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Jessica MacPhearson

They dont call me "Hyena" for nothing.

0 · 563 views · located in Arcturus System

a character in “Nebula's Dawn: Lance of Liberty”, as played by DustAndEchoes


"Reaching for the stars"


Name (With Preferred Pronunciation): Jessica "Hyena" MacPhearson (jess-ih-ka mack-fear-son)

Age: 28

Place of Birth: Mars

Gender: Female

Occupation: Pilot, Space-superiority (fighter)

Rank (If Applicable): Captain (O-3)

Appearance: Short blonde hair and sharp blue eyes that seldom blink, Jessica is usually seen wearing a broad, toothy smile that makes it seem as if she considers the world - and the people in it - her own private joke. Her hands and forearms are flecked with the countless scars of the working class, and if she's ever seen outside of her beloved flightsuit it's a rare day.


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130lbs

Personality: Jessica earns her callsign and then some. Her semi-permanent smile can run the gauntlet from general good cheer to homicidal glee, and her tendancy to laugh uproariously in mid-dogfight has more then once landed her in a psyche eval at the request of her commanders. Eerie sense of humor asside, Jessica is a friendly individual with a relaxed, almost lazy outlook on life that sometimes rankles the more this-mans-navy type. She has taken to her pilot's wings with all the enthusiasm and good-natured ego of more traditional fighter pilots, and can often be found bragging about her (actually considerable) skills.


Likes: Alchohol, fighting, flying, anything worth a laugh, litterature, and theoretical physics. Yeah, you read that right.

Dislikes/Phobias: Formation, paperwork, fear of water. (You try learning to swim on a dustball like Mars)

Quirks/Idiosyncrasies: Electrical Mechanic. Cant swim. Enjoys reading such classics as MacBeth and the Illiad.

Tools/Equipment: Rapier II - Space Superiority fighter.

The backbone of the Federation's starfighter fleet, the Rapier is a Jack of All Trades, Master of None. The quintessential superiority craft, the Rapier's engines (a full half of the weight and mass) impart above-average speed and manueverability, and its 6-gun spread (4 ballistic and 2 wingtip laser) give it the teeth to make it a grave threat even ignoring its 6 internal-bay anti-fighter missiles. With its structure dedicated to dealing damage, it can be seen as less armored than other fighter classes, but its 'go anywhere, do anything' profile has made it the favored craft of Federation pilots across known space. It has the ability to recover the ejected pods of other pilots (2 max, one behind the cockpit and one below the nose), and its own ejection pod grants the pilot with a 3-day supply of emergency oxygen, as well as a powerful distress beacon.

((For an image, please scroll past History))

Brief Background History: Raised on the Mars colony with spacedock parents, Jessica learned quickly about machines and their personalities, habits, and abilities. She proved an adept driver and mechanic even before she joined the military; jumping at the first chance to get her boots off of the red Martian dirt. As a flight deck crewman, she maintained several types of shuttlecraft, fighters, and gunboats; earning her stripes as a wrench-turner.

Her moment came several years into her enlisted career when her small patrol ship was ambushed by a ragtag pirate force. Unfortunately for the ship; a lucky torpedo found its way to the hull and detonated. It obliterated the crew quarters, taking with it most of the vessel's scrambling pilots. With empty cockpits and the outlaws swarming, Jessica essentialy (and litteraly) said "Fuck it." and sat herself down in a light fighter.

Already trained to run the engines and maneuver the craft around the bay; it was a short leap of skills to goose the fighter out into the void to join the fray. Once there, Jessica discovered an inate talent for dealing death in space; dancing her ship through enough kills to drive off the enemy as well as earn her the enviable title of an enlisted Ace. After a review of the incident and on the reccomendation of the ship's captain, Jessica was promoted to Flight Officer, and was sent back out into the fleet with a permanent pilot assignment.

During the Salient's recent engagement, Hyena was responsible for several more kills while flying escort for gunship crews.


So begins...

Jessica MacPhearson's Story

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Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson
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"Jump complete, we're out! Ready crew launch and get me eyes on-station. Yesterday, people, shift your asses!"

The hangar deck of the Salient had seen better days. Plates were buckled and scorched, braces propped up an overhead in the aft corner. Craft had been jostled and shifted out of their braces, and many berths stood empty entirely; grim reminders that not all of her fighters had been recovered from their recent combat action. Smoke from fires that still smoldered frustratingly out of reach of repair crews covered the top fraction of the ceiling, and the decks were littered with loose cables, crushed support machines, and scattered tools. The mechanics had been doing their best non-stop to set the place to rights, and it was a testament to their discipline that the Ready spacecraft were in any condition to launch at all.

Hyena was among them. Well, Lieutenant Jessica MacPhearson, if one wanted to be formal about it. But the grinning feral beast painted onto her tail would beg to differ, part of its spotted head obscured by a blank repair slate bolted onto the control surface in a temporary patch. It was the sibling to an even larger patch down the side of her hull, and the accompanying carbon scoring was just icing on the cake, so to speak.

Her Rapier's good engine was enough to lift it clear of the deck and into the vacuum, and Hyena almost immediately banked a hard right to avoid an external antennae that snapped from the Salient's hull as the jump lost the last of its acceleration. The space-superiority fighter rapidly put distance between itself and the danger zone, scooting out in front of the Battlecruiser's bow to escort it in. Battered the old girl may be, by her enemies, but she still showed her teeth.

<Rapier 338 on station, Salient. Clear road home so far.>

Vaguely hoping her voice didnt sound as tired as she felt, Hyena puts her scans out. Their enemies had planned their jump, it wouldnt be too far to assume they had planned a welcoming party on the other side. The pirates had taken a crippling bite out of the fighter squadron, leaving the few experienced pilots pulling double-duty now in a combat-ready patrol.

The setting changes from The Milky Way Galaxy to Arcturus System


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Colter Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson
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Maybe he'd forgotten to take his finger off the button. Maybe it was shorted. Maybe it was just Murphy, lining up another punchline, but poor Victor Keshek had left his mic keyed, and there wasnt a pilot aboard that would miss an opportunity to yank the bastard's chain. After all, he never missed a chance to call a pilot on a sloppy landing, or snark at them for launching late, and took positive delight at tying them in a holding pattern when they -really- had to go to the bathroom. All's fair in love, war, and flight deck shenanigans.

<Love you too, Control. By the by, I seem to be having some trouble with my electrical...> Hyena's voice trails off slyly.

The Rapier had been visible lining up on the hangar bay by virtue of its winking nav lights and a brilliant white landing beacon. All at once, however, those signals darken, rendering the darkly-hulled fighter all but invisible in the black. With repair shuttles zipping to and fro, debris from the Salient a navigational nightmare, and the Rapier now god-knew-where, it was a collision waiting to happen and a Controller's absolute worst scenario.

There is only static, when the inevitable demand for restored lights comes. The silence hangs thickly as another civilian repair craft shoots across the hangar's open bay, a streak of white oblivious to the multi-ton projectile somewhere in its vicinity.

No response comes, despite the rising pitch and volume of Victor's transmissions, but -just- a hair before Victor was ready to call an actual flight path emergency to the other craft in his purview, a white light blazes blindingly in the control window's direction; Hyena's Rapier zipping rapidly into the hangar with all lights blazing. Engine roaring as it powers to support the craft in a landing hover, now that it's within the hangar's gravity, she is barely visible over the glare, waving cheekily.

<Oh, hey! Fixed it, Control! Wow, lucky break, -that- could've been embarrassing.>

The Rapier settles down, tame as you please, into its appointed place amongst the mess, and the canopy pops open. Hyena removes her helmet and makes a show of calmly patting her short hair back into place before climbing down.

Inappropriate, dangerous, irregular... the act had been all these things. But it was also just a small slice of 'normal' held against the chaos of the repairs and the still-fresh memory of people that had not come home. If she had to make herself the target of retribution and punishment to give these people something to laugh about? Well, that was something she was good at.

Turning in her equipment and making a brief report into the flight logs about her happily uneventful CAP flight, Hyena leaves the hangar, intent on a hot meal and a warm bunk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: Adriana Stark Character Portrait: Clyde Summer
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0.00 INK

Salient's Mess Hall

"Screw the -lot- of you!" From behind Clyde, a savior descends from on high, clad in the trappings of angels... or at least in a flight suit that smelled vaguely of the chemicals used to scrub atmosphere in a cockpit.

As if completely unaware of the confrontation that had potentially been brewing, she throws an arm around Clyde's shoulders with enough force to pull him back slightly from Adriana's range and into a comradely semi-hug. Hyena, ever-grinning and wild-eyed, fixes them all with a glare that was comical in its mock-seriousness.

"I caught thirty-six, AND I was baby-sitting the gunboats, AND I ran my guns dry, AND -" Here she pauses for dramatic effect, puffing out her chest and tilting her head like some propaganda poster flyboy of a bygone era, "If you'll all recall, it was Mexican day in the Mess and I had THIRDS!"

That declaration should be just enough to draw loud groans of sympathy and arrogant howls of derision that were the bread and butter of fighter jock dick-measuring. They mocked her on levels both professional and personal, and she gave right back on both fronts. She goes to pull Clyde around the table and to an empty couple of places on the other side of Adriana's ire, not taking no for an answer from the exhausted Navigator as she plunks him down and takes the seat neighboring.

"If you drive your car anything like you drive this boat, Clyde," She rounds on him, next systematically diffusing what could have been a nasty confrontation, "You've got more kills than an Asian Grandmother in rush hour, so same to you!" Holding out her hands and squinting her eyes in a horrible parody of that racist stereotype, she 'swerves' her shoulder into his.

Next, and predictably, she points a finger squarely at Adriana, "And I think we've had this discussion before, the damn canon doesn't count! Just -unsporting- is what it is. Like hunting rabbits with a nuclear warhead."

Clapping her hands soundly together, she holds them over her own tray, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to enjoy whatever that machine just shat all over my plate. Looks like a baby spit up into his own diaper." That should illicit a second round of pained moaning, and Hyena just smiles a spread of teeth at them all.

The setting changes from Arcturus System to The Milky Way Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: Adriana Stark Character Portrait: Clyde Summer
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0.00 INK

The Mess Hall

Adriana was going to pound him. Once for every day she wasted cleaning up his cock-brained mess. She leaned forward into a crouch to get the upward push she needed to fling the table at him. The tables were bolted down, of course, because anything not bolted down in a spaceship will float, but she knew she could throw it. She had been around for the construction of the ship. All of the money had gone to her department, so anything that didn't have combat functions was given to the lowest bidder. The furniture was flimsy.

And then, seeming to appear from the ether, another pilot with the grin of some laughing feral beast came to his rescue. Adriana was contemplating whether to throw the new girl into the fray with him, but she was distracted by a brief flash of admiration for her foolhardy bravery. Nobody eats that much ship mexican food...
And then the Hyena was gone, the navigator with her.
Oh well. She had probably paid dearly for the ability to make that boast later that evening.

Next, and predictably, she points a finger squarely at Adriana, "And I think we've had this discussion before, the damn canon doesn't count! Just -unsporting- is what it is. Like hunting rabbits with a nuclear warhead."

Adriana made her best impression of Hyena's toothy grin and shot back, "There's no kill like overkill!"


Adriana was going to pound him. He could sense it, like a squirrel about to be pounced upon by some vicious wild cat. He leaned forward into a crouch to get the upward push he needed to throw the table and run, but then a savior came to diffuse the situation with a merry distraction. He remembered this pilot. With his human brain, not just the mechanical one that read off everyone's dossier when he looked at them. She was the interesting one. The one that threw a party below decks right before the battle started...

He went with her gladly as she hauled him out of his seat. There was nowhere else he would rather be than not right there.

"If you drive your car anything like you drive this boat, Clyde, You've got more kills than an Asian Grandmother in rush hour, so same to you!" Holding out her hands and squinting her eyes in a horrible parody of that racist stereotype, she 'swerves' her shoulder into his.

Clyde smiled and pretended to reminisce about his road kills. "Well, It's no secret that I learned to drive playing Grand Theft Auto in class." He squinted his eyes and yelled with a terrible Asian accent, "where my drug money, gramma!?" while brandishing an imaginary pistol.

When Hyena commented on the food, he did not have to feign the pained moaning. Thunder seemed to split his brain all at once. He had no doubt that if he had been fighting when the headache came back in force, he would be tasting combat boot about now.
"... Thanks for the save, Hyena," he said quietly.

The setting changes from The Milky Way Galaxy to Arcturus System


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: Clyde Summer
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0.00 INK

Salient's Mess Hall

Despite her assessment of the food's quality in appearance, Hyena makes short work shoveling the gelatinous mass into her maw. With a dismissive wave, she coughs down enough to satisfy the immediate gnawing of her stomach before answering Clyde. Flying always made her hungrier than anything. Maybe it was the oxygen mix.

"No worries. We're all stressed to hell. Last thing we need out here is bloody noses." The pilot gives him a broad wink and a shrug, "Call it even. If you -hadn't- blasted that gun, those junk fighters would've been all over us. Just don't do it too often. Any closer and my ass would still be smoking."

Taking the time, next, to drain the drink that came with the meal, she lets her attention skip lightly across the mess and its assorted uniformed occupants. Yawning, she leans back to pop what sounds like every disc in her back and the couple in her neck for good measure. The rack would definitely be her next destination, at this rate. Now if only they would make an announcement regarding shore leave...

"It tastes about like it looks, if you're wondering. I know they don't want to break out the good stuff for a short trip, but I'm praying to whoever listens that we take on some new chow at the station."

She chuckles lightly, jabbing a leftover scrap with a fork before peering at him closer with that unblinking stare, "You alright? You look like she still managed to pummel you for a round or two."

The setting changes from Arcturus System to Iridosis Station

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: Clyde Summer
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0.00 INK

Mess Hall

Clyde probably could have continued eating- his food lay cooling on the table where he almost received a thorough ass kicking. His heading was ruining his appetite, though, so he stared at the table surface in front of him. He didn't know exactly how long he sat there. His mind seemed blank, and everything was fuzzy, as if there were a cellophane bag over his head. He heard Hyena speak, and he nodded along. Nothing sounded objectionable to Clyde.
He shook his head vigorously. His first somewhat clear thoughts after the last mental thunder came to him. ... Am I okay? The implant... Clyde realized he had been spacing out.

She chuckles lightly, jabbing a leftover scrap with a fork before peering at him closer with that unblinking stare, "You alright? You look like she still managed to pummel you for a round or two."

"She might have. If looks could kill, I would've died five times over," Clyde said, with a forced grin. He slapped his hands on the table and pushed off to stand. "I think... I need to go to the med bay... My head isn't on straight." Clyde began to weave his way out of the Mess Hall, feeling a lot more unsteady than he actually was.

The setting changes from Iridosis Station to Arcturus System


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

FSS Salient
Lower Decks

Hyena frowns lightly as Clyde neglects his meal and stands up, looking like he'd gotten the bad end of a pub crawl. She stands as well, pondering, for a moment, if she should help him get to Medical before he ended up loosing his footing and meeting a bulkhead face-first. But he recovered enough to walk, and Jess didn't want to intrude upon the personal problems of a Bridge Crewman she only knew in passing.

Besides. The blur at the edges of her own senses suggests that a much smarter choice would be to seek out the welcome embrace of her bunk. Better to be locked behind a door where Victor couldn't get to her when he figured out most of her 'electrical troubles' were manufactured solely for the benefit of getting a rise out of him.

Chuckling at the image of the Controller's face - red with embarrassed rage - Hyena deposits her tray and slips out of the Mess, moving in the opposite direction of Clyde's line of travel.

Halfway to her destination, the pilot is thwarted. Angry red emergency lighting and yellow caution tape, combined with a very stubborn civilian contractor, bar her straight-line shot to the decks that housed the pilots' quarters.

"Decompressed?! What do you mean decompressed?!" She throws her arms wide in exasperated disbelief.

"I mean just what I said, Lieutenant." The contractor was singularly unmoved by the pilot's animated plea, "We're doing structural work on this corridor, and you're gonna hafta detour."

"We've been walking this deck for a week and you're telling me the whole time-"

"That it coulda come down on the lot of ya? Yeah. That's what I'm tellin' you. Detour's that way." He jabs a stubby, dirty finger down a ladder well, supremely secure in his position as roadblock.

Creatively lamenting fate's fickle timing, Hyena tromps down into the depths. There are many other passageways in the Salient that are in a similar shape, and diversion after detour after misstep soon leads to one lost pilot in the deep structural spaces of the massive warship.

Sure that she's passed that set of pipes at least 3 times now, Hyena takes a different turn and ends up in a dimly-lit room that seems to have been used to store all the odds and ends that the onload crew just didn't have another place to stuff. Extra power packs, a gunboat engine, crates and crates of oil, grease, and powdered eggs... And not a comfortable bunk in sight.

"... Damn it to Hell in a dainty little handbasket..." She growls, giving a swift kick to one of the many nondescript crates.

The setting changes from Arcturus System to The Milky Way Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from The Milky Way Galaxy to Arcturus System


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Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

A crate tumbled in a storage in storage compartment 12 bashing a second crate which in turn sent a strange contraption hurtling to the floor. A number of smaller crates fell on the machine causing a disturbance to the slowly activating sensors, this was IRU6 a long dormant Robot still unconscious as if sleeping but sensing the world around him as if in a dream.

The sound and motion sensors activated just in time to hear smilingly unimportant words and noises, the Sensors identified these as human chatter at first and unworthy of note however something else soon triggered; something far for complicated.

... ..... ...... ........ ......... ..........0 ...........1 .................1........0.....0...1...0...0..1010.1010..
10100010100101001010001010111001010101010001001010100..........010001001001000100001001000010010101000100100101001010011010100 {ERROR] 10010.......{ERROR)11001010110101..... {ERROR}......10010100101001010001....
Reconstruction Complete..... Voice pattern identified........processing...... Voice Pattern accepted................. loading systems...... activating processors...... activating main computer bank...... automated repair system engaged.....scanning..... scanning complete.... repairing..... all systems operational..... Artificial intelligence capacity activated.... Loading Personality...... {ERROR}Current SYSTEM PROFILE [LILLE-T] Inaccessible..... DATA1O1 Script Command [BLOCK] engaged......Reconstruction Commencing....... 23%......56%.......87%.....99%.....99%...... Reconstruction Complete..... Loading Default Personality....... Loading Complete..... SYSTEM PROFILE [START] Logging Off......... SYSTEM PROFILE DEFAULT [IRU-6K] Logging On.

IRU struggled to take control of his sensors, something was producing errors in his system and IRU was unsure exactly what it was.

Inquiry to System: Why has this Unit been activated?

Answer to Profile: Voice identification has been recognized, [GD787] program initialized.

Inquiry to Sensors: please state the reason of current Errors

Answer to Profile: Sensors have detected current location at an excessive 90 degrees to the right

IRU at last understood, he was not on his wheels but on his right side.

Profile taking control of General System Iru calculated he would be able to better manage himself if directly in control of all his systems . Iru attempted to raise himself but was unable to do so due to an obstruction, he registered the presence of a Human in the hold.

He would gain the Human's attention by attracting its sound sensing mechanism using the [PA42] program.

Panicked Announcement: Help!, Help! Unable to achieve satisfactory rotation and movement, obstructed by obstacle, requesting assistance Help!, Help! A horse a horse my Kingdom for a horse! SOS, Help!

IRU began repeating the message in other human languages but decided to state the message in 5 languages each time in order to raise the probability the Human Unit would understand IRU. Iru hesitated, this [Panicked Announcement] program was illogical and fragmented ,wasn't the a horse a horse... statement in his Shakespearean Quotes section? Serious data cleanup would be in order once he was retrieved....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

F.S.S. Salient

Her kick shifts the tower of stacked crates, and something shifts. Then several somethings. Hyena dances backwards out of the way of the falling objects, swearing again as she avoids being struck in the miniature cascade. When it settles, she dusts off the front of her flight suit and tentatively sticks her head out of the compartment's door to see if anyone heard the commotion, way down in this empty part of the ship.

When no one immediately makes themselves known, Jess almost decides to make herself scarce before someone accused her of causing the mess. But curiosity stays her boots, and she cant resist taking a peak in amongst the detritus to see if there wasn't anything there that an enterprising pilot could make use of without anyone missing it. After all, it wasn't as if they were using it -before- now if it was way down here, right?

"Panicked Announcement: Help!, Help! Unable to achieve satisfactory rotation and movement, obstructed by obstacle, requesting assistance Help!, Help! A horse a horse my Kingdom for a horse! SOS, Help!"

The metallic voice rings out just as she'd picked up one of the smaller boxes full of miscellaneous things, and it startles her enough that she drops it. Bearings skitter across the deckplates as the voice switches to a few languages she recognizes and several she doesn't before repeating.

Again, her shadier instincts suggest that turning her back and pretending she didn't know a thing might be the more intelligent option, but that magpie curiosity soundly trounces it. She pushes a duffle out of her way, rolls a drum, and lifts a box to reveal IRU wiggling about on its side.

Having never seen anything like the little dog-bot, its appearance actually makes her laugh. But she digs her hands under the long box that pins IRU, and gives a grunt of effort to stand it back up and free the squawking robot.

"Poor bastard.. I think I broke it." She says that to herself more than to IRU, stepping back and looking down at the little guy with a quizzical smile etched onto her face.

The setting changes from Arcturus System to The Milky Way Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

Iru felt the rough fleshy hands of the Organic lifting him from the floor, it was obviously a human and if Iru's scanning of the Human was correct this particular unit was a regular traveler in a small space craft since it was only possible to gain this slight echo of background radiation on small space vessels with fewer means to protect themselves.

This was hardly likely to terminate the Organic thanks to current human technology but it did aid Iru's efforts to identify and categorize the human unit.

Iru scanned the area.... it was obvious that he was on an exceptionally large ship, the ship seemed to be damaged in some areas and if the energy emission sensors where correct the ship was meant for combat since its power requirements where beyond what any other type of ship would need. Strangely the ship's blueprints where inside the data banks, how had such information entered the data banks? Iru could not use this information until he consulted a local terminal, information of unknown origin was to be considered incorrect until evidence proved its validity.

"Poor bastard.. I think I broke it." Said the Human unit, Iru identified the language as English so Iru could establish a single code of communication but the extraordinary development was that Systems and Sensors where identifying this human unit as Master.

It appeared that this human's voice pattern was the one that Iru had been programmed to recognize and obey, To Iru this was slightly illogical since the data banks contained no record of this human. Regardless Iru's programming was very strict in this regard; Master is to be identified by voice pattern.

"Introductory Statement: This Unit is currently profiled as Independent Robotic Unit model 6K IRU"

"Expression of Gratitude: Unit Expresses gratitude for retrieval

"Observation: Sensors register closest Organic Human life form as profile "MASTER" based on Voice Lock System memory bank Voice Pattern OVERWRITE."

"Conclusion and Analysis: Profile "MASTER" Registering.... Registration complete, "MASTER" profile now has Admin Status. This Unit is ready to serve Master, you are registered as Master and thus Unit Is ready to serve you. Other organics may not give commands to unit unless authorized by profile "MASTER" use of Categories "Organic" "Waterbased" "Meatbag" "Overgrown bacteria" and "puffed up Organic ape raced snobs" is forbidden in relation to "MASTER" profile under etiquette data file overwrite "Disrespectful"

"Query: How May this unit serve you Master?

Iru still could not find a satisfactory explanation for this arrangement, no Data had been gathered about Organi... OVERWRITE [MASTER]
yet Iru's programming commanded Iru to serve it OVERWRITE [MASTER]

Iru reached the same conclusion again and again, Unit would have to obey Master as per programming.

The setting changes from The Milky Way Galaxy to Arcturus System


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

Jessica "Hyena" MacPhearson
FSS Salient, lower levels.

"Master?" Jessica repeats the title that the IRU had repeated several times in her direction, folding her arms across her chest and looking down at the little bot.

"The hell are you on about?" It seemed to have basic interactive functions, at least. Very old, though. Or at least was designed to look that way. Hyena couldn't help but shake the image of some cheap scifi flick complete with bad acting and green paint aliens. The thought made her grin again, and she casts a look over her shoulder as if hoping someone -had- found her, so that she could share the ridiculousness of the situation.

Nudging a box out of her way with a boot, she makes a slow half-circle of the robot, giving him her own set of scans. Looked like a kid's toy, really. She'd never heard of any kind of utility robot that looked even remotely like the one in front of her. Shrugging, she ends up back where she started and runs a hand through her short hair.

"Well... They upload you with a deck layout? I need to get back up to Main Deck. Or the hangar. Whichever one they haven't managed to barricade with construction, yet."

She eyes the overhead as if she could glare directly at the manufacturers of her misfortune.

"...What are you doing down here in a box, anyway? Ship's readout didn't say anything about utility machines."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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0.00 INK

Iru's systems where struggling to comprehend what Master was trying to say to him, Sensors registered as working excluding the damaged numbers 3 and 4 visual sensors. Systems in collaboration with Databanks where able to register several possible meanings to Master's communications however Profile Iru could only execute command 3B41 [improvise] and then based on Master's reaction update systems of Master's irregularities for future reference.

"The hell are you on about?" (Databanks file Master, Vocal communication... Saving... Saving complete)

Processing... "Hesitant Answer:" Unit Iru currently based on surface of storage compartment inside some kind of large scale Human Battle waging Contraption. Datalinks reference some technology's to United States Nasa Organization however information deemed out of date... for future reference Unit will require update.

Databanks clearly held a file on this machine profile "Salient" but this was not registered by ether profile or date, Profile Iru could not use such information due to security protocols

"Observation:" Systems currently locating information about word "Hell"

"Amused Statement:" Systems unable to detect any "sins" in Databanks, Unit's future residence in "Hell" therefor is assumed as unlikely. Master need not worry of Damnation, Systems register probability of Hell's existence as [Error], processing.... [Error].... [Error]...terminating search under protocol ID [Irrelevant DO676]

"Well... They upload you with a deck layout? I need to get back up to Main Deck. Or the hangar. Whichever one they haven't managed to barricade with construction, yet." (Databanks file Master, Vocal communication... Saving... Saving complete)

"Inquiry:" Please Define profiles "They"... Sensors do not detect further Organic presence close by.

"Cautious Answer:" Databanks posses file named "Salient" however nether Systems Profile authorization or Date of entry is available. Information is therefor confined under security protocols, use of file "Salient" not recommended.

"...What are you doing down here in a box, anyway? Ship's readout didn't say anything about utility machines."
(Databanks file Master, Vocal communication... Saving... Saving complete)

"Hesitant Answer:" Unit's transit to current location registered as [RECORD DELETED]
Systems require sheep's readout in order to locate Category [Utility Machines]

Profile Iru hesitated... sheep? datalinks directed systems to conclude that term "sheep" identified a contraption which traversed in liquids or a machine which journey's into space.
Profile Iru felt that something was wrong... Sheep? Processing....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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Jessica "Hyena" MacPhearson
FSS Salient

"Hesitant Answer:" Unit Iru currently based on surface of storage compartment inside some kind of large scale Human Battle waging Contraption. Datalinks reference some technology's to United States Nasa Organization however information deemed out of date... for future reference Unit will require update.

"United States? Cripes, that hasn't existed for..." Hyena shrugs. Mars public schools weren't the best in the Federation, and she was usually too busy skipping them, anyway, ".. A long time. And 'They' are the construction crews crawling all over this hulk. I was hoping you had a deck map. So much for that."

"Hesitant Answer:" Unit's transit to current location registered as [RECORD DELETED]
Systems require sheep's readout in order to locate Category [Utility Machines]

"Sheep?" That confused her, too. Maybe it -was- broken.

Shaking her head, Hyena runs a hand through her hair again and looks over her shoulder at the hatch.

"Either way, I need to find a way back up. Old man wants a ceremony before we get cut loose for shore leave, and I've been flying for the last 6 hours. So.. I guess you can follow me, little guy. Maybe one of the Ship's AIs knows where you were supposed to be assigned."

Beckoning, assuming that IRU has a way to mobilize himself, the pilot leaves the space and commences negotiating the massive ship back into areas more densely occupied.

"Are you a combat model?" She questions as she walks, "The Marines are always coming up with crazy shit like that. I don't know what the fascination is with canines. Something about them being called Devil Dogs way back in the day."

The little bot intrigued her. He was a funny little shape, and talked like a broken first-gen AI. A walking computer database that just spewed out whatever you asked it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jessica MacPhearson Character Portrait: IRU-6K "LilleT"
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Iru's system registered several inconsistences in Master's analysis of the situation; several databanks began to forward information identifying this phenomenon as a "Misunderstanding"
Iru's systems where not programed to handle this kind of human error, Iru's Datalinks recommended engage the observations and adaptation self-updating programing however Systems rejected this due to inadequate information.

Profile Iru would attempt to communicate these inconsistences to master and seek a terminal point when possible for Databanks updates.

"Suspicious Statement": Master, The United States of America is registered as the most influential, technologically advanced, militarily powerful human Faction profile. Possibility for United States expiration is concluded as extremely low.

"Clarification:" Master this Unit has no assigned function any purpose in relation to this category; Unit is programed to obey Master, Unit registered as [Autonomous Robotic Unit].

Profile Iru activated function [traverse6424G] wheels and began to follow Master as Profile Master attempted to navigate the sector, Master inquired into Unit Iru's other functions such as his [BLOCK ENGAGED] Astronomical record of Andromeda Galaxy.
Sensors identified an influx of Data Traffic, System judged these as indication of a terminal.

Profile Iru longed to update his obviously lacking Databanks however he could not leave Master… Directive could not sanction such an act.

"Inquiry": Master may Unit connect to nearby Terminal? Unit will be able to improve service quality and efficiency to Master once updates and system diagnosis are completed.