kane, really. I just... I can't be here. Not now." She muttered, and nodded to him, before walking back in the direction they'd just come from.

Her head was reeling. All she could think about was her father. Her father's death. The poor, beloved Mayor of a small, where every citizen loved him. It was almost like he was the Andy Griffith of Mayberry here. Who was she going to turn to? How does she even move on with life? Everything seems so hopeless, and dull..

And that's when she nearly ran into someone. "Dear God, I'm so.." She stopped, seeing him. Him... the man she loved at one point. The man she'd secretly seen while her father was alive. "Oscar." She breathed, barely a whisper, and brought a hand up to wipe her eyes, as well as push back a stray part of her bangs.

"I.. I'm sorry. I was just leaving." She stuttered slightly, and for a second, felt comfortable meeting his eyes. It was in that moment. That second. There it was. That little, mischievous, good for nothing spark decided to light itself. Rimara then looked away and straight ahead as she started back on her destined path.

God, she loved him still. If she didn't.. then she was definitely sick, because her stomach was fluttering.

The setting changes from Mystic Grove to Town Square


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane MacTavish Character Portrait: Tierra Character Portrait: Ula Morgan Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Malcolm Ramirez
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Ula Morgan


Ula tried to brush the remaining salt from her cheeks, but it just made it stay. To be honest she didn't mind it much, all it really did was make it look like she had sparkly powder on her cheeks. As she watched the window roll up, she couldn't help but almost laugh at a sudden thought. "You know, I've read a few horror books and seen a few movies. The ones with little villages towns being really nice to random strangers and inviting them to stay often... end with one or none of the visitors leaving." She shrugged, looking to the people that were near her, "I'm... gonna go see if I can hep with setting up anything. Seeya, Rosa." She smiled and gave an odd little gesture, almost like a shrug, but with a smile and start into a happy walk bck towardste tables. Before she got too far she turned to wave farewell to the newcomers, thogh she only just greeted them. [color=teal]"Enjoy!"

She then contnued on her way to the tables and... her smile faltered smewhat. Her sorrow had momentarily disappeared at the thouht of new people, but returnd wen she turned towards the event and remembered the meaning of it. Her step sobered and she avoided eye contact with those she pased. The hurt was still frsh inher,but Rosalynn's healing energy did work wonders. After this day was over, she was going to mosey on her way back home, maybe relax in a tree and end up falling asleep... maybe check the waters for trash or anything needing to be cleaned or purified.


The setting changes from Town Square to Mystic Grove


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Mendzaillia Quintel
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Mendzaillia had been crying for a long time now, of course being a water sprite it was a bit exaggerated and there was water all over the floor in the kitchen, and the bottle she had been holding was dry of its content. When she heard a voice at her door she stopped and took a couple of deep breathes to calm down. She was the towns officer, she reminded herself, she can't be having a break down on her kitchen floor like a human after a break up. She needed to get level-headed and in control of herself until she is actually off duty, until she is on her own time and not when she should be walking around the city and checking on everyone else. With a tear stained face she attempted to sit up and answer the door, knowing she'd be given crap later by who ever heard her crying. When she tried to prop herself up by her arms they shook a bit before just giving up and dropping herself on the floor once again. Zquill struggled to sit up once again before repeating the fall again before she realized she had drained herself with all the crying and drinking of her special mix of human/faerie alcohol. She couldn't pretend she wasnt home because the other person could hear her, and she really didnt want to make another door again, so she tried calling out. Opening her mouth she attempted to call out to her visitor "...!" But nothing came out of her coarse and worn down throat after all the time of loud sobs, to be fair though she had a good reason to be loud besides the fact her house is a fair way away from the city. Zquill was sure she had never felt so tired and done with everything in her life so far as she continued to lay on the kitchen floor. With a sweep of her hand she used the water/tears covering her floor so open her front door before evaporating it away into a little cloud. Since she knew that the kitchen was a little difficult to find she used the bottle she still held tightly to her hand to softly hit the ground. God she wasn't sure if this could get anymore embarrassing for her right now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Oscar Fallo Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Mendzaillia Quintel
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Eric almost jumped at the sight of a door opening itself, but he had to remember, there was magic here. Even though he was a werewolf, he'd never had magic abilities of his own, so he never practiced it or that sort of thing. "Mendzaillia?" He called out, but then heard a soft panging of glass, and went to the source of sound, where he found the woman on the floor, looking distraught as ever.

"Here, lemme help you." He said quickly, and bent down, and took a hold of her waist, bringing her up to face level with him. She was wobbly, but he guessed she would be by the looks of that bottle, and strong scent of some type of alcohol. "Alright.. Let's get you on something a little more comfortable than a hard floor, hm?" He, with a little struggle, picked her up like a bride, and walked to her couch nearby, setting her on that.

"Do I need to like stay here with you? Rosalynn wanted you at the Mayor's banquet, but.. I don't think you're okay to go." He muttered, looking at her distraught figure.


There are some things she'd only dreamt about. Things about Oscar mainly, that were out of her sight, but now came crashing back, just like the day they'd decided to hook up. All their makeouts, all their memories...

The day Rimara could only dream of. Her mind became clouded with thoughts of him, blinding her. Although, being the awkward girl, she could only hope someone might come force her to go to the Mayor's banquet being the daughter of the previous one.

Although, she was probably seen as a bother now. Heck, her and her father were the only humans here. Now, it was only her. The human who fell in love with an immortal, and still is, hopelessly. Even though the thoughts of Oscar helped her forget her sadness over her father's death, it just dug a bigger hole for depression, and she became clouded with sadness.

She may never get to feel his gentle caress again. Or see her father.

Swallowing down the pain, she dug out a bottle of whiskey her father vowed to open on Rimara's wedding day. "Now's as close as we're getting, Dad." She popped the top off, pouring herself a drink, and chugging several down, before the stench of the killer drink fogged her clothes, and she resided on her family's old couch, drinking down the pain.

Her mind played a little unorganized slideshow of memories Rimara thought she'd discarded. She gulped down half the bottle in 30 minutes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Rimara Enudo Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Mendzaillia Quintel
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Menzailla glanced up when the figure walked in and noticed it was Eric, the little Were that was picked up by Rosa and her husband, she can still remember when he came. But she didnt really hang around many places for very long, the town was cute and she adored it but as Fae she can only take so much of non-Fae. She also didnt get touched that much so she couldnt really stop a blush go on her face as shes picked up, it was warm and not that bad although fairly weird. When she got to stand on her feet a bit she felt a bit more stable and more in her own body now that she could be upright. It didnt last long though because Eric picked her up and put her on the couch, although it was true that it is about ten times more comfortable. She took a moment to try to hold herself in one piece before looking up at him and just barely saying the word water, she needed a lot of it and frankly if she could get him to toss her in the lake near her house she would.

Eric had mentioned the wake that would be happening today and she wasnt sure whether it would be a good idea to show up at all. Well she did in fact actually kill the man, and it wouldnt really be in good taste to actually be there, and not many actually know what happened that night other than she ran him over with her car. Zquill isnt sure she could handle people if they decide to retaliate in a bad way, hell she was sure she wouldn't be able to handle anymore attention what so ever. But Rosalynn is a very dear person and she knows that she is very trustworthy but still, theres Rimara to think about as well, things could go bad. The wake should be about the Mayor, not a lot of drama. But maybe Rosalynn would be able to keep the light on him and is life and not on her and his death.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalynn Maria DeGari Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Mendzaillia Quintel
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"Water?" Eric confusedly guessed as he looked at Mendzaillia. She was attractive for a woman, but Eric knew she was type of... supernatural. He just couldn't recall what Rosa had told him about her. He brought her back a glass of water, and watched her.

"You know... I could probably see if Rosa will just let me stay here with you. It looks like you need someone to stay, and seeing as you're out in the middle of the woods, a good distance from town.. Who better than a werewolf?" He tried to joke about his supernatural side, and too often, it just didn't work. "I'm sorry, don't listen to my jokes. They're rather.. corny." He shrugged, and tilted his head as he watched her, his eyes flashing, just for a second.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric DeGardi Character Portrait: Mendzaillia Quintel
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Zquill accepted the water with a smile and waited til he was done talking so she could have a moment to fill herself with a bit of magic, the boy oozing it from his body. Weres really were fairly great magic containers although they always seemed to have more than they should need, then again their magic is different from Fae magic. Fae magic tends to be purer, there being no ties to other things like humans, while Weres were clouded in a way like how a river that isnt taken care of. She poured the water on herself and let her actual magic soak it in, her body only did run on those to things, and she felt like she could breathe once again. Zquill could feel her body better now and to test things out she swung her feet off of the couch so she was sitting up right. With a tight grip on Eric she stood up and wobbled to the back door that was only a few feet away from the living room and, opened the door where a lake stood just under the little porch.

Like the rest of her house her doors were made with Fae magic, and depending on which one is used a person could have whatever they need. Zquill tends to keep them all open so if people drop by like now they wouldnt accidentally get hurt, they keep the original house plan and looks when all opened. The back door goes to the same place though, to this small porch that was built on the side of a small cliff, at the bottom was a lake like none a human had ever seen before. Lakes of the Fae were hard to find and harder to leave for them unless they were helped, of course then there wouldnt be any fun for the Faes if they helped. It was clearer than air with so much pure magic you could hear it singing, the bottom looked so close to the surface and the same seemed so soft. Mendzaillia turned to look at the boy and waved him over as a slow stream of water started to flow towards them like an upside down waterfall. "We will leave in a moment, come here and see a sight not many get to see."