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Jade Evers

"Life's a party babe. All you have to do is choose whether you want to get on the dance floor and enjoy it, or watch from the sidelines. Me? I'm a dance floor kind of bitch."

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a character in “Of All the Stars in the Sky”, as played by desire99600



ImageFull Name:
"Hey, we don't pick our names." Jade Renee Evers

"I mean
 If you can find a way to shorten Jade, be my guest." She typically just goes by Jade. There’s really not much you can shorten her name to, unless you want too call her Jay.

"You know what they say about teenagers- Old enough to know better, young enough not to care." Eighteen years-old

"My zodiac is the Taurus. Guess it's fairly accurate. I am pretty stubborn." April 21st

Where you are from:
"What, you thought my accent was fake?" She's originally from Lille, France. Because of this, she speaks fluent French and has a slight French accent, though it's going away a little more every week.

"Baby, you can look but you can't touch." Jade has a very grunge, punk-rock look about her, with a tough aura. She practically radiates confidence and it shows in the way she walks and talks to people. She doesn't care what others think of her and she reflects that in her outward appearance, wanting everyone to see her for who she is. If they don't like it, it's their problem. She has long bright blonde hair that hangs down to her hips. It's soft and sways when she walks in gentle waves, making look like she sleeps in braids every night. It's so pale, it seems as though she bleached it and could be called white when she's in the sunlight, but holds just enough gold in it to make it blonde. Her platinum hair frames a smooth, pale face with a sharp, defined jaw and round cheekbones. Her skin, paired with her hair make her look very pale, but not unhealthy. Under thick eyelashes, Jade has emerald green eyes and together with her small frame, light wavy hair, and pale skin, these eyes make her look like a porcelain doll. A look that gives her an innocence she most definitely does not have. It bothers her to no end, so she covers it up the best she can with dark eye makeup.

As for body type, Jade has all the appropriate curves for a girl her age. She's not remarkably curvy, but she's not a flat board either. She's not tall either, measuring only about 5'6" with small bones and a slim figure. Much like a doll, she looks small and fragile with a delicate form. Much unlike a doll though, Jade is strong for her size, able to move with exceptional speed and balance. She knows her weaknesses and strengths and when fighting, is quick to utilize them, making her shockingly tough.

When it comes to style, Jay is seemingly very random. Her typical attire is laid back and messy, yet somehow perfect. It's that look that everyone envies, for, she appears to barely care, and yet looks like the picture of perfection. Sometimes though, she'll dress very darkly in fishnets, black shorts, and a band tee with combat boots. Other times, she'll wear almost no make up, and dress very classy. It really depends on what mood she's in, in the morning, and, walking into her closet, most people would think that several, very different people share the same closet when, in reality, Jade shops according to her mood swings. Anyone who knew her personally would understand, as her personality is based solely on emotion, but anyone who doesn't know her might tag her as one thing one day, based on her appearance, and not even recognize her the next.

When it comes to body art, Jade has two tattoos. One, is a butterfly calf tattoo that she got just after her adoption, symbolizing her new beginning. The other is a lower back tiger tattoo, symbolizing her wild side. As for piercings, her right ear pierced seven times and and her left one pierced once.

Girl 10 | Taylor Momsen

vulgar [vuhl-ger]
1. characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste
2. indecent; obscene; lewd
3. crude; coarse; unrefined

"So I'm a little different. Sue me." The word different is an understatement for Jade Evers. She is the embodiment of the teenager sterotype. Pissed off at the world and driven by passion. She's not the type to let others influence her and marches completely to her own drum. She's unafraid to say what she's thinking, having absolutely no filter. She's crude and often vulgar. You never quite know what will come out of her mouth and when. She's stubborn and does what she wants, when she wants, making her very hard to control. She doesn't take orders well and has a very short attention span, preferring to do things on her own time. When asked to do something, her typical response is: "When I get to it."

Despite this though, Jay has the ability to shock. Her personality changes, seemingly randomly. She can be rude, wild, ignorant, and stubborn one day, and the next she's calm, collected, and obedient. She's an extremely complex girl, and, as soon as you think you've got her figured out, she changes. She's a completely driven by passion and emotion. When she's feeling something, you'll know. Though, very rarely, does she show any sign of sadness or pain. Her most common emotions are anger, pride, and passion. She does what she wants to do, when she wants to do it, dancing to her own beat without giving a second thought to what the world thinks about it. Often times, she misses the bigger picture, unable to truly understand that, though she was thinking it, what she just said may have just gotten her into trouble.

Jade also has an incredible ability for persuasion. Though, in her natural state, she seems to be carefree and clueless, she is able to take on any role at the drop of a hat. Her smooth, hypnotic voice, persuading emerald-colored eyes, and ability to spin words better than a spider can spin a web make her extremely dangerous. Jay has a bit of a sinister side to her, and loves to break rules and live her life on the edge. She doesn't care who she hurts, as long as she'd having fun doing it. She's a complete party girl and would rather be getting drunk and dancing to loud, pulse quivering music, than be sitting in a classroom studying any day. She's a wildcard. The surprising girl.

Jade may seem rude, have a wicked side to her, and stay mostly closed off, but once you earn her loyalty and trust, you know you can count on her until the end. One thing she holds very highly is trust for to her, if there is no trust, there cannot be a relationship. No matter what kind of relationship, trust is essential. At first, she's rough, brash, maybe a bit overbearing, and extremely guarded, but should you actually spend time with her, you would come to see that it is rather easy to adapt to her strange personality and she's actually rather pleasant to have around. As a friend, she's not the best person to come to for comfort or a good cry, but she'll always be loyal to you. Though she can lie easily, once you have her loyalty, she'll go to the ends of the earth for you. She tries to do her best by everyone, but she's no saint. In fact, she's probably closer to a devil than an angel, but, for those she cares about, she'll break any moral code out there.

In all, Jade is extremely complex, ever-changing, and marches 110% to her own drum.

ImageBest Friend:
"My main bitch." Girl 9 | Lisa Hwang

"I don’t know, she just
 [i]gets me."[/i] Girl 9 | Lisa Hwang

"There is nothing more annoying than having to share your space with someone else." Girl 5 | Claire Rossi

"I like a lot of things, but let's face it. If I don't like you- you're fucked."
â˜ș Attention
â˜ș Girls
â˜ș Getting what she wants
â˜ș Having the freedom to do what she wants
â˜ș Feeling important
â˜ș Flirting
â˜ș Praise
â˜ș Succeeding
â˜ș Parties
â˜ș Breaking the rules
â˜ș Water/Swimming

"That depends- How much time do you have?"
â˜č Whiny people
â˜č Annoying people
â˜č Clingy people
â˜č Feeling restrained
â˜č Rules
â˜č Being told what to do
â˜č Losing
â˜č Thunderstorms
â˜č When people try to control her
â˜č Failing those she cares about
â˜č Being looked down on

Theme Song(s):
"Anything that sounds angry."
Destructive - LeAnn Rimes
Never Again - Nickleback
This Means War - Nickleback
What It's Like - Everlast
Animal I have Become - Three Days Grace
Headstrong - Trapt

"Fine. I'll tell you every tragic little detail, but remember, when it's over, and you just stare at me in horror, you asked for it." There's a reason Jay is the way she is, unable to love and driven by an angry passion, and that's her history. She was born into a broken home. Her mother, Jenna, had been a teenager in high school when she'd first met Greg, her father. Jenna thought she loved Greg and they did everything together for two years.

She was seventeen when she discovered she was pregnant, and scared out of her whits. She was young. Her life had hardly started yet. When she told Greg, he was angry. Angry at her, as well as himself. The two of them were kicked out of their homes, their parents and families refusing to provide financial aid or emotional support. So the two were forced into a quick marriage.

Jenna and Greg moved to a small, shabby apartment in the slums of Lille, France. They pulled out of school and got low-paying jobs to try and support themselves, and their child. For the first year, things seemed to be going great. Until Jade, their child, grew ill and was hospitalized for five days. The bills crushed the family financially, and they were forced out into the streets.

Before Jenna had gotten pregnant, Greg had been a rich man, and he was not adjusting well to his new life. While Jenna tried to remain optimistic for Jade's sake, Greg quickly turned into a pessimist, and, as time wore on, grew increasingly worse. He became angry at everything, Jay's mother especially. He beat her often, and, after a few years of his constant abuse, Jenna killed herself, leaving Jay with a dangerously unstable man at the age of eight.

Greg's aggression turned to his daughter, and the death of his wife did nothing to help his drinking habits. Two weeks after Jade's twelfth birthday, Greg drank himself so senseless, he came at his daughter once more. This time, with a knife in hand. Jay had always been taught to fight only in cases of self defense. Never offense. So she did. She twisted the knife in his hand, making the drunk man stab himself instead of her.

After that, Jay was put into foster care, and bounced between new families and the orphanage for three years until the day she was saved. When she was fifteen, a man and woman came to the orphanage. They understood her, and explained that they too had been orphaned young and could not have children. The mothers name was Jess and the father's was Darrel. They adopted her, and, for the first time since her father’s death, Jay had a home.

What's more is that Darrel wasn't just anyone. He was a rich man and enrolled her in a very nice school.

"I think we've covered it all."
Harder to Breathe- Maroon 5

So begins...

Jade Evers's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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#, as written by Runika

She smiled at the older one as she introduced herself. So, she was a second year after all. She analyzed her quickly before replying. A ginger, with blue eyes and freckles. She hadn't seen much of those around. She found it really refreshing. Also, Lisa just loved coloured eyes. Being born as an Asian, she had ordinary brown coloured eyes. Of course she wouldn't change them, but she was fascinated whenever she saw eyes of different colours. To her they were... interesting. She found Jade's to be the prettiest of them all, an emerald green that matched those of the actually stone. She stopped her thoughts about Jade and smiled at Charlie.

"Well, nice to meet you Charlie. Sorry, you're cute enough to be a freshman!" she exclaimed.

As Charlie introduced the younger one, her eyes turned to "Nelli". "yes Nelia likes to be called Nelli and this is Norson," the girl said. Lisa looked puzzled for a moment before figuring out she was talking in third person. Thank goodness Charlie introduced her already or she would've asked who Nelia was.

"Nice to meet you, Nelli, and nice to meet you too, Norson," she greeted cheerfully.

Lisa had resist the tempting urge to just pull all three of them into a hug. They were sooooooooooo cute! "is Lisa one of the students in charge? Nelli would like to know who the students in charge are so that she can know this."

"No," she had to stop herself from referring to herself as "Lisa","....I am not one of the presidents, or the Étoile, but I'm pretty old, so I can help you whenever you need it okay?"

The way she tilted her head and everything was just too adorable. She wouldn't jump the new girl... yet. Sooner or later she knew she'd get her chance. Charlie and Nelia were both cute, but she found Nelia to be just... so adorable. She just wanted to endlessly tease her and see her reactions. Finally she saw the secretary come back. She's gone when I need her, and back when I want to get to know the new kids. Great. She sighed and turned to the secretary, asking her for the items that the 6th year wanted. Once the secretary gave them to her she said thank you and turned back to Charlie and Nelia.

"Well, I'll see you around okay? I have to get ready for the freshmen's welcome assembly. Ah here, do you two have cell phones?" She scribbled her number on a piece of paper really quickly. "Text or call me. Promise? I'd love to see you two again. Bye!" With that Lisa walked out of the office and headed back to the 6th year to give her the things she wanted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Liza was pleased when Claire took the phone from her, but before she could leave the room to give her some privacy, Claire had already dialled the number and her father had already answered.
Liza looked around, pretending to not overhear or care about Claire’s phone conversation, she looked at how empty the room was, even though Jade Evers – the bold 6th year student – was the co-owner of this room.
She smiled a strage, understanding smile at Claire.
“You are here now, alright? – let the grownups take care of themselves alright?” liza whispered, standing in the doorway. She would have comforted Claire, but it wasn’t her way of doing things, especially since Claire was somewhat of a stranger.

“I know it looks pretty empty. The girls that graduate take pretty much everything with them and leave us to build up our own memories.”
Liza answered in a nostalgic voice as she sat down on the opposite bed. She smiled at Claire’s picture.
“That is a lovely picture...” She gestured towards it and smiled at Claire as the smell of cigars and roses filled the room. She shuffled her feet around and watched as Claire unpacked the rest of her things.
Liza started getting lost in her thoughts as her gaze shifted to the window.
She imagined drops forming against the glass and running down as the rain poured down.
Liza was pulled into the real world again when Claire held something out towards her. The sky was still clear outside.
“Oh, wow...” Liza started. “Uhm, Its nicely wrapped, but maybe we should leave it here on the bedside table or you can give it to Jade when you see her?” She suggested with a warm smile. Liza looked at Claire, only taking the gift from her because she didn’t want to make her feel bad. She could see that the girl was still upset and wondered if she understood that they weren’t going to share a room.
Liza put the gift down on Jade’s bedside table.
“I... I’m not your room mate, dear. Jade Evers is. I was just assigned to showing you around till she was free. But I’m sure she’ll love the gift – whatever it may be!” Liza said in a soft tone, picking up at the last part.
“I’m sorry, I should have made that clear.” She said with an apologetic look on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire looked at her. "OH! All right then," She smiled, shrugging. "I'm sure we'll be great friends anyway!" Claire placed the bag gently on the pillow of the other girls bed, smiling at the placement.

"So, how long have you been at the school?" Claire asked, not really wanting to be alone yet, especially since she didn't have her roommate there yet. She continued to go through her suitcase. She had a few more things and she didn't really want to take out the last object of clothing just yet.

"So, are there any formals here that we need a formal dress for? My father made me bring one, just in was my mothers..." She looked down at the dress, sighing. The dress reminded her of her mother...

"Mom, can I go to Courtney''s for her birthday party?" Claire had asked, already getting dressed for the party.
"No, honey, your grandmother is coming over tonight, and I want you here," Her mother had replied, looking at her daughter.
"But MOM! I missed Jennifer's last week because Aunt Jane was coming over! Can't you ever let me just....go!?" Claire was angry, and she hated being angry with her mother.
Her mother sighed in defeat. "Fine....You can go..."
"YES!" Claire jumped up and hugged her mother, kissing her cheek. "Bye mom, love you!" She had said as she ran toward the door.
"Love you too, sweetie!" Her mom had called after her, blowing her one final kiss.

While Claire was at that birthday party, she had gotten a call from her grandmother that her mother had taken a turn for the worse, and was in the hospital. At that point, Clair hadn't even known her mother was sick. She went to the hospital, but it was to late, her mother was already gone. Claire had never let herself get over that, and she never got over the fact that she would have rather been with friends, then with her family.

Claire looked up at Liza again. "I'm sorry, did you answer my question? I got lost in my own thought....It happens sometimes," Claire shrugged, smiling once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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"Bullshit." Jade hissed as she leaned back in her chair in front Principal Dorsin's desk. She gave the woman a cocky grin and kicked her leather boots up on her desk, hooking the heel on the edge. She wiped a spot of blood from her lip and under her nose. "She attacked me." She said, emerald green eyes going wide and innocent as she pointed one finger to the girl in the chair next to her. "Not my fault she got her ass kicked." She shrugged. "Anyway, it was self defense." The girl had a fat lip, two black eyes, a bloody nose, a broken wrist, and several bruises.

The principal plopped down in her chair and rubbed her temples tiredly. They'd been arguing for the last hour and a half. Jade grinned wickedly. She could tell Mrs. Dorsin was getting tired. "Language Miss Evers. It's not going to help you to swear like that. Now. One more time." The woman said, leaning forward, holding Jade's challenging emerald gaze. "Tell me how I'm supposed to believe a grade A student like Sally, here, attacked a slacking, rebellious girl like you, and not the other way around?" She said as she pushed Jade's feet to the ground once more. "Feet off my desk please."

Jade pouted and leaned forward, placing one hand on her desk. "Look, we've been in here, arguing for an hour and a half, and you've asked me the same question over and over again and I've said the same thing. Jealousy. Little Miss Sally here, is too uptight." Jade shrugged cooly. "Anyway, my story's not going to change, Sally clearly isn't going to defend herself, and you can't punish me because you think I did something wrong." She stood. "Are we done here? Sally should probably get to the nurse." Jade knew why Sally wasn't defending herself. She was afraid of another ass-kicking.

Mrs. Dorsin groaned. "Very well. Miss Evers, you are to stay on school grounds for a week, and Miss Sally, you are suspended for three. Don't let it happen again girls. This goes on your permanent record."

"Thanks." Jade said, rolling her eyes and leaving the room. She stood outside the door for a second, pouncing on Sally when she came out. "Next time, think twice before you spread rumors." She said, giving the girl a rumple of the hair and sauntering off. Out in the office, Jade spotted a familiar face and grinned. Lisa, talking to a new girl she didn't recognize, and Charlie, a second year she'd seen around. As she watched, Lisa turned and headed off down the hall and Jade smiled.

She gave Charlie and the new girl a wave and a "Hey Charlie and friend" on her way out, and followed Lisa down the hall. When they stopped, Jade smiled and slipped up silently behind her friend, covering her eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" She whispered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang
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#, as written by Runika

Lisa panicked slightly when her vision was blacked out by a pair of hands. Her own hands were occupied by the box of things the 6th year had asked her to get so she had to stop herself from instinctively dropping the box and pulling the hands away from her face. But she had the nagging feeling that these hands felt familiar. "Guess who?" the person whispered. Her heart thumped when she heard the familiar voice. Jade.... she thought. Lisa smiled and stood there guessing out loud. "Hmm... I wonder... Emily? Becky? Anna? The monster from under my bed?" she asked jokingly. After a laugh she asked tauntingly with an added mock British accent, "Miss Jade Evers, would you ever so kindly give me back my vision?"

She turned around so she could face her best friend, a little frown visible on her lips once she did so. The platinum blonde had small blood stains on her face. "Hey, what happened?" she asked worriedly. She reached into her pocket to grab a handkerchief and wiped the blood off her face. Jade didn't seem to be in pain or anything at least. Then in realization the ends of Lisa's lips twitched up in a grin. "Did you beat up someone again? Wait, don't tell me," she thought for a second. "It was that bitch who was spreading shit about you right?" She smiled, concluding that that was probably the reason Jade was coming from the direction of the office.

Lisa was laughing to herself as she imagined what the girl must look like at the moment after being pulverized by Jade. It must not be a pretty sight. Bruises, blood, and she wouldn't be surprised if there was something broken. She didn't really feel sorry for Jade's victim, she never did. Whoever it was probably deserved it anyhow. They should know better than to mess with this infamous sixth year. Jade wouldn't harm anyone that hadn't done anything to her so if they got hurt, they must have done something to deserve it.

"Oh, weren't you getting a new room mate today? A freshman I heard. I was talking to this really cute one earlier, but she's in Myou." Lisa wished she could be Jade's room mate, but luck was never on her side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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Charlie Delaine

"Well, nice to meet you Charlie. Sorry, you're cute enough to be a freshman!" At this, Charlie smiled at the sixth year, not at all offended. She was proud to look young, and chances are she would love it when she was older. However, she didn't tell Lisa this. It wouldn't really be worth it considering that another exchange, between Nelli and Lisa, was going on around her.

"Yes Nelia likes to be called Nelli and this is Norson"

"Nice to meet you, Nelli, and nice to meet you too, Norson"

"Is Lisa one of the students in charge? Nelli would like to know who the students in charge are so that she can know this." Although it had nothing to do with her, Charlie actually had to remember not to answer this one.

"No. Lisa....I am not one of the presidents, or the Étoile, but I'm pretty old, so I can help you whenever you need it okay?" A pause. "Well, I'll see you around okay? I have to get ready for the freshmen's welcome assembly. Ah here, do you two have cell phones?" Charlie looked up at the older girl, wanting to mention that she didn't have a cell phone. they were way too expensive. Plus the school had land lines, so if she had an emergency she could just use them. However, just was she was about to say something when Lisa gave them both her number and left leaving Nelli and Charlie alone with the secretary.

Charlie smiled down at the younger girl, her expression holding just a bit of laughter; both at the fact that she would have to go all the way down to the offices tonight just to make a call and just... well... today had been beyond great so far. Who wouldn't be in a good mood? "So would you happen to have a cellular?" She asked raising an eyebrow. She then noticed Jade greeting her. "Hey Jade!" She replied, turning back to Nelli right afterwards "Because you really don't look like you'd be old enough for your mum and dad to give you one, but I might be wrong. Some people have more modern families then others I guess." She looked down at Norson for a moment, being that he was one of the reasons that Nelli looked so young to her. Again... for a stuffed animal he was really adorable. It unnerved Charlie in an odd way. When she had been younger, her stuffed animals had been very ugly actually. She still carried around one or two (Or five...) of them with her wherever she slept. In fact, right now her little blond kitten Muffin, was sitting in her suitcase, waiting to be unpacked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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"Hmm... I wonder... Emily? Becky? Anna? The monster from under my bed?" Jade laughed and rolled her eyes, knowing her friend was messing with her. "Miss Jade Evers, would you ever so kindly give me back my vision?" Jade paused, as if she was considering it.

"Hmmm... Fine, but only because your British accent is terrible." She said, slight french accent on her words.

Not a second after Lisa had turned around, she asked her what had happened. Oh. Right. The blood. Jade smiled when Lisa wiped the blood off for her and shrugged. Then she caught the smile twitching on her friend's lips. "Did you beat up someone again? Wait, don't tell me," Jade waiting, knowing she'd get it right. Lisa knew her so well. "It was that bitch who was spreading shit about you right?"

"Bingo." She replied with a nod. "Sally. Don't remember her last name. Not that it matters." She laughed lightly. "Anyway, I broke her wrist, bloodied her nose, gave her two black eyes, and a shitload of bruises. She was so scared, she didn't even defend herself in the office. I got a week confined to the grounds, while she got three weeks suspension." She smiled, rather proud of herself. "She wont be calling me the school's charity case again, that's for sure."

"Oh, weren't you getting a new room mate today? A freshman I heard. I was talking to this really cute one earlier, but she's in Myou." Jade nodded, suddenly remembering.

"The little one in the office? Saw you talkin' to her and Charlie. Yeah, she's a cute little munchkin. Seemed a little afraid of me though." She laughed slightly. "Yeah, I guess I should probably get up to my room and greet her. I'll be there if you want to come up after whatever you're doing here." She said, gesturing to the box in her friend's hands. She wished that she could get Lisa as her roommate, but uptight Miss Dorsin was determined to make Jade's school life as miserable as possible. Which is why she'd given her some first year, knowing Jade typically hated the younger girls.

With a heavy sigh, she turned and headed up to her room.

Without bothering to knock, since it was her room, she opened the door and closed it behind her, leaning on it. In the room were two younger girls. One, was Liza Moore, a fifteen year-old third year who Jade hadn't talked to too much. The other was the new first year. She was blond and seemed nonthreatening, unpacking a nice dress. "I'm Jade." She announced, looking the girl up and down skeptically.

Jade hated sharing her space. She all but drove her last roommate out, in hopes of getting her own room. And it had worked. Until now. She clucked her tongue against her cheek and gestured to her space, where things were thrown pretty haphazardly. "Don't try and clean my stuff, or get in my space, and we should be just fine okay?" She said with a shrug, leaning heavily on the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Nelia Emberson Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang Character Portrait: Charlie Delaine
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Nelia smiled to Lisa, she liked the older girl so far, Lisa seemed nice to her and didn’t pick on her because of her differences which always made her smile. She watched the confused look on Lisa’s face after she introduced herself, everyone always got mixed up when she talked and usually asked her a bunch of questions, but it didn’t bother her.

“Nice to meet you, Nelli, and nice to meet you too, Norson”

She smiled and waved Norson’s paw at Lisa then heard the older girl answer her question “No
I am not one of the presidents, or the Etoile, but I’m pretty old, so I can help you whenever you need it okay?” she nodded and smiled softly now wondering when she could meet the Etoile and the Presidents but she decided not to ask and figured she would find out later.

Nelia watched as Lisa went back to the secretary at the office but soon came back holding some things in her arms “Well, I’ll see you around okay? I have to get ready for the freshmen’s welcome assembly. Ah here do you two have cell phones?” she was about to answer when she saw Lisa write down her number and hand it to them and then said quickly before she walked off “Text or call me. Promise? I’d love to see you two again. Bye!” She sorta frowned because but waves to Lisa as she walked off. She didn’t have a cell phone because social services thought she was way to young to have one and also they didn’t really think she needed one.

“Hey Charlie and friend” she turned her head to see where the voice came from and found an older girl with whitish blonde hair and what looked like blood? On her face coming out of the office. Nelia wasn’t sure if she wanted to know who that girl was and was glad to see the girl walked off and didn’t stay to socialize. She heard Charlie say “Hey Jade” to the girl that walked off and was glad she at least knew the girls name now.

She then finally remembered Charlie asked her something before Jade walked by "So would you happen to have a cellular?" and then she heard "Because you really don't look like you'd be old enough for your mum and dad to give you one, but I might be wrong. Some people have more modern families then others I guess." That sorta made her go quiet for a few minutes and she started to think of her mom and dad and brother, how she would never get to see them again. She made a simple statement, one that held a lot of emotion to her words.

“Nelli has no family no more since she was six. So she doesn’t have a cell phone. All Nelli has now is Norson” she then looked down to Norson and held him close not saying anything more to that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Claire looked at the girl who had announced herself as Jade. She set the dress back in her suitcase, and walked over to her, extending her hand. "Claire Rossi, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She said. When her hand was not taken, Claire retreated a bit. "I didn't know your rule about not touching anything when I got here, so I'm sorry I touched your bed...but I was just putting a gift there for you. My mother and grandmother always told me never invite myself somewhere without a gift," She gestured to the bag, smiling slightly.

Claire had noticed how...judgmental Jades look had been, but it didn't bother her. She was used to being judged, and she was used to people not liking her. Of course, now that she was seeing her roommate, she wished Liza could be her roommate. She looked between the two girls, and decided that she'd try to be friends with both of them. Of course, Claire tried to be friends with everyone, but she didn't like the looks of this girl, her roommate.

As Claire went back to her suitcase, she removed the light green dress with the silver sparkles and hung it at the back of her wardrobe, behind her uniforms, her street clothes, and her jackets. She looked back at Jade. " long have you been here?" She asked, sitting on her own bed again. Claire once again gestured to the bag, which she knew held in it a small, cute bottle of a perfume that smelled like vanilla and orange, a matching body wash, and a cute hair clip that was a small orange butterfly on a vanilla bean flower. Claire hoped that Jade would like them, and hoped also that she wouldn't be to mean to Claire. She could deal with people ignoring her, and being rude, but not mean. She was used to the mean remarks about her father, how he was "crazy" and how she "shouldn't live there", but she hated mean people.

Claire smiled, attempting to look harmless and cute, but was sure she just looked terrified. She didn't care, though, she was in a new place, millions of miles from her father, and at a new school. She was allowed to be nervous and terrified.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Lisa Hwang
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#, as written by Runika

"Hmmm... Fine, but only because your British accent is terrible."

She laughed. She knew her attempts at accents were terrible, but she found that much more fun because she sucked. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. I should probably master an Asian accent before any other one right? I would love to have that sexy French accent of yours though.” Jade’s French accent had faded over the years, but Lisa didn’t mind it one bit. In fact, she loved it. She liked the French language itself, and found their accent really nice to listen to. She thought that Jade having a French accent was awesome. She could probably listen to Jade talk for hours. Not that Jade would actually ever talk for that long.

“Bingo. Sally. Don't remember her last name. Not that it matters. Anyway, I broke her wrist, bloodied her nose, gave her two black eyes, and a shitload of bruises. She was so scared, she didn't even defend herself in the office. I got a week confined to the grounds, while she got three weeks suspension. She won’t be calling me the school's charity case again, that's for sure."

Lisa burst out laughing. This was the exact outcome she had predicted, but it sounded so much more entertaining coming straight from Jade’s mouth. That French accent and cocky attitude probably.

Finally remembering she was actually on an errand she nodded. “Alright I’ll see you later. If you’re going to try to scare this one off, do it a bit more nicely than the last one!” She waved to Jade before continuing down the hallway.

When she finally got back to the sixth year and gave her the things she wanted, she was reprimanding Lisa for taking her sweet time. Oh no, you do not start bitching at me after making me go all the way there and get this stuff for you. Bitch, please. Lisa snapped at the older girl, making sure she understood how ridiculous she was being. She didn’t care that she was older. Actually because she was older, she should know better than to be angry at someone that just did a favour for them. If they wanted something done properly, they should have done it themselves. They have no right to complain. “Finish the stupid decorations yourself. I’m done.” she scowled before she walked off.

Since now she had freed herself from decorating duties, she might as well go visit Jade’s room. She was curious as to who her new roommate would be and how they were both holding up. So she headed to the dorms and to Jade's room. Normally since Jade had her own room she would quietly let herself in. She visited her on a regular basis anyways, so after a while Lisa got too lazy to even knock. This time, she knocked on the door and said, "Jade? It's Lisa."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Evers Character Portrait: Claire Rossi Character Portrait: Liza Moore
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Liza smiled at Claire as she continued to unpack. Liza never really had too much of a thing for really blonde girls like Claire. When Jade walked in Liza jumped a little.
“Hey...” Liza smiled at Jade and shifted around a little. Liza liked Jade, she wished she could be so... carefree and daring.
Liza looked up to Jade, as if she was a good influence and a role model.
Liza got up and smiled at both the girls. “Well, that is my cue to leave.” She said, gesturing to the door with both her thumbs.
“Claire, If you ever need some help or such, don’t hesitate to come look for me.” Liza smiled and headed for the door. She slid past Jade, careful to not bump her.
“See you later.” She greeted again and left for her own room.

Liza closed the room door behind her, she wondered where her roommate was. Liza looked around and realized that the place needed some cleaning up. She grabbed the air freshener and sprayed it through the air. Next she dusted the bedside tables and so off. Liza relaxed when she was done, laying down on her bed and looking out the window.
She wondered if there was’nt a better alternative to school. That her days could mabe have more value to them, instead of being wasted here – where she only learned about irrelevant things.
Well, except biology. Biology was one of Liza’s favourites.
Liza jumped up again, after almost drifting off to sleep for the third time, and fixed what her cleaning and relaxing might have smudged or ruined.
Liza ended up doing her makeup all over again.
When she was satisfied, yet again, she danced out into the hallway and started looking for someone that she might know.