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Knoll Shadowshade

Give in to the Dark

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a character in “Nightbane”, originally authored by Rarikou, as played by RolePlayGateway

Description ...(it sets the mood)
Name: Knoll Shadowshade
Nickname: Shade (few call him this)
Height: 5'6
Weight: 157 lbs
Age: 18
The hair is a close to purple as you can get it, with out actually being purple... I guess the term would be a light indigo. He wears a necklace made from both gold and silver, with a charm in the shape of 'XX' (The Arcanic symbol for Judgement,) One X is emblazoned with a ruby in the center on one side, and a sapphire on the back. The other one has a Topas on ine, and a peridot on the other.The metal itself is black... no one really knows the TYPE of material it is.

He wears long black robes, in true Arcanist fashion. The sleeve them selves are rather baggy. All through out the patteren on the robes are scripted Roman numerals, ragin fro '0' to '22' The numbers '0' and '21' are on his sleeves, where his wrist usually is (Both O and XXI are Arcanic symbols for 'the fool' and 'the World' Symbolizing the beginning and end of one's journey)

He always has a book at his side, held at his side by a strap around his solider, with a matching pen. This is Knoll's reasearch log \journal. It's a rather big tome, but the design is rather plain, though dark-looking nonetheless.

His body is gratly scarred, from all dark acts he's done. His forearms have seen the worse, and it makes his upper arms look like their natrually red.
Both Eyes are a dark emerald, and his... 'companions', shall we say, say they seem to pierce into one's very soul.

Nightbane Appearence: He keeps his general outline... or rather it only appears too, because his robes are so long and. He turns into a completle, dark figure. His skin l
oses it's complexion, and his face dissapears completly. On his right wrist is the 'XXI' on it, in the center of a perfect star, with edges around it, while his left is the same thing, only with a 'XX'. His shadow draws in to a single, dark circle, though shadows seem to leak out from it like tentacles, at random points.. One his, the only thing visible is an eye, but, instead of his usual color, it's a bright gold. When he doesn't have his robes on him (very unlikely) You can see black shockwaves emit from his back, hit an object, and return to him.

Knoll is a man devoted to learning the truth of all things. ALL things, wether or not they're 'good' or 'evil. He dosen't discrimnate. He devotes his life to his studies into the 'occult' and other 'myths'. His... 'comrades' say he has the 'golden eyes' whatever he works at, he solves. (and is the reason for the gold eye in his nightbane appearence: he was proud of that saying. ) He is an adept puzzle solver, solving that patheic cube puzzle at the age of six. Natrually he poessess a keen mind and spirit. He's tested his will and wits against some of his comrades, and has proven to be quite the adept fellow.

His mind allows him to adapt to most situations faster than most, so he didn't take long to adapt to the power of Nightbane. If nothing else, he was pleased with it. The power accompnied through his Morphus allows his to experiment even darker experiments, experiments that no normal human would ever dare to preform, or they risked losing their very soul.

Now that the Seekers are now active in society, Knoll continues to pass on his calm, reasoning abilities... not nessacarily a leader, not nessacerily a follower. Consider him... an assistant who watches, and gives his words to those who need it. He is often a mediator, and speaks the voice of reason in most situations. Rarely does he act out of rage, but he will twist his words if they benefit him... or his research\ rituals. He always speaks in a calm, cool manner, with evenly spaced words.
Upon his death, his one wish is for his Research log to be published, and be given credit for his work as a Master Arcanist..

Likes: Darkness, Learning, Research, Open-Mindedness
Dislikes: Closemindedness, People to stupid to use their heads, Stubborness,

Biography: Born to a noble high class family, he lived with his mom and dad, who were both Scientists, and researchers. His fater was A astrologist, and her mother stuided various chemicals until day turned to night, and vice versa.. Thus, Knoll grew up with a love for knowledge. He read books that were far too big for him at the age of six. He even went to a young school for genisus.
One night changed everything. A mere three weeks after his eighth birthday, Knoll was on his was home from the library, after his reserved copis of Myths: Are they?, and had walked home to smoke and fire. He would later learn that it was due to a chemical reaction in his Mother's lab, witch in turn set off a chain reaction of chemicals still lingering in the air, witch blew up simeltaneously, sending his house in flames. He stayed in an alley for two days, living off what he could find lying around, when, upon returning to the remains of his house, noticed a robed woman, staring at the wreckage. When the woman turned to face Knoll, he realized that this woman was Aunt Larxene, whom the family rarely heard from. She knelt at Knoll's side, and hugged him. Then, she took her necklace, and put it around Knoll's neck, She then took him to her home.

There, he learned of the seekers, after months of studying the Arcane on his own. For the next three years, he assisted his Aunt with various projects varying from dissections, to basic transmutation, to summoning theory. At the age of 12, he was officaly inducted into the Seekers, when he formed a theory based on the simlarities of religons around the world, and how they were connected to each other, and the processess involved in it. At fifteen, after writing a 100 page essay on Morphogentic fields ( a variation of telepathy), he was granted his own lab, and named an Official Arcanist. He still did projects with his Aunt, as they were very intresting, and educational for the two of them.

When he turned eighteen.... The dark day happen afew weeks later. The Seekers, and he himself, rejoiced, and Knoll embraced his transformation without looking back. The dangers and risks of his research took in a even darker... stronger turn. He's even allowed his body to be experimented on by the others, as to increase their knowledge on the Nightbane's them selves. Even so, he's still learning of his abilities and, in fear of self-exploding, stays in his Facade most of the time. Even so, now that The Seekers are active, it gives him a chance to learn far more than he ever would have, if he stayed cooped up. Who knows? He may try and kidnap one for experimentation into what CAUSED the Dark Dawn..

Talents: One of Knoll's unique abilities is the All seing eye: His golden eye sees through all but the darkest darkness, and detects any spells (if they're invisible, there's a red aura around them). Another is something that he has named the Dark Corridor: If an area is particuaraly dark, he can teleport there using a column of pure darkness. Note: Knoll does NOT have to be in darkness to use this ability: only the destination has to be dark. This has a ten second cooldown. This can be useful: He could throw a knife in the corridor, and, kill someone in a dark room while they sleep. Another limitation is that he had to have stepped there sometime before. His third and final ability, he has named Yami. A large circle (about a ten foot radius... i'll get a pic up when I find a good one) In this circle, shadowy images of Knoll appear, and can attack others, or defend knoll, who must remain motionless. Surronding the circle are small balls of light, with a number below them, corresponding. (In otherwords, over the number 1 is one flame, over 18 are eighteen lights) this ranges from 1 - to 21. Every minute, One number dissapears (1'st minute, the 21 lights vanishes, 2 minutes= 20) when all flames are out, the spell ends, and Knoll must wait 21 minutes before recasting.

A PIC og the Yami Circle Image

The NightBane Rules All

So begins...

Knoll Shadowshade's Story