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Aily Sinder Svetlynn

" Just stay away from me..."

0 · 377 views · located in St. Allison's

a character in “Never Gunna Fall In Love, Or Will I?”, as played by *~Nya-Chan~*


Aily Sinder Svetlynn
Ai, Lee, Sinny, Lynn
Girl 1
*What is your syndrome or disorder?*
Depression, and self harm
*Pictures here*
Aily is a short girl, standing at 5'3'' and she only weighs around ninety-three pounds. Her body is small, bony, and fragile looking. It is covered in scars from her past of cutting and self harm. She would have a curvy figure, if she could keep any food down, or even get herself to eat. She always has a sad look on her face and frowns constantly.
Aily was always a very happy child, and was liable to talk your ear off if she ever got the chance. She was a big daddy's girl and did every thing with him. So when her father died, it was to be known she would take it very hard, but no one knew how bad it really was. She began to laugh less, smile less, and she even stopped talking for a year or two. Slowly she just got worse, she became very emotional. She was always angry, or sad. She cried herself to sleep and only recently she began to hurt herself, this gave her a few hours where she was slightly happier, if she was alone. She cowers away from large crowds and becomes very awkward around someone in close proximity to her.

-Looking at a scrap book of her and her father
-being alone
-Oversized clothing
-large crowds
-having to take her meds
-Group sessions
-having a roommate
-having to be forced to eat

So begins...

Aily Sinder Svetlynn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn
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Aily Sinder~

Aily stepped out of her mothers car, glaring at the large iron gate and fence in front of her. Behind the gate was the place crazy kids were sent. So why? Why did Aily's mother bring her here? Her mom must think she is crazy and needed help...which wasn't all wrong. She did need help, but sending her to a crazy house. Aily thought that was a bit absurd. " Bye baby, I love you!" Her mother said to her frowning a bit. " If you loved me, you wouldn't send me to a place from insane people. whatever, pop the trunk so I can get my shit." She said in a monotone that had become her normal tone long ago.

Her mom did as told and Aily grabbed her stuff and then moved to go through the gate and into the building. " Tell us your name, dear~" said one of the white clad nurses behind a desk. Aily did tell her her name and she was handed a name tag and a card with a number on it." This is your room number dear. Go unpack and come back down her after you are done so you can greet the other new arrivals." She nodded and headed to her room. Once inside she sat on the bed beside the window and gently tugged at her sleeve to show her wrist which had fresh cuts that were just now beginning to scab up.


Skye stared at his mother as she pulled into the drive of the hospital. " Dad I thought you said we were going to Disney land! Why are we here?" he asked his gray eyes going wide. He looked between his parents as he dad dropped his head and his mother looked behind at her son. " Listen Skye, no son of mine will dress as a female. Also, your hallucinations and hearing things has gotten worse. The people here will help you, that's what you need is help." she said in a firm voice. Skye drops his head before raising it and giving a pained smile."'re right mom...I need help. Well bye bye..." he said softly as his dad got out." I'll help you sign in and carry your things." he shook his head and grabbed his bags." No dad, you and mom go... I love you." he smiled softly and his dad hesitated before getting back in the car.

He walked into the building and signed in getting his things and going to his room. He instantly begins to unpack all his things singing softly to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan Harrper Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn
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Skye frowned and watched as the male moved away, then turned to look over his shoulder whispering harshly. He turned back toward the male and smiled." Im Skye...may I bandage your wounds?" he asks moving a bit closer. " I have some band-aids in my bag..." he says jabbing a finger behind him. He then sighs and looks at his shoulder. " Shush Ellam! You'll scare him!" he said as if there was someone there, which to him there was, but to others he was speaking to thin air. He looks back to Ivan and smiles sheepishly." Sorry...Ellam is a little rude to people he is just meeting..." he bites his lip and looks down.

Aily Sinder~

Aily kicked her bag into the corner and tugged her sleeve down. She moved down to the lobby and sat away from the other two girls who had gathered there. They were probably crazy as hell and she wanted no part of that. She crossed her arms and looked around the room her mind suddenly drifting to thoughts of possible ways to escaping the hellish place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikky Lavender Haulls Character Portrait: Ivan Harrper Character Portrait: Carrie Jones Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Matthew Rogers Character Portrait: Sarah Springson
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Skye looks down and sighs softly before standing and walking over to Ivan and laying the peanut butter candies on the foot of his bed. " was the candy I told you about should try it." He said keeping his voice soft as he moved to the door. " Im gunna go see if I can find somewhere to get something to drink." he says before heading off out the door and back down to the lobby to look for some sort of drink. he entered the lobby tugging at his long hair and looked around. He noticed to new boys had arrived he also saw a nurse taking head count. She turned to see him coming from the stairs and cleared her throat causing him to jump. " Was anyone else up there?" She asked and Skye meekly nodded. "Go tell them to come back down here. We are about to discuss rules and schedules!" He nods again and makes his way back to the room. " Ivan!" he calls and opens the door peeking his head in, his cheeks slightly flushed since he ran to the room. " guys need to come back down, the lady said we are about to talk about rules and what are schedules are!" He said then stands waiting for them to come down with him. While downstairs a lady steps out from behind the desk.

"Alright everyone! Get where your faces can be seen by me!" Her voice is loud and covers the whole room. " I will be calling names out, don't make me repeat my self." She says and looks at the stairs waiting for those in their rooms to come down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikky Lavender Haulls Character Portrait: Ivan Harrper Character Portrait: Carrie Jones Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Matthew Rogers Character Portrait: Sarah Springson
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Skye nodded as he listened to the girl, but he doesn't respond as he looks over at Ivan. as they get down stairs and line up the lady begins to call off names, along with disorders in abc order. He hugs himself and frowns since he is the first one to be named.

"Azriel, Skye. Schizophrenia and Gender confusion." She flipped a page. "Blue, Oliver. Kleptomania and Lacunar Amnesia. Harrper, Ivan. Personality disorder and Anger issues. Haulls, Nikky. Multiple personality. Jones, Carrie. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Self-Harm, and Depression. Rodgers, Matthew. Bipolar and Amnesia. Springson, Sarah. Fregoli Delusion. Svetlynn, Aily. Depression and Self-harm." She said as many others nurses began to go around with small cups of water and a littler cup with pills, a cup of water and a cup of pills for everyone. " Now listen. this is our schedule! " she says handing out sheets of paper with this list on them.

8:00 - Wake up, eat, and take morning meds
9:00-11:00 - Free time in lounge
11:00-12:00 - Group Session
12:30-1:30 - Lunch, and take afternoon meds
1:30-2:30 - Private sessions
2:30-4:00 - Supervised outside activities
4:00-5:30 -Check-ups
5:30-6:00 - Dinner, night time meds
6:00-8:30 - Free time in lounge, showering time
8:30-9:00 - Bed time preparations
9:30- lights out.

" Now any questions?" she asks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikky Lavender Haulls Character Portrait: Ivan Harrper Character Portrait: Carrie Jones Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Matthew Rogers Character Portrait: Sarah Springson
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Oliver sat patiently as the nurse read out a long list, trying to hide his annoyance. He didn't appreciate it when people told him he had kleptomania, he always denied such things but every time he met with his psychiatrist he was told otherwise. Maybe this was why he was here because they wanted to fix him? He set these thoughts aside for a moment and looked around, examining the faces of those around him. He counted what seemed to be five girls and three boys all looking very different in many ways . None were very familiar or too unusual but Oliver was sure this would all change as he got to know them.

Once the nurse finished her speech she handed out sheets of paper, lists of times and activities that they would probably be expected to comply to. He was no rebel and had no problems with this schedule, there was plenty of free time and people around to talk to. A nurse approached him with two little cups, handing them to him. He peered inside and saw in one there were some pills and in the other some water. He knew what to do and didn't hesitate to take the pills before taking a swig of water. After all had been said and done he rose from his seat to leave, stretching as he did so. His stuff had just been dumped in his room so he still had to organise it all, Socialising could come after. Before he exited the room he stopped to turned and gave a quick wave, smiling excitedly. "Im off to my room, Later guys."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sarah Springson Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn Character Portrait: James Talon
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James Talon

Jimmy noticed a pretty girl with green eyes and curly hair catching a few glances at him every once in a while. Immediately uncomfortable with the fact that he noticed her glances might make her uncomfortable, Jimmy blushed and immediately looked in another direction. He looked around the room, noticing security cameras everywhere. It's as if they are worried that any second we could break out and... do what? A nurse suddenly poked him from behind, and he jumped up in shock. "Sorry, sir... erm James." Jimmy nodded in forgiveness, however was still upset that they hadn't taken his issues into concern.

"There's been a little issue with roommate pairing," the nurse said, and Jimmy looked down thinking all of the possible things they might've screwed up. "You are in room 107," the nurse said, "which means you will be sharing the room with a girl." Jimmy blushed uncomfortably, not sure what to do. "It's not too bad, her name is Aily. Including, your psychiatrist said it would be good for you socially." Jimmy nodded in defeat. Who is this psychiatrist of mine? Why do she or he get to decide everything that I do?

He looked at Sarah, and then blushed realizing the ruckus he caused in front of her. He nodded his head in apology to her, and then mouthed sorry. Realizing how ridiculous that might've looked, he quickly collected his luggage and rushed out of the room. He was a little sad to leave the girl but was afraid to embarrass himself in front of her. He decided to visit his own room and headed towards it. He quietly opened the door and to his shock saw his roommate already sitting by the window. What was her name... Aily? What if she doesn't already know about this arrangement. I wouldn't be able to explain it to her. Then she would think I am some sort of freak!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn Character Portrait: James Talon
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Aily Sinder~

Aily groaned and slowly sat up on her bed as she hears the door open, she rubs her eye and yawns. 'must have fallen asleep' she thinks to her self and looks up at the person entering the room. She blinked for a moment and then raised a brow at the male entering the room with luggage. " Um...Are you in the right room..?" She asked in her normal monotone voice as she stood up and adjusted her shirt and ripped jeans. She walked closer and looked at him as she crosses her arms, giving off a bit of a bitchy vibe. she didn't mean to and as she realized that she was she bites her lip and looks down her exterior almost completely softening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn Character Portrait: James Talon
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James Talon

The girl, Aily, raised a brow at him as she walked slowly towards him. She must think I'm a freak, Jimmy thought, cowering a little. The girl asked in an expressionless voice, "Um...Are you in the right room..?"His fears were true, the girl did not know he was her roommate. Jimmy thought about what he should do until he realized he had the sheet giving his room number and roommate, so he pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to her, keeping his hand far away enough from contact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nikky Lavender Haulls Character Portrait: Ivan Harrper Character Portrait: Skye Azriel Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn Character Portrait: James Talon
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Skye looked up as Nikky ran off and Ivan stayed seated beside him. He didn't know what Nikky was talking about and his head kinda hurt from crying so hard earlier, so he decided to sink down onto the bed and lay down. he sighed softly and closed his eyes his bangs falling into his face as he curls up on his side, looking almost as if he is cuddling up to Ivan's leg.

Aily Sinder~

She slowly took the paper noticing how he was holding it and seemingly didn't want to even touch her. She looked over the paper and saw that he was indeed in the right room and she had been much to rude before even thinking about it. " Oh...sorry. Im Aily. Do you want help unpacking?" She asked her voice still in a monotone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aily Sinder Svetlynn Character Portrait: James Talon
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James Talon

"Oh... sorry. I'm Aily. Do you want help unpacking?" the girl, Aily, asked without care. Assuming she had no interest in helping him, Jimmy shook his head no and quickly bent down to pick up his luggage and set it up on the corner of the room, unsure if he really needed to unpack anything yet.