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Jimaru Kaguya

"There is no black, no white, and no gray. There is only Lord Mizukage."

0 · 279 views · located in Konohagakure - The Hidden Leaf Village

a character in “Naruto: A History Made”, as played by nightshade10


Name: Jimaru Kaguya
Nicknames: The Skeleton, Jimaru the Silent
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: Typically wears a loose-fitting robe that he can slip off at a moments notice in order to maximize his jutsu's effectiveness. Wears cheap, loose pants since they inevitably get damaged during his fights.

Birthday: April 9
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Blood Type: AB-

Village: Kirigakure
Rank: ANBU
Classification: Taijutsu specialist, Mizukage's Assistant

Academy Grad. Age: 10
Chuunin Prom. Age: 11
Jounin Prom. Age: NA

Personality: Jimaru has a rather passive personality. Insult him, yell at him, flirt with him, or threaten him, it doesn't matter. There is just no way to get a rise out of him. Early on in life Jimaru came to the conclusion that acting emotionally would get him nowhere. To this end he is a perfect assistant for Shuro. He is unflinching and unquestioning in his loyalty, obeying the Mizukage's commands to the letter. There is no mission Jimaru won't take, no deed he won't do, no height he won't strive for, and no low he won't stoop to should Shuro order it.

History: Jimaru had a tough go of it early in life. Kicked out of the village by his clan for being too weak, Jimaru was forced to live alone in the woods when he was seven. However, shortly within a year of being abandoned, he was picked up and brought back to the Mist by a member of the Mist ANBU, a man who recognized Jimaru for what he was. A valuable black sheep with a kekkei genkai that could serve the Mist well. This man was Shuro's father. Shuro's father subjected him to the same training and molded his mentality after his own.

When Jimaru was enrolled in the academy, the other students and his later teammates scorned him as an outsider and an orphan since his own clan would not acknowledge him. For their part, the other members of the Kaguya clan never acknowledged him after learning he was back in the village, and he has not had any real contact with them since they kicked him out. He never once complained about this treatment, he was used to treatment far more cruel from his own clan. As time went by, he no longer referred to the Kaguya as his clan. They no longer meant anything to him. The Mist Village was his clan now. It was as it should be.

Jimaru was a few years behind Shuro, so he became a chuunin and a member of the ANBU after him, though they had a strong bond in their shared father. Indeed, they viewed each other as true brothers, equals. The ANBU made sure to thoroughly condition Jimaru to be loyal to the Mizukage above all else, the concept of serving quietly and indiscreetly in the shadows for the good of his new home actually appealed rather strongly to him. He spent a good deal of time on deniable missions and tracking down rogue ninja.

Unlike Shuro, Jimaru is still a member of the ANBU. While his skill far exceeds most normal shinobi, he has found himself far more suited to the work of the ANBU than working under the eyes of the whole village as a jounin. Still, when Shuro became Mizukage, Jimaru graciously accepted the position of his assistant, shedding his mask to become the loyal protector of the Mizukage. He views himself as the only one truly qualified to serve the Hokage so directly. His years of being raised with unquestioning loyalty to the Mizukage, coupled with his desire to support his brother now afford him an unbreakable, though quiet loyalty to the Mizukage.


Tailed Beast: None
Clan: Shunned by the Kaguya Clan

Weapons: Bones, swords
Chakra Type: Wind
Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumakyu
Description: This extremely rare kekkei genkai allows Jimaru to infuse his calcium with chakra. This makes it possible for him to control his bone growth, skeletal structure, and bone density. His bones can be made dense to the point of blocking even a chakra enhanced blade. This same principle gives him a skeletal structure stronger than steel and with different bone structures and positions, rendering him nearly invulnerable to all but the strongest physical attacks. As soon as a bone is removed from his body, another grows back to replace it. He is even able to fire pieces of bone as projectiles and have them regenerate shortly thereafter. Shuro has also taught him a few sealing and barrier techniques in order to assist him in battle.
Signature Techniques:
Taijutsu and Kinjutsu specializations
Wind Enhanced ninja tools
Wind Release Stream
Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment
Hurricane Thunderclap
Five Seal Barrier
Mirrored Sudden Attacker Technique
Shadow Clones

Dance of-
Clematis Vine & Flower
Seedling Fern
Ten Finger Drilling Bullets
Wind-Enhanced bone techniques

So begins...

Jimaru Kaguya's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kantar Utsui Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Yoko Character Portrait: Toyoka Shigemitsu Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Jimaru Kaguya
Jimaru was idly leaning against a fence outside of the main gate. He had been sent in advance of the Mizukage. He impassively watched the gathering the main entrance, the Tsuchikage and the Raikage. He just watched and waited. He bore no identifying marks or clothing of his native village. The Mizukage should be along soon, assuming Genta finished his mission on time. The timing couldn't be helped, so Jimaru had been sent ahead, it wasn't that big of a deal, he was marked with the flying thunder god seal, so the Lord Shuro could transport himself to him nearly instantly. In the meantime, he was content to watch the passerby.

Shuro Otsugi
Shuro stood in the door to the Mizukage's, his very own, office. He finally caught sight of the Genta's massive flying lizard setting down outside, and waited for the man to show up. When he caught sight of Genta making his way up to the office, he strode down to meet him, noticing that he did indeed have the Samehada. I see your mission was a success, good. So you have your sword now, are you coming to the chuunin exams or not? Jimaru is already there waiting for us.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Shuro Otsugi

Shuro smiled at Genta, "Good, I am sure you will do the Mist proud as Samehada's new wielder." As they walked Genta was making small talk, Shuro nodded politely, "I am well, hopefully you are too. Well, I think we will expedite matters here. The others can take the boat, I need to meet up with Jimaru now. Come along." With that, Shuro took a hold of Genta's shoulder and used the flying thunder god technique to transport them from the Hidden Mist all the way to Jimaru outside of the Hidden Leaf Village in an instant. "There, that was far more efficient, I hope you don't mind." Looking at Jimaru he said, "Report."

Jimaru Kaguya

Jimaru was still resting against the fence when the Mizukage arrived. "Report." "The other kage's and their escorts have already arrived my lord. Additionally, a small, purple-haired, female, Leaf genin was in the area awhile back. She possessed an unusual chakra, it is possible that she is a jinchuriki, though I was too far away for positive identification. I believe it would be best if we proceed to the arena now." With that, they set off for the arena, ready to observe both the matches, and the other villages' leaders and powerful shinobi.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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#, as written by darkune
Samehada detached from Genta's head and flopped over toward the girl with purple hair. "Hey where are you going Samehada? I know you are accustom to going after Jinchuuriki, but you can't anymore." With that Genta wrapped up Samehada to prevent it from leaving and caught up to the Mizukage and his aid.

"I wish I was back in the Chuunin exams, then I would put Isobu to his full potential and rip the place apart. To bad I didn't know how to use his power back then, I might even have your title lord Mizukage." Genta chuckled while giving a goofy smile and put down his mask so he could breath easily. Genta face was a bright red due to some minor burns from his childhood and his tongue was moving frantically against his lips to moisten them.

Konoha looked so different then how it was described by Genta's father, the town wasn't very large and was surrounding a giant crater. It was so weird that one man could cause so much destruction. "Pain was so powerful." Genta mumbled and smelled barbeque along with various other foods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Shuro Otsugi

Shuro laughed at Genta's comment about taking his place. "Don't push your luck Genta. I've got my own tricks." Watched as Samehada started bouncing off in the direction the Jimaru said the Jimaru said purple-haired girl had left in. It seemed their may have been some truth to her jinchuriki status after all. It would bear further investigation. As they made their way to the gate, he saw one of his wolf summons off to the side in the woods looking at him. What was he doing here? "Hmm..." He muttered to himself. In a firm, business-like voice Shuro said, "Genta, please go ahead and make sure things are ready for our arrival. It appears Jimaru and I have some business to take care of." Then he flashed a humoring smile, "And please make sure your friend doesn't eat anyone, we are trying to avoid an incident today."

Shuro and Jimaru detached from Genta and went off the road to the wolf. "Report." The wolf replied, "There has been a development. Someone is near who you may be interested in talking to." Shuro arched an eyebrow. His summons, and scouts would never make contact with him so close to a foreign village unless it was something truly important. The wolf continued, "Kagura, the rogue Stone ninja is here. She has destroyed a Leaf shinobi, and it is not clear yet what she wants here. I have tracked her to here, she must be within the village now." Shuro thought to himself for a moment. "Very well, good work. Dismissed." Turning back towards the village he said, "Jimaru, I will go on to the tournament. You find Kagura, let her know I wish to meet with her. Peacefully. Tell her I have a proposal which could benefit the both of us." Jimaru nodded and moved off into the village on his own while the Mizukage proceeded to the tournament grounds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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#, as written by darkune
"Uh. Wait your leaving me here surrounded by people who have publicly brutalized my kind?" Genta got suddenly nervous around all of the Leaf ninja. Please don't be scared Genta. Hey we are in Kurama's home town, we could go hang out with him and his Jinchuriki! Isobu asked Genta incessantly making Genta's stomach rumble. "Isobu I thought you and Kurama didn't leave on very good terms last time you two met." Genta wondered whilst smelling the delicious food that filled the town. Well maybe things have changed over time, I mean it has been around 50 years. Isobu became suddenly shy and reclusive. "Okay. Okay we will go look for his Junchuriki, but we have to go and get everything ready for Lord Mizukage at the tournament first." Genta conceded not wanting Isobu to sink into his shell and not come out until he was ready.

With that Genta set up the Mizukage's lunch, robes, books, and his chair that watched over the stadium when Samehada started to growl. "Samehada don't growl at the Kage's! That is so rude." Genta put his hand on the wrappings and felt Samehada jolt toward the other end of the stadium. "Grawh!" Samehada roared and kept on jolting until Genta saw what it had sensed. There was someone spying on the Kage's, but it wasn't just another villager. The person was actually in a zone where no civilian was allowed, they must have thought that they were camouflaged. "Okay Samehada, I understand. Kekkigan!" He activated his Kekkei Genkai which he used to make a barrier that stretched to the other end of the stadium like a bridge.

"Lord Kage's please stay here." He politely asked the Kage's and flashstepped over to the other end of the stadium to confront this person. "Hey you aren't allowed over here, people might think your going to assassinate a Kage. People don't generally like the idea of someone killing there leader." Genta spoke and released his Kekkigan while noticing that this wasn't some crazed rouge ninja but looked like a harmless girl that wouldn't hurt a fly, but this feeling fell away when she jumped off the roof and didn't even say hello. "Rude!" Genta yelled and noticed Jimaru talking with the girl. "Oh so you'll talk to him but not me." He said feeling like a loser. Genta she probably didn't notice you, it isn't your fault! Isobu comforted his host and suggested that they go find Kurama's host now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Kantar Utsui Character Portrait: Yoko Character Portrait: Kankora, the Scorpion of the Sands Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Jimaru Kaguya

Jimaru turned and nodded slightly to Kagura, glad that they were still on good terms. Once Genta had departed, and after making sure there was no one else around he faced the woman. "The one I represent would like to meet with you." He removed a special kunai from his tunic, one of the same variety used by the 4th Hokage. He was being cryptic, for the sake of deniability should someone overhear them, but he knew Kagura would know he was talking about the Mizukage. "It has to do with a certain proposition. To that end, we were wondering how you would feel about helping us get a gift for the Tsuchikage. He turned to look at the Leaf Village. What do you say? Would you be willing to help us out? I believe there is a certain clan here that has just the gift we are looking for... Maybe something in red?" Without saying it explicitly, he figured she would understand what he was talking about. Something red they could get for the blind kage.

Shuro Otsugi

Shuro made quietly made his way through the village alone. The hat of the Mizukage resting on his head. After a time he reached the rest of the kages as they were about to enter the arena. "Hello my fellow Lords and Lady." He said this with a pleasant smile and a slight bow to the group. "Sorry for my tardiness, I hope I didn't hold anything up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Hana Uchiha Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Hayate Uchiha Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Hayate smiled at Hana, and let his Mangekyo disappear into his normal eyes. As if sad, he walked over to Hana, a frown on his face. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"This wasn't just a battle for the hell of it, Cousin. Because my household have all died of old age or missions, i have a feeling i'm next.. And with my eyes in poor condition, and illnesses and the sort." He paused to cough a little. "You see... This is the last time we see eachother. Or atleast, i think. I've been sent on an S-Rank, alone. And me being me, probably won't make it back this time. Sorry." He smiled at Hana, and poofed into thin air.

He appeared behind the tree Kagura was next to. He grinned evily. He just spoke like that to Hana just to make her worry. Hayate, thinking he had the jump on her, ran around the corner to be greeted by something unfortunate.

Kagura heard him landing behind the tree she was near. "Hold that thought." She muttered, making a few handsigns. "Forbidden Jutsu: Reverse Sealing Technique." She grunted, her fingers covered in light blue flames of Chakra, her hands eventually followed. Hayate ran around the corner of the tree, and was hit square in the stomach with the jutsu. He didn't even have time to scream, as his Bijuu was sucked out of him and into one of Kagura's vials. Hayate simply gasped, and fell back.

"It's a shame, but you wanted to kill me." She whispered, kneeling down and praying for him. She saw his eyes, and then the Uchiha symbol on his Flak Jacket. "I've heard of this clan. Anyway, Rest in Peace. Uchiha. I pray that you journey to the afterlife safely."

She stood up and turned in the direction of Genta, her eyes flashing red. "Hmph. Spies." She muttered, turning to Jimaru. "What do you mean, something in red? The Nine- Oh. You [i]Did]/i] mean that, didn't you. I got it right here, thanks to that idiot back there. Truthfully, i've had my eye on him for a month now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Jimaru smirked and shook his head some fools just wasted their lives in a head-long manner. "Not exactly what I had in mind. Your dear Tsuchikage would appreciate it though I'm sure." He looked down at the dead Uchiha. Perfect, and he even had a mangekyo sharingan to boot. "However, I thought maybe he would more appreciate the ability to gaze upon his subjects again. Wouldn't you agree? He has been without sight for a long while. Imagine how grateful he would be if you could restore his sight to him. I can think of no greater way to get back into his favor."

He removed two transportation scrolls from his tunic and unrolled them over the body of the young Uchiha in an X pattern. He wove a few quick handsigns and placed his palm where the two scrolls overlapped. The corpse vanished in a puff of smoke, straight to the Hidden Mist autopsy department. The scrolls' power was completely used up transporting the body and they crumpled to dust.

Jimaru rose from his crouch. "However, if you wanted to give away that vial," he nodded to the vial containing the ninetails, "I am sure the one I represent would be willing to come to a most agreeable arrangement with you as sadly I have come unprepared to negotiate for something so valuable."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Kantar Utsui Character Portrait: Yoko Character Portrait: Toyoka Shigemitsu Character Portrait: Kankora, the Scorpion of the Sands Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi
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Kantar Utsui

As the group was on their way, Kantar enjoyed the warm weather. It was rather nice, he did enjoy this weather the temperate weather of the Leaf Village. However, he was pulled away from enjoying the weather as a he detected a familiar presence. He increased his sensory projection and sharpened the focus on the presence to be sure. There was no doubt, Kagura. Kantar did not stop walking, slow down, alter his gait, or even change facial expressions. To even the most astute interrogator, it appeared as though nothing had changed. But in his mind he was wondering what Kagura was doing here, now of all times. He hoped she wasn't here to stir up trouble, heaven knew they didn't need it now. She was in close proximity to a chakra signature he recognized as belonging to one of the Mizukage's men, his assistant. And then their was another, with the distinct, proud chakra of an Uchiha.

Kantar observed the short-lived battle as the Uchiha attacked, and had his...tailed beast? Sucked out by Kagura. Now there was a surprise. The Mist ninja made the body disappear. Kantar continued to walk along, seemingly oblivious to the tragedy he had just witnessed.

The Mizukage soon caught up with them, right as they were about to enter the arena and before he could answer Kankora's question. Kantar had detected him about the time he had expanded his senses to get a better bead on Kagura. "Hello my fellow Lords and Lady. Sorry for my tardiness, I hope I didn't hold anything up." Kantar faced the man and smiled, "Speak of the devil, we were just beginning to wonder if you wouldn't be able to make it!" He laughed, "But no, its perfectly alright, we all just arrived a short while ago ourselves." He decided that for the time being he would say nothing on the matter of Kagura, he was currently unsure of what exactly she was doing here, and didn't want to start trouble. Kantar could tell that Toyoka was using her special technique as well, no doubt she had picked up on Kagura. He wondered what the former Stone ninja could be up to, though he continued to act for all the world as though his only concern was to enjoy the tournament and the company of his fellow Kage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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#, as written by darkune
"GRAWH!" Samehada screeched and jumped off Genta's back. "What. Oh my. Isobu did you feel that?" Genta asked feeling Kurama's chakra fading. Yes go back and see if Jimaru knows what happened. Isobu comanded and Genta followed Samehada back to the group. "That chakra! I can feel it surging! Its... Its the Nine Tail's!" Genta saw the surging red chakra in the vial and jumped down next to the seemingly harmless woman. "Excuse me, but I would very much like that vial of my fallen brothers Bijuu. Please I would like to make sure Kurama gets to a good host before he dies in that vial." Genta pleaded with the girl holding out his hand in the case that she showed some good faith to him and gave Kurama away to another Jinchuuriki.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Kantar Utsui Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Kagura froze for a moment. "I was going to give this to the Tsuchikage. To make sure it was kept under heavy guard.. But alright. To keep it alive." She whimpered, Raising the vial towards the man. She placed it in his hand and stepped back.

"Since you're a Mist Ninja, and you're well, Here. I'll assume you're the Mizukage's Guard, right? Well, tell the Tsuchikage i said Hello. And that i 'm sorry, yet again." She muttered, turning and walking towards the leaf village. Just before she entered the gate, Kagura ran up the walls, and walked along the side until she came to a halt at the stadium. With a quick handsign, she had appeared in a seat, and was ready to watch.

She smiled. It had been a while since she got to admire the leaf village in it's beauty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Ginga Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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#, as written by darkune
"This is great. He will finally get to live a good life.... Oh I'm sorry I forgot where I was, I have to get this to his new host." Genta said and flashstepped out of the village and quickly made his way to the shore of the Fire nation. "Ginga? Ginga are you here?" Genta called out as he entered a small shack on the beach, inside was a young boy with the Kekkigan flashing in his eyes.

"Brother? What are you doing here?" The young boy asked lowering the barrier around him allowing his brother to enter. "I wont live much longer brother, but it was so nice of you to come and visit me on my death bed." Ginga smiled and looked at the vial in Genta's hands. "What is that? What have you done Genta?" He coughed a few times and gave a worried frown.

"Brother, this is the Nine Tailed Fox. I am going to seal it inside of you and let you be healed by it's chakra. It will not hurt, I swear." Genta made out a few hand seals and took the pure demon chakra out of the vial which he sealed into his younger brother. "Now give it time, you will feel better." Genta sat down next to the boy and stroked his hair.

Ginga had fallen to sleep when Genta stepped out of the room attempting to call the Mizukage and tell him what happened. Ginga didn't belong to any village but was a powerful ninja all the same. Genta had actually taught him in his youth and now that he was a host Genta could further his training.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kagura Character Portrait: Ginga Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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Shuro Otsugi

Shuro watched with some interest as Kagura began her assault. Strictly speaking, he had not expected such a bold move from her. As the Kazekage formed a barrier, Shuro marked the ground at the foot of his chair with his teleportation seal. He then teleported to Jimaru who remained outside of the city. Jimaru relayed the information on securing the Uchiha. He was pleased to know that this one actually possessed a mangekyo sharingan. And Genta had recovered the nine-tailed fox? That was a surprise. He was interested to see what he had done with it.

Shuro's kind smile belied the darker intentions swirling around in his heart and mind. As an alarmingly large explosion rocked the area, causing a blast they could make out from where they stood, Shuro decided to return to the arena and see what needed to be done. Taking a hold of Jimaru, he teleported back to his spot in the arena. He was rather surprised to find the situation as it stood. Kagura, impaled upon a sharp rock protrusion, it looked as though she had taken a beating. Courtesy no doubt of the Tsuchikage's assistant, Kavic Toth from the looks of it. He noticed off to the side was Genta's brother, Ginga. Why did he have Samehada strapped to his back? And what was he doing here? According to Genta, he was practically bedridden. Shuro did not appreciate the implications. However, for the time being he and Shuro were content to listen to the proceedings between the Tsuchikage and Kagura. It seemed she wanted to return to the Hidden Stone. Shuro had a stoic look on his face. This was a grave matter, it would be interesting to see how the Tsuchikage handled it. As a rule, the Hidden Mist would execute captured rogue ninja after subjecting them to intense interrogation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genta Tategami Character Portrait: Ginga Tategami Character Portrait: Shuro Otsugi Character Portrait: Jimaru Kaguya
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#, as written by darkune
"Hmm I smell Genta on someone. Its nearby so I might be able to track it." Ginga closed his eyes and literally followed wherever his nose lead him to. Soon Ginga was colliding nose first into a Kirigakure shinobi nose first causing mass pain and confusion to Ginga.

This reminded Ginga of the first time that he had to be hospitalized, Ginga had lost his sight temporarily and had to guide by his nose. He would collide into things all the time without warning, that's when he trained his nose to smell even the slightest traces of normal everyday things. When Ginga's sight returned Genta had made his little brother strapped to a bed until his legs atrophied beyond normal use.

My god, I think you may be retarded. Yep that's it your retarded. Kurama moaned as Ginga opened his eyes to see that this was not an ordinary shinobi it was the Mizukage and his aid, the ones that Genta always warned him about if he ever got better. "Shut up Kurama! Look guys, I'm sorry about that. I don't want any trouble, I am just going to find someplace else to be right now." Ginga smacked his stomach and started to slowly backed away with Samehada strapped to his back.