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Arashi Tayuya

0 · 550 views · located in Otogibanashi Town

a character in “Nightmares and Hunters”, as played by JoY



Name: Arashi Tayuya "At least that's what I call myself, although I have lost all my memories since before my death."
Age: 19 "... I think so.."
Gender: Male "Do I look like a chick to you?"
Role: Nightmare "Yup, since my death..."


Personality: At the first glance Arashi may look very calm and careful, but that is not the case. When he has peoples eyes on him, people he doesn't trust, he does his best to act like a human, despite his sometimes short temper. He's a flirt and a tease, but wouldn't actually harm anyone who didn't deserve it. When talking about girl he almost always uses 'chick' for younger girls and 'lady' for those older than him, that's kind of typical for him.
When he's alone or with trusted people, on the other hand, he brings out his playful inner self. He never says no to having a good time. His confidence is trough the roof, so to say, and when making a bet he's always certain he will win. The outcome may be a bit different that he expected though. Arashi may not have any memories of his days in life, as a normal human, but that doesn't mean that he lacks the urge to avenge his death. He's confident that if he lay eyes on the person who caused his death he will remember enough to decide whether to take his revenge or not. "Not if, but when I remember. And when that day comes I'll have to make a decision. Of course I won't let the one who caused my death get away that easily.."

History: Since Arashi suffers from memory loss he has no idea who he was before his death. Since he has been careful where he suspects that Hunters may be he's never been caught, luckily, and that has allowed him to have the time of his life where he can feel safe "
the time of his life
, seriously? I'm dead!"
. The first few weeks he just wandered around, confused and scared, until he realized he had been given another chance, if he could only remember.. As of now Arashi works as a waiter at a restaurant, although he would like to try out something new. "In deed, but I don't mind the ladies, somehow they seem kind of fond of me! Well, who could blame them, right?"


Do you want revenge?: That depends. Of course I want the person who caused my death to pay for it, but I don't know his reasons. (I doubt a chick would be able to kill me >.>) He may have wanted to help his family, not that I can see why he needed to kill me for that. Anyhow, yes, I kind of want revenge. I try to think rationally, but whenever my death pops into my mind I get angry.. Buuut, I'll try to stay calm.

Trivia: Arashi often carries around a knife, just to be safe. He doesn't use it very often though. He likes dogs, but not cats because of all the rumors about cats having an extra sense when it comes to the supernatural.
Deep inside Arashi's actually quite cautious, nervous and even afraid. Did he have family when he was alive? Would they recognize him now? What would happen if a hunter killed him now? Would he die like a human or could it be worse? He want an actual friend to rely on. I don't like to talk about myself, gotta be sneaky ya' know? What if a hunter were to find out about me?

Arashi looks like Alvaro Garay (having green/blue hair) from the otome game Wand of Fortune.

So begins...

Arashi Tayuya's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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"And now, gentlemen, it's the girl you all have been waiting for. Let's have a big round of applause for Ichi Soumna~"
Ichi could practically feel the deafening roar of the crowd of horny males. Staring at them from center stage, the girl held in a sigh. She was dressed in a black bra, black short shorts, a magenta long jacket that was completely unzipped to expose her chest and bra and magenta boots that went to her knees. Her dark pink eyes conveyed a sense of defeat as long black hair moved and swayed with her movements. Another day of being considered a piece of meat... It ended soon enough. Ichi stared at the mirror as she changed back into her school uniform. She sighed.
"One more shitty day... How many more must I go through?"
When the question left her lips, she felt bitter all over again.
"Oh, right... When I'm dead and have payed for my crimes, that's when all of this ends. At least half of the deal was made..."
She faintly grazed the scar on her chest from where she was shot. She started to walk out and turned to Yukina.
"Yukina, I'm on break. I'll be back in an hour."
She walked outside, entering a restaurant and sighed in defeat.
"Waiter. I need a hot chocolate over here. Now."

"Move your asses, men! One, two! One, two!"
Terao watched as the men and women underneath him continued to work on their training regimen. It had been four months since his father disappeared and he was growing more and more irksome with each passing day.
"Dammit... How am I to know if he died out there or not?"
He quickly shook the thought aside. No, his father was too strong to just die like that... He was just busy is all. He soon heard a knock on the door.
"Yasukawa, sir! I've brought Shiranui, Falcor and Vantrice as requested!"
"Send them in."
Terao turned to face the two Hunters.
"Shiranui. Vantrice. Falcor. I am Terao Yasukawa but you are to address me as Yasukawa. I'm calling you two over to give an important mission. You are to survey Otogibanashi Town with me to search and eliminate any and all Nightmares."

Sachi was still hiding her head in her arms as she fell asleep during class for the fifth time today. It wasn't like she could help it though... It's not her fault that the classroom was so boring...
"... Kunisada... Kunisada...! Wake up, Kunisada!!"
Sachi blinked awake and yawned.
"Huh...? Oh, sorry sensei... I just had the greatest dream is all..."
The teacher sighed heavily.
"Kunisada, need I remind you that you cannot be allowed to sleep during class? Especially since your grades are so terrible?"
"You insist on making lectures boring..."
"Boring- Kunisada! You are hardly in the position to criticize me over my lectures!!"
Unfortunately for the teacher, Sachi fell asleep again. What was the point of learning the lessons during the day when there were so many interesting things happening in the night? Nightmare, Hunters, so many other night owls. Yes... The daytime just wasn't the time for her. Her parents wouldn't care either way so she should try to be happy at least once. Sachi awoke to hear footsteps and found her classroom empty.
"Nn...? How long was I asleep...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya
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#, as written by JoY
Arashi leaned against the wall, always keeping his smile, while watching the customers. It was quite calm and peaceful at the moment, most people were probably at work. Upon the sound he quickly turned his gaze towards the door when a young, dark haired lady stepped in, asking for hot chocolate. She didn't seem very happy though.. He noticed that one of his coworkers were about to answer her, but Arashi did not feel like giving up suck a pretty chick as herself.
"Right away, miss." he answered as he shot her a smile before hurrying to get her order, sending his coworker a smirk. Since he himself didn't feel like making anything he was simply going to tell the chef to make a hot chocolate. Within a few seconds he laid eyes on the somewhat chubby, bald man standing in the kitchen, wearing his white clothes.
"Kenta-san, one hot chocolate for the chick." he said smiling as he stepped up to him. Kenta simply nodded before swiftly mixing together the drink.
"Don't go of flirting now." Kenta warned him in a serious tone. Arashi shrugged and grabbed the warm glass.
"Yeah yeah.." he mumbled as he turned around.
"One hot chocolate!" he then said while walking towards the chick, leaving a frowning Kenta behind him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya
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Ichi raised an eyebrow at the young man who gave her the hot chocolate.
"Chick? That's a new one..."
She took the hot chocolate. She sighed.
"Thanks. Work's been absolute hell so this comfort's nice."
She slowly drank it and sighed.
"So, what's your name anyway?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya
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Sachi blinked at Kanako. She soon dug around a satchel and handed the girl a pen. It was light green with pink and orange flower designs and a pink rose charm at the end.
"The teacher makes the lectures such a bore so why should I try to pay attention? The ink is black, don't worry. You can keep it if you want. I'll find an interesting one tonight anyway."
She handed the pen to Kanako and stretched as she stood.
"Have fun in art, Shiina. I'm going home. The fun hour is about to start soon and I've gotten enough rest."
As Sachi walked out of Gingeki high, her sleepy expression soon grew into a mysterious smile as she pulled the cat like hood over her head. She soon jumped up on a building and surveyed the late night area, smile growing across her face.
"Well, Otogibanashi, what stories do you have for me today~?"