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North and South

Kingdom of the North


a part of North and South, by BlueWind_22.


BlueWind_22 holds sovereignty over Kingdom of the North, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Kingdom of the North is a part of North and South.

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Kyra Wind Mikato [1] "Try to hurt my brothers and sisters and I'll cut you down." Smiles.
Aimi Lee Mikato [0] "This is very inconvinent...."
Princess Frost Mikato [0] "I-I don't fight....."
Esmerelda Ember Ashira [0] Well this is good.....
Prince Dastori Ashira [0] This is stupid...
Princess Vanilla Serenia [0] "Peace and harmony is what I promote."

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Kyra was standing behind a window, watching the snow storm outside rage on. Blood dripped down her arm as she looked down at her bleeding shoulder. When they were fleeing away from the group of rebels one of them shot a arrow at her but it only grazed her, leaving a small gash on her shoulder. She ignored the pain as she looked back at her siblings, hoping none of them got hurt. She turned her head and her gaze fell on the southern Princes and Princesses. She didn't know how they were going to make it back to civilization when half their group didn't know how to fight and hunt. Her siblings knew how to fight and hunt, well at least most of them. She turned her gaze on Frost the youngest of them all.

Kyra sighed and looked back outside at the snow falling fast. Then she felt fur touch her skin and then a large shoulder bump into her. She took a step back as Kallik, her wolf sat down beside her. Kallik was a white wolf that had been taken from her home in the wild when she was only a cub by some cruel commoners. Luckily Kyra's father bought her and gave her to Kyra. Kyra put a hand on the wolf's massive shoulder and closed her eyes. "Kallik. I'm glad I brought you."

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Frost hung tight to Snowflake, her wolf that had been bred for speed. Snowflake had pulled Frost onto her back when she sensed danger and was already ready to run by the time the bandits came to them. The fur was soft against her skin as the snow fell and made her clothes wet. Snowflake sat on her haunches, letting Frost slide down her back. She shivered continuously and let go of Snowflake, her arms crossed over her chest. She was wearing a thick coat, but the dampness of it allowed the snow to make her cold. She looked to everyone in the group and their surroundings, her gaze fixing on a single snow leopard in the distance. She then wrapped her arms around snowflake's neck since the wolf made her feel secure around cats. She looked to Kyra.

"K-Kyra? Wh-when can we leave? It's cold out here and I wanna go home..." She felt a tiny frozen teardrop go down her face and drop to the ground. She looked to the heirs of the Southern Kingdom. "P-Plus we all need a place to stay. It's not good to be out here in the cold with nothing to protect us." She felt Snowflake stand and let go of her wolf, letting her shake the snow off her fur. She petted Snowflake. "Yes, I know you can protect me just as well as Kyra, but we need shelter from the snow so none of us freeze. Your instincts picking up anything?" The wolf shook her head and Frost sighed. She turned back to Kyra. "Snowflake says there's no caves or hollow trees around as far as she knows. Any ideas, sis?"

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Ignore this post.... I did this on accident :/

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Dastori followed the group at the back to protect his siblings. When they stopped moving, Dastori looked around the group counting his siblings - making sure they were all there. He quietly pulled his jacket closer to his body as he looked around the area, putting his sword back in its sheath. God, its cold up here. How do they live in this weather? he thought to himself quietly. As he looked around he noticed a tall shape covered in white that looked like an empty castle or something of the likes. He waited patiently to interject into the princess' conversation. "Excuse me, but I believe that there is an empty castles or something over there," he said pointing in the direction of the castle. "Just a thought but why don't we wait in there until we can go home?"

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Kyra looked at Frost when she heard her speak. She listened but tuned out the rest when she looked back at the southerners and Dastori pulled his coat closer to himself. She smirked and then pulled some extra fur coats off Kallik's haunches. She threw them at Dastori not caring if he caught them. She knew there were at least four or five fur coats wrapped together. Her mother gave them to her to give to them in case they didn't expect it to be cold here."Here. Put them on. Give the others to your siblings."

"Excuse me, but I believe that there is an empty castles or something over there," Dastori said pointing in the direction of the castle. "Just a thought but why don't we wait in there until we can go home?" Kyra sighed. She walked back to Kallik's side and jumped onto her wolf's back. Kallik's warm fur warmed up Kyra's cold hands as she clung to her wolf. She looked at Dastori and the other southern princes and princesses. She groaned as she realized they had walked here on foot. She jumped back off Kallik and spoke, "Prince Dastori can ride on Kallik, While I walk and the rest of you can ride with my siblings. I'm used to walking in the snow, so don't worry." Then she added to Dastori in a voice full of mockey "Be careful"

Then Kyra walked over to Frost and gave her one of the fur coats she was wearing. She started walking toward the castle by herself. After she walked a few feet ahead she looked back and yelled out, "Well come on!" Kallik looked at Dastori and growled as she moved up behind Dastori dug her teeth in the back of his shirt careful not to cut him with her sharp teeth. She easily picked him up and turned her head slightly carrying the prince as if he were a wolf pup and threw him on her back, the only thing was she. She put him on her back, with him faceing the back, not forward like he should have, meaning he was riding backwards. Not caring if he was holding, Kallik walked quickly to Kyra's side.

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Dastori picked up the coats, shaking off the snow and handed them out to his siblings, mumbling thanks. He pulled on the last coat, happy with the warmth it brought. He watched quietly as Kyra climbed onto her wolf for a few seconds before slipping off. "Prince Dastori can ride on Kallik, While I walk and the rest of you can ride with my siblings. I'm used to walking in the snow, so don't worry." Then she added to Dastori in a voice full of mockey "Be careful" Dastori gave Kyra a slight glare, "I am fine with walking, you shou-" He stopped talking, shocked, when Kallik growled and picked him up, placing him on her back, backwards. Dastori quickly turned around, as Kallik started to walk quickly after Kyra. "I can walk. You should ride."

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Frost held tight to Snowflake, pulling on the fur coat that Kyra had given her. She had her arms around Snowflake's neck but walked. She could probably ride Snowflake, but she wanted to follow her older sister's image. She looked to the Southern prince and gave a small smile. "H-hello. Since we will probably be with each other for a while, it's best to know each other. I'm the youngest of my siblings, Frost. This is my pet wolf, Snowflake." She looked to Kyra. "Sis, why don't you introduce yourself and your wolf? It's for the best." She gave a small giggle as Snowflake nipped at her ear playfully yet hungrily. "Not right now, sweetie. I said we need to find shelter. The castle up ahead will do, so can you stay with me until then? I'll let you go hunt afterwards." Snowflake gave a small bark and cuddled against her.

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#, as written by Saferia
Esmerelda was still a bit shocked about the attack, but she quickly got over it. She listened to them all talk but stayed out of the conversation, she didn't feel like talking at the moment..... or anytime soon. She smiled at Dastori as he gave her the fur coat, she quickly put it on and brought it up to her neck. She stiffled a laugh as Dastori road the wolf backwards but he uickly turned around. All Esmerelda knew was that she wasn't riding a wolf. that was for sure. She was barely acustomed to riding a horse how in the name was she going to ride a wolf. She started walking and said in a quiet voice "I shall walk too." the snow was deep and cold but she liked the feel of it under her feet so she didn't really mind. Esmerelda smiled at the one named Frost but faced forward she wasn't in the mood to meet her prince that was for sure.

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"I can walk. You should ride." Kyra ignored the Prince for a few minutes, as she kept walking. She was actually leaving a blood trail too. She put a hand on her right shoulder where the bleeding wound was. It hurt but she didn't want to show weakness in front of the others, so she ignored it. The only thing that worried her were other predators in the area, that could smell the blood coming from her that might come after her and the others. "We need to hurry. Other predators might smell us and we don't need newcomers to snow, slowing us down."

Kallik made a whining sound when she saw Kyra's wound. Kyra put her hand on Kallik shoulder as she started to quicken her pace. The loss of blood was actually making her a bit weak, making her double edged sword strapped to her back and her bow and arrows feel like a horse strapped to her back. Kallik kept walking but pretty soon her stomach started rumbling very loudly. Without even bothering to think about, Kallik stopped moving when she saw a snow rabbit pop out of the snow and stood there on its hind legs watching them. Kallik started growling as she slowly walked toward it when all of a sudden it bolted away from them. Kallik let out a snarl and as she leaped after it purposely throwing Dastori off her back as she started moving with ease and and speed built up over the years. She was only a foot behind it when she jumped and felt her claws sink into it's flesh and moved her forward sinking her teeth into and jerking it's neck back, making a snapping sound. She stood up with a dead rabbit in her mouth as she walked back to Kyra's side.

Kyra watched Kallik kill the snow rabbit but didn't bother taking it from Kallik. Her mind was set on putting one foot in front of the other. "Have it Kallik." Her words slurred a bit as she suddenly collasped to the ground. Kallik dropped the rabbit and started pushing Kyra onto her back and licking the bleeding wound on her shoulder.

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"We need to hurry. Other predators might smell us and we don't need newcomers to snow, slowing us down." Dastori folded his arms across his chest defiantly, when Kallik suddenly stopped moving. Dastori looked at Kallik slightly confused when she suddenly bolted forward, throwing him off her back. Dastori's eyes widen as he fell backwards into the snow. Dastori sat up and glared towards the wolf, mumbling a few choice words to himself under his breath. He stood up quietly, wiping the snow off of him. As he looked over to speak to Kyra, he saw her collapse into the snow. Now even though he didn't like her, he couldn't not worry about her saftey, it just wouldn't seem right. He rushed over to her quickly and rolled her over onto her back gently. "Princess Kyra?" he asked, gently shaking her to see if she would wake up.

When it seemed as though she wouldn't wake, he picked her up setting her on Kallik's back gently. "We have to get to that palace quickly," Dastori said quietly. "He turned to look at Frost. "It would be fastest if we rode the wolves, correct?" he asked. "If so, Esmerelda, would you like to ride with me to make sure you stay on?" he asked his sister with a small smile.

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Frost almost screamed as Kyra landed on the ground, and she would have if Snowflake hadn't pushed against her for comfort. She let go of the wolf and ran over, tripping through the snow as she did. She reached her sister as Dastori picked her up and placed her on Kallik. She quickly nodded at his question and called Snowflake to her. "You can ride Snowflake. We only have two wolves and I can't go out and catch another right now." She pet Snowflake. "Be kind and let them on your back. It's only until we get to the safety of the castle, okay?" The wolf whimpered a bit, but cuddled against her to show she understood. Frost smiled and jumped onto Kallik's back, having trouble since she was small and she didn't want to pull onto him by pulling on the fur like she did with Snowflake. She made sure Kyra was secure, putting pressure on the wound, and then held tight to Kallik. She turned to Dastori. "We have to hurry! To make Snowflake go, all you have to do is say 'follow' and she'll start following me, okay?" She then patted Kallik. "Go, Kallik. And hurry." Kallik then burst off, going towards the castle.

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Kallik let Dastori put Kyra on her back but when Frost got onto her back she couldn't take. Her instincts came to life as she reared up like a horse trying to get the little girl off. Only Kyra rode her and she ddn't trust anyone else, but her own human. Kallik looked back at Frost, baring her large white canines at her, warning her if she stayed on any longer she wouldn't be an ally but lunch. Kyra was able to open her eyes for a second and saw Frost and Kallik's faces but closed her eyes and let out a groan.

Kyra was dreaming at least she thought she was dreaming. She was walking when all of a sudden the snow beneath fell and out from her under her and she was falling. Then she felt cold and sharp objects poking her everywhere, and then loud voices screaming in her eyes, and all of a sudden, silence.

Kallik was stopped moving altogether and started shaking her entire body back and forth, like a wet dog trying to dry itself off. This time she was able to jump forward and throw Frost off her back, but she forgot all about her owner. Kyra had fallen off and was lying in the snow face toward the sky. Kallik turned and bounded quickly over to the human. She started whimpering and licking Kyra's cheek, hoping Kyra wasn't hurt by the fall.

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Frost yelped as she fell off of Kallik's back. Even Snowflake jumped and quickly ran over to make sure she was okay. Frost's eyes teared up as she stood, with Snowflake's help, and steadied herself. "You're a big meanie, Kallik. It's just a short ride to the castle, plus the ground is cold and not soft!" She sniffled and Snowflake nuzzled her face. She didn't smile and instead looked around for something for the other prince and princess to travel on. She turned to Kallik again. "Would you rather the prince ride on your back? Or is it that you're as stingy as you were as a puppy!?" She sniffled again and climbed onto Snowflake's back, taking a hold on the gold necklace around the wolf's neck. "I'll be back. Me and Snowflake will go and find something we can use for speed." Snowflake then trotted off. They soon came across a stag that seemed strong. Frost pulled a flute from the pouch attached to her waist and put it to her lips. It felt cold, but she started playing a soft tune. The stag looked up at them and Snowflake turned and began trotting to where the small group was. The stag followed, entranced, and they got to the small clearing with everyone. The stag stopped behind them and Frost stopped playing. She gave a small smile. "I hope you don't mind riding a stag. There aren't many wild wolves around her to tame." She put the flute back in her pouch and lay down on Snowflake's back. "We need to stop stalling and get to the castle, don't we Snow?"