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Poppy Sanders

0 · 581 views · located in Olympus Academy

a character in “Olympus Academy for Demigods”, as played by Meesha


Poppy Sanders


Itā€˜s beauty that captures your attention; personality that captures your heartā€¦Iā€˜ve got a lot of personality over here babe.

The Basics

Full Name:Poppy Sanders
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 5th
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Hecate

Similarites to Their Godly Parent: Fair in her judgement she's incredibly protective of things she holds for anything like motherly touch etc. She grew up in a large family so she has a lot of warmth about where near on the same level as her mother though. Some say Hecate was dark and evil...if Hecate ever had a dark rubbed off on Poppy a bit.

Color: GREEN or maybe Purple.
Food: Sheā€™s on NO diet- fast food all the way.
Drink: She is in love with Malibu and coke. She'd drink it morning, noon and night if she could get away with it. The little alcoholic minx.
Music: Bit of Indie, anything with a beat.

Poppy. Wow. What a girl. She has a big personality for a small person. Sheā€™s open about a lot of thingsā€¦even embarrassing things and has an honestly about her that both draws in and repels people. She sometimes comes across as careless towards the opinions and feelings of others which may give a few the impression that Poppy is a bit ignorant. If her spear isnā€™t directed at you though its easy to fall in love with her bright attitude.
Sheā€™ll be cock sure until someone douses her fiery self esteem (which is something id like to see) Sheā€™s got a strong attitude but has her flaws. Poppy believes sheā€™s not as pretty as most girlsā€¦especially with Aphroditeā€™s little picture perfect offspring skipping about the camp. However through being such a strong person she likes to think sheā€™s beautiful in other ways. (Well in a kind of pitiful ugly duckling kind of way) It can drag her down a little if someone takes a jab at her looksā€¦even if she doesnā€™t let on that its affected her. Sheā€™s quite feisty like any girl and takes a challenge quite personally. Bit of a jokerā€¦when the jokes on you (and it will be) Itā€™s safe to say sheā€™s a bit of an odd ball.


First Memory: Sneezing whilst drinking orange came out of her nose and STUNG LIKE CRAZY!!! Who could forget that.
Relationship with Mortal Parent: Well its a love hate relationship between her "parents" Her dad had to go and marry someone with god knows how many kids! Still when Poppy earns a couple of minutes of their time before their presence is required else where she's grateful to have such a great dad and understanding step mum who treats her like the others.

Well keeping it a secret that youā€™re a demi-god when you can gravitate a bucket of water directly over your siblings head is a tough one. Poppyā€™s talent in moving items about without touching them was strong from the moment she sat in a highchair. Like your first teeth coming through Poppyā€™s power of ā€˜ghostlyā€™ movement naturally progressed until it began a thing of second nature.

It was no secret in the house hold. When the beaker of milk floated from the kitchen side to her high chair it kind of demanded an explanation. Her father did well to explain the situation to his new girlfriend (at the time who was also mother of 3) That Poppy was special and how he couldnā€™t possibly bring her up all by himselfā€¦he didnā€™t know the first thing about parent hood let alone nurturing a mini goddess. Somehow his girlfriend at the time didnā€™t scarper into the sunset. In fact they got married and Poppy grew up apart of a happy family that continued to grow and grow. Her powers were accepted by most of the family and kept a secret. They struggled with their ups and downs as all families doā€¦perhaps a little more so due to her unnatural talents but she can safely say sheā€™s had a good childhood.

She shared a bedroom with her annoying, geeky little sister for too many years. Being surrounded by kids has kind of kept her acting a little like a kid.


So begins...

Poppy Sanders's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy Sanders Character Portrait: Tabitha 'Tabbi' Walker
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#, as written by Meesha
Poppy casually made her way through the camp, her hair like a beast and a smile on her face that screamed mischief.
She was late for cadwells class but that was okay. She didn't plan on joining in. Poppy knew the person who would be accompanying her wouldn't appreciate jumping around.

Saddling up to an open window Poppy popped her head inside. The room smelt musty and felt humid. It was the place of a person who'd been lying in bed for too long, a day and a half too long. In the dim light she sought out the mound beneath a heap of covers with a foot sticking out of one end and a bit of hair out of the other.
Taking note of the tablets and water on the side she cleared her throat and smiled brightly.

"Tabbi..." she cooed.


"Oh Tabbi..."

Her friend had been ill and had spent the whole previous day in bed. Poppy couldn't fathom why she needed to spend any more time festering in her room. Didn't she know by now that the best medicine was a daily dose of vitamin P.Sanders? Trying to jolt the window open wider Poppy wiggled her way through some more and out stretched her arm to tickle the visible foot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Poppy Sanders Character Portrait: Tabitha 'Tabbi' Walker
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"Use me as bait?" Sinclair repeats, frowning at Lukas, having finally recovered from his giggle fit, "Ok. Fine. I'll do it. You'll see." He pushes his chair out and stand, picking his way through the other desks and chairs to the front of the class. "But please remember" he says over his shoulder, grinning,"That if I die, Lukas made me do it." He glances across at Keating as he gets closer to the desk, but their teacher's face betrays nothing, so he carries on. He stops a few feet away and crouches down to the rabbit's level, "Well, hello" he coos at it. The rabbit stares back at him, and he tries to remember back to the rabbits his little sisters kept in the garden back home; had they all had the same wide, black eyes as this one? Another glance in Keating's direction, and he reaches out to pet it between the ears, tentatively. It doesn't seem to mind that, and he throws the others a triumphant grin over his shoulder.



Tabbi can hear someone, through the fog of half-sleep, calling her name, but she doesn't have the energy to acknowledge them, so she just plays dead. The hand on her foot is harder to ignore, though; she's always been horribly ticklish and her feet are a particularly sensitive spot. She sits, bolt upright, "Stopitpoppy!" she says, so quickly that it becomes one long word. She looks at Poppy, grumpy, "What do you want? Haven't you heard that I'm on my death bed?"