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Diana Louise Stirling

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.

0 · 3,287 views · located in The Enchanted Forest

a character in “Once Upon a Time: Plans for Elimination”, as played by KaelaKatastrophe



" If something can be said to make an awkward situation worse, I'm going to say it."


"Awkwardness aside, it is nice to be liked."

ImageMain Theme
Megan Nicole || Price Tag

Kelly Clarkson || Catch my breath

Miley Cyrus || Wrecking Ball

Diana Degarmo || Reaching for heaven

Celtic Woman || When you believe

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation. Negativity never gets anything done!"

The Basics

Diana Louise Mountbatten { AKA Diana Louise Stirling }




Sexual Orientation

Daughter of Prince Phillip and Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty

Crystal Reed

" The most amazing things in life cannot be seen, nor heard, nor touched, they must be felt with the heart. "

On the outside



Preferred Weapon
Bow and Arrow

"I may not be able to help everyone, but everyone can help someone."

My defining skills

ϟ Flexibility/Durability|| Yoga and Gymnastics were a hobby of hers that kept her sane, so she's rather flexible and surprisingly durable, despite her thin frame.

ϟ Archery || By far her best skill in the sports department, she is an excellent marksman, and is able to hit her target accurately from up to one mile away in ideal conditions.

ϟ Variations of Light Magic || Her powers are not very strong due to her lack of knowledge on wielding it, but is triggered by fear and when she feels helpless. She has an ability she refers to as 'light aura', which gives her the outlining of bright light and repels dark magic. Her magic can only do good, so it is mostly restricted to protective offense and wards (AKA magical barriers/force fields).

What makes me different

∞ Like || Music
∞ Like || Archery
∞ Like || Reading
∞ Like || Romance
∞ Like || Bad Boys
∞ Like || Sunlight
∞ Like || Animals
∞ Like || Children
∞ Like || Laughter

ރ Dislike || Lies
ރ Dislike || Betrayal
ރ Dislike || Large crowds
ރ Dislike || Arrogance
ރ Dislike || Drunks
ރ Dislike || Exploitation
ރ Dislike || Failure
ރ Dislike || Makeup
ރ Dislike || Narrow mindedness
ރ Dislike || Unrealistic Expectations


♦ Likability || Despite her social awkwardness, she can speak herself, and others out of most situations. She deems herself socially awkward, but is generally a likable person. Her positive thinking and bright personality naturally draws most people to her. She's always smiling and willing to help. Even if she doesn't quite know how to speak to people, she generally fairs well in social groups.

♦ Sports || Despite her frail appearance, she excelled in sports. She could climb the rope in gym class, run the fastest mile for a female, and she played basketball with the boys. She was a jack of all trades when it came to athletics. She only excelled in Marksmanship, but she was proficient at any sport she put her time towards.

♦ Marksmanship || Diana prefers the steady feel of a bow in her hands. Her marksmanship is incredible, and she gained national recognition for it with the offer of entering to compete in the Olympics. She turned the offer down, however, but continues to hone her skills.


¤ White Knight || Due to her overall kind and caring personality, She has always had a bit of a white knight complex. She puts all others first and always before her, regardless of the cost.

¤ Aesthetics || She never learnt how to be aesthetically pleasing. She's a bit of a mess at times. She can't apply her own makeup and she's rather bland when it comes to style. She has the basics of color down, but as for what soothes the eye and which designs are an eye sore, her boat has sank.

¤ How to say "no" || She never was good at refusing to help others, so she often gets in over her head and stuck in situations she's not comfortable with. She feels saying no to a request is impolite, even if the request is something somewhat against her moral code. It has to be truly terrible for her willpower to kick in. She never realized that it’s okay to refuse a request as long as you can be polite about it.

"The past never determines where you go, it merely reminds you where you started. Everyone has the choice to become something more."

How I tick


Awkward, Kind, and Forgiving, Diana was named after Princess Diana. Whatever her parents placed her in, she excelled at. Diana is quite determined and hates losing. She isn't all that interested in her reputation, she's more focused on helping others. She never took the time to learn, so she can't pick out clothes to save her life. Any time that Diana attempts to choose her own outfit she almost always ends up with some atrocity not even a homeless person would wear. She often wears things that don't match - baggy white sweatpants, a lime green t-shirt, a baggy yellow sweatshirt, flip flops, multi-colored socks. She has no sense of style whatsoever.

"Darkness isn't born, it is created. Anyone can escape their inner darkness."

The path that led me here


Diana wound up in an orphanage soon after her arrival in New York, much like her companions. Though that's practically all they have in common as far as upbringing goes. Unlike the others, it didn't take long for Diana to be plucked from the system. Diana barely spent six years as an orphan before she was adopted by the wealthy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Stirling. Mrs. Stirling was determined by several doctors to be infertile, so adoption was their last hope. After just two visits with Diana, the couple found themselves lucky to happen upon what they deemed as 'the perfect little girl'. Diana was smart, quiet, and well-behaved, especially for a six year old child. What seemed like a blessing at first, turned for the worst rather quickly.
The couple were of course looking for a daughter, but their intentions were not to love and cherish her as the child she already was. Mr. Stirling was looking for a child to groom into a champion. Almost immediately after Diana arrived at Stirling Manor, she was directed to her studies. Mr. Stirling spent the next twelve years honing Diana's skills, pushing her to do her best in everything she started. She was never allowed to quit once she began a sport or club. While most would deem this an enormous honor, Diana simply wished to live as a normal high school girl. She wanted what all the other girls had. Due to her extensive study hours, she became quite socially awkward. Though it didn't stop her from racking in the attention of various college recruiters, and other high-up officials. She managed to maintain a 5.0 GPA in high school, thanks to her various AP classes, along becoming and remaining Student Council President for three straight years. She was head captain of the softball, tennis, volleyball, and archery teams. She was a junior captain for the basketball and track teams, and co-captain for the soccer team.

Due to their wealthy status, her parents attempted to set up a marriage between her and several suitors of wealthy families - none of which actually cared for her, but only her achievements. The sons of said families were pushed for months until it became apparent that she was a lost cause, and her parents would move onto the next prospective candidate.

On her eighteenth birthday Diana finally packed her things and moved out the same morning. She isn't proud of it, but she sued her parents for the money that they had been setting aside for years to fund her college. After winning the case, she moved into a small but nice apartment with one bedroom on the outskirts of the city. Her parents still pushed suitors upon her, and the current one is named Darrian. He isn't just going after her for his family - he is also infatuated with her. He has actually made a point in stalking her.

Despite her wish to pack up and abandon the city completely, something urged her to stay. When the letter arrived, she realized that this was what had pushed her to remain in New York. Not really knowing what to expect, she threw a few key things into a duffle bag - clothes, a couple of books, tennis shoes, tossed her violin over her shoulder, and on a split-second whim due to the danger that the meeting may bring to her, she grabbed her bow and some arrows.


So begins...

Diana Louise Stirling's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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“You can pretend he needs it… Or you can make your peace with the fact some people require this more.”

She didn't realize Jalen's anger until he'd snatched the bottle. Her concentration was solely on returning to Arya and Klaus, so much so that she hadn't paid much attention to how fast she'd been dragging her companion. Too late to apologize now, let bygones be bygones I suppose. She smiled to herself before sticking her tongue out at Jalen, "You don't -need- or -require- it. You're just using it as a crutch." She retorted under her breath. His sudden rudeness reminded her of Mrs. Stirling, which caused her eyes to roll. It wasn't often that her adoptive mother drank, but the woman never learnt how to use an ounce of self control. When given a bottle of wine harmless became catastrophic. It was like zero to sixty in 3.5... Almost bipolar. The way he walked over to the old man made her look to Klaus and Arya, wondering if she was imagining Jalen's douche-like behavior.


Her eyes widened and her first reflex was to reprimand Jalen for his disrespect, but like a yellow flash Arya arrived to the elderly man's aid. Her rage clashed upon him like thunder and Diana noted that Arya wasn't someone she wanted to cross if she could ultimately avoid it. I bet that girl has a lot of psychotic strength. She's more frightening than lightning when she's angry. Not to mention less predictable, if only to make things worse..

"Look, this isn't our place. You don't take a seat from the owner of a home and you definitely don't do it like that. I may be a girl but I won't hesitate to break your jaw if you don't quickly learn to show respect when it's necessary."

I guess I couldn't have said it better myself.. Diana approached the elderly woman, whispering in her ear before exiting the room with her, "I never tried to toss mine, so I wouldn't know." She replied before disappearing completely. She went to wash up, at least her hair. Afterwards she switched into a more relevant attire. This dress

She returned once she was washed up, moving next to Klaus and whispering just loud enough for him to hear, "Sorry I couldn't find anything better for pain. I brought the alcohol for you actually, but Jalen confiscated it." she explained with a sigh, her brunette hair still slightly damp from the quick wash. She'd freshened up, but obviously didn't trust the trio alone together long enough to take the time for her to completely wash up. She leaned forward to check out the symbol on Klaus's letter after he began talking about it, but before she even got a good look at the parchment, something broke out between Jalen and Arya.

"I should have let you suffer...."

Not long after Arya's hands met Jalen's arm, a sinister purple light engulfed the two of them, concealing the scene from the rest in the room. She tried to see inside the dark mass, but it was gone as quick as it had come. Though it left a nasty aftermath. Each one of Jalen's poorly treated wounds returned, as if Arya had never healed them in the first place. Watching each wound freshly slice back into the skin terrified Diana. She couldn't understand how the blonde before her could cause such damage. She wasn't a bad person..

"Make it stop!" The blonde girl grew hysterical, and quite reasonably so. She was almost a walking atom bomb. Diana felt guilty, but even she was scared of approaching the girl. She kept her distance at first, trying to work up the nerve to help the two of them. That is until she noticed Klaus diving in fearlessly. She shook her head, separating Jalen from Arya, applying pressure to his more serious wounds as best she could. You're a Stirling, you're not supposed to freeze up in the face of danger. She could hear it in Mr. Stirling's voice almost too clearly.

"I have to stop this bleeding..." She was panicking, she wasn't sure why, but she was scared for his life. She brushed it off as concern for a human life, rather than something more personal. Or maybe it was just the alcohol. Yeah, I'll blame the alcohol.

"Relax, calm yourself."

She took her old shirt, making makeshift bandages and wrapping the loose ones she'd placed around his torso at the pub tighter around his figure. She didn't have much time, because shortly after, everything went purely to hell.

"WITCH! SHE'S A WITCH!" A younger looking peasant man yelled pointing at Ayra from outside the little house.

And here I thought things couldn't get worse. How wrong I was! she thought sarcastically, wishing she could wake up from this dreadful nightmare already.

"BURN THE WITCH!" A woman cowering behind shouted, which Diana assumed to be the young man's wife.

Wow, she's a real keeper. Got her tail stuck between her legs.. Though before she could defend the frightened blonde, a crowd began forming and it caused her to cuss under her breath, grabbing Jalen by the hand, "Please don't resist me. We have to get out of here unless we want to be burnt alive." She didn't consider fighting the growing mob, they were just frightened innocents after all. They didn't understand magic, so they shunned it. She couldn't blame them for being fearful. Her grip was shaking around Jalen's hand. She was just as shaken up as the villagers. She quickly made her way out the door first, supporting Jalen if need be, considering his wounds probably hurt like hell again. She couldn't leave him behind at the mercy of the townsfolk. No one deserved to die that way, "Klaus, Arya, follow me!" She whispered to them, leading them back into the woods. The first thing Diana did was lead the group straight for flowing water. She quickly whipped through, apparently she spent a lot of time in forests, because she was dodging the shrubs and branches rather swiftly considering her concussion. She broke a few off in her haste, scratching herself up here and there, but Arya's safety was her top priority right now..They needed to drop all traces of foot prints and they needed the dogs to lose their scents. Surely a search party would be quick on their tail.

"Get in the water. Please hurry, they'll catch us if we don't hide. They know the land better than us..." She instructed, tugging Jalen along, hoping he wouldn't rebel against the group at a time like this. She released her grip on him after hiding in the deeper part of the creek bank they'd arrived at. She put her finger up to her lips, mouthing 'I owe you' to Jalen. Hopefully bribes work on this guy..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Within seconds Jalen saw and felt his body deteriorate to its former battered state. Jalen crumbled from the chair as Diana raced to his aid.
Arggh! Aaaaaaayra! Jalen’s mind burnt with renewed sensations of pain, blood trickled out his mouth as he coughed. The rags and torn material held the visible wounds together, “Getting… a bit too… good… at this.” Jalen smirked to Di before glaring up at the traumatised Arya.
Loud voices were echoing and Jalen could feel power, strength return because of it.
“Great. We… create danger… now.” As Diana beckoned the group began to make their escape from the en-massing villagers out the back and once again into the woods, Jalen shouldered up by Diana.
Several branch scars later they came upon a stream intersecting the forest.
“Get in…” Di pulled Jalen as she waded in. The water stung as it saturated his makeshift bandages. He knew Klaus would make some sort of quip about the water just missing warmth and bubbles but his attention swayed to Di who mouthed at him.
"I owe you."
The dressings that covered Jalen were weighted now and began loosening and floating off, Jalen hadn’t noticed as his body was getting numbed by the cold water but Di had, and he realised after Di that the only wound remaining was the bite mark.
“What is going…?” He exclaimed but was hushed by Di. It was close. The ramblings of village pursuers came close by, torches lit.
They waited in silence, reeds stuck up obscuring them from view as their heads just layered on the surface of the water. Moon light pour down around the surroundings and amongst the commotion they were caught; close, due to her babysitting sensitivity. The game afoot now meant keeping the water still, and that entailed facing Diana directly, they were so close he could have grasped her in his arms but he remained jaw clenched and swallowed, a perplexed look plastered on his face.
I’m sure the other two are having a magical moment too… Jalen’s whole personality seemingly retreating into himself as his body stilled, with shallow breaths. What is it with this girl? He stared at her, her eyes glistening in the moon and waters radiance. He swallowed again and suddenly the water didn’t feel so cool anymore.

Huh... Just need bubbles...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"I have to stop this bleeding..."

She could hear Wynter's distressed voice, and it only panicked her worse, she went to look at the damage, but all she saw was blood. She was trembling, her mind racing. I h- I need- I gotta... how do I fix this..!? He's going to die if I don't stop! I don't want to be a murderer! She was near tears. Almost hyperventilating

Though she was taken by surprise when Klaus arrived, shielding her eyes from the horrible scene. At first she thrashed against him, but she found herself calming down. Her hands were clenching at her head. How did I do that.. I'm going crazy.. I don't ever want to do that again.. I don't want to hurt anyone..

"Relax, calm yourself."

" Calm!? I nearly killed him!" she retorted in a pitchy tone, still panicked, but the wounds had stopped forming on Jalen after Klaus jumped in to block her vision. She could hear Wynter fumbling to fix up Jalen, guilt washing over her like high tide. She dropped her arms from her hair, hugging her form. Her eyes were closed, regardless of if Klaus was still obstructing her vision. She didn't want to look. She was disappointed in herself, she didn't want to see the look in the other's eyes. Just when she thought the incident was over, a loud voice came from outside.


The strange light must have attracted attention, because before she knew it, the voices grew closer and far more abundant.

"BURN THE WITCH!" A woman yelled fearfully, and she could hear mixed shouts from all ages and genders.


She couldn't tell who was saying what anymore. She wanted to throw up, and she could feel everyone's hatred.

“Great. We… create danger… now.” Jalen practically hissed in her direction. Arya bit her tongue, realizing it was entirely her fault. If she could have held her tongue earlier, this would have never happened. They might have gotten an honest night's sleep in actual beds.

"Run hurry! There is no time to heal the boy, just hurry!" The old man insisted, despite witnessing the scene first hand rushed them out the back entrance. The couple was still helping them despite what they'd seen from Arya

"Thank you.." She finally tore from Klaus, though her words weren't solely toward the couple. If it hadn't been for Klaus the severity of Jalen's wounds could have been catastrophic. She didn't want to imagine the results if he hadn't intervened.

"Please don't resist me. We have to get out of here unless we want to be burnt alive. Klaus, Arya, follow me!"

Yeah.. They'll burn with me if they're caught helping me.. She followed behind Wynter, making sure that Klaus was close behind her. She'd grab his hand if need be. She wasn't leaving him behind. She owed him a lot.. It seemed that after she fainted she was constantly growing more and more into the arrogant male's debt... to her displeasure. She noticed Jalen's pain, feeling more and more guilty the further they passed through the bushes and trees. She nearly tripped as the path became less clear, but she managed considering her lack of experience in nature. She'd never been to the country in her life. She totally protested furry animal slaughter.. and cows were abundant in farms.

"Wynter, do you know where we're going?!" She pleaded, but was hushed by the darker haired woman. She chewed hard on her bottom lip, surrendering herself to faith. She had to believe in her companion. It was their only chance for survival at this point. We're going to die if Wynter doesn't find what she's looking for soon.. Though her spirits raised as they approached a waterway.

"Get in the water. Please hurry, they'll catch us if we don't hide. They know the land better than us..."

She hesitated a moment before springing into the water after Wynter and Jalen. She sat down begrudginly in the water, shivering from the chill of the cold water mixed with the breeze of night. She covered her mouth with her hands, making room for Klaus to move in to the hiding spot as well. She wasn't as terrified now, but she was completely freezing. Her teeth were attempting to chatter, but she was covering her mouth tightly with her hands. The only physical sign that remained was her obvious trembling. I should have skinny dipped when I had the chance. This water is so cold.. How do people enjoy this naked!?

She looked over to Jalen and Wynter for a second, relieved that Jalen seemed to be in much better shape... but how had he healed up so fast? Was it him or Wynter? She was about to ask, but Jalen beat her to it.

“What is going…?”

But Wynter was quick to hush the impulsive man and for good reason. She could hear foul curse words and she could see the light of torches. Before she could remind herself how horrible of an idea it was, she hid her face into Klaus's shoulder. She'd never been so afraid for her life before this. Even the Ogre was a more inviting death than this. Sure everyone believed the world would end in fire or ice, but she hoped she'd be killed off long before that happens. She'd choose neither. Both were excruciating ways to die.

"They'll kill us if they find us.." She whispered as quiet as possible as the villagers passed, continuing to search the woods around them. Missing them by a thread of awareness. If they simply looked a little harder, she was certain they'd have some indication of where the group took sanctuary.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Image Clicking his tongue, he had become deeply annoyed with all the yelling of this witch nonsense. He could bring himself to believe that people still believed in that sorts of stuff. Letting go at the same time Arya tore from him, he narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. That was one thing that hadn't stop going. Even sense they been here he has been trying to puzzle things together with by what he has read in books.

So far the closest thing he could think of is...Fairy Tale stories. ..Hmm.. He rubbed his forehead as he followed close behind Arya for some odd reason, to him it already had felt automatic to be near her in a way. And in all honesty, it might have not been a good idea to step in and stop Arya. Glancing at his hand, where the skin and cut open, in shape of her eyes, there was a hin of blackish gold like skin under it. It also did hurt a bit having his skin be cut open like that, he'd have to be nuts if it didn't.

Looking around he grabbed the frame of the door, to make it look like the wood had gashed his hand open. "Dammit." Clenching his fist as they all hurried out the door following Wynter. When they reached some watered area, he watched as the idiots got in. There was no way in hell that he would risk hyperthermia, over a bunch of people with pitched forks.

But when he saw the torch lights get closer, he seemed to have no other choice. Holding back his temper and freezing balls, he Perked his lips to the side to keep from complaining for the time being that is. It was shortly after being in the cold water, there was a sudden warmth in his left shoulder.

Sure in the day, Arya was like a sun beam, glowing of gold and flamed of brilliant strengths. But at night, Klaus felt like he could see her better. Her eyelashes were blonde, yet noticeable, they curled just slightly enough to be natural. He fine toned skin, glowed just slightly under the moonlight. And he could help but noticed that she had a slight gentleness inside her that she never really showed, even though she was scared. Who knew she could be so girly.

"They'll kill us if they find us.." She whispered, he voice broke a little. It gave her emotions away.

Narrowing his face, almost down to her level, just inches from her nose. Only whispering so she could hear. "If they find us love. If." He rested his hand on her head and looked over to Jalen. "If I am correct, perhams, loves, we should avoid talking to others. And maybe change our clothes." He looked over his should that Arya was resting on, to look behind them at the torches fading away from them. " Cant stress this enough when I say,...I doubt we are in 2014 anymore...."

It looked as if they where in the times of Kings and Queens, Witches and Wizards, along with other creators, and probably more than they will be expecting in the upcoming.

"So it'll seem that you all are in a tight little ninny aren't'cha all It's actually quite fun watching you lads run around like little rats without cheese in a maze. Ho Ho! Please entertain me more than this water idea." The woman faked a gasped and looked at Jalen. "Don't tell me... Is he about to die?! Cause that would be the cherry on top of this amusement. Couldn't even make it through one day on your own. Shame shame, don't we know your name."

A seemingly maybe young woman was draped over with a black cape robe like thing. It covered her whole face in a shadow, a hood that she never lifted. But you could see her arms, DRESS and paled skin.

Something twisted in the pit of Klaus's stomach just seconds before this woman decided to say one word. It was as if he could taste her spite and drown in her darkness. But none of it felt wrong, it sort of drew him in like a drug. And before he think of what to say, he was already stepping forward to her, but stopped half way. "It would be a cherry, and less of an hassle to deal with him. But you see, darling, I can't make it out of her without them. So you see, I need them." The taste of her darkness, stirred up inside him, causing his anger to flicker, so he did try to hold back his voice from sounding cruel or harsh.

The woman said nothing for a long period of time and left nothing but an awkward silence. He head tilted slightly, but still you could not see her face, not even in the slightest. "Gold is the most precious thing in the world, but it cannot beat platinum. Mr. Gold is platinum under neath, isn't he." She stated, mostly seeming to be speaking to herself out loud. "You would be the most interesting to watch grow in this land, just like your father and mother, but mostly even better" She sneered, ignoring the others and left, with a hard splash of the water spraying every hard in the face, covering them in mud and muck.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Diana could tell that the water was causing Jalen pain, and she knew that it would, but she was more interested in saving their lives now. They wouldn't stand a chance on land. These people grew up here, they have an immeasurable home advantage. She kept her body low in the water, despite the chill. It was slowly warming up, but it was far from a pleasant swim.

She was about to drag Arya into the water, but thankfully the blonde followed their example and quickly immersed herself into the water as well. Apparently Arya didn't trust herself to be quiet because she clamped her hands over her mouth, which Diana did as well, but only with one. She kept the other free, just in case she needed to abruptly silence Jalen. She knew this was an uncomfortable experience for everyone, but it was better than being up close and personal with the roasted pigs. All that was left was for Klaus to submerge himself into the water. He seemed to debate on the matter, but as he saw the torches behind him, he followed suit and took refuge in the muddy water. She returned her attention to Jalen, whom apparently didn't notice the fiery glow approaching. There isn't time to understand why your wound spontaneously healed itself right now.. She thought to herself. She brought her hand over his mouth, consequently having to move closer to Jalen than she honestly felt comfortable with.

“What is going…?”

She shook her head quietly, hoping he'd take the hint and hold his questions for a later, safer time. She could see the torches mere feet away. She could clearly hear the angry shouts and growls of the villagers as they passed by, searching through the shrubs and foliage. She could feel her breath quickening against her hand, thankful she took Arya's idea and silenced herself as well. The last thing she wanted was her heavy breathing alerting their hounds. Keep walking.. That's it.. Keep going that way.. One of the nearby barks nearly made her jump out of her skin, but she started counting to ten in her head, closing her eyes until she'd calmed down. She felt like her life was hanging on a thread. Like it all depended on the toss of a coin. She lowered herself as quietly as she could, feeling she should stay as low to the riverbed as she possibly could. It was then, when she looked up that she noticed something. She never noticed it before, possibly due to his irritating alcoholism and that they were always running for their lives.. but he had beautiful coral blue eyes. His eyes are.. wow.. They were tricky however, because they almost chose to be green, as if just to confuse those looking at them. They fit Jalen's personality perfectly, yet she somehow wondered how a guy as rude as him deserved such beautiful, enticing eyes. Though weren't they golden brown earlier? Maybe there's a reason he's always a drunk.. I'm sure none of them had it easy.. Arya's temper, Jalen's basket-case behavior.. Klaus's emotional distance.. They've all got their own walls they've put up to keep everyone out.. Even me, I've got my own wall.. why are we playing this game when we need to be honest with each other? It's the only way we're getting out of here. Someone out there.. knows everything about us.. possibly even more than we know about ourselves..

"They'll kill us if they find us.."

Thanks for the vote of confidence there.. She thought to herself, but she was just as worried as Arya. Not to mention as close as she was to Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome, his attitude problem was unfortunately for her, fading from her mind. Or maybe it wasn't. That was the problem! Every time she got close to Jalen, her mind became disoriented. It was almost like the closer she got, the more confused she became. Every time I get near you I feel like I'm in middle school all over again. This is so unnerving.

She turned her gaze away, noticing Klaus and Arya were having the same kind of moment as well. If her and Jalen got any closer they could probably feel each other's breath on their faces. Come on we're gone quit looking for us already.. She thought growing antsy. I'd love to separate myself from him so my mind can go back to 100% functionality.

"If they find us love. If..." Klaus whispered to Arya, making Diana bite her bottom lip.

There is definitely something going on between those two.. Which brought her attention to Jalen again. Like that would ever happen here.. Sure, he's hot.. but we've both got enough baggage to fill up a space ship. Then after the torches faded from sight, Klaus spoke up again.

Just a tad bit louder than before, "If I am correct, perhaps, loves, we should avoid talking to others. And maybe change our clothes. Cant stress this enough when I say,...I doubt we are in 2014 anymore...."

This made Diana chuckle a little. The couple gave Arya and her both dresses, but the men were out of luck in the clothes department. She slowly rose from the water, offering Jalen her hand. Though she broke eye contact as soon as their eyes met. Why is it so hard to look him in the eyes now.. We were just hiding together.. Get a grip. Like he'd ever settle for a girl like me anyway.. I have a feeling he was a bit of a...drifter.. back home. He's probably had loads of girls.

"So it'll seem that you all are in a tight little ninny aren't'cha all It's actually quite fun watching you lads run around like little rats without cheese in a maze. Ho Ho! Please entertain me more than this water idea."

A woman's voice caught her off guard. She instantly spun around, though not enough that it would affect Jalen getting out of the water. She couldn't see anything other than the woman's dark clothing, especially since she was at a side view.

"Don't tell me... Is he about to die?! Cause that would be the cherry on top of this amusement. Couldn't even make it through one day on your own. Shame shame, don't we know your name."

"We can and will make it, and he's not going to die.." Something about this woman stirred an anger up in Diana, and it was alarming. She always considered herself to be a living voice of reason, but right in this moment the only thing that kept her from swinging at the woman standing before them was she was making sure that Jalen was alright. Then came the moment that shocked her. Klaus agrees with her?! She grit her teeth, but stilled her tongue, refusing to speak any further. She wanted to take in as much as she could from this scene. If anything, it gave her insight on what kind of person Klaus truly was. Ultimately, Diana wanted to know whom she was traveling with rather than who this cloaked woman was. She didn't have to sleep in the same ten feet as that woman, Klaus was her immediate concern.

"It would be a cherry, and less of an hassle to deal with him. But you see, darling, I can't make it out of her without them. So you see, I need them."

The words cut her, thankfully it wasn't that deep. It wasn't like she was emotionally attached to any of them at this point. Though she was a bit disappointed. She thought they were past seeing each other as pawns on their personal chess boards. She kept her eyes darting between Klaus and the mystery woman, soaking up as much as he could. If anything, he seemed intrigued by this woman. Does he know her or something?

"Gold is the most precious thing in the world, but it cannot beat platinum. Mr. Gold is platinum under neath, isn't he. You would be the most interesting to watch grow in this land, just like your father and mother, but mostly even better"

Is that some kind of riddle? She thought in angry bewilderment, but also thankful that she'd escaped the water. Because she got to witness the others getting splattered with mud and gunky water. Well I'm glad I had enough of that before she arrived. She then brushed her wet hair behind her ears, turning to face the group, "We need to head out. It won't be long before they backtrack. Get yourselves together because this is going to be a long night. We can't stop to rest or we risk exposure."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"So it'll seem that you all are in a tight little ninny aren't'cha all It's actually quite fun watching you lads run around like little rats without cheese in a maze. Ho Ho! Please entertain me more than this water idea." The woman faked a gasped and looked at Jalen. "Don't tell me... Is he about to die?! Cause that would be the cherry on top of this amusement. Couldn't even make it through one day on your own. Shame shame, don't we know your name."

The intruder held no candle of interest to Jalen,
Holding a gigantic freaking candle of irritation though… he glanced from Di to the mind addled gothic hippy.

"It would be a cherry, and less of a hassle to deal with him. But you see, darling, I can't make it out of here without them. So you see, I need them." Klaus retorted, Jalen couldn’t feel any malice, if anything, it was pure indifference. Jalen scoffed.

“I’m out.” Came a sudden exclamation from Jalen, throwing his arms up. “This backwater euphemistic drivel can get bent… I need dry clothes.” He trudged his body through the depths of the water slowly rising up as he neared its edge. There was a spray of muck delivered into the back of Jalen’s head causing a long brutal curse to fire out of his mouth.

“’Ey Ninny, your black robed girlfriends gone now, you can drop the indifference… It’s mine.” Jalen’s stare locked with Klaus’s before Klaus seem to shake back into himself. Jalen turned back forward and lifting himself out the water.
“Arya it seems whatever Problems you have, aren’t with me anymore, refrain from lugging them unto me again…” He left the words hanging without speaking towards her.
The soil beneath squelched much like his boots as he finally stepped out, the others weren’t far behind. The direction he was facing led back to town; he lent an arm out against an out cropping tree branch,
“I’m raiding the town.”

Silence hung.

“I need provisions or at the very least clothes. Most of the ill-toward company are trawling the forest for us so I’m doubling back. I’m not part of your committee, and I’m not sharing because I want you to follow… the exact opposite in fact.” His other arm now rested on the same branch and Jalen pulled up, the force shot him up and over the branch and ensuing foliage, and he stood for a second on the other side marvelling at this new found strength and agility before stepping forward, ignoring the reasoning the others yelled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"If they find us love. If."

Arya's eyes widened for a moment, nodding her head slowly. How is his mind staying on the bright side of things? This is a disaster. We're seconds away from burning at the stake. Despite her doubts, Arya decided to cling onto Klaus's faith instead. Perhaps he knew something that she didn't, or maybe it was just wishful thinking. Regardless the angry villager's voices faded little by little until she couldn't hear their enraged grumbles anymore.

"If I am correct, perhaps, loves, we should avoid talking to others. And maybe change our clothes."

She'd almost forgotten that she'd taken the comfort of Klaus's shoulder, that is until Klaus placed his hand on her head. Embarrassment flooded her cheeks instantly, and she began to regret her instinctive action. I don't even... I shouldn't have done that.

"Cant stress this enough when I say,...I doubt we are in 2014 anymore...."

That's when Arya's eyes felt like they'd become the size of dinner plates. We're not in 2014? How is that possible? How do we travel back in time? And even if so, why are there Ogres and magic? She began panicking, wondering if she'd ever see a shower or McDonald's ever again. She'd become so accustomed to her lifestyle in New York.. she wasn't sure she could adjust to whatever they were in now. She hated this place. It had too many bugs and dangerous creatures..

"So it'll seem that you all are in a tight little ninny aren't'cha all It's actually quite fun watching you lads run around like little rats without cheese in a maze. Ho Ho! Please entertain me more than this water idea. Don't tell me... Is he about to die?! Cause that would be the cherry on top of this amusement. Couldn't even make it through one day on your own. Shame shame, don't we know your name."

She broke physical contact from Klaus once the woman began talking. She'd never met this woman before, so she assumed it was someone the other's had met while she was unconscious. Arya's eyebrows furrowed as she squinted her eyes, attempting to get a better look at the cloaked woman. The dark of night and shade of the trees aided the woman in concealing her identity, because Arya couldn't see a damn thing distinguishing about her.

"It would be a cherry, and less of a hassle to deal with him. But you see, darling, I can't make it out of her without them. So you see, I need them."

She heard Klaus's words, and they were a bit surprising to say the least. Sure Jalen was annoying and a drunk, but she didn't find the chance of him dying to be amusing, and definitely not something to chat about in front of him as if he wasn't even standing there. Just what kind of person are you? She thought, looking to Klaus suspiciously.

“I’m out. This backwater euphemistic drivel can get bent… I need dry clothes.”

Jalen's sudden words didn't catch her by surprise, she'd of responded the same way in his shoes. It must have been enraging to be talked about in such a manner. She almost giggled as he threw his arms up in an outraged fashion, but she figured silence was the best way to handle this situation. She didn't plan on poking an angry lion.

"Gold is the most precious thing in the world, but it cannot beat platinum. Mr. Gold is platinum under neath, isn't he. You would be the most interesting to watch grow in this land, just like your father and mother, but mostly even better"

She's flirting with him, seriously? Get a room. She rolled her eyes, unsure of why she was getting so aggravated by the conversation on display. Then she got splashed with a disgusting mixture of water, mud, and grime. She instantly glared at the woman's back, then to Klaus before rising from her hiding spot.

"We need to head out. It won't be long before they backtrack. Get yourselves together because this is going to be a long night. We can't stop to rest or we risk exposure."

"I agree. I don't want to spend another second longer than we must in this hellhole." She replied to Diana as she climbed out of the water, thankful to be back on dry land. Even though she'd just cleaned up before they were ran out of town, Arya's hair was once again caked with mud, thanks to Klaus's little 'friend'. Despite her quietness, Arya was highly irritated by the fact she was once again covered in filth. I've half a mind to kick both of their asses..

“’Ey Ninny, your black robed girlfriends gone now, you can drop the indifference… It’s mine.” Jalen’s stare locked with Klaus’s before Klaus seem to shake back into himself. Jalen turned back forward and lifting himself out the water.

Instead, Jalen took Arya's spot in bitching Klaus out, which made the blonde smirk a bit. She dusted her wet dress off, getting as much dirt and mud as she could off of the fabric before wringing it out a little. Then Jalen's anger seemed to be thrown in her direction. Annoyed, Arya put one hand on her hip as she allowed him to vent.

“Arya it seems whatever Problems you have, aren’t with me anymore, refrain from lugging them unto me again…” He left the words hanging without speaking towards her.

"Well then you should refrain from pissing me off in the future, and there won't be a problem. That way we can both live in our ideal conditions." She spat back. She wasn't really angry with him, but she was setting her terms down on the table. She gave him her warning, and it wasn't coming out again. She wasn't going to watch him treat the elderly like dirt, or display any other horrible behavior towards the courteous, regardless of age.

“I’m raiding the town. I need provisions or at the very least clothes. Most of the ill-toward company are trawling the forest for us so I’m doubling back. I’m not part of your committee, and I’m not sharing because I want you to follow… the exact opposite in fact.”

Silence proceeded his statement, she waited to see if anyone else was going to say something, but no one spoke up. So she took it upon herself.

"Fine by me. Though you leave the old couple's house alone. If I find out you've stolen from them you'll have more to worry about than reappearing wounds." She warned him. Her tone toward Jalen wasn't harsh or judgmental, but she definitely was serious. Then she got a devilish idea, eyes shifting to Klaus "In fact, you should go with him Klaus. You need clothes as well, don't you? Me and Wynter already have blending attire. I'm sure the two of you can meet back up with us."

She needed to talk to Wynter alone, without the boys present and attempting to eavesdrop..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Image “’Ey Ninny, your black robed girlfriends gone now, you can drop the indifference… It’s mine.” Jalen’s stare locked with Klaus’s before Klaus seem to shake back into himself. Jalen turned back forward and lifting himself out the water. And Klaus couldn't help but want to laugh, yet instead he held it back to himself. Jalen was pissed and that was that. He sorta had emotions of that of a girl, it was amusing in some ways.

Just as Jalen turned away, a flicker of gold flash in Klaus's eye color. Grunting softly while the others spoke, he stepped back, rubbing his eyes, he could feel them shift as if someone shoved an eye contact into his eyes or something. It was an itching irritating feeling.

He didn't pay too much attention to the conversation, sure he was shaken back into himself, but he couldn't stop thinking. What would happen next? Would they make it? And What was happening to himself? Was he losing his mind? So many questions like these wanted to drive him insane, but something kept pulling him back out of the madness, the madness of where they were, the madness of where his thoughts started to take him and the darkness that each step into this world was leading him.

"Fine by me. Though you leave the old couple's house alone. If I find out you've stolen from them you'll have more to worry about than reappearing wounds." She warned Jalen. Her tone toward Jalen wasn't harsh or judgmental, but she definitely was serious, it made Klaus look up and listen in. Then she got a devilish eyes shifting them to Klaus, and in that instant he knew she had it in for him, and what she was thinking. "In fact, you should go with him Klaus. You need clothes as well, don't you? Me and Wynter already have blending attire. I'm sure the two of you can meet back up with us."

"Love if you want two men to carry things back, Jalen isn't a preferable taste in manly hood, he has the emotions of a woman on estrogen." He couldn't stop himself from speaking his mind, it slipped out of his mouth like water that couldn't be swallowed down. And while he was at it, he couldn't stop himself. Something in his eyes sparked a bit, alright he was slightly angered and the tone in his voice had turned into a sharp cold storm, it was bleak and almost testy.

He walked over to Arya, a smirk in his eyes and they slowly started to change color. The once blueish-green eyes started to get shimmers and pieces of gold caught into them, it was a full change, but it was there. Like someone blew gold dust into his eyes. "Perhaps love, if you want me to go with that of what you call a man,..." He shifted around to the side of her, almost behind her, whispering at her ear side. "You could make a deal with me in return I do this for you. But it has to be something of equal qualities. You could call it a deal with the devil if you like." His tone with her change from a cold storm to someone of that who wouldn't pass up something good. It even brought a smile to his face at the end of his words.

At this point, it was only between the two, it was as if there was no others there. It wasn't like him to pass up a good deal, not now not ever. Even if the deal was with the one he had to marry. A deal is a deal and he saw it till the end. But normally if he was to make deals of equal quality, it was to let someone know of how pissed off he was or how moody he was becoming. The anger he got, the bigger the quality was and less qual it would be.

One must not break a deal with him though. Because just like his father, the deals that were broke, always turned out to be of something that cost ones life. He'd take what he wanted from them by force or by death. He could be your friend, but he also could be something far more worse. Like with all gold, it may seem bright and beautiful, but it has a lot of dark sides that can show ones true self.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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“I’m out. This backwater euphemistic drivel can get bent… I need dry clothes.”

Jalen rightfully responded to Klaus's mention of his death. As the dark haired man slung his arms in the air, Diana felt a bit of pity. Everyone treated him like an eyesore. No wonder a guy like him felt the need to act out. Whether it was for attention, or just accepting what everyone assumed him to be, Diana suddenly felt guilty. Even she wrongfully assumed things about Jalen, without even attempting to get to know him. You can't judge a book by it's cover.. I mean look at the Stirlings.. we always looked so happy on the surface. And after seeing how dirty Arya and Jalen got from the mystery woman's splash, Diana was also thankful she'd moved just in time.

“’Ey Ninny, your black robed girlfriends gone now, you can drop the indifference… It’s mine.” “Arya it seems whatever Problems you have, aren’t with me anymore, refrain from lugging them unto me again…”

Not really something worth reclaiming, but to each his own I suppose. She thought with a shake of her head. Then he addressed Arya. Tread lightly Jalen.. I really don't want to stitch the pieces together again.. I'm really tired.. Her head was feeling woozy again, but she kept quiet about it. The last thing anyone needed was to worry about her unnecessarily.

“I’m raiding the town.”

She sighed a bit. You sound like a bloody bandit.. You're really starting to enjoy this lifestyle aren't you? Anyway, she decided not to argue with him, seeing as he'd go off on his own anyhow. Besides... she was starting to see double. She didn't have the energy to argue.

"Fine by me. Though you leave the old couple's house alone. If I find out you've stolen from them you'll have more to worry about than reappearing wounds. In fact, you should go with him Klaus. You need clothes as well, don't you? Me and Wynter already have blending attire. I'm sure the two of you can meet back up with us."

Thankfully, Arya stated everything that she was already thinking. At least the blonde held her temper, for the most part...

“I need provisions or at the very least clothes. Most of the ill-toward company are trawling the forest for us so I’m doubling back. I’m not part of your committee, and I’m not sharing because I want you to follow… the exact opposite in fact.”

"We get it. Get what you need and come back, preferably with a cooperative attitude." She mumbled. Something was off about her, but she was trying to ignore it. She wanted to get everyone to safety first. She felt oddly warm despite being soaked nearly from head to toe.

"Love if you want two men to carry things back, Jalen isn't a preferable taste in manly hood, he has the emotions of a woman on estrogen."

Diana chuckled, before she could catch herself. It was true enough at the moment, but she still felt mean. Something told her there was more than meets the eye about Jalen and his insufferable behavior. She leaned on a tree, wiping her forehead. I'm burning up.. It's so hot.. She thought, with barely enough energy to keep herself standing.

"Perhaps love, if you want me to go with that of what you call a man."

Klaus's tone seemed far too intrigued for her liking, so she voiced her own opinion, "Don't do it Arya.. Whatever it is, it's not worth it. Whatever he wants will hold more weight..." She added with a worried tone, especially since she couldn't hear the rest of what Klaus was telling the blonde, "You might have better luck at a crossroad.. If it comes down to it I'll go fetch Jalen."

Unfortunately, Diana probably wouldn't make it much further than a nearby cave, let alone to town and back. You're a Stirling, get yourself together.. She then pushed herself from the tree, "It's dangerous, but we probably should find a cave.. Me and Jalen still haven't gotten a chance to eat."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"Fine by me. Though you leave the old couple's house alone. If I find out you've stolen..."

"…come back, preferably with a cooperative attitude."
The words from Arya and Dana provoked a mere mumble back as Jalen continued enroute to the village. You’d think we were out of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe with all this US stuff… Jalen punched a nearby tree, his knuckles raw upon retraction. The whole situation felt like one huge spiral, he had known for a while now that they weren’t “in Kansas” so to speak but he hadn’t ventured towards the mythical, his “power” was normal to him, he’d had it in various degrees near enough all his life but it was strong here and with the others he could feel it, that didn’t necessarily mean they were in an alternate plain but then his supposed “mother” had mentioned as much. His jaws clenched as her image floated into his mind.

Brushing past the final outlying foliage Jalen spotted the village, it was quiet, he assumed a lot of the residences had joined the mob or locked themselves away.
Opportunity. His sodden clothes weighted his movement and he was by no means stealthy, he squelched to nearest building and hoisted himself up and up again into the first floor window. The haphazard acrobatics and dripping saturation resulted with Jalen collapsed, thudding the floor. He froze in his heap but no alarms seem to be raised and he didn’t hear movement. Sighing deeply he began removing his jacket, top and jeans, the latter two proving difficult and they clung to him rubbing as if a second layer of skin. The drawers around proved fruitless for clothing. Great… Of all the rooms. A GIRLS. The gender of clothing however didn’t stop Jalen from drying himself, disposing of the now wet and dirt smeared dresses in a corner of the room. Clutching the door handle and twisting Jalen made his way into the upper corridor, thinking the master bedroom be opposite.
Jalen passed the stairs as a loud crash echoed from the kitchen below, paralysing Jalen to the spot.
Have I been discovered? Are people home? His heart pounded and his eyes winced. The air stilled as he listened out. Seconds passed which felt like minutes and Jalen could have sworn half an hour passed before a head appeared; a cats. Breath slide out of Jalen and he moved into the master bedroom, the chest in there contained a few clothes , none he’d chose buy if given the choice, …but beggers can’t be…

His ears pricked up to creak in the floorboards, as he lifted the stolen trousers around his waist,
“Who’s there?!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Arya noticed that Wynter looked a little pale. She remembered the girl's prior concussion, chewing on the inside of her cheek. Don't push yourself.. You haven't had a moment's rest and how you've managed on that crutch this far amazes me. Even running from the villagers on her injured leg. The dark haired female was a trooper, but she looked feverish. She was trying to protect everyone, but it seemed she was suffering for it. The woman needed rest and food, but she wasn't complaining, in fact she was barely showing her needs at all. I'm oddly jealous of her..

"We get it. Get what you need and come back, preferably with a cooperative attitude."

The comment took her completely by surprise. Kitty has claws. Damn. I never thought I'd see someone like Wynter snap like that. She's been all about teamwork and no conflict. I wonder what he did to her to make her angry, or maybe it's just because she doesn't look so hot right now.. Either way, I kind of like bitchy Wynter.

"Love if you want two men to carry things back, Jalen isn't a preferable taste in manly hood, he has the emotions of a woman on estrogen."

Arya frowned a bit, crossing her arms. Sure she wasn't on the best of terms with Jalen, but she wasn't into the whole bullying factor, "Nothing is wrong with a man knowing how he feels and being confident enough to express it openly. Actually, it's kind of hot." She retorted with a huff of annoyance, glaring at Wynter when she laughed at Klaus's unnecessary jab at Jalen. I revoke my comment, I don't like bitchy Wynter.

She ran a hand through her dirty hair, still pissed about the mystery woman. She had half a mind to chase her down and kick her ass, but she assumed there was probably some weird power to that woman, especially since she knew exactly where they were. She didn't want to be caught underestimating anyone. The ogre opened her eyes about how dangerous this place was. One wrong decision and it could be the end of her

She was about to say something else when Klaus suddenly approached. She raised her guard, keeping her eyes on him. She barely took time to even blink. She didn't trust him, especially since he displayed his most recent behavior. Until she knew his true colors, Klaus was a possible threat in Arya's eyes. Speaking of eyes.. there was something odd about Klaus's. They were almost glittering with traces of gold. She threw it off as a hallucination brought on by her exhaustion, but she definitely wasn't going to forget the occurrence, just in case it ever happened again.

"Perhaps love, if you want me to go with that of what you call a man."

Klaus's words rang in her ears, causing her jaw to clench. Just what is going on between Jalen and Klaus? Alpha wars? She thought to herself, eyes remaining locked on Klaus. She was intimidated by his tone, but she wasn't going to make it obvious if she could help it. Though as he drew further behind her, she whipped around barely giving him time to finish his whisper.

"You could make a deal with me in return I do this for you. But it has to be something of equal qualities. You could call it a deal with the devil if you like."

She noticed the different pitch in his voice, quirking an eyebrow. What exactly does he have in mind? I'd love to wipe that smirk off of his face.. but that wouldn't be very productive in the end. She let out a calming sigh before speaking, tilting her head a little, "What do you want then, Klaus?" She asked, both hands on her hips. She wasn't too excited about making a deal with him, but she couldn't exactly back down. She wasn't the type to give up on a challenge, which was exactly what this was. Klaus was trying to intimidate her, and she wasn't about to let him cut her down without giving him a damn good fight.

It felt like the world around them faded to black. Her eyes didn't even flicker in another direction. The air around the two of them was incredibly thick. It was almost like they were two warriors, having an intense battle without even drawing swords. They were fighting, but there were no raised tones or fists drawn. This was a different kind of fight entirely. A power struggle.

"Don't do it Arya.. Whatever it is, it's not worth it. Whatever he wants will hold more weight...You might have better luck at a crossroad.. If it comes down to it I'll go fetch Jalen."

"Who do you think you are kidding? You won't make ten feet alone, let alone be able to retrieve Jalen." She snapped back at Wynter, acknowledging her for the first time since she'd laughed at Klaus's rude comment about Jalen. Her tone was icy and uncaring toward the other girl. She wasn't sure why she was so angry with the two of them, but ever since that mystery woman showed up, she felt like she was at odds with Klaus. Wynter just hopped on the hate bus when she encouraged his snide comments. Was it...jealousy perhaps? No. No way. She never got jealous. She was a happily single and flirtatious. She couldn't get jealous. It was physically impossible that she was getting jealous over someone like... Klaus. No. Way. He was her betrothed, nothing more. She remembered history class. Most arranged marriages had plenty of infidelity. Marriage was simply a duty in this time period.

"It's dangerous, but we probably should find a cave.. Me and Jalen still haven't gotten a chance to eat."

The comment was ignored by Arya, still awaiting Klaus's response. She couldn't bend for a second. One sign of weakness in her resolve and he'd snap her in two. Wynter was a distraction she couldn't afford in her current clash of willpower against Klaus.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Image Klaus waited as the two ladies clashed for a mere moment, in a lot of ways this amused him. It was like seeing a fox fighting a cat. Or perhaps the other way around, it was still un-decided of which one was the other. But when he understood that she would take the deal, his smirk had become very twisted and dark, his eyes along with it. The sparkles of gold had become thicker.

"Ill let you owe me, let you owe me a favor in return. And trust me when I say this love, you will and do owe me one. As a matter of fact, you all owe me one. But this is for another time." Him meaning the ogre attack, it didn't come cheap. He could have left them, but instead he didn't. So in ways he saved all their lives. To him that was a great deal. But then again, he didn't really care, it was just another thing to spite everyone.

He started to chuckle and move his way over to Wynter. Sliding his fingers through her hair, he smiled at Arya. "We shall see you two loves later. Oh and Arya." Klaus gave a fake sigh as he walked in the direction of where Jalen went. "We are not home anymore, this is no longer the place we remember. So be careful of your thoughts and actions. This would get worse here, I doubt that we only scratched the surface." He looked to both of them and then walked away.

As he walked away he held in his hand a lock of Arya's hair that he had stolen from her the moment she turned to face him. If he had something of hers it would help him with the villagers. It will allow him to claim that she is dead, that is if Jalen hasn't done anything to provoke the villagers yet...

By the time he reached the village, it was quiet. Not a person to be seen, only the animals who stood there eating hay and grains.


Klaus, paused looking to the home that noise came from, and minutes later a cat ran out of the crack of the front door. Zooming past Klaus and up over a fence.

"Hm.." Keeping quiet he headed his way inside. Looking around there was no one, but he heard the sound of something creaking open. It came from a bed room. The sound of his heavy weight made the floor boards squeak. Causing him to grimace. "Figures, no one knows how to build a house here."

Rubbing the back of his head he stood tall in the door way of the bed room, looking down at Jalen. What he was wearing threw him off a bit. Raising an eye brow at him and his stance. "So this is where you were, chasing cats and peeping through bed rooms. How classy of you."

He waved his hand and turned around. "Well in anyway, let's grab what we need and get out of here. It wont be long before someone comes."

Taking a bag he shoved what food he could into it, leaving them half of their belongings.

"I would seem, she has gotten away Father." A young man started talking outside and the sounds of the other foot steps were not far behind.

Tsk, shut up boy and go feed the animals."

Do you think the queen will be mad?" Another man said.

"If she were to be, we could do nothing of it now."

That was all he heard before he faced Jalen. Speaking in a low voice. "Any way out? Because I think the front door is kind of occupied."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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(OOC: I tagged everyone by accident)

"What do you want then, Klaus?"

Diana clenched her jaw as Arya fell into Klaus's hands like silly putty. She seemed to bend at his will without even realizing she was doing it. The brunette glared at the two of them, but her eyes shifted to the woods soon after. Now isn't exactly the time to be making deals and bets. We're not in high school anymore. We need to hide before the villagers spot us again. I have a feeling they're not going to give up on their witch hunt so easily. She wouldn't be able to rest if there was a strange sorceress running wild in the nearby forest, so she doubted many of the townsfolk would be able to rest in their current situation. She had been almost completely ignored by the pair, which caused her irritation to grow. Normally it wouldn't have bothered her, but she wasn't feeling all that great. She couldn't survive on her own in this condition. Worst of all, she couldn't walk away from their childish antics, so her nerves were growing pretty thin. She didn't give two shits about their squabble. Actually, she wanted them both to shut the hell up. Her head was throbbing enough without their annoying chatter.

"Who do you think you are kidding? You won't make ten feet alone, let alone be able to retrieve Jalen."

Her tone, had it been used any other time would have been overlooked, but Diana just scoffed. Coming from the train wreck who passed out in the mud and got us put on the run as fugitives. She thought just as bitterly, but kept her words to herself. They weren't constructive, so they were better off kept to herself. She wanted the group to work together in harmony, adding to the indifference and hatred would only fuel the fire. She wasn't sure why Arya had it out for her, but if the blonde disliked her, she'd accept it. There wasn't much she could do to change her mind if she was already hated. She wasn't one to linger on something she couldn't change. The brunette simply frowned a bit leaning on the crutch that the old man had given her as she waited for a decision to be made. Sometime this week, perhaps?

"Ill let you owe me, let you owe me a favor in return. And trust me when I say this love, you will and do owe me one. As a matter of fact, you all owe me one. But this is for another time."

Her eyes widened as he mentioned everyone owing him. She gritted her teeth at his arrogance, but took a deep breath. Calm, he owes us just as much as we owe him. I see the debt as cancelled out. It would have killed all of us if we didn't work together. She reasoned with herself. With a roll of her brown eyes, she was back in control of her anger... more or less.

"We shall see you two loves later. Oh and Arya."

Her eyes darted, scanning Klaus's expression in confusion as he ran his fingers through her hair. It wasn't really embarrassing compared to her fall with Jalen in the bar, but it was still enough to have her mind racing with a thousand questions. Him and Arya were betrothed, whether consentual or not.. Why was he playing around with her hair like that? Then a thought popped in her head. Is he... trying to make her jealous? Maybe that's why she doesn't like me.. but they're not interested.. If anything they'd likely rip each other apart if given the chance to be alone.. The action earned a shiver before Diana turned her head away from Klaus, just enough to remove her hair from his hand's reach. Whatever game you're playing, I'm not just a pawn. I'm a human and expect to be treated as such. Her chocolate eyes stared him down, giving him a calm warning. She wasn't angry, nor did she feel indifferent towards anyone in the group.. but she was going to claim proper, basic. respect if she had to punch it into them.

"We are not home anymore, this is no longer the place we remember. So be careful of your thoughts and actions. This would get worse here, I doubt that we only scratched the surface."

She waited for Klaus to get out of ear shot before making her way in the opposite direction. Her crutch supported her bad leg, but she was still wobbly. She didn't speak to Arya, but instead just assumed the blonde was smart enough to follow her. It was a silent trip for almost a quarter of an hour, but they finally found a suitable cave. When she found a rather generously sized rock to sit on, Diana finally addressed Arya.

"I have a confession, my name is actually Diana, not Wynter. That's just my nickname. I had to know I could trust you guys, and honestly, I'm not sure that I do. Though I know I must if we wish to survive this place." She stated it blatantly, not really as bothered by the fact anymore. It didn't seem to bother Jalen that she'd lied, and since Arya was already cross with her Diana saw no reason in worrying about the other girl's reaction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"I'll let you owe me, let you owe me a favor in return. And trust me when I say this love, you will and do owe me one. As a matter of fact, you all owe me one. But this is for another time."

Arya sighed to herself. She didn't like the sound of 'owing' Klaus anything. Though she didn't have much of a choice. It was the only way to convince him to follow Jalen. Without Klaus following him, it wasn't certain that Jalen would return to the group at all. It was a bit of an... insurance policy, "Fine, whatever. Just you both have to come back." She responded in a mumble, not really ecstatic that she'd been conned into a deal with Klaus

The look on Wynter's face seemed just as shocked as he mentioned all of them owing him. Though she wasn't really concerned with that 'debt'. She never agreed to anything on that so she wasn't worried about it. In her mind she only owed him one favor. That's all he was getting at this point from her.

"We shall see you two loves later. Oh and Arya."

She walked away, but was startled as Klaus approached Winter, but addressed her. She turned on her heel, batting her eyelashes innocently in his direction, "Yes, Klaus?" She asked, feigning a polite tone. She was growing more and more agitated by the moment in all honesty.. she was just pretending for the sake of her sanity.

"We are not home anymore, this is no longer the place we remember. So be careful of your thoughts and actions. This would get worse here, I doubt that we only scratched the surface."

She crossed her arms, laughing to herself under her breath, "I've got it. Don't worry. You guys won't have to babysit me anymore. I'll handle myself. Bye Klaus." She rolled her eyes, "Trust me. I'm so over this 'group' thing.." she mumbled the last part under her breath. The only reason she hadn't tried going off on her own was she'd never truly been on her own in the woods.. She didn't know the first thing about camping or hunting.. She'd die out here. She followed behind Wynter, not speaking a word the entire walk to their destination. She didn't have anything to say to her, and apparently Wynter had nothing to say in return. The silent agreement worked pretty well, because for the most part Arya's anger subsided. Upon entering the cave she felt much brighter about their situation.

She sat down on a rock as well, following Wynter's example. She let out a sigh, laughing a bit, "I wonder if the boys will actually be able to find this place.. it felt like we were walking for days.." But she grew quiet, hearing water not too far away in the distance. Arya got up, walking over to the sound and smiling, "There's a small waterfall in here... it's so...beautiful.." She took a cloth from her old clothes, soaking it and returning to Wynter, dabbing her forehead, "Perhaps it will help with your fever.. you need to cool down.."

"I have a confession, my name is actually Diana, not Wynter. That's just my nickname. I had to know I could trust you guys, and honestly, I'm not sure that I do. Though I know I must if we wish to survive this place."

"Your name is Diana? Why did you-" but her question was answered. Arya remained quiet for a bit, but shrugged her shoulders, "Well I don't care what your name is as long as you don't become a problem it's irrelevant to me."

Then there was a loud hissing noise. Like several snakes all at once..

"What was that?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"I wonder if the boys will actually be able to find this place.. it felt like we were walking for days.."

"It's probably just where we lived in New York.." she offered to Arya, hoping to calm some of their indifference while the boys were away. She didn't want to be at odds with the people she had to work with.. She just wasn't feeling all that great. Her emotions were sort of on the fritz. She couldn't exactly control the situation all that well. Her fever was getting worse. The walk definitely didn't help her situation. She leaned back onto the cave walls, sighing at the coolness as it touched her swollen cranium. It felt so soothing, one of the first comforting things she'd felt since their arrival in this god forsaken world.

"There's a small waterfall in here... it's so...beautiful.."

"I thought I heard running water.. I passed it off as my imagination." She chuckled a bit, a little surprised as she felt a damp piece of cloth pressed to her head. It was cool and felt rather amazing against her feverish skin, but she had to admit she didn't expect Arya to dote on her. After how she responded earlier, she half expected Arya to let her fend for herself. She was glad that she'd been wrong, once again reminding herself to see the best in others. Though.. I should be the one taking care of them.. She thought to herself, sort of depressed that she was the one currently being 'babysat'.

"Perhaps it will help with your fever.. you need to cool down.."

"Thanks Arya.." she whispered, a bit embarrassed by the situation, "Oh.. and I don't think he meant it like that.. I think Klaus is just worried about us in his own strange way.. I didn't see it right off.. but the walk gave me a lot of time to think more clearly on today's events.." She replied to Arya, a little skeptic about voicing her opinion. Arya had proven herself to be quite hotheaded when she disagreed with someone. Her quick temper definitely was not something Diana could approach in her current state so she tried to tread as carefully as possible.

The dabbing motion was a little uncomfortable at first, but eventually the throbbing in her head felt like a distant sensation. She barely felt it anymore, and her body temperature lowered to a comfortable level. The blonde seemed to mean well, but she definitely had a lot of issues to work out. She was kindhearted underneath all her layers of drama, but it was so aggravating to dig that far. She wondered how the girl got by in the real world. Well she did live in New York.. Rude behavior is typically overlooked there..

"Your name is Diana? Why did you- Well I don't care what your name is as long as you don't become a problem it's irrelevant to me."

She smiled a bit before nodding her head. The hissing noise that alerted Arya also caught her attention and she pulled the blonde next to her on the rock, hushing her as she quietly maneuvered them behind the large stones nearby.

"What was that?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Diana looked to Arya, hoping her facial expression said enough to keep her quiet, because whatever the source of that noise, it was definitely not an average snake. It was too loud and there was multiple hisses. Thankfully their silence paid off, because the source of the sound revealed itself. It was a reptile humanoid with piercing blue eyes. It's hair consisted of several snakes in the place of actual strands and she hand fangs instead of teeth. Her beauty was striking, but she was perhaps the most horrifying thing Diana had ever witnessed. She was almost frozen in place. Then she remembered something.. She'd heard of such a creature. Diana looked to Arya, tapping her shoulder.

Once she caught the blonde's attention she pointed to her eyes, then the humanoid then to the stones they used as shelter. Hopefully Arya was good at charades.. because she definitely didn't want to alert the creature. She just hoped this creature didn't have a strong sense of smell.. It wouldn't take her long to sniff the two of them out if she hunted by scent. It was now that she wished the two arrogant men would return. She'd "owe" them anything they want. She HATED snakes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Arya was relieved that her actions earlier brought comfort to Diana, because now they really needed to be in tip-top shape. She heard the hissing grow closer, her voice knotting up inside of her throat. She'd never seen a snake in person, and she definitely wasn't looking forward to seeing one now. Her blue eyes landed on the source of the sound and she nearly screamed. Thankfully her voice was out on vacation, because the sight before her was absolutely terrifying. She could feel herself start to tremble as she looked to Diana, eyes scanning the other girl. Please tell me you've got a plan.. She thought desperately, but then as she returned her eyes to the beast, something else caught Arya's eye. Diana's crutch. The beast noticed it too and she instantly approached. The reptile woman picked up the wooden crutch, her forked tongue wildly moving as she examined it.. Oh god.. It's going to find us if we don't do something..

Not to mention Diana didn't seem to know what the creature before them was. She had a human upper-body, but after her torso, the rest resembled that of a snake. She had no legs.. she slithered across the ground for transportation but she moved as if she were on water. Arya was almost certain she couldn't outrun the beast, and she wasn't even crippled. Diana wouldn't stand a chance if they attempted to escape now. Arya continued to glance between Diana and the monster, trying to keep track of where both were, not wishing to keep her eyes away from either for too long. The hissing noises Arya heard before definitely belonged to the multiple snakes in the creature's hair. She wondered how such a creature even existed. Though looking at her, something seemed oddly familiar about the humanoid before them.

Diana pointed to the creature then to the stones. What is she..? Arya thought to herself, Maybe she's finally reacting to bumping her head earlier today? It took Arya a moment, but she finally realized what Diana was trying to tell her when she kept repeating the clues in her head. Creature... Stone... Medusa? A gorgon? That thing is a gorgon..? Holy shit, we're screwed.. We can't even look at her properly. Shit.. shit.. shit... This really wasn't the best time to send Klaus and Jalen on a playdate.. She thought to herself, looking around. She had to find a distraction.. She had to find a way.. Though she didn't see anything around them but rocks! She could sacrifice herself.. but she already knew that Diana would refuse to leave her. They'd die together from the dark haired female's stubbornness... and Arya couldn't leave Diana behind...She'd never forgive herself for abandoning a crippled girl. They were in a real pickle and the blonde couldn't think of a way out. If she threw a rock, the Gorgon would fall for it at first, but then it would catch wind of their movements and hunt them down like rats. If they stayed to fight they'd surely make the mistake of eye contact.. it was a double edged sword. They weren't prepared for this battle.. and preparation was practically the only way to defeat a gorgon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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“Worlds number one boyfriend isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Huh-…” Klaus could feel Jalen watch him lean on to the closest tree.

“Tsk, you know this flagrant use of attitude is going to confuse people, what gives?” Jalen inquired peeved. “You think the girls can handle everything and ANYTHING in this world messed up Disney of a world? Our combined efforts only bested a lone fat ogre; can your imagination not stretch beyond that? We’re all in over our head, THERE, I admitted it!” Jalen panted the last words out, catching his breath in frustration.

“This is such a bother…” Jalen laid out. “…talking about caring, when really there is no feeling at all…” He sighed, calmly collecting himself. “I don’t like you Klaus. I don’t like this ragtag group of survivors. If killing you meant another confrontation with the witch behind this, I definitely might consider it. But I’m not about to put any stock in a crazed hags word. I’m guessing I’m not the only one she’s requested this off… So if you have any invested interest in saving those two… any promises… dates or likewise… you might consider moving toward them, is all I’m saying.”

Klaus didn't bother to say anything as Jalen finally cracked. But there was one thing that caught his mind. Jalen mentioned a Witch. Could he meant the one that wanted Klaus, was she even considered a witch? Anyone could splash water and runoff. That doesn't make them a witch. Something deep inside Klaus felt off about Jalen, he was hiding something, even though Klaus is too, it's not so deep as Jalen's secret. It reeks of darkness. And it seems that's the one thing he can feel here in this wacked up world.

"If they need us, I am sure they will call us. What would be the point in running in there and then everything being alright? A scream is nothing to panic over, they been screaming the whole time we been here. If you're so worried, then be their guest and help them." Klaus waved his hand in the direction of the cave boredly. "And but of course we are in over our heads, it;s the ladies who don't seem to understand this, wanting to do everything on their own, like splitting us up for an example, only a stupid person after an Ogre attack would do that and wonder off in this 'Disney world'."

Running his hand through his hair, he looked down at the ground, mumbling to himself something under his breath. Saving people wasn't his thing. he never did like risking his own life for others, specially ungrateful people. Most of the time if he did risk his life, there was a debt to be payed or a deal that was yet complete or about to be made. Which reminded him...

Irritation was written on his eyebrows as he started to march over to the cave. "She is in debt to me, the only one who is going to kill her before that debt is paid, would be myself..... Bastards." He marched into that cave as if he was kicking down a door that had his ex on the other side of doing another man type of way.

"You know! This is starting to get really annoying having to come and save everyone all the time. I should be getting paid for this, speaking of which! You think I am going to let you die when you are in debt to me. Sorry, love, but it ain't going to happen, you will do your debt in full!" He yelled as he headed a bit deeper inside the cave.

He tsked under his breath when he saw a snake, kicking his to the side like it was some kind of rag doll. "Disgusting things." There was alot more snakes beyond that and the girls right after that. He couldn't see what was beyond them, it was too dark the rest of the way. But it seemed like it could be a person, maybe.

Image Whatever this thing was, whatever it could be, it had more darkness in it than he had ever felt. The creature was twisted inside, full of hate, hurt and death, so much death. It all add fuel to Klaus's fire, it triggered his own darkness, that has been banging at the chamber doors of his soul. Almost breaking free but no quiet, it was now halfway through it's locked gates. And in that instant, he understood how the creature felt, he could even taste it on his tongue and breathe it in through is nose. For a moment, he wasn't sure which was more dangerous. Him..or it.

"Should I come save you guys or do you have everything all handled? But then, that depends on you." His eye color changed completely as he spoke. Soaked in a bright gold that glowed in the night of the cave, like an animal's eyes. It was now almost part of this world, an incompletely piece that was about to fit in it's rightful spot.

He felt bold, daring, like nothing could hurt him, it was like he had been keeping his own self locked away for all these years. It didn't make sense to him as to why this was happening, but why not endure it for now and see where it takes him. Wasn't like he had anything to lose, he had nothing to begin with.

"So apart from the annoying hissing sounds, I take it that, it's not coming from either of you. So what is that thing? And could I turn it into a stew?" Yeah he was hungry and the sight of the snaked made him think of stew. Sure it wasn't beef or pork, but who knows ,it might not be so bad to eat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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"You know! This is starting to get really annoying having to come and save everyone all the time. I should be getting paid for this, speaking of which! You think I am going to let you die when you are in debt to me. Sorry, love, but it ain't going to happen, you will do your debt in full!"

Diana was about to throw a rock to deter the creature when she heard Klaus's voice. The creature shattered the crutch in it's bare hands and she slithered back into the darkness of the cave. Several snakes followed her into the cave, but the few that lingered behind were kicked by Klaus. She rose, limping over, surprised that Jalen wasn't with him. Did he even go after their dark haired companion at all? She decided to wait, hoping Klaus hadn't abandoned him, "Well it isn't exactly our fault. We needed someone to go after Jalen, and I can barely walk. Putting Arya and Jalen together is like adding gasoline to a fire. Really? I'm sure she plans to pay you back and all, but right now I believe we have a Gorgon on our hands. She fled deep into the cave during your shouting..." Diana was panting softly, but at least her temperature seemed to have gone down. She picked up the biggest piece of the crutch using it to support herself. [/right]

"Disgusting things."

"Snakes are quite useful.." She argued in a low mumble, too soft to hear clearly. Diana was quite fond of snakes actually.. when they weren't out to kill her, of course. She noticed something about Klaus change, something in his aura was extremely dark. It felt almost consuming. She felt herself practically being sucked into an abyss so dark that even a flashlight would be consumed in it's nothingness. She shivered at the sensation she felt, but stood her ground. She reminded herself that she was a Stirling, of her beliefs. She couldn't give up on others.. whether or not she believed in herself, she had to give others someone to believe in.

She looked to Arya, who also came out, shortly after her. She finally shared her secret with Arya, but with all the surprises Klaus was revealing, Diana wasn't so sure she trusted him. She still wasn't sure Jalen should have known her true identity. Something about these men seemed dark.. darker than your average bad boy. She wasn't sure exactly what it was yet, but something wasn't right about them. Arya had a temper, but these two almost seemed inherently horrid. Klaus seemed to care about others more than Jalen, but maybe it was just a ruse? Or for his own benefit? Either way she was grateful for the extra help.. for now. It probably meant they would owe yet another 'debt' to Klaus. She gritted her teeth, but she'd do anything to keep her accomplices alive. So be it, we'll dance with the devil, for now.

"Should I come save you guys or do you have everything all handled? But then, that depends on you."

She noticed the change in his eyes, wondering if his change of personality was due to their growing abilities. What exactly were his parents like? She'd heard the stories of Rumpelstiltskin but she wasn't all that brushed up on the details.. She frowned a bit, "Save is a strong word.. I like assist better. You need this cave just as much as we do." She frowned, one hand on her hip. Then she slowly approached, still a little sore from the ogre attack, "Whether we like it or not, we're a team Klaus. A team doesn't keep score on who owes whom.. Everything a team does is for mutual benefit and this cave is beneficial to all of us last I checked. So unless you've suddenly become immune to sickness due to one of these messed up powers that everyone else seems to be getting, I think you can work with us on this.." She was sick of everyone's shit. She didn't want to work with them just as much as they didn't want to work with her, but they wouldn't survive this way. They'd have to work together without expecting each other to constantly pay the other back for every bit of aid.

"If we keep this up, this time next week we'll all be dead. I'm not Arya, or Jalen. I'm not afraid. I'm not scared to speak up. I'm a Stirling and I'm tired of being pushed around." She was growing into her confidence more and more, and she was finally taking no shit. She took her parent's orders for long enough, she wasn't having anyone else force her to be a child or damsel in distress. She was a strong woman, she wasn't going to be shoved to the sidelines anymore, "NO I don't need you to 'save me again', but I would highly appreciate your help, both of you. Three heads are better than one. Are we clear? If we can show the damn thing her reflection somehow I'm fairly certain we can turn her into stone instead of dying here tonight."

She didn't notice, but during her spout of anger, she started to glow a brilliant white. Her entire body manifested the aura, and kept it. She was a bit touchy about everyone else developing powers, but little did she know, her own were slowly growing as well. She wasn't forgotten. Her powers were merely...different. They grew in a different way, but once they sprouted.. she would become quite useful. Perhaps strong enough to fight off the dark magic that bothered her so much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Arya sat still in utter disbelief. Klaus came in the nick of time.. but why? She rose slowly, about to voice her thanks, but he ruined the moment with his first set of words. An angry look captured her features and she couldn't calm the irritated twitch of her eye. For a moment, she made the mistake of thinking there was some sort of redeeming quality about the men they traveled with.

"You know! This is starting to get really annoying having to come and save everyone all the time. I should be getting paid for this, speaking of which! You think I am going to let you die when you are in debt to me. Sorry, love, but it ain't going to happen, you will do your debt in full!"

Debt? That's all? I'm such an idiot! You and Jalen are just so despicable! How did we get caught up with guys like you!?She wanted to waltz over there and slap the hell out of him, but right now there was a rogue, overgrown reptile running a muck in the cave. They needed the cave's protection from the elements so it was becoming a growing problem. She seen the creature make quick work of Diana's crutch, she didn't want to imagine just how easy she'd break in the creature's horrid clutches. Setting her emotions aside she just blew some of her bangs out of her face and remained quiet. She had nothing good to say, and she feared if she opened her mouth she'd never stop yelling.

"Well it isn't exactly our fault. We needed someone to go after Jalen, and I can barely walk. Putting Arya and Jalen together is like adding gasoline to a fire. Really? I'm sure she plans to pay you back and all, but right now I believe we have a Gorgon on our hands. She fled deep into the cave during your shouting..."

She frowned to Diana who while sticking up for them, also remained pretty neutral. She wasn't truly siding with anyone but herself. In Arya's eyes, this group was Boys vs. Girls. She didn't trust either one of these men. There was always some sort of catch when it came to receiving aid from Jalen or Klaus. Though Klaus's help was always more costly. She crinkled her nose, still a little tempted to refuse his help. I'm going to owe him the playboy mansion at this rate. She kept glancing over to Diana and eventually caved, taking the girl's arm and supporting her weak side. She couldn't watch the girl use that poor excuse for a stick as support any longer.

"Disgusting things."

"Snakes are quite useful.."

"I'm sorry, that's one thing I have to agree on with Loan shark over there. Snakes are among the scum of the earth." She frowned to the ground, making sure that none crossed her path. She was still in her leather heeled boots, glad that for once she wasn't in an open toed shoe. If she felt a snake run across her skin she'd flip shit. She didn't catch on to Klaus's change like Diana, she did notice something. With every hour that passed, something in Klaus seemed to shift. She wasn't sure what it was, or maybe it was always there.. but she was growing more aware that he wasn't just the "Nice but severely sarcastic" guy she first thought him to be. There was something more to him, more dangerous than her ex boyfriend Lucan could ever hope to become. Something about him sent pure shivers down her spine.

She noticed Diana seemed to be struggling with something, so she just assumed for the sake of things that she should keep the charade and continue to call the dark haired girl, Wynter. She supposed Diana would tell Klaus when she was ready, or maybe she just never will want him to know the truth period. It wasn't her business to tell the girl's secret, however small it was. She highly doubted the name Stirling was relevant in this wacky upside down world they were currently stuck in.

"Should I come save you guys or do you have everything all handled? But then, that depends on you."

Finally Arya could no longer hold her thoughts to herself. She opened her mouth to let out a fiery retort, but was beat to the punch once again. She was growing irritated, but it was then that she noticed just how good of a heart Diana truly had. She wasn't out for her own gain, she was primarily concerned for the group as a whole. Even she was guilty of wishing one of the men would fall and break their neck now and then, but Diana was truly looking out for everyone.

"Save is a strong word.. I like assist better. You need this cave just as much as we do. Whether we like it or not, we're a team Klaus. A team doesn't keep score on who owes whom.. Everything a team does is for mutual benefit and this cave is beneficial to all of us last I checked. So unless you've suddenly become immune to sickness due to one of these messed up powers that everyone else seems to be getting, I think you can work with us on this.."

Arya was a bit moved by her speech, but just kicked at the dirt uncomfortably. She'd never been much of a team player. She wasn't sure how well she'd be able to work with everyone, especially considering the way Klaus was constantly expecting compensation for his efforts. This was all a little overwhelming. She had never even once ventured off into the woods before now, not even for a nature hike. Now she was expected to survive in them?

"If we keep this up, this time next week we'll all be dead. I'm not Arya, or Jalen. I'm not afraid. I'm not scared to speak up. I'm a Stirling and I'm tired of being pushed around. NO I don't need you to 'save me again', but I would highly appreciate your help, both of you. Three heads are better than one. Are we clear? If we can show the damn thing her reflection somehow I'm fairly certain we can turn her into stone instead of dying here tonight."

"I'm not sca- Forget it.." Her frown turned into a smile, and her insulted tone calmed as she stopped herself from furthering the conflict, "Do we have a mirror? Any way we can make her look into water?" She asked, throwing her ideas out there. Arya wasn't exactly an intellectualist. She barely passed in school. She spent more of her time fighting with the boys. Fighting she knew. Hunting, strategy, and survival were all beyond her. Though it was then that she noticed the aura glowing around Diana. She nearly jumped back and dropped the woman entirely, but something about it.. something about the way it made her feel.. She felt safe. It was a warm and inviting feeling. What exactly was the other girl's power? Arya found her mind buzzing with questions but they received so little answers. Who brought them here?

"Same here. You can be pretty useful sometimes.. I guess." Arya mumbled defiantly in Klaus's direction. She didn't really want to make eye contact after everything that had happened. Him carrying her to the old couple's home, her leaning on him while they hid from the villagers, the strange woman he seemed to know, and then not to mention the IOU.. She didn't want to get caught up in any of it. She was going to keep her distance as much as possible. Emotionally and physically she planned to avoid Klaus. It only complicated things the more she decided to believe in him. Though it wasn't easy. Both of their male companions were aesthetically pleasing despite their bad attitudes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Louise Stirling Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker
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Diana's since of exploding, made Klaus crack a small smile of amusement. Seeing her speak her mind and going all wild and 'tough' was pretty funny. Like seeing a baby animal get all mad at you, but you can't help but to go 'aww' with.

His eyes slowly shifted from her over to Arya. She looked just as mad, but calmed a bit when she said he was useful, despite how he was. ...Useful... It was something he was use to hearing from anyone towards him. It was actually the opposite. With a soft sigh he grabbed ahold of their hands.

"Look just get out of here, before I change my mind. Even if we kill that thing, I doubt very much that those snakes, would leave this cave. We should find elsewhere to be. Besides, that thing left anyways, it's not like it stayed and is causing us problems. We are after all in it's home. If someone was in your home, I doubt that you'd be very welcoming just the same."

The hissing was faint in the distance. But the sound of Jalen yelling broke through the caves echos. "Tsk...Again..." Klaus let go of the girls and started to head out of the cave. "if you ladies want to stay, go ahead, Im not looking for trouble. We just need to hurry up and get....-"

A sharp pain twisted inside his chest. Where he was stabbed by the man who claimed to be his father, started to throb like a plus to a heart. It sent him stumbling to his side in one single heart beat. He had no time to react to the pain or what was happening. He just realized he was now seeing the outside of the cave and part of the sky. His body almost felt like it was being paralyzed.

And no matter what, he could quite grasps his thoughts.

"Hehe heh, did that hurt me boy?...Oh goodness I am truly sorry." The wickedly familiar voice had broken through to him. "But you see, I can't wait any long for you to go through your changes, so what I need you to do is to, take this dagger out of your chest and break free. What I am saying is, stop fighting the madness and just come join, be apart of it. It's truly something, that it is. Trust me when I say this, the madness will be the only thing to save you. It will help you kick into your true's something very pleasing..." The voice faded away, and just in that second, Klaus rose up gasping for air.

Clutching to his chest as he tried to breathe. "...Diable.."He scooted himself to a near by boulder that the cave had beside it. Leaning against it. He couldn't help but swear cursing words under his breath at the pain. The pain started to grow stronger and stronger, like nails trying to rip his chest open. He couldn't help but bend over on his knees, reaching up inside his shirt. There was blood, dark almost black blood sliding down his chest from where the knife was planted, soaking through his shirt. Once his hand touched the handle of the dagger, his eyes had completely changed. The white a solid black, and his blue green eyes now a solid gold. The veins around his eyes had also turned black and pooping out just slightly.

Taking in a deep breath while hiding himself inside his coat, he growled out in loud pains, pulling out the dagger that was covered in black blood. and throwing it against the boulder, almost passing out onto the ground. His eyes had calmed down and went back to normal, but atleast the pain in his chest was now gone.
