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Allison Hartford

Med Student/Survivor

0 · 244 views · located in Haven Universe

a character in “No Haven”, as played by SkullsandSlippers


Name: Allison Hartford

Age: 26

Ally was in school in York at the University of York. Her whole life she had dreamt of being a doctor and let nothing stop her from achieving that.

When the outbreak hit in August she was coming to the end of her hospital rotation for the summer and was preparing for classes and a new rotation in September. She left York just as the worst of began.

Ally was traveling from York back home to spend the last few weeks of summer with her family. Her parents and younger sister still lived in her childhood home in Brigham. She never made it.

The train ran into issues and that is how Ally found herself in the Lake District. She did what she could to help people but decided to set out on foot towards home. No food but her meager snacks from her bag and what little she could carry Ally headed off.

This is how she ended up here. She stumbled upon the others, weak and hungry and somehow managed to convince them to let her in. Despite her insistence to get home to check on her family once her background in medicine came out there was no way they were going to let her leave. Ally began to realize that trying to get home was futile. By this point her family was dead or worse walking around as an animated corpse. She shifted her goal and decided to put her energy into setting up a trauma centre of sorts.

At first she did not go out on runs, relying on others to bring her back what they could. It became apparent that if she really wanted to get the best supplies she could that she would have to go out as well. She has learned to push her body in ways the would be doctor never imagined she would ever need to. Ally’s endurance, agility and speed are slowly improving with each run.

Birthday: March 23rd

Parents: Mom and Dad-likely deceased (Marianne and Peter)

Siblings: Younger sister-likely deceased (Jessica)

Place of birth: Brigham

What was important to the people who raised her/him: Nothing much ever stood out as important to her parents. They worked, they took care of their children and socialized on a semi-regular basis. From what she could tell neither ever had big goals or dreams.

Economic/social status growing up: Middle class. They had money for school but they were not overly rich. Allison worked a few jobs to help with expenses where needed.

Ethnic background: British. Both her parents were born and raised in Brigham as were most of her ancestors.

Places lived: Home in Brigham, residence at school.

Education: Medical school. Was just finished one rotation and preparing for more classes and another year on the floor.

Favorite subject in school: Biology

Special training: Medical knowledge including basic first aid, CPR and other basic techniques. She can stitch people up, bandage, stabilize broken bones and diagnosis illnesses.

Jobs: Typical teenager job of the fast food restaurant. She also worked in a small bookstore, which helped as she found plenty of time to study in between customers.

Travel: Never traveled. School and goal of becoming a doctor was more important.

Friends: Do other medical residents count? Allison isn't unfriendly but studying, papers and rounds do not leave time for a personal life.

How do people view this character: Allison hopes that others see her as competent and reliable. She worries that her less than stellar fitness will get someone hurt and people will doubt her from that point on.

Lived with: In residence lots of people. Now she has a bed to herself in the area more or less designated for medical purposes.

Fights with: No one.

Spends time with: Typically she keeps to herself, doing inventory or reading. It isn't that she is antisocial, she will say hello and make conversation she just worries that if she doesn't read, doesn't stay on top of things something will fail and it will be her fault.

Wishes to spend time with: N/A at the moment

What people does he/she most admire: N/A at the moment. She is still figuring the place out and has spent more time in the first aid things than with the people. She does what is asked of her, does her share in things but she doesn't really give the others a lot of deep thought.

Enemies: N/A

Dating, marriage: Allison never had a date, there wasn't time. Between school, work and studying there was no time for things like boys. She isn't sure marriage is a great thing. She had a career to think about so it was extremely low on the list of things to do. Now the thought that anyone would marry seems absurd to her.

Children: She can birth them, doesn't want them for herself.

Religious Beliefs: Atheist.

Overall outlook on life: Once it would have simply about working hard and helping people. She never thought long term beyond finishing school and becoming a full doctor. Life was a series of steps to an end goal. The lives of other was something to preserve. Now life is all there is. Give up and you join the rest of the dead.

Does this character like him/herself: Allison doesn't think about herself beyond what she can do and what she can improve on. She has never really thought about herself as person and whether or not she is likeable.

What, if anything, would he/she like to change about his life: She would, if she could have had more schooling thus enabling to be more effective now. Despite the fact that most of the injuries she sees are well within the scope of her knowledge Allison can't help but feel lacking. She doesn't feel like a survivor like the rest seem to be.

What personal demons haunt him/her: She would say she had no demons, no regrets.

Is he/she lying to him/herself about something: Allison is fooling herself if she thinks nothing in her life has ever sat as a regret.

Optimistic/pessimistic: Realist. She learned not to be too positive or too negative because when life hangs in the balance it can go either way very quickly. Better to be honest and realistic. There is less room for error or hurt that way.

Real/feigned: She would like to believe in the good in people and circumstances but knows that disappointment is all that there is down that path.

Morality level: She does what needs to be done. Help those that need to be helped. She has no qualms about killing things that are not human.

Confidence level: In her medical ability, high enough not to buckle under pressure. In herself overall, there are days when she feels useless and other days when she doesn't doubt her ability at all.

Typical day: Inventory, reading, tending to minor injuries and ailments. More reading. Most time spent alone.

Who depends on him/her and why: Anyone sick or injured come to her.

Physical appearance:

A soft round face with an easy smile. Ally has full lips. She leaves her brown hair long and before the outbreak she had neatly trimmed bangs. Those are starting to grow out and she frequently just brushes everything back into a ponytail or messy bun as best she can.

Her body is on the softer side. She is not athletic though her endurance is slowly improving. Before the outbreak she spent a great deal of time on her feet in the hospital or sitting and studying. She drank way too much coffee, forgot to eat more than a piece of toast or banana most days. She stands 5'6.

She dresses simply. She only carried her knapsack from the train and had made a point to only take light items in order to keep her textbooks.

Posture: Straight backed, though she works at it since late night studying leads to a great deal of slouching.

Eyes: Grey/Blue

Skin: Somewhat pasty in colour due to lack of lack of time outdoors. She keeps herself as clean as possible and never suffered acne during puberty.

Tattoos/piercings/scars: Nothing but pierced ears.

What people notice first: Her smile though it does not appear often. Life is far too grim at the moment.

Health/disabilities/handicaps: Cardio and stamina are not the greatness but something she is working on improving.

Personality type: Serious, clinical at times.

Strongest/weakest character traits: Her medical knowledge and ability to focus in the most stressful of times.

How much self-control and self-discipline does he/she have: A great deal. She ensured her acceptance into medical school and that she was always on top of things at the hospital and in her work.

Fears: Not being useful. That she will somehow cause someone else's death.

Talents/Skills: Medical knowledge. The books she kept allow her to stay sharp. Most of the things in the texts have nothing to do with what is happening but it allows her to focus on her strongest feature and not think about what might happen. She can wield a blade though better with a scalpel and needle than a knife.

Favorite Food, drink: Coffee.

Music: Classical, it helped her study.

Books: Do medical texts or journal articles count?

Color: Blue

Best way to spend a weekend: Studying. Practicing sutures.

Biggest trauma: Besides the current situation her first code at the hospital.

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him/her: Standing in the locker room in just her bra trying to find her scrub top only to find it hanging in the hallway. Hazing sucks.

What does he/she care about most in the world: Being a doctor.

Voice: Firm and level. She talks like a doctor, her tone often leaving no room for emotion or interpretation.

How would he/she describe himself: Professional. Good but always room to improve.

Strongest/weakest character traits:
Strongest: Ability to work under pressure. Staying calm in emergencies. Diagnostic ability.
Weakness: Startles easily. Awkward in social situations that require actual connection.

What makes him/her cry:
Burn victims. No matter how often she had to work with them she always ended up in tears at the end of the day. They are always in pain and there is little as a doctor you can do.

What people like best about him/her:
Allison’s ability to stay calm in emergencies tends to be something people like about her. The other residents always commented on how calm and collected she was while they tended to freeze of panic.

Collections: N/A

Movies: Never had time for much in the ways of movies as a teenager.

Sports, recreation: Library over sports. Not athletic.
[b][u]A great gift for this person:
Medical charts, vintage ones. Nowadays any medical textbook or medical supplies.

Pets: N/A

Vehicles: N/A

What large possessions did he/she own
and which did he/she like best:
(car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) N/A

Typical expressions: N/A Allison tries to keep her speech as impersonal as possible. Any patterns would be minimal.

Idiosyncrasies: Chews her tongue when thinking.

Laughs or jeers at: She tends not to laugh at other people. Frankly she tends not to laugh at much.

Ways to cheer up this person: Give her a job. Give her a task where she is useful.

Ways to annoy this person: Tell her to relax.

Hopes and dreams: Once her only dream and focus was to be a doctor. Now it is to survive and help as many people as possible.

How does he/she see him/herself accomplishing these dreams: She planned to work hard and had proven herself focused and disciplined enough to complete her goal.

What’s the worst thing he/she’s ever done to someone and why: N/A

Greatest success: Her first lead on a patient.

Biggest trauma: First patient she lost. Elderly woman who was already dying when she arrived at the hospital. Nothing Allison could have done would have helped but it was her first death that she had to pronounce.

Does he/she have a secret: No.

If he/she could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: Being a doctor.

He/She is the kind of person who: Will help anyone who is injured or sick regardless of who they are or what they have done.

How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: She is nothing special. She is a medical student with a drive to see her dream come true. Even now she knows her skills can help those in need, though the need is different than it once was. Allison is a simple woman who will have to grow and develop given her new environment.

Core Need: To help people.

Anecdote: (defining moment) The first time she got to lead on a patient. She was terrified that she would the wrong thing. The patient was a pregnant woman who was having complications. Allison had to treat the woman until she could diagnosis the problem and yet not injure the unborn baby in the process. She had two lives to watch out for and it put a stress on Allison that simply made her want to do everything she could.

In the end Allison was able to treat the woman effectively and even though they had to delivery the baby boy early he was healthy as well. It was her first lead and she did everything right.

So begins...

Allison Hartford's Story


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Her mind screamed it over and over again. It forced her legs to work and propel her forward. It forced her lungs to heave like a set of bellows leaving them burning with exertion. It forced her not to look back, not to look over her shoulder at the place that had been her home.

The noises, the screams and gunshots were sickening. The shots were few and far between but the screams were plentiful. There was no time to help and there was nothing she could do but run.

Allison ran into the trees, into the darkness. She didn’t have a flashlight. She was lucky to get out at all. Her eyes were on the path ahead as she watched for trees, bushes or anything that might get in her way.


It wasn’t something she was good at. She had been trying over the last little bit to improve her cardiovascular ability and her speed. Running, sprinting these had never been things she had been good at even as a child. She wasn’t the slowest but she was certainly never one of the fastest. As an intern on the floor it didn’t seem to matter. She could last a double shift no problem fueled by far too much coffee. There was no need to be the speediest when you were doing rounds. Sure occasionally there was the need to get to a bed fast but even then she had been content to let someone else get there first and she offered the long term help. She could solve the hard problems, diagnosis the difficult case and keep her head in the biggest emergencies. Allison had never needed to run.

Now her very survival relied on it.

Her legs burned. Her chest stung with each breath.

Something contacted her leg and she fell hard to the ground. Allison felt the impact of the earth and her body, jarring her to her bones. Instinct kicked in and she scrambled to her feet. No time to assess damage now.

Run! Keep running!

And she did. Allison ran until her legs gave out and she collapsed to her knees. She ran until the screams of the others were far behind and could no longer be heard.

It was dark. The only sound was her gasping breath. On her knees, hands in the dirt, Allison struggled to catch her breath. Each inhale was like daggers in her chest. She lifted her head, looking around through watery eyes.

Nothing. Nothing but trees. No sound of anything. She was sure that any and all of the undead in the area were tearing apart those she had lived with.

Allison let the sobs come. Fingers dug into the dirt as she cried. She was terrified and she had just lost the only place that was even remotely safe and the people who she had come to rely on.

Her sobs continued for a time and didn’t help her slow her breathing at all. Eventually the bawling turned into gagging and eventually it slowed.

She wasn’t sure how long she had been down there on her knees in the dirt but Allison looked up suddenly nervous. It had been drilled into her not to stay in one place in the open for too long.

Stumbling she got to her feet once more.

Hands dirty, arms wrapped around herself Allison began walking. She began to go over the events that led to her fleeing.

Inventory. Like every night she was doing an inventory before bed. She had refilled her supplies, her first aid backpack equipped for just about any emergency.

She had laid down, was looking through a book. Her eyes had grown droopy. Had she fallen asleep?

She wasn’t sure but she was startled by the alarm. She had jumped out of bed, grabbed the backpack and opened the door.

The sight made her gasped. The alarm had been too late. The place had been breached and they were overrun.

It had taken everything in her not to slam the door and hide.

It was too much though. Everywhere she looked people were falling, being torn apart. Everyone it seemed.

She did the only thing she could think of. She pulled the backpack on and ran, not looking back.

The trees gave way to a road. Leery, Allison paused just inside the treeline and looked around. Seeing and hearing nothing she stepped out and onto the deserted road. Where it went she had no idea but she had nothing and no one but at least on an open road she had more space to see what was coming.

Allison was tired. Extremely tired but resting wasn’t an option. Not yet.


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Ally’s feet ached. She didn’t know how long she had been walking but what she did know was that she couldn’t stop, she couldn’t pause at all.

Every noise sent her heart racing, every muscle tightening and she even ran without really knowing if anything was there. She wasn’t willing to leave anything to chance.

The road before her seemed to go on for an eternity. Ally focused on it, even when it sometimes lulled her into a trance. She would shake herself awake,pinch her own arm...anything to get herself to wake up and concentrate. Danger could be anywhere and she had nothing to fend it off with.

Exhaustion would be her downfall, she knew that, unless she found shelter of some sort soon.

Ally was wary of moving too far off the road. The woods were just as unpredictable as anywhere but if she could find an old motel, home, any sort of structure close to the road she would feel better. The pavement, the winding road felt like her only escape. To what she didn’t know but somehow it made her feel better even when her rational mind told her the road made no difference at all.

She found herself wishing she could remember where that school was, the one she had gone to find supplies at. That thought of course just reminded her of the people she had run away from as they were being attacked.

Guilt gripped her. She had ran. She hadn’t even tried to help or looked back. Survival was first and foremost in her mind and it wasn’t helping people. Wasn’t that what doctors were supposed to do? Help?

Ally tried to make herself feel better by reminding herself over and over that the help that was needed was weapons and fighting. She didn’t have the first and she wasn’t particularly skilled at the second. She would have been useless.

That feeling, that thought bothered her more than the guilt. Her medical knowledge was nothing when it came down to it.

So she walked on.

When the sun came up the world seemed less scary. Only then did she stop and let her eyes close. Not for long. Noises startled her awake often but enough to feel like she could go on a little longer.

Ally realized that no food was going to be a problem. She could make it through most of today but if she didn’t find something soon the next few days would find her weaker and more likely to get sloppy.

Hunting wasn’t an option. Berries were not exactly plentiful so close to the road but she managed to find a few scraggly bushes close to the road’s edge. It wasn’t enough to make her full but it was enough to take the edge off.

Nothing, no buildings or signs for businesses appeared.

I went and picked the one stretch of road that has nothing...great job

Ally walked on both praying for and dreading the possibility of finding people.