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Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.

0 · 403 views · located in Obani Mining Station 22

a character in “NextGuard: The Search For High-Den”, as played by Sylwyn


[Name]: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet
[Race]: Achernaran
[Gender]: Female
[Age]: 16

[Physical Appearance]: Ninari's smooth celadon skin bears bold, striking markings of fiery red-orange and sapphire along her face, fringe and extremities that will deepen in color as she surpasses maturity. At 1.177 meters tall, she is of average height for her race, and like all Achernarans, her hands have two fingers and two opposing thumbs. Her black eyes have thin, nictitating membranes that open and close frequently to keep them moist.

[Personality]: Archernarans have barely achieved interstellar travel, and still maintain what would be crude, but efficient technology to other races, as such, advanced weaponry, vehicles and the like are all relatively new to their race. Ninari is easily excited and eager to learn how things work outside Archernar. She occupies her free time keeping others busy entertaining her inquisitive nature. Compared to the others, she has a very sheltered view of galactic existence, and can be naive, even gullible at times, relying on those she is closest to to enlighten her and keep her out of trouble. She learns quickly, however, whom not to trust, while remaining loyal and caring to her friends and family.

[History]: The people of Archernar star are relatively new to the galaxy. Due to their amphibious nature, they have not colonized any worlds within their system outside their home planet, since most of the water is ice-locked or of the wrong chemical compound and Ph balance to sustain them. They had not yet the technology to leave their star system when the Intergalactic Federation learned that their rapidly spinning star was slowly pulling the system's smaller planets closer to its orbit, resulting in disruptions in magnetic fields, dramatic polar shifts and climate changes.

With an indeterminate amount of time left before the homeworld became uninhabitable, the Intergalactic Federation intervened to help the Archernarans advance their technology and leave their system to locate suitable colony worlds elsewhere in the galaxy. Archernarans reach sexual maturity at the age of 16 and have many children in their short lifespans. Ninari, just having reached adulthood, was among those youth selected by her people to represent the future of Archernaran culture.

[Items/Weapons]: Blowgun and barbed tipped darts, a small collection of various herbs, poisons and medicines. Carries a machine pistol and combat knife, but won't hesitate to use (or try to use) anything at her disposal.

[Skills]: Ninari is knowledgeable in the medical field, insofar as basic physiology, toxins, medicines, anesthetics and rudimentary healing.

[Powers/Abilities]: When threatened, Archernarans secrete a poisonous toxin from glands in their skin that seeps into the pores of an assailant, usually debilitating or killing a full-grown, healthy adult human in a few minutes. They can spend several hours, up to a day (for top athletes) underwater without the need to resurface. All are fairly agile and naturally inclined to athletic abilities such as swimming, jumping and climbing.

Early Archernarans first learned to harvest their natural poison by holding their offspring over an open flame until the child secreted a coating of slime from which deadly toxin could then be extracted. Later, stem cell research enabled scientists to genetically engineer poison for military purposes, but, as poison from young Archernarans (aged 3-13 is considered to be prime age for extracting the most lethal toxin) is expensive and highly favored by small tribes and the black market in parts of the world where harvesting children is illegal.

[Weaknesses]: Archernarans cannot thrive in bodies of water with high salinity. Prolonged exposure to saltwater will harm their skin, akin to what happens to humans who have allergies to certain metals.

[Extras]: All Archernarans have four names: Their family name, title, birth name and the name chosen upon completion of their rite of passage into adulthood.

"What is Groot, some sort of Arcturian mating ritual?"

So begins...

Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet's Story

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Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet
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#, as written by Sylwyn
Ninari leaned down and tapped on the small glass box containing her latest patient, a rather large insect with two sets of translucent wings and a tapered body. It's two round, bulging sets of eyes regarded her from behind the pane, seemingly beyond contemplating, let alone understanding, its fate at the hands of its "rescuer." As they fled the planet, the stowaway had crawled up her pant leg and made its way quietly into the concavity of her rib cage where it tickled her until she plucked the offender from her shirt, only to find one of its six legs broken off at the lower joint.

After patching up her fellow crew mates, she "quarantined" the intruder, ignoring the sniggers from her friends, and left to complete her inventory duties. Though Archernarans spent fleeting periods of inactivity in which they remained perfectly still with eyes closed , they did not actually sleep in a state of REM like the average humanoid, and only went into hibernation during cold weather. As such, Ninari had managed to complete her tasks well ahead of schedule, and now spent her free time studying the bug. Certain she was alone, she switched off her universal translator so she could hear herself think without the constant echo of some unfamiliar voice at her ear.

"I just don't understand why you can't simply grow a new leg," she announced upon a second examination, though whether the bug actually understood her was irrelevant, as the only thing it would hear was the clicks and trills from her lips coupled with intermittent, almost melodic vibrations from deep inside her throat. "You're not at all like the wortflies on my homeworld."

The bug did not respond, nor did it appear inclined to.

The sticky pad of her finger left a fat smear on the glass as she practically cooed. "Well, aren't you just a cute, hairy little thing?"

Ninari lifted the top panel, allowing the bug to struggle to the edge and start to fly upward. At last! The papery wings beat furiously. Freedom was imminent, and the insect attempted to lift off, barely reaching suitable altitude when the Archernaran's tongue shot out. Snap! In the blink of an eye, the tapered body disappeared. Ninari smacked her lips together, using her fingers to quickly brush any stray pieces into her mouth before swallowing whole.

"Hmm," she mused after a moment, tilting her head thoughtfully. "Not bad. A little dry. But, as they say on Fenrir, one snack is as good as another."

The setting changes from The Middleman Starship to The Universe


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Kanro Character Portrait: Indiela Character Portrait: Volf Darus Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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Indie felt slightly embarrassed for reacting the way she did, but she didn't let it show. Maybe she was just on edge for what happened. They were just a bunch of rookies and they were the only ones left. He seemed to feel when she reached out mentally. She made a note to never try that again to him, she couldn't risk him figuring out exactly what she was able to do. Compared to his telekinesis, her's seemed like nothing, but she knew deep down her ability was nothing to scoff at. She could make a man crumble if she wanted to. Her thoughts were pushed away when Kanro began speaking to her.

She glanced up when her mentions her "lovely chocolate browns". If she could remember correctly, that was the first time she had gotten a compliment on her true form, or at least the one she she felt most comfortable in. Then again, it wasn't something she really looked for or paid attention to. She snorted at the spy part. Of course she wasn't a spy. When he finished she addressed a few things he said.

"Kanro, I can only change my hair and eyes. I can hardly change my skin, I mean enough to be useful, but not enough to be a spy. And yeah, people skills are definitely important," she said and yawned. She rubbed her face trying to make the exhaustion go away. He walked over to one of the two cots in the room, so Indiela knew that he would be going to bed, and that would free her from his emotions.

"Now, personal issues aside… We're counting on you to navigate through these asteroids and into the station…" he said to her as he sat down. The young girl stood up and tucked her black hair behind her ears. The next thing she heard was all too familiar, but even though they were close in age, he still had the right to say it to her. "…That's an Order, Indiela."

Indie nodded as she took his seat. "Yes sir," was her verbal response. It wasn't completely sarcastic but it did sound a bit awkward.

After an hour or so of navigating and stressing, Indie finally made it in the clear. Behind her was a complicated maze of debris and astroids. She's never done this in real life, only in simulations. She hoped Kanro didn't know she almost always hit something during those. It didn't matter now, because she knew she could do it if it was absolutely necessary. She felt confident that she could do this by herself now. She had 10 more clicks to go, but they were moving fast, and it was all clear in front of her.

She did the same thing that Kanro did earlier when he made his announcement. "Hello everyone, we're coming up quickly on the station, so get ready to land," she sounded awkward and she worried they might not have been able to hear her. She pushed the thoughts aside and began to take the ship down. She pulled The Middleman starship into the hangar and got up from her seat. She glanced over at a sleeping Kanro and fought the urge to look into his dreams. Instead, she waked over and shook his shoulder. "I did it," she said. "I mean, we're here, and we made it with little to no problems."

The setting changes from The Universe to The Middleman Starship

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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#, as written by Sylwyn
Her hunger temporarily sated and meal slowly digesting, Ninari had taken one of the cots in the med bay for the last twenty minutes of their flight. Though she had not actually slept, the ship's landing jarred her out of her trance-like state, and she startled as though having woken from deep slumber. Regaining her bearings, she sat up and climbed off the cot, deliberately placing her feet on the floor, one at a time. She was unaccustomed to consistently high levels of activity associated with risky operations like this one, and their escape had taken its toll by way of physical fatigue. While her body seemed to disagree with her desire to move, she was mentally alert, at least.

By the time she changed from her medical uniform back into suitable attire and made her way to the bridge, she found she wasn't the first to arrive. Ninari wasn't even really used to leaving the medical wards and bays of ships on such a regular basis, but-- she patted the compartment in her exosuit containing her Archernar credit chit and leftover funds from Stronghaven-- she figured she could stand to restock a few things.

She started to greet Artyom with a high-pitched trilling sound, realizing she still had her translator off, and quickly switched it back on with a flutter of her nictitating membranes and a deepening of her greenish skin that could be construed as slight embarrassment as she regained her composure.

"Good Morning, Kinova-sar," she said, the translator emulating a subdued phalanging effect in her voice as she greeted him with a formal tone. The term 'sar' an Archernaran usually expressed at the end of a surname denoted one's status as above that of the speaker.

The setting changes from The Middleman Starship to The Universe


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Kanro Character Portrait: Volf Darus Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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Among the landing procedure, there wasn't really much going on that required Artyom's immediate attention. When Ninari attempted to greet him and ended up forgetting her translator was off, the corners of his mouth twitched upwards a little upon noticing what passed for a blush among her kind. Nodding in response to her greeting, he went to join the away party.

Why Kanro and Volf expressed, or at least implied, hostile intentions to the crowds was something of a mystery, especially when self-preservation was a big part of their mission. Excess testosterone, he figured. Although bio-androids did have hormones, there wasn't as much when compared to a fully organic life-form, hence the subdued emotions, which in turn provided capacity for more logical thought patterns. Sighing inwardly at their actions, he disembarked and stood outside the ship. As ever, it seemed like he was awaiting further instructions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Kanro Character Portrait: Indiela Character Portrait: Volf Darus Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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Indie stretched and followed Kanro off of the ship. She was pretty proud of herself, but kept a straight face. Seeing the rest of the crew put a daze on her. There was Volf, who was surrounded by an orangey-yellow color. Artyom had an extremely faint blue-ish grey hue. It was strange, she had never seen someone with such a translucent aura before. She considered this a moment before letting her eyes land on Ninari. Her coloring was beautiful. Indiela hadn't seen many beings that didn't look like humans most of the time. The other girl was sporting a light lilac aura.

They each advanced in their own separate ways. Kanro let Volf know that they were the good guys, and intimidation wasn't necessary at this point. Indie could feel the anger and fear coming from the people that occupied this planet. One approached Volf and he threatened him, in a very.. subtle way. Indie folded her arms and approached one of the people. She casually took off a glove and shoved it in her back pocket. If she needed to use her gifts it would be less obvious this way. If she took off her glove, then immediately touched someone, only for them to get a sudden change of heart, things would be obvious. She started a conversation and asked where she might be able to find spare parts or weapons. Not getting any useful information she walked over to Kanro. He had given him orders to do.. something. She hadn't paid enough attention. "Any thing specific, Captain?" she asked, wondering what she should do. "Want me to just sit around and make nice with them?" she ventured, tilting her head slightly in the direction of the crowd. Most of them had dispersed, but were still milling around in the area. Indie thought she might be able to get a few pointers on where to find things if she asked a few more people, but she wanted to make sure Kanro didn't have anything specific in mind her for. Being so exhausted and very slight miscommunication with Volf seemed to put him more on edge. She didn't know him that well, though, and it still could have been his dreariness. She stretched her arms out, brushing his hand with her fingers. She pulled back immediately, feigning embarrassment. Really, she just wanted to give him a calm nerve. Nothing too drastic, but just enough to where he felt a bit better.

The setting changes from The Universe to Obani Mining Station 22

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Indiela Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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#, as written by Sylwyn
Ninari took one step into the airlock and cringed, already feeling the equalization in atmospheric pressure and lack of humidity outside. She gave Indiela a light smile before depressing button on her exosuit to extract her helmet from its collar. When she stepped outside, her narrow visor polarized against the harsh daylight, and she gave a sigh of relief that the suit's air filter amplified. Few people gave the Archernaran a second glance as she exited the vessel, and those who did noticed more the appearance of a armed, suited figure than the fact she only had four long digits on each hand, or the odd width of her combat boots being as her feet were webbed. She had her submachine gun safely holstered to her hip, but made no effort to rouse or anyone by removing it. As usual, she would leave potential problems to the others in the event diplomacy failed. Rarely did she open fire unless she found herself cornered or in need of providing support.

Her path set her away from the others, somewhat, as she slipped into a more business-like role. The Archernaran's main job was to observe both inhabited and uninhabited worlds, log and report her findings to the Council. This was partly for the citizens of Fenrir to learn what planets outside Archernar were most suited for varying, preexisting lifeforms, and discover which worlds harbored the most potential to support their future colonies. The Fenriri, dubbed "Archernarans" by the other races for their sole hold on that particular star in the galaxy, were actually a relatively peaceful people. With a shorter lifespan in comparison to most races, they only went through periods of primitive cultural instability resulting in locally short, but devastating wars after which they built back up and eventually realized they weren't going anywhere as a race by fighting. Thus, Ninari had never been really been exposed to people like those she now walked among, and she was starting to wonder why they constantly looked at her like she wanted to bite their heads off. After all, they didn't seem at all appetizing...

Something caught her eye, however, and letting her curiosity get the better of her, she looked over at her comrades, whose attentions seemed to be diverted to finding edible rations, and diverted from the group to look at a small window display of strange-looking insects with pincers on their forearms and long, thin antennae that reminded her of little crustaceans she had seen back home.

"Mmm," she wondered aloud, and found herself gravitating to the shop, where she wandered inside, seeking out the owner. She regarded Ninari rather callously at first, but the amphibian retracted her helmet and asked how much for the little bugs in the woman's own tongue. The owner's look became one of shock, then surprise followed by an eagerness to give her a price and show her a fine specimen.

The price seemed reasonable enough, so Ninari paid. It wasn't until several minutes later that the Archernaran was seen being run out of the store with a large broom, the woman behind her, shouting something about what wasn't food and to never come back again.

Whatever the case, the words must not have translated, for the amphibian gave a very confused backward glance as she put her helmet back on outside. When she rejoined the others, she looked to both of them and awkwardly asked, "What's a pet?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Indiela Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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Indie nodded and jogged after Artyom. She waved hello, but stayed silent as she studied him. He looked human enough, and his emotions felt human. They weren't as strong, and she noticed he was a tad scared... No. He was worrisome. Of her? She felt it was a direct emotion, but she couldn't quite be sure. Soon enough he broke the silence. "We should look around for provisions first. I shall defer to your opinion on these matters; I am... not the most skilled in the culinary arts."

The girl smiled at this as her eyes faded to a pale blue to reflect his aura. "Well, I like things to be just right, so the food I make usually tastes pretty good," she said hopefully reassuring him. She was good with picking out what flavors went with what, and since she followed recipes to a T, most things ended up tasting pretty good. Now, she is no chef, but she is also no stranger to the kitchen. Just as they were entering a shop, she noticed a flash of purple along with some confusion. "Hi, Ninari," she said, turning to the girl.

The lavender color that had surrounded her previously was now a darker purple. It was a beautiful color. "What's a pet?" she asked. Once her translator had done it's work, Indie bit her lip. "Well, it's sorta like..." pushing away Ninari's confusion, Indie gathered her own thoughts.

"You know some things that are not intelligent as us?" Indie asked, trying not to insult anyone. "Like a beast of some sort? It's when you tame that wild thing and make it your pet. You feed it, provide it shelter.. And it usually becomes your companion and friend," Indiela explained. "I understand this may be confusing," she continued, "Because some pets are another's food. It all depends on the person." Indie turned away from the girl, hoping she had satisfied her question and began looking at the shelves. She picked up some simple spices and then moved onto to collect some a few other odd things. When she finally was finished, she haggled a price with the owner of the shop and when they agreed, she paid from her own pocket. She explained what she got, some meat and foods from the ground. Also a lot of foods that store well like dried goods. The girl also picked out some sweet foods and alcohol.

"What next?" she asked, sliding on her glove again. She didn't feel like she would need to use her power at this point.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninari Sinderis Tar-Heqet Character Portrait: Indiela Character Portrait: Artyom Kinova
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As Artyom listened in on Indiela's explanation to Ninari regarding what pets were, the bio-android decided to make an informative contribution, in the form of sending some information regarding the use of pets throughout human history via a lengthy text message to her comm device. He practically did all this "in his head" thanks to having a positronic brain. Once they were done with that, Artyom and Indie moved on, the latter asking the former what they should go for next.

"Hmm... I believe we have all we need. You may go back to the ship, but I need to find a few more advanced components for my drones so that they may handle a wider array of complex functions." With that said, Artyom continued alone. In addition to getting the parts, there was still the chance of overhearing a conversation mentioning the fall of the galaxy's law enforcement. But, leaving her so suddenly and without much in the way of parting words would likely have been interpreted as impolite. "Maybe we could talk again later, if you want?" he asked Indie before actually leaving her presence.

Since they were on a mining station, it was pretty easy to find a satisfactory store that sold drone parts. While browsing one of the shelves, his hearing detected a whispered conversation just a few feet away from him.

"...but what I wanna know is, what's gonna happen now that they're gone?"

"Dunno, but whoever managed to take out StellarShield means business, and I don't think they'll keep things all neat and tidy like they were. There's trouble on the horizon, mate. We should take whatever we can and head for the outer rim of the galaxy. We'd be safer there than nearer the core."

"Hey, how do I know that this isn't some sorta hoax?"

"Would I lie to my oldest friend? Look, we've got about a week until our ship leaves. Better get packing, yeah?"

So it seemed that although there were those who somehow managed to find out about StellarShield's demise, this information had not been publicly revealed. Yet.

Probably for the better, since it would likely cause panic among the masses. Artyom quickly finished his personal errand, purchasing the parts and returning to the ship post-haste.