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One Diferent Earth

One Diferent Earth


Aliens, elves, humans, demons, dimensional creatures, machines, monsters, technology, magic, and everything you can imagine may exist in some part of this large world. This universe holds a possibility that no other can hold.

1,887 readers have visited One Diferent Earth since SuperSmash created it.


Aliens, elves, humans, demons, dimensional creatures, machines, monsters, technology, magic, and everything you can imagine may exist in some part of this large world. This universe holds a possibility that no other can hold.


Earth, the planet which is the most spoken over the galaxy, named in honor of an historical event, is a place where any kind of creatures attempt a change of a living for its population, easy jobs, and of course, attractions. The universe is vast though, and there are many habitable planets, and even a few colonies in the star system on which Earth is included in. Every species rule over a few systems across the galaxy, and some even across galaxies, having their own rules and costumes.
However, the civilizations aren't much diferent from any other. Politics are still pro-thiefs, kings keep thier honorable throne, poverty rules the corners of the cities, wars constantly clashes the lands of each planet, racism divides the cities, heroes kick-ass villains, science tries to explain the mean of life, and magic attempts to cure deseases.


The capital of the planet, Bashan, have plenty new sky scrapers, to draw more people into the planet. The city is huge, both in width and in height, having more than one hundred miles square of area, abranging over two billion people. This city offers plenty office posts, vacation destinations, hotspots, homes and much more.
For some reason, you felt a curiousity to visit or live in this city, and so you packed up and made your way. At the arrival, you recieved a great welcome and hospitality, also having indications for the hotspots, hotels, apartments, and anything you'd ask. Your first stop by was at your chosen place to stay, which you arrived through your own transport or a public one. There you settled your things and only then you gone to meet the city.

The Plot

Over the past few centuries, a peace was in high through the diferent civilizations. Harmony could be felt in the hearts of the population, friendship and hospitality were also quite present. But a few days ago, you have heard about strange assassinations and natural disaster in Earth. Some political figures and innocents were misteriously murdered. You probably heard this on the news or newspappers, and didn't took much of an worrie, but when walking on the street you barely notice some people in an alley, speaking about planed assassinations. For the record, you just keep that for yourself, since you're not really sure if you had actually heard it well, nor if is really true and you keep your own business. You also notice from time to time, groups of humans together in parks or city corners, which they didn't look like friedly people, and you wonder what is going on.

The character

At this RP, your character may be anything. You have choise from everything, whatever you please, although of course, overpowered characters shall not be included.
The characer personality may go from a complete failed alien to a tech expert human. Make sure to write down it's skills and traits though, and at what he might fail completly.
Characters may also be magicians, sorceress, wizards and so on, but none can actually exceed a certain amount of power without propper consequences.
As the same for magical beings, brutes and 'hulks' also must have weaknesses. They can lift an entire bulding, but that also will make a need to rest too important.
There aren't really heroes to this RP, but one may work to the community saving people from diverses accidents or assaults, like a firefighter would.
No character is unbeatable. No matter how much they can hold up, they will eventually fall. Of course, one will not die just because it was beaten. But losing will help to make your character stronger, if you realise.
The character race is up to you. You can either create one, pick an existing already, or make a mix of both. As in, you could be a Korbethian (A race i created.), or a Pokemon. One thing though, never claim a already exiting species/race as your own. Give credit to the owner, as i am sure you'd like to be credited for your creativity.
Write the reason why would your character would come into this city. Business? Tourism? Visiting family? Anything could do.
There are no really limits to the creation. Just write as most information as you can into it's description. You can also choose characters you have already created. Just find a way to fit it in here and you will be fine. Links are fine, to those who have a story/description to their character already. But don't pick other's people/games characters.

(WIP - Work In Progress)

Toggle Rules

- A big thanks in advance for those who actually read this. This is my first RolePlay and first roleplay post in the RPG site, but not unexperienced in roleplay.

- Submit your character information. It is a big inconvinience for me to watch over every single character that will be sent, but it will be a way to make sure that no one will actually godmod nor metagame. I can take time reading everything up, but i give 99,9999% sureness that it will be able to get in. (Have in mind that 100% gods may not be accepted. And i guess anyone knows very well why.) Also, be very discriptive about your character. I'm sure it will help people to understand some of it's behaviors.

- Do not pick up characters that already exist. For instance, i could create a Picachu, but i could not pick up Ash's Picachu as a character for RP.

- Ask permission to use other's characters in the RP. One may not kill another without the rightful permission. Who say 'kill', say anything else. Things can be planed in beforehand, and like that everyone can be happy.

- This roleplay is very wide-open. Literaly anything may happen in here.

- No Metagaming/godmodding. I don't think i need to explain this.

- I also accept requests for places. There should be places where many character should meet frequently.

- Keep 'Adult' scenes to PM's. Underage people do not need to suffer mental violations from such content.

- In doubt, my word is the final. At an end of a possible unfinished plan or discussion, my word shall be the final.

- No OOC drama. Please, we all are concious that this is to have fun, and not to cause problems.

- There are many rules of common sense. I won't bother with those.

- Most important: Have fun!

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in


Earth by RolePlayGateway

You reached Earth's space area.


Bashan by RolePlayGateway

Capital city of Earth

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Carlya
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((Never mind this post.))

The setting changes from Universe to Bashan


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Character Portrait: Carlya
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The first ray of the morning can now be seen, a few cars are heard. In the dark room, a pair of pink glowing circle is seen, blinking the sleepness away, and casting the unmoving dark into some floating blight. Carlya rises from her bed, caressly touching everything to find the switch to light up the room, and after a few tries, she successful does so. She yawns a little, looking at the watch she have at her bedside table, marking six a.m..

"Hmm... still early.. I'll just grab something to eat." She says to herself, giving the room a bit of noise.

Wearing nothing more than the blacky underwear, she heads toward the door, passing through the corridor and finaly ending up on the kitchen. Notably, the home is very small, and of someone with little income, however she doesn't seem to have problems with money. She then opens the fridge, taking an yogurt and a little spoon from the drawer next to the fridge. She after heads back to her room, where she opens the window, turned right to the midle of the road. A cheap apartment, right in the middle of the city, she looks out from the window for a moment, only then realising she is in underwear, and even in her loneliness, she blushes lightly. She goes onto relaxing in her bed, taking the controller also from the bedside table to turn the TV on to watch the early news, and only now opening the yogurt to eat.

An average morning since she arrived to the city.

A few minutes pass. "(...)The police already investigated these assassinations, but they refuse sharing any clues about the assassin. They however confirm that the weapon of choise was a knife, used to kill now the thirty fourth victim in this month. It is the first time in years that assassinations of this level occur, and the population already fear for the worst. (...)"
"Geez, so many? Thought this place here had a tight vigilance." She says, after hearing the amount of victims, and she decides to search for a less depressive channel. After washing a round through the channels, she turns the TV off and stands up. Going for her wardrob, she takes a few clothing, dressing and then looks to the mirror right above it. In a moment, she leaves a heavy sigh, looking at herself through the mirror. "Why had this happen to me.." She says, refering to her past. "Anyway, gota get food." Closing every door behind her and locking the main of her appartment, she leaves the building in a walk.

The setting changes from Bashan to Universe


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#, as written by Kobra
An alarm goes off, waking Tomas from his sleep. He flips over and places his hand on the alarm clock, shutting it off. As he opens his eyes, it reads 6:30. He then grabs his phone to check for any calls or messages. After seeing there isn't any, he sits up, grabs some clothes and heads to the shower in his apartment. His apartment isn't the fanciest place, but its better than some other people's apartments. After a quick shower and shave, he heads to the kitchen and goes directly to the fridge. He opens it and grabs some leftover chinese food and quickly grabs a fork from a nearby drawer.

He then goes to the living room, plopping down on the couch, gets the remote and turns on the tv. As the tv turns on, the news is covering the assassinations again. "Seems like that's all people care about these days" Tomas says as he starts eating his makeshift breakfast. When he's about to turn off the tv, the news suddenly changes to a live feed. The reporter woman states "It has just been confirmed that victims thirty five and thirty six have been discovered, and that." Thats all that he hears before turning off the tv and throwing away the empty container and tosses the fork into the sink. He heads out the front door and lock it behind him, leaving the apartment complex.

The setting changes from Universe to Bashan


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#, as written by Kobra
After walking for about an hour, Tomas arrived outside the fight club. From the outside, it looked like another abandoned warehouse. The walls are covered in cracks and random graffiti. Going over to the side of the building, he walks to the door and bangs on it. The bouncer opens a small panel on the door and looks out, asking "what do you want?" Tomas replies "just let me in Jack, you know who i am." Shortly after, the door swings open and Tomas walks through.

The inside of the fight club is much different from the outside. There are 2 floors, an open bar, several styles of seats and a central ring. The ring a simple circular cage in the center of the warehouse. It's large enough to hold up to 16 fighters at one time. there are several booths where bets are taken and a large electronic board that displays the fight roster and the odds of each match. Cracking his knuckles, Tomas says to himself "Today's gonna be fun."


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#, as written by Kobra
(sorry, laptop double posted)


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Character Portrait: Aedan
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As the first rays of sun glittered through the window, Aedan let out a soft groan. He had spent the night back in the "cages", trying to get his new trainee to listen to reason. But, that wasn't going to happen so he had headed home in spite of the nights matches. He would get word of it later, so it didn't bother him.

Sitting up, Aedan made his way into his normal routine: Shower, breakfast, dressing and writing. After about half an hour of writing, he shut off his laptop and made his way out the door. He took a quick 13 floor elevator ride before ending up at the Apartment Parking. Pulling his keys from his pocket he stepped into his sleek black Accord. Smirking, he listened as the engine revved.

He loved the way the engine purred, a sharp contrast to the screeching motors of the outside world. As the world rushed by, he opened his glove box and took out a badge. Setting it in his lap, he took a couple rights and a couple lefts and ended up at a rather shack-like parking garage. Presenting his badge to the good at the door, he was allowed access.

β€œWelcome back, Aedan.” One of the coaches greeted as Aedan stepped out of his car. He gave a small smile and a nod in return before heading into the fight club. Sliding easily past most of the occupants, he took his normal seat at the bar and ordered a drink before turning his attention to the ring, taking out his notebook and pen.


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#, as written by Kobra
Tomas quickly made his way to the cage, opening the cage door and shuts the door behind him, looking at his several opponents. Tomas gets into his starting position and waits for the bell to ring. A minute or two passes, but it feels like a lifetime to him. Tomas hasn't fought in a few days and had a lot of anger to take out, and these 5 fighters were gonna help him. The moment the bell rings, Tomas rushes the person standing across from him and slams him into the fence, followed by a hard knee to his stomach, forcing the man onto his knees. The other fighters have started fighting as well when Tomas kicked the man in the head, knocking him out and cutting his head.

Tomas turned around and saw a large man standing there, ready to strike. The man threw a heavy punch, but Tomas dodged it, saying "Gotta have speed with the power if you stand any chance." Tomas, now to the side of the large man, kicked his knee, causing it to come out of place and causing the large man to grunt in pain. The large man turns and throws another punch, which Tomas dodges easily and then delivers several punches to the gut, followed by a round house kick to the face. The large man staggers back after the kick and Tomas jumps at him, punching him hard in the jaw, sending him to the floor with a broken nose. Looking around, he sees that only one opponent remained.

The other man didn't seem like much but was holding a pipe. "A fan must have thrown in a weapon" Tomas thought. It wasn't uncommon for that to happen and it was allowed so long as it wasn't a blade. Suddenly, the man charged Tomas and swung the pipe. Tomas put his arms up to defend himself and the pipe made a loud thud as it connected against his arms. As the man swung again, Tomas grabbed the pipe and stopped the attack. Tomas straight kicked the man in the chest, forcing him back and releasing his grip on the pipe. Tomas walked over to the man and before he could react, Tomas swung the pipe at his head. A loud crack could be heard as the pipe connected, probably cracking the man's skull. As the bell rang to signal the end of the match, Tomas left the ring and walked over to the bar, ordering a drink and taking a seat.

The setting changes from Bashan to Universe


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The fight had been quick, he knew that much. It was Tomas, a regular to the ring and a well known fighter. Five thugs wouldn't have held much against him anyway. It wasn't until a sharp crack split through the air that Aedan's attention was caught. Looking up from his notes, he gave a slight tilt of the head.

To his left he could hear a dissapointed fan grumbling about the pipe. A better perhaps? Scoffing lightly, Aedan turned back to his drink. Men, especially those who bet, could be blind sometimes. Introducing a weapon into the ring would have only rocketed Tomas' chance of winning, even if it wasn't in his hands.

Yes, Aedan had been watching the man. Scouting him, if you will. As Tomas came over to the bar, Aedan closed his book and gave a gentle tap on the bar to gain the waiters attention.

"I've got his tab tonight," He smiled, innocence blaring from his eyes. "He can have whatever he likes."

Looking down the bar to Tomas, he adjusted his glasses before going back to scribbling his notes.

The setting changes from Universe to Bashan


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#, as written by Kobra
"Thanks" Tomas said. Looking over at the man, he saw a young blonde elf sitting in the seat next to him. "Just a soda please" Tomas said, turning his attention to the waiter. Tomas never liked drinking alcohol after a fight, especially when he planned on fighting again. While waiting for his drink, Tomas switched the vision of his cybernetic eye to x-ray and looked at his arms. After a few seconds of looking at his arms and seeing no bone damage, he switched back to normal vision. His drink arrived shortly. After taking a sip, Tomas turned to the man and asked "so, whats your name?"

The setting changes from Bashan to Universe


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Soda, huh? Aedan thought with a smirk. Good choice. Scribbling in his notebook, he peered over the edge of his glasses as if to check something. Shrugging lightly, his ears gave a light twitch as he was addressed. Turning to face Tomas, he removed his sunglasses.

"Aedan," He greeted in his normal warm tone, flashing the fighter a smile. "I'm sorry if any of this seems at all weird." A small laugh escaped those feminine lips.

"An easy victory deserves an even easier reward, don't you think?"


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#, as written by Kobra
"Yes Aedan, I do. Thanks for the drink" Tomas said. He didn't know what to make of the elf. He was very young and had a warm tone to his voice. Most people that came here had grizzly voices and were cold, distant people. Tomas hadn't seen him much, but then again, Tomas really didn't pay much attention to spectators. Only time people talked to him, it was either about the fight or they wanna hire him to beat someone who did them wrong, Tomas never really listened, most of the time it was someone that beat them up in a past fight. Looking back at the board, he saw he was the third fight on the upcoming fights board, and took a sip of his soda. Turning to Aedan, Tomas asked "So Aedan, how did you come across this place?"


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Putting his notes away, the elf stashed his notepad in his bag.

"Well," He laughed softly. "I need a new fighter, and so far..." He sighed dramatically, gently waving a hand. "No ones caught my attention." Grinning, he looked back to Tomas.

"I plan on taking one of these Lost Souls to the finals," He explained, watching as the Tender refilled his glass. "It'll give me something for my book, and something to do in the mean time." His eyes slowly shifted to Tomas. He had potential and could possibly prove of some use. "Though, I have four boys on my watch list already, but I don;t know if they'll be any good." Was that a challenge in his voice?


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#, as written by Kobra
Tomas took another sip of his soda and chuckled lightly. Either Aedan was a complete fool or a mastermind to give a challenge to Tomas. Tomas didn't care about the upcoming tournament to be honest. With that much money on the line, peoples true colors came out. Last year, some fans went as far as climbing into the ring and attacking the fighters. This year was gonna be worse because the owner is leaving and the winner would be given the deeds to the place. But on the other hand, the tournament only had the best fighters and Tomas did like a challenge. Looking back over at Aedan, he asks "When do you want the fight to happen?"


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The blonde grinned, his attention turning to the ring as the bell sounded. Reaching into his wallet, he produced a small business card.

"You'll be put against the four," He explained, handing the card over. It was very bland card - white all the way around with black lettering. It gave an address and a phone number that Aedan himself could be reached at. "If you win, you'll become my protege. I'll offer you a home, rent free of course. Food and all the amenities included as long as you keep winning."

Aedan wasn't one for being curt, but Tomas sounded like the kind of man who was not one for BS. Stashing his wallet back in his bag, his sipped at his drink. "Of coarse, there will be some small rules you'd have to abide by."


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#, as written by Kobra
Tomas took the card and put it in his pocket and looked at Aedan, saying "I don't need a place to stay, I got my own. I appreciate it being a prize. I'll call for the time and place sometime tonight." Tomas took another sip of his soda and got up, heading over to the ring. Looking at his opponent, Tomas knew he would win. His opponent was a behemoth of a man, almost 7" tall and extremly muscled. Most fighters would retreat now or piss themselves, but Tomas had seen this man fight before. He always grappled, never threw a punch. Tomas just had to stick and move to beat him. Looking back at Aedan, Tomas yelled "If you wanna make some easy money, you should bet on me!" and entered the ring.


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Aedan smirked, nodding lihglty in acknowledgement to the male. As the fight started, he gathered up his things and decided to head towards the Bosses Lounge. He had always been welcome there, especially since he was prettier than most of the girls that normally hung around.

The room was dank and smelled heavily of cigars, but that wasn't a problem. Making his way to one of the chairs, he watched the fight from the window. There were no more than four other men in the room, and they looked like the typical coach type. Not really what Aedan himself went for.

The setting changes from Universe to Bashan


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#, as written by Kobra
The bell rang and Tomas closed the distance quickly, delivering a kick to the man's knee. The man grunted but stayed standing, reaching out to grab Tomas. Tomas dodged the throw narrowly and then kicking the man in the same knee. Again, it didn't have the effect Tomas wanted. Without warning, the man turned around and was able to grab Tomas. The man threw Tomas across the stage and he slammed into the chain link fence and fell to the ground. Getting up, he saw a metal baseball bat hit the floor next to him. Picking it up, he rushed the man, swinging and connecting with the man's knee, making a loud crack, the man's knee shattered. The man fell to the ground, screaming and Tomas loomed over him. "Go to bed, you'll feel better." Suddenly, Tomas swung the bat downwards and smashed it against the man's face, knocking him out. Dropping the bat, Tomas walked out of the cage and up to the owner's office to collect his winnings.

The setting changes from Bashan to Universe


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Character Portrait: Aedan
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"Beautiful." Aedan purred, bringing his drink to his lips as he listened the hallow wooden sound that the bat made as it connected with the mans face. His search was over. Collecting his things once more, he gave a gentle kiss to one mans forehead, thanking him for the offer of a ride home, but refused.

Slowly, he made his way to the garage.

"Hey, Pretty Boy." Aedan stopped. Leaning on his car were five big burly thugs of different races. "Word around the ring is you got a new favorite."

Aedan scoffed slightly, adjusting his shoulder bag.

"Marth, please get your ass off the Porche." He quipped rather distastefully. Marth, the tallest of the group, grinned, showing of two vampiric fangs.

"Aw, does the big bad coach not want his pwecious car man handled?" He growled, smirking as his gang began to encircle the male; Aedan remained unphased. "Well... let's see how the faggot enjoys being MAN handled." Slowly, the group advanced.

The blonde only huffed and slowly dropped his bag.

"Marth," He started, his voice calm and cool. "If you want to live to see that whore of a girl you call a mate, I suggest you back off now."

"Oh really, and what's a scrawny twerp like you gonna do?"

Aedans smile became a full on smirk. A dark one. Reaching into his pocket, he slowly produced a small silver knife. To anyone else, it was piece of junk. But to Aedan, it was a useable weapon.

"I'll give you to the count of three, Marth."


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#, as written by Kobra
Tomas had gotten paid and decided he should get his car. He often left it at the fight club because he was there so much and liked walking, but he felt like going out of town this weekend. He walked past the many spectators in complete silence, slipping past everyone without being noticed too much. He started searching for his car, a blue SUV. Tomas knew with the line of work he was in, upsetting the wrong person would be bad for his health. The SUV was outfitted with bulletproof siding and windows, A signal jammer to stop bugs, and heavy plating so it could keep working if hit by an EMP blast. After about ten minutes of searching, he found it and started heading over to it when he noticed a group surrounding a Porche and he could hear them talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. He couldn't see who they were talking to, but he know something was about to happen. Tomas started walking over to the group, hoping they were just admiring the car.

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Earth by RolePlayGateway

You reached Earth's space area.


Bashan by RolePlayGateway

Capital city of Earth

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Character Portrait: Music Meister
0 sightings Music Meister played by Gypsy
I like to find harmony where there is none.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Carlya
Character Portrait: Tomas Walker
Character Portrait: Aedan


Character Portrait: Aedan

"Things are never as they seem, remember that."

Character Portrait: Tomas Walker
Tomas Walker

"Don't bother me and you won't wind up in the hospital"

Character Portrait: Carlya

"Yo. I'm probably up for anything."


Character Portrait: Carlya

"Yo. I'm probably up for anything."

Character Portrait: Tomas Walker
Tomas Walker

"Don't bother me and you won't wind up in the hospital"

Character Portrait: Aedan

"Things are never as they seem, remember that."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tomas Walker
Tomas Walker

"Don't bother me and you won't wind up in the hospital"

Character Portrait: Carlya

"Yo. I'm probably up for anything."

Character Portrait: Aedan

"Things are never as they seem, remember that."

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Earth by RolePlayGateway

You reached Earth's space area.


Bashan by RolePlayGateway

Capital city of Earth

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Most recent OOC posts in One Diferent Earth

Re: Character Creation

Great, already accepted and all. Sounds quite good to me. You may start whenever you like.

Re: Character Creation

Well, I finished it. Honestly, it would've only take me an hour, but other stuff kept on happening and my computer is getting a little slow. But either way, it's done.

Re: Character Creation

Heh.. alright. Not need to kill yourself with it anyway. This RP is mostly a free lancing. The description remarks that well i think.

Re: Character Creation

You know what? No. I will do this RP if I have to cut off my leg with a feather to do it. I only have to post once every few days, right? I'm gonna do this. I can't just back out of this now, my pride won't allow it. My character will be done in an hour... Maybe a bit more, but it will be done today.

Re: Character Creation

No worries. If you still decide to show up in this one, you don't really need to come up every day. Also, "excuses" may given in RP for those moments. I use them up myself x3 Anyway, good luck with the ones you have now! :D

Re: Character Creation

I'm sorry man, but some stuff came up, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to juggle being in three role plays for a while. I'm going to be having some trouble keeping up with the two I already joined, so I'm not going to be able to get it on with this one. I wish you the best though.

Re: Character Creation

And between, as soon as you guys submit the character and it is aproved, you may start to RP right away.

Re: Character Creation

In that way, i don't mind. As inreal life, there are also people with same face structure (although this is very rare), personality, age and name. So yes, you can.

Re: Character Creation

Can I make a character that already exists? Not in the way like using ash's pikachu, but using the appearance, name, and powers of a character, but completely different back story and personality and stuff?

Re: Character Creation

Well, of course! As told there, the character can be literaly anything. Hope we can get this one running.

Re: Character Creation

Just wanted to say, I read your whole post. I'm definitly interested and will begin whipping up a... monster... Character! I meant character! =)

Character Creation

Hello everyone. Hope to have a few applications in the next days. This roleplay will come to more than what it seems for now.
I'll give already a thanks for those who are thinking to join up.