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Only War: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment

Only War: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment


A War Epic based in the realm of Warhammer 40k. Follow the tales of the squads of the 501st Hendrisi as they attempt to survive and serve the Emperor across multiple battlefields.

3,366 readers have visited Only War: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment since The 275th created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

warhammer 40k


In the 41st Millenium, Mankind is beset by War.

The Imperium of Man stretches across the stars, bloated by thousands of years of conquest, and crippled from within and without.

Deadly bands of innumerable Orks plague worlds across space, looting, pillaging, and destroying all in their wake.

Enigmatic and cunning Eldar make precision strikes against Imperial worlds for their own unknowable designs.

The horrifying Tyranid Hive-Fleets, from beyond the known Galaxy, descend upon and consume entire worlds with no purpose but to feed.

Chief among the enemies of Man are the legions of Chaos; Seeding worlds with foul purpose and turning man against itself.

Forming the front line against the myriad threats that threaten to ruin Imperial life within the galaxy are the Imperial Guard; numbering in the trillions of regiments, each with thousands of soldiers, armed with potent weaponry and with the full support of the Imperium, these soldiers face every threat against the Imperium with stoic faith.

In Only War you will not be one mere soldier facing the innumerable enemies of Man alone; instead, you will be among many, forming a squad that is only one of hundreds that form up the Regiment as a whole. Your squad will fight alongside the mighty war machines of the Adeptus Mechanicus, charge into the fray with Imperial Clerics, and be supported by the arcane ministrations of Sanctioned Psykers.

Your enemies will be strong, fast, cunning, and endless. You will die. But in your death you will find solace in the light of the God Emperor, and know that your Regiment will carry on.

Here will be chronicled the story of the 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment; called Death Jumpers or Drop Troops, such regiments are rare and often considered mad by their compatriots from other Regiments. After all, what sane mind would willingly jump from a speeding aircraft, into hostile fire, with naught but their arms and armor, comrades, and a grav-chute to fight the enemies of man?

This will be a character-driven story with a focus on the soldiers and support elements of the 501st Imperial Guard Regiment. One amongst untold billions, each man and woman will have a part to play; even if it is short lived.

[Placeholder regiment insignia]


Toggle Rules

1. This Roleplay is based in the established lore of Warhammer 40k. As such there are certain things that must be observed; The basics being adherence to the "Imperial Cult" and the like.

2. Characters made for this roleplay will follow specific distinctions; your capabilities will be limited to what would be expected of your specialization. Supernatural abilities, out-of-character knowledge, and other such things will not be allowed.

3. Character death can and will happen. In most cases I will not be 'forcing' such things to happen, but there may be times where something catastrophic occurs, either by my direction or simply by the flow of the story. As such multiple characters are encouraged, and the resulting deaths should not be contested unless a very good case can be made (i.e surviving a building collapse and hoping to be found in a pile of rubble.)

4. While this Roleplay is based on Warhammer 40k and will feature mostly existing situations (Orks, Tyranids, Chaos, etc.) there will be lots of 'new' content, namely a custom-built sub-sector and potentially some other Xenos species that are minor enough to not be considered a major threat by the Imperium as a whole.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

Reike Expanse

Reike Expanse by The 275th

Sub-Sector Reike, one of many located within the Imperium of Man.

Planet Arawath

Planet Arawath by The 275th

Planet Arawath is a mining world within the Reike Expanse that has been under Ork assault for three years. Local regiments of the 319th Imperial Legionnaires, 420th Cannabisian Regiment, and 19th Reiker Defense Force are all engaged.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
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Caccia had received the orders to fall back to the building to the east of their position. There was one problem trying to make it to said building, there was no cover along the way for him and the rest of the guardsman squad he was attached to, "Seargent that's going to be a negative on my end! We would be shot to bits it we were to try and make it to that building. Even with some smoke grenades we wouldn't be able to make it in time, I will advance forward and if you want me shot for disobeying orders so be it! At least I will die with some purpose." He talked into his radio before turning his attention to the squad of guardsman, "alright lads! You have three options, number one: come with me and silence the ork anti-air and have a small chance to live, number two: stay here and shoot as many orks you can until this wreck becomes shot to bits and afterwards all die, or option three: run to the east with no cover to the rest of the squads position and not be shot for insubordination." The rest of the guardsman looked at eachother before going with option one.

Caccia went into action to command this squad, "Alright lads! I will throw a smoke grenade up ahead to give us some cover, afterwards follow me to that ork occupied structure just 18 meters away from us and clear it out, the rest we will have to see!" He called out to his squad before throwing a smoke grenade over the wreck and began to wait for the smoke to rise. As the smoke was at its peak he ran followed by the rest of the guardsman, thankfully the smoke combined with the already bad aim of the orks saved them from being picked off one by one, they then made it to the ork building and began to storm the place from the base of the structure just as the smoke wore off.

The setting changes from Planet Arawath to Warhammer 40k


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Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc Character Portrait: Deacis Thorn Character Portrait: Elbel Fischermann
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The two members of Squad Vindicatus with the Commissar stiffened as the Commissar began to berate them, keeping their heads staring straight forward until she had finished her tirade. They were not used to reactions such as this from Commissars, for many understood the value that the Militarum Tempestus afforded an Imperial Guard contingent and would listen to their advice. Not wishing to inflame her ire any more than necessary, Elbel and Uriah strode away quickly and silently.

Once outside of the Commissar's earshot, stepping quickly down the rubble filled stairs, Deacis cursed silently under his breath before speaking to Uriah, "Pissed off, ain't she? Does she not understand that remaining here will leave her vulnerable, unable to be supported by any Imperial Guard units? Not mentioning the fact that this building is a death trap unless there's another way out. Orks storming the building will slaughter any inside."

Uriah sighed as he placed the hot-shot laspistol on his hip temporarily to shove a door open. "Commissar's are willful, Scion Deacis, especially one's such as her. Leave her to her fate, we have our own missions to accomplish." Breaking out into the street to meet up with Elbel and Partheo, none would hear the warning about the incoming artillery fire, the only warning a faint thud coming from the direction of the ashen walls. Too faint to be interpreted amongst the other sounds of battle in the area, the Storm Troopers ducked back into the building as shots began to ring out, followed by the cacophony of a charging Ork mob, roaring WAAAAAGH!!!! as loud as they could.

"Feth! Fall back up the building, Vindicatus! Deacis, fragmentation grenade now!" screamed Uriah as the Orks began to pour through the door way. Rapid fire came from the hot-shot lasguns, each shot precisely aimed to drill into an Ork's most vulnerable areas. Despite their efforts, the horde slowly made its way forward, scrambling over the bodies which were beginning to pile on the floor.

Noise dampened momentarily as the auto-sensors in the Storm Troopers' helmets tuned out the thump of the frag grenade as the grenade exploded, tearing apart several of the Orks and causing a nearby column to shatter slightly, spraying stone backward. Step by step, the Storm Troopers would fall back up the building, carving down Orks, oblivious of the artillery rounds which were to impact in a few seconds time.


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Grim Character Portrait: Belva Clarette Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Bottles Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein Character Portrait: Arin Sanders Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc

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Icarus Toroun

Pilgrim looked above his head as a Valkyrie flew right over his position and covered his face with his arm to guard against the wind even with the mask over his face. He watched as the airship went down and guessed there was a large force of orks in that area. With all the gunfire in the LZ there had to be a large battle going on. Icarus could only get minor glimpses from his distant position, but he could hear more than just guns and battle cries.

The distinctive sound of ork armor rolling over debris came from that area, and it sent a chill down his spine. But he could not move his position as he was needed on that rooftop. "Lasgunners, put your head on a swivel. Scan all streets and alley ways, I don't want to be snuck up on." It was then that the frag grenades shook the building at Icarus half expected the roof to cave into the lower floors. "One of you check the staircase! Let me know if any orks start coming up that way!" Icarus fixed a laser guide to his lasgun and turned on the green beam of light as he used it to plot a firing line towards the LZ.

"Striker, you see where i'm aiming? There is only one wall in between us and that LZ. Get ready to fire down this line when I take it down." Icarus turned off his laser guide and set his lasgun aside for a moment. He takes one of his frag grenades and pulls the pin but holds onto it and tries to judge the aim of his throwing arc. Throwing the grenade with a short yell the grenade disappears into the rubble. An explosion sounds as the already battle-weakened wall falls down from the explosion. Icarus picks up his lasgun as scans the new opening that shows the rest of the company and a large horde of orks. "Concentrate fire on that opening! Suppressing fire for 2nd company right now! Make the Emperor proud!" Icarus fired his lasgun, his shot hitting one of the advancing orks and giving the other soldiers near him the will to fight.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Belva Clarette Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Standard Kit & Classes
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#, as written by Taunbon
Bel ducked her head behind cover as an Ork sent a volley of poorly aim shots at her, blasting large chunks of the decrepit wall off. Freeing her Laspistol, she leaned out and took a few potshots back at the Ork the snap of ionizing air meeting with the not so well reaction of the long bolts striking the Orks flesh, blowing large meaty chunks out of it that would have put down any human, only for the Ork to shake his head, give out a warcry and send another hail of bullets at her. The sergeants orders range in her eye, and she tapped on the comm to give confirmation of the orders.

A snap of ionizing air caught her attention as she peaked out over the crumbling wall to see the offending Orks head explode into a bloody mist as a lasbolt struck it. Bel did not bother to look to see what trooper had made the shot, instead, she took the momentary chance to target the tank. Holstering her pistol, she pointed her Staff at the tank, she raised her left hand at it as she channeled the raw power of the Immaterium, the air crackling around her and making her hair stand on end as her mind dived deep into the Great Ocean. Opening her eyes, the power surged through her staff creating a powerful purple light that attracted the attention of the greenskins who hollered loudly firing off rounds in her direction only for the rounds to bounce off the invisible kinetic barrier that was forming around her.

Closing her hand, the Ork tank shuddered as an unseen force took hold of it. Metal gave way with a screech as long indentures in the metal appeared as if a massive hand had gripped the tank. Slowly, the Ork contraption started to lift into the air, sand and rubble falling from its spinning track. It seemed the crew noticed what was going on, hard to miss it even for an Ork, as the turret started to move in her direction, gritting her teeth as a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead, the turret of the tank began to bend and warp, lifting up as she pushed on the metal with her mind, the mundane material giving way before the power of the warp. Explosions rocked the tank, and while Bel had no idea what caused it, she assumed it was the Orks firing off a round despite her destroying the turret causing it to explode in the barrel.

Whatever caused the explosions though crippled the tank even further, the Orks that had been taking cover around had stopped firing at her, instead choosing to stare at the floating tank that had large chunks of it exploding for no apparent reason. Lifting the tank even higher having it levitate nearly twelve meters above the ground, she slammed her hand down with her own cry of anger as the sixty ton tank descended back towards the ground like a meteor. Dust and rubble were thrown into the air as the ground shook from the massive impact, the Orks around it were either crushed or thrown back from the released kinetic energy. What remained of the tank, which wasn't much, lay in the center of a large crater.

Bel let her staff drop... then her body, as she sat on the ground with her back to the wall, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain her breath. Reaching up to wipe the sweat from her face, she regained part of her composure and tapped on her comm-bead, "Sergeant Solar, the Ork Armor has been eliminated."


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Relieved to hear a familiar voice, Endric considered Solar's tone to be unnecessarily endearing and responded with a healthy vote of misplaced confidence.
"Acknowledged, Sergeant. I couldn't help that these cesspiles obviously wanted some Punkt precision."
However, despite his best efforts to stay in lifted spirits, the ashes engulfing his vision and oxygen were more than worrysome. He looked around at the distance blobs of (hopefully) buildings, either direction could lead him directly into a crazed blood-bath of twisted welcome. In the face of uncertain death, Endric most certainly could not leave this choice to himself, instead choosing to let fate decide. Then it could be Fate's fault. Quickly, and under his breath, Endric pointed his left finger from right to left while reciting a strange sort of solioquy:
"Eeny, meeny, mony, my,
Barcelona, stony, sty,
Eggs, butter, cheese, bread,
Stick, stack, stone, dead. "
On 'dead', Endric's finger was pointing to the right; Unbeknownst to him, due Southwest.
He struggled to pull his grav-chute out of the dead sticks protruding out of the ground, and succeded by falling down and rolling over backwards, the chute clinging to his chest as if for dear life. He stood up, threw the chute onto his shoulders, then set off in a run, readjusting his cloak to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. He could hear distanced explosions to the left of himself and in front of him, as well as the hum of aircraft, but there was another sound - a land machine that set itself apart of from the ratcheted 'tut-tut' of anti-air machines and orkish kamikaze cannons. The wind was billowing toward him from his left, smashing pillars of ashes against him. He slipped and fell a couple of times, and each time he worked himself back up to a run, he could feel a frightening tightness in his chest. His rebreather was doing it's job, but the atmosphere certainly had the upper hand. In the bleak, seemingly isolated landscape, his thoughts were racing along with him- How far have I run, already? I could be running in circles for all I know. Maybe I should have left the grav-chute... wait...
He was getting closer to something that definitely looked more like a building, but he definitely heard the sound of land vehicles and they sounded as if they were closing the gap between the ashes and Endric. Endric did his best to pick up his feet, controlling his breathing and took out his laspistol, keeping his right hand poised to grab a grenade if necessary. Corners began to appear on the building as Endric scrambled, not ungracefully, toward what he thought was a single wall that might offer some cover, as well as a look out to determine if the building was occupied or not, before entering to find higher ground and whatever might lay across the searing landscape before him.
Just before Endric reached the wall, he could hear what now sounded like two vehicles approaching fast behind him. He fervently searched for a place that might provide not only a brief respite from the wind, but some what of a buffer of his own scent. Luckily, he stumbled over a mound of dirt and rolled onto his stomach just before the first vehicle came into Endric's view - he realized the vehicle would have plowed him over, and then a second vehicle brought up the back end. He couldn't tell from his vantage point how many orks were in them, but watched as they zoomed past the wall he was attempting to reach. They were not heading for the building he could see to his right, and Endric realized they must be heading for the main block of the industrial complex.

"Come in, this is Phoorstein! Still unsure as to my specific location - the wind is blowing in my face and there is a building to my right. I was almost run over by two ork ground vehicles, heading directly away from me. I can only assume it is toward the main industrial complex. Acknowledge?"

The setting changes from Warhammer 40k to Planet Arawath


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Grim Character Portrait: Belva Clarette Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Bottles Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein Character Portrait: Arin Sanders Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc

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2nd Company Alpha LZ

Despite the short-lived assault of the Valkyrie Gunship, the Orks continued to push forward against the onslaught of Las-fire. With few heavy weapons specialists or melee combatants on the field, the 501st was about to face an infantry charge that could prove most deadly.

The Orks did not need to utilize any breaches in the defenses- there were enough of them, lead by a pack of Nobz, that there was simply not enough fire to keep them all down.

An unfamiliar Lieutenant's voice sounded over wide-band comms. "Any and all melee combatants to the front! Guardsmen, fix bayonets; Do not let the Emperor find you wan-"

Meanwhile, the tank had been dealt with quite sufficiently; both the Psyker and two Krak grenades had ensured that nothing survived inside the tank, or in the immediate vicinity outside of it- with the exception of a few Orks that had managed to stray far enough away from the cover before it became volatile.

Augustus was quickly near to Belva; apparently having been the trooper to make the previous shot, he was taking careful shots here and there at nearby targets, while covering Belva's exposed side. "Emperor preserve us," he whispered to himself; he had never witnessed such destructive power, but it was for the Emperor at least. "Well done, Ma'am," he said more loudly in between shots.

The first artillery shell hit somewhere to the south. A few moments went by before another one hit, further south; and then a rain of shells began to obliterate the structures south-east of the Landing Zone. A few shells landed amidst the Orks, cutting huge swathes in their numbers; and unexpected support fire from the south-west in the form of heavy stubbers helped to deter the orks.

But nevertheless, melee was engaged with several of the Nobz and a plethora of Boyz cutting into the Imperial front lines.


"Yes sir, Sergeant," Striker declared, both teams setting up their heavy weaponry. The rest of the guardsmen- about thirteen men who had followed to support them- set up a position around the stairs and began heading down carefully per Pilgrim's instructions.

"Sergeant! Orks are coming, lots of them!" The lasgunners began firing as soon as the first Ork began to charge its way up the stairs.

Disregarding the situation behind them, both heavy weapons teams began to open up on the Orks' flank.

The Catachan, and the troopers foolish or brave enough to go with him, would find themselves crossing the street to the North; much closer to the fighting in Alpha than anywhere else as of yet. The Orks had lost interest in them, deciding instead to go for the newly cleared bottom floor of Sergeant Icarus' building.

The building that Caccia had taken was mostly clear, aside from a few quickly dispatched Gretchins and Grots taking cover and taking pot-shots at the defenders.

More importantly, they would have a good view of the incoming green tide descending on the 501st. Without mincing words, the Guardsmen quickly decided to set up a position at the window and add their las-guns to the fire trying to keep the Orks from advancing.

Shells began to impact to the East and South of the position that Sergeant Icarus had begun to fire from. Despite the increasingly volatile barrage of shrapnel 'Striker' and the other teams continued to fire. Fortunately the position was far enough out of range of the most devastating rounds and rockets to impact the area, but it was still incredibly jarring- and with Orks charging up the stairs, they were soon to be in poor condition.

Secondary Designated LZ, AKA Artillery Strike Zone

The troopers near the Commissar flashed the Aquila and began to proceed with her orders; being from a different squad, they were not privy to the fact that an artillery strike was inbound. With the Commissar berating the Storm Troopers- a much appreciated and most amusing thing for them- they began setting up a position to fire on the encroaching Orks.

"Bloody hell, almost sounds like we lucked out missing Alpha," one guardsman remarked to the other, hearing the wide-band call for melee. Few reveled the chance for engaging Orks in close combat, much less a regiment best suited for quick strikes against softer targets.

The other was about to reply when the Commissar shouted about incoming artillery- and barely in time.

The bottom floor would see significantly more troubles than the upper floors, for the moment. The incoming waves of Orks were, for the most part, put down just as easily as their compatriots in the face of the Hot-Shot Lasguns that the Storm Troopers used, overshadowing the dozen or so other Guardsmen who were being cut down throughout the area.
So it was that the Orks decided the stairs made an excellent target for about ten stikk bombs- which would soon be outclassed by a much larger weapon.

The first couple of artillery impacts were somewhere to the north, and probably seldom noticed amidst the cacophony of the battle around them; but the third impact sounded as if it had landed somewhere very, very close by.

And then it began to rain munitions. Rockets and shells began pelting the area, rocking the very foundations of the planet for all the troopers at its center could tell. A great many of the shells seemed to hit to the north and east of their position, but it was obvious that it was all around.

One shell crashed through the roof, through the floors, and into the basement; a direct hit. The bottom-most floors would quickly become consumed in flame and shrapnel.

The shell obliterated the literal foundations of the structure, sending it into a crumbling descent as the waves of artillery continued to fall around them.

500 Meters North of 1st Company LZ

The Ork vehicles thankfully managed to miss Phoorstein completely; they were more intent on running over the well-visible Guardsmen than attempting to track down stragglers. Nevertheless, it was wise to hide as the vehicles rumbled past, Orks shouting and firing their weapons randomly in the air, eager to charge into the fray.

"Punkt, get to cover, wherever you are. Try to get eyes on an Imperial LZ and link up with the forces there. Once the battle is over you can link up with the squad."

So it was that Trooper Phoorstein's path would bring him closer to a tower, becoming visible through the ash storms in front of him. The tower seemed to be several stories tall, and at the top were several- likely destroyed or dismantled- weapons installations.

Somewhere to the East, an immense series of artillery barrages began.


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Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
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Caccia found himself to chuckle at the few grots and gretchens in the building, they were so easy to beat that an unarmed guardsman could deal with one. He didint even fire a single shot as the guardsman took them out with las-gun fire before heading to the windows to help thin out the green horde outside. It took him a moment to realize the sheer number of orks advancing, and took his ears longer to stop ringing after hearing all their shouting.

Thankfully they seemed more occupied in charging the building that the Seargent wanted them to head to than fight less than a handful of guardsman and a single Catachan trooper. He took it as a stroke of luck, since they were busy charging a heavily defended location that would mean there would be less defenses guarding the anti-air batteries, but of course running out now would just be suiside so he took position by one of the unoccupied windows and began pelting the orks with his shotgun to make a slight difference in their numbers while taking care not to be hit by random stray bullets that were flying all around.


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Grim Character Portrait: Belva Clarette Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Bottles Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein Character Portrait: Arin Sanders Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc

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Icarus Toroun

He heard a very distressed Guardsmen yell out that there were orks coming at to breach the roof. Icarus cursed and ran over to the staircase looking down at the green bodies about to ravage their firing line. "If anyone has flamers, alternate fire down these stairs!" Icarus grabbed a frag grenade off of the guardsmen who had first called out about the orks and threw it down at the first ork he saw, hitting it square in the face. Toroun grabbed the guardsmen and pulled him out of the way as shrapnel and smoke flew out of the stairway.

Icarus let Striker do his job as a series of artillery impacts vibrated the building and their ears. Looking over the Northern side of the building, Icarus turned and asked anyone for a repelling wire and ordered one be set up on that side. Toroun and four other guardsmen then began clearing the North side street of orks the best they could as the rest either flamed the staircase or repelled down the wire. He called on Striker's squad after most of the other men had gone and lastly the flamers. He himself was the final soldier to repel down the wire.

Once they were all on the ground, Icarus took point and led his team chamoline cloaks equiped through cover towards the South-Eastern wall he had taken down earlier and made hand signals for a firing line to be set up on the orks flank to make a crossfire with the rest of the Imperial Guards at Alpha LZ. He held the order to fire until he was ready. He activated his radio and switched to the company channel as well as gave out his orders to fire at the same time."2nd Company, South-East firing squad supplying crossfire. Heavy Stubbers firing on Nobz."

Icarus gave the hand signal and a barrage of Imperial fire sprouted from the South East. Icarus and a couple other guardsmen watched their back side and shot at any orks daring enough to approach from there.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Grim Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Arin Sanders
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And so it was Cassandra's reputation as the Commissar with a vendetta against the 501st would only worsen, if any of the guardsmen survived long enough to tell of how her safety beacon was a deathtrap.
The Commissar braced against an interior wall as the shells hit. A gas main or something was struck that ran under the road outside, which cracked open and burned everything in both directions within sixty feet. Between that and the bottom floors quickly being buried by the floors above them, there was some precious little time before the survivors of the artillery barrage had any orks to worry about. "Troopers!" She called. "Grim! Get over here." The hallway had two other metal frames, which Cassandra grabbed at with a free hand and (placing her foot against the wall they were rustily bolted into) ripped them out. "We're making a bridge next door. If the Enginseer has a torch or arc tool now would be the time to use it." Otherwise she brought her lascarbine around and made one hell of an improvised attempt at fusing.
How long it would remain or how much weight it could support didn't concern the Commissar as she walked to the end of the hallway and hacked into the wall with her chainsword. She shouted a series of curses as, at first, she made little progress. The center of the building collapsed and the opposite side was groaning over to join it while she made a trooper-sized hole. She walked back over, grabbed the bed-bridge, maneuvered it through, and set its opposite edge on the alley-facing windowsill of the adjacent building, fifteen feet away. "Get a move on!" she ordered as she switched back to her lascarbine. "Use your grav-chutes or you fat-asses are going to drop through this bridge like your mother through her own bed." It was clear she intended to cross last. "Secure the adjacent building!"
The adjacent building, fortunately, had its bottom two floors crammed with furniture, junk, and sections of wall and rubble, first by the hasty (failed) barricading of some civilians and then the damage of the artillery strike. The only way down as through a window or off the roof, but the only way up for the orks would be slow and met by laser fire.

Sanders pulled the pin of a krak grenade and threw it. And then the tank suddenly lifted, had its appendages bend in odd ways, and was dropped on top of it. "...what the fuck kind of-?" he tried to question before the explosion rocked the ork armor and blew its tread clear loose. One of the rollers were thrown clear back across the street at him but he was so stunned by what he thought to be the Emperor's direct influence that he didn't even feel it crack his head open.
He did feel Simon kicking him in the hip a minute later. "W-what happened?"
"You saved the day, Ministrant. But now I need you to help save the day again." Sanders had been dragged somewhere else and now had troopers on either side of him. He had missed the message of the ork charge and, hazily, wondered why everyone was shouting and so many lasrifles had become so pointy. Simon was holding his chainsword. "What's happening?"
"The Orks are charging. We're showing them why that is a bad idea. Perhaps on the planets they take, against the weak-willed, weak-bodied enemies they choose to face, their shouts and screams and displays of physical might are impressive and effective, but now they fight the Imperium of Man. We do not bend at the knees and we do not lay in our graves! The Emperor does not find us wanting!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Belva Clarette
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
Bel drew in shaky breaths as she leaned against the crumbling wall to regain her stamina. She peered out the side, watching the Orks running to engage north even as the ground shook from artillery barrages to the south of her position. She didn't know quite was over there, but had no intention of going towards an artillery barrage. Her eyes followed a large group of Orks charging in that direction, further reinforcing her lack of desire to go that way. She ignored the compliment from her 'handler', her eyes watching the torn up street for any more sudden groups of Orks. After a few moments, she let out a soft breath.

"We are regrouping with nearby forces," Bel said, reaching out with her mind to try and find nearby imperial guardsmen instead of sending out a call that could distract them. It seemed the Emperor was still with them, a fairly large group wasn't too far away in a building nearby, "We're moving," She said, bending her head down slightly to stay behind the wall as she advanced along it. She assumed most of the other squad would have tried to regroup with the Sergeant, so joining him was probably for the best and being isolated when artillery barrages were being called in, normally, was not a good idea.

Circling around to the north-east, she could feel in her bones the new artillery barrage that started to hit to the north of her. It seemed the artillery unit was determined to turn everything in the city to slag and to the warp with everyone else. Pressing her back against a corner building, she peered around the edge, her pistol at the ready at a group of guardsmen propelling out of a window and being chased by orks only to catch them in the crossfire. Raising her pistol, she added her own paltry shots at the Orks even if, at that range, her pistol would only inconvenience most of the Orks.

The setting changes from Planet Arawath to Warhammer 40k


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc Character Portrait: Deacis Thorn Character Portrait: Elbel Fischermann
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"Reloading," stated Deacis, crouching down and slightly unhooking his power-pack to cycle through to the next charge, ensuring that he would be able to maintain the fire rate which Ork hordes required to be put down. Despite the drop in weapons fire coming down the stairwell, the other three continued to delay the Ork Boyz sufficiently for Deacis to finish his cycling without much hampering.

"Continue falling back," Uriah commanded. "We need- GET BACK!" he screamed as several stikkbombz came flying up from the Orks, their long design hurled with great strength to propel the crude explosive core into the enemy lines. All four Storm Troopers scrambled backwards as the grenades began detonating only to be stunned beyond action a second later.

Not having heard the impact of the nearby shells above the sound of their own lasguns and the Orks's yelling and shooting, the Basilisk shell crushing through the building took the Storm Troopers completely by surprise. Despite attempting to cope with the barrage of sensory information, all were deafened and concussed by the explosive shell demolishing the building.

The screams of both man and Ork mingled as the building collapsed, sending dust billowing into the air, mingling with the already omnipresent smoke that covered the embattled city. Among the rubble, Partheo and Elbel dragged themselves out from under pieces of rockcrete and furniture, staggering in a daze. Elbel recovered first and stumbled over to Partheo, placing his arm under the other man's shoulder. Together they moved through the rubble, searching for their companions. Every few seconds, one of the two would raise a Hot-Shot lasgun and strike down an Ork Boy before continuing their search. Sounds of human groaning attracted the two; both worked together to shift the piece, revealing Uriah lying underneath.

"Lovely day, ain't it, Cap'n?" chuckled Elbel, groaning even as he did so as a bruise strained his side muscles. Uriah gave a strained smile before activating his microbead: "Deacis, where are you in this hell hole?"

Static sounded for several seconds before a pained response came: "Somewhere near the south-west end, Sergeant Volc." cough "I think...I don't think I'm faring too well." With that, the connection shut off and the three standing Storm Troopers moved off in the direction which Deacis had indicated. As they neared the area, several Ork Boyz who had happened to survive the shell fired off shots in their directions before quickly being drilled with lasgun fire.

Partheo pointed at a metal beam which was shifting slightly. On it, the squad found Deacis, a large metal pole stabbed through his abdomen. "Doesn't look good, Uriah," commented Elbel. "We can't take him off nor can we leave him here. Best thing would be to remove as much of the pole as we can from both sounds, then find a medic to patch him up so we can continue."

Uriah nodded gravely before drawing his Hot-Shot laspistol, shooting the pole as close to Deacis's armor as possible. When the man dropped to the ground, a scream ripped out of his throat before quickly being silenced, training and will overcoming natural instinct. Partheo, having broken an arm, slid an arm under Deacis's shoulders along with Uriah, Elbel taking the lead as they headed towards the main rendezvous in the nearby area, hoping to find some form of medical support before Deacis expired.

The setting changes from Warhammer 40k to Planet Arawath


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Grim Character Portrait: Belva Clarette Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Bottles Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein Character Portrait: Arin Sanders Character Portrait: Uriah Volc Character Portrait: Deacis Thorn

...and 2 others.

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2nd Company LZ & Surrounding Area

Despite the volume of fire leveled on the Orks, they continued charging. The creeping Artillery barrage had crept into their lower ranks; helpful, but not capable of turning the tide away. In moments they were in melee.

The front lines of the Guardsmen began to shatter almost immediately; with so few melee specialists, the Orks plowed through the forward fortifications, such as they were, and began to work their way through. The 501st was not suited for this; but they would have to try to weather it.

Somewhere in the melee, Sergeant Solar was trying to hold another group of Guardsmen together; the squads had been badly split apart, and so anyone of rank was expected to start pulling the company together.

It was around the Priest that resistance would be strongest; armed with a Chainsword, he would be able to keep the Guardsmen closest relatively safe. Inspired to keep fighting, the few Guardsmen around Father Yates toggled their armaments to rapid-fire, overheating their weapons to pour as much damage onto the approaching Orks as possible; before the inevitable melee. A volley of grenades would assist in this, but the green tide was not to be dissuaded.

Caccia's position would soon come under scrutiny. A pack of Boyz, led by a Nob, begin charging the building. A few scattered shots find their way towards him and the Guardsmen, who return fire- but as the rest of the Orks, the goal was to get into melee.

Sergeant Icarus' position would be lost, but this is a fact the man already came to accept; the Guardsmen followed his orders to the best of their ability, but the Orks were too many, even with the narrow lane of approach. Once the drop-line was set for Icarus, the rest of the makeshift squad was quick to descend via their Grav-chutes.

The flame troopers were not able to escape the Orks; even as they charged after the retreating Guardsmen, the Orks charged faster, cutting them down, and howling impotently at the Guardsmen who had just escaped their wrath.

But the battlefield around them was not to be considered a pleasant atmosphere; Orks continued to come from seemingly all sides, pressing the squad closer to the main lines, and Caccia's position.

Belva's position in the North-East put her in a surprisingly docile location; she would be closest to the Sergeant, though whether or not she could pick him out in the ensuing melee was another matter. With the small group of troops entrenched in a building nearby, her and her handler would be contributing to the mass of fire against the Orks.

Her decision to fire on the Orks chasing down another group of Guardsmen would bring their attention to her, however. With a great shout, a pack of them makes way for her position, perhaps sensing her latent power as a deadly foe.

Things could scarcely get worse for the Guardsmen, and yet, there it was; several hundred meters behind the front, at the rear guard, several Ork vehicles had come from behind. Word of this had been relayed by a well positioned Guardsman, but there was still a lacking availability of heavy weapons to deal with it.

The one good thing to occur was a sudden influx of allied dropships. Descending through the skies, these larger landing craft were heading to ground with breakneck speeds. At first the Orks had not noticed them, with the Anti-Air emplacements largely engaging other forces. But they were soon noticed, and the skies were once again filled with a huge quantity of fire.

Several of the ships did not make it, and came crashing down both on Ork positions and those of the 2nd Company. One fortuitously placed crash site was on the front lines, helping to funnel the Orks into several lanes instead of a massive tide, but by this point the melee was already upon them.

If anyone survived the crash, the Orks were quick to break their way in and make that less likely.

Three intact dropships managed to land in the 2nd Company LZ. A wide-band Vox-communication would be sent out.
"This is Commander Odessa of the 32nd Hiigaran Hunter-Killers. We are here to assist."

While still behind friendly lines, for the most part, the three surviving dropships would begin to disgorge the troops of the 32nd; mostly infantry, but several Sentinel walkers, Hellhound support tanks, and a few Chimera transports, came out with them.

Secondary Designated LZ, AKA Artillery Strike Zone

The Commissar's attempts to keep order among the Guardsmen was likely appreciated, but ultimately obsolete; they were terrified, and the structure they were taking shelter in was crumbling around them. They could barely hear the Commissar anymore- deafened by the number of nearby blasts, all they could do is watch her attempt to build some kind of flimsy bridge.

That said, they did not even need to hear her to know that this was their only way out. Of the Guardsmen that had found the position, only five would make it out before the building's upper floors began to collapse entirely; those five using their Grav-chutes to propel themselves across the gap and into the other building, in various states of disarray.

Of course, said other structure was scarcely in better condition, but it hadn't taken a direct hit yet.

On the ground, the Stormtrooper squad would find it difficult to traverse the landscape around them; assuming they could even divine North at this point, the entire area around them had been shelled into oblivion. While the barrage had begun to creep Eastwards, the roads and buildings in the area had made the terrain incredibly hostile.

The small upside was the sudden lack of living Orks. Aside from the few that were in sufficient cover when the barrage began, the streets had been cleared of Orks quite effectively.

The unceasing sounds of the artillery barrages and the immense battle to the North would intermingle, giving them perhaps a rough idea of which ways not to go, and which ways might be friendly.

The skies above were soon filled once again with anti-air fire, and the targets of said fire, a series of landing ships carrying allied reinforcements. Many of them were brought down- why they were dropping before the anti-air was taken out at all was a mystery- but several could be seen making it down successfully beyond the structures to the north, and south-east.

One of the landing craft spiraled into a crashing descent somewhere West of the Stormtroopers, but the chances of survivors was unlikely.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
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0.00 INK

Caccia felt some shots fly right past him from behind while he was busy shooting at orks outside his window. When he turned around he was greeted by a Ork Nob with a pack of boyz right behind it charging their position. The smart man would turn around and run like hell but of course getting killed by the commissar right after he ran didint sit well with him. The only chance he has to live was to fight that group of boyz and the Nob.

His immidiantly action was to grab one of the frag grenades hanging from his waist and tossed it at entrance of the building so it would hit the pack of boyz instead of the Nob since the Nob wouldn't do much exept make it even angrier and not do much. If he could get rid of the numbers maybe he and the guardsman with him could stand a chance against a single Nob.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Arin Sanders
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0.00 INK

It was incredible how the appearance of a single Aquila and some comforting words could rally men. Father Yates had fad a gaggle of infantry afraid of the oncoming tide, and turned it into an uneven line of indirect fire. He didn't need a Commissar to motivate soldiers; just needed to remind them that they fought for the Emperor. Sanders (who had equipped himself with the lasrifle of a dead comrade) was right beside him, trying to ignore his head wound. After a fashion he had to hold the rifle out and in front of him while it overheated, but was forced to throw it aside altogether to draw his knife and laspistol.
Yate's life became teeth, flesh, and fire. He couldn't swing without cleaving something in half, but his flamer turned the enemy into an angry, on-fire enemy more than it killed anything. Bodies stacked, artillery and aircraft brought smoke and death to the enemy lines, but it did not accomplish much. "It is amazing," he remarked, "that the universe can fuck up so many times in a row to produce so many of this failed species. But it is that much more practice, before we join the Emperor in destroyed Chaos itself! It is with honor and bravery that the Guardsmen meet all challenges, whether they be heretics or xeno scum!" How he managed to speak clearly on local broadcast was a mystery. "These Orks have asked the Hendrisi Deadfall Regiment for a welcome basket. What the fuck is in that basket, troopers? Soaps? Jewelry? No. Bolts and lasers and fire and death. Treat them the way you treat all unwelcome house guests: With extreme prejudice." There was a lapse just long enough for Sander's to try to catch his breath. He flicked blood from his knife and tried his best to clean the handle so it couldn't slide out of his grip, but the whole weapon, his arm, and torso were covered in blood. Fortunately, none of it was his. "Welcome to Hendrisi," he mumbled.

The Commissar didn't feel very good about all the troopers that had been lost to friendly artillery, but at least five strangers, Grim, and Bottles had survived. She didn't know what happened to the special forces but when they didn't join those crossing the street she decided it better not to wait.
The Commissar didn't bother to check the condition of her grav-chute. It lurched, sputtered, and she fell through a window ten feet below landing on her face with an "oof!" She pulled the device off and angrily threw it against a wall, where it sparked and exposed circuitry made her wonder how it had gotten her so far. "Alright," she broadcasted locally as she picked herself up. "We're using the same maneuver to move to the next building over. There's Orks charging the front lines and we can't hit shit from here. Unfortunately none of you troopers are going to be saving the day from the next apartment, though; your job is to hold the block corner and make every intersection around it a no-ork zone. Am I understood? Nothing gets past us. We will prevent the Orks from flanking." She let the troopers a floor above her construct their own bridge and make their way to the next adjacent building; she leaned out the window she'd come from and scanned the rubble for surviving troopers. She could see the special soldiers pulling each other out of debris. "Hey, stop taking a dirt nap and get a fucking move on," she ordered. "The rest of the troopers that aren't trying to get their beauty sleep are in another building over. If you get a move on now I might be kind enough to provide some covering fire." But the road was thankfully empty enough her awkward one-armed lascarbine usage wasn't necessary.

Father Yates's chainsword had become clogged with fleshy, pulpy bits. He used it like a massive club until he hit something hard enough to dislodge enough pieces of Ork to let the teeth buzz once more. "The Trooper's guidebook says that Orks are weak, pitiful creatures. Its author gives them too much credit and should be arrested for his exaggerations." Neither Simon nor Sanders knew where they were in the fighting anymore. They had maneuvered backwards, sideways, and turned in all directions as the inconsistent line of Guardsmen shifted with battle.
"Damn bastards," Simon cursed, not thinking he'd be heard.
"What is wrong, Father?"
Simon grabbed one end of the cloth he over both shoulders. It had been singed and torn. "I was hoping to keep my tabbard clean."
"Clean? How can you hope to keep anything clean in a drop?"
Simon shrugged. "You can always hope, no matter how the odds may be against you."
"I'll try to remember that."
"Well in the words of Yosef the Martyr, 'If vengeance be thy name, vigilance be my lineage.'"
"...what does that mean?"
Simon shrugged again. "It sounded impressive at the time. Sometimes thinks don't have to make sense to make a difference." Their conversation was cut short by yet more orks.

The Commissar found a staircase and had made it back up to her troopers before they changed buildings again. "I meant today. Hurry the fuck up. Let's go let's let's go." She dropped her lascarbine onto its lanyard and grabbed the makeshift bridge they'd tried to construct and, with help, got it positioned to covered the next alley. Again, she planned to the last one to cross. "Move. Our killzone isn't going to establish itself. You want to earn some fucking medals? You want to save your boyfriend before some Ork makes him his new fuckdoll? Then get a fucking move on."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Father Yates Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal Character Portrait: Arin Sanders
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0.00 INK

Icarus Toroun

Sergeant Toroun was in a pinch, almost literally as orks came from left and right nearly overtaking their position. The troops still with him had been depleted by a couple who had been shot in the back while firing on orks in the front. Luckily most of the soldiers still had their grav-chuts so escape as easy for Icarus to figure. "Grav up to the next buildings roof, we take fire position from there and call in an airstrike." He waisted no time finding the smallest set soldier under his command and clung to him for dear life with one arm as the grav-chut lifted them both with a little difficulty as he fired with the other hand at orks within sight.

Once up on the roof that made up the southern edge of the LZ Icarus ordered another support firing squad including the heavy stubbers and grenadiers to help out the melee troops with precision shooting and frags thrown at the back of the orks formation. Icarus got a vox caster unit to give him use of the communication device. "Command, Sergeant Toroun ordering airstrike at Alpha LZ. Laser Paint on target, watch for ground friendlies." He proceeded to scream the confirmation code into the receiver and once finished took his lasgun to the edge of the roof and switched on the undercarriage laser to pinpoint the airstrike location on the central point of the orks numbers.

Luckily there were too many bodies hustling around 2nd Company for most of the orks to fit in with the Imperial Guard so the human casualties would be minimum to none as long as the laser was on point when the airstrike arrived. He made sure to keep low and steady his lasgun for however long it took and prayed to the emperor he would not be shot before hand. Hearing Father Yates over the open channel gave Icarus some comfort and sent his mind into a blank calm state instead of the harsh combative one he used to be in. He switched on his radio since he thought those below in the LZ would not hear him even from his current distance.

"2nd Company, be advised. Valkyrie airstrike inbound on LZ."

The setting changes from Planet Arawath to Warhammer 40k


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc Character Portrait: Deacis Thorn Character Portrait: Elbel Fischermann
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As Partheo and Uriah carried Deacis through the rubble, the man gasping in pain every once in a while as the metal pole moved around in his body, all four took notice of Commissar Rascal yelling at them. All four simply glanced at her before continuing onward, deciding it would be better to not aggravate the commissar in a situation such as this; they were also too proud by far to deign to afford a response to such a statement.

An explosion in the air caused Uriah to look upwards, spotting a crashing drop ship, flames trailing from multiple points where Ork weaponry had struck the craft. Very quickly, the drop ship crashed into the ground somewhat near to the current position of the Storm Troopers. Judging by the sounds of combat floating over from their front, the majority of the local Imperial Guard forces were embroiled in combat.

"Elbel, scrap the main rendezvous. We're moving out towards that crashed ship. Perhaps they'll have some medical supplies." Elbel nodded before turning towards the direction in which the drop ship had crashed. There would be several times every minute in which Uriah or Elbel would have to put down a random Ork boy, Partheo and Deacis unable to fire at the moment. In this manner would they proceed towards the crash site.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment Character Portrait: Partheo Karas Character Portrait: Uriah Volc Character Portrait: Deacis Thorn Character Portrait: Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly
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0.00 INK

The world is dark and silent for what seemed like an eternity, until the feeling of consciousness could be felt in the back of Arthur's mind. His hands searched around his body and face for pain and damage, even before his eyes cracked open to see the world around him. "Sargent Berkley..?" He said as he opened his eyes and found that his perception of the inside of the transport was distorted.

As he looked around, he found that his launch chair was somehow lodged into the ceiling of the lander. Looking below, he could see a multitude of bodies strewn across the hold. Some far past the point of help and others starting to rouse like himself. "Odd, is that you?" He looks ahead to see the copilot Higgins emerge from what remained of the crushed cockpit. He had bandaged himself well enough, but in the end he still seemed worse for ware.

A few moments of fidgeting with the buckle and then resorting to using his knife, Arthur climbed down the edge of his seat to Higgins side. "Squad, report.." He shouts out over the deck and keeps an eye out for his Sargent. Not seeing any sign of Berkley as he scanned the hold, only to see heads pop up from behind the mass of stored ammo crates. Several seconds of shouting and groaning later, less then half of the squad is accounted for. Either those that died, did so in the crash, or they perished in the moments that followed. To Arthur's surprise however Berkley did not survive either, having been thrown from his harness and being thrashed against the interior of the transport.

Arthur and Higgins managed to climb into the embarked chimera in order to get any message out using the vox array.

"Damn greenskins, always shooting the hell out of everything in sight.. why can't they just keep doing that to each other and save us the trouble." The light on the vox chirps on as its speaker starts blaring out what is going on in the world outside the crashed ship. Arthur motions for Higgins to help secure the site "Take a rifle team out and see if you can secure our position.. I need to get this chimera running again and then find away to get it out of the ship." Arthur doesn't need to point out the fact there is a log piece of metal piercing the left side. With the distinct smell of oil and fuel flooding the transports interior.

Higgin nods with some restraint to what he must do, knowing that they would be no match for a fully committed attack by the Ork's.

Arthur pulls up the receiver and begins to speak.
"This is Corporal Hadly of Hounders squad, my transport wings down, my squad is over half KIA along with my sergeant. We have a partially operational transport in cargo, but we are in need of support to get it in field." A feeling of warmth starts to creep across his forehead and a cursory wipe from his hand reveals that his head was wounded in the crash, with a slight stream of blood coming from the crown of his forehead. He holds the wound closed with his hand as he continues "Any forces pulling back should seek our crash site, we can offer the chance to rearm and go to ground."

He pulls a strip of gauze from his first aid pouch and applies it to his head, taking his cutter and proceeding to fix the chimeras current problems.

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Reike Expanse

Reike Expanse by The 275th

Sub-Sector Reike, one of many located within the Imperium of Man.

Planet Arawath

Planet Arawath by The 275th

Planet Arawath is a mining world within the Reike Expanse that has been under Ork assault for three years. Local regiments of the 319th Imperial Legionnaires, 420th Cannabisian Regiment, and 19th Reiker Defense Force are all engaged.

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Character Portrait: Commissar Rascal
50 sightings Commissar Rascal played by MayContainPlagiarism
"Let's see if I can fire all eight bolts before you turn around."
Character Portrait: Father Yates
45 sightings Father Yates played by MayContainPlagiarism
"For God-Emperor, State, and Victory!"
Character Portrait: Arin Sanders
8 sightings Arin Sanders played by MayContainPlagiarism

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Standard Kit & Classes
Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment
Character Portrait: Grim
Character Portrait: Bottles
Character Portrait: Alex
Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun
Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
Character Portrait: Belva Clarette
Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein
Character Portrait: Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly


Character Portrait: Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly
Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly

You like the arm huh.. well don't get too interested. It cost me more then you could ever know.

Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein
Endric Phoorstein

Young, foolhardy and naive, but damned loyal hearted...

Character Portrait: Belva Clarette
Belva Clarette

The, relatively, sane Psyker

Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
Caccia Scinia

"Tyranids are made for stomping on"

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun
Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun

"My will is as bright as the stars! The Emperor's Light is as bright as the eons!"

Character Portrait: Alex

There's always light that pierces the dark

Character Portrait: Bottles


Character Portrait: Grim

Tech Priest Enginseer

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment
501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment

The primary background and general information of the regiment to which you're attached.

Character Portrait: Standard Kit & Classes
Standard Kit & Classes

Use this template to determine both the standard kit your soldiers will have, as well as the various specializations available.


Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment
501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment

The primary background and general information of the regiment to which you're attached.

Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
Caccia Scinia

"Tyranids are made for stomping on"

Character Portrait: Belva Clarette
Belva Clarette

The, relatively, sane Psyker

Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein
Endric Phoorstein

Young, foolhardy and naive, but damned loyal hearted...

Character Portrait: Standard Kit & Classes
Standard Kit & Classes

Use this template to determine both the standard kit your soldiers will have, as well as the various specializations available.

Character Portrait: Alex

There's always light that pierces the dark

Character Portrait: Bottles


Character Portrait: Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly
Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly

You like the arm huh.. well don't get too interested. It cost me more then you could ever know.

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun
Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun

"My will is as bright as the stars! The Emperor's Light is as bright as the eons!"

Character Portrait: Grim

Tech Priest Enginseer

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alex

There's always light that pierces the dark

Character Portrait: Grim

Tech Priest Enginseer

Character Portrait: 501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment
501st Hendrisi Deadland Regiment

The primary background and general information of the regiment to which you're attached.

Character Portrait: Standard Kit & Classes
Standard Kit & Classes

Use this template to determine both the standard kit your soldiers will have, as well as the various specializations available.

Character Portrait: Endric Phoorstein
Endric Phoorstein

Young, foolhardy and naive, but damned loyal hearted...

Character Portrait: Belva Clarette
Belva Clarette

The, relatively, sane Psyker

Character Portrait: Bottles


Character Portrait: Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly
Arthur "Odd Ball" Hadly

You like the arm huh.. well don't get too interested. It cost me more then you could ever know.

Character Portrait: Caccia Scinia
Caccia Scinia

"Tyranids are made for stomping on"

Character Portrait: Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun
Icarus "Pilgrim" Toroun

"My will is as bright as the stars! The Emperor's Light is as bright as the eons!"

View All » Places

Reike Expanse

Reike Expanse by The 275th

Sub-Sector Reike, one of many located within the Imperium of Man.

Planet Arawath

Planet Arawath by The 275th

Planet Arawath is a mining world within the Reike Expanse that has been under Ork assault for three years. Local regiments of the 319th Imperial Legionnaires, 420th Cannabisian Regiment, and 19th Reiker Defense Force are all engaged.

Planet Arawath

Planet Arawath is a mining world within the Reike Expanse that has been under Ork assault for three years. Local regiments of the 319th Imperial Legionnaires, 420th Cannabisian Regiment, and 19th Reiker Defense Force are all engaged.

Reike Expanse

Sub-Sector Reike, one of many located within the Imperium of Man.

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