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No Limits

No Limits


The entire universe is in danger of destroying itself. Will you help stop it, or aid it's destruction?

2,470 readers have visited No Limits since thuiy created it.


It is a time of turmoil and chaos throughout the entire universe. Heinous crimes are committed everyday, and no one seems to care save the innocent. There is so much chaos, in fact, that it is damaging the universe itself. There is hope: the divine being known simply as the deity. He has saved the world in the past. However, the divine realm of the universe is under siege by a mysterious group known simply as 'the seven'. They are powerful enough to take on the deity and his warriors, but the battle is, so far, a draw. In order to spare the universe from complete annihilation, the deity created a small group of individuals who have an extremely large amount of potential. However, due to the amount of energy required in order to keep the seven from winning the ongoing battle, he was required to rid them of quite a bit of their potential powers. In order to guide them, he told one of his most trusted warriors, known as Samuel, to guide them. Now, it is just a matter of time before something happens.

Now, in this roleplay, you can either be a hero, having been created by the Deity only a few seconds ago, you will remember nothing, save your own name. You will be allowed to have one weapon of choice, and at the beginning, your skill level with that weapon will be the equivalent of a person whom had been practicing for a year. Over time, you will become more and more proficient with said weapon. If you could normally dual-wield that weapon in real life, then you may. Be advised however: if you dual-wield, you will only be good with your chosen weapon when you are dual-wielding it, and vise-verse for if you aren't. No one is allowed to have a power that says: good with all weapons of a certain category. You will only be good with one weapon in general.

Now, as for powers: heroes start out with one power, which is a toned down version of a power that they will receive later on. You may have up to three potential powers, and you can make them as strong as you want. (Look at my character to see what I mean.) Villains start out with two powers, but will be less powerful than the potential powers of the heroes. Also, their weapon level will be less than that of a hero's after the hero has become a master of the weapon. (For example, if a Villain and a Hero face off later in the story, and both of them use swords, then the hero will win.) However, at the beginning, the Villain's starting powers will be significantly stronger than that of all of the hero's powers.

Finally, what everyone starts out with. A hero will start out with nothing except for an extremely basic version of their weapon, as well as a white t-shirt and blue jeans. They will acquire a better version of their starting weapon later on. However, villains start out with the better version at the start, as well as the ability to choose their own clothes.

Now then, the applications:


Code: Select all
Starting power:
Potential powers (Including powered-up version of starting power):
Appearance (Description or picture, if description, must be at least two sentences):
Starting weapon:
Eventual weapon:
Eventual clothing:

Code: Select all
Starting powers:
Starting weapon:
Starting clothing:

Toggle Rules

1: No taking control of other characters unless I specify that you may.

2: Please, keep profanity to a minimum. Not all of us enjoy hearing people swear five times a sentence.

3: Powers will start out weak, but will grow very slowly. If you are a villain, make sure that you have a good reason for being so. Not many people are psychotic enough to randomly destroy the universe and everything inside it.

4: Please don't base your character off of a character of popular fiction stories. Not even a little.

5: Please interact with each other. I would like romance to enter the story at some point.

6: Heroes are not allowed to go rogue unless they believe they are doing the right thing.

7: Villains are not allowed to join the heroes' side. They won't want to.

8: We will go where I choose, at what time I choose, and for whatever reasons that I decide on.

9: The only people allowed to have god-like powers are the seven, the deity, and Samuel.

10: Please, no one liners. Two lines are acceptable, but if you only post a one-liner, you honestly don't have anything of any importance to say.

11: Enjoy!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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#, as written by thuiy
Richard awoke. He looked around. He was in a room of some form. He thought about how he got here, or even who he was. He was stumped. The only thing he remembered was his name. He stared at himself. He was naked. Good thing the room's door was closed. He finally rested his eyes upon a wardrobe of some kind. He opened it, and saw his clothes. He put them on, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a white t-shirt, as well as blue jeans. Suddenly, he saw something next to the mirror. It was a spear, with a strap attached to it. He strapped it to his back, not knowing what dangers he would encounter. Not seeing anything else in the room, he walked through the door.

The sun practically blinded him, and the heat immediately set in. Wherever he was, it was really, really hot! He finally adjusted to the sunlight, and discovered that he was in the middle of a marketplace. With no money, he could not buy anything, but he browsed around anyways. He suddenly realized that he was standing out quite a bit. The locals seemed to be mainly lizardmen, and no one was dressed like he was. Feeling suddenly self-conscious, he wandered off, trying to find some answer to his most important question - Where was he?


Inside his mansion on the desert planet, Fiamar was bored as his servants rushed around to try to please him. All of them knew what he was like when he was bored, and usually the nearest person to him died. However, today, he wanted to kill some locals. That always cheered him up. He teleported into the village, near the market. The crowd scattered when they saw him. However, a little child, not knowing how violent Fiamar could be, came out of his home, and stared at him. Fiamar smiled, approached the little boy, and crushed his head in with his flail. The father of the child rushed towards him, but all Fiamar had to do was send a blast of fire towards the big lizard, and all that remained were ashes. He then noticed that the mother had fainted. He swung his flail, and crushed her skull. He laughed maniacally.

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When Skye awoke she found herself on her stomach with her face on an unnaturally hard floor, she quietly wondered how she was actually able breath in such a position, though the thought was soon washed away by the realization of not knowing where she was, how she got here and why she was naked suddenly flared. In sudden shock she shot up and attempted to cover herself up with something, anything.

Realizing there was nothing within arm's length of her spot on the floor, Skye slowly rose to her feet, shivering as the cold from the floor travelled up her spine. She took a couple experimental steps forward, using the wall as a guide with one hand while the other was stretched out front of her hoping to find something to light up the dark room. She had to take a few small steps back as her balance was tipped as her outstretched hand hit something. Slowly, Skye wandered around the object, one hand still on it. It was then she came to the realization of the wooden object being a small sized wardrobe.
Gingerly she felt for the handle, her hand fumbled for a bit in the darkness before latching onto what she though to be the handle. Hesitantly she pulled it open, expecting for something to jump out at her, instead she was met by yet again more darkness. A part of her began to worry, this only made her search quicker inside the wardrobe, hoping for some kind of light source. This time she did find something, material, clothes. Pulling them out she turned around, and stumbled to the closest wall with both hand outstretched, searching for a light switch. Skye was rewarded by the small switch in which she flicked on quickly.
The dim light that flickered on was enough to see the clothes she was holding- a plain pair of blue jeans and a white top. Without a second thought she pulled them both on, once done she glanced around the room, eyes immediately looking onto a large black object leaning against the opposite wall. Skye wandered forward and stopped just in front of the blade, it was giant, Skye could hardly believe her eyes. After the initial shock wore off Skye grabbed the handle of the huge sword and lifted it slightly. It was surprisingly easy to lift.
With a shrug of her shoulders she lifted the sword to her back and strapped it to her back. And with that she grabbed the door handle and pulled it open.

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#, as written by Belynta
Freya slowly came back to consciousness, the feeling of being cold becoming too persistent to ignore, she opened her eyes blinking them rapidly to clear them of the blurriness. Her eyes felt dry and itchy and her mouth felt as though she had been sleeping a long time. She lay on her side with her back to a wall curled inwards almost in a foetal position. She slowly stretched her legs out wincing at the stiffness in them, she did the same with her arms before slowly sitting up. It was then she noticed that she was naked, no wonder she was cold, she quickly crossed her arms suddenly feeling especially vulnerable. She looked around more intently this time and saw to her relief that the room she was in appeared to be empty of people other than her. She stood and shivered as her bare feet touched the cold floor. Where was she?

The room appeared quite small and reasonably well lit though she did not see a light source, on the opposite wall from her she saw what appeared to be a wardrobe of some sort. She approached it cautiously and hesitated in front of it, she had no idea where she was or what she could expect and opening things even a simply wardrobe could be dangerous. She hesitated a moment longer but eventually being cold won over her caution and she pulled the doors open. Inside the wardrobe was empty other than a pair of blue jeans and a white t shirt, Freya thought they were an odd choice of clothing but then what about this whole situation wasn't odd, she pulled the jeans and shirt on glad to have something covering her. The wardrobe contained one other item, a leather belt of some kind with what appeared to be two long knives hanging from it. Freya stared at them for a long time but could find no recollection of ever using them before. She thought about leaving them but decided against it as being armed with something she wasn't sure she could use was far better than not being armed at all.

She had just finished buckling the belt on when she realised that she remembered nothing, strangely it hadn't occurred to her before, she knew nothing about herself. Where she came from, what she looked like nothing. All she seemed to know was her name: Freya and that didn't exactly give her much to go on. Freya was not happy with her current situation, not happy at all but standing doing nothing was not going to find her the answers she sought and so she walked towards the only exit in the room. Freya took a deep breath, pulled open the door and stepped through it.

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Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
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Aron was training in an old factory that was abandoned years ago, more specificly, around the time he sought a training place. Aron had smashed a hole in the concrete floor and put a stick in the hole, the lifeless corps that served as a punching bag was tied onto it with a cable that was used to hold up elevators. Aron smacked the dead corps with his whip, whereafter he jumped backwards, concentrated and seamingly slashed at empty air. Suddenly a beam of darkness came out of his whip and flew towards the body. On collision, the cable that was keeping the body upright snapped and the corps fell down on the ground. He back walked towards the empty shell and wanted to pick it up when he heard an evil sounding voice in his head: ' That's quite enough, Aron.' Aron fel on one knee and looked up at the sky. 'Then, what do you want me to do now master?' He asked. Deep inside Aron's mind, Arooon grinned and said: ' You have practiced enough on this motionless being, let's go see what your new power does to moving things, living things.' Aron grinned too and said:' Your wish is my command, master' as he stood up, picked up his whip wich he put in a special container on his belt and left the building, the big city was waiting for him.

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Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce
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The bright beam of sunlight hit sky light a ton of bricks, forcing Skye to shield her eyes with a bare hand. Puzzled by the fact she had suddenly found herself outside, Skye dropped her hand prematurely and tried to catch a glimpse of her surroundings, doubtful on what she would find. She scowled in pure annoyance as she blinked continuously to help her eyes adjust to the lighting.
She herself thought the odds of wherever she was turning out to be a dreary and gloomy place were much higher than the chance she had stepped out into a blissful and jovial town. Though what Skye was met with was somewhere in the middle of her guessing, -no she did not find herself in a town of wealth and delight, no was it a place of dread and isolation, instead it was something that was content looking, surprisingly calm and buzzing with light and joyous chit chat.

To say Skye was shocked was an understatement.

Carefully shifting the weight of her monstrous blade to a more comfortable hold, Skye quietly stepped down onto the street.

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Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
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Aron reached the crosroads between religion street and war street, one of the busiest places in the whole city, when Arooon said: ' This place is perfect, lots of humans around, let the test begin!' Aron stopped for a second and then sended g-his thoughts towards Arooon as he saw a lizardman-family walk by:'NO! there are too many not-humans around, unleashing my powers now would be... evil!' Arooon sighed'That's right, this fool stil thinks we are the good guys,' he thought in himself whereafter he sended another brainwave towards Aron's part of the consiosness with the message:' Alright then, go to the part where all the human speciΓ―sts live.' Aron brightened up when he heard this and started to walk towards the only part in the city where only humans lived. (P.S. speciist is the equivalent of racist, but instead of discriminating people with another colour, people who aren't human.)

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper Character Portrait: Fiamar Gornack
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Ezariah woke up to the familiar sound of her alarm.With a slight groan, she rolled over and pressed the snooze button, but not before glancing at the clock. 11:00. She cursed under her breath and rolled out ofthe bed, quickly getting dressedand wrapping her whip around her waist. It was 11:05 when she had gotten ready, and she was already bored.

She left the apartment and walked along the village, at the market. It always humoured her to see how 'normal' people spent their day. She noticed Fiamar just a few metres away, killing a family. That's why it was so quiet, she thought. Though she was used to it, she couldn't help but wince at the sound of the mother's skull crushing. Even if she was evil, so to speak, she still found that mildly... gross. She looked around the market, slightly pissed for no apparent reason. She noticed a few people still out. Fools, she thought. Fiamar is here, what on Earth are they doing?

She held her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, and noted who the people were. From the clothes, and the weapons, they looked suspiciously like... The Deity. Ezariah narrowed her eyes, and took out her whip from her belt. Even if the weren't the Deity, it didn't make a difference to her. She could really use some killing to calm onw, take her mind off things. And it looked like she had found her next victim.

The girl with the blonde hair and the extremely large sword. Ezariah ran towards her, and before reaching the girl, did a flip. She flew over the girl's head, and whilst in the air, cracked her whip at the girl's head. If it had met it's trget, then that wold cause some pretty serious damage, especially with the hidden spikes under the skin. She landed behind the girl and shot the whip at the girl's legs, attempting to make her fall over.

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Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper
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It took a few seconds and the feel of the cool liquid dripping down her temple for Skye to fully register that she was being attacked, even then the shock of being hit was more. Blood continued to dribble down the side of Skye's face, the pain of her ripped skin sent small shocks to her brain. The distraction of her pain was almost Skye's downfall as she barely dodge the second shot from her attacker, a thin line of blood trickled from her ankle, lightly soaking her blue jeans.

The blonde turned to face her attacker, eyes hard as she glared venomously at the other girl. Immediately her hand flew to the handle of her giant blade and using strength was wasn't aware she had, Skye ripped the sword from its holster and pointed it directly at the enemy; jagged end gleaming.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
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(gues it's my turn to post something, seeing concrete and converse aren't continuing their battle, it's too bad this kind of screws up the rithem of the RP, also, i have tryed posting this before, but my stupid computer logged me of, so i needed to log in again , so expect it to not be as good as the original)
Aron turned around a corner and saw two girls standing in front of each other, one with a big sword, and one with what form this distance looked like a belt, it looked as if they where fighting. suddenly, Arooonstarted yelling in Aron's subconsciousness:' That girl! That girl with the sword! She is dressed up as the Deity!'
Arooon had told Aron about the Deity, a fake god who fooled the people by making them believe that only getting rid of some people would save the universe. Aron knew better.' Shall i attack her too then?' Aron asked, opening the container with his whip. 'Yes, that would help our future plans.' Arooon relpied, and if he would have controlled Aron's face on that moment, it woulde have displayed an evil smile.
(P.S: I would like to nerf Aron a bit, by making Arooon a bad wip user, and give the weapon another form, which Aron cannot unlock yet with his current power, but whit wich Arooon actualy is good, but then make Aron suck with it, this would limit Arooon's powers this early in the story, but give him some extra power later on, together with this, i would like to give the weapon a new name, if you think it is too late to do this, thuiy, or if it's against the only-one-weapon rule, i won't do it.)

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Character Portrait: Freya Mackenzie
0 sightings Freya Mackenzie played by Belynta
"Catch me if you can!"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Richard Evans
Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce
Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper
Character Portrait: Fiamar Gornack
Character Portrait: Samuel


Character Portrait: Samuel

"Nothing's impossible so long as I'm involved."

Character Portrait: Fiamar Gornack
Fiamar Gornack

"I'll kill you, then your family, and then your friends, and then THEIR family, and then burn all their houses for good measure."

Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper
Ezariah Piper

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."

Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
Aron Moonbane

darkness isn"t just the absence of light...

Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce
Skylar Pierce

"Girl with a big sword coming through... So move it!"

Character Portrait: Richard Evans
Richard Evans

"However long this takes, we'll get there. Even if I have to take five thousand shots to the chest, I'll still do it to achieve our goal."


Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce
Skylar Pierce

"Girl with a big sword coming through... So move it!"

Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
Aron Moonbane

darkness isn"t just the absence of light...

Character Portrait: Samuel

"Nothing's impossible so long as I'm involved."

Character Portrait: Fiamar Gornack
Fiamar Gornack

"I'll kill you, then your family, and then your friends, and then THEIR family, and then burn all their houses for good measure."

Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper
Ezariah Piper

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."

Character Portrait: Richard Evans
Richard Evans

"However long this takes, we'll get there. Even if I have to take five thousand shots to the chest, I'll still do it to achieve our goal."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Richard Evans
Richard Evans

"However long this takes, we'll get there. Even if I have to take five thousand shots to the chest, I'll still do it to achieve our goal."

Character Portrait: Skylar Pierce
Skylar Pierce

"Girl with a big sword coming through... So move it!"

Character Portrait: Ezariah Piper
Ezariah Piper

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."

Character Portrait: Fiamar Gornack
Fiamar Gornack

"I'll kill you, then your family, and then your friends, and then THEIR family, and then burn all their houses for good measure."

Character Portrait: Samuel

"Nothing's impossible so long as I'm involved."

Character Portrait: Aron Moonbane
Aron Moonbane

darkness isn"t just the absence of light...

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Re: No Limits

I made a hero. Is he alright? I hope so.

Re: No Limits

this is the worst part of a rp: the period between the anouncement that it is going to start, and the actual starting.

Re: No Limits

Just checked the icon, and it's coming up again! :)

Anyway, so excited for it to start now :D

Re: No Limits

We'll start the roleplay soon. I hope that more people will become interested, but, if not, we'll start without them anyways.

Re: No Limits

Good characters everyone, looking forward to the Roleplay.

Made.of.Concrete wrote:Where will we the characters start off?

If you're a hero, you'll awake in a room that has your starting weapon, as well as a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Every hero will only be wearing this so that they are easy to identify. Villains can start wherever they want, but should make their way

Grumpy-Converse wrote:Submitted a villian, hope you likee :)

EDIT: My icon oesn't seem to e coming up for me at the moment :/

It's coming up for me.

Re: No Limits

Submitted a villian, hope you likee :)

EDIT: My icon oesn't seem to e coming up for me at the moment :/

Re: No Limits

double post, don't mind this post

Re: No Limits

I have submitted a character for a hero, I hope its okay.

Re: No Limits

Where will we the characters start off?

No Limits

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "No Limits"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.