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god of the seas and lord of all waters

0 · 280 views · located in Thessia

a character in “Myth of the New Gods”, as played by almostinsane


God Name: Ulmo
Title: god of the Sea and lord of All Waters
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good

God Appearance: Image

Ulmo has appeared to age since the destruction of the previous age. His once raven-black hair has turned white and he now sports a flowing white beard. Nonetheless, his Sea Blue eyes shine with the might of the Sea and the wisdom of countless millenia. His skin is a tough, leathery tan and he is often decked out in full battle armor and in his hand, he holds his Trident, a weapon forged to counter Apollyon long ago when he found he and the gods on the offensive against Appollyon. Normally, he radiates calmness with a certain sternness beneath the surface, something that is often emphasized when he's speaking with Mask.

Personality: Ulmo is a proud, but ultimately benevolent being. He demands proper respect for the Sea and all that dwells within it as well as a certain degree of honor from his followers. With those demands met, Ulmo is content to simply leave mortals to their own devices and watch them choose the direction of their own lives. He favors fishermen, merchants, treasure-seekers, privateers, and all who live their lives upon or near the Sea and respect it.

Ulmo has had a deep dislike for Mask for almost as long as both their existences. Mask is a younger god, coming into existence when the dark traits of humanity manifested themselves while Ulmo came to be with the Sea's formation. Throughout the years they knew each other, Ulmo has regarded Mask as a young upstart with no respect for anything but the most underhanded tactics in the mortal underworld. Pirates following Mask have often raided the trade routes of his people, the Avuvians, causing their navies to hunt down pirates and smugglers to bring them to justice.

Conversely, Ulmo usually gets along well with Murali, Mask's longtime nemesis. They believe in similar ideals, although Ulmo dislikes it when Murali's brand of justice takes things too far. He also has a deep friendship with Asiysia as he keenly remembers her filling the Seas with life. Strangely at first glance, he also has a certain amount of respect for Crypt. He does a job that is necessary, after all, and he dislikes any group being treated unfairly, as his followers tend to be.

Ulmo's relationship with his son, Panio, is somewhat strained. The boy never takes anything seriously and seems to delight in frustrating him. Ulmo hopes that the boy will grow out of it.

Opinion of mortals: "They can reach heights that not even the gods ever imagined or they could set the world aflame."

God’s Domain: When first approaching Ulmo's domain, it seems to be a dismal place. Upon entering, it seems to be an endless ocean with mist as far as the eye can see. When there isn't mist, great storms toss and churn the waters as though the waves themselves were eager to bring you down into their depths. This is purely the realm's defenses to keep out hostile gods or to redirect mortals that stumble upon it by accident. Further in, you find a calm ocean with crystal blue waters, vast coral reefs, and a chain of tropical islands with every kind of fruit and pleasant vegetation anyone can imagine. Upon the islands themselves live the deceased followers of Ulmo in great cities made of white stone and marble along with majestic boats and ships of all sizes. Just beneath the sea lie many a benign sea creature from great Sea Serpents to cheerful Mermaids.

Avatar Name: Sebastian
Avatar Appearance: Image
Personality: Sebastian is a solemn and kind soul. He takes his duties as the Avatar very seriously and does not intend to let disaster catch him by surprise. He is a relatively peaceful person, but is stern when dealing with criminals. He will not be cruel to, say, a child that steals to survive, but he will mix mercy with justice.

As the Second Avatar of Ulmo, Sebastian is a bit self-conscious about living up to the name of his predecessor, Caspian the Honorable. This is part of the reason why he pushes himself so hard, besides the huge responsibility of guiding and protecting a great people.

Magic Abilities: Besides the swordsmanship skills he has had centuries to practice, Sebastian is a skilled sorcerer, specializing in Sea Magic. He can control waves, conjure up winds, form whirlpools, and even call upon a storm, though the latter leaves him exhausted. He is also capable of a few minor tricks like light fires or drying someone's clothes.

Hero(es): Captain Aristo Grey
Rank/Reason: Aristo is a skilled Sea Captain and entrepreneur. He knows how to inspire and rally his men and sail through even the most dangerous storms. He is, perhaps, one of the most skilled swordsman on the Seas and combines luck, audacity, and skill with his education at the Academy of Icharus.
Personality: A charming Sea Captain, Captain Aristo Grey is a smooth talker, ladies' man, and professional treasure hunter. Some say he is foolhardy, others a genius, and still others, mad and perhaps he is all those things and more. Regardless, Aristo Grey walks a dangerous line in his line of work, sailing where many would dare not. He honors both Ulmo and Mask simultaneously and isn't afraid to simply take what does not belong to him. Half-pirate, half-merchant, Captain Aristo Grey is both dangerous and unpredictable.

Hero(es): Alexius Medes
Rank/Reason: An inventor of high repute; has studied both at the Academy of Icharus and among the Dendapaim; inventor of Avuvian fire.
Personality: Boastful and slightly arrogant, Alexius is the premiere inventor and technological expert within the Avuvian Confederation. His inventions are typically that of ancient inventions in Ancient Rome and Greece in our world. He is known to work with the fervor of a Dendapaim and is known to be an ambassador to that people when times are dire. Otherwise, he works within his own workshop in the Academy of Icharus.

Hero(es): Admiral Leah Porter
Rank/Reason: Admiral of the Avuvian Fleet, Leah Porter is a strategic and naval genius whose very name is known to cause pirates to shake with superstitious fear and anger.
Personality: An outsider and member of an unknown feline-like race, Admiral Leah Porter is a fierce and intelligent young lady. She is the first to show you that she is not just a pretty face with a tongue as sharp as her blade. Fiercely loyal and courageous, Leah feels most at home in Junta and has utter disdain for corruption and those who prey upon the weak. In addition, she seems to hide a dark secret from her past.

Hero(es): Themis Agape
Rank/Reason: Distinguished Diplomat; no one can deceive her as long as she doesn't want to be deceived. She is also a skilled swordswoman.
Personality: Kind and patient, Themis sees the good in all people, even if it's just a tiny spark. Themis can weather boring trade agreements and negotiations with ease and is well-versed in every type of trickery, not that she needs it. A gifted mage, she sacrificed her sight to be able to literally "see" the very essence and intentions. Themis does not use this ability to pry, however. Rather than snooping, she prefers to enjoy the beauty of life in her home city, Icharus.

Hero(es): Helena Priam
Rank/Reason: Governess of Gela
Personality: Beautiful, seductive, charming, learned, cunning. These are all words associated with the Governess of Gela. Unlike other city-states, the proud city of Gela elects an executive authority independent of the Council and gives the office of Governor/Governess enormous power. For the last decade, Helena Priam has held office and managed the people and Council alike with clever ploys hidden beneath a sweet smile. Though she has captured the heart of hundreds of men, Helena remains unmarried and her own person. Proud and unyielding, she values the traditions of Gela and its notion of Avuvian dominance.

Terrain Preference: Along the coasts of the Sea and upon islands.

Name of Kingdom/Empire: Avuvian Confederation
Capital: Atalantae (large metropolis; Center of the Sea Trade; northernmost city; contains a natural harbors and is nearby a mountain rich in stone excellent for building structures)
Major Cities:
Icharus (medium-sized city; known for art, beauty, and technological progress; home of the Academy of Icharus; contains much farmlands outside the city walls)
Gela (home of the finest silks and entertainment; contains large theatres, amphitheaters for chariot and horse races, and a Coliseum; death matches are "officially" outlawed. southernmost city)
Jukta (home of much of the Avuvian navy; has many shipyards and situated near a large forest; southernmost city)

The Avuvians are organized in, at the moment, four distinct city-states bound together in a firm league of friendship. Each city-state is ruled by a City Council ranging from four to twelve members with three-year terms that is headed by the Head Councilor, who is elected from among the the Councilors themselves. In addition to its own City Council, however, Atalantae hosts the Avuvian Council with four members, one from each city-state, that serve for four years. This is headed by the Avatar and/or a Head Councilor appointed by the Avatar. In addition, each city has its own court system for enforcing trying criminals by their laws with a Central Court in Atalantae for matters that concern the people as a whole or when there is a conflict of interest within the local courts. The Central Court has 12 members that serve until death or resignation. If there is a tie in the Central Court, the Avatar casts the deciding vote. In addition to this and leading the Avuvian Council, the Avatar is in control of the military and naval forces, the Head of State and Chief Diplomat, and may pass a law of his own volition unless it is vetoed by three of the four Avuvian Council members or challenged by the Central Court.

To what can the Avuvian people as a whole be likened as? The Avuvians as a whole are a proud and noble people. At their best, they are humble but assertive traders, mariners, and warriors that strive for what is right and honorable. At their worst, they can be domineering and greedy with superiority complexes. All Avuvians revere the Sea and their patron deity, Ulmo. Thus, even the worst sort of Avuvian knows to pay the Sea God proper respect or lose his favor. They also regard dumping of waste into the Sea when it can be prevented as an unspeakable carelessness. Although the Avuvians can all be describes as thus, certain cities are famous for certain types of people.

Atalantae- Although all Avuvian cities are hubs for trade and commerce, Atalantae is the largest and by the far the most famous cities for trade in the known world. Here, goods from the hottest desert in the East are sold alongside strange robes worn in the West. Dendapaim goods along with Hallowed Commune produce abound in great numbers. The smell of smoked fish and exotic spices and perfumes combined with a huge crowd of different races, creeds, and languages can easily dizzy a newcomer until he is lost in this labyrinth of stone. Merchant and Naval ships abound in its natural harbor. Atlantae also ships much of the stone needed for construction in the other Avuvian city-states and their colonies.

Icharus- Famous for its Academy, Icharus is seen as a center of Avuvian learning, technological breakthroughs and new inventions. Icharus is known be home to engineers, philosophers, and scholars with a cheerful work ethic and natural curiosity about the world. Unlike the Dendapaim, these engineers and scholars are not driven by fierce competition. On the contrary, academics are usually quite friendly to one another and can discuss levers and pulleys for hours with one another. The technologies produced here are second only to the Dendapaim and comparable to the best technologies other nations have to offer. The Academy does not just produce worldly scholars and engineers, however. The studies of Philosophy and Magic at the Academy of Icharus are quite popular and debates are well-known to echo through its halls.

Gela- Where Icharus is renowned for the study of Avuvian knowledge, lore, and philosophy, Gela is one of the most extravagant of all Avuvian cities. Its attitude stems back to the brief tenure of the Avuvian Empire, a time of unparalleled dominance, imperialism and arrogance in Avuvian history. There is nothing within the civilized world that cannot be brought at Gela. Its Coliseum can seat over half the city as well as foreign dignitaries, exotic wildlife, guards, criminals, and gladiators. Gela is the only Avuvian city to allow Trial by Combat. The people in Gela are known to be the most prideful of the Avuvians and consider Gela to be the center of the civilized world. Gela's laws can also be a bit more lax than other Avuvian cities' laws and it is no surprise that its ships are hardly ever attacked by the pirates under the employ of the Hecklown Workers' Union even though it's near the border of that domain, something a bitter inhabitant of Jukta is known to complain about. Its Councilor in the Avuvian Council is known to take the opposite side of the Juktan Councilor.

Jukta- Jukta is known as the producer of the finest ships in the known world and the stereotype of respectful and honorable Avuvians. A stately Avuvian city near a vast forest, the shipyards of Jukta are vast and produce many of the ships in the Avuvian navy. Juktans are known to value the rule of law highly and each person takes their person duty seriously. Corruption is the lowest here of all the Avuvian city-states and one would be a fool to try to breach its defenses which consist of high walls and a well-defended harbor. Many people in this city volunteer for the city guard, Avuvian Army, or the great Avuvian Navy. Juktans get along the least with their Gelan countrymen and their representative on the Avuvian Council is known to take the opposite side of the Gelan Councilor.


The Avuvian Confederation has, perhaps, the strongest economy in the known world. Its cities placed upon a strategic place upon the continent and its colonies upon many islands near or on trade routes, the Confederation thrives on trade. Most trade routes by Sea are used by Avuvians and protected by their navy as well. Their markets are some of the most varied in the known world. The Avuvians are known to export art such as sculptures, paintings, and tapestries, as well as marble, stone, finished goods like weapons, hand-cranked or steam-powered machines, furniture, and, of course, the best boats and ships in existence. Some of their best products are maps and atlases of the Sea and the lands accessible through it, some islands only known to the Avuvians themselves. If a captain is to sail into dangerous or unfamiliar waters, then his or her best bet would be to use an Avuvian map.

Gold and silver often changes hands in the busy markets in the Avuvian Confederation. Thus currencies that are known to be reliable such as the Dendapaim currency are accepted, but foreign traders should note that smuggling and illicit goods are strictly forbidden.


Other: Within the capital of Atlantae lies the greatest gift of Ulmo to his people. The Sea Orb upon the topmost tower of the Temple of Ulmo provides all Avuvian cities with protection from the Sea.

So begins...

Ulmo's Story


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Character Portrait: Lahar Character Portrait: Makarov Character Portrait: Ulmo
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Makarov's Domain

The God of Logic did not comment on Makarov's acknowledging Lahar's importance in his work. Maybe he didn't care? Maybe he wasn't interested? Maybe he didn't understand?

Lahar spoke, "My nation has a 66.342 percent chance to be victorious on the military front but it seems that my people haven’t achieved something that you’re followers have.

This thing is obviously cultural influence and information; I would like to strike a deal with you, you would supply me with the news that your artists give you and later you would help me in the process of taming other cultures and then I will allow art to continue its existence.

You would save thousands of lives because if the other cultures would submit then I wouldn't need world wide genocide and while people don’t know it, I’m a master of every mortal skill, arts included, the destruction of every art is useless to me and I can honestly say that a genocide would be very hard to perform with a 32.468 percent chance that it would result in war and defeat and I’m not a God that takes these chances.

Makarov smiled at the God of Logic, not that it would mean anything to Lahar. What kind of business was this? Help me, or I kill you? Sounded more like a threat than a deal.

What Makarov was amazed at was the fact that Lahar spoke in the common tongue. In the common tongue, there were many things like synonyms, things "useless" to a God like Lahar. Would Lahar be better off speaking the "language" of Mathematics?

Before Makarov said anything he realized something it amused him to no ends. He smiled again and spoke, "I was wondering why she wanted to show you this room. It wasn't the chairs or the table, which are but the comforts of a man. She wanted me to give you this," he picked up the book. The book could tell the user anything as long as Makarov(or previously Draupadi) allowed it.

Makarov stood up and the chair returned to original shape, that of a desk chair. He put forth his hand to the essence of Lahar, to give the book. "I'm sure you and I have more important things then to keep meeting. Just write, in this, what information you need, and if I deem the question as one that will not hinder my plans, I will answer. Also," he removed a silver coin from his pocket with his other hand, "Give this to one of your trusted men so he may contact me directly. Now if you will excuse me, my followers feel the need to contact me."

He gave the book and the coin to Lahar's essence and left him there. Makarov just hoped Lahar's essence didn't try to do anything stupid while he was gone, otherwise the room would lock itself and be burnt down by the attendants of the castle and forcing Makarov to recreate the room, which he hated to do.

Just as he reached halfway between the exit and the 'thousand doors' door, Nazara, Drak and Cleopatra walked in.

Nazara was the lesser Goddess of music, a beautiful woman in a white sari, Drak was the lesser God of the Dead Arts, arts forgotten by the people, a large man in tattered clothing, and Cleopatra was the lesser Goddess of Love, an absolutely stunning woman with equally stunning dressing sense.

Makarov smiled and asked, "How are we today?"
Nazara smile back, "Here to meet Draupadi."
"One second. Has Draupadi been shifted to Room 420?" he asked to an invisible person.
"Yes. Once the essence of the God Of Logic leaves, they shall be able to meet her," said a female voice.
"Enjoy your stay," Makarov said and walked away, though not before looking at Cleopatra once more.

His followers thought it was dangerous to allow such interactions but that never really bothered Makarov. No God had yet to attack him and that just bored Makarov. Let them try...

Icharus, Ulmo's Realm, Thessia

da Vinci was a man of few words, far too few. He merely nodded as the other members of the Academy walked past him. He was considered, by many, to be the greatest intellectual mind on the entire plane, mostly because he was. He never seemed to have the time to talk or even debate, which irked many, even though he was pretty much an immortal. Makarov had asked Anabis, the lesser Goddess of life, to keep him alive. He was nearly three hundred years old now.

He walked quickly and reached his study and saw his assistant, Michelangelo, working on a sculpture. "32B," da Vinci said in a hurried voice and started searching for the silver coin Makarov had given him. Michelangelo looked at the tool he was using and realized that, yes 32B, a precision tool, would work much better than the 31D, more of a power tool, he was using.

It took da Vinci fifteen minutes, and turning the place upside, to find the silver coin no one except Michelangelo knew about. Michelangelo looked at the coin da Vinci held and took his leave.

"Makarov, Richard says he cannot contact you," he said and looked at the sculpture Michelangelo was making. Any merchant could sell it, it was that good, but it wasn't even close to what da Vinci could do. He picked up the 32B and started on the sculpture.

"I am amazed you have time for us mere Gods" said a sarcastic voice but da Vinci didn't reply.

"Where is Richard?"

"South of Melchi. Says the engravings on the coin changed after some Dregs attacked him." da Vinci put the tool down; he was finished.

"Tell him to get out of there immediately. I shall send a replacement coin immediately," said Makarov and broke contact.

Michelangelo walked in a few minutes later and well, for the next two days he was angry at da Vinci for finishing his sculpture, that too so nicely. Not that da Vinci cared...