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Ryder Vasile

"All I have is all the time in the world"

0 · 1,489 views · located in Las Vegas, Nevada

a character in “Nightlife”, as played by The Toxic Cereus


Ryder Vasile
"Some are only born to an endless night" -Unknown-

I Saw Red|| Warrant| All American Nightmare|| Hinder| Who We Are|| Evans Blue____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Ryder Nicholas Vasile

Ry [Netural]
Nicholas [Hates]
Rynee [Despises]

Appears 21 (171)

August 25th - ♏


Heterosexual and Single



Ryder has dark dark brown hair, technically anyway. But he isn't one for technicalities. He calls it black. It's shaggy appearance is common, and it's drawn him a lot of attention in the past. Every so often he allows his hair to grow longer, past his ears. But that's when he has Odette cut it for him, since no where else can get it "right".

Perhaps his most stunning quality, his eyes are a deep crystal blue. A false sense of danger reside within them, and they sparkle when he is doing something he's passionate about. They turn shades darker when using his abilities. Though he does wear sunglasses rather often to avoid looking at people directly.

Calloused fingers and bruised knuckles from the times in which he got into a bit too much trouble. He has a light complexion due to his time spent indoors, but if a tan could be gained from a black light, he'd be the tannest of them all.

5'11 1/2 / 180


Ryder has a few things on his body that could be seen. Firstly would be the scar on his lower abdomen from a bar fight. Another would be the birthmark shaped like a moon on the inside of his right wrist. Aside from those two things, he has a tattooedleft arm, and plans to get his right done as well. Like Odette, he also bares the family ring.



XXXCarefree✦ Humorous✧Disorganized✦ Patient✧ Calm

Ryder is the entertainment committee of the club. He's one to quickly laugh, drink, and do party games. He's a natural at all of those things. His sly smile makes many weak to their knees. Picking up company for the night is no trouble for the guy. In fact because of this, he enjoys a slight challenge. His friends have called him cocky for that fact, he just finds it entertaining for the time. It doesn't take long until he gets bored again. When that happens, often the other person doesn't stick around, and he doesn't mind in the slightest.

The only person that has stuck around is his cousin, Odette. He spends a lot of his time trying to make the girl smile. He misses his fun, down to earth cousin. He knows life has changed, but he almost believes in fate. That it all happened for a reason - at least that's what he tells himself to get through the day. Odette may be someone who forgotten to smile, but she hasn't forgotten diplomatic words. Often those words get him out of trouble with the cops when he goes too far. More often than not he is able to bribe the officer however.

Ryder isn't one for attention to detail. He is a big picture sort of guy. Life is something he just enjoys watching unfold. His patience is one that is unmatched. He could wait for hours. His life gives him the luxury of not caring for time. When too much time passes, he's only calm about it. He's never been quick to anger, and when he is, he walks it off. His anger can turn hostile to the point of spitting words, but the worst would be kicking a can down a block.

Because of his carefree nature, it's hard to believe he has a solid bone in his body at all. The only serious side comes out of him at two known times. With his cousin, and with his past. He won't bring up what happened if he can, and he won't let people talk badly about his cousin. Throwing all that aside, he'll just try to lighten the mood with a shitty joke.






Drinking- A drink here, and there, and over there. He doesn't really get drunk anymore. He enjoys drinking for the sake of drinking - and it can't kill him. Though it does leave him with bad hangovers
Making Others Happy- He's always been a person to please. He likes other people laughing, because when he can't, it only encourages him to. Though life hasn't been kind, he tries to help others out as much as he can
Getting Laid- Ryder can't think of one guy that doesn't like getting laid. Whether it be a one night stand, or a friends with benefits sort of deal - he likes it
Card Games- He kicks ass at them. He likes to say he's lucky. Odette says he cheats
Live Music- Raw talent is rare, especially musical. He's seen a great

Being Uptight- He may live forever, but one day someone will end him. He doesn't want to just wait for that moment with a scowl
Bloodlust- The downside of being a vampire, he needs mortal blood. He feels bad when he does so, and tries to make it as enjoyable as he can for the other person
Country Music- He is no redneck farmer boy. He was, but back then it was folk songs with an out of tune guitar.
Being Scolded- It's no lie to say he's old. Odette likes to call him out on his reckless behavior. In which he says she needs to stop acting like a colossal bitch
Small Towns- They bring bad memories. It was where he was born - and his past stays in the past


Intangibility- His immortal ability allows him to walk through solid objects, as well as bring others through them. Yes, he's thought of robbing a bank with this ability
Fighting- Over the years, the man has learned to pack a punch. He can fend for himself and another if a situation arises to do so
Optimistic- Ryder may not always feel positive, but he's able to convince others to do so. Spreading hope is something he does well
Collected- It takes a lot to get under his skin, and even then he can calm down relatively quickly

Reckless- Being immortal and a vampire, he doesn't fear consequences like he should
Blunt- He tells it how it is, however brash that may be
Garlic- Moreso than his cousin, he's very allergic to garlic, and begins coughing up blood if some gets into his body. If he doesn't feed soon after, he'd eventually cough up all the blood in his body
Headaches- Due to his drinking habits, headaches come after a hard night of partying. Without the liquor they do as well. He figures to just drink

Running Hands Through Hair- Just a tick of his that he does if he's stressed
Sneezing- Whenever he sneezes, he "blesses" himself


See Odette


Is It Just Me| Hinder
Has everybody lost their mind?
Or is everybody way too wasted?
Am I the only one tonight?
Who thinks the whole damn world's gone crazy,

Drinking lately, Thinking maybe

Are we all just broken hearts?
Wasting time here in this bar,
Trying to hide from who we are,
Or is it just me?
Are we all just drunken fools?
Goin' broke, Breakin' the rules,
I think we need another drink,
Or is it just me?

Or is it just me?..

Took the wheel and lost control,
Need somebody else to do the driving,
Are we tryin' to numb our souls?
Or lying and say we're just unwinding?

I quit driving, I can't fight it..

Are we all just broken hearts?
Wasting time here in this bar,
Trying to hide from who we are,
Or is it just me?
Are we all just drunken fools?
Goin' broke, Breakin' the rules,
I think we need another drink,
Or is it just me? Yeah!

Am I the only one?
Can't be the only one,
Am I the only one?
Or is it just me?

Has everybody lost their minds?
Or is everybody way too wasted?

Are we all just broken hearts?
Wasting time here in this bar,
Trying to hide from who we are,
Or is it just me?
Are we all just drunken fools,
Goin' broke, Breakin' the rules,
I think we need another drink,
Or is it just me?... Yeah!

Is it just me?
Or is it just me?
Are we all just broken hearts?
Trying to hide from who we are,
Or is it just me?
Or is it just me?
Or is it just me?..

Character Sheet By : The Toxic Cereus
Inspired By : AmeliaIsGhostly
Filled Out By :

So begins...

Ryder Vasile's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Adrian spotted her walking before she'd even reached the restaurant, which had made her raise a brow. It wasn't like Adrian to go anywhere near vampires unless he absolutely had to. She'd teased him a little as they drove, but when she mentioned engagement, he'd clearly gotten pissed. He hates when she teased him about his ex-fiancé or anything even remotely related. It was a touchy subject for him, that was for sure.

When they finally got to the place, they went in and spent the morning talking. They didn't talk about their "dates" because they never did. They kept their love lives private. Besides Adrian occasionally stepping in to keep her from going home with the wrong guys or him kicking men out of her room, they tended to stay out of each other's romantic lives. Both of them went for one-night stands a lot so there really wasn't anything to talk about other then sex and she wasn't sharing that with her brother.

They talked about the pack and it's various members and, thankfully, he didn't try to talk about work. She was just too exhausted from her night with Ryder to care about work. After eating, he took her back to the hotel and they end separate ways. Him to his rooms to get ready for a boring day of work, her to get showered and decide how she'd like to spend the rest of the day.

Natasha showered and stayed home for most of the day, walking around in a silken robe, painting her nails, watching tv, and ordering herself food. It was good to relax, especially after all the exhaustion from the night before. At some point, her phone went off and she picked it up, smirking when she had a text from a number that wasn't saved in her contacts. She knew it was Ryder and she hadn't even read the text yet.

Kitten, come to Plasma tonight. If you aren't there - you'll be sorely punished It read and she raised a brow. She didn't respond right away because she needed a second to think about if she wanted to do it or not. She wanted to see him again, it was like she was addicted to him, but she wasn't too keen on the idea of going to Plasma. It was no longer the full moon and vampires, though she would never admit it in a hundred years, scared her.

Still, she couldn't resist. She had to see him again. I'll be there she responded quickly before turning off the TV and heading to the bathroom. Plasma was the nicest club in the entire city of Vegas. If she was going to go there, she had to get ready and look incredible which would take a while, considering all the bruises and hickeys she had to try and cover with make up. As she pulled her hair down from the ponytail it was in, she texted Adrian telling him she was feeling reckless going to go to Plasma whether he came or not, which of course would make him want to come. He'd hate it, but he wouldn't let her go into vampire territory alone. And she didn't want to either so she invited him.


The rest of Adrian's day was pretty hectic. Breakfast with Natasha had been easy, but the rest of it was anything but easy. After using a mirror to get Odette's real name and number off his skin and adding her to his phone contacts, he hopped in the shower. He dressed quickly and headed to work then and the rest of the day was a mess. His pack alphas were great people and he loved them like parents, but sometimes, they drive him crazy when it came to work.

They called him at least fifty times with a request or a problem. Then he'd hang up and, before he'd even finished the task of solved the problem, they called again to add another to the list. They weren't always like that, someday were worse then others and today seemed pretty bad. By the late afternoon, he was honestly considering chucking the phone out the window so they couldn't contact him. Not only did he have them to deal with, but the task of running almost every big hotel and casino in Vegas. It was exhausting.

Around late afternoon, there was another call. Only this time, they wanted him to stop working and go tend to a pack-related problem. Another pack was in their territory. The pack owned huge amounts of land outside the city where they could go sometimes as wolves if they wished, but seeing as they spent most of their time in Vegas, unable to watch the land, other packs often trespassed.

So Adrian had to take a couple of pack members to handle the problem, which had turned out to be trickier then originally anticipated. By the time he finally got back to his place and the job was done, it was evening and he was exhausted and had a small slash mark on his right cheek from the fight with the trespassing pack. He crashed on his couch before his phone went off and he groaned. It was Natasha, claiming she was going to Plasma. Alone, if he didn't go with. Fuck. He couldn't let her go to vampire territory alone. He groaned again and stood, heading to the bathroom to take another shower, needing to clean the desert from him and get ready to go to the nicest vampire club in the city.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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0.00 INK

XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Old Money by Lana Del Rey
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Pissed
XXXHer work was completely boring and tedious. People weren't to show up for at least another half an hour. Ryder insisted on sitting there and bugging her of course. She called in a mosquito in times like this. An annoying fucking blood sucker. She didn't realize why he thought it was good to distract her from working at the place where hers and his income came from.

Odette growled at his joke. He always thought he was hot shit.
"I can get far more people in my bed then you. I have boobs. It's easy. I just have a bit of modesty, Rynee" using the nickname he hated most.

She looked back at the screen which had a blank email open that she needed to compose. Something about adding new stocks to the bar. As if they didn't have enough liquor. That's what she spent her minutes doing. Responding to the emails sent to the company, as well as managing their social media - ensuring that people knew of the deals they were having tonight.

Ryder eventually left her, thankfully. She hoped he'd leave her for the night. All she wanted was to work, and maybe go home and doodle in a notebook with a glass of wine. Actually she really wanted to go to the art gallery grands opening.

It was a project she had been a private funder to, but she didn't know with her schedule if she could be there. It was an evening opening as well. Which was rare.

Odette brought the nearly empty glass of wine to her lips, groaning at the thought of getting up and having to go out to the now open club. She tried to avoid going out of the back rooms as much as possible. Somehow she managed to persuade herself to get up and go out to the bar. People were sitting at the bar, but there was no bartender in sight. Her fucking luck.

Her heels made sounds on the black reflective tile of the club. She went behind the bar and already people swarmed to her for drinks. Somewhere she heard Ryder laughing in the background somewhere, and only made a face. Now she was busy making drinks for the busiest night the club had. Brilliant. It didn't help her mood much when disgusting men began hitting on her, making her roll her eyes.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Sweet Things by The Pretty Reckless
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Agitated
XXXHe didn't know why he found bugging Odette as entertaining as it was, but it made him grin. She didn't take his shit, but at the same time, she didn't exactly defend herself. She only ignored him and gave him threatening looks ever so often. There was nothing Odette could do to him though. He knew she didn't have the gut to. Neither did he though. As much as the two argued and poked at one another, he did love his cousin dearly.

When Ryder realized the girl was too captured in her work to give much of a damn, he left the back offices that were lavishly decorated. He went to greet people when they entered the club. Already were ladies giving him winks and twirling their hair at him. After last night, those girls just seemed terribly boring.

The phone in his back pocket vibrated and under the name of Kitten, he looked at the quick reply ensuring she'd be there. He grinned down at the device before stuffing it back in his pocket. Thank God someone interesting would be at the club. After last night, he couldn't do boring. He didn't want to revert back to the simple ways.

Ryder missed the fun and rush of being rough in bed. After a day of partying and drinking - it was a good way to end any night. Thinking of drinking made him almost not want to considering the headache that was making him wince every once in awhile. Drinking made the headache go away though, and that was even better. Going to the bar there was no one there, and later he saw Odette do the same.

He only laughed when she ended up becoming the bartender. God he was bored. The music blared near the dance floor, and the lights danced on the surfaces of everything. The smoke machines were already being turned on as well. He took a spot at the bar to mock his cousin while she made drinks, and ordered a beer himself - in which she didn't even open, making him use his hands as his own bottle opener.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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0.00 INK


Natasha spent quite a while getting ready. Her hair hung down around her in big loose waves, she was wearing bright red lipstick, and she'd even managed to cover most of her visible bruises and hickeys with makeup. Some of them were stubborn and still showed through faintly, but she couldn't do anything about it and she didn't mind really. The only reason she'd even covered them was because she was going to Plasma which was the nicest club in the city. It was a little nerve wrecking, going to a vampire bar when it wasn't the full moon, but she couldn't help herself. She had to see Ryder. She was tired of decent, but ultimately unsatisfying men.

When her makeup and hair were done, she slipped into her huge walk in closet and went through her clothes, selecting a short black dress that hugged her body and was practically backless, followed by a pair of bright red heels. It had been a while since she'd taken the time to look so nice, but when she was ready, she felt good. She felt ridiculous, like a junior high girl with a crush, but she couldn't help but hope Ryder liked what he saw. He had her hooked. That much was obvious. She was pretty much risking her life going to a vampire bar to see him and they'd only spent one night together.

Asha slipped down the hall once she was ready and knocked on Adrian's door. She had to wait for a long moment before the door finally opened. She raised a brow when his ex-fiancé slipped out of the room as she slipped in, closing the door behind her. She wanted to ask him why she was there, but he looked stressed as it was. He would just snap at her. "Ready?" She asked instead and he looked her over before rolling his eyes.

"No because we're not going, we'll killed. You're fucking insane." He spat and she rolled her eyes, able to tell he didn't mean it. She just shrugged.

"Fine." She said. "I'll go alone." Asha smirked, knowing she had him. He wouldn't leave her to go on her own. He made a frustrated noise before turning away from her and heading towards his bedroom. She laughed lightly and sat on his couch, waiting for him impatiently. It was evening, but it wasn't late yet and she was anxious to get to the club, see Ryder, and start the night. Her day relaxing had been great, but she wasn't going to take the night off her busy schedule of partying, even if she was still sore from the night before.


After showering, Adrian slipped into a t-shirt and jeans, hoping maybe he could convince Natasha not to go even though he already knew it was pointless. When there was a knock on his door, he went to answer it assuming it was her, but surprisingly, it wasn't. To his misery, it was his ex-fiancé wanting to talk. She drove him nuts. If it was up to him, he'd never speak to her again because it was painful to see her, but he couldn't avoid her completely. She was always coming around and, not only that, but she was his alpha's daughter and part of his pack.

Reluctantly, he let her in. She was crying and he couldn't help it. He may not want to marry her or love her anymore, but at some point, he'd cared about her. The conversation was long and exhausting. Apparently her mother, one of his leaders, had been attacked by a vampire and was nearly killed so she was rather shaken. And since she was crying about that, she also started to cry about them, which of course meant he had to spend an agonizingly long amount of time telling her for the millionth time why the two of them wouldn't work and trying to do it as gently as possible.

Finally, after what felt like ages, there was a knock interrupting her mid-sentence and he gladly took the opportunity to end the conversation. He hugged her and she left, Natasha taking her place. She looked like she wanted to ask about why his ex had been there, but he gave her a look that told her not to and, miraculously, she didn't. Adrian tried to talk her out of her idiocy, but he couldn't. Her mind was made up and once Nat's mind was made up, there was no stopping her.

He knew she didn't want to go to Plasma just to cause trouble. She wanted to meet whoever she'd been with the night before. Natasha was secretly afraid of vampires. She wouldn't go anywhere near them unless it was a full moon, he knew that. She was going to Plasma because someone had asked her to and he knew, if she was willingly going to a vampire club, it had to be someone she really wanted to see. Meaning there was no convincing her out of it.

He got ready quickly and sent a text to Odette, figuring if he had to be in a club around vampires, he may as well have some decent company. Besides, it had only been a day and already, he was desperate to see her again. I'm going to Plasma tonight. Meet me? He sent before heading back out to where Natasha was. The two of them headed to his car without a word before taking off towards the club. When they got there, he parked the car and turned to her. "Be careful tonight okay?" He warned her, tone concerned, but she just smirked and kissed his cheek before getting out of his car and heading for the door, causing him to roll his eyes as he got out as well and followed her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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0.00 INK

XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXXOdette stood at the bar, her heels making her even taller, and her form fitting dress hugging the curves of her body brought a lot of male attention to the bar. Much different from her more casual outfit from the night before. Plasma was already beginning to fill. What she loved was the red lights of the club. It was beautifully decorated, and lighted in her opinion.

Even the dance floor appealed to her, and it was nearly impossible to get Odette to dance - even though she was rather good at it. Living for years upon years, older vampires were good at many things. Though there were vampires far older than her. None she typically talked to. Vampires were solitaire creatures, unless there was a threat to the whole of them.

As she was shaking a drink she saw her phone vibrate in the corner of her eye. She had a guess on who it could be. The only people that really contacted her were her father, Ryder, and men that had her number. Only one she had given it to recently. She sat the drink she made down at a guy, leaving to check her phone before he could speak to her. Odette leaned against the back of the bar as she read the message.

"I'm going to Plasma tonight. Meet me?" It was Adrian. She wasn't the least bit surprised. Though she couldn't help but smirk at the device, doing so she heard Ryder heckle her on who was able to make her smile. Promptly she gave him a glare before responding.
"Feeling clingy, are you?" she responded back. Even if she were to say no, she was at Plasma the rest of the night anyway. Honestly she would've met him if she wasn't working. Not her usual attitude, but he was far more interesting than other guys. They didn't talk long, but she wouldn't mind having another go at the performance of the night before.

"Hey Doll, want to get me another drink?" a man flagged her down from the end of the bar. She rolled her eyes before looking at him. It was strange when she finally recognized him. She probably fucked him before. Though she didn't remember it - which meant it wasn't that great. Odette went over to him and grinned slightly before raising a brow.
"What would you like?" she asked, leaning against the bar. His eyes gazed over her.
"Have a kind you want?"
"Surprise me" he told her with a grin, leaning back in his chair. She had to admit she liked the guys attitude. A moment later she came back with an aged Famous Grouse. It was a classy bar - they didn't have just "normal" whiskey. He thanked her quickly before chatting her up again. She leaned in to talk to him.

The talk was idle small talk, something she hated really. Odette didn't mind talking, but at a bar - it was the same with Adrian, there was few incentive of talking other than sex. And Odette didn't do things other than sex. Relationships weren't in question for her ever since she turned. Emotions were locked away as was that.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHis headache was gone when he finally drank through his first beer, getting a second one from Odette. He hadn't decided how many he'd go through. It couldn't kill him, so he could drink the entire bar if he wanted. For some odd reason that almost sounded appealing. But the crash the next day would make it very not worth it. Even he had a right sense of mind there. Depending on how many drinks he consumed, that thought process may change however.

He looked to Odette who was checking her phone, smiling down at it. He never saw her do such a thing.
"Got a boyfriend, Oddie?" he teased, she shot daggers his way. She hated any comments he made about her so called "love life". To both of them it was only the "sex to get blood life" or "sex to forget life". They were similar in that regard. The times Ryder did anything like a relationship, he ended up regretting. Like the relationship with the girl that wouldn't stop calling him afterwards. He caved in a few times and they ended up fucking, but she was a legitimate crazy bitch.

She began talking about kids. If only she knew. She wanted far more than he was willing to give, and they were never engaged or anything. In her eyes they were "meant to be". In short, to avoid her he had to get a new phone number. And a new name in the phone book.

Ryder still did short flings, but he was now much more strict on keeping them sex only - avoiding the whole cutsey, romance aspect of anything. That wasn't his speed anyway.

That's why this Natalie girl was good. She seemed wild enough to not be tamed by a person, only coming back when the reward was good enough. He was the same. He wouldn't of texted her if he found her boring. But unlike any girl he'd met - she was able to deal with the rougher side of him that often was kept contained.

He sat against his bar stool, bored, and looking around. The hot broads across the room were looking at him, but it was strange when they didn't interest him. They were all cliche and boring. Only good eye candy, and that wasn't even that great. Natalie had him in a strange spot, in which all his old habits with women felt mediocre and old.

Looking at Odette who was talking to some guy at the bar, he wasn't surprised. Often she wasn't in the bar scene, when she was out she was out with purpose. Even if she was behind the bar.

Ryder let out a mumble, taking another drink from behind the bar and putting it into a glass. He wasn't going to spend these boring minutes anywhere near sober, and he only hoped Natasha would be quick.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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0.00 INK


Natasha and Adrian didn't talk the whole way there and didn't care. She didn't want to talk, she just wanted to get to the club. Still, she didn't miss the way Adrian kept glancing over at her, telepathically reaching out for her in a very subtle way like he was trying to gently persuade her to change her mind about the club. She just ignored him. Vampires were dangerous and they scared her, sure, but it had been so long since someone had touched her the way Ryder had, she was willing to risk it.

When they finally arrived, he turned to her and asked her to be careful, but her only response was to kiss his cheek and get out of the car, heading for the club. Adrian followed after her and Natasha smirked as she looked around when they were finally inside. The place really was incredible. She'd only ever been there once before and she'd enjoyed it. It wasn't really her style, it was a little flashy for her and the people were obnoxiously snobby, but she had to admit, it was pretty impressively decorated. If there was one thing vampires knew how to do, it was luxury.

Inside, the turned to Adrian and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. "I'm going to the bar to drink and then maybe I'll dance. Go find a cute girl to take home." She smirked and slipped away from him, knowing he wouldn't mind her leaving him. He'd really only come to be her back up in case trouble started with a vampire. He hated clubs and he especially hated people who flaunted and flashed their money around the way everyone who went to Plasma was always doing. He had money and he was thankful for it, but her brother had never been one for extravagance.

Natasha slipped through the many people crowding the club easily, ignoring a few men who tried to talk to her, completely uninterested in them. She just wanted to find Ryder. As she neared the bar, she spotted him leaning against it drinking, looking bored, making her smirk. She moved towards him, walking right up to him and standing next to him as she ordered a drink from the pretty brunette behind the bar. She smirked at him as she glanced over at him. "Did you miss me?" She asked, raising a brow. When she received her drink, she turned to face him fully and stood extremely close on purpose, her body nearly touching his. "You were pretty quick to get back to me." She teased, bringing her drink to her bright red lips with a playful smirk.


Adrian fucking hated the idea of going into Plasma with Natasha. It sounded like a terrible idea that was just waiting to be trouble. He hoped like hell nothing happened because if something did happen, they'd be right in the middle of vampire territory. He wasn't sure they be able to make it out. Whoever she was going to meet better be fucking worth it. Hopefully Odette would agree to meet him and at least make it a little more bearable.

Inside the club, his sister kissed his cheek and told him she was headed to the bar, making him roll his eyes. "I'm not your babysitter you know Nat!" He called after her. Sometimes he didn't mind protecting her and watching over her, but sometimes, it just got exhausting. He wasn't her personal body guard, he was her brother for fucks sake, but she was so damn terrified to give a shit about anything other then sex and drinking that she didn't seem to care that he had a life other then saving her ass from stupid choices.

He loved her, he loved protecting her, but at she was his sister. Every little sister drove their older brother crazy. So Adrian just shook it off and made his way through the club. He'd never been there before for obvious reasons. Everything looked too expensive for his personal taste, but it was still pretty awesome to look at. He glanced at Natasha, spotting her at the bar with whoever it was she thought was important enough to risk her life for. It was the same guy from the night before.

When his phone went off, he glanced at the text from Odette. Feeling clingy, are you? Adrian smirked at her response. He was going to reply before he glanced at the bar again and spotted her standing behind it chatting with some guy. He wasn't sure why the sight bothered him. It wasn't like they were an item, but he couldn't help but feel a little irritated seeing her talking to the other guy. So much so, that he hadn't even bothered to question why she was serving drinks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXXOdette moved to get a refill for the man she was talking to. She hadn't bothered to get his name after she learned of his supposed occupation. Apparently he was a lead detective. Odette knew he was lying, not only because she was good at reading bullshit, but because she knew the detective in the city all too well.

The detective in Las Vegas was an old man, who was baffled whenever a bloodless body turned up. Of course she was the one to cover and find ways to avoid the detectives even getting involved, but there were other vampires who were much more reckless. She had once drained a person dry. Only she was smart enough to dispose of his accordingly.

She found the process being too tedious however, and now only stuck to drinking partially. To those she's drunk from, often forgot. Poisons weren't only used to kill. They could also be hallucinogens. The people she had drank from described the bite to be something ecstasy filled. Better than an orgasm even. Typically indescribable. Odette only could agree. Nothing was better than fresh blood.

Before arriving with the man's drink, she felt a new pair of eyes on her. Glancing forward she caught sight of Adrian. She could only smirk before walking to give the man his drink. The man may have been attractive, but she had already caught him in a lie. Odette would use this to humiliate him in front of the next woman he would pick up after he learned she didn't have much of an interest.
"Mr.Woods. Welcome to Plasma. Are you going to stand there looking like a kicked puppy?" she spoke loudly enough for him to hear her. She couldn't help but noticed his dressed down state. A T-shirt and jeans was something people didn't typically wear to Plasma. She wondered what his business at the club was. It was clear he either didn't know the type of club Plasma was (judging by the state of dress) or that he didn't care. Both good ideas she had.

"That your boyfriend?" the man asked, looking at Adrian as she was. She turned to him a grinned.
"I'm not the boyfriend type" she told him simply, he licked his lips.
"Are you a girlfriend type then?" he continued his question. Odette didn't give him a clear answer, only keeping her persona present.
"I'm sure you'd like to know" she responded. He nodded at her in agreement. Odette shrugged before walking to the other side of the bar, remaking another virgin shirley temple, that she was secretly spiking, for a small latina woman. It looked like she needed the drink.

The man was gone when she looked back. On the other side of the bar, Ryder was there, and a girl was pressed near him. It wasn't an uncommon sight. The girl looked all too familiar though. Odette felt like she should know who it was, but she couldn't place a name. Instead she raised a brow at Adrian, nodding towards an empty seat.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe hated waiting. Especially when he shouldn't be. He shouldn't have been waiting for a girl he met the night before. He should be out dancing, drinking even more, getting people to dance on the bar to piss Odette off. Find some girl to start pole dancing on a pole really not made for such things. But no, he was leaning against the bar waiting for the frisky blonde girl.

Before his complete thought ran its course, someone approached him. When he looked, it was the person he wanted there. Natasha was standing all too close to him, wearing something that shouldn't be legal. She was dolled up. Her hair was slightly wavy, her makeup exaggerated. Though when he looked down at the short dress he saw small spots of purple coming through, and he only grinned at the marks he had left.

"Did you miss me?" he heard her say, seeing a raised brow. She brought her drink to her perfectly red lips. He only watched her, not giving her a response quite yet. "You were pretty quick to get back to me." She teased, bringing her drink to her bright red lips with a playful smirk.

Ryder only smirked in response. His hand only went around, cupping her ass and pulling her towards him.
"You were even quicker to obey though, Kitty" he whispered in her ear. Now that the person he knew would be able to help him have fun this night was here, he was ready to have a good time.
"Now tell me, are you even wearing anything under that dress? Or do you want me to find out right now" he spoke quietly near her, having a hand trace up her thigh before letting go of her, leaning back into the bar.

He brought the drink back to his own lips before looking at her like he said nothing unusual at all. It was going to be a fun night to say the least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha watched him smirk and waited for his reaction, wondering what he'd say to her. Guys were always coming back to her for more, but she rarely ever agreed to anything more then one night. He, however, she just couldn't get enough of. Everything he did drive her crazy in the best way possible. She smirked when he wrapped an arm around her and his hand grabbed her ass, pulling her towards him. Her skin was still tender and bruised from him spanking her the night before, but she didn't care, she liked that he'd grabbed her ass, almost like he was subtly reminding her that he liked the control.

"You were even quicker to obey though, Kitty." He whispered in her ear and she smirked, knowing that was true. The second he'd asked her to meet him, she'd agreed and now there she was. She couldn't help herself. He excited her and made her feel better then anyone had in a long time. "Now tell me, are you even wearing anything under that dress? Or do you want me to find out right now." He said quietly and she had to fight back a shudder, holding her breath as he ran a hand up her thigh.

Natasha thought he was going to slip his hand up under her dress right there at the bar where anyone could glance over and see. The thought thrilled her. She loved doing things she shouldn't. It was like drugs to her. He didn't do it though. Instead, he released her and leaned away from her, against the bar, raising his glass to his lips and looking at her casually, like he'd just made a comment about the weather. She let out the breath she'd been holding as she brought her drink to her lips as well and glanced away from him briefly trying to hide the dizzying effect he had on her.

Natasha glanced back at him with a smirk as she set her drink aside and moved close to him again, pressing her body against his and her lips against his jaw as she placed one hand on his chest. "I can't wear a bra in this dress. It has no back." She breathed against his skin with a smirk. She pulled away then and picked her drink up again, taking a sip. "I do have panties on though." She shrugged with a seductive smile.


"Mr. Woods. Welcome to Plasma. Are you going to stand there looking like a kicked puppy?" Odette said, making him realize she'd noticed him. Suddenly, he felt a little ridiculous for standing there watching her instead of walking up to speak to her. He noticed the way her eyes ran over his clothes, but he didn't mind. He hadn't gone there to party. He was only there to make sure Natasha didn't get herself killed and he figured it would only be an hour or two before she left with a guy again and he could leave. He hadn't dressed to impress because he wasn't there to impress anyone.

However, he couldn't help but wish he'd dressed a little nicer now that she was there looking at him. The man she was serving spoke, asking if he was her boyfriend and he smirked at her response, eyes following her as she took a moment to serve someone before she raised a brow at him and gestured towards a seat. Adrian took it, leaning forward a little on the bar, eyes on her.

He couldn't help but wonder why she was behind the bar. The club was owned by vampires, so naturally, that set off a few alarms in his mind. She was stunning, alluring, powerful, and lived on the vampire side of town. "You work here?" He asked, raising a brow as his eyes looked her over. He hoped like hell he wasn't right, that she wasn't a vampire. She was incredible. It would be a real fucking shame if she was a vampire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXXOdette adjusted her dress as he came to sit down. The fabric seemed to keep riding up her as she walked around. She took a glass of wine from the bar and poured herself a bit. People looked at her since she drank from her own bar. Odette didn't care. They didn't know she ran the damn place.

She looked at Adrian when he asked about her occupation. Her eyes followed the man that was previously talking to her was chatting up a new woman. Odette had a wicked idea of course.
"I do sometimes. But what do you do? Second day in a row you're out partying. Plenty of young women around here for you to snag. I'll even put in a good word" she spoke as she got a repeat drink of the one that the guy previously ordered.

Before giving it to him she brought the drink to her lips, tasting the liquid. What the world didn't know was that it didn't take pills for her to spike drinks. Odette only allowed the drink to make him a bit more loopy, more open tongued. Toxins were an fun thing to manipulate. She sat it in front of the man before walking back to Adrian.

"Want a drink? On the house" she asked him, gesturing the large bar. In the corner of her eyes she saw Ryder flirting with the girl. That's when she was reminded of the connection. That was the man's sister. He wasn't here for fun. He was here to watch over the girl once more.

It was strange that he found the need to follow her around as he did. Odette almost felt bad the girl didn't get space. Though she couldn't help but feel there was a different purpose. Something was strange about the two. The lingering possibility that he wasn't exactly human entered her mind. Yet, yesterday was the full moon. While he was at her home nothing happened that was particularly unusual as well.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXRyder smirked at her words. He only drank as she spoke, looking over her like a predator. Her lack of a top made him grin, but he only knew the ways in which it'd be even more fun to toy with her over the night.

Taking a drink he put it down with a thump. He looked to the bar before back to her.
"You shouldn't of come here with anything on" he spoke smoothly. Looking over her. He didn't know what his intention with her was tonight. Fuck her of course. She'd comply to that, but the animal inside craved more. He hadn't drank in too long. Too long being a few days, but she would be perfect for such a thing.

That was the new thing on the agenda. He wouldn't drink her dry of course, he liked the girl. She was fun. Someone that didn't hurt as much as others. But a vampire needed to do, what a vampire needed to do.

He pressed against her shoulder slightly.
"Sit down" he commanded against her cheek. Denying to give her the pleasure of a kiss. He sat down in his own chair.
"Take them off and hand them to me. You won't need them" he said before taking a drink. Ryder looked around the club. They'd dance, drink a bit, then leave to his house.

There would be where the real fun would begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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The way he looked at her drove her crazy, making her bite her lip, wanting him to kiss her. He took a sip of his drink before setting it down and she kept her eyes on him. "You shouldn't of come here with anything on." He said smoothly and she raised a brow, loving the way his eyes looked over her, like he was debating exactly what he wanted to do with her for the night. He drove her crazy just in the way he looked at her. It made her want him and he hadn't even touched her or kissed her.

Ryder pressed against her shoulder slightly and she bit her lip. "Sit down." He commanded her and she let out a soft sigh, loving the way he liked to tell her what to do. She obeyed, sitting in her chair as he sat down in his, bringing her drink to her lips. "Take them off and hand them to me. You won't need them." He said as he took a drink and she bit her lip.

Natasha glanced around them briefly to make sure nobody was watching before smirking and slipping her hand up her dress, sliding her panties down from under it and down her legs. She moved quickly to get them off, not wanting anyone to see her. Once they were finally completely off, she leaned over and placed her panties in his hand. Her dress was so short and tight that going without panties made her nervous, but she did it because he told her to and it made her hot as hell when he commanded her to do things.

Asha finished off her drink before leaning forward in her seat towards him. She kissed his lips, unable to wait any longer to kiss him, placing one hand on the knee of his pants and sliding it slowly up his thigh as she kissed him, leaning even farther forward in her seat. "You going to fuck me again tonight?" She breathed against his lips with a wicked smirk, her hand squeezing his thigh before kissing him hard again.


"I do sometimes. But what do you do? Second day in a row you're out partying. Plenty of young women around here for you to snag. I'll even put in a good word." She said and he raised a brow. The truth was, he wasn't interested in the other girls in the bar. As far as he was concerned, they were boring and dull. He liked Odette. It was her he wanted to talk to and be around. He watched her as she made another drink for that other man, raising a brow at her as she took a quick sip of it.

She gave it to the guy before coming back to him. "Want a drink? On the house." She asked him, gesturing to the large bar and he smirked and shrugged. He glanced over at Natasha briefly, making sure she was still alright before turning his eyes back on Odette. He wasn't going to drink originally, but now that she was offering, he didn't see the harm in a drink or two. He was supposed to be Nat's back up if trouble started with the vampires, but she seemed alright.

"Sure." He finally answered, eyes running over her. "Just give me a beer." He shrugged, glancing at Nat again briefly before back to her. "I'm not partying." He said in response to her earlier comment. "I'm out with my sister again." He answered. "She likes to drag me away from my work to party so she can ditch me the instant some guy catches her eye." He smirked, rolling his eyes. "I don't mind too much though I guess, she tends to get into less trouble when I'm around." He shrugged, eyes running over her. "As far as you hooking me up with another girl, don't bother." He smirked. "There's only one girl in this bar worth my time." He grinned, raising a brow at her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXXOdette took a drink from the crystal glass.
"Sure" Adrian finally answered, she watched his gaze as she stood there. "Just give me a beer" he shrugged at her. Odette turned her back, grabbing a drink from the cooler. Seeing it was empty she sighed. Bending down underneath the bar she gave him a glimpse of her ass as she bent down.

She restocked the cooler as he spoke, listening to him while she did the task.
"I'm not partying." He said in response to her earlier comment. "I'm out with my sister again." He answered. "She likes to drag me away from my work to party so she can ditch me the instant some guy catches her eye." Odette could hear the smirk in his voice.
"I don't mind too much though I guess, she tends to get into less trouble when I'm around." she saw him shrug in the corner of her eye.

Odette opened up the beer with the bottle opener that was attached to the counter. She took a drink from the bottle before handing it to him. She leaned in against the counter.
"As far as you hooking me up with another girl, don't bother." He smirked. "There's only one girl in this bar worth my time." He grinned, raising a brow at her. Odette couldn't help but laugh.

"You must think your time is very valuable then, if not one other person is worth the time" she asked with a coy tone, before she moved to the back of the bar. She refilled a few of the drinks from the others surrounding the bar. She saw Ryder with the blonde girl, and she swore that she handed him something with lace. Ryder wasn't the type to visit the same woman. So the girl was an obvious surprise to her.

"I find myself curious to who this person would be"

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe watched her intently as she peeled the fabric from her thighs all the way down to her leg. She looked like she didn't want to do it, but she obeyed. She did it quickly, probably to avoid being caught.

When the fabric was within his hands he grinned, sliding the flimsy fabric into his pockets. He took a drink out of the beer glass and watched her readjust herself. The girl moved forward in her seat. A moment later she captured his lips, in which he returned hungrily.
"You going to fuck me again tonight?" the girl breathed against his lips, a wicked smirk he enjoyed all too much surfacing from her red lips.

"Do you even deserved to be" he asked her with a raised brow. "Why should you get fucked? Maybe I just wanted to keep your panties and have a drink" he spoke, looking over her as he flagged Odette for another drink.

My post are going to get shitty because losing comp for awhile. Prepare for mobile

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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"Do you even deserved to be?" He asked, raising a brow at her and she smirked as she took a sip of her drink, eyes running over him. "Why should you get fucked? Maybe I just wanted to keep your panties and have a drink." He said as he gestured to the bartender for another drink and she recognized the girl as the same girl Adrian had been with the night before. The coincidence made her raise a brow, glancing across the bar at Adrian, who's eyes were glued to the girl, making her smirk. Clearly he liked the girl more then he usually liked his dates.

Natasha returned her eyes to Ryder then, biting her lip as she thought about how to answer him. "I deserve it." She finally said with a seductive smirk as she stood and moved in closer to him, kissing his lips again before trailing her lips slowly along his jaw and pressing them to his ear. "I'm a good girl, I do what you say, so I deserve it." She whispered in his ear before pulling away and taking his hand. "Besides," she shrugged with a seductive look in her eye. "You didn't invite me here just to take my panties from me." She said before pulling his hand to pull him to his feet.

"Come on." She breathed, taking his beer from him and setting it aside. She placed a light kiss on his lips as she laced her fingers with his. "Let's dance." She whispered with a smirk before pulling him away from the bar. She didn't get a chance to dance with him the night before and she wanted to. She loved dancing with guys in clubs and she was dying to grind her body up against his to the pulsing beat of the loud music.


Odette laughed and he smirked, liking the sound of her laugh. "You must think your time is very valuable then, if not one other person is worth the time." She said coyly and he raised a brow with a grin. He was going to respond, but before he had the chance, her attention was pulled off him to the others at the bar and he just watched her refill drinks, taking the moment to glance at Natasha, rolling his eyes when he happened to see her pulling her panties out from under her dress to hand to the guy she was with. He could have gone without seeing that.

"I find myself curious to who this person would be." Odette said and he was glad to turn his attention back to her, not exactly interested in watching his little sister flirt shamelessly with some man. He took a drink of the beer she'd gotten him and smirked at her, eyes running over her, admiring the way her tight dress hugged her body. He couldn't help but hope the night would turn out similar to the night before, but he didn't know with her. She wasn't easy to predict.

"I thought it was obvious." He said, raising a brow with a grin. Of course it was her. He wasn't really interested in talking to anyone else in the bar. The women in a club as nice as Plasma were the rich, privileged type. He was rich and so was Odette, but they'd had to work for their money, he could tell that just by talking to her. She wasn't handed her life on a silver platter. Most of the other women there were the kinds of girls who lived off daddy's money and spent it however they pleased. Too high maintenance for him.

"So, what are you doing working here?" He asked, raising a brow at her as he looked her over. "I mean, unless you're the best, most high-paid bartender in the world, I doubt this job paid for that place of yours." He said casually because it was true. She had loads of money, her apartment alone made that perfectly clear, which was why it surprised him that she was behind the bar of a club. The thought occurred to him that maybe she did more at the club then bartend. Maybe she owned it. He hated the thought though because, if that was a case, that meant he'd have to stop seeing her because she was a vampire.

That's okay! They're fine(:

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Snake Eyes by Mumford and Sons
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Coy
XXX"I thought it was obvious." Adrian smirked. The woman did like the way he smiled. While she knew he could be dominated, like her - he smiled like he knew something she didn't. It was attractive to say the least.

Odette took a drink from the wine glass behind her at the bar. The bar had her favorite wine. Imported from California's winery V Sattui. She'd visited California a few times. But traveling for a vampire was a challenge. Being in the sun hurt vampires. It didn't make them melt, but it did hurt them. Like a bad sunburn.

That's why most vampires went on a night time schedule. Waking up at the sunset, sleeping at sunrise.
"So, what are you doing working here?" he asked her with a raised brow. "I mean, unless you're the best, most high-paid bartender in the world, I doubt this job paid for that place of yours." he spoke casually.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the so called "sheriff" beginning to cough at his drink before his words seemed to put the woman off. Like he couldn't control his own speech, like something was loosening his tongue. Almost like he got drunk much faster than intended. She couldn't help but smirk before looking back at Adrian.

"We all need a hobby. I may have money, but I wouldn't if I didn't work hard. I don't do sitting around on my ass Mr.Woods" she said, leaning against the bar. Everything she had in her life, she worked for. Fought for. Her apartment showed her progress. A long time ago, she was living in a sad farm house, sleeping on broken mattresses. Now she slept on a king sized bed, on the top floor of one of the highest buildings in Vegas.

"I don't really do consecutive visits Mr.Woods. Do you really want me so bad, that you wanted to see me again. I can't help but feel like you're undressing me with your eyes right now" her emphasis be the fact that he had a perfect view of her cleavage by the way she bent on the bar.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXRyder watched as she bit her red lips, grinning while she thought about her answer. He enjoyed putting her on the spot in this situation. He was in control.
"I deserve it." she smirked, seduction obvious in the expression. The kiss between them was brief, and the trail down his jaw set him on fire. "I'm a good girl, I do what you say, so I deserve it." she whispered in his ear, and he could only chuckle under his breath at her comment.

"Besides," she shrugged with a seductive look in her eye. "You didn't invite me here just to take my panties from me." Natasha said, pulling him to his feet. "Come on." Natasha breathed, taking his beer from him and setting it aside. She placed a light kiss on his lips as she laced her fingers with his. "Let's dance." she whispered with a smirk.

He stopped her with the rough grasp of her wrist, pulling her to him roughly.
"Darling, don't pretend you even know what my intentions for you are. Perhaps I wanted your panties so I could have some other little girl prance around in them, fuck her senseless, maybe have you watch" he said hard against her ear, his hand trailing up her thighs, a finger ghosting over her heat under the dress.

"Don't get cocky kitty. Gluttony, it's a deadly sin dear. Remember who has control" he said, knowing where she wanted to go, as she kept eyeing the dance floor. He took a final drink of his beer before grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the dance floor, watching Odette flirt with a rather familiar looking man. That was a change. Often his cousin was no more than brooding and serious.

"Typically I don't dance, so make this worth it kitty" he spoke in her ear as they pushed their way into the midst of the dance floor, the loud music thumping through their ears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder stopped her suddenly, gripping her wrist tightly and pulling her back to him, making her raise a brow. "Darling, don't pretend you even know what my intentions for you are. Perhaps I wanted your panties so I could have some other little girl prance around in them, fuck her senseless, maybe have you watch." He said in her ear and she bit her lip. The way he spoke to her drove her crazy and made her heart race in her chest. His hand slipped up her thigh then, a finger sliding under her dress to tease her briefly, making her bite her lip even harder.

"Don't get cocky kitty. Gluttony, it's a deadly sin dear. Remember who has control." He said and she glanced at the dance floor before back at him, watching as he too a final drink of his beer before grabbing her wrist again. He pulled her towards the dance floor and she smirked, following gladly. "Typically I don't dance, so make this worth it kitty." He said in her ear as they made their way through the dance floor. Natasha just smirked at his words.

The music was loud, thumping in her ears as she pulled him close, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. "It'll be worth your time." She smirked before starting to dance with him sexually to the music. She spent a lot of time dancing with men in clubs, so it was safe to say she knew how to move her body on the dance floor. Her body was close to his, her hips moving fluidly to the loud beat of the music and it honestly felt beyond good. She loved dirty dancing with guys in clubs, it got her heart racing.

Nat kissed his skin as they danced, teasingly letting her lips graze his jaw, his neck, his lips, one of her hands slipping down his chest to trail his skin along the waistline of his jeans playfully while she continued to grind her hips against his. "Worth it?" She asked after a while with a smirk, lips pressed against his ear. Honestly, she loved the way it felt to dance with him, but after grinding herself up against him for so long, now she was just dying to get the hell out of there so they could really touch.


Odette's attention was pulled from him briefly before she returned her eyes to his and Adrian caught the smirk on her lips, wondering what was so amusing to her. "We all need a hobby. I may have money, but I wouldn't if I didn't work hard. I don't do sitting around on my ass Mr.Woods." She said, leaning against the bar and he nodded. He had no doubt she was hard working. She didn't exactly seem like the type to hit the clubs every night, she seemed like she had much more then partying on her mind.

"I don't really do consecutive visits Mr. Woods. Do you really want me so bad, that you wanted to see me again. I can't help but feel like you're undressing me with your eyes right now." She said and he smirked, unable to resist the urge to run his eyes over her shamelessly. She was hot, that was for sure, but there was more to her then her body and that was what he liked most about her. She captured his attention with the things she said. It was strange for him, to be so attracted to someone.

"Yes, I do want you badly." He said simply with a smirk, knowing she didn't like to cut corners, she liked to be blunt and honest. He leaned over the bar towards her a little, so his lips were close to hers, but not quite touching them. He wanted to kiss her so bad, the heat between them was intoxicating, but he held off the need. "Do you want me too?" He breathed against her lips, raising a brow, hoping like hell she'd say yes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXWhile she didn't spend much attention to the man that she was toying with at the end of the bar, she could see the women he talked to being put off by truthful words, instead of the lies he was previously spatting. May as well be truthful at the bar. Unlike many women there - Odette saw through most of the bullshit rather easily.
Like how she knew the man in front of her was far different then he let on. The thing about Odette was, she never let people know who she really was, so it didn't matter as much on who she spoke to. It was easy for her to kick people to the curb. Her own survival was key in her mind.
He got closer and she could only give him a devious smirk.
"Yes, I do want you badly." the simplicity of the statement much more her speed. She rolled the beaded rosary she wore between her stiletto pointed red fingernails. The necklace fell back down her chest, resting between her breast.
"Do you want me too?" he breathed against her lips, and she only replied by moving forward and capturing his bottom lip with hers, pulling it slowly as she moved away.
"Mr.Woods, don't ask stupid questions. I don't waste my time, if I didn't want you - I wouldn't be giving you my attention" she spoke with a smirk bringing her drink to her lips before refilling a few of the drinks that were empty waiting on the bar.
"After that short lived performance last night, I think it's only fair to both of us to go for round two. You seem to wear hickey's well" she spoke, her satisfaction plain in her voice, she leaned to trace the purple mark with the tip of her nail before spotting a pretty dark haired girl approach him, sitting next to him. She was interested in the situation.
"You have company Mr.Woods" she said before walking down to the end of the bar to where the man was. The women had left, but when she did, a rough grab came out to her wrist, catching her glaring at the man.
"What did you do to me?" he demanded, looking sick to his stomach now. Odette let out a sinister laugh, the hard grip on her wrist she paid no mind to.
"Nothing yet" she said under her breath, taking the grip from her wrist, easily twisting it off. Vampiric strength did have perks. She slammed it into the bar.
"Touch me again, it will be the last time you have hands" she whispered to the man who winced in pain, wide eyed at the woman, slightly nodding before scrambling from the bar.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe was no fool on his feet. While he wasn't one to dance often, he could dance better than the other men on the floor. Being alive for years upon years had those kinds of benefits. The perks of a lot of practice. While styles changed, and the waltz was something people didn't do any longer - he could dance to the loud bass just as well.
"It'll be worth your time." he heard her say barely above the large music before she was against him.
The way she moved was intoxicating against his body. She knew how to move in all the right places, and he could feel the looks they were getting from the people around. People jealous of him, and women jealous of her. Hell, they were a good looking duo on the floor. Men around tried to compete with the way he met the movement of her hips with small thrust of his own, but he would only smirk at the failed attempts around.
"Worth it?" again he barely heard over the loud music. He smirked, her kisses on the bare skin made something spark within him. Something dangerous as well. Despite the loud sounds, it seemed to begin to tone down, and all he could hear was the beating of her pulse under her skin.
Ryder cupped her ass from outside the dress, knowing it would still be slightly sore from the night before. He kneaded the flesh before bringing the other hand down between them, sneaking between her legs to tease her inner thighs, everywhere but the place he knew she wanted the pressure. Despite the fact they could be caught at any moment, he liked the extra rush. Anything to give him the high.
"Stick with me kitty, and in a few days, you won't have enough energy to be moving like this. I'm going to make you quiver, make you not stand it. I'm going to make it so a touch can turn you wild. Do you understand?" he spoke roughly against her ear, nipping the flesh before going down to her neck.
It took all the strength in his body to not nip at the flesh there. Instead he sucked lightly, making it pink until her moved back, clenching his jaw to prevent biting her in the middle of a dance floor.
"Remember when you're begging for me to continue, you did this to yourself Kitten"

Sorry! I was gone for a trip, but I also heard the site was down. Thanks for still being here! :)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder reached around and grabbed her ass, making her smirk at the way he gripped her tightly even though she was still sore and bruised from the night before. His other hand slipped between them and she bit her lip hard when he ran it up under her dress to tease her inner thighs, driving her crazy. His touch felt so good, suddenly all she wanted was to be alone with him, though she liked that he was brave enough to feel her up in public. It gave her the most intoxicating rush that anyone could catch them.

"Stick with me kitty, and in a few days, you won't have enough energy to be moving like this. I'm going to make you quiver, make you not stand it. I'm going to make it so a touch can turn you wild. Do you understand?" He said against her ear and Natasha let out a soft moan at his words. He nipped her ear briefly before pressing his lips against her neck, sucking slightly, making her whole body tingle before he pulled back. "Remember when you're begging for me to continue, you did this to yourself Kitten." He said and she smirked.

Natasha pulled her body tighter against his and ran a hand down the front of his shirt with a smirk. She slipped her fingertips under the hem of his shirt, tracing the waistline of his pants lightly with her fingers, teasing his skin. "A few days is a long time for me to stick around, I tend to bore easily." She breathed, raising a brow before leaning in close, pressing her lips against his ear. "Better not bore me." She whispered in his ear with a smirk, though she knew there was no way he could bore her. Not after a night like last night. He was way too addicting to ever be boring.

Natasha pulled away from his ear then and pressed her lips hard against his, kissing him roughly as she slipped her hand down lower. She rubbed him between his legs teasingly over his jeans as she kissed him. "Let's get out of here." She whispered breathlessly against his lips as she kissed him again. She was still sore from the previous night, but she didn't care. She wanted desperately to be alone with him and spend another whole night fucking roughly.


Odette leaned farther forward and pulled on his bottom lip, making him grin. "Mr. Woods, don't ask stupid questions. I don't waste my time, if I didn't want you - I wouldn't be giving you my attention." She said with a smirk as he nodded. He should have expected that. She didn't seem like the type of girl who spent much time bothering with people that she didn't have a use for. She took a sip of her drink before filling a few empty drinks and returning her attention to him again.

"After that short lived performance last night, I think it's only fair to both of us to go for round two. You seem to wear hickey's well." She said, sounding rather satisfied with herself as she leaned in and traced one of the hickeys she'd given him with a fingernail, making him smirk wickedly. He was going to respond, but before he had the chance, a dark haired girl sat next to him and Odette spoke again.

[b]"You have company Mr.Woods."
She said before turning and walking away, leaving him with the girl. He rolled his eyes and smirked before turning his attention to the dark haired girl next to him. Her name was Tess and she wasn't unbearable to talk to. In fact, she was sort of funny and there was no denying that she was very pretty. Still, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at Odette because honestly, Tess didn't interest him. Odette did.

After talking with her for a while, letting her flirt with him, and paying for her fruity drinks, Adrian excused himself from her and went to where Odette was at the other end of the bar. He glanced across the club to check on Natasha briefly, catching a glimpse of her dancing closely with the man from the night before. He turned to Odette then and leaned against the bar towards her with a smirk. "When do you get off?" He asked, raising a brow as he looked her over, eager to get out of there and spend the night with her again.

No problem! I love this RP (:

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXX"Whenever the other bartender shows up" she said simply. The man she hurt flicked her off from the door, and she only raised a brow. Smirking towards Adrian she laughed.
"Don't you have work tomorrow Mr.Woods? I doubt it's a responsible use of time to be clubbing every night" Odette scolded while cleaning shot glasses with a small cloth. Of course, this was her job. She'd rather be in the back though - in the office. Or at home, also in her office. Bartending was fine, yet tedious. She'd always been more of an introvert. Dealing with people came easily to her, sadly - she just didn't like doing so. Odette enjoyed her space. Often it was short lived anyway.

She spotted Ryder dancing, which was a comical sight. He wasn't a bad dancer in the slightest, but it was a sight not often seen. She'd give him shit for it tomorrow. Thinking of things to give him shit about, Ryder also had a few things she needed to have him take care of. His work ethic had been lacking the past week (even more than usual).

The lack of fresh blood in her system did make her feel more tired than usual. She'd feed tomorrow she decided. On some lucky bastard at the bar. She'd take them in the back room, feed, and go home. The thought of fresh blood made her mouth water. It was the best feeling to any vampire. Better than sex. Sex was a weak substitute for the substance. Hence the reason vampires were walking sex symbols even when not feeding. They all had the allure - it was something they needed. A numb existence could only be filled by so many things.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXHe rolled his eyes down at her, restraining the sound that wanted to pour from his lips. Instead he gripped the hand that was touching him with a rough force, throwing it back to her side.
"If you think I'll be boring, you can leave now Kitty. I'm not going to try to prove anything to you" he nearly growled in her ear. He squeezed her thigh afterwards moving his hand away after.

"Start behaving, you won't get anything if you don't" he commanded with his voice before taking her hand and moving out of the crowd. He saw Odette bartending and yet out a sinister laugh at the thought that she had to do so. He didn't feel responsible for the club in the slightest. This was her gig, not his. The money he was concerned about, but he had enough to sustain himself even if they cut him off. Odette's father was not his, and he felt no tie to the man. Odette may be his cousin, but hell, he didn't owe her anything.

When they got out of the crowd he was glad to be out of the hot atmosphere. He forgot about the warmth from other people - especially when gathered in one collective area. It was something he lacked. Vampires were naturally colder people. Due to the lack of blood at some points, and the lack of well...being alive.

He brought Natasha to the door, pushing out into the cold air. His car was parked on the side. Ryder was always proud of his vehicle. He searched his pocket for his keys and unlocked the doors of it, walking towards it.
"You ready Kitten?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Natasha raised a brow when Ryder rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand hard, pushing it away roughly, stopping her from touching him. "If you think I'll be boring, you can leave now Kitty. I'm not going to try to prove anything to you." He nearly growled in her ear and she bit her lip. There was no way in hell she was leaving him, she was too addicted to him. He squeezed her thigh, making her bite her lip harder, loving his rough grip.

"Start behaving, you won't get anything if you don't." He commanded and Nat smirked. He took her hand and pulled her through the club then and she followed gladly, dying to get out of there and be with just him so they could fuck. They pushed their way through people until they were off the dance floor and heading for the door. Outside, it was a little cold, but not extremely so. The chilly air felt good after the intense heat of the club. They went to Ryder's car and he pulled his keys out, unlocking the doors. "You ready Kitten?" He asked and Natasha smirked.

"Hell yes." She said with a wicked grin as she went around to the passengers side and opened the door, getting in the car. Once he got in, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips hard before he could even start the engine. Natasha let out a soft moan at the way his lips felt against hers. She couldn't explain it, but there was nothing quite like kissing him. She pulled away then and sat back in her seat with a smirk on her lips, eager to get going, dying to feel his touch again.

I'm fine, I'll see you tomorrow she quickly said to Adrian telepathically, letting him know she was alright and he didn't have to look out for her anymore. She glanced over at Ryder then. "What are you planning on doing with me tonight?" She asked, raising a brow, tone seductive. She was still sore from the night before, but she didn't care, he made her heart race and drove her crazy in the best way possible, she wanted him.


"Whenever the other bartender shows up." Odette said simply and he sighed. He hoped the other bartender got there soon then. He wanted to spend another night with her. "Don't you have work tomorrow Mr. Woods? I doubt it's a responsible use of time to be clubbing every night." She said as she started cleaning shot glasses and he just smirked and rolled his eyes. He wasn't exactly clubbing and he really didn't go out that often. Only when Natasha dragged him out really. Spending two nights in a row out at the club was pretty rare for him.

Adrian glanced across the club then to spot Natasha, making her way through the crowd with the guy from the night before. He watched them until they were out the door and shortly after that, he heard Nat telepathically saying she was alright and he'd see her in the morning. Adrian let out a sigh, glad that they'd managed to get through the night at a vampire bar unharmed. Sure, he was still there, but without Natasha there, the odds that some sort of trouble would occur were greatly decreased.

Plus, he was glad that she was leaving so he could turn his full attention on Odette and not worry about his sister starting shit with a vampire. Adrian glanced at Odette and smiled. "I don't mind losing sleep if it's with you." He shrugged simply. Sure, he had to work the next day, but honestly, for the first time in a while, he didn't care about being rested for work. He'd gladly stay up all damn night if it meant he could be with Odette, she had him hooked.

I apologize, they're kinda short

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXOdette snickered at his response. The look of disaproval was evident on his face. Maybe she'd even stay longer to keep him waiting. She spotted the bartender coming from the back, so her fun was going to short lived. The girl sheepishly approached the bar, looking like she was going to cry. Odette gave her an expectant glare, looking to Adrian momentarily.

"Your lucky day" she said before the girl in front of her rambled about oversleeping. Odette gave her a sinister smile, yet her eyes had no warmth.
"Lets not have it happen again, I really do not enjoy taking shifts that I don't need" she spoke, the girl nodded quickly, and Odette handed her the glass that was in her hands. But she didn't move from the bar quite yet. Instead she grabbed a bottle of wine from the wooden cabinet.

"You'll be losing far more than sleep Mr.Woods" she said as she took the bottle, taking her things from the bottom of the bar. She had her purse in the office, and she paid no mind to anyone as she left the club scene to seek the momentary silence. Or what seemed like silence. It was really nothing more than the feeling of the bass in the distance, and white noise. Odette had the habit of locking her office, and when she entered she grabbed her things. She had to work again tomorrow. If she was lucky she'd be able to do it from home. Being out two nights in a row made her tired. Though feeding was something that needed to be done. She'd figure it out tomorrow.

When she came back out to the bar she saw the girl working quickly, talking up those around the bar. Adrian was still there and she jingled the keys in her hand.
"Have you changed your mind yet?" she asked with a tease in her voice, very ready to leave the annoying place.

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXWhen he entered the car it was no surprise to him that Natasha's lips were the first thing to greet him. The hard kiss only reminded him of the control he had over her. Even though she liked to shake those newly found chains. He'd make sure she learned the rules, but enjoyed it at the same time. While rough, he was no rapist or sadist. Ryder hated such people. He always made sure the act was consensual.

Ryder suppressed the gentleman he was raised to be. His parents were gone, he didn't need to be what they expected. So playing rough with women, and expecting no commitment worked perfectly. Her words made him raise a brow, smirking as he started the car. The engine let out a small sound before he began leave the parking lot of the club.
"It's not what I'm going to do, it's what I won't" he said as if it meant nothing. He eyed her from the corner of his vision. "I think you should get ready for me. Why don't you slip your hands between your legs right now" Ryder practically ordered, purposely driving much slower now. He'd make her scream by the time they were back.

Obviously he was pleased with himself. He knew she would do as he asked, as the consequences were rather immediate if she didn't. The slow pace of the car was too slow for him, but he knew he had to drag this on to make everything work as he intended.
"If you cum, you're going to be in a lot of trouble Kitty" he reminded her as he turned the corner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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Ryder started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, making Natasha wait for his answer. "It's not what I'm going to do, it's what I won't." He said and she raised a brow at him when he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. The look he gave her got her heart racing and made her want to do whatever he said. "I think you should get ready for me. Why don't you slip your hands between your legs right now." Ryder demanded and she bit her lip.

She loved that he told her what to do and took control of everything. Normally, Natasha wasn't one to take orders. If she actually listened to you, it was a miracle. When it came to sex, however, she liked a man who could dominate and control her. It excited the hell out of her and turned her on. There was nothing better then a guy who wasn't afraid to be rough and demanding and she hadn't met a man who made her feel so good in a long time.

Ryder drove a lot slower then he had the night before, making it obvious that he was going to drag things out and drive her insane before they even got back to his place. "If you cum, you're going to be in a lot of trouble Kitty." He said as he turned a corner and Natasha let out a small noise of frustration. He was going to drag things out and she had no choice but to obey or he'd punish her. The thought was both exciting and agonizing.

She bit her lip and pulled her dress up a little before doing as he said and slipping her hands down between her legs to touch herself for him. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat of the car as she touched herself, letting out breathless moans. Nat glanced over at him, biting her lip hard. "Fuck, please hurry baby." She moaned, unable to help herself. His slow driving was making it incredibly hard not to cum before they got back and she honestly just wanted him to touch her and fuck her. The longer she touched herself, the louder her moaning got, and the more desperate she was for him.


After a moment, Odette's eyes moved away from him and he followed her gaze to a girl who'd just arrived before they were looking at each other again. "Your lucky day" she said and he smirked as the girl came up and started to give Odette excuses about why she hadn't been there for her shift. He watched her scold the girl, making him raise a brow, wondering briefly if she was just a co-worker or if Odette was more to the girl.

Still, he didn't want to even consider the fact that Odette might be the girl's boss. That would mean Odette was a vampire and his luck was bad enough that the first girl he was actually interested in would be the one girl he couldn't have. He pushed the thought aside and hoped like hell that it was just him being paranoid. He watched Odette grab a bottle of wine before returning her attention to him again.

"You'll be losing far more than sleep Mr. Woods." She said, making him smirk as she grabbed her things. She disappeared in the back for a moment and Adrian merely waited for her, finishing off his drink and paying his tab with the new bartender before she returned. Odette jingled her keys. "Have you changed your mind yet?" She teased and he just smirked.

Adrian leaned in and pulled her close, kissing her on the lips. Her lips on his set him on fire and honestly made him a little impatient to get out of there and spend the rest of the night with her. "Not a chance." He breathed as he pulled away from her lips and laced his fingers in hers, heading towards the door with her. He knew he shouldn't be spending a second night in a row with her for too many reasons to count, but he didn't care. He liked her too much to go home and spend the night alone, wishing he was with her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Woods Character Portrait: Odette Vasile Character Portrait: Adrian Woods Character Portrait: Ryder Vasile
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XXXXXXXOᴅᴇᴛᴛᴇ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : Spaceship by Puddle of Mudd
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Mischievous
XXXOdette couldn't help but laugh at Adrian's behavior. She knew the effect she had on people, but she could never tell whether it was because of being a vampire - or because of being who she was. If it was the earlier, it would be a real blow to her self esteem. Not that there was much honestly there.

She played the confident, independent woman well - but it was an act. Confidence wasn't something that was natural to her. Odette hated herself more than anyone else ever could. That was her Achilles heel. The fact that she could't let go of the past. She couldn't let go of what her dreams were, and who she wanted to be. Looking in the mirror now, she didn't know who the hell she was.

Odette received the kiss and reciprocated with equal amounts of passion. When his fingers laced between hers she couldn't help but feel misplaced. The touch was as innocent as they came, but also terribly intimate. Intimate in ways that she had been all too unfamiliar with. Every time she felt the feeling that she felt now, all she could think of was her old lover. Only the good moments of that life could be remembered.

When they finally opened the door the crisp night air Odette began walking towards the direction of her car. Of course it was a luxury car. Odette wouldn't have anything else, unlike Ryder who enjoyed restoring older cars. Even though she'd had the car for awhile, it's interior was as spotless as they day she got it. It was a known fact Odette was a neat freak. Her home was a clear sign of this.

"Mr.Woods, you're like a clingy puppy" she said with a voice full of dripping sarcasm as she entered the car. She pushed the button for the ignition and waited for him to get in. Odette, to many's surprise was actually a very safe driver. She didn't rush, yet she didn't daddle. Odette drove one handed, the other one fiddling with the radio.
"So what's your plan for tonight then? Don't you work in the morning? You're lack of work ethic is concerning Mr.Woods, I wouldn't want to get you fired" she said jokingly, yet there was an underline seriousness. She didn't want to take up too much of his time. Like her, he had a life to live.

Odette leaned over to the passenger side and trailed a nail across his jaw line, grinning as she did so. Her finger trailed over his lips.
"Why didn't I know you earlier Mr.Woods? You would've saved me many lonely nights"

XXXXXXXRʏᴅᴇʀ Vᴀsɪʟᴇ
XXɪPᴏᴅ : All The Right Moves by One Republic
XXMᴏᴏᴅ : Content
XXXRyder honestly had to bite his tongue to keep from any sounds he was going to make as he watched her squirming in her seat out of the corner of his eye. He was already hard, but it just hurt as he continued watching, barely keeping his eyes on the road. Her moans filled the car, and he drowned out the sound with his music, which was really just more distracting than all hell.

So when he reached past the seat and moved her hand away, replacing it with his own. He slowed down her pace, as he wasn't going to speed up for her count. He was going to drag it on. Expert fingers went in and out of her slowly while pressing down on her clit, he was doing all in his power to make this hard for her, to make it fun for him. To watch her writhe and squirm at the simplest of touch was a reward in itself.

"When we get to my house we're going straight for my bed, and I'm going to rip that tight little dress off your sexy body" he said while looking at the road. He glanced down at her every few seconds, his fingers continuing to pump in and out of her.
"By the end of tonight dear, you aren't going to be able to move. I'm going to eat you out until you can't remember your own name" he said with harsh exaggeration by the rough pumps into her before he withdrew his fingers completely.

He put the fingers near her mouth and raised a brow.
"Care to clean this up darling?" he asked as more of a command as they finally pulled into the parking lot of his apartment.