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Neverland's Descent

Neverland's Descent


If you were given the opportunity to never grow up, would you take it..? Even if it meant leaving behind your entire world, everything you knew? Well, would you..? {Full~}

1,990 readers have visited Neverland's Descent since Ever created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

peter pan



ImageNeverland. A place that should have only existed in story books, in old maid’s tales, in the hearts and dreams of a child. A place in which magic reigns and time stills.. a place so mystical, most would give up their valued Earthly possessions just for a glimpse. And yet, this is precisely where our story begins, on this enchanted island regarding 2 rather unique individuals.

ImageOn the mainland, a section of the island covered in various terrains, there isn’t one dominant race that governs the stretch. In fact, there are 2 major Image'clans’ occupying the different territories; The Children of the Sea residing near the coves and beaches and The Children of the Woods taking residency between the trees. And yet, despite being as dispersed as they were, both of these two tribes were experiencing a phenomenon on the same day….each of the clan leaders had given birth to their heirs. With the Children of the Sea being with a rambunctious baby boy and the Children of the Woods having been bestowed with a giggling girl, it was certainly a time that caused for rejoice and endless banquets… but, those happy times were soon to end. Not long after their arrival into this ethereal world, these 2 heirs were robbed from their cradles by the demons who wished to see Neverland fall to ruin; the Pirates. Transferred by the night’s protective shroud, these scoundrels planted the children into the world of humans, effectively robbing them of their birth given powers and immortality.

Each of the clans were distraught with despair, their precious bundles that were to guide their future seemingly vanished without a trace. With welling anger and overpowering grief, the leaders of each faction paid a visit to their nonofficial king, Peter Pan, demanding that some form of justice was to be ruled out. Pan, wishing to keep his subjects content, doled out the punishment he saw fit by removing the usage of the infamous pirate captain James Hook’s right hand, before sending out his own scouts into the land in search of the children. However, after 5 years of fruitless hunting, Pan ended up calling a retreat of his own party, the Lost Children, closing such a matter as unsolvable. In fear of never having their kin brought back into their world, the leaders of the clans rallied before coming to terms and presenting the bargain to Pan; the Children of the Woods would give their little Heiress’s marriage hand to him if he managed to bring back both alive.


Driven by motivation, Peter Pan managed to hunt down both of the heirs, all of whom have aged quite oddly now that they were placed in the human realm, with astonishing speed. And guess where they were hidden away? You guessed it, Kensington, London. Placed under the same roof with the same name, the Kingsley siblings are brought back to Neverland, unaware of their true blood origins or names. Nestled under Pan’s wing for guidance, the Kingsleys are, seemingly, having the worst time adjusting to the new environment..and it isn’t long before the dreaded Pirates hear of their return. A war is beginning to brew as each of these children are slowly regaining their powers, a struggle of catastrophic portions crawling nearer to the present as the Pirates begin to invade the mainland… And when given a choice, will the children choose to return to their peaceful existence? Or stay and fight alongside their bloodlines?


Image.:.The Children of the Sea.:.
Sea-dwellers who have developed a spiritual connection to the ocean, they are, by no means, even remotely related to the Pirates… in fact, it’s an insult to refer to them as Imagesuch.

Image♗ Creatures that often take the form of a human, they possess a second stage akin to the ideal image of a mermaid; a fishtail extending from below their navel, wispy fins attached to their forearms and gill slits at their throat
♗ Surprisingly the second eldest of the tribe factions, their signature powers are anything having to do with water manipulation. However, in their human form, they are, Imageeasily, the strongest out of all the other clans
Image♗ Typically seen as the mellow and calm ones, they are fiercely loyal to their King [even if he is nonofficial] and his every law

.:.The Children of the Woods.:.
The oldest race among their neighbors, these Faeries make the best allies and the worst enemies… especially if you just so happen to stumble into their home base, the forest.

♗ Much like the aforementioned Sea-dwellers, the Fae have 2 forms they possess; a human and a true. Between the different states of being, there isn’t a major difference in terms of changing eye or hair colors.. but that’s about it. In the latter, most Faeries shrink to be only as tall as a young adult’s thumb, their body glowing in every hue of the rainbow. Commonly, each Fae has a pair of butterfly wings signature to their person that are opaque tones of pastels

♗ The magic they possess is quite unique to say the least. The most varied in ability, the common example would have to be flora manipulation. However, there have been some cases in which Faeries can manipulate others through song, bend light to their will, or even command the weather. Counterparts to the Children of the Sea, these creatures are the most agile and swift in their human transformation

♗ Often tagged as the curious and mischievous ones in Neverland, their alliance to the King is on shaky ground

.:.The Lost Children.:.
The absolute loyalists to Pan, each and everyone of these rambunctious and loud humans view him as a big brother of sorts. Orphans stolen from the human world by the Big Man himself, over time, each of these individuals have gained immortality by staying on the mainland for as long as they have.

♗ Generally, they do not have “real names” in the sense there is a first and last. Typically, they are given a single word by Pan to indicate their new identities (for example; Sage, Pine, Sky, etc)

♗ They do not possess any true powers… aside from immortality. However, they do possess unusual skills (for example; knife throwing, archery, trap making, etc) that is unique to their person

.:.The Pirates.:.
The ‘villains’ of Neverland, they are merely vagrants who wish to see the fall of Peter Pan so they can retake the throne. In a certain view, the Pirate Captain is like Pan in the sense he takes in the rejects of the human world [and of the Lost Children] and adapts them to become pirates...however, most of the humans he rescues are ones riddled with a shady past and full of regrets. As such, the entirety of the pirate crew are loyal to Hook for giving them a second chance at a life.

♗ Only Hook has a power seeing as he is part of the race Pan annihilated; the Mesmers (A race of beings that were well-known for being rule breakers and tyrants in Neverland, they controlled an ability that manipulated the bodies and actions of living things through sending blasts of their own chi from their hands)




Role | Age (looks to be) | Gender | Race | FC: | Reserved for: |

Peter Pan
Peter Pan | 18 | Male | Unknown | FC: {Karoku Arumerita || Karneval} | Reserved For: Scra
Kingsley Siblings
Sister | 16 | Female | Children of the Woods | FC: Chitoge Kirisaki| Reserved for: Ever

Brother | 14 | Male | Children of the Sea | FC: | Reserved for: Gyrfledgeling
Lost Children
Second-in-Command | 17 | Male | Human | FC: {Heine || DOGS} | Reserved for: Luna Delta

Member 1 | 16 | Female | Human (Twin to Member 2) | FC: {Yui Hirasawa || K-On!} | Reserved for: AerialWitness

Member 2 | 16 | Female | Human (Twin to Member 1) | FC: {Ui Hirasawa || K-On!} | Reserved for: Polarisbear12
Captain Hook | 19 | Male | Mesmer | FC: {Rin || Free!} | Reserved for: sky_onangelwings

Second-in-Command | 18 | Male | Human | FC: {Uroko-Sama || Nagi no Asukara } | Reserved for: RogueNinja

Regular Member | 19 | Female | Human | FC: {Naoto || DOGS} | Reserved for: Luna Delta

Regular Member | 17 | Male | Human | FC: {Lavi || D. Grayman} | Reserved for: comicbooklover


.:. Skeleton .:.
Code: Select all
[center][img]IMAGE OF NAME GOES HERE[/img][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes Here[/img][/center]
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]Quote Goes Here[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=avenir light][color=first color]✦[u]Theme[/u][/color][/font][/center]
[left][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[/left][right][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url][/right]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Nickname[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Age[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Gender[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Race[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Role[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Face Claim[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Hair Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
hair color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Eye Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
eye color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Skin Tone[/i][/b][/color]⌋
skin color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Height[/i][/b][/color]⌋
height (preferably in feet and inches)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Weight[/i][/b][/color]⌋
weight (preferably in lbs)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Physical Description[/i][/b][/color]⌋
description (1-2 paragraphs please!)[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Potential Interest[/i][/b][/color]⌋
potential here

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Skills[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining. {you can add more skills}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Power Abilities[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain {continue this format for more abilities}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Other[/i][/b][/color]⌋
Any other important information

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Habits[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain {continue format for more habits}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Likes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain {continue format for more likes}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain {continue for more dislikes}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Strengths[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain {continue format for more strengths}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain {continue format for more weaknesses}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Personality[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u][/center]
1-2 paragraphs explaining the traits.[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes here[/img]
[font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]

  1. {Reservations} || Please reserve characters in the OOC. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please, just reserve~ Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time~

  2. {Two Days} || You only have two {2} days to submit your characters, and four {4} to complete it. If not complete by day four {4}, I will give your position away... unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished, that is.

  3. {Literacy} || Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be literate, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 150+ words.. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred and fifty words {150}.

  4. {Explicit Content & Etc.} || Of course Romance is is the best thing ever! Gore may also pop up in here a few times. Drama is allowed in character >but not in the OOC...unless it is playful< Yes, Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard..also, that includes "intimate" relationships. Please, take it to the PMs if you wish.. just don't blind us~

  5. {Anime} || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't in anime-style. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Also..while we are on the topic about anime, put down the latest anime you've watched and bold the second {2nd} letter in it's title when reserving to show you have read the rules.

  6. {Commitment} || I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing and our computer screens. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

  7. {One Last Thing} || Also add your speaking text colour (both the code and it's appearance in text) alongside the earlier passwords for reserving.

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Neverland by Ever


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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Eloise Kingsley
Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Character Portrait: Caelan James Devon
Character Portrait: Fawn
Character Portrait: Brian McShane


Character Portrait: Brian McShane
Brian McShane

"How's the weather down there?"

Character Portrait: Fawn


Character Portrait: Caelan James Devon
Caelan James Devon

"Every story needs a villain to make sure that the hero doesn't get too big-headed."

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"Only a shell of what I used to be."


Character Portrait: Brian McShane
Brian McShane

"How's the weather down there?"

Character Portrait: Caelan James Devon
Caelan James Devon

"Every story needs a villain to make sure that the hero doesn't get too big-headed."

Character Portrait: Fawn


Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"Only a shell of what I used to be."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fawn


Character Portrait: Caelan James Devon
Caelan James Devon

"Every story needs a villain to make sure that the hero doesn't get too big-headed."

Character Portrait: Brian McShane
Brian McShane

"How's the weather down there?"

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"Only a shell of what I used to be."

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Re: Neverland's Descent

Just thought I'd drop this here. Made me think of this role play.

Re: Neverland's Descent

So when are we scheduled to start love? Or are we just waiting on our Peter Pan and a few completed Character Sheets. I'm real excited about how this will go>w< so I hope it doesn't die before it even gets to start. I can already see the sorts of developments that will ensue once characters interact and I'm sure those of you who have already tried your hand at this before would like for this to work out.

Re: Neverland's Descent

Almost done with my character. xD

Re: Neverland's Descent

asdfghjkl I'm going to submit Fang soon... xD It doesn't look like many of the Lost Children are going to be a big 'fan' of his, pfft. (Fang does need to control his lying though~)

Soleil's personality is coming up too as soon as I make progress with some other things today e.e

Re: Neverland's Descent

It seems that my Internet is down for the count due to some home renevations. I most likely will not be able to finish my character until later tonight, but I'll do my best to get him finished up ASAP! (And get some new pictures, as my other ones decided not to work). I just wanted to let you know so you didn't think I ran off. :)

Re: Neverland's Descent

EEk! I better get my chari done soon! It's almost there!

Re: Neverland's Descent

Thanks for the advice. c'x It's saved me a lot of time, to be honest.

I just have the character's history to write out and then he'll be pretty much finished.

Re: Neverland's Descent

Have you tried working on it in Word. I've always done that then I submit it and work out the kinks in the sheet afterwards. Plus Word has an automatic Correction system so you'll know when something is wrong:3

Also if anyone is interested, I more or less completed mine, so feel free to take a look at her and give a critique or whateverx3 I can't wait for this to startOwO

Re: Neverland's Descent

I'm sorry it's taking so long, Ever. My laptop seems intent on letting me write loads, only to then refresh the page for absolutely no reason so that I lose everything. I've tried completing this CS so many times. I'm going to submit it and complete it one section at a time to save it so that I don't lose loads of information if it does refresh again. It shouldn't take me too long.

Sorry for keeping you waiting. x'3

Re: Neverland's Descent

Sorry, sorry I'll be changing my font color to #FF8000. It'll do better for my FC.

Re: Neverland's Descent


Reserved ^^ And thank you~ I'm glad you think so x3

Re: Neverland's Descent

This seems very intriguing! May I reserve the role of the male pirate regular member?
The last anime I watched would be Tsuritama, which is a personal favorite of mine.
My color would be #999999. :)

Re: Neverland's Descent



Re: Neverland's Descent

May I have twin one reserved?
Last anime I watched was Kiba. I watched it just to watch it I didn't really actually enjoy it.
The color I'd be using would probably be Pink
Code: #DF013A

Re: Neverland's Descent

Okay so then I guess I'll be using Kobato from Kobato as my FC, although I may change it in case Twin1 doesn't like the idea>w>

Re: Neverland's Descent

Thanks a bunch. c'x

I'll start working on the CS now, but I'm not sure whether he'll be submitted by tonight... If not, he'll definitely be in tomorrow.

Looking forward to roleplaying with you guys. c:

Re: Neverland's Descent

Yup, its been a little whilex3

I totally understand! Would it better to wait until someone else shows interest before choosing an FC? Hmm I send you a pm about it, so no worries^w^