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Nuclear Utopia

Nuclear Utopia


You're either born lucky...or you're born an Outsider. Those on the Inside have it good. They follow the rules like zombies. They don't understand how bad it is on the Outside. Nothing's been the same since the nuclear war all those years ago..

1,246 readers have visited Nuclear Utopia since Spectrum created it.

freakofnature are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



ImageIt all began with a war. An act of stupidity set off a nuclear missile from one country to another. It was a childish disagreement between leaders of countries that set off an instant domino effect. Once the first missile hit and devastated the people, other missiles soon followed and in a matter of months, the world was leveled into a nuclear wasteland. Countless lives were lost. It didn't matter if you were rich or poor, black or white, good or bad. Nobody could escape the disasters.

It seemed like all hope was lost. It was previously confirmed that any humans who were succumbed to nuclear waste would die. This remained true of course, but over the years, people who had taken shelter in safety zones began to resurface. Many of these people died through illness, but some still continued to survive. These were the people that overcame their weaknesses and began to rebuild society. They literally started from scratch. Nothing mattered anymore. Everyone considered each other family. They were survivors that built a city on the basis of hope and unity. They built this city up and covered it with a protective dome to keep clean, fresh air inside and the infected air out. Soon enough, their vision became a reality and over the decades, this city became a Utopia.

Countless years passed and, over time, all the original survivors passed away, leaving only their Utopian city behind. Since the original city, now known as the Capital, many other dome-covered cities have been built for the growing population. We call these cities Zones. However, things are not as perfect as they once seemed...


The people who live within the Zones are called Insiders. Zones are cities that are considered near-Utopian. They are futuristic, but small, so people get from place to place either on foot, hoverboards, hoverbikes, or a number of other small vehicles. There are no cars or buses. To travel from Zone to Zone, people take the train. Every person under the age of eighteen is required by law to go attend school and those not attending school are required to have a job. The school system is very strict. Classes are split between academics and physical training. Physical training consists of weapon usage and basic self defense. Martial arts are also an option, but they aren't mandatory and those born with medical conditions are not allowed to attend those classes.

The students and workers are taught to recite an anthem and are required to read over the list of laws every morning before starting their class or workday. The Insiders are taught that those who live outside the Zones are dirty, filthy, and no longer human. They are lead to believe that those on the Outside have lost their minds and traces of humanity and not to be considered human. They learn that those on the Outside are dangerous and never to be trusted, spoken to, or reasoned with because they are animals and they will kill you.

Each Zone is controlled by a figurehead known as a Superior. The Superior is rarely seen or heard from, but they basically keep the city working behind the scenes. They keep careful watch of the security cameras (hidden everywhere around the city they are in control of) to make sure the laws are followed. They make most of the decisions for the city and they are the only court. They decide the punishment for those who break the laws. Superiors are in control of a small group of people known as Inferiors. Inferiors are people of any age or gender who have been chosen or signed up for the job. They blend in with normal society until they are called upon to act on a job. They have no choice but to follow through with their orders or be punished. If they make one mistake, they are stripped of their rank.

:::The Outside:::
The world outside the zones is still a wasteland. The air is unclean and unhealthy, the old towns are in ruins, and the weapons are mostly old-style like typical guns with bullets. People get around by walking only unless they managed to get their hands on a working physical vehicle, like a bike or a skateboard. The food is scarce. There are people who are unfortunate enough to live in the Outside for one reason or another. These people are called Outsiders. These people have lived in the nuclear wasted world for so long that it has effected them in many ways: Outsiders are physically weaker than most people (with a few lucky exceptions), more easily prone to illness, and are usually left to fend for themselves. It's a free-for-all in the Outside. There are no laws. The few animals here are warped and dangerous and quick to kill for food.

Outsiders are not allowed inside the Zones at any time under any circumstances. They are considered contaminated and if they try to infiltrate a Zone, they will be killed on site. For this reason, the Outsiders have grown to hate the Insiders and consider them inhumane snobs. The only unique things about Outsiders, besides their ability to thrive and survive even the most desperate situations, is that they have, over time, developed powers. However, these powers can not be accessed and used at any time at their leisure. The powers are only able to be used during an adrenaline rush, so during moments of fear, or anger, extreme happiness, etc., so they may be a little hard to control.

Some Outsiders have decided to travel in groups that they call Bands or Families. Families are basically what the name implies--groups of people who are related or just friendly with each other who take care of one enough like family. They are usually pretty neutral when it comes to others as long as nobody within their Family is messed with. Bands, however, are gangs. They're dangerous. They may or may not be so friendly to each other, may or may not be a little more unstable, and are usually the cause of any riots or further destruction or deaths in the Outside. They believe in the strong and get rid of the weak so there's more food for them. They are also the most likely people to attack the Zones' trains and bring harm to others.

:::Extra Information:::

The Superiors have recently discovered that Outsiders have powers and have assigned scientists to recruit some willing Outsiders for experimentation purposes. The Outsiders are promised three meals a day, safe living areas, simple and painless examinations, and even the possibility of living in a Zone when they're done with. However, this is only a bunch of tricks and lies to get people to sign up. The reality is the experiments are harsh, painful, and demanding--the possibility of dying is very high. They're lucky to be fed a small amount of dirty leftovers once a day and they're forced to live in an unhealthy, overly-cramped bunk with others of their kind. The scientists treat them like dirt and wear hazmat suits just to keep themselves safe from the infected Outsiders.

:::Zone Laws:::

1) Always Obey Your Superiors and Inferiors
2) Do Not Question Authority
3) Children 18 Years And Younger Are Required To Attend School
4) Adults 19 Years And Older Are Required To Work
5) Do Not Kill
6) Do Not Steal
7) Do Not Allow Outsiders Inside The Zone
8) Do Not Associate With Outsiders
9) Do Not Leave The Zone
10) The Superior Is Above The Law

**The strictest punishment to breaking a law is being thrown into the Outside. Once one has been banished from a Zone, they are no longer allowed to re-enter the Zone for the rest of their life.


Lyo Sonon - Monochrome

Cecil "Panda" Ira - Spectrum
Luca Avery - freakofnature
Cremisi Neve - OpalePhantasmagoria
Ketsa Fillador - Furry Dragon

:::Character Sheet:::
Code: Select all
[center][color=hex code][size=250][Full Name Here][/size][/color]
(Character Image here--anime only!!)
[url]Optional Theme Song Here[/url][/center]

[u][color=hex code]Layer One[/color][/u]

(Outsiders or the Inferior? If you're an Outsider--are you in a Family, Band, or Neither?)

(You should know this!)

(25 and under)

(**Only for those 19 and older)

[u][color=hex code]Layer Two[/color][/u]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
(It can go off the spectrum--red, orange, pink, blue, whatever!)

[b]Hair Style/Color:[/b]
(Spiked? Messy? Usually kept in a bun?)

(Be reasonable.)

[b]Clothing Style:[/b]
(Short description)

[b]Best Physical Feature:[/b]
(It can be in your opinion or in theirs)

[u][color=hex code]Layer Three[/color][/u]
(at least three)

[b]Guilty Pleasure:[/b]
(sweets? alcohol? burning ants under a magnifying glass?)

[b]Biggest Pet Peeve:[/b]
(What do they hate the most?)

[b]Future Ambitions:[/b]
(Is there a reason your character continues to live? Is there something they've always dreamed of doing or being?)

[u][color=hex code]Layer Four[/color][/u]
(at least 5)

(at least 5)

(at least a paragraph!)

(**Only if you're an Outsider. Only one. Don't overpower/overdo it. If you're worried, ask me about it. Don't choose a power someone else already has)

(What's your character good at? What weapons do they prefer/specialize in? Remember: Outsiders have the same stuff we have today, so pipes, broken planks of wood, guns if they're lucky. Nothing rechargeable like tasers. Insiders/Inferiors have higher tech weapons, like laser guns, electrified items, etc.)

[u][color=hex code]Layer Five[/color][/u]
[b]Love Interest:[/b]
(I won't tell anyone ;3)

(Straight, bi, gay, other?)

[b]Favorite Eye Color:[/b]
(Your eyes are an ocean. Your breasts are also an ocean.)

[b]Favorite Hair Color:[/b]
(I heard blonds do it best *winkwonk*)

[u][color=hex code]Layer Six[/color][/u]
(Give a brief description of each family member, if any. They can be those related to you or, if you're an Outsider in a Family or Band, you may describe them instead)

(At least a paragraph)

(Optional. Anything else?)

*Feel free to change the layout of the character sheet to however you want as long as you include all the information I asked for.


1) An Outsider gang hijacks a train and infiltrates a Zone, killing the Superior and discreetly taking over the Zone by impersonating the Superior and screwing the Zone up--changing around Laws, canceling school and work days, making new laws, ordering people to do bizarre things, etc. An Inferior happened to discover the truth behind all this on accident and, when the Outsiders discovered that s/he knew, they banished her/him from the Zone. The Inferior, loyal to the Insiders and the Zones, has decided to embark on a desperate mission to hurry to the Capital Zone, miles and miles away, by traveling in the dangerous Outside. S/He is likely to come across Outsiders who either want to kill her/him, join her/him, or anything else under the sun. It's a free for all, totally up to your character and their development.

2) **To Be Unlocked**

3) **To Be Unlocked**

1) No god-modding.
2) Absolutely NO one-liners. This is a semi-literate to a literate roleplay. I require at least 500 words per post. I understand having bad days, though, so it’s acceptable to have less on occasion, but not every time.
3) Please try to reply every day or every other day. If you're going to be gone for a bit, let me know so I can try to slow down the RP for you so you don't get too lost and drop out. *If you're gone for five days without warning, I'll kill off your character.*
4) I want literacy. Don’t type “lyk dis.”
5) I will judge you by your character sheet. If it's set up sloppily, illiterate, and hard to read, I will reject your character. If it looks like there was an attempt made, I will ask you to tweak a few things and then probably accept you since I'm not completely heartless.
6) This is a mature RP. That means there will be cursing and likely mentions of blood. That said, romance is encouraged, but keep it PG-15 (totally)—any more and take it to the PMs. (Immature mentions are also allowed xD)
7) Please try to keep things organized. I really dislike confusion and I'm sure others do as well. I have the right to kick you from the RP and you need to oblige to these rules. Otherwise, if you do follow these rules, we'll always be good here. ^^
8) You MUST reserve the character in the OOC section. Do NOT just make it and submit it. Please and thank you.
9) By asking to be a part of this roleplay, you are stating that you’re willing to stay and see it through to the end. Do not join and drop out somewhere along the way (unless your character is killed--by your request only). If you join, you stay. Otherwise, please don’t bother as it will only hinder the rest of us. Why make the effort for something you’re not going to be part of?
10) Now have fun~ <3

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
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0.00 INK


The light in the sky was dimming more than usual, making the dirt in the air look thicker than it really was. Panda heard stories that at one point a long, long time ago, the light in the sky, the Sun, used to be really beautiful before it. He was told that it used to turn the whole sky orange and pink and red and that people would stop what they were doing to stare. But he'd been told plenty of stories about how things were before and, like with most of those, he didn't believe it was the truth. How would they know anyway? Just because that's what their old, senile grandmother told them? Nowadays, the sun went from a dull orangey-brown to darkness. There was no brilliant hue of colors in between. There was no reason to stop and stare in wonder. It was bland and ugly, just like everything else out here in the wasteland.

He was passing by the ruins of a small city, wondering why he hadn't come across any people yet. Usually, these ruins were where most Families or Gangs made their bases if they weren't the travelings types, but this was as close to a ghost town as anything. Panda considered taking a break, but he knew if he stopped here now, he wouldn't get up again for the rest of the night. He only woke up a few hours ago anyway, so he figured he might as well continue on for the rest of the night. He liked traveling at night better anyway. He was afraid of getting sunburnt during the day. Ugh. Those sucked.

There was a revving sound in the distance that brought him to a standstill. The sound was familiar, but vaguely. It was very rare to find anyone in the Outside smart enough and lucky enough to figure out how to fix up one of those...what were they called? Jeeps? Most of the vehicles out here were unusable or broken beyond comprehension, but some people came across those that could still be fixed. The issue was knowing how to even fix one. It wasn't like they had schooled out here or any way of learning mechanical skills. Those people were rare and far and few in between. Panda had never met one before, but he'd seen one working on a vehicle once when he was making his way carefully around a Gang base. He saw the guy fix the Jeep up--that's definitely what those guys had called that thing, what a weird name--and then he hopped in and took off! It was the coolest thing ever. It was just like a smaller version of one of those train things that took the Insiders back and fourth from the Zones. Panda always wanted to ride one of those, but even if he somehow managed to catch up to one, he'd never be able to sneak aboard without getting caught. It wasn't like he could just walk inside and sit down. Insiders were so much...cleaner. Snobs.

Speaking of trains, he was near one of the tracks, wasn't he? Looking up, Panda could see a distinct set of tracks in the distance, just past the edge of this ghost town. Maybe if he was lucky, he could see one passing by. Not that it matters or anything. With an exaggerated sigh, Panda made his way straight to the tracks anyway, staring down at them and looking both ways. He could tell that whoever was having a field day with that jeep was somewhere close. Maybe they were a good guy? Or maybe it was some stupid tool having fun. Whatever. Who cares. Rolling his eyes, Panda adjusted the bag on his back and started following the tracks, looking around him every couple of seconds as the sun set further in the sky.

Only five minutes later, he found himself stopping again. The revving sound was still around the area somewhere just out of his field of vision, but that's not what he heard this time. This time, he was sure it was something bigger. The very idea of seeing a train nearly made him laugh out loud in excitement--nearly, but not exactly. Panda continued his less than enthusiastic expression as he stepped away from the tracks, following them as the sound got louder. The trains were usually pretty quiet. The most of the noise came from the tracks shaking against the weight. He was sure he could see it just in the distance, getting closer and closer, until...nothing. Panda squinted as he walked. The train wasn't getting any closer and, as he walked towards it, he realized it wasn't going anywhere at all. It was stopped right there in the middle of the tracks. Just sitting there. Right next to it was the vehicle he heard earlier, but there was nobody on it. It looked small in comparison to the large train and Panda doubted anymore than four, maybe five, people could even fit on it. Was he witnessing a gang attack? Crap. Crap. Oh he was so screwed.

Mildly panicking because he wanted absolutely nothing to do with this fiasco, Panda quickly looked back and fourth, sighing in relief only when he spotted someone nearby. The guy didn't look like he was any member of a gang. Maybe he was a lookout? Nervous, Panda carefully walked up to him, his only weapon dragging lightly on the ground as he walked. When he got close enough, he lifted the pipe up to point and get the guy's attention. "Hey. You. Blondie. Uhm." What was he going to say again? Did he even have a plan going into this? Oh! Yes, yes he did. That's right. "Are you...part of this?" This guy looks really clean. What's with his outfit? "I-I mean, this train. Is this an attack? Are you a Gang? I need to know! I don't want your idiot members attacking me, okay?" Yeah, that's right Panda, sound tough. If you sound tough, then maybe he'll tell his guys to leave you out of it because there's no way you can put distance between you and this train issue by then.

The train behind him rocked slightly, making Panda eye it suspiciously before turning back to the kid with the too-clean complexion. "You...are you even...supposed to be here?" Don't have a conversation, idiot! The train rocked again, but Panda couldn't tell whether or not it was from something bigger or if the people inside it were panicking. There weren't any windows. Someone once told him it was because the Insiders didn't want to see what the Outside looked like. The thought almost made Panda want them to get attacked, but these situations, although a little rare, were usually...messy and disastrous from what he'd been told. Why did this happen today of all days?! Right now? Why did he even need to see the stupid train?! Come on, weirdo! Talk already! If you kill me, I will be so mad.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
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0.00 INK


So that was it. Lyo had been completely and utterly thrown out, and there was no getting back in. He kept looking back in the direction he had walked from, yet he told himself every time that he had to keep moving. Is this what the Outside looks like? It. . . . looked worse on the television. But he still took out his lighter and flicked it nervously, staring at the small flame as he walked. Was that a train in the distance? Who cared, that's not what he needed. Or maybe it was? He could hijack the train, like that Outsider said he had, but no. There was no getting back in, so he had to work with whatever he had outside of the Zone.

Lyo looked in the direction of the train. Was he even near a train track? He looked at the ground. Oh, so he was on a train track. Interesting. It would look so much prettier on fire. he thought glumly, sighing. Well, everything does. Doesn't it? The sun was setting, he noticed, and he stopped to stare at it, before deciding that maybe he should get off the train track. He saw it pass by him and he turned back to look, only to see it had stopped about twenty meters away from him. Why? Oh god, how that one word was racing through his head as he stared at it, not moving a foot. What was going on anyway? His curiosity got the better of him as he stepped towards it slowly, before stopping. This is the Outside. Not everything is safe so I should stop acting naive. he thought, taking his lighter from his pocket and flicking it again.

What the. . . . ? A pipe? His hand instantly found his katana at his side, closed around it. "Hey. You. Blondie. Uhm." He stared back at him, waiting for the sentence to finish. Or actually, start. "Are you...part of this?" Lyo eyed him carefully. Part of what? This kid was taller than him, yet he could tell he was younger. What was with the panda eyes anyways? Insomnia? "I-I mean, this train. Is this an attack? Are you a Gang? I need to know! I don't want your idiot members attacking me, okay?" Right. Train. Gang. Wait, gang?

"You...are you even...supposed to be here?" A few seconds passed while Lyo simply stared at the boy. He stuffed his lighter into his coat pocket, hearing the soft clang of it hitting the pile already stashed down there.

He ran his hand through his hair, looking back in the direction of the city. "Yes. No. . . . I do not know." Lyo said, before looking confused. "Yes." Well, that was his final answer. How nice; he'd already screwed up with the first Outsider he met. Well, there was an Outsider a while back who'd told him that he was pretty and that he should come over for a 'chat', which he didn't understand what was implied and simply carried on walking. But right now, he needed food, or something edible at the very least. "I don't know what this", he gestured to the train, "is in all honesty, but if it's an attack, shouldn't you be running? Pipes can't do much, kid." he said, sighing and taking out his lighter again. He flicked it casually, before glancing at the train. The train rocked once more and he stared, before hearing a scream. Young girl, under ten. Should he help? He had to get on with whatever he was doing, but he should help, right? What if it was an Insider of his Zone? Well, it could just have been some Outsider who hijacked the train, but he still felt obliged to help either way.

Well, sure, he was exiled from the stupid Zone anyway and it would be hard getting into the next, but he had to tell the other Zones. It was his obligation as a citizen of the Zone and as an Inferior. It was nearing dark now, yet he simply took a quick look at the kid, mostly to make sure he wasn't been whacked over the head with a pipe, but he suddenly had a realisation. Trains have food. His hand closed around his katana and it set itself on fire, though invisible which in the fire-proof sheath. "Are you going to help. . . . or are you just going to ask questions?" Lyo glanced at him.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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0.00 INK

[Cremisi Neve]
Image Image Image

Most people would go to say the world was drab, that there was no beauty left in it, that there was indeed no reason to bother to stop anywhere to look around, or to take in the appearance of a certain place. To most, the world had lost its entire luster, all its wonder. . . . To these people, the world had become a place just to survive; there wasn’t anything left within it worth a person’s time beyond that. That’s what the Outside seemed to be for many, stories were passed down among people of what it was the world used to be like; colors that spanned the imagination, marvels and sights that couldn’t even been conceived unless seen in person. . . . Tales were told of days where the sky used to show an endless blue, people spoke of days when the sun illuminated a world full of amazing things, where there was so much to experience, and so much to live for.

For most people, stories were all they had. In the Outside, a lot of people had forsaken the notion that there was anything worthwhile left there, anything worth seeking out or trying to experience. That was a sad truth.

And that sad truth was something she couldn’t bring herself to comprehend. She didn’t, and couldn’t, understand why it was so many people had become content with the idea of simply surviving, instead of thriving. Even if the world were screwed up beyond belief, even if it had fallen into a state of near-disrepair, how was it that people could come to give up so easy? The last year of her own life had been full of ups, downs, and all things between. Despite the fact that the world had lost a lot of the beauty it supposedly once held, she could still see a lot within it, many wondrous things that many seemed to overlook or had forgotten about. There was still so much it had to offer, and gave, she just couldn’t understand how people didn’t see that.

Maybe it was because of the fact that she was missing a large chunk of her memory, and knew little of suffering, of the pain that many had gone through in the Outside . . . but whatever the reason that she still held onto the idea that the world was still a lovely place, there was little that could be done to shake her of that belief. Even though the sky always shown a burnt orange during the day before sinking down below, turning the world dark, she couldn’t help but seeing it as beautiful in a strange way. Though the sky was not the endless blue spoken of in stories, it was still a color.

The surrounding land was silent, save for a single set of soft and light footfalls, trekking beyond the desolate and dilapidated ruins of what was once a small city. To her, this day was like any other, it consisted of her traveling aimlessly, wandering around to no place in particular. And, like every other day, she was traversing the flat, and barren land in an old, rather out of place school uniform. She couldn’t help her brown eyes glancing over and upon the remains of the city as she passed on through, a rather innocent expression highlighted her features, as her mind attempted to reconstruct what it was the place must’ve looked like before, when it was the sky still shone blue. Of course, her mind was unable to fathom such scenery, as she’d never seen anything like it before in her conscious memory, not in person anyway . . . there had been pictures though. She’d seen pictures of what it was the world must have looked like before it had changed in strange sort of books, simple thin stacks of colorful paper stapled together in the middle fill with pictures and few words.

Yes, the world she had seen reflected in those pictures was gorgeous, wonderful and so full of life but something about it felt strange to her. It wasn’t the world she knew, even if it was amazing. So it was that she continued on walking, slowly, through the skeletal remnants of the rather small city, mind continually trying to reform the area within itself out of simple curiosity.

Eventually, she came to shrug to herself mindlessly, tearing her eyes away from the buildings to ahead of her as something of a goofy smile slipped over her lips. What does it matter? This is the world I was born into, no matter what it may’ve been like before, what I know now is what I know, and this world holds to it a lot of wonderful things, as I’m sure the previous did~ After a moment or two more of walking in silence, she began to hum rather softly, the tune aimless and random, though it seemed to have no rhythm or point, it filled the quiet air around her, the stagnant world felt a little more lively with the noise. It comforted her, having some sound around, it made the world feel less empty.

When it was she heard an unfamiliar sound though, she stopped walking, hands placed upon the straps of her backpack as she turned her head in every which way, having stopped humming in attempts to figure out what the noise was. It . . . sounded like something akin to a growl, but it didn’t sound like it was alive. The sound was deep, and harsh . . . and vicious, something to fear? The sound though, the way it’d hit her ears, it sounded as if it were some distance off from her, the noise had echoed through the gaps between crumbling buildings to reach her. I don’t know what it was, and there is still a lot I don’t know about this world, so I don’t know if I should be afraid of whatever I heard. But, I guess I shouldn’t go and psych myself out over something when I don’t know. She tilted her head to the side, Though . . . I kind of want to know what made that noise.

Was it wise to give chase to something that had made such a strange noise? Nope . . . but wise wasn’t something Cremisi was. Looking around uncertainly, a rather innocent expression highlighting her features, the girl took off without a hitch, darting back and forth through desolate and rather bland streets, the sun beginning to set.

Cremisi continued on her way, a look of determination upon her features as she sought to find the source of that strange noise. Even if it was dangerous, she wanted to know. Eventually, the girl came to a skidding halt when it was she found herself before a set of train tracks. She glanced over them for a moment, as she tried to remember just what the significance was of the things. Trains, trains. . . . I think that I was told that those were the things that transport people through the Outside from between those places known as ‘Zones.’

Taking a few steps forward, looking a ways down the tracks, she noticed something unusual—there was a train stopped right in the middle there. That’s not normal. Cremisi thought, before her eyes happened upon something sitting next to it, that something had wheels . . . and it looked like it could move. Okay, so that’s probably not normal either since I don’t know what ‘that’ is. she reasoned, blinking a few times as she trotted forward, before it was she stopped where she was at hearing a wail come from inside of the train.

Her face lost every bit of its color at hearing the shriek, and in response to the cry, Cremisi found herself tensing up, a look of uncertainty happening upon her face. That’s . . . not good. Something of a soft yelp slipped from her throat. There was trouble afoot, something was up on the train—and she didn’t know what, nor did she know how it was she could help, or if she even could. But, the scream she had heard sounded like it came from a child. Though a visible frown had formed on her face, Cremisi took in a deep inhale of air before it was she nodded to herself and forced an expression of sureness over her features. No matter what was going on, she was there and there might be something she could do, if she didn’t try something then it was just as bad as her doing whatever was up on the train herself. “Okay, this might be kind of scary Crem, but it’ll be all right. It always turns out all right.” she assured herself, bending forward a bit before it was her feet began to move her forward, toward the halted train and the strange thing next to it.

Although her efforts were indeed of goodwill, and seemingly heroic . . . Cremisi could not have looked less than that when it was she managed to stumble in the middle of her approach, and fall forward, flat on her face with a rather loud grunt.


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Luca Avery

Though it was light out, Luca and his friends sat around a small fire, the smoke almost invisible in the already muggy sky. For once everyone didn’t have their gas masks on, mainly because Andrej had gotten the right lens smashed during a little spat with a Gang. Unfortunately some of the glass had sliced up the skin around his eye, blood staining the right side of his face with red.

“Can I— Luca started as he set his knives on his lap, picking up one to start cleaning the blood off it the normally sparkling silver surface.

“Just…clean your blades first,” Render sighed, waving away the complaint that Andrej was going to bite out, “If the blood doesn’t stop by then, you can clean him up.”

Luca nodded and zoned out for a bit, only half listening to his friends talk. The Gang attack had been random, and even he hadn’t been saved from any wounds. A few bruises to the legs, and if he was lucky, maybe a cut on his arm, but nothing as bad as Mr. Grumpy Asshole who was glaring at him with as much malice as one could put into such a stare. Looking up from his bloodied blades, Luca smiled happily and licked his bright red lips. This only made the other male glare harder, as well as pulled a frown down his face.

“Luc, stop antagonizing Drej,” Kyn snapped as she took a small sip of water, her black hair almost smoking in the heat of the sun.

“It’s fun though. Besides it wasn’t my fault his mask was broken. He should be more careful.” He tossed a sneer in his friends direction, earning the middle finger in response.

“But I blame you for it anyway.” Andrej spoke up, his soothing voice rough from not drinking or eating for the past few hours.

“I didn’t do shit. And you know it. I don’t control my issues, powers, whatever you want to call them. Don’t blame me.” The white haired boy sniffed and took the tip of the next blade into his mouth, silencing himself for a few seconds as he sucked the blood off.

“Well he almost tore off one of those member’s arms off, and in turn that scared some prissy ass kid into swinging his weapon into my face. How is this not at least His fault?”

Luca just shrugged in response, grinning around the blade. He wrinkled his nose seconds later and slowly yanked the blade out of his mouth, spiting blood into the dirt next to him.

“Tongue blood not you’re favorite?” Render joked.

“No, but I love yours. Can I have it again.” Luca said deadpanned.

After that the four of them had packed up camp, heading west in search of another village. Andrej was still grumpy, but the others just ignored him in favor of talking amongst themselves. Or actually, Render and Kyn talking to each other, as Luca never really walked and talked at the same time unless he had something smartassy to say.

“Look, a train.” He pointed out when they were only a few yards from it.

Drej clapped slowly, “Good, you’re not blind yet.” He rolled his eyes and continued walking with the rest of the group. However Luca paused. Something wasn’t right here.

“No guys. Guys.” The three stopped and turned back at him, “The train isn’t moving, its…” he struggled to find the correct words.

“There was a Gang here. They stopped it.” Render supplied. Luca nodded in thanks, “Do you think there is people still inside?”

“Or food? Medicine? Water?” Kyn wondered out loud.

Luca took a step toward the train and hummed, “Well there is only one way to find out right?”


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Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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The setting sun lit the sky up in a dull orange. It was a bleary, tired color, one that made Ketsa think the sun was glad to stop shining on the wasted earth. Ketsa understood the sun didn't truly stop shining on the earth, but it still seemed to be wearied of casting light upon the desolate Outside. Perhaps there were other, happier places for it to shine, like the Zones.

The stinking, stupid Zones had it so much better off than the Outside! The probably didn't actually stink, for one, and there was probably a lower death rate in them. That was probably one of the biggest differences between the Zones and the Outside. Ketsa couldn't imagine people in the Zones dying with the frequency they did in the Outside. And there were all the simple things like food and clean water that made life much more survivable. Even comfortable.

It wasn't like life in the Outside was without perks, though. Ketsa felt a bitter smile grow on her face. After all, the Outside had vicious animals that were definitely exciting to combat. Life was a struggle at best, and what was life without conflict? Best of all you were sickly and hungry most of the time. Who wouldn't want an Outsider's life? Ketsa couldn't help but laugh at her facetious thoughts. Despite the fact they were bitingly bitter it was awfully funny to imagine an Insider wanting an Outsider's life. She couldn't help but laugh. All her time alone had given a sense of self humor where the oddest things seemed funny. It was sad in a way, but it sure beat being depressed. An old saying said that laughter was the best medicine. This wasn't true, for laughter hardly helped heal gaping gashes, but it did help her stay sane.

A low rumbling noise made Ketsa jump. The noise definitely was not normal and sounded eerily similar to a growl. She felt her heart rate speed up and started to take deep breaths. She had to stay calm. She could not surrender to her power, unless it was proved that she needed it. The rumbling noise could be a number of things. There was no guarantee that it was a threat.

Still, it was best to identify it so she could know how to handle the situation. Ketsa started to walk in the general direction of the noise. It was a litle hard to tell where it was coming from, but Ketsa's life time in the Outside had given her more sensitive ears that a soft Insider would have. When she got close enough she identified some sort of vehicle. It was on tracks and strangely stopped. What was the thing that ran on tracks? A train? Trains were operated by the Zones, right? So if this was a Zone vehicle there could potentially be some good things to take from it. Food, water, medicine, blankets, and who knew what else could be in there.

Ketsa started to run towards the stopped train. If she got to it too late other Outsiders would have ransacked it already, leaving nothing for her. She wouldn't have blamed them for taking the best stuff for themselves, but that didn't mean she would let them without a fight.

As she came closer she saw that there were already people by it. Shoot! At least it looks like they hadn't gone in yet.

Someone was on the ground, flat on their face. Ketsa debated for a moment about whether to help them up or not. Eventually the want of a potential ally won over the dislike for touching others. Carefully, because this person could turn out to be a threat as much as they could be an ally, Ketsa reached out to give her a hand. "Need help? Do you want to see what's in the train together?"

There couldn't be any harm trying to be friendly. People usually responded well to kind words, although some were just as likely to try to take advantage of you. You really didn't know what they would be like unless you took a chance. Ketsa usually preferred not to take the chance, but now was different. There were survival necessities on the line.


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There was something off about this guy that Panda found it hard to put his finger on. He barely listened to what the guy even had to say, standing with his hip slightly jutted, eyes squinted, free hand lifted up to his chin. The guy was so...clean. Who in the world bothered being that clean out here? How did he even manage it? Those clothes looked like they were almost brand new and his hair seemed like it was actually soft and silky and not oily and gross. Panda frowned. What a priss. It didn't take long for him to decide that he didn't like this guy. His entire opinion was formed by the time the guy finally decided to speak. "Yes. No. . . . I do not know." The blond Adonis seemed confused. "Yes." What an answer. So informative and detailed, Panda felt nearly blown away by his range of information. Now he knew everything going on and could happily go on his way without a single worry of being attacked. Good guy. Smart guy. As if! What a moron!

"I don't know what this is in all honesty, but if it's an attack, shouldn't you be running? Pipes can't do much, kid." Oh, so now he suddenly had the gull to insult his weapon of choice? What the heck else was he supposed to use? It wasn't like there was an AK47 just chilling out on the ground anywhere! People were lucky to find one that worked, nonetheless one that someone else hadn't already found and tried aiming at your head. And where exactly was his weapon, huh? That dumb ligh--oh wait, he saw it now. The sheath, probably holding a sword. A nice sword. How did he get so lucky? Ugh. "Are you going to help. . . . or are you just going to ask questions?"

Help with what..? Panda blinked, not flinching at the sounds of surprised screams behind him. He knew that the Insiders traveling on the train probably wouldn't make it out of that train alive and those who did wouldn't last very long living in the Outside. They didn't have a single clue what it was like to go from the lap of luxury to gloom and doom. Panda didn't have a lick of sympathy for them. Good riddance. They got to have however many years of their lives having it good and now their lives were cut short. It was only fair. Probably. Before he could answer, he saw a few people past the guy, watching them near the train from a short distance away. There seemed to be a few of them, maybe a Family...or a Gang. Were those gas masks? Oh great, oh great. Maybe they were with the Gang inside the train? Or another Gang wanting their piece of the ordeal. Great. They were so screwed.

He hesitated before answering. "I'm not helping anybody. You sound like some goodygoody vigilan...lawn...vigitay..." Panda paused, tripping over his own tongue. Screw it. "Whatever. There's no way I'm getting on that--" He stopped at the sudden, loud growling erupting from his stomach, turning his cheeks red in embarrassment. He sighed in exaggerated frustration, glaring at the guy as if this was all his fault. Okay. Okay. There would be food on that train. They had meal carts or whatever they were called, right? Yeah, for sure. Plus snacks and stuff. Insider privileges. And he couldn't tell when the next time he'd be able to eat would be.. Great, just great. Okay, fine. This guy. This guy. He would be able to get this guy to help him out if he went along with what he wanted, right? And the guy seemed like he wanted on the train anyway. So. Okay. He could do that. He wasn't going to be very enthusiastic about it, though.

"Alright fine, Blondie, I'll help you do whatever on the train as long as you can get me food. Deal?" He nodded to himself, looking the guy over again. He was just so...sparkly, like something out of one of those old magazines he found lying around before. Fake. Like an Insider. Yeah! Yeah, that was exactly it! He looked like an Insider. But if he wanted on the train, he obviously wasn't. Right? Well, whatever. He had a sword and he looked like he could use it. With another overdramatic sigh, Panda turned to look at the train, looking both ways and motioning for the guy to follow him over to an open emergency exit door (he almost laughed at the irony of it being used for people to get in rather than people leaving for safety). He wanted to get inside before that group got any closer and, now that he was paying attention, he noticed the train managed to catch the attention of some others, a couple of girls from what he could tell. They seemed harmless, but more people just meant more inconvenience. "Come on, you first, Sparkles." He wasn't sure which nickname he liked most.


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Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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[Cremisi Neve]
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Something of a rather light squeak slipped from Cremisi, as it was she hit the ground flat and hard. Gravity . . . it just wasn’t her friend, was it? What exactly had made her fall, or if there even had been anything to make her do so, the girl had absolutely no idea of what it could’ve been. Although, in her conscious memory, or in other words, the last year, Cremisi could remember this having happened to her a lot. . . . Seemed she had a natural knack for falling flat on her face like this, it wasn’t at all anything new. Cremisi remained lying there; face against the ground as the rest of her was rather splayed out, appearing as if she were a ragdoll a child had discarded on the ground at random.

A shudder ran through her small body as a tiny groan slipped from her throat. Even if falling like this was something she was unfortunately familiar with, that did not mean that the pain was at all lessened.

Wasn’t she supposed to be jumping aboard that stopped train nearby . . . ? Right, weird rumbling noise, then a scream, trouble, I think there was trouble. her thoughts connected together as she squeezed her eyes shut, raising her head up and off the dirt below, shaking it back and forth a bit to try to recompose herself and her already screwed up thought pattern. Her arms moved into supporting her as she raised her neck and chest up a bit, her weight held up by her toothpick-like forearms.

Her face was dirtied now, smudged and dusted with dirt, as was her hair. Blinking a few times, her vision coming to return to normal as before, Cremisi’s line of sight found its way onto the train. I don’t know what’s going on, but the scream I heard, I still need to try to sort it out. Because, everything will turn out all right. she assured herself, a look of honest and innocent determination surfacing over her features. Before it was that she could make a move to get back to her feet on her own though, a set of approaching footsteps hit her ears, causing Cremisi to remain where she lay, the determined look upon her face leaving as it was replaced by one of curiosity. Hmm, who . . . ? Cremisi blinked a few times the footsteps came to halt right before her.

The silhouette of a person came to loom above her, blotting out what little light was still being given by the sun. Crem stared up at the shadowed figure for a moment, before it was that they choose to speak to her, as a hand was extended out to her, “Need help? Do you want to see what’s in the train together?” The voice was clearly female, and the fact she was offering assistance to her made Cremisi have a rather questioning expression upon her face for a moment before it was she suddenly gave the stranger a warm and rather grateful smile. Though it was most people would show nothing but suspicion to a stranger, even to one who was offering help, Cremisi felt no such reason to do that, the notion of being leery of everyone and thing was not something with which she was accustomed. People were always just people to her, and she never felt the need to think of anyone as bad, and this unknown person was no exception to that.

She was offering her help, even though she could’ve just gone and boarded the train without giving Cremisi a passing glance. . . .
With something of a happy sound slipping from Cremisi’s closed lips, the girl’s smile got warmer as it was she reach her own hand out and took hold of the girl’s outstretched one. “Thank you very much for the help, I gotta say, it gets old having to always pick myself up without anyone around to offer some aid.” she prattled out, voice seeming a bit nervous as she took the aid offered to her by this stranger to get back to her feet. A sigh slipped from her as she drew her hand back to herself, but her smile remained until she looked at the girl, and for a moment it vanished, Cremisi hadn’t realized she had to look so far up to address this person when she’d been on the ground. Ooh, wow, she’s tall.

The smile came back at a moment’s notice though, “Um, yeah, I’d like to see what’s on the train with you if you don’t mind my company, I sort of was nervous about trying to get into it on my own.” Cremisi took a couple of steps ahead, thankful for the fact that she seemed to have gained the possibly temporary companionship of a seemingly friendly girl. She stopped though, blinking a few times, seeming to have remembered something. “Oh, yeah, my name’s Cremisi by the by.”

It was at this point that the girl’s vision wound up settling upon two other figures/people that were standing at a further distance than herself and this tall girl from the train. I wonder if they’re going to be trying to get on as well? The thought that they might be dangerous or even a part of the trouble aboard the train never crossed through that air-filled head of hers. Tilting herself to the side, not even thinking about it, her right arm went as high as it could in the air,, the gauze wrapped around her hand and forearm visible for all to see while it was she waved it back and forth like a madwoman, Cremisi cupped her left hand around her mouth as it was she took to shouting, “Heeeeeey!! Are you two going aboard this thing too?!”

A couple of seconds after she shouted . . . there were muffled voices coming from the train, ones of alarm it seemed. Although she couldn’t make out what was being yelled about, Cremisi found her attention drawn back to the thing, and she simply tilted her head to the side innocently, not realizing that she had probably just made a huge, idiotic mistake.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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"I'm not helping anybody. You sound like some goodygoody vigilan...lawn...vigitay..." Did this boy mean. . . . Vigilant? Lawn? Lyo wasn't sure how he was going to insult him, but he didn't get too far into his thoughts "Whatever. There's no way I'm getting on that--" Lyo almost giggled at the noise coming from the other boy's stomach; he was instantly glared at and he straightened up suddenly, going silent as a mouse. Was it his fault that this guy's stomach was rumbling?

Woah, is it? That would be weird, since I'd have to. . . . control his stomach and tell it to rumble, but how would I do that? Lyo blinked at the boy softly. He still didn't know his name, but judging from earlier conversation, his nickname was. . . . Blondie. Was it weird for someone to be blonde around here? Then again, his hair was just weirdly light and everyone Inside just had brown hair, or black hair. Everyone Inside was the epitome of normality, and he'd always thought it was weird, yet strived to be like them even without parents. And he was doing pretty well, until the Zone got hijacked. Then, he had to go and test the waters, only to find the waters just so happened to be the ocean and that ocean just so happened to have a giant tsunami racing across it. Well, at least those Outsiders had taken care when they beat him up before throwing him out; they minded his face as he asked very politely and he was able to cover up his bruises anyway.

Lyo was suddenly attentive when the boy started talking to him again. "Alright fine, Blondie, I'll help you do whatever on the train as long as you can get me food. Deal?" The blonde boy looked at him, running a hand through his hair. He nodded slowly; they were both hungry so why not help each other in the quest for food? Well, he was a bit hesitant since he'd been given a stupid nicknames, but the next name just confused the hell out of him. "Come on, you first, Sparkles." Sparkles? Sparkles? My new name is. . . . Sparkles? Where did that one come from, I wonder? I understand Blondie, even Ino called me that, but. . . . Lyo thought, looking at the emergency exit. He sighed, before glancing at the kid.

"My name is Lyonel. You can call me Lyo, and I'd rather you don't call me anything else. Like Blondie. Or Sparkles." Lyo sighed, looking around. Was it his imagination, or could he feel like they weren't alone? He spotted two girls and sighed. Nope, there were more people. There were more people and he wasn't sure if they were part of the same gang that Panda-Eyes was talking about. He stared at the two and saw no real danger.

The shorter of the two, a brunette (Looks like an Insider. . . .) rose her hand into the air and waved quickly. Surely, she couldn't be part of a gang if she was attracting attention to herself. “Heeeeeey!! Are you two going aboard this thing too?!” Lyo actually hit his forehead with the palm of his hand, a giant sigh escaping his lungs. The people on the train, whoever they were, were making shocked noises. Obviously a reaction to the girl's shout. He sighed once more and nodded his head at the girl, not wanting to create any more noise. Lyo solemnly hoped she had not taken his nod as an invitation to follow them. He looked at Panda-Eyes.

"Well, we'd better go on before they scarper with all the food." he said softly, his eyes constantly checking the train. His katana was slowly withdrawn from it's shaft as he stepped onto the train slowly. Usually, for a rather short male, he should never have been able to get up, but somehow, he did it. The flames enveloped it and Lyo spent a good ten seconds staring at them. Sadly though, he had to flick the switch to ensure the flames weren't on and he just had a normal sword. The boy looked absolutely devastated.

Looking back at Panda-Eyes, he flicked his head in an indication to get on the train. "Hurry up." he whispered, before popping his head around the corner. There did seem to be a gang, though they mostly looked like knuckleheads. He sighed once more, before taking a lighter out with his free hand and flicking it carefully. The gang stared at him as they were creeping out through the door on the opposite side of the train. The tallest guy locked eyes with Lyo and started strutting down the gap between the seats; he stopped suddenly, however, when the katana was held up and almost impaled him as he walked. The man seemed to chuckle and Lyo took a moment to glance around at the people on the floor. The children seemed fine, maybe somewhat shaken, but the adults were the ones who were injured. Well, they could wait until the next train passed through or something. The man at the end of his sword seemed bored of the katana and grabbed it with his hand, only for Lyo to flick the switch and let the flames ignite quickly.

The man looked at him with total shock in his eyes, letting go of the sword quickly. Lyo flicked the switch back off and held it casually by his side. "W-where d'you even get that?" The Outsider asked, and Lyo shrugged.

"I modified it myself." he lied, before pointing the sword up again. "I suggest you leave. Panda-Eyes, go get supplies for two please." Lyo said walking slowly towards the man who refused to move. Death glares were shooting off between the two as Lyo kept at a safe distance while pressing his sword against the guy's neck, before suddenly kneeling down to one of the adults. The child had been sobbing and was probably the one who screamed, since she was the only younger girl there. He looked at her father - he assumed it was her father - and looked at the man. He waved a hand in front of his eyes, seeing her assumed-father look at his hand. He smiled softly, before speaking in a small voice. "Keep your eyes open. He doesn't seem injured, just shocked and stressed. Keep him awake." he said to the small girl and she nodded, before he stood.


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Ketsa helped the girl up. The girl was short and a little plain looking with brown hair and brown eyes. “Thank you very much for the help, I gotta say, it gets old having to always pick myself up without anyone around to offer some aid.” The girl said. “Oh, yeah, my name’s Cremisi by the by.”

"Nice to meet you, Cremisi. My name's Ketsa," Ketsa said.

“Heeeeeey!! Are you two going aboard this thing too?!” Cremisi said, yelling at some people by the train.

Ketsa visibly winced. Was the girl stupid? It was safer to be subtle and not draw attention. Now the people knew that they were there and they would be prepared to defend the train's loot. Yes, there was a chance that they had already been noticed, but there was a chance that they hadn't been noticed, too. Nevertheless, Ketsa wasn't going to give up trying to get into the train. There could still be a chance she could grab something useful.

I touched her too, dang it! I hope that doesn't end up to be too bad of a choice. She shuddered. Was helping Cremisi up like that really worth the price? Ketsa hated turning into other things, especially people. It felt like she was stealing their identity. The battle between her mind and the mind of the identity she took on was exactly a walk in the park, either. Most of the time she managed to keep in control but there were times that she had lost, too. Usually it wasn't too bad, but when she became an animal, like a wolf, it was horrifying.

Ketsa wrapped her cape tighter around herself. Some scars she had to hide and others were in her mind, invisible to all but herself. Everyone had scars of some sort, but people treated scars differently. Some wore scars as badges of honor. Others, like her, tried to hide them. Others, like she liked to believe her father did, forgot their scars and had nothing more to do with them.

As she neared the train she said to Cremisi, "Ready to go in?" After waiting a moment for a response Ketsa climbed into the train. People were inside, including some Gang members, Insiders, and a guy with a sword!? Where did he get that? It was a pretty impressive find. Unless he was an Insider too, which would probabky explain his cleanliness. Anyways, the guy seemed to have his situation under control. He was dealing with some panicking Insiders, which strengthened Ketsa's thought that he was an Insider himself. If that was true though what had he been doing outside of the train?

She headed to the food storage part of the train and started filling her pack with food. She didn't really care what she picked up as long as it looked edible. Bottled water went in her pack, too, for there were less supplies of clean water in the Outside than she would have liked. Ketsa made sure she only took as much as what filled her pack. She did not want to cause a fight. If she took less there would be more for others and they wouldn't get angry. If they wouldn't get angry they wouldn't threaten her and she wouldn't get scared and her power wouldn't take over. All's well that ends well.


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Character Portrait: Luca Avery Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
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Luca Avery

There were people inside that train. It wasn’t empty. Even from a few hundred yards away he could hear them. He could smell their blood. It saddened him, but it made him drool at the same time. “We should get in and get out.” He stated blandly, his eyes focused on what was ahead and nothing else. He wanted that blood, he wanted to taste it, to roll it across his lips, let it paint his teeth red.

“Knock it off Luca, you’re being creepy again.” Drej pointed out and blinking a few times, Luca managed to wipe the predatory grin off his face, though the fire never left his eyes.

They traveled a bit farther and when Render gave him the go ahead, Luca was off like a bullet, though much stealthier than that. Within minutes he was at the trains entrance, or one of them. It was dented badly, but he could smell the blood, oh he could just taste it, that’s how strong it was. Got it was delicious. His hands had just barely touched the cool metal when a loud growl sounded. Tearing his eyes away from the train, Luca spotted a young boy; purple hair, purple eyes, bags under his eyes. Common Outsider. But next to him. The blond, he was beautiful. Luca wanted to say something, to say anything, but blood lust clouded his judgment. If he tried to talk now, he knew it would come out deranged and he would scare the younger. Not that drinking blood and sucking on their flesh did much for his love life either. Turning his head back around, Luca managed to flash the two bystanders a weak smile and he pulled the doors open.

People’s screams, cries, whimpers, shouts, assaulted his ears and unlike many who would feel sympathy, he felt joy about it. These people were dying. They were bleeding, injured. They could care less if their blood was going to be tasted, if their flesh was going to be ripped out and chew on before spat out. Luca himself wasn’t a huge fan of eating human flesh, but the beast that was inside of him enjoyed the taste and so he chewed on them, usually the thighs or arms, to please him. Rustling caught his attention and his eyes fell upon a pretty young women, her eyes terrified as she gazed upon him. Oh well, she was going to die one way or another.

“W-what…who are you?” she asked weakly.

Luca smiled and knelt down beside her, gently picking up her arm and kissing the back of her hand, “Your Savior.” He slowly turned her hand palm side up and trailed kisses from her fingertips to the insider of her wrist. A shuddering whimper came from the delusional women just as Luca bit the flesh, hearing it break with a satisfying snap before warm blood pooled into his mouth. The lady screamed hoarsely and behind him Luca could feel the presence of his family. Most likely they were going to grab food, or steal items off the Insiders. Maybe even kill them. Render hated them more than anyone he knew. Thought of them to be worthless scum, living the hugest lie of his life. Luca didn’t agree completely, but he kept that to himself. Humming to himself, Luca dropped the now dead lady’s arm and stood up. She had tasted like alcohol and something sugary. A pretty good pick. Licking his lips, Luca looked around the train and found the blond near him. Narrowing his eyes, Luca gave him a once over. He wasn’t an Outsider. He wasn’t as jaded, as rough. He looked too clean and smelled of sweet-blood. His weapon was too nice to be from the Outside.

He took a step toward the pretty-boy and to sate his hunger a little longer, bit the bit of flesh between his thumb and forefinger, sucking on it while he moved closer, “You’re not dead, or injured.” He started off, “Who are you, and why aren't you on the Inside where you belong?”


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Character Portrait: Luca Avery Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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[Cremisi Neve]
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She kept her eyes upon the stilled train, head still tilted to the side while she herself were unsure of what exactly was going on, and yet still not realizing that she might’ve just made a mistake in calling out to anyone at all. The two she’d called to moved though, her brown eyes trailed back though for a moment out of curiosity, just in time to see. A boy with violet hair and a yet shorter boy with unusually blonde hair. . . . Cremisi stared at them, silently watching while it was the two headed onto the train, I guess I just got my answer. she thought, blinking a few times while her eyes remained on the wide side. Exactly what was in store for her, or what was going to be up with this situation, she didn’t really know. Thinking on it, it probably wasn’t the best of moves for me to go and call to those two like that, but, if they meant any harm to me or Ketsa then I’m sure the would’ve attacked us instead of boarding this thing. Cremisi reasoned, staring at the train.

Ketsa had helped her up, and asked if she wanted to join her in exploring the train. . . . So, she wasn’t alone for that, but whatever awaited herself and Ketsa when they got aboard, that was anyone’s guess. Of course, Cremisi hoped entirely for the best, to absolve any sort of trouble that might be playing out on the thing; she believed things would turn out all right, as they always did for her, or so she adamantly believed. Of course, her limited memory had nothing within it that would lead her to think otherwise. When it was that the cloaked figure of Ketsa moved toward the train, did Cremisi’s attention shift with a stupid sounding, “Eh?” only to result in her following after the seemingly kindly girl with something of puzzled look on the brunette’s face.
“Ready to go in?” she asked, looking to Cremisi, stopping before actually getting on.

“Um, yeah, I’m ready to go!” Cremisi answered the girl, voice loud and as lively as ever, though there was an undeniable tinge of anxiety held within it.

Following this, Ketsa vanished onto the large vehicle, leaving Cremisi to struggle onto it. The blonde boy had managed to get on board the thing with little issue, and he didn’t exactly have much height on her. . . . Y’okay Crem, you can do this. You’ve got something you gotta do, so a step in your current mission is to climb aboard! A nod came from her as a determined expression took over, and though she was uncertain, the girl fought against gravity and fidgeted around until it was she managed to get her little self up and inside the thing.

Cremisi didn’t know what to expect upon getting herself inside, of course, she didn’t she just plunged herself into this headfirst without thinking about it so much. All she had done was assure herself all would be well and good . . . though she didn’t have the slightest idea why the train was stopped or why there had been a scream. Hanging in the doorway of the train, half in and half out, Crem simply stood there, looking on at the scene before her, feeling as if a part of her had gone utterly numb. Panicked people, the blonde and the violet-haired boy were there too, but there were also people being held at the point of a long-knife that had flames flickering around it, that thing belonging to the blonde.

All she could do was blink, not a thought slipped into her mind at this scene. She knew only that she felt . . . funny, her body felt stiff, her breathing felt like it was getting difficult to manage, and her mind just seemed to stop. Why? It wasn’t like she was alone in this, she had come aboard with Ketsa. . . . And, everything was going to turn out okay! It did, it always did, so there wasn’t anything for her to worry about. Positive, and certain, she had to be both, to stop whatever trouble was afoot, she had to be sure of herself, and to keep on smiling, that was how things would improve, that had to be right. It always seemed to be in the past.

The blonde had the long knife pressed to a guy’s neck now, the flames were gone, but he was kneeling before a girl and who she assumed was her father, smiling, saying something to her before she nodded and he ascended back to his feet. What was going on . . . ?

Being as she was, Cremisi didn’t understand the differences between Outsiders and Insiders at all, the notion of the panicked people and those being held at bladepoint being different at all was something lost to her as a whole. Herself being any different too. . . . She didn’t understand it, why it was this scene was playing out before her, she didn’t understand it. Why people had to fight, had to struggle, be negative and so however unpleasant they could be, Cremisi didn’t understand why. There were so many thing she’d never come to face before, so many experiences she had yet to cope with or comprehend, so of course she wouldn’t get it. Not yet anyway. Still feeling almost numb, Cremisi tore her gaze away from the sight of the blonde and the man held at bay by his weapon, and turned her head side to side, looking for Ketsa, only to see that her friend had vanished.

“Ketsa . . . ?” she questioned quietly, taking a step inside the train car, a clear look of uncertainty passed over her young features as she ventured deeper into the area, looking about as out of place as a person could. She didn’t go so far as to wander off the car or to go to another, but she would’ve been partly unnoticed by anyone who hadn’t seen her board before. “Where did she go?”

It was at this point that there were screams again . . . panicked ones, and of course it caught hold of Cremisi’s attention. Eyes wide with questioning as before, she quickly spun on her heel to look back behind her, noting that several more people seemed to have joined in on the situation. She didn’t smile as she normally would when seeing new people, not at all, because something in her felt stranger than before. Something of a whimper slipped from her throat as her thoughts all stopped, though she had been looking for Ketsa, even that slipped away. The panicked people, the horrible screams coming from a woman were enough to make Cremisi want to scream too. She couldn’t see what was going on, the horrible sight and scene there. . . . But the screaming was enough to make her feel wrong.

Being positive was her forte, something she was always suppose to hold onto, to be, but danger, someone in pain or anything of the sort, it was enough to elicit this from her, to throw her off completely. I-I don’t, wh-what is . . . ? she wondered, her head began to hurt her, enough to make the girl throw both her hands up onto its sides, and to pull it down while she tried to focus herself, to regain some sense of normalcy within herself. Why she was beginning to feel so strange, she didn’t know.

Heart beginning to pound in her chest, hearing the beat thud loudly in her ears as blood rushed through her brain, a sense set into her that she didn’t know, hadn’t felt before, it was something akin to anxiety, but it was . . . deeper, stronger, more potent than that. Something she didn’t grasp, or know, something she couldn’t remember feeling before now. A moan slipped from her as she sank to her knees, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to drown out the woman’s screams, the wailing coming from her and the panicked calls and shrieks from the others. Cremisi still didn’t know what was going on, and she didn’t want to know, she didn’t want to feel this horrid feeling anymore, nor did she want to hear this.

This is when it happened too, she could feel something, it . . . it felt like there was something tied to her heart, connected to another, but this tied thing, it wasn’t calm or stable, no, it was struggling, tightening loosening, pulling and writhing about. The strangeness to it, the fact it seemed to be struggling so, it made Cremisi begin to shake, her brown eyes widening as tears formed in her eyes. This sensation she felt, it multiplied . . . it suddenly felt like there were multiple ties between her heart and others from nowhere, but the one that was tightening, pulling and loosening, it was the one she was solely focused on. W-Why . . . ? she thought, not understanding this. I-I can feel it, thi-this connection. Cremisi swallowed, forcing her eyes shut as a whimper slipped from her, she could feel the tugging the connection had, coinciding with the severity and intensity of the woman screaming until, finally it the connection felt weaker, weaker and weaker.

The strength it possessed faded away, until finally, it loosened to the extent that it no longer was there . . . it fell away into nothingness along with silence, the woman’s screaming stopped. A word surfaced in Cremisi’s mind about half a minute following the loss of the connection that’d been her focal point, a word she didn’t know she knew. D-Dead.

Sitting there silent, her hands slipped from the sides of her head and fell back to the carpeted floor below her, as her eyes opened, a sort of anesthetized feeling settled into her body with the realization of the word ‘dead.’ There were other connections there, stable ones, ones that weren’t so uncertain . . . she could feel them, but that one, the one that’d been lost, that had faded away, Cremisi’s mind was stuck to that. She didn’t understand it, the lady’s screams, the feeling, the unknown feeling, these connections, then the one that had being fighting and so uncertain before. . . . Dead. Dead. Dead. . . .

“You’re not dead or injured.” hearing someone speak, a male, caused Cremisi to look upward as if by second nature, a dazed expression had taken root upon her features, her eyes glassed over, looking tired, sedated. “Who are you, and why aren’t you on the Inside where you belong?” A guy with white hair, seeming to be sucking on the in-between of his index finger and thumb was speaking to the blonde from before.

Dead. . . . Still floated about aimlessly within Cremisi’s mind, though her eyes were set upon the two guys, she felt tired. . . . Her head fell downward limply, a sigh slipping from her while another thought formed within, Where there is death, there is danger.

“Can’t have danger. . . . Death isn’t good, where death is, there is danger, pain, and suffering, bad things, and we can’t have bad things, can’t have it, we just can’t. . . .” she mumbled, continuing to mumble that while she remained where she sat. While it was that Cremisi continued to mutter that to herself over and over, something began to materialize . . . what looked like red threads, tied around her fingers, began to appear, and from her fingers they spread out, one connected to all within the vicinity, all of them leading back to her before it was that another breath slipped from the girl’s lungs, and they began to vanish.

The Red Weaver had almost awoken, and whether or not anyone had taken note of the threads was something yet to be known.


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Food and water were in her pack now. Good food and clean water. Gotta focus on the positives. Despite the fact that she had accomplished her goal for coming on the train Ketsa felt worried. Where was Cremisi? A sudden feeling of guilt washed over her. This is why you shouldn't talk to other people. This is why you should never, ever offer help. You always let people down,, she thought. What if the guy with the sword attacked the girl she had left behind? That would be Ketsa's fault through and through. If she could just pay attention enough to do something right! The old saying assume makes an ass of you and me went through her head. She had assumed and now she was paying for it. Not that she was paying for it in any physical sense, but she felt terrible for leaving her tentative comrade behind.

Quickly she grabbed a bag and stuffed some supplies in it for Cremisi. Anything could have gone wrong. Stupid, stupid, stupid! You do not leave allies behind! You always had to check if someone was with you. Out of sight and out of safety seemed like a good saying for the Outside. You never knew if someone was safe if you couldn't see them.

Ketsa rushed back into the main part of the train, looking for Cremisi. There were the Insiders, the Outsiders, including one who appeared to be drinking his own blood, and Cremisi lay there on the ground, sort of in a trance like state. Had she gone unconcious? Ketsa froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. Living alone in the Outside didn't really teach one first aid techniques. Suddenly red threads appeared out of thin air, connecting Cremisi to everyone, including Ketsa. What the heck was going on? Ketsa was more than a little scared. She had a feeling that this was some form of Cremisi's power and she didn't think it was benevolent. It seemed far from it, in fact. The threads were as bright and red as blood.

She had to do something. The threads faded from sight, but the omnimous feeling remained. Moving slowly, carefully, Ketsa approached Cremisi and knelt down beside her. Kindness and being reassuring wasn't really her forte, but she could try. "Cremisi, is everything all right? Here, I have food for you. I'm sorry for leaving you, please don't blow up," Ketsa said, not meaning the last phrase literally but rather as a plea for the other girl to stay calm.

Meanwhile she was fighting to remain in control of her own power. Her feelings and thoughts wavered, uncertain whose path they wanted to follow. Ketsa took deep breaths, fighting to remain in control. I do not need that right now. I need to remain myself. I just want to be myself but it's a struggle. "It's ok, Cremisi. Snap out of it," she said, voice shaky with effort.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Avery Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira Character Portrait: Cremisi Neve
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"My name is Lyonel. You can call me Lyo, and I'd rather you don't call me anything else. Like Blondie. Or Sparkles." Panda rolled his eyes, not caring in the least for this guy's name. He would continue calling him by any name he wanted to call him, thank you very much. Sparkles was becoming his current favorite, but he might save that one for specific situations, like when he was trying to get on Lyo's nerves and not when he was trying to get him to get through a train safe and sound for the sake of his stomach.

He was just ready to head inside when a voice sounded from behind, making him wince. He had to resist the urge to smack himself in the forehead--Lyo ended up taking care of the urge for him. “Heeeeeey!! Are you two going aboard this thing too?!” A few of the nearby people heard the yell and saw him coming inside and jumped away, running to the center of the train. The gang was still nearby, but they appeared to be moving on to the other cars. The people inside all looked startled; some looked harmed, but the majority appeared to be perfectly fine. Physically, anyway. They probably had no idea what was going on. This was most likely the worst thing to ever happen in their lap-luxury lives. Panda doubted that they even had minor inconveniences inside those giant domes of theirs. Lucky jerks. Pompous pricks. He hated them. They deserved this. They deserved to see what was it was like trying to survive out here.

Panda shared a look with Mr. Bright-Eyes. "Well, we'd better go on before they scarper with all the food." What the heck does scarper mean. Shrugging it off, Panda stood out of the way to let Lyo enter the train after him. He nearly had a heart attack seeing the flames shoot out of the sword. It wasn't anything brand new, but it was still pretty awesome. Was that his power? Could he set things on fire? That was pretty cool. Unfortunately, Lyo killed the fire and kept the sword normal. "Hurry up." Panda nodded, but hesitated as one of the gang members neared them. He couldn't help but smile with Lyo scared him off with the flames. That was the coolest power. He couldn't hear what the guy said over the nervous babbling of a nearby woman, but he was close enough to hear Lyo's response. "I modified it myself." Modified what? The sword? That had to be a lie. Those were just his powers. He could have just said that. The gang members were obviously Outsiders, so it wasn't like they weren't aware. "I suggest you leave. Panda-Eyes, go get supplies for two please."

Panda nodded and did as he was told, backing slowly into the train car behind the one the were in before turning around completely and heading inside. He looked around at the people, dully noting their panicked faces. He bet they were wondering what was going on, if they couldn't tell already. He bet they thought he was hear to hurt them. Conceited morons. He heard a rumor once that Insiders thought that Outsiders could infect them just by being around them for too long. He wondered how badly one of them would freak out if he grabbed their arm. You morons are lucky you're not worth it.

He passed each person by with a slight air of superiority. Today was a good day so far. He thought it was going to be bad, but he'd found a guy to do the dirty work and all he had to do was stroll back here and grab some good food and water and all would be well for a good while. When he reached the food storage, he frowned down at it. It was obvious some had been taken already. It didn't seem like it'd been ransacked by the gang, but maybe only one or two people. With a shrug, he took his pack off and began shoveling food inside--as much as it could hold, including a few bottles of water. When he was done, he grabbed a snack for the way back through the car. He saw other people standing in the way and frowned, stopping and squinting. If there was trouble, he'd rather have that Lyo guy handle it before him. Too bad there wasn't a way out in this car.. "Stop looking at me, freaks," he mumbled, glaring at a nearby old couple. Jeeze.

Sucking it up, Panda finished the snack quickly and went back through the doors, entering the car he came in at earlier. He immediately had to stop one step in to keep himself from stepping over the two girls he'd seen earlier. "What are you... Wait, I don't care." There was a sense of unease. It was quieter now than it'd been when he left. He couldn't see much past Lyo, but he could see another guy. Was he part of the gang that took over this train? ...No, he was with those guys in the masks. Oh, there was something wrong here. "Hey, Lyo, we should... I got what we needed." He looked down at the girls and squatted next to him. It was obvious that neither of them were very stable, but they were Outsiders and that was enough for him. "Wh...what's happening? Did someone die?" He didn't want to see someone die. He just wanted to get his food and get out.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon
Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
Character Portrait: Luca Avery
Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador


Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador
Ketsa Fillador

"Everyone dies. Few people actually live."

Character Portrait: Luca Avery
Luca Avery

"Every man to his own tastes. Mine is for blood." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
Cecil "Panda" Ira


Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon
Lyo Sonon

"I'm gonna save my zone if it's the last thing I do."


Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador
Ketsa Fillador

"Everyone dies. Few people actually live."

Character Portrait: Luca Avery
Luca Avery

"Every man to his own tastes. Mine is for blood." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon
Lyo Sonon

"I'm gonna save my zone if it's the last thing I do."

Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
Cecil "Panda" Ira


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cecil "Panda" Ira
Cecil "Panda" Ira


Character Portrait: Luca Avery
Luca Avery

"Every man to his own tastes. Mine is for blood." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Lyo Sonon
Lyo Sonon

"I'm gonna save my zone if it's the last thing I do."

Character Portrait: Ketsa Fillador
Ketsa Fillador

"Everyone dies. Few people actually live."

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Re: Nuclear Utopia

I just want to rp is that SO MUCH TO ASK FOR

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Let's see how many this is going to take. Hopefully not a lot and hopefully it won't think I'm spamming because that would be really bad this is annoyung me a lottttttt

Re: Nuclear Utopia

So, uh, this thing dead? *pokes it a few times with a stick for good measure*

Re: Nuclear Utopia

You can refer to me as Jakuri, if you want to~ As my signature says at the bottom, "Presia, neee mea Jakuri." Or in English, "Please, call me Jakuri." ^-^ Buuuuut, I used to be a Jakuri before I was OpalePhantasmagoria, so for me, it's actually not a change, just me going back to the old.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

@Mono: I would win. Obviously. I mean, "no offense," but I am more awesome, more clever, smarter, and all around cooler than youuu. So hands down, I think it's safe to say it's unanimous that I would totally beat you in the end for world domination. >3

@Opa.. Ja... What.
What am I supposed to refer to you as now?? T_T
I'm so lost and confused.
I don't like change.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

*sits and stares* . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Good Spectrum! Now we can rule the world together, before finally getting hungry for power and trying to knock the other off the throne! Speaking of hunger, I'm off to eat and then I'll post.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

*smashes my face* I"M SORRY YOU GUYS I AM GOING TO GO POST RIGHT NOW!! I was really busy last week but now there are no excuses and I am going to do that right now! It won't happen again! I'm the worst GM. X_X

@Mono: You're completely right. A world dominating dictator with anxiety is in no shape to take over the world. Good thing I'm over it~ >3 And I'll post now.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

*munches on pocky while reading a manga while she waits around for something more to read*

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Ah, my eviiiiil arch-nemesis-enemy-thing was anxious? *pokes* Cheer up. You're in no mood for world domination when you're anxious.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

I know, I'm a nut when it comes to writing posts. XD

Eh, but what got you with the anxiety . . . ? o_o

Re: Nuclear Utopia

xD It's fine Opale. You're psychotic. Sorry, guys, sorry! I've been really busy this week and completely exhausted, but now that the source of my anxiety is done and over with, I have time to just sit back and relax for a couple of days. X_x thank fudge, jeezus. I am so worn out. But I'll make a round of posts between today and tomorrow!

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Soooo, I feel like I might have to apologize to everyone, I have no idea how the Hell I mustered out a two-thousand word post like that. o-O Anyway . . . I had something that got me going, and I just went with it and it turned into well, what I got up tonight. Cremisi about lost it and changed, so make of the situation what you all will.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Just FYI Opale I totally understand that Cremisi's shout was to go along with her character. Ketsa was just going along with it how she would respond. There is no need to apologize to me at least. If the one post in the OOC doesn't apply to me, than disregard this message. Anyways, I understand.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Okay, so, I'm probaby going to go ahead and post here shortly....

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Hahah . . . Cremisi's just too much of an airhead for me to try to delve into depth with her thought patterns or anything like that. ^-^;; Also sorry for the whole situation, I just thought that it would make sense for her to go and shout over at someone she didn't even know, well, it'd make sense for her at least.

Re: Nuclear Utopia

I posted~ And yeah, I can't really get into Lyo's thoughts either, but mostly because it's generally just a big clusterf**k

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Posted, kind of short for me, but I think it came out all right . . . I can't get too deep into things with a character like Cremisi who doesn't exactly think too much. XD

Re: Nuclear Utopia

Ack, I'm so sorry you guys! I promised a post and I never made one. T_T I planned on putting one up tonight, for sure, but I've been really badly hit with a case of the lower end of the color spectrum and I just want to curl in a ball and stare into space until I disappear forever and ever and I'm reeally sorry. Sooo so sorry. I promise I'll make a post tomorrow no matter how I feel or what comes up. Have a good night!

I posted! Sorry for the wait! D:

Re: Nuclear Utopia

No problem :) Thank you for telling me. I hope you guys have fun! I might decide to just stalk you till the end haha.
