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Of Gypsies and Dragons

Corbriel Town


a part of Of Gypsies and Dragons, by Duskhorse.


Duskhorse holds sovereignty over Corbriel Town, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Corbriel Town is a part of Of Gypsies and Dragons.

8 Characters Here

Ian "Kagan" McTawell [0] "What's Life without taking a little chance from time to time ?"
Alexander Searingheart [0] "This is an useless war"
King David Jorlhund [0] She will be mine
Bellona Corbriel [0] "As you wish my Lord"
Matriarch Lilura Maeve [0] Leader of the Gypsy Clan - The Shadow Hand
Kezia "Kizzy" Jaelle Lovel [0] Wanna play with fire?
Arabel/Mirela [0] Teehee...

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Matriarch Lilura Maeve

"Lolita, you need to keep your back straight. Gunter, bent at the knees, not the hips. Children, you can't sit like you are in a chair. Back straight, knees bent, heels down. There we go. Now, put the weight in the stirrups, lean forward a touch and take the jumps ahead of you. Lolita, you are first."

Lilura stood with her arms folded loosely, commanding the first riding class of the day. Her long hair was pulled back into a braid at the nape of her neck, tied with a leather strip. She wore her typical revealing outfit, rural leather of course, and was barefoot. "Alright, let me show you how it's done. Form a line on the west side please, rears to the fence," she called to the group, turning to her own steed, Juniper. "Let's go," she murmured, hauling herself up onto the stallion's back. She rode bareback, and held on with her strong calfs, and the mane of the animal underneath her. Lilura kicked the horse into action, lined up with the jump and the pair soared easily. "You can't lean before the horse jumps. As soon as you feel the forefeet lift, lift your weight out of the saddle, and a little up the neck. Don't lean on the neck though. As you start to land, lean further back, slide the reins to let your horse stretch it's neck and land."

The matriarch stood back and watched Lolita, then Gunter, then Mark leap. Mark leant on his horse, and didn't angle backwards on the land. His small piebald pony whinnied with annoyance, and on the land Mark tumbled forwards over the pony's neck. "Mark!" Lilura called, urging her towering stallion towards the boy. "You alright?" Mark groaned. He was one of the smaller children, aged only about 10. "C'mon," Lilura cooed, reaching down and pulling him to his feet. "Prancer over there wants another go."

This time, Mark landed. As did most of the other students. "Alright, that concludes today. Let's go untack the horses and and wash them down. Well done!" Lilura slid from Juniper's back, leading him out of the ring and towards the stables. She needn't untack the bare animal, and simply began to hose him down.


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Arabel sat in the market place, on her blanket, setting down her things to sell -- gold watches, lamps, daggers and other trinkets. She watched as many came and went, and some stopped to look. Uninterested, they would stick up their noses and walk away. She sighed, placing her hand on Rein, the cat that would always visit her whenever she came to the market place. Rein purred and pressed up against her hand as she scratched her. A young male -- about age 20 -- came up.

"How much for the gold pocket watch?" He asks, kneeling down and pointing to it.

Arabel rasied an eyebrow, "How much you got?"

The man threw down a small sack of gold coins and Arabel gently reaches for it, wondering how smart this man was and if she could jip him out of his money's worth. She knew regularly the gold watches were about 20, but this man had just laid 40 down in front of her and she was greedy, and needed the money...

"30." She says after a good moments thought.

"Sold." He says, taking his small sack of coins and giving her thirty and Arabel hands him the gold watch.

She giggles as he walks away and puts the money away.


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#, as written by Dandan
David woke as he did every day by one of his servants barging in and ruining a wonderous dream. David stared down the balding man then preceeded on with his day like it had never happened. If any one else in had been in the room they might have noticed that the king was alone in this room. But David knew better. The servant who woke him had been dead for many years yet every morning without fail he interupted David's dreams of half gypsy children and soon he felt would be the day. He put on his usual purple robes witht the black trim and kissed a picture of his departed family. Then he walked down into the throne room to hear the schedule for the day. "Paige!"

A rather young man comes running into the throne room. "Yes mi'lord."

David smiled at the young man. "Come boy. Sit and dine with me and tell me about your family and what you have planned today." It was not uncommon for the king to allow people to sit with him and talk for hours. He threw wonderful parties but he also waged war like a animal.

After thirty or so minutes of chatting the boy got up and went about his day. The first thing laid out for the king was to walk the battlements and inspire the people. The last thing scheduled for this day was to ride out into the country and see what those gypsy were up to. So he got up from his table and walked back to his room to gather his armor and at least one of his swords. The ghostly man still following behind him silently. The armor was a shiny silver with fur accents and it made him look even more regal. So he walked outside and stood upon the wall admiring the morning sun.


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Bellona woke up just before dawn just as she did everyday, she had her own small room just off the mens barracks. She began her day by washing her face, and then dressing in her armor. Then she made her way to Mess Hall for breakfast, smirks and cat calls erupted as she entered, Bellona ignored her fellow soldiers as she had done everyday since she started. Men were not fond of her they didn't like the fact that she was still here after being in the army for so long, and the fact that she had gained rank over many of them didn't set well either. She knew that the King was supposed to do a inspection of the battlements today and she wanted to make sure the barracks she was in charge of was in tip top shape for him.

"So Captain noticed your sitting alone mind if I join ya"

Bellona turned to see one of the men from her barracks, "There aren't assigned seats lieutenant you can sit were you like" she replied and went back to eating her porridge. He smirked and sat next to her, Bellona watching him out of the corner of her eye they did this all the time. One would sit next to her and try to coax her into his bed.

"Don't you get lonely in that little room of yours, back in the barracks" he said in slimy tone of voice. "You could come to my bed in the night sometime, definitely would be warmer" he said with a chuckle.

Bellona sat her spoon down next to her unfinished bowl of porridge "Lieutenant, I suggest you come up with better pick up lines or you'll never get a woman in your bed. I'll give you the benefit, because this is the first time you have propositioned me" she turned and looked at him. "Many have failed at what you are attempting so I suggest you such your mouth and eat your breakfast or go eat with the pig headed buffoons that put you up to this", she said with a bit of venom in her voice.

"You damned wench just who do you think you are!" he yelled. The lieutenant went to grab Bellona by her hair, but she reversed it on him.

She grabbed his arm as it came towards her, craned it painfully behind his back, kicked his legs from under him, and slammed his head on the long wooden table. She leaned in close so that her lips just barely reached his ear. "Didn't your mother teach you any manners, thats not how you speak to a lady" she whispered in his ears as the other soldiers around in the mess hall broke out into fits of laughter at the foolish lieutenant. "I suggest you apologize or you might have to take a trip to the infirmary with a broken arm".

"Wench... I'm sorry" he growled.

Bellona rolled her eyes "Fine I guess that will have to do" she released him and he immediately pushed her away from him.

"Wench!" he yelled and then stomped out of the mess hall amidst the guffaws of the other men.


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Kizzy smiled as Lilura walked in to the stables spraying off her horse. "Did you have a fun training session this morning?" She quickly got to work on the horse Gunter's horse pulling the saddle off for him and hanging it with the others. She ruffed up his hair before going to Lolita and Mark as well and helping them. She smiled watching the kids clean the ponies. Pepper kicked his stall door and let out a dramatically long whinny. She glanced at the others and since everything seemed under control with everyone she pulled pepper out of who with out a command lowered to his knees to let her get up with out having to jump up on his back. The pair galloped out of the stables towards one of the open training field.


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#, as written by nltniko
Around one of the open training fields for the horses Ian was riding around on Arathul. He was standing on the horse's back when it suddenly reared.
Ian fell backwards, landed on the ground, and came back up soon after. "You bloody horse. You're always trying to annoy me aren't you ?" he said.
Then he decided to take the horse back to the stable. On the way he met Kizzy. "Hello Kezia" He said as he bowed slightly. "how's going in the stables ?" He asked.
He looked at her.
"Do you think the kids are ready for some Combat training ?" He asked. "After all. They might be so unfortunate that they can need it."


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Arabel takes her horse and packs up her belongings, seeing a few guards -- she had a rep with the guards and she wasn't looking for any trouble. Not today at least.

"Let's go, Maikoda." She whispers and the horse gallops forward through the crowd of people from the market place. She makes her way towards the camp.

As she nears the camp, she walks onto the field seeing Lilura and a few others. She wasn't necessarily friends with Lilura, but something about her made Arabel have a mutual respect for her. She spots Ian as well and trots Maikoda over, looking at the kids. She sighs, their innocence shown through their auras, bright and beautifully colored, arrays of blues and purples. She looks over at Ian and nods.

"Good day, Ian." She says, her brown eyes twinkling.


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#, as written by aod0209
Razial chuckled slightly as he tossed his bowl of whatever it was for breakfast onto the table next to Bellona, his usual sly smirk on his face. He admired this woman for the position she had achieved when very few women get anywhere in the Imperial army, and for her morals for not fraternizing with her own men. For that he kept her in the loop as much as possible because he knew the other men didn't take to being on equal ground as a woman. "You know you keep that up and your entire guard will be in the Infirmary." He stirred the goop and let it drip off of his spoon from a few inches above the bowl. "Meal of champions eh." Taking a bite he remembered why he had bothered to come to eat today. "Oh the King will be making his usual rounds this morning....might be earlier then usual. I have a feeling he wants to get up to that gypsy camp before nightfall." he pushed his bowl away deciding he didn’t want anymore. "Honestly I am going to have to stop and buy the cook some eggs from town or something." He watched as another soldier came into the hall and looked past him to the outside. "Well was nice chatting with you Bellona, but I fear I might be running late this morning." He stood up and rushed out of the hall hurriedly.

A few moments later he arrived at the Kings room "Your late as usual Raz." scorned one of his fellow men. "Oh come now I see the Kings still in his room and not ready for today’s business yet, I am perfectly on time." He relieved the Guard still eyeing him down. "One of these days Razial....." Razial just held up a hand and smiled lightly. "Spare me the boring chatter and be on with yourself Matthias, I know I cause you to have to be here longer then you needed to be i truly apologize." Matthias even more red faced for being interrupted just walked away at this point. Razial stood there look at his usually companion. "I really wish he’d loosen up a little sometimes, though he is fun to irritate." the other man gave a stifled laugh, and with that Razial stood his post and waited for his liege to come out ready for the day.


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The matriarch smiled at Kessia, "Ah, actually yes, it went alright. Can you give them all a quick tutorial on tacking up the horses at some point today? I have...something I need to take care of," she asked, nodding to the other gypsies as she passed them. Lilura lead her horse to her caravan, and picked up a loop of rope that lay sprawled on the floor. Sliding the loop over her stallion's head and behind his ears, resting on his neck. "Filonsa mi'carlo," she murmured into his ear, holding his head. The stallion knickered softly, his velvety nose butting up against Lilura's chest. She chuckled softly patting the beast's neck.

Reaching into her caravan, Lilura grabbed her hooded cape, slipping it onto her shoulders and pulling up the hood. Her thick hair curled out from underneath, refusing to be contained by the plum velvet. Lilura scooted out of the camp site, taking straight to the alleys and heading for the palace. She had a meeting with the King, and she wasn't about to miss it.


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#, as written by Dandan
David had finished his time for admiring the beauty of this place. So he moved about the wall talking to each soldier making checks on the ropes and walkways and other things. This whole ordeal was way to formal for him. He would have much rather creat a dinner for the guards and sit down and talk over food. Food always made things better. His ghostly attendant following him every where. David even at times looked back to make sure he didn't fall off the wall but sure enough there he was. He finished his rounds and called to him his planner. "Rufus i wish for you to schedule a lunch meeting with some of the guards. Consider it a job well done." David slowly walked off leaving the planner to his work.

The planner ran about trying which guards would have the table manners needed for a formal lunch. But knowing The king formal was not something he wanted. So Rufus went over a long list of people and picked a few names. Out those names were Captain Corbriel, Guardsmen Rowlan and to other random names. He quickly drafted a letter and had them hand delivered to each of them. The letter said

Dear Loyal subjects of KIng David
Your king has formally asked you to come have lunch with him as a show of a good inspection. He asks you wear formal clothing. You will also be relieved of duty for the time of the party. Please be in the royal feast hall at 1 sharp.
Thank you and have a wonderful day


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Alexander woke up later than usual:ultimately days weren't the same...Harder:Attacks from dragons and since the gypsies:No,they shouldn't be aggressive however
as alway he fears strangers.So strange:A man that loves to talk fears new people.
He stood up from his bed and went out to wash his face in the nearby well.
He lives a little far from the barracks:King Lermont Street.He fought hardly to gain an house there:He wishes to directly live where he patrol so he can be more active and protect that wing of the town.
It wasn't a bad idea since there are flying lizards and Gypsies.
He took out his uniform quickly get dressed and ate 2 pieces of bread: He was ready.
As he closed the door a tiny man dressed pretty well and with the royal symbols ran to him
"Good day Lieutenant! I'm bringing a letter from the King"
He hands the letter and Alexander grabbed the letter without saying anything.After that the Messanger ran away and Alexander couldn't see him as he disappeared in the crowd.
Again,he opened the door of his Mansion and entered inside.
Opening the letter:
Dear Loyal Subjects of King david,
Your king has formally asked you to
come have lunch with him as a show
of a good inspection.
He asks you to wear formal clothing.
You will be also relieved of duty
for the rest of the time of the
party.Please be in royal feast
hall at 1 sharp.
Thank you and have a
wonderful day

"Hmmm? A Lunch? Great timing...I hope one of these Lizards will not burn down my Grand piano..."He said while watching his clock and noticed that it wasn't charged.
"Ah...excellent" He said while walking and recharging the clock:By his clock the time was 12.00: One hour till the Royal lunch.Then he got changed
"Hmpf...Alright then..."He said while walking to the door:He wants to go to the Church as he alway did since he was 3 years old.
He was very spiritual,even if he doesn't pray all the time and bless every second of his life to the Lord,and because it was a tradion of his family to pray.
The nearest Church was "Vox Domini Benedictum" or "Sacred voice of the Lord":Something like ten minutes of walking.
After that He can take a shortcut to the Royal Castle: 40 minutes of walking.
He will be in time.
After five minutes he left the Sacred place and started to walk to the castle.
Fourty-two minutes later he was inside the castle: He was searching for the Royal Lunch hall:After he found it he entered and talked with the nearby people:For now he didn't met any person of his knowledge even if he was a Lieutenant.