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Ruler of Aries

0 · 1,044 views · located in The Land of Cosmos

a character in “Natsukashii”, as played by chrian.


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        Now you are watchin' us
        Outside the circle.
        Wanna be in the company boy, but you are lonely
        Dance with nobody.
        Run away child to your hiding place.

        In the land of the twilight, under the moon
        We dance for the idiots.
        Ring-around-the-roses, jump to the moon
        We sing with the castanets.

        - In the land of twilight, under the moon by Kajiura Yuki

        ruler of aries / 31 / arisia / illusion manipulation / merlin

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                I L L U S I O N _M A N I P U L A T I O N

                M I S T _O F _R E A L I T Y
                I. . . . . ..
                The ability to create or conjure illusions, which depending on the intensity of which Dharylan is casting on his targets, will fool all five of their senses. However, while using this ability, a temporal link will be enacted between Dharylan and his targets, forcing him to see what he made them see, feel what he made them feel, and so on. For example, if he makes someone believe that they are being burnt alive, then he too will feel the same pain they are feeling. Those with sharp perception will suffer lesser effects by this power, or even dispel it altogether, but this case is not common.

                A R C _O F _N I H I L I S M
                II. . . . . .
                As a mean of self-defense, Dharylan can focus his magical energy to temporarily downgrade the effect the enacted link between him and his targets down to a minimum, and at the same time, conjuring unavoidable illusions that will immediately cause those standing in a near vicinity with him to be dulled of their senses, thus causing them to be paralyzed for a duration of time up to hours or even days. But as said, this ability is very taxing, and may leave Dharylan unable to create illusions again for several days afterward. It also took a while to activate, and can be evade by jumping outside of the 'zone' where it affects but this is often difficult.

                A B S O L U T I O N
                III. . . . ..
                By sacrificing a part of his body, Dharylan can alter his illusions and turn them into reality. For example, if he makes someone seeing an apple in front of them, he can turn the said illusion into real by giving up a considerable amount of his hair or some of his blood. While this ability sounds overpowering, it is not something he can tread with carelessly, as the prices that he needed to pay for it are unthinkable. He cannot turn illusions of living beings, or a vision too large of a scale into reality. And if Dharylan uses this power to harm others, then no matter the extent, be it just by giving them a small scratch or went on total genocide, the price he will pay is death.

                S I D E x E F F E C T S
                IV. . . . . .
                Dharylan can control his power without problems as long as his mind is strong and vital, but as he gets older and his cerebral capability decreases, the consequences for his actions will catch up to him. As of now he is already beginning to experience hallucinations and visions of the illusions he once conjured in the past, and it will only get worse as days pass by, until his mind fades away completely and goes with it his grips on reality.

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        L I K E S
        ☐ │ philosophy books
        ☐ │ flowers
        ☐ │ animals
        ☐ │ sweets
        x x x x x x
        D I S L I K E S
        ☐ │ rushing
        ☐ │ bluntness
        ☐ │ disturbance
        ☐ │ seafoods

        "The flower, so gracious and ever enticing, blooms as the sun rises far in the horizon. It shines brilliantly, flares up in its' pride as all must bow to behold and bask in its' magnificence. Immersing in its' short-lived envision of a perfect world, the flower prepares for its' disillusion and demise, by the gust of wind called 'life'."

- - - -









"We spend our whole lives fighting
for whatever we considers as
'precious' - be it glory, fame or love.
Yet in the end, nothing is left
but the realization that
everything is but a fleeting,
foam-like illusion. And whether
life itself is merely another
mirage in front of our eyes,
all shall be revealed as we
enter the far beyond."

moral alignment: lawful neutral





















        what lies beneath the endless sea of blooming flowers

        Upon the first meeting, one might get an impression that Dharylan is unlike any other examples of a ruler they may have seen out there. Kings and queens are expected to be stern, graceful and poised and must not outwardly expresses how they feel. And Dharylan's eccentricity proudly goes back on all of the prejudices. He is very informal, and is never seen without wearing a smile on his face, regardless of the situations, and he deals with all, be it monarchy, nobles or mere peasants, in pretty much the same manner. Do not be surprised should you ever see him sitting with one of his legs on the chair at a very serious meeting, his obsession with flowers of all kinds that gave him the title 'The Flower King', or his palace filled with stray cats he picked up on the streets simply because he 'cannot resist their watery eyes.'

        Dharylan's everyday lifestyle is comparable to that of an old philosopher, despite him being merely 30 years of age. It might be surprising to others of the frugal and modest way he lives - he never wantonly wastes gold on balls, parties and feasts, he set out to decorate and furnish his palace in a simple yet elegant way, his personal working chamber is no different than that of a commoner, and so on. He also often spends time sitting in his garden and thinking about all of the philosophies in life, reminiscing about the past and envisioning the future. Dharylan is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves, and for that, most who came across with him believe that he is easy to read like a book.

        But the world simply never works that way. As all that laid before the eyes might not be what they appeared to be. Dharylan understands that better than anyone else, and he is no different.

        Even if a sheep is living its' day peacefully on a grass field, it will inevitably be eaten by the wolves one day if it doesn't harden its' own horns. To be the one standing above so many others, living with no skeletons in the closet is equal to that of suicide. Lies behind the smiley, happy face of Dharylan is a much more complicated person. After all, he wouldn't be sitting on the throne of Arisia now if he isn't, amidst all civil conflicts that had once flared up within the country he endears as much as a part of himself. A thing about him some may have noted is his absolute composure, so much that even in the presence of someone who might obliterate him at a sleight of hand, he would still retain his nonchalant posture.

        Dharylan is calculative, and on occasions, manipulative, on the justification if it serves a greater good for his people and his kingdom. He never allows himself to be outmatched, and with a surprisingly quick wit, knows what is the best thing to do when decisions have to be made. Beneath his usual eccentric and informal self is a devoted and determined man, who knows when to be soft and when to hold things with a serious grip. Dharylan is perfectly capable of putting asides all of his personal feelings and stick to his rational thinking when the situations call for it. He makes those casting their eyes on him believe they have seen all there is to known of him, but in fact, always holding back the trump cards, so that he will always have something to turn to should all else fail.

        Loved and cherished by all of his citizens for bringing Arisia back to its' former glory after a winding periods of conflicts and civil wars between factions within the kingdom for power, for his charisma and just rule, Dharylan hopes for nothing but the best for his beloved home country, and is willing to go for any lengths in order to maintain the order that has been lasting for as long as the land of Cosmos itself.

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      S T R E N G T H S
      I. . . . . .
      knowledge / Spending a lot of time reading, researching and studying, Dharylan is most confident in his knowledge of all aspects in the world.
      blademaster / Though already has guards, he still trained diligently in swordplay since he was young, so in certain circumstances, he can still defend himself.
      concealing / Dharylan is known for his friendly smile, and this is the perfect tool for him to conceal his true thoughts and intentions.
      gardening / He secretly has a green thumb, thanks for the majority of free time he spent tending for his beloved garden.

      W E A K N E S S E S
      II. . . . .
      concentration / It is difficult for Dharylan to focus on something if his mind is thinking over something else, and at times this cause troubles for his followers.
      adamant / He always hold confidence in his own decisions and judgement, and sometimes, this eluded him from listening to the good advice of others.
      seafoods / Just by the aroma is enough to cause Dharylan's body to act up, so he will avoid it whenever he visits somewhere else.

      Q U I R K S & H A B I T S
      sits in his garden and watch the flowers for hours | always carrying his beloved pet around | do gardening jobs whenever he needs to collect his thought | sits on the roof of the palace to watch stars when he can't sleep | reading boring philosophy books no one would bother | playing one or two piano songs everyday




      "In this fickle world, trust not your eyes but your heart, and know that you shall find what you crave for."

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      - -ImageImage
      H I S T O R Y
      A sheep no longer a sacrifice

      "Your name is Dharylan, and remember, my child, the Arisians will sing of this name until the end of time."

      He was but a bastard child of the previous ruler of Arisia - the kingdom of Aries, hidden away when he was still an infant long before the night the whole royal family was massacred in cold blood by rivaling factions for the throne. Yet, he grew up, stronger and determined than ever, readily to reclaim what is rightfully his, and to restore orders back to how they once were.

      They considered him as an abomination who should not have even existed. He was their greatest miscalculation, an error they should have taken into consideration. But there he stood, right in front of them in the flesh, as he drove them out of their positions, executing or banishing them for their crimes against their nation, dragging the kingdom out of its' years of ravaging and civil conflicts, as a new reign begun. On his coronation day, with his head held high, he stepped up to the throne in the fanfare, as people shouted his name as their savior.

      And once again, as the debris of war is fast approaching, he prays everyday that he will be capable to make the same miracle again.

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                R E L A T I O N S
                Sided with the king

                T H E . Q U E E N
                I. . . .
                xxx"Red camellia."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                T H E . K I N G
                II. . . .
                xxx"Cherry blossom."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                A R I E S
                III. . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                T A U R U S
                IV. . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                G E M I N I
                V. . . . .
                xxx"Azalea and peach blossom."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                C A N C E R
                VI. . . .
                xxx"Blue rose."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                L E O
                VII. . ..

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                V I R G O
                VIII. . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                L I B R A
                IX. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                S C O R P I O
                X. . . . . .
                xxx"Spider lily."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                S A G I T T A R I U S
                XI. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                C A P R I C O R N
                XII. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                A Q U A R I U S
                XIII. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                P I S C E S
                XIV. . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                O P H I U C H U S
                XV. . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                Q U E E N ' S . G U A R D
                XVI. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                Q U E E N ' S . A S S I S T A N T
                XVII. . . . .

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                K I N G ' S . G U A R D
                XVIII. . . . .
                xxx"White chrysanthemum."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

                K I N G ' S . D A R K N E S S
                XIX. . . . .
                xxx"Black rose."

                A little bit more on how your character feels about them, or previous history they had. This does not need to be long. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

                █ █ █ █ █ RESPECT - -█ █ █ █ █ FRIENDSHIP - -█ █ █ █ █ DISCOMFORT - -█ █ █ █ █ HATRED
                █ █ █ █ █ ROMANTIC - █ █ █ █ █ TERROR - -

So begins...

Dharylan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
Tag Characters » Add to Arc »

0.00 INK

#, as written by Verix

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          C H A P T E R x O N E

          On a throne made of stars, a lone figure sits watching the world come undone. It says nothing, but even in silence it tells a story. A cloak of galaxies surround its body, engulfing it in bright light, and yet The Eye itself appears to be the darkest object in the universe. Born from a dying star, or the desperate wish of The Universe, The Eye does not waver.

          As The World completes it revolution around the sun, The Eye removes itself from its throne and begins its journey toward the center of all creation. It pays no heed to the dying light on its right, or the nameless cluster of stars to its left, for its attention lies solely on the embodiment of The Universe.

          The speck of light visibly brightens as The Eye grows nearer, but dims at the sight of its enraged face. It knows the reason for its anger, but is helpless to stop it.

          “Quidvis,” The Eye stops in front of the light and falls to its knees. “I beg you, please destroy them. Erase them from existence, ravage their lands, and start anew. Can you not see that they are all unworthy of your divinity?”

          The Universe sighs, forces The Eye to stand even though it struggles to stay bowed down. “I see, but I cannot make myself devastate the things I have created so easily.” Visions of the world being destroyed begin to play within The Eye’s mind, and a sense of hopelessness washes over its being. “I cannot destroy the purpose of your existence.”

          “I do not deserve your benevolence,” The Eye looks away from The Universe and toward the planet that has doomed its creator. “But neither do they." The Universe darkens but it does not respond, perhaps in agreement with The Eye or in empathy for its creatures — not even itself knows the answer.

          “By your example, I will give them one more chance, and if they cannot bear the scattered pieces of your heart — I will destroy them.” The Eye leaves no room for objection, but the Universe does not give any. “I sincerely hope this is not the last time I speak with you my dear Quidvis.”

          “And I with you.” The Eye nods and silently makes its way toward the portal that leads it to The World. It does not turn back, but still it can feel the pitying glance of the Universe. It does not relent.

                        QUEEN OF STARS | #d59ca9

                        Estelle watched as her breath turned to smoke, a twisted apparition of her own life force, and frowned as it disappeared into the cool morning. As if in a dream, she could only take notice of the scenery before her with a detached sort of wonder. Half expecting the illusion of Heaven’s Eye to shatter, she prepared her heart for the worst.

                        She took notice of the fog rolling along the hills, like a blanket embracing the earth, and the way flowers only seemed to bloom in straight lines. White petals lining the well-trodden pathways with their beauty, deterring anyone from straying to far. Estelle was unsure if it was for their safety of its own, but nonetheless made note not to wander alone. After all, Heaven’s Eye had only been visited eight times by the zodiacs, and the locals of the island did not show signs of deviating from the flower-set course.

                        “Port in sight! Docking!”

                        The airship landed with a jolt, but Estelle was prepared and caught herself before she could fall. Other members of her crew however were much less fortunate, and the sound of bodies hitting the floor did nothing to amuse her.

                        “My Queen, we have arrived,” Augustine stated, and bowed his head in respect. She saw his secret smile however, the veil of his aqua blue hair was a horrible curtain, to which her only response was silence. That man never seemed to learn, and Estelle seemed to always forget to reprimand him. Perhaps it was high time she told Fauna to write a memo, or for Levir to give him lessons on etiquette.

                        She would do so after the war.

                        With that in mind, Estelle moved quickly off the boat and onto the wooden dock where her crew stood and waited. She gave them no notice however as her attention was called for by a castle in the distance, with high towers and powerful turrets, but obscured by the haze of the island. Her mind began to race as the gravity of her situation began to take form; where the lessons learned in history were not simply words printed on a page, but rather had become her reality.

                        It was certainly one thing to read about an event, and another to live it.

                        “Levir, Fauna, come. We are to meet with —,” her voice trailed off into a whisper, a stark contrast to her normal acidic tone, as she noticed a group of white nodded figures emerging from the mist. Estelle, with much trouble, kept her face studiously blank, noting how the beings weren’t so much walking as they were floating with their feet firmly planted on the ground.

                        As they drew closer she came to recognize their faces, long, gaunt, and drawn out with pale white skin, and three eyes that seemed to be perpetually closed. They were just as her books described them to be, the Virtus.

                        The Virtus stopped in front of her, their breath like wind on her face, and by instinct Estelle moved toward Levir in caution. All was silent as no one dared to disturb the tension, and only when the leader raised its hand did she release the tension in her shoulders.

                        “Estelle, Queen of Stars, Mediator of the Cosmos, Ruler of Caelestis,” its voice was hauntingly familiar, and a cadence not unlike a church bell. “Come with me.”

                        She nodded her head in understanding, and slowly turned her back to her crew and guards. However, the being stood still — did not seem to recognize her movement.

                        The Virtus, titled its head to the right and from the mass of ghosts, two figures emerged with ease. Surprise marred her features as her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell a gape, the weight of their actions finally dawning on her.

                        No one was allowed past the half-way point. No one but the Zodiacs.

                        “Levir Gaege, Protector of the Stars, The Heart of Caelestis, The Eye has agreed to see you.”

                        “Fauna Cassiopeia, Assistant to the Stars, The Memory of Caelestis, The Eye has agreed to see you.”

                        Time seemed to stop, and the sky seemed to brighten in return. The only sound audible was the rushing of the wind, and the cold intakes of breath.

                        “Follow me.” The lead Virtus commanded, and so without much of a choice, Estelle obeyed.

                        Perhaps in the confusion of the unprecedented occurrence, Augustine had tried to follow, but was soon halted as the Virtus quickly spun around, opening all three of its eyes. “I am afraid you are mistaken, mortal, but only those The Eye has deemed worthy are to follow." A bright light engulfed the form of Augustine, and within moments the high guard of Caelestis had fallen to his knees, clawing at where his eyes used to be. His screams filled the air with music, a cruel song the Virtus knew all to well - had composed really, and Estelle could only listen as she had not the heart to watch.

                        "Let this be a lesson to you all so you may refrain from making such a mistake in the future.” The Virtus shut its eyes and turned toward the three mortals chosen. “As we were.”


                        The trek to the castle in the mist was silent save for the rustling of the three mortals feet. Estelle picked up her dress as to not allow it to be soiled unnecessarily, and employed the help of both Levir and Fauna to carry it as well.

                        When they finally arrived at castle gate, the Virtus did not knock as the doors seemed to open by itself. Estelle walked warily in, unsure if her actions would offend any of the beings despite having memorized the correct procedures for Eistrea.

                        “Sit, the others should be arriving shortly.” Estelle nodded and took a seat at the large rectangular table where a map of the Cosmos had been carved into the wood. What she found off however were twenty bright marks on the table, each changing with every passing second. They all seemed to be drawing near Heaven’s Eye, but three lone dots remained unmoving.

                        Her blood turned to ice, and finally the illusion shattered. She was awoken from her dream.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia Character Portrait: Gale Arash
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#, as written by chrian.
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"In this world, there is nothing such as coincidences, only the inevitable and the predestined."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dharylan D. Aerys
Ruler of Aries


xxxxxIt was but another fine day in the land of Cosmos, the sacred continent where the stars born and die, the ultimate landings of the Zodiacs, where humankind thrived and achieved their zenith. All kinds of magnificent sayings and quotes can be weaved in regards to this very land. But, as of any other creations that had come into being by the hands of The Universe, the land, its' rulers and its' people, all come with flaws. They indulged in their meager blessings, they basked in the glory bestowed upon them, they sing songs of their victories and their civilizations. And now, they deny their responsibilities, fall prey to the greed and darkness of their hearts. They blame it all on each other, and conflicts began to spark. The orders began to spiral out of their balance, and peace soon will be but a distant dream.

A war to resolve all problem.

Eventually, they had had to come down to this resolution. An end-game scenario, as one would probably say. Will everything return to the way they once were, or will this land spin deeper towards its' inevitable demise? The revelation is but a matter of time, and all that may transpire shall carve a deep marking into the very core of this world. To enthuse the moments to come as a 'marking that breathes life to the canvas that had remained colorless for too long' or to fall into the bottomless pit of despair, over what was surely to come. It is no doubt that every soul standing on the lands of Cosmos will have a decision to make.

"Fou, fou, kyuu." The clear sound of the little Cait Aidolon woke Dharylan up from his nap, as he had somehow dozed off while he was sitting in the cabin and admiring the views, possibly having composed some poems on the way, while the royal airship was taking him to the far Heaven's Eye on the other side of the map. Slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was the little thing sitting by his head and licking his face. He smiled brightly as he grasped his small pet within his two hands and snuggled its' nose with his own. "Good morning, Mayvin. Is it time to take care of the Grand Garden already? What could I possibly do without you ~" He coddled the beast in a way similar to a mother playing with her own infant.

"It's almost noon already, and we're not at Vengard, nor at the Palace." Another husky voice spoke up from the other side of the cabin. It was a tall man with red hair, bearing a sword made not from Arisia but from Dai-uchu by his belt. He was standing with his arms crossed and his back leaned against the wall, gazing at the Flower King with his ever frowned eyebrows and confident grin. "You really didn't see this occasion as something of a high altitude, did you?"

Dharylan chuckled, "Why, of course I did, dearest Akira. I just don't want to be overly excited about it. Should I throw banquets and balls all over this humble ship just to show that I'm looking forward to be able to partake in an event only occurred once in several lifetimes?"

"That's not what I meant." Akira shrugged as he approached his king, step by step, until he stood proudly in front of him, "What I'm trying to say is that you should probably show more excitements at times. You never really gotten bored looking at yourself in the mirror and to see that goofy grin again and again?"

Dharylan let go of Mayvin and crossed his legs, "I suppose so. I have never been someone who is too much of an emotional one. I thought you of all people should know that?"

"Now that I think of that, the only times when I really saw you showing more colorful expressions on your face are when I discard this exuberant robe off." Akira smirked as he lowered himself and trailing his finger across Dharylan's robe, then caressing his face.

"Come now, you didn't even let me have a break for the whole night yesterday, and now your 'beast' is still vigorous? Have you been taking doses of ouvofros pollen behind my back?" Dharylan pretended to protest Akira's action, but a mischievous chuckle made its' way on his face. He didn't flinch away from his closest guard, though.

"Don't talk as if you are so innocent. Need me to remind whose name you're always screaming? I have no idea which kind of sheep you apply yourself to, but the wolves definitely would stay far away from them, if I must say." Akira hold some flocks of Dharylan's soft hair and placed a kiss on them, before moving away to the window on the other side of the cabin, gazing outside, "We should be there soon. Are you certain that this is the right path for you? I usually don't listen to what Aserys got to say, but I must admit this time he might have a point. You needn't have to raise your blade against anyone. Especially if some of them are meaningful to you."

"There is no turning back now, Akira." Dharylan gazed outside of the window next to him, his voice is calm, yet full of certainty. He can already see the grounds of Heaven's Eye in the distance, "The sacrifices will be humongous. Yes, I know. It pains me to watch my people being plunged into yet another tragedy. I live for the present, but I still hold envisions towards the future. No matter what will all of this resulted, I believe it will all worth it. I prayed and I questioned the Deuses everyday whether if my choice is correct or not, but if this is the only for us to actually find some meanings, amidst this torturous boundaries between illusions and reality, then so be it." Dharylan then stood up as the airship slowly approached the dock, and gazed at Akira, "Will you place your trust in me, like you did many years ago when you pledged your sword in front of me?"

With no hesitation, Akira bowed, "With all my life, your Grace."

As the airship stopped at the dock, Dharylan walked out into the open air. It was certainly a thing to let your mind wander in imagination when reading the books and observing the paintings, and an entirely different one to be graced in the reality. If allowed to stay in Heaven's Eye longer, he believes he would be able to compose thousands of poems when he return. But apparently, there is no time for that. He also noticed other airships bearing insignia of the other kingdoms were also there before them. One was from Caelestis, one was from Gradivus, and the one which Dharylan presented to Omne after he was coronated as a token of gratitude bearing the color of Dai-uchu.

Dharylan put on his hood and disembarked the airship by himself. As much as he wanted to take Akira along with him, the line written in the script of the Arisia King who attended the previous Eistrea which stated that 'mere mortals, thou shalt not trespass the holy grounds, for thy punishment awaits' is certainly not there for fun. This alone is enough to make the atmosphere become tense, but he knows he must not succumb to it.

Making his way through the serene grass field, Dharylan sees white flowers growing in straight lines all across the ground. He remembered reading about them in the Flora Encyclopedia, but as much as he wanted to stop and admire them, he is still conscience enough to know that he isn't here for flower watching. The meeting with the other 14 rulers may sound like a dread for some, for half of them are going to be his enemies soon. Fortunately, some of the rulers whom he can considered to be closed with will be on his side, but it saddens him for having to face the remaining too.

Nonetheless, by his very own hands, Dharylan had dragged his nation out of its' misery, then why couldn't he do the same now? It's still better to retain a positive outlook of what is to come than to be all gloomy about it. A sulking flower is always the one to wilt first, after all.

Halfway through the field, Dharylan was then greeted by several shrouded beings with three eyes. The Virtus is what they are called, according to what he recollected from his readings. "Dharylan Descadio Aerys, Ruler of Aries, Liberator of Arisia." The being spoke of Dharylan's full name and his titles, at which he nodded, "Come with us."

The journey through the mist was not quite pleasant, as Dharylan has to keep his hood on to prevent it from destroying his one-hour effort in making his hair this morning, but eventually, a gigantic castle was in sight. Upon entrance, he was led to the meeting room where all zodiacs will meet. As the giant door crafted with sophisticated cravings was sprung opened, Dharylan entered, and the first thing he saw are a handful of rulers who have arrived, which included Queen Estelle and King Omne along with their guards, who surprised him a bit for being allowed to come, as well as Gale of Gradivus and Isidore of Pisces.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope your journey had been well." Dharylan took off his hood and bowed to Omne with his usual smile, before turning to the Estelle, "The same to you, Your Grace." With that said, he then took a seat next to the King of Constellation, and took out a book which he had tucked inside his robe and immersed himself within the wise words, while in fact still keeping an eye on his surrounding.

The atmosphere is still tense, but Dharylan knows what is about to come shall be interesting, indeed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia Character Portrait: Gale Arash
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by AsilverSnowleopard
  2. possible duplicate content

    by AsilverSnowleopard

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Libra | #008000

Kedemel was dizzy and weak. His head was turning, his bowels were turning, his world was spinning. Twice, he leaned overboard to gaze into the blue- almost black waters hoping to discard his breakfast. He knew it would be a long boat ride but this long? He felt sick. "I fucking hate boats," he whined under his breath, taking a deep breath and sighing once again. The captain was singing somewhere loudly in the background, under the assumption Kedemel was cozily snuggled inside a cabin. He was about to take a deep breath and bellow something along the lines of "shut up," but his face screwed as the nausea came back to him in full force. Somewhere in between that moment he hung off the side of the ship and stared into the sea.
He forgot himself for a moment- the wind came rushing back up to him and seawater splattered his face when the boat rocked particularly hard over a steep wave. Disgusted, he sat back up again, and roughly combed the water out of his hair. Did he fall asleep? He took a deep breath again. The only good thing about the sea was that the air smelled good. Before long, they had arrived. Elijah came out stretching and yawning as if he had the most wonderful sleep of his life. Kedemel glared at him. "Alright there Keddy?"
"I'm your ruler now you should show some more respect," Kedemel lightly scolded his bonded brother. He would never admit it but Kedemel had recently grown tired of Elijah's blatant disregard for his ruler. That or he just despised the nickname Elijah had given him since they'd both been boys in the orphanage. Sometimes Kedemel would think about getting rid of Elijah just because he didn't want to put up with the boy's insufferable comments. They were brothers, yes, but Elijah never grew up. The only thing that kept Elijah next to Kedemel was Elijah's willingness to carry on his legacy; Kedemel only trusted the man he knew best.
They docked slower than Kedemel had liked- he was impatient. He climbed down the rungs of the ladder on top of the moss covered dock. Was it even safe to park the boat there? He glanced up at his ship. He supposed that the people or weird creatures that ran Heaven's Eye would make sure that nothing went floating off. They did lower it to the ground and rid the surrounding sea of sea monsters during it's decent. He looked back up at Elijah, "Good luck Keddy! Remember sharing is caring! Also don't forget to say hi to the other rulers for me!"
Kedemel scoffed. Right, Elijah taking over the kingdom sounded and felt like a disaster right now. He was going to order ponies from all around the countries, require everyone to wear miniskirts (men and women included), and sit on the throne eating candy all day- "Kedemel, Good luck. You might need it," Elijah's voice had a sudden change- he smiled fondly down at Kedemel. On second thought he would possibly get rid of all serious conversation. Elijah started to look uncomfortable after Kedemel stared at him for a second too long. He waved at his brother and turned around to leave. Kedemel knew Elijah could take care of things when he was gone. Take care of anything. It was nice of him to come at all, since he knew that Elijah could not actually make the trip to Heaven's eye.
He was suddenly aware it was time to go on alone. He knew none of his crew could come with him- not even Elijah who had stuck with him through thick and thin. He felt empty without his companions around him. Taking a deep breath he marched forward as if a soldier.
The meeting made him somewhat nervous. He felt like he had many enemies, all of which would be happy to slit his throat if they got the chance. He scrunched his nose- no, he just had few friends. It was difficult to establish connections so fast, after all, the connections his mother had were all voided when he took over. Kedemel suddenly thought about the word friends, he didn't know what he found so funny but the ridiculous image of all the rulers holding hands together playing red rover popped into his head. He giggled madly.
White flowers decorated the misty pathway- Kedadore felt like after ages of walking he was about to get somewhere. He had a moment of inspired curiosity, and crouched down to sniff the flowers. No smell. Weird. Kedemel jerked back when he saw white figures floating towards him. He could barely make them out in the heavy mist. He stood suddenly on guard. He knew what they were, but their presence felt unnatural and strange to him. Their faces were covered by long hoods- the books hadn't been wrong when they had described them.
"Kedemel Lamont, Ruler of Kalmia, Constellation Libra, come with me," it said. Kedemel nodded and followed as it turned around. Walking at a faster than normal pace behind the Virtus was incredibly uncomfortable and weird. They gave him the chills, and it wasn't because of the humid, cold, climate. He wondered where the voice came from, it sounded like one voice but there were multiple figures. He wondered if every ruler was greeted the same way.
The castle gates were growing in size as Kedemel walked closer until they were looming over his head. Not even the Virtus was that tall. Goosebumps prickled his skin as the gates slowly opened without a push. They simply did. He was led into the castle- doors opening eerily out of the way, gracing the Virtus' presence with their willingness. The worst part was that there was absolutely no noise coming from the castle, as if the looming tower had no life in it. The only sound made was the echo of his footsteps along the hall and his pounding heartbeat. Kedemel's expression grew grim as he was led to the final door.
There they were, the Queen and King- their guards, and several other rulers. The King and Queen were allowed guards- unfairly, to go through the gate. Kedemel squashed his thoughts and bowed to Queen Estelle first, "Your grace," he murmured respectfully. In turn, he bowed to the king, "Your grace," he repeated. He scanned the room full of chairs and decided to seat himself next to Dharylan. It would be too awkward to choose a seat as far from the rest of the crowd since they seemed to bunch up together. He bowed his head to the ground, pulling his hat over his eyes, and stared at the floor. In his mind, he was already imagining how to break the tense atmosphere- but he knew he would never act out and do so. It was not his turf, after all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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    By the bow of the ship, Zarya looked at the distance as if in a trance. Her sky blue eyes reflected the mysterious yet hallowed floating islands of Heaven's Eye. She felt a great sense of wonder and also humbleness. The sight of it was a clear proof that there are indeed larger things beyond what the Cosmos was going through at the moment. There are far bigger things than them the Zodiacs whom are squabbling into violence.

    The thought rippled into her eyes with sadness. The war would soon start and it would not be contained in just one kingdom. The entire continent would be affected. Her thoughts delved deeper and her feelings was a puddle of mess as well. It was a good thing she was taken out of her reverie when a coat was placed over her shoulders. Her attention shifted to the one responsible and her face portrayed such gentle fondness. "Theon, thank you." She offered a grateful smile and was proud to have such a thoughtful brother. It was a bit cold as the breeze passes through them.

    "No problem Sis! I can't have you getting sick and all." Theon smiled brightly without restrained, like a child. She wanted to protect that smile of his as much as he had wanted to do the same for her. He went and pledged to be her Rozen Chevalier even when she said that there was no need. The young boy that came to her with their mother's will had now grown up into a dashing man. She did hear that many girls in their kingdom were giving their hearts to him and even the boys. She felt proud of that.

    "So, the island of legends is over there?" Theon looked at direction where she was looking at earlier. He couldn't see it as he had not touched the Caelios of his sister. His question put Zarya's focus on the task at hand. "Yes, it is." Those golden eyes of his was filled with innocent wonder as if he could actually see the island that only appears every 200 years, where the Eistrea commences. She actually even considered herself lucky that its her generation that was given the blessing to be part of such a grand ritual. The history that only remained on books had finally come to life. She would be like a little girl in excitement, but the current proceedings of the Cosmos did not give much cause of celebration.

    "The 3 weeks of our voyage is about to come to a close soon. Please inform the captain to continue on the course and kindly inform our guest, Princess Leo that we should soon be on land." Prior to the beginning of her journey to Heaven's Eye, she had received a request from her friend, Zari to join in her travel. She did not see anything wrong and was actually pleased to see the strong Ruler of Agare. The past week was filled with small talks and the occasional sparring with the guards she had taken along including Theon. She did not like violence, but to create harmony one must respect others beliefs and meet halfway, as long as the ones who participated are having fun, learning, and no one gets seriously hurt. She was amenable to it.

    "Alright! Don't stay too long here, okay Sis? Go inside! It's still cold!" Theon said as he casually jogged away from her while even waving a hand. She returned that with her own wave and smile. He was not much for formal decorum and she was fine with it. They were family after all. She did hear though that some of her ministers and other guards were not pleased with such informality. In their eyes, her brother was a stain to prestige of the Cancer Family. But, she reprimanded them, they might not have the same father and may not share the same fate, but he will always be her family.

    When she was alone once more, Zarya looked towards Heaven's Eye. The majestic sight thoroughly shots her heart both in awe and a sense of trepidation. She wondered if these feelings were what her predecessors and the other Zodiacs were feeling in this moment. Even if it wasn't, the thought of her not being alone in this plight was comfort enough. With one final look, she retreated to the warmer interior of the ship as she did not want Theon to constantly worry over her, a consideration she will always give him.


    After the water voyage, it was the trek by foot. Zarya was not a frail lady to succumb on a simple walk or mountain hiking. But, it was also a fact that physical strength is not her greatest asset. That is why the supposedly 2-day trek to reach the midpoint based on the old records took 3 days for her and her retinue. They may have stamina to continue forward, but their Regina did not have the endurance when presented with such a terrain even if the white flowers bordered their trail. She did not want to be a bother so, she did force herself, unfortunately, Theon would not hear of it, although she could already feel Zari's patience being tested and also the fact she might be personally enrolled in stamina training by her friend. To not inconvenience her fellow ruler, she had told Zari to go on ahead.

    Eventually, the grounds meant only for the King, Queen, and the Zodiacs had been reached. There, Zarya came face to face with hooded figures with such great pale skin and trinity of eyes seemingly perpetually closed. In her readings, she believed that this entity is called a Vitrus. She instinctively did a curtsy before this sublime creature while Theon and the rest were both cautious and mystified.

    "Zarya von Cancer, Ruler of Cikrik. Do come with me." She rose from her gesture and looked at Theon as well as the rest. "This is where we part temporarily." Her brother was opposed to that, but he had been told by her that to break the sanctified rules of Heaven's Eye will bring judgement that cannot be reversed. He was fine getting punished, but he did not want to cause trouble for his sister, so even with his reluctance, he nodded his head. "Okay, just be careful! We'll be waiting for you here."

    Her slender fingers reached out to gently caress Theon's face. "It will be fine. I am among friends and respected rulers. I'll return soon." With that said, she took back her hand that he instinctively reached out, but eventually allowed to slip away. She then looked at the others who accompanied her. "Please handle things accordingly in my absence." They gingerly showed their respectful acceptance as their eyes lit in adoration. This was rather normal as their Regina is called the Blue Rose not only due to its literal meaning, but also to the fact her beauty was of renown.

    After those words, she proceeded to follow the Vitrus in venturing further. There was just silence and she didn't mind it and instead took notice of her surroundings. This is after all a rare occurrence and her inner child was interested in it. The walk eventually ended as she looked at the large doors of the castle. She did not have time to ask a question to the Vitrus that accompanied her when the doors opened on their own. "Enter and take a seat. Others have already arrived." She thankfully gave a bow of her head before she entered and finally came upon the room where the King, Queen along with their guards and attendants, Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius, and Libra were presently waiting.

    "Your Majesties, the King and the Queen, I offer my humble greetings and the wish of continued providence." Zarya performed her flawless and elegant obeisance as her icy blue looks trailed her actions delicately. Her dress impeccable both in design and appearance. In the grand scheme of things, she has not taken a side and chose to be neutral in the war about to come. It is why she was able to act without the forced pleasantries. But, she does feel the awkwardness of the situation.

    After her greeting, she raised her head and proceeded to greet the Zodiacs present as well. "It is good to see you, Maestro. I have missed your teachings." She started with her gentle voice and as she had always done gave Dharylan a greeting kiss on the cheek. This was followed by her attention shifting to Pisces. "Beautiful Isidore, I pray that you have recovered." The sincere concern and fondness delivered as well as a kiss on his cheek. She then aptly greeted Sagittarius. "Lady Gale, it is nice to see you again." She gave a kind smile and then greeted Libra, the ruler she had not personally met before. "Lord Libra, I would like to extend my greetings to you. I am Zarya of Cikrik." After her polite introduction, she finally focused on the other individuals unexpectedly allowed entry.

    "Michio, my I have certainly missed you a lot." Zarya's tone was filled with warmth as she gave the King's Guard a kiss on the forehead. She then looked Kenji and gave him a respectful bow of the head. "Greetings to you Sir Kenji." Then, she looked across the room. Her eyes actually landed first on the noble figure standing beside the Queen. The admiration she have towards that person still exists within. It might be seen as a hindrance because of the current situation, but it can't be helped that her admiration was raised even further as his stance. "Sir Levir, it is good to see you." Her smile had a whimsical touch behind its kind meaning. Not lingering any longer, she looked at the female of blue hair. "Good day, I am Zarya, pleased to meet your acquaintance." She politely bowed her head and only when she had made all her greetings did she take her seat beside Gale.

    Her attention quickly shifted to the 20 bright marks on the table before her. The marks were moving closer and closer towards the 11 stationary that were grouped together. It was both odd and fascinating, although if she would think about it, would this not represent actually them? Her eyes reflected the sparkle the marks emitted as it was entwined with the sense of interest and worry. Seeing this, she was truly right to think, they could possible much smaller when compared to the devices of the Eye and the Universe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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                    A knock echoed inside the great cabin where Sangreal sat behind a beautiful red cherry desk finished in perfection. He was reading some documents at hand. His eyes did not leave the paper, "Enter." The door opened revealing a soldier as he entered with great caution and fearful respect. "Lord Sangreal, the designated position you have marked on the navigation map would be reached within the next hour." The information made him finally looked at the person speaking. Those sharp silver eyes resembling that of a beautiful blade gazed as if probing whether there is more to be said.

                    Actually, he was simply thinking of a completely different matter. The journey towards Heaven's Eye had taken a whole week as he and his men trudge through the waters. Based on what was written in his sister's journal about the Eistrea, once reaching the island, there would still be 2 days needed to travel by land in order to reach a certain point. There he would be guided to the place where all Caelios bearers would congregate.

                    "Lo---Lord Sangreal..." The unfortunate messenger swallowed a huge amount of his own saliva reflecting his nervousness to deliver the other report. Sangreal did not lift his gaze which made the person more fearful, when in truth, this was a result of thinking about his journey for the Eistrea. "We have yet to.... bre-bre--break the pri-soner." The obvious trembling voice did not blur the message as this was answered, "I'll handle it." He stood from his chair and went towards the lit fireplace and threw the papers he was reading in it. The flame flickered and embers flew accordingly as the papers quickly turned into ashes. He then left the room as the one who reported followed after quickly, not wanting to incur the anger of the Lord.

                    It didn't take long for Sangreal to reach the cabin which had been tentatively made into a prison and an interrogation room. This was partly due to his long legs as the errand boy who followed was currently heaving which was due to his stress and trying to catch up. It failed miserably in the end. "Lo--Lor--Lord Sangreal, I ca--" Catching breath and speaking are hard to do at the same time. This was ignored splendidly as the door opened and a handful of men immediately knelt in respect and reverence to the appearance of their Lord. But, those silver eyes were locked on a barely unconscious woman scantily-clad and chained to the wall. She was sporting injuries both old and new. The floor beneath her was caked and dripping with blood.

                    "Lord Sangreal! This woman would not fess up! We will enhanced the interrogation further, so please do not--" One of the interrogators was unable to continue speaking as Sangreal looked at him with that scorpion sting eyes. Everyone's blood froze at that point. "I'll take over. You useless lot." His words did not indicate a raised tone, but held that heavy pressure of submission. They can't say anything more as they kept quiet while he approached the woman who was now aware of his presence. "What an honor..." The woman had fire that he would admit as she even smirked at him.

                    "Tell me what you know." He stood before the chained woman with but a few centimeters distance in between. She chuckled mixed with coughing. It seemed her lungs also took damage from the torture. "HA! Do your worse! Pain is nothing! I won't give you shit, pretty boy!" The others present quickly spoke their anger in having their Lord be insulted and was about to dish out punishment, but they were halted with just a mere side glance. Taking care that, he looked back at the woman who was putting up a bravado.

                    "Good." He then leaned forward as his lips positioned itself by her right ear. "Let's try pleasure." The woman's eyes first showed confusion and his gloved hand secured itself under her chin as it slowly trailed down to her navel, a smooth, light, yet cold sensation was left in its path. The motion was enough for her eyes to widen. "You lowlife!" He did not really mind that label as the right corner of his lips lift ever so slightly. "Let's get started. I don't have time to waste." With those words, the room steadily became a sinful display.

                    The people who would pass by the room and the guards outside of the door could not help but feel hot and bothered. The moans coming from inside were just on a different level and the loud pleading of the woman was shameless. That was the reaction outside, what more of the people inside. They were extremely at their wits' end. They were opening the buttons of their shirts and was truly tempted to relieve themselves if only their Lord wasn't present. They were shaking and the obvious bulge in their pants was quite a sight.

                    The woman on other hand was thoroughly wet all from her own sweat and fluids. Her eyes that looked at Sangreal in ridicule and even hate now was glazed over in ecstasy and a desperation of release. "Please.... Ahhhh....Mo-re... Let... Ohhhh.... AHHH.. Me.... I... told... AHHHH.. You every...Hmmmm.. thing." She struggled from her restraints in complete need. "Ple-ase... I... wa--nt you... AHHHH!" Despite the woman literally becoming such a wanton woman of pleasure, he remained the poster boy of calmness.

                    "All right. I'll give you this." The woman finally appeased with his words looked in euphoria. "YES!" In that exact moment, a dagger was thoroughly stabbed through her mouth as its blade end pierced the wooden wall behind. Instant death was delivered. He then moved away while removing his gloves and coat that was stained with that woman's liquids. He then threw it towards the messenger who caught it in a trance. "Burn it and throw her body overboard let her be useful to the ecosystem." The men who were witnesses to what happened from beginning to end just fell to their knees. He walked passed them without looking and the men were fine with that.

                    They were too engrossed at the scene that their pants were currently stained. They were truly embarrassed. As for Sangreal, he was completely fine and just had been informed that there were already ships docked ahead and they would soon be the same. Taking it in stride, he returned to his quarters to have a change of clothes. "Disgusting."


                    The trek did take 2 days and he was soon faced with a being that Sangreal has read in his sister's journal as a Vitrus. "The 20th Sangreal, Ruler of Vanall Scorpio. Follow me." He followed and there was no problem about any companions as he had them all standby at the ship. So, he was on his own and that had never been a problem for someone like him from the very beginning. The mist did not bother him as well as the silence, instead his mind was elsewhere. It was the thought of seeing that... traitor made his blood boil and effectively making the atmosphere around him heavily frightening. The Vitrus noticed the open hostility and spoke while not stopping their trek. "Be reminded, violence is not permitted in this land." He clenched his hands into fists and retracted his murderous intent. Soon enough, he arrived before the large doors of a castle. It was opened for him and he strode inside without another look at the Vitrus and without another word as well.

                    Sangreal then reached the room where the King, Queen, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Cancer, and that blight on earth, Sagittarius. Those silver eyes became like daggers in its sharpness as it landed on Gale without any provocation. His very presence exuded the intention to murder. His vision was completely focused on that and one could see that his muscles were tensed to cause a travesty of killing in Heaven's Eye. He was not waiting for war apparently. Not for formality in any case, he walked towards the blonde-haired ruler. "YOU FUCKIN BITCH!" His voice roared like thunder, his handsome face clearly distorted in his rage as his steps shorten the distance between him and Gale. His hands reared to rip her apart into pieces.

                    But before he could do so, a force of bright light blinded him as he covered his eyes instinctively. After that, he felt himself being pushed away as his back hit the wall with a loud crack. He took a sharp breath as not to allow any sound of pain to slip from his mouth and his eyes reflected intense hate. He made his way to his feet and the light subsided at that point. A Vitrus appeared before him. Its three eyes partly opened. "Let this be the last warning. No violence, Scorpio." He glanced where Gale is and the hatred just won't stop increasing and as if to dissuade himself, he slammed his closed fist into the wall near him. "This is not over." He gritted his teeth as he walked passed the Vitrus and took his seat beside the Queen on the female assistant's side.

                    Sangreal did not even gave out any sort of greetings. He was not clearly fit for it and instead closed his eyes and leaned on his chair as his arms crossed over his chest. The hateful disposition was still present, but was not as blazing as it was from before. The Vitrus satisfied had finally made its exit while Sangreal wanted this Eistrea thing to finish as quickly as possible, so he could kill that traitor and erase her paltry kingdom from existence. Just like that, he began his mental countdown.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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Princess of Leos | #D4A017


Zari was on higher ground on the coast of Agare watching at the sea. Next to her was Cayden, her trusted advisor and Sevi who was her unofficial bodyguard. Behind them were three Kaloflys with their tamers, screeching loudly. Usually Zari would have been moving by foot or on horseback but with the distance between Agare and the port the hawks had been faster. She was wearing her usual black leather armour, her claymore strapped on her back, two daggers hanging from her belt and her golden hair put into ponytail. She wasn’t the one to wear dresses in meetings. She might have been Princess by a title, but more than anything she was a Warlord.

“Miss Leo. The ship from Cancer is closing in.” Cayden said watching the sea with a telescope. Zari smirked. “Perfect. Send someone to guide them through the rocks.” She ordered and Cayden nodded going to give this important task to one of the villagers living at the port. The mountain kingdom had a rocky coast with plenty of underground rocks and more than few ships had crashed there. However this ship was one that Zari would make sure would get there safely. Her friend Zarya had came to pick her up for the trip to Heaven's eye.

* * * * * *

Zari was stretching and breathing the fresh air taking a break from walking. Walking uphills wasn't too much of struggle for her, she had had a lot of practice on the mountains. At first she had walked with rest of the group, however Zarya had told her to go ahead which she gladly did. It was faster to travel alone than wait for them. She had also left Cayden and Sevi long behind her on the ship. They had wanted to tag along but as always, Zari participated the meetings alone.

One she arrived at her destination, Virtus was waiting her arrival and spoke, “Zari, Princess of Leos, Warlord of Agare” there was a pause as he looked around. “You arrived alone?” Zari didn’t bother to answer to an obvious question. “Follow me” The Virtus said and Zari was led into room with other zodiacs. She saw the few others who had arrived before her and bowed slightly. “King Constellations, Queen Stars, Prince Pisces, Price Libra, Prince Aries, Princess Sagittarius, pleasure to meet everyone.” She might have been a mercenary, but she had still been taught etiquette. Even with her enemies sitting on the same table, she was polite enough to at least note them. Zari walked to the King’s side of table and sat next to Gale. She had to take off her claymore and lay it against her chair as she leaned back in her seat. In case she needed it it would be just in reach.

However she ended up needing it faster than she had expected. As Sangreal walked in ready to attack Gale, Zari jumped up, draw her trusted claymore and got in between them - only to be blinded by a bright light. Instinctly she covered her eyes with her arm but didn’t move from her place. As Sangreal was walking to his place, Zari kept a close eye on him. “Same goes with you Leo. Lower your weapon.” The Virtus spoke. She sat down but didn't put her weapon back in it's stealth. Instead she left it out. If she didn't need it now, she would need it as soon as she stepped outside the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia Character Portrait: Gale Arash
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ImageElaine #059900
Vespera #16ce2f
So begins the story of the Tempestarii and Zephia of Gemini, the twins of the earth and sky, whose goal is simple, try and cease the violence between the countries though care and compassion... What fate will come of them? Only time shall tell...

To the Council,
Vespera and I shall take our leave once more for the Heaven's eye, we have matters to attend to there, and shall be back shortly, while we are gone, I ask that you continue to guide the country in our absence. I have trust that you will do fine as always. Yet, with the tension growing between the King and Queen, should Vespera and I not return within two weeks, seek out the new Tempestarii and Zephia. Thank you as always, for your lasting work. We will return within a fortnight.

Elaine Gemini

Remembering said letter, Elaine looked from the bow of the ship. Looking out into the sea with the ocean's breeze flowing through her clothes and hair. To her, the Ocean was nearly untouchable to the forest dwelling woman. Yet, she got to Sophara, where she soon set off on the trip to Heaven's Eye, feeling her winds subside once more. Though Vespera soon joined her, speaking with her usual, calmed voice, with her hair in a simple ponytail, it did not waver as much as her sister's,

"Elaine. We shall be arriving Heaven's eye shortly. It seems the weather blessed us this time around, as high tide seems to be approaching, dding in the clear weather. I do not expect this to remain on our return trip."

With those words, Elaine turned, smiling as always to her sister, with the winds picking up around the two, transferring the words Elaine had,

"Do not fret, my dear sister, after the ritual, you will easily be able to command any storm that comes our way, I trust that you may give us a safe trip"

"I fear that is not exactly correct. As the weather is of nobody's command. But, as I mentioned, please, get ready for the ritual. Likely the other royals will be there, especially the King and Queen..."

"I will, though, the tensions that have risen from the two have put all of us on edge. We should be ready for anything, Sister."

"That we do. Especially with several rulers there, whom are not exactly on good terms. Or, whom are of sane mind. I express taking caution as well."

With those words, Elaine walked into the captain's quarters, which had been changed into the royals' room, it was ornately decorated, with the green and blue that represents Gemini. Though Vespera remained out atop the decks, watching the crew brace for a course correction, as they adjusted the sails, before the helmsman swiftly turned the wheel, lurching the ship hard to the left, though, Vespera did hear a mild thumping noise, from what sounded to be a human-sized object hitting the ground. This caused a light laugh to come from her, as she knew what it was, as Elaine had no idea it was to happen, while Vespera watched, and braced accordingly. Soon enough, she entered the room, to prepare like Elaine was.

As the ship moved through the rocks of the coast, Elaine and Vespera stood atop the upper decks again, Elaine, in her typical green kimono, with her sword resting on her right hip, locked into it's sheath with a clip, to keep it from flying out should she pressurize the air within the sheath. While Vespera kept to her white and blue dress, with the radiating sun crown, both gave a light laugh to each other, as they looked at their clothing appearances, and then the flag. Patriotism was something they found to be lovely, yet, they couldn't help but laugh at their colours in comparison. Standing aside, the crew began to tie the ship into dock, and lower the plank from the ship. As the crew rolled the sails, others shifted the ropes into quaint circles, being careful not to tangle the ropes, unless they wish to be like John. Whom still hung from the forward of the two masts. He was tied there the day prior by the captain and his crew, and left there, even Elaine was unwilling to get him down.

Yet, the two stepped from the ship, escorted by six trackers, each in red cloaks, hiding the majority of their gear from sight of prying eyes. While it was common knowledge for neighbouring kingdoms of the Esper wings, there was little knowledge on how it works. As the group walked to the docks, a second group had stood there, as the twins looked to them, their voices spoke, it felt unnerving, and eerie, but admittedly, Vespera and Elaine were used to hearing eerie things, Have you gone into the forest? But that was brushed aside when the Virtus spoke,

"Lady Elaine, Lady Vespera, the Winds and Sky of Ceruile Cer." They paused, looking at the hooded trackers, whom remained between the parties, "I am afraid the guards will have to remain by the ship, please, this way." With those words, Vespera looked to the Trackers, whose blades were ready should there be need to fight, though they held them in their sheaths, as to not provoke,

"You remain here. Stay by the ship. Cathryn, I'll leave the rest to you." Her words were short, as Elaine had began walking, soon with her sister catching up. It was a quiet walk, as the two were guided to the room, where they were greeted by a loud, thunderous voice, prompting the two women to rush in, seeing Sangreal yelling to Gale, followed by Zari rising with a claymore, this caused Vespera to speak up,

"Lord Sangreal, I will ask you to mind your words. You are in the presence of the Eye's Ambassadors, it would be a shame to see you make a scene here, only to receive punishment, Lady Gale has not done anything to provoke you, and should you continue, others may have to step in." As she spoke, Elaine had stepped between the three, Zari, Sangreal, and Gale. Despite not having her words, she knew just putting her body in the way would be enough to aid the situation.

With the situation calming, sort-of, rather, with Sangreal returning to his seat, Elaine took her seat, towards the center of the table, next to Zari, a beloved friend, that Elaine felt she could call her daughter. Of course, with polite greetings signed to each ruler, as, well she cannot speak, and the air does not move as freely as it does in the Geminian halls. While Vespera, sat next to her sister, speaking once more, [color=#16ce2f]"'Tis a pleasure to see you again, Your highness. The same goes with you, Lady Zari, Lady Gale, Lord Kedemel, Lord Dharylan, Lord Isidore, Lady Zarya, Lady Fauna, and the retainers of Her Highness and His Highness. I hope you have been in good health."[/i]

With their greetings given, Vespera quietly sat, in thought, while Elaine socialized with Gale and Zari, wishing to offer tea, but not having her tea set on her to offer with....

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Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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    Staring up the mountain arrived to climb, Cedar felt his insides twist and turn as he felt the beast draped around his shoulders curl around the man like some sort of snoring scarf. With him, came the words that echoed in his head from Ama - "Just ignore them. Clear your head, you'll have two days before you actually meet with them in that place, right? So focus on yourself and Jotaro."

    Part of Cedar wished it'd be that easy. He had food for the two day journey, for him and this foul beast with even worse breath then a partner you wake up to first thing in the morning. Scrunching his nose, he bared his teeth and tried to manage. The worst thing that could happen at this point was he fell off the side of the mountain and died in some tragic form of mangled limbs and gushing blood. Eye and Universe combined, he sincerely wished that'd be the case... but he still put one foot in front of the other as if he was on autopilot. He couldn't afford to be late, and if he was... well, he could kiss his ass goodbye. From his people, and the Queen's side.

    The first afternoon was walking in silence, neither afraid nor comfortable in the environment as Jotaro slept away the afternoon and evening. All Cedar was left with was his thoughts and how dark everything seemed around him. He seemed to have retained two friends through all this - Levir and Estelle, but no more then that. The rest would be enemies on the field, and whatever left of his heart would begin to harden once more.

    Once night came over, Cedar found himself more occupied with that of a small wood figurine of a tiger then how somber or the eerie ambiance of the mountain in general. Back down where the ship would await, sat a little boy patiently swaying side to side as the smaller creature would just have to wait two days before seeing his 'father' again. The child was a strange critter, Cedar couldn't place his finger on it to begin with. One day the boy just latched on, and Cedar could never quite shake him off successfully. With no name to him, and some sort of disability to read or speak full sentences just yet, it was almost like the boy was raised to be an animal.

    The thought kept Cedar busy the next morning when they had to set off again, and that evening as well. By the time they reached the top, the Yugen Leader was forced to change from his grungy attire. Changed into a suit, and more formal attire, the Aquarian walked to where mist seemed to heavy - and a monster emerged. Was he going to die? Goody. His eyes narrowed as Jotaro began to growl.

    "Cedar Eurynomos Asa-Aquarius, ruler of Aquarius, follow me." The Prince of Aquarius nodded as Jotaro began to climb right up the man's body once more. He could see the form of the annoying old hags of Gemini rushing in what he could assume would be the room he was soon to be guided in, and only came in to basically get what had happened. Gale and Sangreal, eh? And the two old hags and pussycat of sands rushing to help her in some way or another... He let out a tsk as a voice drew him out of his loathing.

    "I want a chair." Jotaro growled out, voice almost demonic in nature as it eyed empty chairs with greed.

    "Am I not enough comfort for you, Jotaro? Cedar hissed quietly in thought, not acknowledging a single person in the room despite the smile that played on his lips towards Estelle and company. "Oh! Queen Estelle! As beautiful as always, but are you forgetting something again?"
    He teased, all the same as he took a chair and pointedly moved it farther away from the table, to the corner of the room faced away from those he didn't have the stomach to even look at. Which, minus Levir and Estelle, was the entire group. He wanted to rip his own face off, his eyes plucked from their socket just to spare himself such hideous people.

    Still, that smile played on his face as he walked behind Zarya, gently touching a lock of hair. "Princess Zarya, I presume you got here well?" He purred. "And with Theon waiting in a ship, I further presume." Came a hopeful chirp. "I do love that brother of yours, I hope he hasn't ended up like that unsightly creature I saw being guided away by guards. Something about missing eyes?" Cedar squinted towards Estelle. "Sounded like a fun time, but regardless, I have a little boy who might be a joy for you and Theon to meet, once this is all said and done. He hummed aimlessly. "But hello to the rest of you." The blonde smiled, finally swallowing down his hate. Despite the mass betrayal he felt from Isidore and Gale, he was glad he never expected much of anything else from the pair.

    Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jotaro climbing onto his seat as if it was a perch, looking at the group from his corner of the room with skeptical look for a creature with such a bizarre face for a beast to begin with. Cedar just went to drape himself partially against Estelle's chair with a smile attached to his face. Even if he didn't know someone, he didn't bother to introduce himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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#, as written by Cloud

Outside the window it was white; a blinding sea of near weightless clouds hanging in the sky. The view from this far up was stunning, a giant’s take on the world below. Yet, for the woman lying prostrate on the bed, the view held little interest. As the crew of the airship industriously buzzed about the flying craft, their ruler remained curled up within the inner most room. A bed, plush rugs, and a selection of food and drink made it luxurious, while the only light came from the softly glowing crystals strung around the walls. It was, essentially, a hideaway from the views surrounding the ship, yet that really didn’t help the blue-haired woman from knowing that she was far too high up in the air.

Speed had been essential however, and an airship covered far more ground than a horse. So, Nadya had ordered the airship readied, and spent the majority of the journey avoiding glancing far, far, far down at the ground below.

A knock on her door pulled Nadya from her thoughts and she pushed herself up from the bed, pushing long strands of hair away from her face and straightening her clothes.

“Yes? Come in.” She called.

The man that stuck his head through the door was a familiar one. Many of his features were similar to those on Nadya’s face; the golden eyes, the nose… His hair was lighter than her mothers, and lighter than Nadya’s. Silver, rather than blue, and currently looking windblown from spending time atop the airship’s deck. While first and foremost her father, Marlen was also one of Nadya's main advisers. Their relationship was far more casual than Nadya and her other advisers, which she suspected was why it was her father that had come to speak with her, rather than one of the other, stricter men and women accompanying her on her trip to the eye.

“Nadya, we’re almost there. Are you ready to dock?” Her asked, stepped into the room. A stream of louder noise followed him in; the sounds of loud calls between the crew or the occasional squawk of a seagull.

“Yes, I'm ready." She responded, straightening a crease in her dress and then jingling her jewel bracelet at her father, “I'll come out when we're a reasonable height off the ground."

"Right, so I'll come collect you when we've landed. On the ground." He replied, arching a brow at his daughter, Marlen was well aware of Nadya's distaste for being anywhere higher than she was tall. It had made piggyback rides extremely hard when she was younger.

“Yes, an excellent plan father." Nadya declared, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the man, “You're so considerate."

"I aim to please, your Divine holiness." Marlen gave a dramatic bow as he backed out of the room, earning a mock scowl from his daughter and a laugh as he perfectly imitated the regal expression of one of Orcana's oldest serving priests. Marlen shut the door after him, offering Nadya privacy and time needed to properly prepare herself for the approaching meeting. She smoothed her clothes down, adjusted her hair, sprayed a faint hint of floral perfume onto her wrists, and let her fingers brush over the crystal embedded on her back.

It was barely twenty minutes later that the airship came to a gentle stop. The sounds outside changed, as ropes were thrown to the ground and the ship gently lowered to the ground. Nadya emerged before her father had had a chance to return, leaving the relative safety of her room and following daylight to the airship's main deck.

Eistrea was definitely something to admire, and Nadya took a moment to herself to crane her neck up at the peaks above, and take in the scene before her. She knew her crew and advisers would be doing the same, either now or when she had left for the gathering. No doubt they would all return to Orcana with tales of the island which rose out of the sea, a once in several generations opportunity

Eventually, however, Nadya's gaze turns to her immediate area. Several airships have already arrived, indicating various zodiac leaders. As she makes her way towards the gangplank, Nadya wonders how many more zodiacs came by boat, and therefore how many were already waiting. Nadya offers a word to her crew - to not cause drama with the other crews waiting, and to enjoy their break - a goodbye to her advisers, and a hug to her father, before setting off. She takes no one with her, but heads towards where she can see the trail of flowers.

It wasn't long before a figure glided into her periphery, the eerie creature sending chills down Nadya's spine as she paused and waited for its approach. Her readings had prepared Nadya for the Virtus, and she nodded politely as it stopped before her. "Nadya Irne, the serpent bearer, Ruler Divine of Orcana, Ophiuchus zodiac. Come, they are waiting." The Virtus spoke, before turning and beginning to lead Nadya the remainder of the way. Before long, the imposing doors of the castle loomed over her. Behind them, Nadya knew a collections of friends and enemies sat.

Without hesitation, the woman stepped forward, pushing open the doors and stepped inside. The room was very obviously divided, those siding with the king on one side, those with the queen at the other end of the table. Nadya's gaze fell on those friendly faces who now stood among her enemies, before flicking to the enemies she would now consider allies.

“Greetings, I'm pleased to see I'm not the last to arrive." Nadya said into the room, gliding around the table to take a seat at the queen's end. She avoided looking at Sangreal, felt a pang of regret at not being able to greet Isidore properly as a friend, attempted to catch Levir's eye, and fought to keep the scowl off her face at the sight of Zari. Instead, Nadya again spoke to the room in general, asking, “Who else has to come?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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Faust Capricorn
Ruler of Capricorn | #E82E55


The gentle rocking of the ocean waves swayed the boat as it drew ever closer to Heaven's Eye. Once, the tempestuous sea was a death wish for anyone idiotic enough to attempt sailing through it, but with the descent of the island it became a calm and tranquil. The scenery laid out before her, the stretch of the ocean beyond the horizon; it was the perfect embodiment of peace, and the perfect contrast the smoldering storm that enshrouded Faust's mind. Ever since she was first able to comprehend words on a page, she spent countless hours sifting through and absorbing any information of the Eistrea. Yet, all of those minutes seem wasted now that she was getting to experience the event for herself. Every minuscule detail in the world about the Eistrea, all now dull in comparison.

Now that she stood on the deck of the ship that carried her towards the island itself, she felt quite small in the grand scheme of it all.

It wouldn't be long now that the ship would dock and Faust would begin the trek up to the castle, and the thought of it did little to calm Faust's nerves. Though she would soon notice the approach of a long friend. Or rather, she would smell the heavy scent of Iuliana's perfume before she had ever heard her footsteps. Besides the two of them, the only other people on the boat were its crew.

"So, I see you're still up here twiddling your thumbs," Iuliana said playfully, leaning against the railing next to Faust. "You know, thinking about the Eistrea isn't going to do anything to stop it."

"As if saying that will stop me from thinking about it. If you were in my position, you'd be thinking about it just as much." Faust said, rolling her eyes.

Iuliana shoved Faust in a light-hearted manner, "I'm just offering some friendly advice since you look like you need some inner peace. Have a little more faith that you won't make an absolute fool of yourself in front of all your enemies." With that said, Iuliana left just as quickly as she as she came and moved towards the lower decks of the ship leaving Faust to smother in her own thoughts.

Alone once more, Faust let out a dispirited sigh, as she knew there was a drop of truth in Iuliana's words.


Soon, the boat docked on the island, and with a simple glance around it was clear to see that the other Zodiacs had arrived as well. Bidding a quick farewell to both Iuliana and the crew of the ship, Faust began the two day journey towards the castle. Both the terrain and climate of the island was rather unfamiliar to her, but even so she continued forwards.

She had later stumbled upon a trail of flowers, and she couldn't help but feel as though they didn't truly belong in a place as haunting as the island. Though the seemingly floating silhouettes that approached her fit in perfectly with the overall feel of everything. But Faust had known from her studies about them, the Virtus, and so she was all but surprised whenever she had encountered them.

"Faust Capricorn, Ruler of Capricorn, Monarkhes of Aigókeros. Follow me."

It wasn't long until they had approached the castle and its gates. Faust had almost felt like she was passing the point of no return, but she fought to keep her rising unease at bay and focused solely on the task at hand. Once entering the room where all were waiting for the arrival of the rest of the Zodiacs, she gave a slight bow of acknowledgement, but had spoken no words. With swift and deliberate movements, she had made her way over to the Queen's side of the table and stood behind those who had already been seated. Faust was far too much on edge for her to comfortably sit down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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    Yikes. That wass the only word that seemed to cross Haven's mind during the entire trip by air. Yikes at the war, yikes at her impending marriage, and yikes as most of her kingdom's close friends took the Queen's side - and most was purely Orcana, if she was being as blunt as possible. The bright side to being on the King's? She was still working out the kinks on that one. In the end, they all had made their mistakes that led up to this, and it was time to give the Piper his dues on the way out after recharging their powers.

    With Annie, running things smoothly back home, there wasn't much for Haven to worry about. Her sister was the only trusted blood she had left, and with that meant Annie was essentially going to be the only one who's heir took the throne in the nearby future. For now, they bit their tongues and waited until this horrible idea was over with, the war done and the Kingdom's military something that wouldn't simply bend over backwards for some silly little invasion. They were at sea, not much should catch them off guard if they were able to spot it from afar, correct?

    As she watched the island come closer and closer into view, and the many airships already docked, something made Haven swallow hard as she could already imagine how tense that room of people would be. From enemies left and right, to people who already hated each other... This day was going to be one of pure stress, that much was very apparent. "We're docking!" Cried one of the crew members, Haven quickly bracing herself at the sacrifice of another who fell. All was fair, in such dire circumstances. That's what she tried to joke, anyway.

    The crew knew better.

    "Do we need to escort you?" A young man asked, most likely only thirty himself.

    "No, thank you." She said quickly with a small wave of her hand as she made way out the vessel with a small bag. "Something tells me you'll only get hurt in the end." And with that, before anyone else could object, she was already making a quick and solid b-line to the premises.

    Though, perhaps she should of gone slower. At the mere sight of the bizarre creature amidst all the dreariness and eerie feelings, came a giant creature with a single eye shut. A screech emanated from Haven as she stumbled back, jade eyes wide in alarm as it stared at her - but not quite. More or less, she felt it staring at her. "Haven Virgo, Heavenly Maiden of Virgo. This way," It spoke, much to Haven's silent horror as she got up and followed after the creature. This was starting to seem like... well, to be frank, a Universe damned nightmare.

    As she brushed back her pink hair and stood, Haven could only hope she'd wake up soon enough and this horrible dream would be over...

    But the moment she opened the doors to the waiting room, her heart fell. The tension wasn't anything like she thought. No, it was suffocating hate, distrust, betrayal... All things that would make a flower wilt. Still, she curtsied to the room before taking a silent seat next to a strange... strange man, but his hair reminded her of something much more comforting - like the stems to a plant! Or the colors of a leaf. "It's.. nice to see you all. I believe, if I couldn't right enough, we're only missing one more person, yes?" Haven spoke up, her nerves buried deep in the internal confines of every other negative feeling shes had since her own mother's execution.

    But still, there was a mix of people she knew well, and people she genuinely couldn't be bothered to know. Surely no one would get murdered, right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Estelle Character Portrait: Isidore Character Portrait: Zarya Character Portrait: Dharylan Character Portrait: Michio Itou Character Portrait: Fauna Cassiopeia
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vladimir T A U R U Slocation: HEAVEN'S EYE
now playing: TURN IT UP


Eye-catching crimson locks billowed like a banner of introduction. Smoke blown as it curled around the black-clothed figure of glorious demeanor. The glimmer of horizon's light captured by a silver green eye as it was reflected like a rare gem. A smile visible upon the pink red lips, though its meaning seemed to waver between interest and sinister. The combination of the said pieces can only be attributed to the one and only 'Bloodless Bull' Vladimir who watched the expanse of the skies make way for him without resistance.

It was not everyday that Vladimir could take the customized airship procured solely for the use of the Taurian Royal Family for a delightful spin. That is why he was at the bow relishing the harmonious speed of the wind while enjoying a cigarette which made the experience truly worthwhile. The clouds, the wind, the sense of being on top, it was a good investment both for leisure and for military purposes. It is no secret that he had placed great interests and priority in the expansion of his kingdom's armed forces. He does not like having a blind spot, an irony, but it was inevitable since he had began his policy of territorial expansion many years back through Yugen and Aigókeros. He always favored domination and that included his military might.

That is why Vladimir was rather grateful for this two-sided war finally exploding. This was ideal as he was pitted against the Queen who resides so divinely on her seat from the heavens accompanied by her allies composing that of Aquarius and Capricorn. He could now openly release his forces on them without him thinking much about political consequences in crossing borders of others. All was now a fair game, as long as he sticks with his alliance.

Vladimir does look forward to a lot of trampling in this war. The fragile peace they all hold onto was becoming a bit stale for his liking. He was certain that he was not the only one who thinks in that way. If all of them were so upright and loves the calm, they could follow the examples of Cikrik and Gradivus by dissolving their armies or having none of it. Security and safety? Those are just time-tested reasons that are already obsolete. He could not help but chuckle under his breath, before setting his sights on the scenery of Heaven's Eye cradled by mist like a mother's secretive embrace.

"Being called by the maker, huh..." That is right the armistice was only until the Eistrea. They are required to go if they want to have their powers intact and at full burst. That was a no-brainer, especially with the upcoming war. Their powers were the greatest weapon that can be wielded in that tight spot. Vladimir would not miss the chance to wield his power at maximum output. The idea really pleases him as he looked at his hand while making it open and close. His imagination giving him the vision of his weapons in all of their brilliance.

"Lord Archon." A soldier called out. His head bowed to show reverent respect. The silence was the evidence for him to continue on. "There had been reports of other Kingdoms already present in the general vicinity. We are close." That is right, these people of his cannot see the mythical island that was in front of them. "I'll be in the bridge." It would be best for Vladimir to take over the wheel at this point. The soldier was startled a bit, but heard the Archon's words clearly. "I'll inform them at once." Then, the soldier left to inform the ones at the bridge.

Not sparing the soldier a glance, Vladimir took one last inhale of his cigarette then released its smoke like an ecstasy before flicking the cigarette butt to the air as it plummeted to the ocean below. He left for the bridge while cracking his neck with a smile plastered on his face. It would be good to see the faces of those young ones as they all act like grown-ups. Certainly, he would enjoy the show awaiting for him in that oh-so-mysterious island.

Once docked, Vladimir cannot help but sigh at the reactions of his men as they looked at Heaven's Eye like a fish out of water. They were now able to see the mystique of this sacred ground as written in those ancient texts. He eventually took their attention as he ordered them to stay put 'lest they want to test the boundaries of the makers. When all had been affirmed, he departed on his own though, there had been some reluctance from his personal guards. That is understandable, but really, they were just going to be in his way which he stated without mincing it.

It was not good to earn their Archon's displeasure, so they did as what was instructed as Vladimir made his way alone. There was no need for a map, since a path was made obvious unless one lacks common sense. It made him wonder if foolishness can be gambled on, but it was not an option as a hooded creature of pale hue greeted him. "Vladimir Basile Taurus, Archon of Prasinus Bovem. You are the only one left. Come."

A hint of laughter filter through his eye. Vladimir wanted to focus on the mysterious creature, but he was more entertained about him being the final attendee of the Eistrea. It made sense as he actually left way late since, he was having a grand time in bed. It made him want to return to his airship now and just laze about there for a day or two. Making them wait at his indulgence. Such a tempting deed, but the creature guiding him seemed aware of his mischievous thoughts. "Do not tarry any longer, Taurus."

There goes his fun. Vladimir shrugged his shoulders and was soon escorted to the room where everyone else was waiting. "My, hello to you all, looking so rulish and mighty." He gave that playful smile, before bowing to the King. "A pleasure, my King." Taking the only remaining seat, he then gently tapped the table. "Let's begin. I don't have all day. People to kill and to rule over. Don't know about the others though." Ignoring the fact he was the late one as he smiled.