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Claire Rossi

"If only you could see what I think I see on a daily'd understand..."

0 · 935 views · located in Hillside Academy

a character in “Of All the Stars in the Sky”, as played by LoonyLunaLoo



Full Name: Claire Elizabeth Rossi

Nickname: CeeCee, Cee, Claire-Bear (only her dad calls her that) But usually just Claire

Age: 13

Birthdate: April 24th

Where you are from: Los Angeles, California, USA

Role: 1st year from St. Raikou, Evanna Lynch


School: St. Raikou

Crush: girl 8

Best Friend: girl 3 & 14
Girl 14: She sees her as a little sister, even though they aren't that far apart in age. Claire is extremely protective of her, and will guard her like a lioness guards her cubs. They met before either of them started school, and they were instantly friends. Claire doesn't know what she would do without Nelia, and she's pretty sure Nelia doesn't know what she would do without Claire.

Roommate: Girl 10

-Taking long walks at night
-Being with her friends


-Being alone
-Books that are turned into movies
-Being told she's wrong

-Being rejected
-Not finding people who understand her


Description: Claire has always looked a bit different from everyone else, but that's never really bothered her. Her face is very striking, with high cheek bones and an unusually small nose, she doesn't have a face many people understand as normal "beauty" but she has been asked by several magazines to model. Claire is short, only around 4 feet 11 inches, but she still has time to grow, she hopes. At only 100 lbs, her father worries that she is underweight and underfed, but doesn't really do anything to change it. Still only 13, she has a good amount of curves for someone so young. She is, in her own way, a beautiful person inside and out. While her long, curly blonde hair falls below her belly button, she takes fantastic care of it, and it always looks healthy and clean. Claire has large, doe like blue eyes, that always appear to be asking the question "Why". Her thin lips are almost always curled into a "I know what your thinking smile" which makes some people nervous. If she's not smiling, you know something is seriously wrong and you should run for the hills. Claire's sweetness is reflected through her eyes and smile, and she always looks ready to do anything anyone asks of her.

Personality: Claire believes things on faith alone, while most others ground their beliefs on the facts of life. A lot of the time, people try to convince Claire that her beliefs are ā€œfalseā€ or ā€œrubbishā€. This is not to suggest that Claire is unintelligent, though she is gullible, and a little naĆÆve. To these people who call her unintelligent, she calls them narrow minded. Despite her quirkiness, she is often perceptive about human nature, and many people notice her knack for blunt honesty. She also holds her friends in extremely high regard, as many of her friends will often notice, she keeps pictures of them in her room.
Claire continues to be an eccentric individual no matter what people say, and when she is at home, she and her father live the lives of freegans, or people who scavenge and grow their own food. A long time ago, Clair came to terms with her fathersā€™ schizophrenia, and tries to take care of him as much as possible. Claire convinced her dad to hire a private nurse for when she went away to school. She loves her father very much, even though she doesnā€™t speak of him often, and she keeps a picture of him near her at all times.

History: Claire was born on a cool day in April to Philip and Isabella Rossi, a very Italian couple. She grew up in the classic Italian home, surrounded by a huge family all the time. She has never been alone, which is why she hates it. Sadly, her mother developed breast cancer and, unfortunately, lost the battle. Claire was 10 when her mother died. Her father had already been showing signs of schizophrenia at this time, and Claire was worried about going away to school. However, her grandmother moved in with him and hired a live in nurse, and Claire felt a little better about it.
Her grandmother has always been close to her, and she has taught her a lot. As a freegan, she has never shopped, except for fabric to make her own clothes. Her family never liked to waist anything, so they have always made and found everything they have. This isnā€™t to say they are poor, quite the opposite. Her family is very well off, and she has never wanted for anything. Claire has always had family around her, as afore mentioned, and when she told them she was bisexual, possible even full on lesbian, they were extremely supportive of her. No one told her she was sinful or wrong, they just stood behind her and loved her still.
Claire is a product of love and a large family. She has always known family as her biggest support, and her best friends. Claire came out as a bisexual at age 12, after experimenting with her long time friend and neighbor. Claire has never been shy, growing up Italian really prevents that, and she has always had friends. Claire loves the idea of going away to the school, and even though sheā€™ll miss her family, she knows sheā€™ll make friends easily.

Misc: Goodnight by Evanesence


So begins...

Claire Rossi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire was sleeping, the slow hum of the plane engine having lulled her into a dreamless sleep on her way to Australia. Her father had seen her off on the plane, and given her a sleeping pill. Claire was terrified of flying, especially alone, but it was the only way to get to the school. Her father's step-brother, whom Claire had never met, would be waiting for her at the air port to pick her up and take her to the school.

The soft ding of the overhead speaker woke her, and she rubbed her tired eyes. "Please fasten your seat belts for descent into London on our first and only stop on this flight," The voice of the flight attendant was soft and caring, and she seemed kind to Claire. As she belted herself into her seat, she braced herself for her ears to pop.

As they landed in London, she got off the plane to meet her mothers sister. She would be buying Claire dinner before they took off for the last leg of their flight. She sat with her aunt, whom she had never met, and ate in silence. The food was good, and they chatted about if she was excited, or nervous. On top of buying her dinner, Claire's aunt gave her some money for spending. She thanked her, told her she would write, and kissed her cheek. Before getting back on the plane, her aunt gave her another sleeping pill, and she fell asleep soon after take off.

This time, Claire fell into a less easy sleep, and dreamed about something so terrible...not making any friends at the school. She woke up to the ding of the over head speaker system, and she listened to the same announcement she had heard before they landed in London. She stretched, looking over at the woman she was sitting next to.

"Have you ever been to Australia?" She asked the old lady, pushing her bangs behind her ear. The old woman didn't reply, as she was asleep also, so Claire merely shrugged and looked out the window. It looked beautiful, and took her breath away. Claire got out of the plane, and found her uncle holding her name with her sign. As they walked out to his car, she looked around her.

"Is it always this beautiful?" She asked him, sitting in the front seat with her carry on at her feet and her suit case behind her.

"Yup. You'll get used to it," He said. Claire's father had told her he was a man of few words, so she left it at that. The sleeping pill had left her groggy, but she was awake enough to watch everything go by as they drove toward the school. It was about a two hour drive, and Claire watched everything.

They pulled up to the school, and her uncle talked to someone at the front desk. A lady paged someone to help her, a Liza Moore, and she sat down next to another girl with a stuffed dog.

"Your dog is cute," Claire said, smiling kindly. "I'm Claire. You can call me CeeCee if you want," Her uncle ruffled her hair as she left, and she made the same promise to write to him that she had made to her aunt in London. He smiled at her as he left, and looked back at the other girl. "You look nervous. I'll tell you a secret," She leaned in, smiling. "I'm nervous too," She was trying to make the little girl laugh, and hoped she could befriend her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Liza had just gotten out of the shower. She adored her early morning shower sessions, especially on cloudy days like these. She dried her hair and combed it out, then took her time with her makeup whilst listening to the radio. She was hoping that they would say that itā€™s going to rain today.
Liza looked at her hair as she ran it through her fingers, contemplating to either colour or cut it. She pulled her lips into a ā€˜whateverā€™ pout and figured that she was happy with herself for today.

Liza looked at the time and sighed at how slowly it was going by. She looked at the empty bed in the room, the one that looked so out of place compared to the rest of the room. Liza knew that a girl named Claire Rossi was going to be assigned to her and that they would be roommates, but Liza had almost no idea what she looks like or what she is like.
Liza pulled the towel off her body and got dressed. She looked at herself in the mirror afterwards and ruffled her hair again. She smiled, practicing the smile she would put on when she meets this Claire.

That was when the intercom blurred on and a muffled voice said: ā€œLiza Moore to the office please.ā€

Liza smiled at how funny her name sounded over the intercom. She pushed the door open and slowly walked to the office and got there about two minutes later.
She smiled at the girl that summoned her over the intercom.
ā€œWhich one is it?ā€ Liza asked as she glanced at the two new girls, barely seeing their faces.
The girl pointed Liza to Claire and turned her head back to her work.
Liza sighed and straightened her back. She looked around before walking over to Claire.
ā€œHello, Claire. Iā€™m Liza.ā€ She smiled a little bit more than expected and offered her hand in greeting.
Liza looked at the blonde carefully and allowed her smile to stay put. She was pretty.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Liza Moore Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine Character Portrait: Jenna Frenzel
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Charlie strolled onto the grounds, marveling at the fact that she was finally able to do this. Last year her mother had made sure that she be accompanied to the main offices, for fear that she would get lost or hurt or something. It didn't make much sense, but this was Rose's daughter, she had every right to be overprotective. Charlie looked up at the clouds, wincing at the familiar headache that seemed to come to her when it felt like it was going to rain. She really didn't mind the rain; it was necessary... lie overprotective parents and bossy teachers, but that didn't mean that she had to like it. And so her walk to the main offices was filled with an odd mixture of excitement and annoyance.

She had heard the call for her to go down to the office a bit earlier, and she had been thrilled. Her old roommate had left last year, and she had been crushed. She had not only liked Ginger, but she had felt close to her. They had both loved to draw and had often exchanged pictures as a way of non-verbal communication. Next to Jenna, she had thought of Ginger as her best friend. Jenna... Charlie was definitely looking forward to seeing her. For a brief time, she had actually hoped that Jenna would be her roommate. She probably wouldn't mind staying up and talking for as long as Charlie wanted to...

Walking into the office, the red-head smiled upon feeling the pressure in her head disappear. She hated being in pain, it really was a downer. She looked around, spotting the familiar desks and motivational pictures and other office-ey stuff, but that really wasn't what she saw. She really saw a little girl on a bench and two other girls, one younger, and one around her age. After all, she did have an eye for living things, not stupid little material objects. Charlie fought the urge to coo over t littlest girl. She was just so adorable! That would be rude though... there was no way this little girl was really the age that she looked. After all, she looked around eight or nine; and unless she was some sort of protƩgƩe, this simply wasn't possible.

"Hi!" Charlie chirped, her brown eyes sparkling at the thought of meeting this new roommate (and this had to be her new roomate, the other two girls were already talking), "You're Nelia, right? I'm Charlie... well Charlotte if that's the name that they gave you, which I really hope it isn't"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Liza Moore Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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Nelia was sitting there talking to Norson when she heard someone say ā€œYour dog is cuteā€, she looked to her side to now see a girl with blonde hair sitting next to her. She smiled a little ā€œNelia says thank you, Norson does like compliments.ā€ She then heard the girl introduce herself ā€œIā€™m Claire. You can call me CeeCee if you wantā€ she waited to introduce herself as CeeCee said goodbye to the person that brought her. Once CeeCee looked back to her she started talking in a very soft quiet voice ā€œNelia likes to introduce herself as Nelli, Nelli wants you to meet Norson tooā€ she then moved Norson so the dog was looking to CeeCee. She was wondering if CeeCee will think she is weird just like all the others that have been around her. ā€œYou look nervous. Iā€™ll tell you a secretā€¦..Iā€™m nervous tooā€ she smiled when she heard this ā€œNelli is nervous, people always think Nelli is weird and Nelli is always picked on, that is why she is nervous and scared.ā€

Nelia looked around her and saw a girl that looked a bit older then CeeCee and herself. The girl had darker hair and pretty eyes, Nelia smiled and wondered if the girl was Charlie but that was soon answered as she came over to them ā€œHello Claire, I am Lizaā€ she leaned back against the bench clutching Norson, she was now getting a bit nervous, she was sure she was going to have to meet a lot of new people today and that just made her get a bit scared because she knew people would pick on her, it happened wherever she went or stayed.

She then saw someone else walk in, another girl but she had red hair and she was coming right to them.
"Hi! You're Nelia, right? I'm Charlie... well charlotte if that's the name that they gave you, which I really hope it isn't" she heard the girl say as she walked right up to her. Nelia took a few minutes to look over her new roommate ā€œNelia likes to be called Nelli if thatā€™s okay with Charlie? They called you Charlie when they said who was going to meet Nelli down here. Is Charlie going to show Nelli around? Nelli also would like you to meet Norsonā€ she then looked down to her stuffed dog ā€œNelli was also told the students where more in charge here then the adults, will Nelli be meeting the students in charge?ā€ she became a bit more talkative because she had so many questions going through her head but truly she was scared at what these girls where going to think of her so the talking was a bit more because of her nervousness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire looked at the little girl who had called herself Nelli, and smiled. ā€œI would never pick on you, Nelli. Wanna be friends?ā€ She asked, smiling brightly. This little girl was very cute, and she liked her a lot already. She couldnā€™t wait to get to know her better, as Claire usually couldnā€™t wait to get to know people.

Claire looked up at the girl, and stood out of respect. She took the girls hand, bowing her head slightly. "Hello! I'm Claire. You must be Liza, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She was sure she over did the excitement in her voice and her face instantly showed that she was upset. She looked down at her black shoes, shuffling her feet uncomfortably. "I'm sorry...I'm nervous...sometimes...sometimes I just can't control my voice...I'm sorry..."

Claire looked down sadly, picking up her book bag and suitcase. She looked up at her new guide, then back at the little girl she had been talking to. "Iā€™ll see you later, Nelli. If you need anything, just ask someone to come find me. I wonā€™t let anyone pick on you anymore!ā€™ She promised with a smile. Claire had always had a motherly nature, and this little girl, Nelli, needed her. She would be there for her. Claire looked back at her guide, a tall girl with cold blue eyes. She wasn't sure how she was going to get along with her, but hoped they would get along well.

As she was lead into the hall, she took in a breath, her face going paler than it already was. For an Italian, her skin was pale a porcelain, nearly as pale as her hair was nearly white. Her eyes tried to take everything in, and she was getting nervous and lightheaded. She hadnā€™t been away from her father for more than a few days since she was born, and Claire was extremely nervous.

ā€œWill I be able to call my father to tell him Iā€™m safe?ā€ She asked Liza, her voice quiet and mouse like. She normally wasnā€™t this shy, but something about this large, unusual place made Claire very uncomfortable. She didnā€™t like that she was millions of miles away from her father, and she hated that she wouldnā€™t be able to see him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Liza Moore Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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Liza chuckled at all the respect Claire was beaming out towards her. Liza never really cared about things like that, she prefers feeling that she is equal to someone, especially if someone was going to be her roommate. But respect never really hurt anyone.
Liza tilted her head at Claireā€™s upset reaction. She was unsure of how to respond. ā€œOh thats alright, it happens to the best of us, doesnā€™t it.ā€ She literally waved it aside and gave another warm smile. She couldnā€™t tell the girl to not be nervous, it never helps.
Liza said bye to Nelia as well, even though she had no idea who the little girl was. Liza gave a smile and a friendly nod to Charlie. Claire knew Charlie from being in a few classes together, but they never spoke a whole lot to each other.

Liza started leading Claire into the hall but stopped her a few feet in. Without saying a word Liza took Claireā€™s bags from her and started walking again.
ā€œIā€™ll show you to your room first. Maybe you can unpack and settle down before I show you the rest of the school. Itā€™s pretty big but you should get used to it quickly.
Liza was caught up in her duty, so much that she barely noticed Claireā€™s pressing emotions.
ā€œWill I be able to call my father to tell him Iā€™m safe?ā€ She asked Liza.
Liza opened the door to Claire's room. ā€œSure, Claire... We have payphones on campus or if you donā€™t have a cell phone you can use mine.ā€ Liza offered with another warm smile. She was quite nervous as well. She didnā€™t want to seem over friendly to Claire. She was perhaps trying a little too hard for approval.
Liza put Claireā€™s bags down by the foot of one of the beds and pulled Her cell phone out of her pocket and offered it to Claire, holding it out. She thought she would leave the room while Claire phoned her father.
Liza didnā€™t really understand Claireā€™s need to speak to her father since Liza had no contact with her parents whatsoever. She really didnā€™t care anymore. Her mother, the one person that should love her no matter what, couldnā€™t accept her for what she was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Liza Moore Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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Nelia looked to CeeCee when she said ā€œI would never pick on you, Nelli. Wanna be friends?ā€ she smiled ā€œNelli would love to be friends with CeeCeeā€ she then watched as CeeCee got talking with Liza. Nelia looked down to Norson ā€œNelli thinks it wonā€™t be too bad here Norsonā€ she then heard CeeCee "Iā€™ll see you later, Nelli. If you need anything, just ask someone to come find me. I wonā€™t let anyone pick on you anymore!ā€™ she waved Norsonā€™s paw to CeeCee and Liza as they walked off ā€œNelli says bye and thank youā€.

She then looked to Charlie she heard the girl start rambling, sorta like she did in a way ā€Whoā€™s Norson? Iā€™m sorryā€¦ā€ she tilted her head and watched as Charlie looked down to her feet, wondering why she was sorry but before she could say anything she heard Charlie start talking again . "Oh gee, uhm, well I'm sorry for what I'm doing so far. I guess I'm just not quite used to being back in school yet. I guess I'm a bit of a hermit when I'm home for the summer. As for your question, as far as the teachers know, they are in charge.ā€ She saw the wink from Charlie and smiled though she was wondering when she would be able to say something ā€œBut if you have any questions, you should probably go to one of the older students. If you have any easy questions, you can come to me if you want."

Nelia thought she was finally going to be able to answer Charlieā€™s first question ā€œNelliā€¦ā€ but before she could continue "Wait a minute, before you answer. Is Norson your dog? I probably should have known before because this is an all girl's school, but I wasn't thinking. If he is... well.."[b] she nodded a smiled ā€œYes Norson is Nelliā€™s dog, he is with Nelli at all timesā€ she watched as Charlie looked down to Norson "Hi!" she heard Charlie say to Norson and she made Norson wave a paw to Charlie. ā€œNelli is sorry Charlie got confused she knows she can be a bit weird, thatā€™s what everyone says about Nelliā€.
Nelli then saw an older girl come up to Charlie and her and she smiled to the girl "Hi there, I'm a 5th year at Kanhuri. My name's Lisa. Are you new to Hillside?" she looked to Lisa and saw how she looked to her more then Charlie, she let Charlie talk first and when Charlie introduced her she smiled ā€œyes Nelia likes to be called Nelli and this is Norsonā€ she actually pointed to the dog ā€œis Lisa one of the students in charge? Nelli would like to know who the students in charge are so that she can know thisā€ she tilted her head a bit and smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire took the phone from Liza, dialing her dads number.

"Hi daddy!" She chirped happily, a sad little smile coming across her lips. "Yes, school seems okay. I just got here, and I wanted you to know I was safe and the plane didn't crash," There was a long pause. "No, no daddy, Mike didn't do anything...yes that means he was lying, again..." Claire rubbed her eyes, sighing. "Daddy, did you take your medication today?" Another long, long pause. "No, daddy, Theo can't make you not take them..." Claire looked upset, and shook her head. "Maybe this was a bad idea daddy...NO! I'm not ungrateful! Mike let me talk to my dad!" Claire looked like she was going to cry. "Okay, Mike...tell daddy I'll call him later....Love you daddy...." She hung up the phone, looking at Liza.

"Sorry you had to hear dad..." She shook her head, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "My dad got sick after my mom died...I shouldn't have left him," Claire whispered, touching a small locket she wore around her neck. Looking around, she noticed the room was very...plain. Very un-lived in.

"Don't you have any posters? Or fun Christmas-ey lights? It looks so....bland," She looked around again, noticing that even the bed spreads were the same, and quite boring. Claire went into her carry on book bag, and took out the blanket her mother had made for her. It was an orange, yellow and white, and smelt like cigar smoke and roses. She laid it over the comforter that was already on her bed, and took out a picture of a dark haired, olive skinned man with laugh lines around his eyes and a smile on his face, a white haired, blue eyed woman with a gentle face and a small smile, almost a smirk, who looked a lot like Claire, and a small, white haired girl with hazel eyes being held up between both of them.

This picture she set on her night stand, along with a bottle of perfume, a small jewelry box, and another picture of the man from the first picture. Claire looked in her bag, taking out the last object. It was a small, light blue gift bag with white tissue paper (in the bag was a small, cute bottle of a perfume that smelled like vanilla and orange, a matching body wash, and a cute hair clip that was a small orange butterfly). "This is for you," Claire said, holding it out to Liza. "My mother always told me to never show up in someone's house without a gift. I know this isn't exactly your house, but you're allowing me to stay in your room, so this is for you!" She smiled her oddly bright smile, even though there was still a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Claire picked her suit case up off the floor, and hung up the three uniforms she had been sent before she came to the school. The rest of her clothes, under things, pajamas, and such, she put in one drawer of her small, two drawer dresser. The second drawer she put her shoes, stockings, and jackets. Claire was a very organized young lady, and had a specific way that everything had to go. After she was done with her things, she sat back on her bed. "Well, go on! Open it!" She said excitedly, crossing her legs as she sat on her bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Liza was pleased when Claire took the phone from her, but before she could leave the room to give her some privacy, Claire had already dialled the number and her father had already answered.
Liza looked around, pretending to not overhear or care about Claireā€™s phone conversation, she looked at how empty the room was, even though Jade Evers ā€“ the bold 6th year student ā€“ was the co-owner of this room.
She smiled a strage, understanding smile at Claire.
ā€œYou are here now, alright? ā€“ let the grownups take care of themselves alright?ā€ liza whispered, standing in the doorway. She would have comforted Claire, but it wasnā€™t her way of doing things, especially since Claire was somewhat of a stranger.

ā€œI know it looks pretty empty. The girls that graduate take pretty much everything with them and leave us to build up our own memories.ā€
Liza answered in a nostalgic voice as she sat down on the opposite bed. She smiled at Claireā€™s picture.
ā€œThat is a lovely picture...ā€ She gestured towards it and smiled at Claire as the smell of cigars and roses filled the room. She shuffled her feet around and watched as Claire unpacked the rest of her things.
Liza started getting lost in her thoughts as her gaze shifted to the window.
She imagined drops forming against the glass and running down as the rain poured down.
Liza was pulled into the real world again when Claire held something out towards her. The sky was still clear outside.
ā€œOh, wow...ā€ Liza started. ā€œUhm, Its nicely wrapped, but maybe we should leave it here on the bedside table or you can give it to Jade when you see her?ā€ She suggested with a warm smile. Liza looked at Claire, only taking the gift from her because she didnā€™t want to make her feel bad. She could see that the girl was still upset and wondered if she understood that they werenā€™t going to share a room.
Liza put the gift down on Jadeā€™s bedside table.
ā€œI... Iā€™m not your room mate, dear. Jade Evers is. I was just assigned to showing you around till she was free. But Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll love the gift ā€“ whatever it may be!ā€ Liza said in a soft tone, picking up at the last part.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, I should have made that clear.ā€ She said with an apologetic look on her face.

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Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire looked at her. "OH! All right then," She smiled, shrugging. "I'm sure we'll be great friends anyway!" Claire placed the bag gently on the pillow of the other girls bed, smiling at the placement.

"So, how long have you been at the school?" Claire asked, not really wanting to be alone yet, especially since she didn't have her roommate there yet. She continued to go through her suitcase. She had a few more things and she didn't really want to take out the last object of clothing just yet.

"So, are there any formals here that we need a formal dress for? My father made me bring one, just in was my mothers..." She looked down at the dress, sighing. The dress reminded her of her mother...

"Mom, can I go to Courtney''s for her birthday party?" Claire had asked, already getting dressed for the party.
"No, honey, your grandmother is coming over tonight, and I want you here," Her mother had replied, looking at her daughter.
"But MOM! I missed Jennifer's last week because Aunt Jane was coming over! Can't you ever let me just....go!?" Claire was angry, and she hated being angry with her mother.
Her mother sighed in defeat. "Fine....You can go..."
"YES!" Claire jumped up and hugged her mother, kissing her cheek. "Bye mom, love you!" She had said as she ran toward the door.
"Love you too, sweetie!" Her mom had called after her, blowing her one final kiss.

While Claire was at that birthday party, she had gotten a call from her grandmother that her mother had taken a turn for the worse, and was in the hospital. At that point, Clair hadn't even known her mother was sick. She went to the hospital, but it was to late, her mother was already gone. Claire had never let herself get over that, and she never got over the fact that she would have rather been with friends, then with her family.

Claire looked up at Liza again. "I'm sorry, did you answer my question? I got lost in my own thought....It happens sometimes," Claire shrugged, smiling once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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"Hmm... I wonder... Emily? Becky? Anna? The monster from under my bed?" Jade laughed and rolled her eyes, knowing her friend was messing with her. "Miss Jade Evers, would you ever so kindly give me back my vision?" Jade paused, as if she was considering it.

"Hmmm... Fine, but only because your British accent is terrible." She said, slight french accent on her words.

Not a second after Lisa had turned around, she asked her what had happened. Oh. Right. The blood. Jade smiled when Lisa wiped the blood off for her and shrugged. Then she caught the smile twitching on her friend's lips. "Did you beat up someone again? Wait, don't tell me," Jade waiting, knowing she'd get it right. Lisa knew her so well. "It was that bitch who was spreading shit about you right?"

"Bingo." She replied with a nod. "Sally. Don't remember her last name. Not that it matters." She laughed lightly. "Anyway, I broke her wrist, bloodied her nose, gave her two black eyes, and a shitload of bruises. She was so scared, she didn't even defend herself in the office. I got a week confined to the grounds, while she got three weeks suspension." She smiled, rather proud of herself. "She wont be calling me the school's charity case again, that's for sure."

"Oh, weren't you getting a new room mate today? A freshman I heard. I was talking to this really cute one earlier, but she's in Myou." Jade nodded, suddenly remembering.

"The little one in the office? Saw you talkin' to her and Charlie. Yeah, she's a cute little munchkin. Seemed a little afraid of me though." She laughed slightly. "Yeah, I guess I should probably get up to my room and greet her. I'll be there if you want to come up after whatever you're doing here." She said, gesturing to the box in her friend's hands. She wished that she could get Lisa as her roommate, but uptight Miss Dorsin was determined to make Jade's school life as miserable as possible. Which is why she'd given her some first year, knowing Jade typically hated the younger girls.

With a heavy sigh, she turned and headed up to her room.

Without bothering to knock, since it was her room, she opened the door and closed it behind her, leaning on it. In the room were two younger girls. One, was Liza Moore, a fifteen year-old third year who Jade hadn't talked to too much. The other was the new first year. She was blond and seemed nonthreatening, unpacking a nice dress. "I'm Jade." She announced, looking the girl up and down skeptically.

Jade hated sharing her space. She all but drove her last roommate out, in hopes of getting her own room. And it had worked. Until now. She clucked her tongue against her cheek and gestured to her space, where things were thrown pretty haphazardly. "Don't try and clean my stuff, or get in my space, and we should be just fine okay?" She said with a shrug, leaning heavily on the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire looked at the girl who had announced herself as Jade. She set the dress back in her suitcase, and walked over to her, extending her hand. "Claire Rossi, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She said. When her hand was not taken, Claire retreated a bit. "I didn't know your rule about not touching anything when I got here, so I'm sorry I touched your bed...but I was just putting a gift there for you. My mother and grandmother always told me never invite myself somewhere without a gift," She gestured to the bag, smiling slightly.

Claire had noticed how...judgmental Jades look had been, but it didn't bother her. She was used to being judged, and she was used to people not liking her. Of course, now that she was seeing her roommate, she wished Liza could be her roommate. She looked between the two girls, and decided that she'd try to be friends with both of them. Of course, Claire tried to be friends with everyone, but she didn't like the looks of this girl, her roommate.

As Claire went back to her suitcase, she removed the light green dress with the silver sparkles and hung it at the back of her wardrobe, behind her uniforms, her street clothes, and her jackets. She looked back at Jade. " long have you been here?" She asked, sitting on her own bed again. Claire once again gestured to the bag, which she knew held in it a small, cute bottle of a perfume that smelled like vanilla and orange, a matching body wash, and a cute hair clip that was a small orange butterfly on a vanilla bean flower. Claire hoped that Jade would like them, and hoped also that she wouldn't be to mean to Claire. She could deal with people ignoring her, and being rude, but not mean. She was used to the mean remarks about her father, how he was "crazy" and how she "shouldn't live there", but she hated mean people.

Claire smiled, attempting to look harmless and cute, but was sure she just looked terrified. She didn't care, though, she was in a new place, millions of miles from her father, and at a new school. She was allowed to be nervous and terrified.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Liza smiled at Claire as she continued to unpack. Liza never really had too much of a thing for really blonde girls like Claire. When Jade walked in Liza jumped a little.
ā€œHey...ā€ Liza smiled at Jade and shifted around a little. Liza liked Jade, she wished she could be so... carefree and daring.
Liza looked up to Jade, as if she was a good influence and a role model.
Liza got up and smiled at both the girls. ā€œWell, that is my cue to leave.ā€ She said, gesturing to the door with both her thumbs.
ā€œClaire, If you ever need some help or such, donā€™t hesitate to come look for me.ā€ Liza smiled and headed for the door. She slid past Jade, careful to not bump her.
ā€œSee you later.ā€ She greeted again and left for her own room.

Liza closed the room door behind her, she wondered where her roommate was. Liza looked around and realized that the place needed some cleaning up. She grabbed the air freshener and sprayed it through the air. Next she dusted the bedside tables and so off. Liza relaxed when she was done, laying down on her bed and looking out the window.
She wondered if there wasā€™nt a better alternative to school. That her days could mabe have more value to them, instead of being wasted here ā€“ where she only learned about irrelevant things.
Well, except biology. Biology was one of Lizaā€™s favourites.
Liza jumped up again, after almost drifting off to sleep for the third time, and fixed what her cleaning and relaxing might have smudged or ruined.
Liza ended up doing her makeup all over again.
When she was satisfied, yet again, she danced out into the hallway and started looking for someone that she might know.