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Wynter Mountbatten

"You've come to the right person. What can I help you with, love?" {AKA Wynter Augustine|

0 · 417 views · located in The Enchanted Forest

a character in “Once Upon a Time: Plans for Elimination”, originally authored by Kura Ravengade, as played by RolePlayGateway



"What if everything we see ... The light, the darkness, the laughter, the love, and the hatred ... Has all been a lie?"

"I don't feel hatred for anyone, no matter who they are.
Why allow darkness into your otherwise light-filled life?"

ImageMain Theme
~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~Lindsey Stirling || Stars Align~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~

As Performed by Lindsey Stirling || Phantom of the Opera

As Performed by Lzzy Hale and Lindsey Stirling || Shatter Me

As Performed by Lindsey Stirling || My Immortal

Lindsey Stirling || Shadows

~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~Lindsey Stirling || Transcendence~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~'.'~

"No matter how hard we may fight, we do not always succeed."

The Basics

Wynter Harmonix Mountbatten {AKA Wynter Clarabella Augustine}

Harm, Rosie, Wyn, Musa



Sexual Orientation

Daughter of Prince Phillip and Aurora/Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty

Crystal Reed

"I'm nothing special, really. I ... I don't hold near as much beauty as my birth mother ..."

On the outside



Preferred Weapon
Bow and Arrow

"To be truly happy, one must fully accept them self. Until you do, no one can accept you, and you will never be happy."

My defining skills

☣ Flexibility|| Due to her years of intense and rigorous training in various sports, Wynter has achieved a level of flexibility almost unknown to many people, let alone grasped. She is able to easily maneuver in different situations to avoid potentially dangerous positions, and is often used as the 'scout' in their group.
☣ Archery || By far her best skill in the sports department, she is an excellent marksman, and is able to hit her target accurately from up to one mile, and can strike her target on any part of their body from two miles.
☣ Physical Endurance || With her physically toned body due to years of constant and intense work in the field of sports and physical work, she has built up an endurance to running, using her strength, and pain.
☣ Variations of Light Magic || Due to her powers over light, she has the ability to use what is referred to as 'Dark' light manipulation. In explanation for that, she has the power destroy either by intense heat or explosion with an extremely bright light, ranging from burning selected beings, to destroying a city. Her power is not very strong, however, due to her lack of knowledge of the wielding of such, and her repulsion to fighting and anger. In addition, she has the ability to solidify objects from light for long periods of time, and can also use what is referred to as 'light aura', which gives her the outlining of bright light and restores her energy. She can only restore other people's energy, however, and only if they are within close proximity of her.

What makes me different

❤ Like || Music
❤ Like || Sketching
❤ Like || Archery
❤ Like || Dancing
❤ Like || Reading
❤ Like || Romance
❤ Like || Bad Boys
❤ Like || Sunlight
❤ Like || Animals
❤ Like || Children
❤ Like || Laughter

✘ Dislike || Lies
✘ Dislike || Betrayal
✘ Dislike || The Wealthy/Elite
✘ Dislike || Animosity
✘ Dislike || Hatred
✘ Dislike || Failure
✘ Dislike || Makeup
✘ Dislike || Cooking
✘ Dislike || Unrealistic Expectations


✔ Trickery || After spending years taking different classes in acting and reigning as the president of the drama club, she has become very skilled in the department of acting, and is quite a good liar. Although she hates to use this, she often is forced to.
✔ Psychiatry || With her intellectual brain, Wynter has always been able to put a measly few words together, and can immediately dissolve a situation between groups of people. Often she is the one that people seek out to speak to about issues.
✔ Marksmanship || Although she has always been good at shooting guns, Wynter prefers the steady feel of a bow in her hands. Her marksmanship is incredible, and she gained national recognition for it with the offer of entering to compete in the Olympics. She turned the offer down, however, but continues to hone her skills.


☠ Kindness || Due to her overall kind and caring personality, Wynter has always had a bit of a white knight complex. She puts all others first and always before her, no matter what it pertains to. This often puts herself in danger, much to the people who care about her's dismay.
☠ Trust || Despite the fact that her adoptive parents were always two-faced about their intentions, Wynter has always been a far too trusting person. She automatically trusts a person and always looks for the good in them, no matter who they are - much like her birth mother did once upon a time. This often gets her hurt in the end and causes her to feel betrayed.
☠ Over Emotional || Wynter is very open with her feelings. If she's sad, she will cry. If she's angry, she won't shout, but one can always tell when they've upset her. When she is happy, she laughs endlessly. However, she gets upset over the most trivial of things. Ever heard of 'Don't cry over spilled milk'? Well, she cries over it even if it didn't completely spill.

"Different people have different things that set them off. Mine just happen to be a little different from other's."

How I tick


"My life is what I make it, not what others intend for it to be. The wealthy class is a disgusting one, and I wish to have no part of it."

The path that led me here

Just as in the cases of the other orphans from their original realm, Wynter wound up in an orphanage at a very tender age. However, unlike the others, she had a bit of a luck on her side. Instead of being forced to grow up at the orphanage, Wynter spent a mere six years at it before being adopted by a wealthy couple, the woman of which was barren and unable to bear children. Their final hope was adoption, after many attempts at in vitro, and they found themselves lucky to happen upon what they deemed 'the perfect little girl'. Now, one may think that this was also luck for Wynter, correct? That, though, is not the case. Indeed the couple had been looking for a daughter, but it was not in the means of wanting a child to love and cherish. Instead, they were looking for an attention-grabber - a prize, if you may. They spent the next twelve years honing her skills in the arts, pushing her to do her best in everything she started, whiling racking in the attention it gained from various colleagues, college recruiters, and other high-up officials. She maintained a solid 4.0 GPA, along with becoming and remaining Student Council President for three straight years. She became a Drum Major for Band, plus an Orchestra Major for the school orchestra. Also, she was captain of the speech and drama teams, along with head captain of the softball, tennis, volleyball, cheer leading, and archery teams. She was a junior captain for the basketball and track teams, and co-captain for the soccer and dance teams. Whatever her parents placed her in, she excelled. However, she could never achieve a high status in cooking class - she is so terrible that she burns water. Along with that, she can't design clothes to save her life, and when she attempts to sew something, almost always ends up with some atrocity not even a homeless person would wear. In fact, she can barely even dress herself sometimes, as her adoptive mother would always say to her. She would often wear things that wouldn't match - baggy white sweatpants, a lime green t-shirt, a baggy yellow sweatshirt, flip flops, multi-colored socks - she has always had trouble dressing herself. Unless, however, it were a party of some sort.

Due to their wealthy status, her parents attempted to set up a marriage between her and several wealthy families - none of which actually respected and cared about her, but only her achievements. The sons of said families were pushed for months until it became apparent that she was a lost cause, and her parents would move onto the next prospective candidate.

As soon as Wynter reached the age of eighteen, she packed her things and moved out, suing her parents for the money that they had written into their will for her, along with the money that they had been setting aside for years for her college. After winning the case, she moved into a small but nice apartment with one bedroom on the outskirts of the city. Her parents still pushed suitors upon her, and the current one is named Darrian. He isn't just going after her for his family - he is also infatuated with her. He has actually made it a habit to stalk her.

Despite her wish to leave the city completely, something urged her to remain within. When the letter arrived, something within her realized that this was what had pushed her to stay in the city. Not really knowing what to expect, she threw a few key things into a duffle bag - clothes, a couple of books, her sketchpads, some charcoal and water colors, her ballet flats, dance shoes, and tennis shoes, tossed her violin over her shoulder, and on a split-second whim due to the danger that the meeting may bring to her, she grabbed her bow and arrow.


So begins...

Wynter Mountbatten's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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The sound of birds echoed in Arya's ears, their flapping wings fading into the distance. As she began to regain her senses, she realized it was the sound of crows. She based this on their unforgettable squawking, she'd never forget the eerie sound of those vile birds.. She sat up, rubbing the back of her head. Her whole body ached, her vision was blurred and judging by the feel she had leaves nestled in her long blonde hair. She gave a heavy sigh, lightly cussing under her breath as she forced herself to stand, mentally panicking. She noticed two other figures laying on the ground nearby. For some reason looking at them activated a flash of memory, their faces returning to her.

--- Flashback ---

The blonde sped through the crowded streets, clining her jacket tight to her slim frame. She took a quick glance to both sides before entering Central Park. She was second guessing her choice now, seeing as how dark it was. She was stupid for meeting a complete stranger in the middle of the night, especially by herself. Accepting she'd come too far to back down, she pressed on. Arya inspected the spot quickly as she had arrived at the dying oak, letter in hand. She was growing impatient even though she arrived at 10:00P.M. on the dot. She wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but she was kind of disappointed when she found no one was waiting on her. In the movies someone was always standing around waiting.. Perhaps I'm early? She thought to herself optimistically, but was surprised when three others showed up at the cross roads leading to the oak. Instead of being rude, which was her first instinct, Arya decided to introduce herself, "I'm Arya Ryker.. I suppose you three got the same letter as me?" She laughed as she held up her letter with a forced smile.

--- End Flashback ---

At least I know that the three of us have met before.. but I still don't remember their names.. The memory ended as soon as it came, but at least she remembered the other two faces. One was missing, one of the males, but the other two were in tact. She looked around, unable to find the dying oak.. Where were they? Were they even still in New York? She walked over to the sandy blond haired, trimmed beard, and not to mention mysterious looking male. She reach out carefully before shaking his arm, "Hey, Hey.. Do you know where we are..?" She asked him curiously, then reach over to the dark haired, fragile appearing female, "Hey... Wake up. I think we have been tricked.. This isn't Central Park..." She backed up, certain that they'd be as spooked as she and the last thing she wanted was a frightful swing of an arm brought her way.

The blonde sat across from the two, picking the leaves out of her hair as she awaited a response from her newly found companions. She heard an unfamiliar sound, stomping in the distance that shook the entire ground, even though it was far away, she felt subtle shakes even from where she stood. She panicked, looking over to the other two, wishing they could just get the hell out of dodge.

"Kind of an emergency.. This is turning out a lot like a bad horror movie where no one survives..." her voice was more anxious, and she was nearly jumping in place as she plead with the other two. She didn't even realize she was bleeding until she'd jumped from a rustling sound in the bushes, but it only turned out to be a rabibit.. Thank god..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Early that morning he had gotten a letter to meet a person at the dying Oak, but what he wasn't told was that there was going to be a few other people there with them. A woman with long black hair and a man with short black hair. The looked as confused as Klaus felt. After a while soon after he came a woman with long golden hair made her entrance.

"I'm Arya Ryker.. I suppose you three got the same letter as me?" He laugh was a bit weak as was her smile.

Slightly with a pucker of his lips, he turned his attention away from the blonde and towards the person who sent the letter. He started to feel a bit mad at the whole situation and lack of information.


Too sudden of a rush, clashed over him like a bunch of blades. It was as if his body was being pulled and twisted in ways he couldn't explain. His finger tingled, not in a numb way, but in a way that felt like energy.

With a slight grunt he heard "Hey.. Do you know where we are..?" A soft but panicked voice echoed through his head. A pressure in his arm started to shake him more awake.

" You know love, if you wanted to see my sleeping face, all you did was have to stare." A smiling tone in his voice as he got up rubbing the back of his head. A sharp pain throbbed at the side, even his left shoulder was a bit in pain from the fall.

It took him a while before he had noticed that, New York, wasn't New York any more. The air was clean, and not so thick and dirty. It smelt of moss, living trees and bushes. It was completely different. Even the sky was so blue, from the peaks of the trees it was easy to notice it.

"Hm?.." The sudden, now that it's mentioned, the ground has been shaking. It's just until now that it had gotten more noticing.

"Kind of an emergency.. This is turning out a lot like a bad horror movie where no one survives..." Her panicking voice made everything hard to hear, without much thought, or understanding why, a certain instinct popped into Klaus.

His mind raced through a much of things that he had read, over and over. His images was flipping through pages like a book. Quickly he got up, on one knee and covered the woman's lips with his hand. "Love, if you panic like that, I cannot make out any sounds." He looked at her a bit irritated, but quickly started to listen as the ground shook.

Suddenly the ground stopped and there was no noise, not even the sound of the birds singing, or wind blowing. It was dead silence. It made him a bit weary deep inside. Getting up to his feet he rubbed his shoulder. Keeping his voice in a low tone, he spoke in almost a too silent of a whisper. "We need to hide."

Walking over the woman on the ground he took her face and started to pat her cheeks. "Come on, wake up. We need to get going.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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The darkened marble room erupted with light as columns of torches blazed into being, the room illuminated before Jal was a vast hall and at its helm a throne.
"So, you came."A raspy voice commented, "Good, we have much work ahead us. I trust your trans-location was smooth?" Stepping out from behind a pillar a women garbed entirely in black faced Jal, her black hair, piercing green eyes irked Jal more than the curled corners of her lips.
"You've got a lot of things wrong here dracu-lady," Jal retorted, completely missing the dark beauty in front of him, as he lifted himself from one knee. He'd landed kneeling and beneath the dark jeans his knee was bruised and bleeding.
"For one, the whole hocus pocus act, needs some explaining. Two, your 'aesthetics' are a wizarding worlds wet dream, not mine and three, give me one damn good reason why I should enlist in your rabbit-holed drug-induced adventure, let alone agree to 'help' in any form or capacity. Show me the exit." Jal finished, his brows locked down as he held the woman's gaze. It was incorrigible, the Witch laughed. "I enjoy you, we're going to get along famously, or not. " She strode off towards the throne, heels clipping against the marble and echoing.
"You haven't answered anything..." Jal mumbled, before noticing there wasn't any other door. Jal wondered what forsaken dream he'd drifted into or if he had finally snapped. For the first time he unclenched his right hand, segments of burnt paper and ash slipped through his fingers, the remnants of provocation piling on the floor, one piece charred read 'erents'. Jal needed answers; it reminded him that others did too.


"Why such a god damn inconvenient place, a restaurant would suffice, not all this dramatic midnight forest crap." Jal grumbled stepping through the damp foliage. His breath visible in front smelt flammable, even he could tell against the biting weather. The obscure route Jal had taken now coincided with actual path and an intersection lay a little further ahead. He glanced down at the note in his hand, It clearly stated 10pm and a dying oak. It was 10ish Jal guessed, and under normal circumstances he would have made 10ish more 11ish but the remaining letters within the note changed things for him, this couldn't wait. Jal stuffed his hands into his jacket and furthered himself.

"I'm Arya Ryker.. I suppose you three got the same letter as me?" The voice came from a chirpy girl, blonde as far as Jal could tell but to each side were others, a brunette man and a dark haired girl.
"Great, we're a club..." Jal muttered beneath his breath inaudibly, though his eyes lingered slightly on the latter girl. Snapping to and following the other males intense gaze, Jal also noticed another figure, shaded, standing masked and obscured by the oak. His fist clenched the letter tight and his teeth clenched.


The moment before arriving had seemed jaded, distorted and flowing to and fro, it was the feeling Jal remembered more, the overwhelming build inside, fuzzy and much like...

"Before..." The word hung in silence, a shocking realization poured from Jal's face, a connection.
"Oh Devil's gonna pay some tonight" Jal face twisted in anger running after the Witch. There was a reason he appeared at the oak, now the messenger was clear. The door exploded in sound as Jal forced himself against it, the room beyond was a small, circular and the Witch stood at it's centre stirring a large cauldron.
"An entrance. Diabolical. I applaud...
"...Shut it! This charade ends! You'll give me answers or things get very difficult for you. Jal interjected, eyes ablaze. Dark circular flame began growing in each hand, Jal could feel them.
"Now your guts, I like, your power, I like more," the Witch coolly spoke without leaving his eyes. "But the attitude, the stupidity..." She whipped her non-stirring arm up and across in front of her, Jal instantly found himself hurtling backwards, as if hit by a colossal weight. His back squarely hit the wall and he winced trying to rise. "... We'll have to do something about," and within an instant her expression changed, it became soft, though forced.
"Son." The word was a stalagmite, penetrating the deepest part of his chest; it froze and burnt. "My names Ariel," her face contorted and she let go of the ladle, clinking against the pot. "No. I just can't do the whole doting mother. I'm on schedule, so pull yourself together." Jal ground his teeth, a translucent black aura emanating outwards.
"Schedules detoured... 'Mother'," Jal added sarcastically, hand slipping into a pocket.
"Oh but it hasn't." She retorted fast, and within a second Jal was pinned by force in mid air, his dark barrier wisping. A chime sounded as one of his rings hit the floor, wrenched from his grasp by the same force compelling his body to the air. "You see, magic needs control boy. All the power this realm has won't help without it. While I'm giving out free lectures..." Ariel moved to Jal striking his face, and smirking. Blood dripped from Jal's mouth and he could see the glee across her face. Her expression changed again, it was forceful. "Your instructions are clear, those three others who've crossed here are in my way, make them... dead. Do it and I guarantee you'll get another chance to face me after. I may even answer a question for you. But as you stand presently, you're no son of mine. She paused picking up the ring, "You will learn respect too." Jal spat at her, his brow deeply furrowed. The Witch, seemingly calm wiped the mixture of blood and saliva from herself, but in an instant Jal felt it. She had forcefully stabbed his own ring into him. "Night night, time for a reunion I think." Jal's vision started to haze, he saw her place the ring down but he was now hovering over the cauldron. The force pining him up vanished and he fell, fell into the cauldron, it was an endless dropping sensation, it was black, he was gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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--- Flashback ---

Arya scoffed as the fair haired male blew her off, crossing her arms and checking her watch. When is this guy supposed to meet us? She thought, growing more and more irritated. She wanted to say something, but chose the higher route. If someone had information about her real parents she could tolerate ten of him. Though she probably jinxed herself, seeing as a dark haired, equally rude male joined, muttering something to himself that she couldn't make out even if she had been closer. Obviously whatever he had to say he didn't intend to share with the group.

"Lovely start. Glad to meet you too." she responded sarcastically, throwing her arms down to her side, shaking her head. I don't know why I'm still here. This is obviously one of that guy's cruel jokes. I should have known that only an ex could conjure up something this cruel.

--- End Flashback ---

Arya frowned a bit as she recalled the man before her, remembering the introduction. He didn't even return his name when she'd went out of her way to be polite, despite her instincts. She threw it aside, more concerned with the fact that the other male, the dark haired one was absent from the group. She looked around, trying to figure out where he'd went, remembering he wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine either.

She noticed that the present male seemed to be waking up, judging by his groan, and she backed up, giving him room. He's actually kind of cute now that I see him in daylight.. Arya thought to herself, keeping the best poker face she could manage. Though she felt her fingers twitch as his mouth ruined everything.

"You know love, if you wanted to see my sleeping face, all you did was have to stare."

She let out an irritated huff, rolling her eyes at his arrogant comment, "Seriously? Like I'd even be interested. You're far from my type, "love"." She responded back in a spirited tone, her voice turning icy as she quoted the word. She already wanted to punch this guy, but she refrained, sensing there was more to worry about than the rude guy standing before her.

She noticed his discomfort, narrowing her eyes, deciding against asking if he was alright. If he could taunt her, he definitely was fine enough for her to discard her concern. I think I liked you better when you refused to acknowledge my existence. She thought smugly, but she waited for him to respond, quirking an eyebrow as he finally seemed to notice the problem that struck enough fear to make her break the touch barrier.


She was about to speak again, until a rather large hand clasped over her mouth. She instantly found herself wide eyed, tempted to shove him aside and give him a rather large piece of her mind, but changed her mind once his logic actually made since to the quick tempered blonde. She slowly nodded, ripping his hand from her mouth. She quietly waited, although the rumbling was striking enough fear in the blonde that she was relieved she'd broke the contact between them.

"Love, if you panic like that, I cannot make out any sounds."

The last thing she wanted was the arrogant male beside her mocking her for trembling. She couldn't help it though. What was big enough to do something like that aside from an elephant? Just where are we? She finally spoke once he stood, "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be making out any sounds.. you'd still be asleep!" she snapped in a quiet tone, judging by his warning that there was something dangerous out there and that it was best they kept quiet.

She noticed he caressed at his shoulder, realizing he probably received a harder fall than she. Only her head ached, and she had a small bleeding wound around her collarbone. Though both were easily ignored during this situation. She'd manage both once they reach a hotel, or some sign of civilization.

"We need to hide."

Something about his tone sent chills down her spine. Hide, hide from what? She wanted to ask, but she assumed he knew as little as she, then she walked over, rolling her eyes at the fair haired male, "She's not waking up any time soon.. I mean look at her. She landed on a rock, her head is bleeding.. She needs to see a doctor." She sighed, irritated with him this time.

Then she decided to counter his taunts, "Can you manage to lift her, or shall I carry her?" She smirked at him, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. She at least lifted the dark haired girl to examine her wound further, "She'll live.. but she's probably won herself a nasty concussion." Arya whispered, looking to her only awake companion for his decision. She looked around, unsure of which direction they should take, but she ruled out anywhere that led to an open clearing or road. Whatever was after them would catch up before they could respond, waiting it out definitely seemed best.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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"She's not waking up anytime soon.. I mean look at her. She landed on a rock, her head is bleeding.. She needs to see a doctor." As she made her pointless comment about the doctor he was already pulling out a bandanna from his coat pocket, inside it was a jewel piece to cover it, but this was more important. He had already felt the blood in his hand when he lifted her head, it was cold from laying on the ground and it had already stopped bleeding when he finished wrapping it, but it was just incase it was to get worse.

"Can you manage to lift her, or shall I carry her?" Oh yeah her smirk was burning through the back of his skull, he could tell she was having fun at trying to nail him down to the ground, it was the first time he was treated like this by a girl and the excitement of it was a bit thrilling on his behalf. "She'll live.. but she's probably won herself a nasty concussion." She continued after rechecking the wound.

He stared at the girl whom was still unconscious, she wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. And they were stuck in some god forsaken forest of doom. That is unless you want to call what had just happened all fun and games. Than that would make this a forest of happy tree friends. Rubbing the back of his neck he stayed knelt down, letting the girls body lay there for a moment. Something in the back of his mind made him wonder what had happened to the fourth member that they had seen earlier.Maybe he was apart of all this.

"Well love, unless you wish to see what the big rumbles under you feeties were, we should most likely travel in the direction that it didn't come from." He chuckled once amused with this, it didn't bother him, he knew how to survive, but that was when he was alone and didn't have to worry about others.

He debated for a moment on whether to drag this girl or actually carry her. If he was to drag her, he probably get his head bitten off and swallowed whole by Medusa over here huffing down his back, waiting for him to make the wrong move. Some reason the thought of all this made him want to laugh, but he kept his cool and started to lift the lady up, by pulling her arm and trying to shift her onto his back. Surprisingly she was rather light to him, like carrying a back pack. Her hands were soft and frail, just like the rest of her body. It was in that moment of him shifting his shoulder that almost had him let go of her. It was good his grip was tight and he didn't make a fuss over the pain in his shoulder, but he could also feel a bruising in his rib cage. Alright so this situation was worse than he gave credit for.

"Shall we?" He offered her to go first towards the south. "Unless you truly do wish to find out what is out there, but take it to thought that I wont be able to run if we do run into anything worse than myself." Without much thought he gave her a slight puppyish look with gentle eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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--- Flashback ---

Blood splattered down on the asphalt as Jalen semi-braced his fall, he gasped, rasing his eyes to meet his assailant, however the kid didn't waste time; all Jalen saw was a second fist hurtling forward from an enraged expression. As his head hit the bitumen Jal noticed a book upturned and remembered just how messed up the other kids at the orphanage could be.

--- Flashback End ---

Consciousness slipped back into Jal, as he recollected recent events. Portals, Bitch, Poison, Portals… Jal chocked out a mouthful of leaves,
“Never thought I’d become the front runner for the next Alice in the toilet pan,” he feebly groaned stretching out and poking through the thicket he’d been heavily submerged in.
Jal was sluggish, the poison coursing his veins slowed the world; the air itself seemed to droop haphazardly. Standing, Jal stumbled through shrubs and bushes, brushing past tree after tree.
“I could use a drink…” Jal grunted, desperate to dilute the toxicity within him.

Perspiration saturated Jal’s clothing, and his breathing became laboured. Stumbling turned to dragged limping as his previous knee wound stifled; the ground tremored. Jal grumbled
“I never… never asked for a vacation…. and these… these free ones… are… a huge… dis… disappoint… -ment.” He struggled, pausing to catch his breath against a deadwood tree. The earth shook again, more virulently than before, Jal pushed off towards the disturbance, staggering. It was a strange sensation, he wasn’t in the best of shape, the poison was concentrating in his system and his body was weary but the desperation and rage Jal harboured was fortifying him.

There were rustling noises nearby, Jal barely noticed, his mind was wandering. The clearing Jal came to wasn’t natural, trees were uprooted, grass and brushes were flattened and the ground was squashed,
“So if I were… a big… dumbass… creature… where… where would I…” he coughed violently, “…hang?” The answer became evident; in the open.

“What!?” Jal exclaimed, the beast wasn’t a creature as thought at first, but humanoid; a mere scrap of cloth wrapped around its repugnant oversized form, was all that concealed its modesty. It had heard Jalen’s disgust, arching its head around. “Two… heads? Let me guess… you’re the cute… silent one… and you’re the angry… but misunderstood one.” Jal jested, coughing. The monster now fully faced Jal, the left head stared silently with pale whitened eyes whilst the right bore eyes of redden rings, its lower jaw jutted outwards and it drooled grey foam and snarling. “Flossing…” Jal began, “… it isn’t just a recommendation,” Jal grimaced, “Now… which way… to the castle… of that bitch? Witch, sorry… and bitch.” He concluded.
The Ogre now held a large trunk within its grasp,
“Whe… when did you… Oh this isn’t…” Jal leapt forward, chucking himself entirely as the wood now airborne, screamed past. Jal could hear the monster moving towards him, and he steeled himself to his feet. Jal could see the dark energy pouring out and into him, his semi-hallucinating state only further fuelled his resolve as fragments of Ariel dashed in front of him. “I’ll kill… I’ll kill for you, Mother, then… then I’ll kill YOU!” The Ogre held both its fists above Jalen thrusting them down but all Jalen saw was his mother. The fists met with the blackened aura that now surrounded Jal sending a shockwave outwards, Jal reached towards the Ogre and screamed, sending forth a brilliant dark light.
The beam connected with the ogre’s chest, lifting the beast up and backwards, the snarling right head lost consciousness on impact with the ground furtherer away, whilst the left howled eerily at first before regaining its dead pan glare. The monster stilled with shallow breathing.

“You still… you still haven’t… answered my… question,” Jal moaned, falling to his knees, before keeling over. Panting in short shallow bursts Jal stared up, eyes creasing at the light as beads of sweat danced down.

Jal thought he heard movement, but there was no way he could tell,
“Le…ts… cal… l… it… a… dr… aw…” He coughed. resigned, not being able to hold the words together anymore. The clouds seemed to flow down like water and every tree around looked precisely like the oak that delivered him, Jal was burning up, and twitching. All the power and resolve had vanished along with the dark light. Was there commotion around him, Jal couldn't tell.

A cool wash passed over Jal, it was difficult to decipher what that really meant, especially since the brunette girl was now dancing with her doppelganger in front of him whilst the background melted...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Everything was blurry and echoing. The two figures that stood around her fade in and out of view, and their voices echoed in Wynter's ears. Her head throbbed painfully, and when she moved to at least sit up, a wave of nausea forced her to stay still. She could not understand the voices that hit her ears, for they were a garbled mush of sound due to her disoriented state, and could dimly feel the rumbling beneath her body. Her bow and arrows were pinned uncomfortably under her body, her duffle bag directly beside her head, and through some fortune she had managed to keep a vise-like grip on her violin case.


"Darrian, I've told you multiple times to stop calling me. I'm heading home from classes, have had a long day, and I really don't need your stalking me to add onto my pile of crap going on right now. Good day to you sir!"

Snapping her phone shut, Wynter leaned back against the oak tree, her bag and violin head in front of her legs and her bow and quiver across her chest and back. She was thee only person there, and the cryptic message she had gotten gave her no clue of how many people would be there, but with a sigh, she settled back to wait.

It wasn't much later that three others appeared, one by one, and they had no chance to introduce themselves before a large hole appeared behind her back, ripping them all into the tree.

*End of Flashback*

Wynter groaned softly, forcing her eyes open a crack. A man crouched over her, his hands lightly patting her cheeks, and for several minutes his image blurred, going from two, to four, to three, and finally to one. She blinked a few times, only to find her body being moved and tossed across the man's back.

The voices were still echoing, but at least now she could decipher them. Her eyes slowly opened the remainder of the way, and despite the immense pain in her head, she managed to focus on the trees around them.

"W ... Wh-what ...?" she murmured, her voice soft and her words slightly garbled.

The first thing that she noticed was the trees. They were endless. The next thing she noticed was that they were not in Central Park.

"Todo, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore ..." she muttered, easily maneuvering off of the man's back and onto her feet. She stumbled, reaching out and clutching the man's arm so as to avoid collapsing. Her hand moved to the back of her head, and could feel the bandanna that had been wrapped around it. Slipping her fingers beneath, she hissed and drew them back, finding them sticky with blood. Moving them to the left side of her forehead, she found the same result along her hairline, and grimaced.

"Great ..." she murmured sarcastically, closing her eyes for a brief second. Finally, she straightened and looked over at her companions, releasing the arm of the man.

"I think it would be best if we find our way out of this God forsaken forest before whatever made those loud sounds finds us. Whatever it was, it wasn't an animal, and it definitely wasn't human. We also aren't in Central Park anymore. To be frank, who knows where we are. But obviously we're in some forest, somewhere, and without a map or proper navigating instruments, we stand no chance of finding our way out of it. Once we're out of this section of the forest, we can go from there. That would be ideal, correct?" she asked, reaching down to grab her violin and bag, her eyes moving between the two, and she adjusted her bow and quiver as she straightened.

"I vote that we find somewhere that's open just enough for us to have room to camp, set up said camp, and find some food and water. We can go from there. Does that sound alright to-"

Wynter cut off, pausing and turning her head slightly. A piercing pain shot through her skull, but she ground her teeth together, closed her eyes, and then reopened them. They focused on the crumpled figure of a man, and for a moment, the air stood still. Snapping out of her frozen state, however, Wynter slid easily around the man beside her, before walking briskly over to the one who was collapsed. Crouching beside him, her two fingers moved to his neck, and after a moment she looked up at her first two companions.

"He's alive, but we need to get him somewhere safe and secure before I can assess his injuries. He's lost more than just a little bit of blood, and I need to treat him as soon as possible," she said, pulling his arm across her shoulders. Her legs trembled slightly with his weight as she rose, but after years of constant physical training, it wasn't impossible - but her injuries made her weak, and she was a bit breathless by the time she had completely stood.

Her eyes moved up to her two companions from before. "I don't know about you two, but I'm finding somewhere safe and I'm going to treat this man's injuries. You can come with me if you want, or you can stay here and become creature-food," she said. She didn't intend to sound harsh, for she truly didn't want the two to get hurt, but at the same time she didn't have much of a choice. She knew this was what was best, and she wasn't about to let herself get killed by some unknown beast.

*Very Short Time Skip {Five Minutes Later}*

Wynter collapsed to her knees, nearly dropping the man. Instead, she managed to somewhat-gently lower him to the ground. Removing her jacket, she skillfully and quickly folded it, lifting his head and slipping it beneath. Pushing herself slowly up, she moved around the small area that she had stopped at, surveying its surroundings. She plucked up several stray branches as she did so, before moving back to his side. Dropping to her knees once more, she used her gloved hands to dig a pit, tossed the branches into it, and quickly started a fire with the lighter she always kept on her. Rising and leaving his side again, she managed to gather enough rocks to satisfy her, before she returned and placed them around the fire so as to avoid setting the entire forest alight.

Finally, she turned to the man, frowning. He was incredibly heated, and sweat drenched his body.

"What in the world happened to you?" she muttered, reaching down and struggling him out of his jacket. He was obviously very ill, and while sweat allowed a person to rid themselves of the illness, too much heat could negatively affect them. They could become dehydrated and die - which was the worst outcome, but it certainly was plausible.

Turning, she unzipped her bag and removed a water bottle and towel that had remained in her bag after dance class. Wetting the towel, she folded and placed it upon the forehead of the man. After a moment, Wynter began to gently move her hands over every centimeter of his body, expertly checking for any wounds that he may have that weren't visible to the eyes - wounds that could have either been hidden by his clothing, or broken bones. Finding no broken bones on the upper body, she moved to the lower, only to find a several bruised kneecap. There really wasn't much that she could do without an ice pack, so instead, she dug around in her bag before removing a roll of athletic tape and a roll of Pro Wrap. Sliding his pant leg up to mid-thigh, she quickly wrapped his knee with the Pro Wrap, before easily taping it down.

Finally, Wynter moved up to his head, brushing his hair back from his face and momentarily removing the towel. Blood was scattered across his cheeks and forehead, some of which she could not tell if it was his own. Using the bottom of her shirt, she wiped most of it away. Pulling the first aid kid from her bag, she snapped it open, removed some alcoholic wipes, and began to gently pat at the wounds. After several minutes, she bandaged and wrapped the more severe wounds, before replacing the towel on his head. She removed the spare shirt she kept in her bag and wet one end of it, lightly moving it across the cheeks and neck of him in an attempt to cool his flaming skin. Her other hand moved across his head, her fingers threading through his hair and probing the skull for any damages. Satisfied that there were none, she moved from her crouch so that she was sitting cross-legged, continuing to pat at his cheeks with the cool water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Arya silenced herself watching the blonde male begin to makeshift treat her wound, causing her to release a laugh under her breath. I guess he's more useful than he appears.. she mused to herself, a smile upon her face. She knew it wasn't the time for such games, but she was alive and well. She couldn't keep bitter about the situation while it was nice. Even if the danger was only relatively dormant, the moment was good. She also noticed she was finally getting what she wanted, even if it meant challenging this stranger's manliness. She brushed her hair back, stretching now that she had a moment to relax. She could feel several bones pop as she did so, but she felt so much better. Obviously the forest floor isn't that good on the bones.. She could tell he was trying to make a decision, on what though? She was clueless to his intention, but smirked once he picked up their female companion. She felt a bit smug, mentally keeping score of her winnings against this cocky guy. So far it was 1 : 1, though she was determined not to lose to the sarcastic male.

"Shall we?" "Unless you truly do wish to find out what is out there, but take it to thought that I wont be able to run if we do run into anything worse than myself."

"Of course, I cannot wait to get out of here. Humidity is a formidable foe.." She mumbled, starting off in the direction he ushered her toward, frowning a bit as he continued, the look in his eyes was almost unnerving, though she turned her gaze back to the direction she was walking, "Don't be ridiculous. I don't want to find out any more than you do." She snapped, crossing her arms as she trudged through the dirt, crinkling her nose as the mud ruined her heels. Why did I honestly wear heels to meet someone at Central Park? She thought irritated.

After a moment of walking, she finally heard the female's noises, though she couldn't quite make out what the dark haired female was attempting to say. She stopped, turning to the man carrying her, putting her hand out to touch his chest, "I think she's waking up." She reasoned, refusing him eye contact as she peered around him.

"Todo, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore ..."

She smirked a bit as the girl woke up and removed herself from the snobby male. "We sure as hell better not be in Kansas. I have a job to get to!" She replied bitterly. She felt a knot in her stomach, wondering how pissed her boss was that she wasn't already at work. She was undoubtedly fired by now.. Great I'll have to find a new job when I get home as well as put this all behind me.. Though she deep down she was grateful that the other girl had woken up. Not that she'd actually ever admit it though. As she stumbled, she reach to catch the girl, but was relieved as she'd managed to stable herself on their witty male companion.

"Great ..."

"You hit your head on a rock sometime through... Whatever that was.." She replied, hesitating. How was she supposed to describe what happened to them? It was like an episode of Star Trek or something, she couldn't just blurt out that they'd arrived here by a portal... That was nonsense.

"I think it would be best if we find our way out of this God forsaken forest before whatever made those loud sounds finds us. Whatever it was, it wasn't an animal, and it definitely wasn't human. We also aren't in Central Park anymore. To be frank, who knows where we are. But obviously we're in some forest, somewhere, and without a map or proper navigating instruments, we stand no chance of finding our way out of it. Once we're out of this section of the forest, we can go from there. That would be ideal, correct?"

"Yeah, that's what we planned to do, though out in the open like that, won't we be easily accessible to wolves? Not that I'm disagreeing, just curious. I've never been camping, myself." She heard several gruesome stories of campers being attacked by bears and wolves. She really didn't want to survive this horror movie to be eaten by the animals that inhabit this wilderness.

"I vote that we find somewhere that's open just enough for us to have room to camp, set up said camp, and find some food and water. We can go from there. Does that sound alright to-"

She nodded her head, agreeing with her. Food sounded wonderful, though she was concerned about the food they would find. She was a firm believer than any animal with fur was to be left alone. She only ate eggs, chicken, duck, turkey, vegetables, fruit, and nuts in her every day life. She never once ate cow, deer, rabbit, or any other furry animal friend in her life. Her picky nature was half of what made her so incapable of being adopted. She wasn't going to bring it up, but she doubted she was going to find any suitable food as things stood. They seemed miles away from any source of water.

"I don't know about you two, but I'm finding somewhere safe and I'm going to treat this man's injuries. You can come with me if you want, or you can stay here and become creature-food,"

She noticed the dark haired male that the brunette spoke of after she escaped her thoughts. She ran over to help, putting the bloody man's other arm over her shoulder, "Sunshine back there carried you, I guess it's our turn to carry him." She laughed pleasantly, "Of course I'm in. Lead the way."

*Very Short Time Skip {Five Minutes Later}*

She felt horrible for their fourth companion, though she felt even worse thinking that he'd been the one to put them in this situation. She reach in her pocket, for her phone, but found a piece of paper inside instead. She pulled it out, wide eyed. Who had time to slip something in her pocket without her knowing? She felt fear boiling up in her stomach as she unfolded the parchment, which looked rather rough for wear, she might add.

"Dearest Arya,

You must be confused by all this madness. Raised in a land of cars and iced tea, it must be hard to accept what I'm about to tell you. You're a Princess, Your mother's name is Snow White, and your father is Prince Charming. It must be hard to accept that people you read about in fairy tales are your parents, but with time you will grow to understand that everything I say is quite true. None of you are here by chance, your fiance` is here as well. Though we don't expect either of you to form an immediate bond, at least try and get along with one another. Your parents are in grave danger and I risk my own life for retrieving each of you. So here's what you need to know; You are a princess, you have magic, strong magic, you're meant to help others. You're the product of true love and can inspire that very same love in those around you. You have a healing touch, and one day you will be a Queen, with Klaus standing beside you.

With Love,
A very dear friend."

She was wide eyed and threw the letter to the ground, glaring at it, "Which one of you are Klaus and what kind of sick joke is this?!" She demanded, peering between the light and dark haired males, "Healing abilities? Capable of inspiring love in others? Fiance`?! I was an Orphan, how sick can you be to make a joke about my parents!?" She was fuming, ready to crack skulls at the first wrong answer. Though mostly she was hurt. She always masked her pain with anger. She was trembling, fist clenched as she awaited an answer, her knuckles turning white from the pressure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Klaus's mind was distracted, so he didn't take much noticed of what the girl on his back was saying or even doing nor of what the blonde was talking about before, that was until he felt a warm pressure on his chest. The blonde had stopped him in his tracts around the same time the burnet was trying to get off him. Annoyance folded around his lips, causing him to pucker a bit. It wasn't at the girls but at the fact that the movement didn't feel to pleasant.

"So much for being unconscious, loves." Adjusting himself, he forced his shoulder to pop. It grinded slightly but it seemed to have fallen back into place. With a slight grunt he just started on walking.

As the spoke of homes, Klaus seemed to be the only one not really caring about home much. He didn't really wish to bring up 'we aren't going home any time soon.' to the girls. Them freaking out was the last thing needed right now. Stopping he looked around, forest, forest and more forest. Every corner all looked the same, getting lost in this would be a nightmare inside a nightmare.

"I think it be best loves that we don't find camp on the grounds, but some place high. We don't know what is here and I don't wish to find out." He started to grab some vines as the girls attended to welcomed back new comer to the group. Sure he'd help some, but the girls were handling it. Won't be much to do if everyone was huddling around the lad.

[Five mins time skip, duly noted]

Klaus didn't say a word after the blonde, now named Arya, was freaking out throwing the note. Hanging the vines on a broken down tree, he bent down and picked up the note. Scanning over it with his eyes, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Fairy Tales are real..." He stated as he mumbled to himself, but chuckled and folded the paper back up. Looking over at Arya whom kept freaking out, before Klaus could say anything, he heard a crinkle of paper sound off in his pocket. He could remember of putting anything in his pockets.

"Hmm." Taking it out, it looked as if it was the same thing that Arya got. But in different words.

"Dear, Dear, Lovely Klaus, He paused and it only took a glance over the note before he crinkled it up and shoved it back into his pocket. He said the first part so Arya knew that he was the man named Klaus, but he didn't bother reading his note out loud. "Sorry loves, but it seems that someone must have drugged us and put us into some kind of sick joke. Arya, best not be too loud, something might hear us.." The anger in his eyes had become dark and slightly clouded over, but he tried to be kind to the blonde. He was pissed, his jaw was tight and his lips were slightly puckered so he wouldn't say anything he'd regret.

Not saying another word he took the vines and started to braid them together, his anger was taken out on each braid. And kept his back towards the others. This was more than what words could handle. Who ever sent the leader and made him snap his last string. He wanted revenge and nothing could really stop him from taking it.

Stopping for a little bit he stared at his hands that held the vines. The felt weird, tingly the whole time, but he never understood why. It was a come and go feeling, his hands never felt like that before, so it was it was..well whatever it was, it had got him thinking about the letter. If it was right, that means that whatever is out there, they were up for alot more than what they bargained for.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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There were brief snapshots Jal captured as he lay burning up: the sky blotching itself out, the world slipping by, and voices… A voice? He drifted.

Jalen stirred; the air around felt cool, not as humid and as suffocating as it had previously been. The apparent serenity was noticeable to Jalen who had been expecting a gnawing sound, coupled with severe pain and the loss of limbs and extremities; or just the bleak abyss of nothingness. Jalen was feeling neither, in fact something cool and soothing was a hold of him, and his head was propped on soft material.
So big ‘ol twin face-mess hasn’t a meal... that’s good.

Commotion shattered the dreams Jalen had fallen into and a crease appeared down his forehead.
”What…” He began mumbling but failed.
… how sick can you be, to make a joke about my parents!?" The words echoed within Jal, but for some reason he didn’t share the feeling, it was novel, but his anger brushed away. Instead of angry, a compulsion took sway over Jal to open his eyes, he blinked open but shut them still not completely comprehending the circumstances surrounding him. Attempt two was slower, craning them open he focused on the outline hovering over; a sweet smell accompanied the figure. Jal eyes anchored down one after the other and he fought to reposition.
It was dark, and a radiant glow hugged his savoir.
”Name…” Jal demanded croaky and puffy eyed, Can I be heard? Am I mute or pushing daisies? He caught a flicker of the darker hair and lifted his hand to hers which had been nursing him. It was a slow clumsy move but it was all the thanks he was giving.

Letting go of her, he attempted to raise himself, resulting in a crash with the girl to the side. Annoyed at himself, he turned, rolling off her, her surprised reaction and sighing.
If I’m this weak after building such a large immunity… It begged the question, Did she know? His money wasn’t on it. Jal ground his teeth, annoyed that he didn’t seem to care about this revelation as much as he felt it warranted.

“…Arya, best not… something might...” Jal faintly heard across the fire. The noise belonged to the fair haired man, and Jal realised his company was that back moments before the ordeal began with the weird oak and mysterious figure. Presently it looked as though each had letter and Jal recalled his, memorising it and debating in great length whether to follow its explicit instructions whilst drinking at his regular hovel. He recalled the pieces of it dropping within the… His hand instinctive found his jacket pocket, unsurprisingly, no alcohol. The strange thing was, the removing his hand was accompanied by a piece of paper. It was new.
Jal opened the letter, it read the same as before exactly, questioning whether he had indeed met his Mother or not.


This will be difficult, but please, try to keep your temper in check; every word written is the truth and if you believe nothing else, believe your parents live. Your parents love you…”

Jal had had enough, scrunching it up and tossing it toward the fire. “Sucked the first dozen read throughs,” The ball teetered near the flames before rolling out. There were more pressing concerns to Jal, four of them, A guy, a blonde, a brunette and a… There was a howl, a large bone-shaking beastly one. Jal groaned and threw himself back.

”You know it’s still out there, right? Jal loosed, dead-pan. ”… And there are trail marks… Oh boy…”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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It appeared as if the man was coming to. His fever had diminished some, but it still wasn't satisfactory - at least to her, after her beginnings at medical school. She had graduated at seventeen due to her skipping a grade and had been in training to become a doctor for the previous three years, and was very thorough in treating her 'patients'.

"Hush. You shouldn't speak yet. You've barely recovered and your fever is still dangerously high. You need to lay down and rest," she spoke soothingly, smoothing the damp cloth across his forehead and cheeks.

"Which one of you are Klaus and what kind of sick joke is this!? Healing abilities? Capable of inspiring love in others? Fiance!? I was an Orphan, how sick can you be to make a joke about my parents!?"

Wynter cringed after the sudden outburst from the other girl, whose name was Arya. Obviously the girl had a bit of an anger issue, but she wasn't about to point that out. Instead, she turned slightly, her eyes darting between the man - who she now knew was named Klaus - and Arya. After words continuously fired, she finally rose and strode between them.

"Alright, that's enough," she said softly, her words quiet yet loud enough to carry. "Right now isn't the time to argue among ourselves. We may not know each other very well, but we're all that we have, and for now that's all that matters. We need to stick together, and getting into fights isn't going to assist us in any way. Instead it will hinder us, and we don't want that now do we? Our best chances of figuring out what the Hell is going on is if we work together to solve this problem," she said, smacking her right fist into the palm of her left hand.

Wynter turned her head, glancing back at the dark haired man as he made a soft noise. She darted her gaze to Arya. "I'm positive that Klaus did not put that not in your pocket - when would he have had the time? So please think rationally, dear," she said, returning to the dark man's side. She lowered herself beside him, moving her ear near his lips to catch his words.

"Name ..."

Her name? She slowly leaned back up before returning the towel to his face.

"I'm Wynter Clarabella Augustine," she answered, just loudly enough for Klaus and Arya to hear, also - why not save herself another two introductions? Something touched the back of her hand, and startled, she turned her eyes to it, only to find his hand awkwardly holding her own. After a moment it dropped, and as it did he moved to rise.

"Don't-" she warned, lifting her hands to stop him - only to have him collapse onto her legs. She grimaced slightly. He was heavy, to say the least, and the sudden onslaught of his weight on her jarred her slightly. She dropped her hands and helped hoist him off, pushing her palm against his chest to keep him on the ground.

"Don't move. You need to rest and recover," she ordered, her words gentle yet firm. "Don't be stupid. Listen to me. I know what I'm talking about," she said with a sigh. Leaving the towel on his forehead, she dug into the pocket of her jeans and lithely removed the paper that had been crinkling along since they arrived. Unfolding it, she smoothed out the creases before glancing down at it, her eyes skimming the words slowly.

"Dearest Wynter,

You must be confused by all this madness. Raised in a land of extravagant parties and unrealistic perfection, it must be hard to accept what I'm about to tell you. You're a Princess. Your mother's name is Aurora Mountbatten, and your father is Prince Phillip. It must be hard to accept that people you read about in fairy tales are your parents, but with time you will grow to understand that everything I say is quite true. None of you are here by chance, your fiance is here as well. Though we don't expect either of you to form an immediate bond, at least try and get along with one another. Your parents are in grave danger and I risk my own life for retrieving each of you. So here's what you need to know; You are a princess, you have magic - strong magic, and you're meant to help others. You're the product of true love and can inspire that very same love in those around you. You have a light touch, and one day you will be a Queen - with Jalen standing beside you.

With Love,
A very dear friend."

Her heart stopped thumping, and for a moment the air stood still. Finally, she crunched the paper up and shoved it roughly into her pocket.

"Arya, don't react so harshly to something such as that. I was an orphan too - I just had the fortune," she spoke the word with heavy sarcasm, "of being adopted by a loving pair of rich, sophisticated parents," she said. "Right now we need-"

A loud howl that sent chills down her spine stilled her, and heart heart stopped with fear. Her eyes grew wide, and she sat still.

"You know it's still out there, right? ... And there are trail marks ... Oh boy ..."

Her eyes moved down to the man, who she figured to be this 'Jalen' that she was supposedly 'engaged' to. After a moment, they moved up to the trees in the opposite direction that the sound had come from, the direction that she was facing.

"What ... What's still out there?" she asked softly, her voice shaking slightly. There was a loud rumbling sound that could only have come from a very large footfall, and after a moment of deadly silence, Wynter rose.

"Stay here," she ordered quietly. Her bags remained on the ground but she slowly removed her bow. Reaching behind her head, her fingers pinched the vane of an arrow and slowly pulled it up and over her head. Placing the nock against the string, she clipped it and moved slowly forward, her knees bending with each step. She slowly drew back the arrow, her eyes locked on the trees. The loud steps drew closer and she let out her breath slowly, calming her racing heartbeat.

"I can't take out whatever this is on my own, no matter my skill with this bow. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have some help," she said softly, just as a large, ugly foot appeared through the trees. She felt her blood chill, but without a moment's hesitation, she loosed the arrow. As it flew, a spot of sunlight shot through the trees, catching the head of it. In a split second it had become to smoke, and then lit with the flames of the light. It pierced Sternohyoid, burying itself completely within the throat of the beast. It let out a strangled howl, it's foot lashing out to kick at her. Her head injuries made her slow as she attempted to dodge the kick, and it caught her legs. The power behind the creature, however, sent her crashing across the ground before she rolled clumsily to a stop. She grimaced, pushing herself up and rising. Her leg, however, gave out on her, and from the feel of it she undoubtedly had a fractured shin, for that wasn't a love tap it just gave her. Two furious roars echoed throughout the forest, and before she realized what had happened, the creature had launched itself in her direction. Fear caused her to fumble as she reached for her arrow, so she quickly and clumsily notched it before letting it loose. The arrow struck the creature's chest, directly where it's heart should have been, but instead of collapsing, it merely grew angrier and sped up.

"What the Hell is this thing!?" she squeaked, stumbling up. She pushed off with her uninjured leg, rolling to the side just as the creature slammed into the trees behind where she had formally been. Fumbling for another arrow, she rolled onto her back, her breathing heavy.

{I kind of incorporated a bit of her powers beginning to appear. If that isn't alright, I can Edit that small part out.}

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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"Dear, Dear, Lovely Klaus..Sorry loves, but it seems that someone must have drugged us and put us into some kind of sick joke. Arya, best not be too loud, something might hear us.."

Arya could feel her blood boiling under her skin. She wanted to tear him limb from limb, but something forced her to remain where she stood. For some reason her feet felt like they had become rooted into the ground, only infuriating her even further. She listened to his excuse. She noticed the frightening gaze of the sandy haired male, though she brushed it aside. A stubborn look of defiance stared back into his angry orbs, refusing her fury permission to waver. She had never been the cooperative type, she wasn't going to be an effortless companion. Learning to accept Arya, and for Arya to accept the others, it was going to be considerably laborious.

"Alright, that's enough. Right now isn't the time to argue among ourselves. We may not know each other very well, but we're all that we have, and for now that's all that matters. We need to stick together, and getting into fights isn't going to assist us in any way. Instead it will hinder us, and we don't want that now do we? Our best chances of figuring out what the Hell is going on is if we work together to solve this problem."

Arya let out an exasperated sigh before rolling her eyes. Like I would ever consort with someone like him. She thought to herself, finally moving from where she stood and leaning against a nearby tree. She closed her eyes, pretending to ignore the others for a moment while she piled her thoughts. She put her irritation away, for now. She wasn't letting that snarky wretch get the best of her. She however nodded her head, "I'll do what I must, nothing more and nothing less." She finally replied bitterly.

"I'm positive that Klaus did not put that not in your pocket - when would he have had the time? So please think rationally, dear."

Then she gritted her teeth, "Has anyone actually played attention to horror movies? Some of those are actually true stories you know.. The killers sometimes plant themselves at the scene of the crime. They pretend to be a victim so they can easily pick everyone off one by one. I don't put it past anyone here... I'd love to think rationally, but to be quite frank nothing has been rational here.. Rational is not trusting complete strangers... Though I understand your point. I will only do what I must to get us all home."

"Name ..."

She was taken aback, dropping her argument instantly. It was the first thing she'd heard from the fourth companion and she decided to give the poor man the floor. He was croaky as it stood, so her loud mouth was the last thing that needed to run at the moment.

“Sucked the first dozen read throughs,”

"Arya, don't react so harshly to something such as that. I was an orphan too - I just had the fortune," she spoke the word with heavy sarcasm, "of being adopted by a loving pair of rich, sophisticated parents," she said. "Right now we need-"

She heard the roar as well, quickly dropping down, reaching inside her leather heeled boots to retrieve a knife from within. She wasn't really equip for something like this, but she figured it was better than her bare hands at this point, "Got it. Dropped it. Over it. Shhh." She whispered back, trying to gather how close the monster was to the group.

”You know it’s still out there, right…? And there are trail marks… Oh boy…”

"The creature that attacked you..?" She asked, but expected no answer. Honestly she slowly took a deep breath, clicking her switchblade. She tried to prepare herself, but she'd never killed an animal before in her life. She was completely unprepared for the task before her.

"Stay here."

The words didn't exactly register in Arya's mind, and she began making her way away from the group and into the trees. She made no further noise. To their eyes, she apparently fled, whether or not she'd abandoned them was a mystery.

"I can't take out whatever this is on my own, no matter my skill with this bow. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have some help."

She could hear Wynter say, though she refused to reply. She couldn't give away her position. She watched the arrow zoom by, one hand over her mouth as she caught a full glimpse of the beast that threw the girl within the blink of an eye. She was wide eyed, knowing she had to do something to help, but the damned thing was fast for it's gigantic size. The other girl seemed hurt, collapsing after she regained herself from the impact. I have to do something.. it's going to kill her..! The beast ran at Wynter, and although she shot it a second time, it's charge only grew quicker. Arya jumped from her hiding spot in a tree as the beast passed under, landing on it's back. She dug her knife into the front of it's shoulder, attempting to jerk it back toward her to cause extra damage. The skin was tough, but she slowly made herself known to the beast. It roared in a horrifying mix of anger and pain from the wound. It stopped it's rampage only to thrash about, sending Arya flying. She made direct impact with a tree before crashing to the ground. She gasped out, trying to breathe again, but the air was absent. She felt as if her lungs had shriveled up and died. An excruciating pain overtook her, and worst of all she couldn't move. She wasn't paralyzed, because she could squirm, though every move she made was excruciatingly painful. She'd never felt such pain in her entire life. Now she was thankful she wasn't on the receiving end of the monster's actual blow like Wynter, but now that it's attention was on her, something told her she just might need to revoke that appreciation. Arya managed to force herself upright by clinging onto a branch for balance. . It felt like it took hours, though the had only been a minute or so.

"I lost my knife.." She coughed out. Her eyes darted around as she tried to locate her weapon, but all she found was a decent sized rock. She sighed in defeat, but then she got an idea. The idea would distract the beast, albeit it was not quite a bright one. She picked up the rock, since she was far to injured to flee and threw it straight at the enormous monstrosity, "Hey, ugly! Over here! You don't want them! Everyone knows blondes are more fun!" She called out as loud as her sore lungs permitted. The beast changed course, stomping straight at her. I hope someone else has an idea... She thought, waving her free arm to keep the dimwitted creature's attention solely on her. I can't watch someone else die.. I'd never forgive myself if I chose to be the coward!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Klaus was paying no attention to what was all being said, his mind was set on on something completely different. His thoughts soaked in outright rage, but the sudden sound of a loud roar caused him to freeze up slightly. That same feeling as before started to make the ground shake and quake. It was a bit hard to balance with even while standing there or sitting down. You could hear the flock of birds crying out as they flew away altogether in a rush. The smaller creatures ran out in panic some running eachother over to get away. Whatever this thing was, the animals had the best idea. Get the hell out of here.

As the quakes came closer and even more rough, Wynter had become a different character. She was strong willed and sort of badass once she pulled out her bow, but that line dropped a bit when she asked for help, but still on the same, not like he ever used one. His attention was easily pulled away once the sight of the thing making all the loud noises came into his view. And for some reason even though he knew he should be fleeing, something inside him was saying he saw this creature before, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Making his way over to the other male named Jalen, he smirked at him. "Well it seems we will be of no use in this situation and the smell of all this blood, probably made the ogre....-" He paused in mid sentence.

Ogre...ogre... His mind started to race as if he was scrolling down a computer or some files. He remembered now, he had read about them before in one of his books. The question was, how did we kill it. Klaus bent down and started to think harder, staring at the ground, he started to draw random lines without much thought to it. When he was done he shifted towards the girls. At that time Arya was being thrown across and into the tree hitting the ground. Something odd clicked deep down inside him and he started to feel his hands tingle a bit again.

Before he could do or say anything she was already grabbing a rock and calling out to it like an idiot. But it didn't take to long before he noticed what she was doing. Instantly he called out to Wynter. "Oi! Shoot at the back of it's knees! Just do it, trust me! The skin is probably tough so make the shot count!"

Hoping this would work, he remembered reading a book about a video game, it was the only thing he had to go by when put onto the spot like this. And the only thing that might have a chance on. "We might not be able to kill it, but if we can some how knock it down, we might just be able to make an escape. It is one thing, I know best on this much.

It wasn't a lie, he knew very well on how to escape, alot might call him a coward, but to him it was a way of surviving. And getting away from those who didn't like his deals so much. But let us not get too much into that just yet. "You my friend, we need to get rid of all this blood. Before it gets us into more trouble."

Without letting him say anything he started to rub dirt all over his wounds. It was a way to vanish any and all kinds of scents remanding. This man had too much of it, it was a bit irritating trying to cover it all. And despite the pain that Klaus felt on his body, he helped the lad up and shoved him into a hole under the tree, where the roots were and the ground covered more of his scent. Whether this man had objections or struggled against it, Klaus didn't give two shits. Dying was the last thing he wanted. "Bare with it and keep quiet. If we get killed because of you, I will never let you live it down even in the afterlife."

A flash of red caught Klaus's eye, it moved through the forest. You couldn't see who it was, the person was too far away, but there was a bad feeling about this person or thing that had Klaus wanting to follow it. "I'll be back..." Climbing over the tree, he was trying to be sneaky.

Over course this was a bad time to leave the others behind, but if he could get some answers while the others were distracted than maybe this person could give us what we or he wants.

"Hey! I know you saw us! Or have been following us! At least help us!" Klaus glared at the person in the red cloak as they stopped without turning around.

"You seem to have everything jotted down." It was a woman's voice, she sounded like an exsotic cat, a slow but quiet voice.

"You've got to be kidding me..." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his jaw. "At least tell me how to kill-

"The head." She walked away without another word and just vanished before his eyes.

"The h..." He shook his head and looked around, she was gone, there was nothing, but the sight of the ogre and yelling. Rushing back he had grabbed a thick stick with a sharp edge on it. Climbing back over the tree's roots he watched and waited for an opening.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Wynter… Jalen’s mind forewent his train of thought, lingering on a name, as if it were recollect-able.
"What ... What's still out there?" Jal gazed at Wyn, shaking his head.
"The creature that attacked you..?" Ayra’s voice carried but it fell on deaf ears, too engrossed in the presence of the stranger nearest to him.
The ground began to quiver with increasing succession, accompanied by a groaning thud; this disturbance snapped more than Jalen’s attention to it.
"Stay here," Wynter breathed and Jalen’s peripherals registered Wynter’s absence. Concentrating on the oncoming movement Jal caught sight of a projectile. It was unnatural Jalen deliberated in disbelief, almost as though it had caught a light mid flight; a chilling aura surged up his spine.
"Huh…?" Does everyone I meet have to be so hocus pocus? The “intended” came into view, raging viciously – an arrow embedded in its throat. Unfortunately it appeared to possess a second. Perfect. My fantastic fairy glow does jack all, Jal berated.
The creature wasn’t slowed, in fact the damage seem to have amplified its resolve with fury. It wasn’t moments before the beast retaliated with an assault that caught Wynter dramatically. Jal winced at the damage Wynter received. The second attempt was no more successful, a direct hit but only succeeding as far as further enraging the attacker.

"What the Hell is this thing!?" An exclamation cried out from Wynter, exacerbated. Some how amidst the activity unfolding between the ogre and Wynter, Klaus had approached Jal and Jal realised Ayra was out of sight.
"Well it seems we will be of no use in this situation and the smell of all this blood, probably made the ogre....-" The man paused abruptly. What’s this guy talking about? Let me guess. A militant pacifist… what a joke. Jal presumed rolling his eyes in disgust and completely missing Klaus’s injured condition.”Great…” he exhaled.

Before Jal realised Arya had darted from an unseen position and was mounted upon the beast, it shook and flailed in response to a blade Arya was repeatedly driving into it. The beast then succeeded in loosing Arya.

Hey, ugly! Over here! You don't want them! Everyone knows blondes are more fun!" Beckoning, Arya motioned for the ogre to pursue her.
Why would that idiot… A thought crossed Jal before he could dismiss its impracticality, This creature could do my work for me…
"Oi! Shoot at the back of its knees! Just do it, trust me! The skin is probably tough so make the shot count!" The voice beside him trampled over his thoughts, Jal was even more irked by the blonde.
Sure… kitty scratch it in a non-fatal area, that’ll save you from the brunt of it’s ferociously massive club hands… Jal scoffed to himself sarcastically. “Ugh.” Or better yet, lets walk wide-eyed into an unhealthy dealing of mortal wounds, then I can go out along with all three of you and never get to settle my score with THAT WITCH… fantastic... Something was also mentioned from the “unhelpful" foghorn beside him but Jalen had tuned out and had began rummaging through his jacket pocket. It was as he retrieved the desired object that earth started smattering itself onto him, forcing a choking cough and Jal to spit.
"You my friend, we need to get rid of all this blood, before it gets us into more trouble." Klaus explained, whilst Jal protested with extreme dissatisfaction. In the process of being lifted away from the battle Jalen ungrasped the item, allowing it to chink and run toward Wynter. It was a poisoned ring, one of few remaining to Jal since his previous encounter, he was hopeful that it would be of use to Wynter or Ayra, and he didn’t have any other options, grunting as Klaus dropped him into the hollow a tree.
The imperatives Klaus served, only agitated Jal, though he noticed Klaus had either seen something or was abandoning the women, as he darted away.

”I’ll be back…”
”Sure... I’m the Pope.”The man’s boots crunched underfoot as he left upon fallen leaves, through the trees. Jal tensed, he could feel the energy emitted from the girls, the negativity and gravity of their current situation. It empowered him.
”I can do this.” Jal breathed in quick succession, attempting to convince himself. Dark wisps began emerging around. “Come on...” Jal urged himself, pulsating the aura, collecting it, and focusing it into a single point.
It felt ready. Jal noticed Klaus around the perimeter, "weapon" engaged, though Jal concluded that a pointed stick could hardly boast such a classification. Time was closing in, as the monster charged Arya. Jal closed his eyes for the push.

”Huh? Where am I? Darkness enshrouded his vision. But. Somehow… He knew. It was obvious by the amount of disgust and depressing energy surrounding him, almost suffocating.

Had Jalen been returned.

To the Witch's keep?

"Oh this isn't my castle dear," A cackley voice overtured.
"You'll see."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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Image Klaus didn't make any moves anytime soon, he waited for the right moment. He knew that deep down inside of him that Arrows and knives wasn't going to cut it when it came to something this big. It was like giving the creature a bunch of splinters. So he watched and waited for the right moment.

As it fought with the girls it paused and lifted it's arms to let out a hard and rough roar into the heavens. The ground shook and the trees danced in horror. When he stopped and started to breathe heavy. The wound on it's leg, wouldn't let it stand up. At least he was right about that knee.

"You know you picked the wrong day to mess with me." Klaus's eyes clouded over with anger and a hit of twisted fate in them. "I just found out things that I shouldn't have. And that I am engaged. Then there was the part about something that really set me off on edge today. And I don't think that i am going to let something like you stand in the way of me killing every last one of you things here."

The ogre turned it's body to face Klaus, their faces had become face to face. One swing could kill him, one bite could take him. But all they did was stare at each other in complete anger. The ogre's eyes grew soft as he narrowed them. As if he was claiming defeat. He closed his eyes and let Klaus have at it. Wasn't like this thing was going to win and it knew this.

With a fancy twist of the stick, Klaus had grew a cocky mouth open grin for a slight second, as he jabbed the stick right into the ogre's eye. It howled in pain, but the moment that Klaus twisted the stick and jerked it to the right, the Ogre grew quiet and limp.

Not letting go of the stick Klaus leaned his eait into the ogre's head. "Shit.." The pain in his ribs started to make his vision go off for a bit. He knew his ribs were cracked from the fall earlier, but after this, it had felt like he made the crack wrose. He didn't hold onto his ribs, he didn't want the other's to see, he felt off. So he made it seem as if he was feeling sorry for the ogre's death. But in all honest truth, he made him feel....dangerously amazing inside. Who knew that such adrenaline felt this great to him. He almost wanted to laugh, but held it in.

Throwing himself back as he landed on the ground, leaning back on his hands, throwing his head back, he let out a loud 'phew'. "I thought that thing was going to eat me right then and there." He laughed feeling drained. He was playing off fake emotions. Sure he did that, it was like he could say that he wasn't scared. Not like any of them would believe him anyways. It was best for him to play off the weak and frail guy for a bit while longer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jalen Storm Character Portrait: Klaus Character Portrait: Arya Lasha Ryker Character Portrait: Wynter Mountbatten
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"Hey! We're back! I got you something for the pain!"Wynter came in, just shortly after Klaus decided to look for them, with a sigh he looked at whatever it was that she got for his pain. Not sure if he should take it or not, he did anyways.

And it didn't take long before Jalen came rushing in, seeming to be in a bad mood? Telling the old man to move out of the way. Making a choice of not saying anything he noticed the angered look upon Arya's face.

"Look, this isn't our place. You don't take a seat from the owner of a home and you definitely don't do it like that. I may be a girl but I won't hesitate to break your jaw if you don't quickly learn to show respect when it's necessary."

With her anger it was hard to believe that she was a Princess or his Future Wife. But than again..

“Everyone’s alive and well I see. Testy… My, my… Has anyone else noticed how these damn letters don't part ways with us?"
Her mood dropped a bit as Jalen changed the subject with an easy turn into an area that distracted the angered beast. Taming her back inside her cage.

Perking his lips to the side, he stopped himself from cracking a laugh or a smile at the thought. Jalen, might come off as a jerk, but he wasn't all that stupid. "Read the entire letter, what was nothing else on mine. But maybe the symbol means something?'

Taking out the letter he folded it to the area that no one can read what his said, only showing a fancy looking symbol, that honestly made no sense to him. But before anyone could noticed or read it...

"I should have let you suffer....Make it stop!" Cut him off of what he was doing. This time of what had happened, he was able to see more of what was going on. He understood it the first time, but it wasn't clear.

Without thinking, without even realizing, Klaus reached over and covered Arya's eyes. Breathing softly he sighed and pulled her back, keeping her eyes covered. "Relax, calm yourself." His voice was gentle and calm, it was all he could think of doing. His eyes glanced over at Jalen, his brows frowned as he thought.

So what he was told was the truth, if she or Jalen was doing this, that means, Klaus or Wynter might have the same deal, but maybe differently. "Hmm" It was harder to figure out than his normal go abouts, he'd have to backtrack in his mind of how to control or create whatever is happening. It was even more clear to him that, they were not in the times that they should be.

"WITCH! SHE'S A WITCH!" A young man yelled pointing at Ayra.

"BURN THE WITCH!" A woman hid behind him yelling.

People freaked out, the elder woman and man, tried to get Klaus and the 3 others attention, making them go out the back way of the house.

"Run hurry! There is no time to heal the boy, just hurry!" The man yelled as the elder woman tried to hurry and distract the others.